Module health.fhir.cds
ballerinax/health.fhir.cds Ballerina library
CDS Base Module
Sample Usage
This section focuses on samples depicting how to use this package to implement CDS related integrations
- Install Ballerina 2201.8.2 or later
1. Validate the context data of CDS request
Sample below is using the CDS request resource in health.fhir.r4.cds
import ballerina/log; import ballerinax/health.fhir.cds; public function main() returns error? { json cdsRequestPayload = { "hookInstance": "d1577c69-dfbe-44ad-ba6d-3e05e953b2ea", "fhirServer": "", "hook": "patient-view", "fhirAuthorization": { "access_token": "some-opaque-fhir-access-token", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 300, "scope": "user/ user/", "subject": "cds-service4" }, "context": { "userId": "Practitioner/example", "patientId": "593380", "encounterId": "89284" }, "prefetch": { "patientToGreet": { "resourceType": "Patient", "gender": "male", "birthDate": "1925-12-23", "id": "1288992", "active": true } } }; json cdsServiceJson = { "description": "An example of a CDS Service that returns a static set of cards", "hook": "patient-view", "id": "static-patient-greeter", "title": "Static CDS Service Example", "prefetch": { "patientToGreet": "Patient/{{context.patientId}}" } }; cds:CdsService cdsService = check cdsServiceJson.cloneWithType(); cds:CdsRequest cdsRequest = check cdsRequestPayload.cloneWithType(); cds:CdsError? validationResult = cds:validateContext(cdsRequest, cdsService); if validationResult is cds:CdsError { log:printError(string `Error message: ${validationResult.message()}`); log:printError(string `Error description: ${validationResult.detail().description ?: ""}`); log:printError(string `Status code: ${validationResult.detail().code}`); } else { log:printInfo("Context validation is successful!"); } }
2. Prefetch validation
import ballerina/log; import ballerinax/health.fhir.cds; public function main() returns error? { json payload = { "hookInstance": "d1577c69-dfbe-44ad-ba6d-3e05e953b2ea", "fhirServer": "", "hook": "patient-view", "fhirAuthorization": { "access_token": "some-opaque-fhir-access-token", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 300, "scope": "user/ user/", "subject": "cds-service4" }, "context": { "userId": "Practitioner/example", "patientId": "593380", "encounterId": "89284" }, "prefetch": { "patientToGreet": { "resourceType": "Patient", "gender": "male", "birthDate": "1925-12-23", "id": "1288992", "active": true } } }; json cdsServiceJson = { "description": "An example of a CDS Service that returns a static set of cards", "hook": "patient-view", "id": "static-patient-greeter", "title": "Static CDS Service Example", "prefetch": { "patientToGreet": "Patient/{{context.patientId}}" } }; cds:CdsService cdsService = check cdsServiceJson.cloneWithType(); cds:CdsRequest cdsRequest = check payload.cloneWithType(); cds:CdsRequest|cds:CdsError result = cds:validateAndProcessPrefetch(cdsRequest, cdsService); if (result is cds:CdsError) { log:printError(string `Error message: ${result.message()}`); log:printError(string `Error description: ${result.detail().description ?: ""}`); log:printError(string `Status code: ${result.detail().code}`); } else { log:printInfo(string `Validated CDS request: ${result.toJsonString()}`); } }