Module azure_cosmosdb
ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb Ballerina library
It provides the capability to connect to Azure Cosmos DB and execute CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations for databases and containers, to execute SQL queries to query containers, etc. In addition, it allows the special features provided by Cosmos DB such as operations on JavaScript language-integrated queries, management of users and permissions, etc.
This module supports Azure Cosmos DB(SQL) API version 2018-12-31
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a Microsoft Account with Azure Subscription
- Create an Azure Cosmos DB account
- Obtain tokens
- Go to your Azure Cosmos DB account and click Keys.
- Copy the URI and PRIMARY KEY in the Read-write Keys tab.
To use the Azure Cosmos DB connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1 - Import connector
Import the ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb as cosmosdb;
Step 2 - Create a new connector instance
You can now add the connection configuration with the Master-Token
or Resource-Token
, and the resource URI to the
Cosmos DB Account.
cosmosdb:ConnectionConfig configuration = { baseUrl: <URI>, primaryKeyOrResourceToken: <PRIMARY_KEY> }; cosmosdb:DataPlaneClient azureCosmosClient = check new (configuration);
Step 3 - Invoke connector operation
Create a document
Once you follow the above steps. you can create a new document inside the Cosmos container as shown below. Cosmos DB is designed to store and query JSON-like documents. Therefore, the document you create must be of theJSON
type. In this example, the document ID ismy_document
map<json> document = { "FirstName": "Alan", "FamilyName": "Turing", "Parents": [{ "FamilyName": "Turing", "FirstName": "Julius" }, { "FamilyName": "Stoney", "FirstName": "Ethel" }], "gender": 0 }; int valueOfPartitionKey = 0; string id = "my_document"; cosmosdb:DocumentResponse response = check azureCosmosClient-> createDocument("my_database", "my_container", id, document, valueOfPartitionKey);
- This document is created inside an already existing container with ID my_container and the container was created inside a database with ID my_database.
- As this container have selected path /gender as the partition key path. The document you create should include that path with a valid value.
- The document is represented as
- Use
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program
azure_cosmosdb: CosmosResultIterator
Represents CosmosResultIterator.
function nextResult(ResultIterator iterator) returns record {}|Error?
- iterator ResultIterator -
azure_cosmosdb: ResultIterator
Represents ResultIterator.
function next() returns record {| value record {} |}|Error?
azure_cosmosdb: DataPlaneClient
This is the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API, a fast NoSQL database servic offers rich querying over diverse data, helps deliver configurable and reliable performance, is globally distributed, and enables rapid development.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an Azure Cosmos DB account
and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config)
- config ConnectionConfig -
function createDocument(string databaseId, string containerId, string documemtId, map<json> document, int|float|decimal|string partitionKey, RequestOptions? requestOptions) returns DocumentResponse|error
Creates a document.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container where, document is created
- documemtId string - ID of the document
- document map<json> - A JSON document to be saved in the database
- requestOptions RequestOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities that can override client configuration provided in the inilization
Return Type
- DocumentResponse|error - Error if failed
function replaceDocument(string databaseId, string containerId, string documentId, map<json> document, int|float|decimal|string partitionKey, RequestOptions? requestOptions) returns DocumentResponse|error
Replaces a document.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the existing document
- documentId string - Current ID of the document
- document map<json> - A JSON document which will replace the existing document
- requestOptions RequestOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities that can override client configuration provided in the inilization
Return Type
- DocumentResponse|error - Error if failed
function getDocument(string databaseId, string containerId, string documentId, int|float|decimal|string partitionKey, RequestOptions? requestOptions, typedesc<record {}> returnType) returns returnType|error
Gets information about a document.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the document
- documentId string - ID of the document
- requestOptions RequestOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities that can override client configuration provided in the inilization
- returnType typedesc<record {}> (default <>) - Type need to be inferred.
Return Type
- returnType|error - If successful, returns given target record. Else returns error.
function getDocumentList(string databaseId, string containerId, int|float|decimal|string partitionKey, QueryOptions? queryOptions, typedesc<record {}> returnType) returns stream<returnType, error?>|error
Lists information of all the documents .
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the document
- queryOptions QueryOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities that can override client configuration provided in the inilization
- returnType typedesc<record {}> (default <>) - Type need to be inferred.
Return Type
- stream<returnType, error?>|error - If successful, returns
stream<returnType, error>
. Else, returns error.
function deleteDocument(string databaseId, string containerId, string documentId, int|float|decimal|string partitionKey, RequestOptions? requestOptions) returns DocumentResponse|error
Deletes a document.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the document
- documentId string - ID of the document
- requestOptions RequestOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities that can override client configuration provided in the inilization
Return Type
- DocumentResponse|error - Error if failed
function queryDocuments(string databaseId, string containerId, string sqlQuery, QueryOptions? queryOptions, typedesc<record {}> returnType) returns stream<returnType, error?>|error
Queries documents.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container to query
- sqlQuery string - A string containing the SQL query
- queryOptions QueryOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities that can override client configuration provided in the inilization
- returnType typedesc<record {}> (default <>) - Type need to be inferred.
Return Type
- stream<returnType, error?>|error - If successful, returns a
stream<returnType, error>
. Else returns error.
function createStoredProcedure(string databaseId, string containerId, string storedProcedureId, string storedProcedure, CosmosStoredProcedureRequestOptions? options) returns StoredProcedureResponse|error
Creates a new stored procedure.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container where, stored procedure will be created
- storedProcedureId string - A unique ID for the newly created stored procedure
- storedProcedure string - A JavaScript function represented as a string
- options CosmosStoredProcedureRequestOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities that can override client configuration provided in the inilization
Return Type
- StoredProcedureResponse|error - If successful, returns a
. Else returns error.
function listStoredProcedures(string databaseId, string containerId) returns stream<StoredProcedure, error?>|error
Lists information of all stored procedures.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the stored procedures
Return Type
- stream<StoredProcedure, error?>|error - If successful, returns a
stream<cosmos_db:StoredProcedure, error>
. Else returns error.
function deleteStoredProcedure(string databaseId, string containerId, string storedProcedureId) returns StoredProcedureResponse|error
Deletes a stored procedure.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the stored procedure
- storedProcedureId string - ID of the stored procedure to delete
Return Type
- StoredProcedureResponse|error - Error if failed
function executeStoredProcedure(string databaseId, string containerId, string storedProcedureId, int|float|decimal|string patitionKey, StoredProcedureExecuteOptions? storedProcedureExecuteOptions) returns StoredProcedureResponse|error
Executes a stored procedure.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the stored procedure
- storedProcedureId string - ID of the stored procedure to execute
- storedProcedureExecuteOptions StoredProcedureExecuteOptions? (default ()) - A record
to specify the additional parameters
Return Type
- StoredProcedureResponse|error - error if failed
function close() returns error?
azure_cosmosdb: ManagementClient
This is the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API, a fast NoSQL database servic offers rich querying over diverse data, helps deliver configurable and reliable performance, is globally distributed, and enables rapid development.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The HTTP client initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an Azure Cosmos DB account
and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ManagementClientConfig config)
- config ManagementClientConfig -
function createDatabase(string databaseId, (int|record {| maxThroughput int |})? throughputOption) returns Database|Error
Creates a database.
- databaseId string - ID of the new database. Must be a unique value.
Return Type
function createDatabaseIfNotExist(string databaseId, (int|record {| maxThroughput int |})? throughputOption) returns Database?|Error
Creates a database only if the specified database ID does not exist already.
- databaseId string - ID of the new database. Must be a unique value.
Return Type
function getDatabase(string databaseId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns Database|Error
Gets information of a given database.
- databaseId string - ID of the database
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
Lists information of all databases.
Return Type
function deleteDatabase(string databaseId, ResourceDeleteOptions? resourceDeleteOptions) returns DeleteResponse|Error
Deletes a given database.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to delete
- resourceDeleteOptions ResourceDeleteOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- DeleteResponse|Error - If successful, returns
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function createContainer(string databaseId, string containerId, PartitionKey partitionKey, IndexingPolicy? indexingPolicy, (int|record {| maxThroughput int |})? throughputOption) returns Container|Error
Creates a container inside the given database.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the new container. Must be a unique value.
- partitionKey PartitionKey - A record
- indexingPolicy IndexingPolicy? (default ()) - A record
Return Type
function createContainerIfNotExist(string databaseId, string containerId, PartitionKey partitionKey, IndexingPolicy? indexingPolicy, (int|record {| maxThroughput int |})? throughputOption) returns Container?|Error
Creates a container only if the specified container ID does not exist already.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the new container
- partitionKey PartitionKey - A record of
- indexingPolicy IndexingPolicy? (default ()) - A record of
Return Type
function getContainer(string databaseId, string containerId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns Container|Error
Gets information about a container.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
Lists information of all containers.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the containers belongs to
Return Type
function deleteContainer(string databaseId, string containerId, ResourceDeleteOptions? resourceDeleteOptions) returns DeleteResponse|Error
Deletes a container.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container to delete
- resourceDeleteOptions ResourceDeleteOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- DeleteResponse|Error - If successful, returns
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function listPartitionKeyRanges(string databaseId, string containerId) returns stream<PartitionKeyRange, error?>|Error
Retrieves a list of partition key ranges for the container.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container where the partition key ranges are related to
Return Type
- stream<PartitionKeyRange, error?>|Error - If successful, returns
stream<cosmos_db:PartitionKeyRange, error>
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function createUserDefinedFunction(string databaseId, string containerId, string userDefinedFunctionId, string userDefinedFunction) returns UserDefinedFunction|Error
Creates a new User Defined Function.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container where, User Defined Function is created
- userDefinedFunctionId string - A unique ID for the newly created User Defined Function
- userDefinedFunction string - A JavaScript function represented as a string
Return Type
- UserDefinedFunction|Error - If successful, returns a
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function replaceUserDefinedFunction(string databaseId, string containerId, string userDefinedFunctionId, string userDefinedFunction) returns UserDefinedFunction|Error
Replaces an existing User Defined Function.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the existing User Defined Function
- userDefinedFunctionId string - The ID of the User Defined Function to replace
- userDefinedFunction string - A JavaScript function represented as a string
Return Type
- UserDefinedFunction|Error - If successful, returns a
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function listUserDefinedFunctions(string databaseId, string containerId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns stream<UserDefinedFunction, error?>|Error
Gets a list of existing user defined functions.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the user defined functions
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- stream<UserDefinedFunction, error?>|Error - If successful, returns a
stream<cosmos_db:UserDefinedFunction, error>
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function deleteUserDefinedFunction(string databaseId, string containerId, string userDefinedFunctionid, ResourceDeleteOptions? resourceDeleteOptions) returns DeleteResponse|Error
Deletes an existing User Defined Function.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the User Defined Function
- userDefinedFunctionid string - ID of UDF to delete
- resourceDeleteOptions ResourceDeleteOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- DeleteResponse|Error - If successful, returns
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function createTrigger(string databaseId, string containerId, string triggerId, string trigger, TriggerOperation triggerOperation, TriggerType triggerType) returns Trigger|Error
Creates a trigger.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container where trigger is created
- triggerId string - A unique ID for the newly created trigger
- trigger string - A JavaScript function represented as a string
- triggerOperation TriggerOperation - The specific operation in which trigger will be executed can be
- triggerType TriggerType - The instance in which trigger will be executed
Return Type
function replaceTrigger(string databaseId, string containerId, string triggerId, string trigger, TriggerOperation triggerOperation, TriggerType triggerType) returns Trigger|Error
Replaces an existing trigger.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the trigger
- triggerId string - The ID of the trigger to be replaced
- trigger string - A JavaScript function represented as a string
- triggerOperation TriggerOperation - The specific operation in which trigger will be executed
- triggerType TriggerType - The instance in which trigger will be executed
Return Type
function listTriggers(string databaseId, string containerId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns stream<Trigger, error?>|Error
Lists existing triggers.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the triggers
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
function deleteTrigger(string databaseId, string containerId, string triggerId, ResourceDeleteOptions? resourceDeleteOptions) returns DeleteResponse|Error
Deletes an existing trigger.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which the container belongs to
- containerId string - ID of the container which contains the trigger
- triggerId string - ID of the trigger to be deleted
- resourceDeleteOptions ResourceDeleteOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- DeleteResponse|Error - If successful, returns
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
Creates a user for a given database.
- databaseId string - ID of the database where the user is created.
- userId string - ID of the new user. Must be a unique value.
Replaces the ID of an existing user.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which, the existing user belongs to
- userId string - Old ID of the user
- newUserId string - New ID for the user
function getUser(string databaseId, string userId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns User|Error
Gets information of a user.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which, the user belongs to
- userId string - ID of user
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
function listUsers(string databaseId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns stream<User, error?>|Error
Lists users of a specific database.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which, the user belongs to
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
function deleteUser(string databaseId, string userId, ResourceDeleteOptions? resourceDeleteOptions) returns DeleteResponse|Error
Deletes a user.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which, the user belongs to
- userId string - ID of the user to delete
- resourceDeleteOptions ResourceDeleteOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- DeleteResponse|Error - If successful, returns
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function createPermission(string databaseId, string userId, string permissionId, PermisssionMode permissionMode, string resourcePath, int? validityPeriodInSeconds) returns Permission|Error
Creates a permission for a user.
- databaseId string - ID of the database to which, the user belongs to
- userId string - ID of user to which, the permission is granted. Must be a unique value.
- permissionId string - A unique ID for the newly created permission
- permissionMode PermisssionMode - The mode to which the permission is scoped
- resourcePath string - The resource this permission is allowing the user to access
- validityPeriodInSeconds int? (default ()) - Validity period of the permission in seconds.
Return Type
- Permission|Error - If successful, returns a
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function replacePermission(string databaseId, string userId, string permissionId, PermisssionMode permissionMode, string resourcePath, int? validityPeriodInSeconds) returns Permission|Error
Replaces an existing permission.
- databaseId string - ID of the database where the user is created
- userId string - ID of user to which, the permission is granted
- permissionId string - The ID of the permission to be replaced
- permissionMode PermisssionMode - The mode to which the permission is scoped
- resourcePath string - The resource this permission is allowing the user to access
- validityPeriodInSeconds int? (default ()) - Validity period of the permission in seconds.
Return Type
- Permission|Error - If successful, returns a
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function getPermission(string databaseId, string userId, string permissionId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns Permission|Error
Gets information of a permission.
- databaseId string - ID of the database where the user is created
- userId string - ID of user to which, the permission is granted
- permissionId string - ID of the permission
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- Permission|Error - If successful, returns a
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function listPermissions(string databaseId, string userId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns stream<Permission, error?>|Error
Lists permissions belong to a user.
- databaseId string - ID of the database where the user is created
- userId string - ID of user to which, the permissions are granted
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- stream<Permission, error?>|Error - If successful, returns a
stream<cosmos_db:Permission, error>
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
function deletePermission(string databaseId, string userId, string permissionId, ResourceDeleteOptions? resourceDeleteOptions) returns DeleteResponse|Error
Deletes a permission belongs to a user.
- databaseId string - ID of the database where the user is created
- userId string - ID of user to which, the permission is granted
- permissionId string - ID of the permission to delete
- resourceDeleteOptions ResourceDeleteOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
- DeleteResponse|Error - If successful, returns
. Else returnscosmos_db:Error
Replaces an existing offer.
- offer Offer - A record
function getOffer(string offerId, ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns Offer|Error
Gets information about an offer.
- offerId string - The ID of the offer
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
function listOffers(ResourceReadOptions? resourceReadOptions) returns stream<Offer, error?>|Error
Lists information of offers.
- resourceReadOptions ResourceReadOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
Return Type
function queryOffer(string sqlQuery, ResourceQueryOptions? resourceQueryOptions) returns stream<Offer, error?>|Error
Performs queries on offer resources.
- sqlQuery string - A string value containing SQL query
- resourceQueryOptions ResourceQueryOptions? (default ()) - The
which can be used to add additional capabilities to the request
azure_cosmosdb: ChangeFeedOption
Incremental changes to documents within the collection.
azure_cosmosdb: ConsistencyLevel
The Consistency Level Override for document create and update.
azure_cosmosdb: IndexDataType
Datatype for which the indexing behavior is applied to.
azure_cosmosdb: IndexingDirective
Whether to include or exclude the document in indexing.
azure_cosmosdb: IndexingMode
Mode of indexing for the container.
azure_cosmosdb: IndexType
Type of an Index.
azure_cosmosdb: OfferType
Performance levels for a specific throughput level.
They depend on the Cosmos DB region which the container
belongs to and partitioning nature of the container (ie: single partitioned or multiple partitioned).
for V2
, user-defined throughput levelsazure_cosmosdb: OfferVersion
Specific version for a given offer.
azure_cosmosdb: PermisssionMode
Access mode for the resource.
azure_cosmosdb: TriggerOperation
Type of operation that invokes the trigger.
azure_cosmosdb: TriggerType
When the trigger is fired.
azure_cosmosdb: Commons
Common elements representing information.
- resourceId string? - A unique identifier which is used internally for placement and navigation of the resource
- selfReference string? - A unique addressable URI for the resource
- eTag string? - Resource etag for the resource retrieved
- sessionToken string? - Session token of the request
azure_cosmosdb: ConnectionConfig
Configuration parameters to create Azure Cosmos DB client.
- baseUrl string - Base URL of the Azure Cosmos DB account
- primaryKeyOrResourceToken string - The token used to make the request call authorized
- advanceClientConfig CustomClientConfiguration? - Custom parameters for client creation
azure_cosmosdb: Container
Parameters representing information about a container.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the container
- Fields Included from *Commons
- indexingPolicy IndexingPolicy - Record of type
- partitionKey PartitionKey - Record of type
azure_cosmosdb: CosmosStoredProcedureRequestOptions
Encapsulates options that can be specified for a request issued to cosmos stored procedure.
- ifMatchETag string? - The If-Match (ETag) associated with the request in the Azure Cosmos DB service
- ifNoneMatchETag string? - the If-None-Match (ETag) associated with the request in the Azure Cosmos DB service
- scriptLoggingEnabled boolean? - Sets whether Javascript stored procedure logging is enabled for the current request in the Azure Cosmos DB database service or not
- sessionToken string? - The token for use with session consistency.
azure_cosmosdb: CustomClientConfiguration
Custom parameters for client creation
- consistencyLevel ConsistencyLevel - The ConsistencyLevel to be used By default, ConsistencyLevel.SESSION consistency will be used
- directMode DirectMode - The default DIRECT connection configuration to be used
- connectionSharingAcrossClientsEnabled boolean - Enables connections sharing across multiple Cosmos Clients
- contentResponseOnWriteEnabled boolean - The boolean to only return the headers and status code in Cosmos DB response in case of Create, Update and Delete operations on CosmosItem
- preferredRegions string[] - The preferred regions for geo-replicated database accounts
- userAgentSuffix string - The value of the user-agent suffix
azure_cosmosdb: Database
Parameters representing information about a database.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the database
- Fields Included from *Commons
azure_cosmosdb: DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions
Dedicated Gateway Request Options
- maxIntegratedCacheStaleness int - The staleness value associated with the request in the Azure CosmosDB service.
azure_cosmosdb: DeleteResponse
Metadata headers which will return for a delete request.
- sessionToken string - Session token from the response
azure_cosmosdb: Diagnostics
Diagnostic statistics associated with a request to Azure Cosmos DB.
- regionsContacted string[]? - Regions contacted for this request
- duration int - Response Diagnostic String
azure_cosmosdb: DirectConnectionConfig
Represents the direct connection configuration.
- connectTimeout int? - Represents timeout for establishing connections with an endpoint (in seconds)
- idleConnectionTimeout int? - The idle connection timeout (in seconds)
- idleEndpointTimeout int? - Idle endpoint timeout Default value is 1 hour (in seconds)
- maxConnectionsPerEndpoint int? - Max connections per endpoint This represents the size of connection pool for a specific endpoint Default value is 130
- maxRequestsPerConnection int? - Mmax requests per connection This represents the number of requests that will be queued on a single connection for a specific endpoint Default value is 30
- networkRequestTimeout int? - The network request timeout interval (time to wait for response from network peer).
- connectionEndpointRediscoveryEnabled boolean? - Value indicating whether Direct TCP connection endpoint rediscovery should be enabled
azure_cosmosdb: DirectMode
Represents DirectMode configuration.
- directConnectionConfig DirectConnectionConfig? - Direct Connection Configuration
- gatewayConnectionConfig GatewayConnectionConfig? - Gateway Connection Configuration
azure_cosmosdb: Document
Parameters representing information about a document.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the document
- Fields Included from *Commons
- documentBody map<json> - The document reprsented as a map of json
azure_cosmosdb: DocumentListOptions
Optional parameters which can be passed to the function when listing information about the documents.
- consistancyLevel ConsistencyLevel? - The consistency level override
- Allowed values are
. - The override must be the same or weaker than the Cosmos DB account’s configured consistency level.
- Allowed values are
- sessionToken string? - Echo the latest read value of
session token header
to acquire session level consistency
- changeFeedOption ChangeFeedOption? - Must be set to
Incremental feed
or omitted otherwise
- partitionKeyRangeId string? - The partition key range ID for reading data
azure_cosmosdb: DocumentReplaceOptions
Optional parameters which can be passed to the function when replacing a document.
- indexingDirective IndexingDirective? - The option whether to include the document in the index
- Allowed values are 'Include' or 'Exclude'.
azure_cosmosdb: DocumentResponse
Document response.
- activityId string - Activity ID for the request
- currentResourceQuotaUsage string - Current size of this entity (in megabytes (MB) for server resources and in count for master resources)
- maxResourceQuota string - Maximum size limit for this entity (in megabytes (MB) for server resources and in count for master resources).
- etag string? - ETag from the response headers
- sessionToken string - Token used for managing client's consistency requirements.
- statusCode int - HTTP status code associated with the response
- requestCharge float - Request charge as request units (RU) consumed by the operation
- duration int - End-to-end request latency for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service
- diagnostics Diagnostics? - Diagnostics information for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service
- item json? - Field Description
azure_cosmosdb: ExcludedPath
Parameters representing excluded path type.
- path string - Path that is excluded from indexing
azure_cosmosdb: GatewayConnectionConfig
Represents Gateway Connection Configuration
- maxConnectionPoolSize int? - Max Connection Pool Size
- idleConnectionTimeout int? - Idle Connection Timeout
azure_cosmosdb: HttpDetail
Extra HTTP status code detail of an error.
- status int - The HTTP status code of the error
azure_cosmosdb: IncludedPath
Parameters representing included path type.
- path string - Path to which the indexing behavior applies to
- indexes Index[](default []) - Array of type
, representing index values
azure_cosmosdb: Index
Parameters representing an index.
- kind IndexType(default HASH) - Type of index
- Can be
- Can be
- dataType IndexDataType(default STRING) - Datatype for which the indexing behavior is applied to
- Can be
- Can be
- precision int(default MAX_PRECISION) - Precision of the index
- Can be either set to -1 for maximum precision or between 1-8 for
, and 1-100 forString
- Not applicable for
, andLineString
data types. Default is -1.
- Can be either set to -1 for maximum precision or between 1-8 for
azure_cosmosdb: IndexingPolicy
Parameters necessary to create an indexing policy when creating a container.
- indexingMode IndexingMode? - Mode of indexing. Can be
- automatic boolean(default true) - Specify whether indexing is done automatically or not
- Must be
if indexing must be automatic andfalse
- Must be
- includedPaths IncludedPath[]? - Array of type
representing included paths
- excludedPaths ExcludedPath[]? - Array of type
representing excluded paths
azure_cosmosdb: ManagementClientConfig
CosmosDB Management Client configurations.
- Fields Included from *ConnectionConfig
- auth AuthConfig
- httpVersion HttpVersion
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings
- timeout decimal
- forwarded string
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration
- cache CacheConfig
- compression Compression
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig
- retryConfig RetryConfig
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket
- proxy ProxyConfig
- validation boolean
- anydata...
- auth never? - Excluded auth configurations (Provide primaryKey or ResourceToken instead)
- baseUrl string - Base URL of the Azure Cosmos DB account
- primaryKeyOrResourceToken string - The token used to make the request call authorized
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_1_1) - The HTTP version understood by the client
azure_cosmosdb: Offer
Parameters representing an offer.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the offer
- Fields Included from *Commons
- offerVersion OfferVersion - Offer version
- This value can be
for pre-defined throughput levels andV2
for user-defined throughput levels
- This value can be
- offerType OfferType - Performance level for V1 offer version, allows
- content map<json> - Information about the offer
- For
offers, it contains the throughput of the collection.
- For
- resourceResourceId string - The resource id(_rid) of the collection
- resourceSelfLink string - The self-link(_self) of the collection
azure_cosmosdb: PartitionKey
Parameters representing a partition key.
- paths string[](default []) - Array of paths using which, data within the collection can be partitioned. The array must contain only a single value.
- kindreadonly string(default PARTITIONING_ALGORITHM_TYPE_HASH) - Algorithm used for partitioning
- Only Hash is supported.
- keyVersion PartitionKeyVersion(default PARTITION_KEY_VERSION_1) - Version of partition key. Default is 1. To use a large partition key, set the version to 2.
azure_cosmosdb: PartitionKeyRange
Parameters representing a partition key range.
- id string - ID for the partition key range
- Fields Included from *Commons
- minInclusive string - Minimum partition key hash value for the partition key range
- maxExclusive string - Maximum partition key hash value for the partition key range
azure_cosmosdb: Permission
Parameters representing a permission.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the permission
- Fields Included from *Commons
- permissionMode PermisssionMode - Access mode for the resource, Should be
- resourcePath string - Full addressable path of the resource associated with the permission
- token string - System generated
for the particular resource and user
azure_cosmosdb: QueryOptions
Query Options
- consistencyLevel ConsistencyLevel? - Consistency level required for the request
- dedicatedGatewayRequestOptions DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions? - Dedicated Gateway Request Options
- indexMetricsEnabled boolean? - Used to obtain the index metrics to understand how the query engine used existing indexes and could use potential new indexes.
- maxBufferedItemCount int? - Number of items that can be buffered client side during parallel query execution
- maxDegreeOfParallelism int? - Number of concurrent operations run client side during parallel query execution
- queryMetricsEnabled boolean? - Option to enable/disable getting metrics relating to query execution on item query requests
- limitInKb int? - Option for item query requests in the Azure Cosmos DB service
- scanInQueryEnabled boolean? - Option to allow scan on the queries which couldn't be served as indexing was opted out on the requested paths
- sessionToken string? - Session token for use with session consistency
- thresholdForDiagnosticsOnTracer int? - If latency on query operation is greater than this diagnostics will be send to open telemetry exporter as events in tracer span of end to end CRUD api.
- throughputControlGroupName string? - Throughput control group name.
azure_cosmosdb: RequestOptions
Optional parameters which can be passed to the function when creating a document.
- indexingDirective IndexingDirective? - The option whether to include the document in the index
- Allowed values are
- Allowed values are
- isUpsertRequest boolean(default false) - A boolean value which specify whether the request is an upsert request
- consistancyLevel ConsistencyLevel? - Consistency level required for the request
- contentResponseOnWriteEnabled boolean? - The boolean to only return the headers and status code in Cosmos DB response in case of Create, Update and Delete operations on CosmosItem
- dedicatedGatewayRequestOptions DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions? - The Dedicated Gateway Request Options
- ifMatchETag string? - The If-Match (ETag) associated with the request in the Azure Cosmos DB service
- ifNoneMatchETag string? - The If-None-Match (ETag) associated with the request in the Azure Cosmos DB service
- postTriggerInclude string[]? - Triggers to be invoked after the operation
- preTriggerInclude string[]? - Triggers to be invoked before the operation
- sessionToken string? - The token for use with session consistency
- thresholdForDiagnosticsOnTracer int? - ThresholdForDiagnosticsOnTracer, if latency on CRUD operation is greater than this diagnostics will be sent to open telemetry exporter as events in tracer span of end to end CRUD api
- throughputControlGroupName string? - The throughput control group name
azure_cosmosdb: ResourceDeleteOptions
Optional parameters which can be passed to the function when deleting other resources in Cosmos DB.
- sessionToken string? - Echo the latest read value of
to acquire session level consistency
azure_cosmosdb: ResourceQueryOptions
Optional parameters which can be passed to the function when querying containers.
- consistancyLevel ConsistencyLevel? - The consistency level override
- Allowed values are
. - The override must be the same or weaker than the account’s configured consistency level.
- Allowed values are
- sessionToken string? - Echo the latest read value of
to acquire session level consistency
- enableCrossPartition boolean(default true) - Boolean value specifying whether to allow cross partitioning <br/> Default is
where, it allows to query across all logical partitions.
azure_cosmosdb: ResourceReadOptions
Optional parameters which can be passed to the function when reading the information about other resources in Cosmos DB such as Containers, StoredProcedures, Triggers, User Defined Functions, etc.
- consistancyLevel ConsistencyLevel? - The consistency level override
- Allowed values are
. - The override must be the same or weaker than the account’s configured consistency level.
- Allowed values are
- sessionToken string? - Echo the latest read value of
to acquire session level consistency
azure_cosmosdb: StoredProcedure
Parameters representing a stored procedure.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the stored procedure
- Fields Included from *Commons
- storedProcedure string - A JavaScript function, respresented as a string
azure_cosmosdb: StoredProcedureExecuteOptions
The options which can be passed for execution of stored procedures.
- parameters string[](default []) - An array of parameters which has values match the function parameters of a stored procedure
- cosmosStoredProcedureRequestOptions CosmosStoredProcedureRequestOptions? -
azure_cosmosdb: StoredProcedureResponse
Stored procedure response.
- activityId string - Activity ID for the request
- requestCharge float - Request charge as request units (RU) consumed by the operation
- responseAsString string? - Response of the stored procedure as a string
- scriptLog string? - Output from stored procedure console.log() statements
- sessionToken string - Token used for managing client's consistency requirements
- statusCode int - HTTP status code associated with the response
azure_cosmosdb: Trigger
Parameters representing a trigger.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the trigger
- Fields Included from *Commons
- triggerFunction string - A JavaScript function, respresented as a string
- triggerOperation TriggerOperation(default ALL) - Type of operation that invokes the trigger
- Can be
- Can be
- triggerType TriggerType(default PRE) - When the trigger is fired,
azure_cosmosdb: User
Parameters representing a user.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the user
- Fields Included from *Commons
- permissions string - A system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the permissions resource
azure_cosmosdb: UserDefinedFunction
Parameters representing a user defined function.
- id string - User generated unique ID for the user defined function
- Fields Included from *Commons
- userDefinedFunction string - A JavaScript function, respresented as a string
azure_cosmosdb: DbOperationError
The payload access errors where the error detail contains the HTTP status.
azure_cosmosdb: Error
The union of all types of errors in the connector.
azure_cosmosdb: InputValidationError
The errors which occur when providing an invalid value.
azure_cosmosdb: PayloadValidationError
The errors which will come from the Azure API call itself.
Union types
azure_cosmosdb: PartitionKeyVersion
Version of the partition key.
import ballerinax/azure_cosmosdb;
Released date: about 1 year ago
Version: 4.2.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: java11
Ballerina version: 2201.7.0
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 3028
Current verison: 290
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IT Operations/Databases