Module azure_cosmosdb

ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb Ballerina library



It provides the capability to connect to Azure Cosmos DB and execute CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations for databases and containers, to execute SQL queries to query containers, etc. In addition, it allows the special features provided by Cosmos DB such as operations on JavaScript language-integrated queries, management of users and permissions, etc.

This module supports Azure Cosmos DB(SQL) API version 2018-12-31.


Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:


To use the Azure Cosmos DB connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:

Step 1 - Import connector

Import the ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb module into the Ballerina project.

import ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb as cosmosdb;

Step 2 - Create a new connector instance

You can now add the connection configuration with the Master-Token or Resource-Token, and the resource URI to the Cosmos DB Account.

cosmosdb:ConnectionConfig configuration = {
    baseUrl: <URI>,
    primaryKeyOrResourceToken: <PRIMARY_KEY>
cosmosdb:DataPlaneClient azureCosmosClient = check new (configuration);

Step 3 - Invoke connector operation

  1. Create a document
    Once you follow the above steps. you can create a new document inside the Cosmos container as shown below. Cosmos DB is designed to store and query JSON-like documents. Therefore, the document you create must be of the JSON type. It also needs a unique ID to identify it.. In this example, the document ID is my_document

    record {|string id; json...;|} document = {
            id: "my_document",
            "FirstName": "Alan",
            "FamilyName": "Turing",
            "Parents": [{
                "FamilyName": "Turing",
                "FirstName": "Julius"
            }, {
                "FamilyName": "Stoney",
                "FirstName": "Ethel"
            "gender": 0
    int valueOfPartitionKey = 0;
    cosmosdb:Document documentResult = azureCosmosClient-> createDocument("my_database", "my_container", document, 


  • This document is created inside an already existing container with ID my_container and the container was created inside a database with ID my_document.
  • As this container have selected path /gender as the partition key path. The document you create should include that path with a valid value.
  • The new document to create is represented as record {|string id; json...;|}. The json... represent key-value pairs where the values are of type boolean, int, float, decimal, string, json[], or map<json>
  1. Use bal run command to compile and run the Ballerina program

You can find a list of samples here


import ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb;Copy


Released date: almost 3 years ago

Version: 2.1.0

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: java11

Ballerina version: slbeta6

Pull count

Total: 3030

Current verison: 25

Weekly downloads

Source repository


IT Operations/Databases




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