Module trello

ballerinax/trello Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Trello API v1 OpenAPI specification.
Client endpoint of Trello API provides capability to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations on resources in a Trello account.
- Create a Trello account
- Obtain tokens
- Use this guide to obtain the API key and generate a token related to your account.
To use the Trello connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1 - Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/trello module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/trello;
Step 2 - Create a new connector instance
You can now make the connection configuration using the API key and token.
trello:ApiKeysConfig configuration = { key: <TRELLO_API_KEY>, token: <TRELLO_API_TOKEN> }; trello:Client trelloClient = check new Client(configuration);
Step 3 - Invoke connector operation
- Add a new Board
public function main() { trello:Boards board = { idBoardSource: "<THE_ID_OF_PARENT_BOARD>" }; http:Response|error boardInfo = trelloClient->addBoards(board); }
- Get a Borad
public function main() { trello:Boards board = { idBoardSource: "<THE_ID_OF_PARENT_BOARD>" }; http:Response|error boardInfo = trelloClient->getBoardsByIdBoard(boardId); if (boardInfo is http:Response) { json|error info = boardInfo.getJsonPayload(); if (info is json) { log:printInfo("Board Info " + info.toString()); } } }
- Use
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program
trello: Client
This is a generated connector for Trello API v1 OpenAPI specification. Client endpoint of Trello API provides capability to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations on resources in a Trello account.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a Trello account and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ApiKeysConfig apiKeyConfig, ClientConfiguration clientConfig, string serviceUrl)
- apiKeyConfig ApiKeysConfig - API keys for authorization
- clientConfig ClientConfiguration {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
Get batch
- urls string - List of API v1 GET routes, not including the version prefix
Add new board
- payload Boards - Attributes of "Boards" to be added.
function getBoardsByIdBoard(string idBoard, string? actions, string? actionsEntities, string? actionsDisplay, string actionsFormat, string? actionsSince, string actionsLimit, string actionFields, string? actionMember, string actionMemberFields, string? actionMembercreator, string actionMembercreatorFields, string cards, string cardFields, string? cardAttachments, string cardAttachmentFields, string cardChecklists, string? cardStickers, string boardStars, string labels, string labelFields, string labelsLimit, string lists, string listFields, string memberships, string? membershipsMember, string membershipsMemberFields, string members, string memberFields, string membersInvited, string membersinvitedFields, string checklists, string checklistFields, string? organization, string organizationFields, string organizationMemberships, string? myPrefs, string fields) returns Response|error
Get board by ID
- idBoard string - Board_id
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- actionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsFormat string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- actionsSince string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- actionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- actionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- actionMember string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionMemberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- actionMembercreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionMembercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- cards string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- cardAttachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- cardAttachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- cardChecklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- cardStickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardStars string (default "none") - One of: mine or none
- labels string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- labelFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: color, idBoard, name or uses
- labelsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- lists string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none or open
- listFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
- memberships string (default "none") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- membershipsMember string? (default ()) - True or false
- membershipsMemberFields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- members string (default "none") - One of: admins, all, none, normal or owners
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, initials, fullName, username and confirmed") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- membersInvited string (default "none") - One of: admins, all, none, normal or owners
- membersinvitedFields string (default "avatarHash, initials, fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- checklistFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idBoard, idCard, name or pos
- organization string? (default ()) - True or false
- organizationFields string (default "name and displayName") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- organizationMemberships string (default "none") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- myPrefs string? (default ()) - True or false
- fields string (default "name, desc, descData, closed, idOrganization, pinned, url, shortUrl, prefs and labelNames") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
Update boards by ID
function getBoardsActionsByIdBoard(string idBoard, string? entities, string? display, string filter, string fields, string 'limit, string format, string? since, string? before, string page, string? idModels, string? member, string memberFields, string? memberCreator, string membercreatorFields) returns Response|error
Get boards actions by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- entities string? (default ()) - True or false
- display string? (default ()) - True or false
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- 'limit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- format string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- since string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- page string (default "0") - Page * limit must be less than 1000
- idModels string? (default ()) - Only return actions related to these model ids
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- memberCreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- membercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
Get boards board stars by ID
Add boards calendar key generate by ID
- idBoard string - Board_id
function getBoardsCardsByIdBoard(string idBoard, string? actions, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? stickers, string? members, string memberFields, string? checkItemStates, string checklists, string? 'limit, string? since, string? before, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get boards cards by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- stickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- 'limit string? (default ()) - A number from 1 to 1000
- since string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- filter string (default "visible") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
Get boards cards by ID board by filter
function getBoardsCardsByIdBoardByIdCard(string idBoard, string idCard, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? actions, string? actionsEntities, string? actionsDisplay, string actionsLimit, string actionFields, string actionMembercreatorFields, string? members, string memberFields, string? checkItemStates, string checkitemstateFields, string? labels, string checklists, string checklistFields, string fields) returns Response|error
Get boards cards by ID board by ID card
- idBoard string - Board_id
- idCard string - IdCard
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- actionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- actionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- actionMembercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, initials, fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checkitemstateFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idCheckItem or state
- labels string? (default ()) - True or false
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- checklistFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idBoard, idCard, name or pos
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
function getBoardsChecklistsByIdBoard(string idBoard, string cards, string cardFields, string checkItems, string checkitemFields, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get boards checklists by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- cards string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- checkItems string (default "all") - One of: all or none
- checkitemFields string (default "name, nameData, pos and state") - All or a comma-separated list of: name, nameData, pos, state or type
- filter string (default "all") - One of: all or none
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idBoard, idCard, name or pos
function addBoardsChecklistsByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsChecklists payload) returns Response|error
Add boards checklists by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload BoardsChecklists - Attributes of "Boards Checklists" to be added.
function updateBoardsClosedByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsClosed payload) returns Response|error
Update boards closed by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload BoardsClosed - Attributes of "Boards Closed" to be updated.
function getBoardsDeltasByIdBoard(string idBoard, string tags, string ixLastUpdate) returns Response|error
Get boards deltas by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- tags string - A valid tag for subscribing
- ixLastUpdate string - A number from -1 to Infinity
function updateBoardsDescByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsDesc payload) returns Response|error
Update boards desc by ID board
Add boards email key generate by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
function updateBoardsIdOrganizationByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsIdorganization payload) returns Response|error
Update boards ID organization by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload BoardsIdorganization - Attributes of "Boards ID Organization" to be updated.
function updateBoardsLabelNamesBlueByIdBoard(string idBoard, LabelnamesBlue payload) returns Response|error
Update boards label names blue by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload LabelnamesBlue - Attributes of "Label Names Blue" to be updated.
function updateBoardsLabelNamesGreenByIdBoard(string idBoard, LabelnamesGreen payload) returns Response|error
Update boards label names green by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload LabelnamesGreen - Attributes of "Label Names Green" to be updated.
function updateBoardsLabelNamesOrangeByIdBoard(string idBoard, LabelnamesOrange payload) returns Response|error
Update boards label names orange by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload LabelnamesOrange - Attributes of "Label Names Orange" to be updated.
function updateBoardsLabelNamesPurpleByIdBoard(string idBoard, LabelnamesPurple payload) returns Response|error
Update boards label names purple by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload LabelnamesPurple - Attributes of "Label Names Purple" to be updated.
function updateBoardsLabelNamesRedByIdBoard(string idBoard, LabelnamesRed payload) returns Response|error
Update boards label names red by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload LabelnamesRed - Attributes of "Label Names Red" to be updated.
function updateBoardsLabelNamesYellowByIdBoard(string idBoard, LabelnamesYellow payload) returns Response|error
Update boards label names yellow by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload LabelnamesYellow - Attributes of "Label Names Yellow" to be updated.
function getBoardsLabelsByIdBoard(string idBoard, string fields, string 'limit) returns Response|error
Get boards labels by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: color, idBoard, name or uses
- 'limit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
function addBoardsLabelsByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsLabels payload) returns Response|error
Add boards labels by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload BoardsLabels - Attributes of "Boards Labels" to be added.
function getBoardsLabelsByIdBoardByIdLabel(string idBoard, string idLabel, string fields) returns Response|error
Get boards labels by ID board by ID label
- idBoard string - Board_id
- idLabel string - IdLabel
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: color, idBoard, name or uses
function getBoardsListsByIdBoard(string idBoard, string cards, string cardFields, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get boards lists by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- cards string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- filter string (default "open") - One of: all, closed, none or open
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
function addBoardsListsByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsLists payload) returns Response|error
Add boards lists by ID board
Get boards lists by ID board by filter
Add boards mark as viewed by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
function getBoardsMembersByIdBoard(string idBoard, string filter, string fields, string? activity) returns Response|error
Get boards members by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- filter string (default "all") - One of: admins, all, none, normal or owners
- fields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- activity string? (default ()) - True or false ; works for premium organizations only.
function updateBoardsMembersByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsMembers payload) returns Response|error
Update boards members by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload BoardsMembers - Attributes of "Boards Members" to be updated.
Get boards members by ID board by filter
function updateBoardsMembersByIdBoardByIdMember(string idBoard, string idMember, BoardsMembers payload) returns Response|error
Update boards members by ID board by ID member
- idBoard string - Board_id
- idMember string - IdMember
- payload BoardsMembers - Attributes of "Boards Members" to be updated.
function deleteBoardsMembersByIdBoardByIdMember(string idBoard, string idMember) returns Response|error
Delete boards members by ID board by ID member
function getBoardsMembersCardsByIdBoardByIdMember(string idBoard, string idMember, string? actions, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? members, string memberFields, string? checkItemStates, string checklists, string? board, string boardFields, string? list, string listFields, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get boards members cards by ID board by ID member
- idBoard string - Board_id
- idMember string - IdMember
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- board string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardFields string (default "name, desc, closed, idOrganization, pinned, url and prefs") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- list string? (default ()) - True or false
- listFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
- filter string (default "visible") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
Get boards members invited by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, avatarSource, bio, bioData, confirmed, email, fullName, gravatarHash, idBoards, idBoardsPinned, idOrganizations, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, loginTypes, memberType, oneTimeMessagesDismissed, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, status, status, trophies, uploadedAvatarHash, url or username
function getBoardsMembersInvitedByIdBoardByField(string idBoard, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get boards members invited by ID board by field
function getBoardsMembershipsByIdBoard(string idBoard, string filter, string? member, string memberFields) returns Response|error
Get boards memberships by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function getBoardsMembershipsByIdBoardByIdMembership(string idBoard, string idMembership, string? member, string memberFields) returns Response|error
Get boards memberships by ID board by ID membership
- idBoard string - Board_id
- idMembership string - IdMembership
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function updateBoardsMembershipsByIdBoardByIdMembership(string idBoard, string idMembership, BoardsMemberships payload) returns Response|error
Update boards memberships by ID board by ID membership
- idBoard string - Board_id
- idMembership string - IdMembership
- payload BoardsMemberships - Attributes of "Boards Memberships" to be updated.
Get boards my prefs by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
function updateBoardsMyPrefsEmailPositionByIdBoard(string idBoard, MyprefsEmailposition payload) returns Response|error
Update boards my prefs email position by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload MyprefsEmailposition - Attributes of "My Prefs Email Position" to be updated.
function updateBoardsMyPrefsIdEmailListByIdBoard(string idBoard, MyprefsIdemaillist payload) returns Response|error
Update boards my prefs ID email list by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload MyprefsIdemaillist - Attributes of "My Prefs ID Email List" to be updated.
function updateBoardsMyPrefsShowListGuideByIdBoard(string idBoard, MyprefsShowlistguide payload) returns Response|error
Update boards my prefs show list guide by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload MyprefsShowlistguide - Attributes of "My Prefs Show List Guide" to be updated.
function updateBoardsMyPrefsShowSidebarByIdBoard(string idBoard, MyprefsShowsidebar payload) returns Response|error
Update boards my prefs show sidebar by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload MyprefsShowsidebar - Attributes of "My Prefs Show Sidebar" to be updated.
function updateBoardsMyPrefsShowSidebarActivityByIdBoard(string idBoard, MyprefsShowsidebaractivity payload) returns Response|error
Update boards my prefs show sidebar activity by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload MyprefsShowsidebaractivity - Attributes of "My Prefs Show Sidebar Activity" to be updated.
function updateBoardsMyPrefsShowSidebarBoardActionsByIdBoard(string idBoard, MyprefsShowsidebarboardactions payload) returns Response|error
Update boards my prefs show sidebar board actions by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload MyprefsShowsidebarboardactions - Attributes of "My Prefs Show Sidebar Board Actions" to be updated.
function updateBoardsMyPrefsShowSidebarMembersByIdBoard(string idBoard, MyprefsShowsidebarmembers payload) returns Response|error
Update boards my prefs show sidebar members by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload MyprefsShowsidebarmembers - Attributes of "My Prefs Show Sidebar Members" to be updated.
function updateBoardsNameByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsName payload) returns Response|error
Update boards name by ID board
Get boards organization by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
function getBoardsOrganizationByIdBoardByField(string idBoard, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get boards organization by ID board by field
function addBoardsPowerUpsByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsPowerups payload) returns Response|error
Add boards power ups by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload BoardsPowerups - Attributes of "Boards Power Ups" to be added.
function deleteBoardsPowerUpsByIdBoardByPowerUp(string idBoard, string powerUp) returns Response|error
Delete boards power ups by ID board by power up
function updateBoardsPrefsBackgroundByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsBackground payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs background by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsBackground - Attributes of "Prefs Background" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsCalendarFeedEnabledByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsCalendarfeedenabled payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs calendar feed enabled by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsCalendarfeedenabled - Attributes of "Prefs Calendar Feed Enabled" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsCardAgingByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsCardaging payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs card aging by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsCardaging - Attributes of "Prefs Card Aging" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsCardCoversByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsCardcovers payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs card covers by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsCardcovers - Attributes of "Prefs Card Covers" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsCommentsByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsComments payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs comments by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsComments - Attributes of "Prefs Comments" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsInvitationsByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsInvitations payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs invitations by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsInvitations - Attributes of "Prefs Invitations" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsPermissionLevelByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsPermissionlevel payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs permission level by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsPermissionlevel - Attributes of "Prefs Permission Level" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsSelfJoinByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsSelfjoin payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs self join by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsSelfjoin - Attributes of "Prefs Self Join" to be updated.
function updateBoardsPrefsVotingByIdBoard(string idBoard, PrefsVoting payload) returns Response|error
Update boards prefs voting by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload PrefsVoting - Attributes of "Prefs Voting" to be updated.
function updateBoardsSubscribedByIdBoard(string idBoard, BoardsSubscribed payload) returns Response|error
Update boards subscribed by ID board
- idBoard string - Board_id
- payload BoardsSubscribed - Attributes of "Boards Subscribed" to be updated.
Get boards by ID board by field
Add cards
- payload Cards - Attributes of "Cards" to be added.
function getCardsByIdCard(string idCard, string? actions, string? actionsEntities, string? actionsDisplay, string actionsLimit, string actionFields, string actionMembercreatorFields, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? members, string memberFields, string? membersVoted, string membervotedFields, string? checkItemStates, string checkitemstateFields, string checklists, string checklistFields, string? board, string boardFields, string? list, string listFields, string? stickers, string stickerFields, string fields) returns Response|error
Get cards by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- actionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- actionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- actionMembercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- membersVoted string? (default ()) - True or false
- membervotedFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checkitemstateFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idCheckItem or state
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- checklistFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idBoard, idCard, name or pos
- board string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardFields string (default "name, desc, descData, closed, idOrganization, pinned, url and prefs") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- list string? (default ()) - True or false
- listFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
- stickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- stickerFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: image, imageScaled, imageUrl, left, rotate, top or zIndex
- fields string (default "badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idShort, idAttachmentCover, manualCoverAttachment, labels, name, pos, shortUrl and url") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
Update cards by ID card
Delete cards by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
function getCardsActionsByIdCard(string idCard, string? entities, string? display, string filter, string fields, string 'limit, string format, string? since, string? before, string page, string? idModels, string? member, string memberFields, string? memberCreator, string membercreatorFields) returns Response|error
Get cards actions by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- entities string? (default ()) - True or false
- display string? (default ()) - True or false
- filter string (default "commentCard and updateCard:idList") - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- 'limit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- format string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- since string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- page string (default "0") - Page * limit must be less than 1000
- idModels string? (default ()) - Only return actions related to these model ids
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- memberCreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- membercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function addCardsActionsCommentsByIdCard(string idCard, ActionsComments payload) returns Response|error
Add cards actions comments by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload ActionsComments - Attributes of "Actions Comments" to be added.
function updateCardsActionsCommentsByIdCardByIdAction(string idCard, string idAction, CardsActionsComments payload) returns Response|error
Update cards actions comments by ID card by ID action
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idAction string - IdAction
- payload CardsActionsComments - Attributes of "Cards Actions Comments" to be updated.
function deleteCardsActionsCommentsByIdCardByIdAction(string idCard, string idAction) returns Response|error
Delete cards actions comments by ID card by ID action
function getCardsAttachmentsByIdCard(string idCard, string fields, string? filter) returns Response|error
Get cards attachments by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- filter string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
function addCardsAttachmentsByIdCard(string idCard, CardsAttachments payload) returns Response|error
Add cards attachments by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsAttachments - Attributes of "Cards Attachments" to be added.
function getCardsAttachmentsByIdCardByIdAttachment(string idCard, string idAttachment, string fields) returns Response|error
Get cards attachments by ID card by ID attachment
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idAttachment string - IdAttachment
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
function deleteCardsAttachmentsByIdCardByIdAttachment(string idCard, string idAttachment) returns Response|error
Delete cards attachments by ID card by ID attachment
Get cards board by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
Get cards board by ID card by field
Get cards check item states by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idCheckItem or state
function updateCardsChecklistCheckItemByIdCardByIdChecklistCurrentByIdCheckItem(string idCard, string idChecklistCurrent, string idCheckItem, CardsChecklistIdchecklistcurrentCheckitem payload) returns Response|error
Update cards checklist check item by ID card by ID checklist current by ID check item
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idChecklistCurrent string - IdChecklistCurrent
- idCheckItem string - IdCheckItem
- payload CardsChecklistIdchecklistcurrentCheckitem - Attributes of "Cards Checklist ID Checklist Current Check Item" to be updated.
function addCardsChecklistCheckItemByIdCardByIdChecklist(string idCard, string idChecklist, CardsChecklistCheckitem payload) returns Response|error
Add cards checklist check item by ID card by ID checklist
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- payload CardsChecklistCheckitem - Attributes of "Cards Checklist Check Item" to be added.
function deleteCardsChecklistCheckItemByIdCardByIdChecklistByIdCheckItem(string idCard, string idChecklist, string idCheckItem) returns Response|error
Delete cards checklist check item by ID card by ID checklist by ID check item
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- idCheckItem string - IdCheckItem
function addCardsChecklistCheckItemConvertToCardByIdCardByIdChecklistByIdCheckItem(string idCard, string idChecklist, string idCheckItem) returns Response|error
Add cards checklist check item convert to card by ID card by ID checklist by ID check item
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- idCheckItem string - IdCheckItem
function updateCardsChecklistCheckItemNameByIdCardByIdChecklistByIdCheckItem(string idCard, string idChecklist, string idCheckItem, CardsChecklistCheckitemName payload) returns Response|error
Update cards checklist check item name by ID card by ID checklist by ID check item
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- idCheckItem string - IdCheckItem
- payload CardsChecklistCheckitemName - Attributes of "Cards Checklist Check Item Name" to be updated.
function updateCardsChecklistCheckItemPosByIdCardByIdChecklistByIdCheckItem(string idCard, string idChecklist, string idCheckItem, CardsChecklistCheckitemPos payload) returns Response|error
Update cards checklist check item pos by ID card by ID checklist by ID check item
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- idCheckItem string - IdCheckItem
- payload CardsChecklistCheckitemPos - Attributes of "Cards Checklist Check Item Pos" to be updated.
function updateCardsChecklistCheckItemStateByIdCardByIdChecklistByIdCheckItem(string idCard, string idChecklist, string idCheckItem, CardsChecklistCheckitemState payload) returns Response|error
Update cards checklist check item state by ID card by ID checklist by ID check item
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- idCheckItem string - IdCheckItem
- payload CardsChecklistCheckitemState - Attributes of "Cards Checklist Check Item State" to be updated.
function getCardsChecklistsByIdCard(string idCard, string cards, string cardFields, string checkItems, string checkitemFields, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get cards checklists by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- cards string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- checkItems string (default "all") - One of: all or none
- checkitemFields string (default "name, nameData, pos and state") - All or a comma-separated list of: name, nameData, pos, state or type
- filter string (default "all") - One of: all or none
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idBoard, idCard, name or pos
function addCardsChecklistsByIdCard(string idCard, CardsChecklists payload) returns Response|error
Add cards checklists by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsChecklists - Attributes of "Cards Checklists" to be added.
function deleteCardsChecklistsByIdCardByIdChecklist(string idCard, string idChecklist) returns Response|error
Delete cards checklists by ID card by ID checklist
function updateCardsClosedByIdCard(string idCard, CardsClosed payload) returns Response|error
Update cards closed by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsClosed - Attributes of "Cards Closed" to be updated.
Update cards desc by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsDesc - Attributes of "Cards Desc" to be updated.
Update cards due by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsDue - Attributes of "Cards Due" to be updated.
function updateCardsIdAttachmentCoverByIdCard(string idCard, CardsIdattachmentcover payload) returns Response|error
Update cards ID attachment cover by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsIdattachmentcover - Attributes of "Cards ID Attachment Cover" to be updated.
function updateCardsIdBoardByIdCard(string idCard, CardsIdboard payload) returns Response|error
Update cards ID board by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsIdboard - Attributes of "Cards ID Board" to be updated.
function addCardsIdLabelsByIdCard(string idCard, CardsIdlabels payload) returns Response|error
Add cards ID labels by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsIdlabels - Attributes of "Cards ID Labels" to be added.
Delete cards ID labels by ID card by ID label
function updateCardsIdListByIdCard(string idCard, CardsIdlist payload) returns Response|error
Update cards ID list by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsIdlist - Attributes of "Cards ID List" to be updated.
function updateCardsIdMembersByIdCard(string idCard, CardsIdmembers payload) returns Response|error
Update cards ID members by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsIdmembers - Attributes of "Cards ID Members" to be updated.
function addCardsIdMembersByIdCard(string idCard, CardsIdmembers payload) returns Response|error
Add cards ID members by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsIdmembers - Attributes of "Cards ID Members" to be added.
function deleteCardsIdMembersByIdCardByIdMember(string idCard, string idMember) returns Response|error
Delete cards ID members by ID card by ID member
function updateCardsLabelsByIdCard(string idCard, CardsLabels payload) returns Response|error
Update cards labels by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsLabels - Attributes of "Cards Labels" to be updated.
function addCardsLabelsByIdCard(string idCard, CardsLabels payload) returns Response|error
Add cards labels by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsLabels - Attributes of "Cards Labels" to be added.
Delete cards labels by ID card by color
Get cards list by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
Get cards list by ID card by field
Add cards mark associated notifications read by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
Get cards members by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- fields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
Get cards members voted by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- fields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function addCardsMembersVotedByIdCard(string idCard, CardsMembersvoted payload) returns Response|error
Add cards members voted by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsMembersvoted - Attributes of "Cards Members Voted" to be added.
function deleteCardsMembersVotedByIdCardByIdMember(string idCard, string idMember) returns Response|error
Delete cards members voted by ID card by ID member
Update cards name by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsName - Attributes of "Cards Name" to be updated.
Update cards pos by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsPos - Attributes of "Cards Pos" to be updated.
Get cards stickers by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: image, imageScaled, imageUrl, left, rotate, top or zIndex
function addCardsStickersByIdCard(string idCard, CardsStickers payload) returns Response|error
Add cards stickers by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsStickers - Attributes of "Cards Stickers" to be added.
function getCardsStickersByIdCardByIdSticker(string idCard, string idSticker, string fields) returns Response|error
Get cards stickers by ID card by ID sticker
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idSticker string - IdSticker
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: image, imageScaled, imageUrl, left, rotate, top or zIndex
function updateCardsStickersByIdCardByIdSticker(string idCard, string idSticker, CardsStickers payload) returns Response|error
Update cards stickers by ID card by ID sticker
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- idSticker string - IdSticker
- payload CardsStickers - Attributes of "Cards Stickers" to be updated.
function deleteCardsStickersByIdCardByIdSticker(string idCard, string idSticker) returns Response|error
Delete cards stickers by ID card by ID sticker
function updateCardsSubscribedByIdCard(string idCard, CardsSubscribed payload) returns Response|error
Update cards subscribed by ID card
- idCard string - Card ID or shortlink
- payload CardsSubscribed - Attributes of "Cards Subscribed" to be updated.
Get cards by ID card by field
function addChecklists(Checklists payload) returns Response|error
Add checklists
- payload Checklists - Attributes of "Checklists" to be added.
function getChecklistsByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, string cards, string cardFields, string checkItems, string checkitemFields, string fields) returns Response|error
Get checklists by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- cards string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- checkItems string (default "all") - One of: all or none
- checkitemFields string (default "name, nameData, pos and state") - All or a comma-separated list of: name, nameData, pos, state or type
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: idBoard, idCard, name or pos
function updateChecklistsByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, Checklists payload) returns Response|error
Update checklists by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- payload Checklists - Attributes of "Checklists" to be updated.
Delete checklists by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
Get checklists board by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
function getChecklistsBoardByIdChecklistByField(string idChecklist, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get checklists board by ID checklist by field
function getChecklistsCardsByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, string? actions, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? stickers, string? members, string memberFields, string? checkItemStates, string checklists, string? 'limit, string? since, string? before, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get checklists cards by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- stickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- 'limit string? (default ()) - A number from 1 to 1000
- since string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- filter string (default "open") - One of: all, closed, none or open
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
function getChecklistsCardsByIdChecklistByFilter(string idChecklist, string filter) returns Response|error
Get checklists cards by ID checklist by filter
function getChecklistsCheckItemsByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get checklists check items by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- filter string (default "all") - One of: all or none
- fields string (default "name, nameData, pos and state") - All or a comma-separated list of: name, nameData, pos, state or type
function addChecklistsCheckItemsByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, ChecklistsCheckitems payload) returns Response|error
Add checklists check items by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- payload ChecklistsCheckitems - Attributes of "Checklists Check Items" to be added.
function getChecklistsCheckItemsByIdChecklistByIdCheckItem(string idChecklist, string idCheckItem, string fields) returns Response|error
Get checklists check items by ID checklist by ID check item
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- idCheckItem string - IdCheckItem
- fields string (default "name, nameData, pos and state") - All or a comma-separated list of: name, nameData, pos, state or type
function deleteChecklistsCheckItemsByIdChecklistByIdCheckItem(string idChecklist, string idCheckItem) returns Response|error
Delete checklists check items by ID checklist by ID check item
function updateChecklistsIdCardByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, ChecklistsIdcard payload) returns Response|error
Update checklists ID card by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- payload ChecklistsIdcard - Attributes of "Checklists ID Card" to be updated.
function updateChecklistsNameByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, ChecklistsName payload) returns Response|error
Update checklists name by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- payload ChecklistsName - Attributes of "Checklists Name" to be updated.
function updateChecklistsPosByIdChecklist(string idChecklist, ChecklistsPos payload) returns Response|error
Update checklists pos by ID checklist
- idChecklist string - IdChecklist
- payload ChecklistsPos - Attributes of "Checklists Pos" to be updated.
function getChecklistsByIdChecklistByField(string idChecklist, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get checklists by ID checklist by field
Add labels
- payload Labels - Attributes of "Labels" to be added.
Get labels by ID label
- idLabel string - IdLabel
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: color, idBoard, name or uses
Update labels by ID label
Delete labels by ID label
- idLabel string - IdLabel
Get labels board by ID label
- idLabel string - IdLabel
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
Get labels board by ID label by field
function updateLabelsColorByIdLabel(string idLabel, LabelsColor payload) returns Response|error
Update labels color by ID label
function updateLabelsNameByIdLabel(string idLabel, LabelsName payload) returns Response|error
Update labels name by ID label
Add lists
- payload Lists - Attributes of "Lists" to be added.
function getListsByIdList(string idList, string cards, string cardFields, string? board, string boardFields, string fields) returns Response|error
Get lists by ID list
- idList string - IdList
- cards string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none or open
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- board string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardFields string (default "name, desc, descData, closed, idOrganization, pinned, url and prefs") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- fields string (default "name, closed, idBoard and pos") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
Update lists by ID list
function getListsActionsByIdList(string idList, string? entities, string? display, string filter, string fields, string 'limit, string format, string? since, string? before, string page, string? idModels, string? member, string memberFields, string? memberCreator, string membercreatorFields) returns Response|error
Get lists actions by ID list
- idList string - IdList
- entities string? (default ()) - True or false
- display string? (default ()) - True or false
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- 'limit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- format string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- since string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- page string (default "0") - Page * limit must be less than 1000
- idModels string? (default ()) - Only return actions related to these model ids
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- memberCreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- membercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
Add lists archive all cards by ID list
- idList string - IdList
Get lists board by ID list
- idList string - IdList
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
Get lists board by ID list by field
function getListsCardsByIdList(string idList, string? actions, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? stickers, string? members, string memberFields, string? checkItemStates, string checklists, string? 'limit, string? since, string? before, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get lists cards by ID list
- idList string - IdList
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- stickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- 'limit string? (default ()) - A number from 1 to 1000
- since string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- filter string (default "open") - One of: all, closed, none or open
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
function addListsCardsByIdList(string idList, ListsCards payload) returns Response|error
Add lists cards by ID list
Get lists cards by ID list by filter
function updateListsClosedByIdList(string idList, ListsClosed payload) returns Response|error
Update lists closed by ID list
function updateListsIdBoardByIdList(string idList, ListsIdboard payload) returns Response|error
Update lists ID board by ID list
- idList string - IdList
- payload ListsIdboard - Attributes of "Lists ID Board" to be updated.
function addListsMoveAllCardsByIdList(string idList, ListsMoveallcards payload) returns Response|error
Add lists move all cards by ID list
- idList string - IdList
- payload ListsMoveallcards - Attributes of "Lists Move All Cards" to be added.
Update lists name by ID list
Update lists pos by ID list
function updateListsSubscribedByIdList(string idList, ListsSubscribed payload) returns Response|error
Update lists subscribed by ID list
- idList string - IdList
- payload ListsSubscribed - Attributes of "Lists Subscribed" to be updated.
Get lists by ID list by field
function getMembersByIdMember(string idMember, string? actions, string? actionsEntities, string? actionsDisplay, string actionsLimit, string actionFields, string? actionSince, string? actionBefore, string cards, string cardFields, string? cardMembers, string cardMemberFields, string? cardAttachments, string cardAttachmentFields, string? cardStickers, string? boards, string boardFields, string? boardActions, string? boardActionsEntities, string? boardActionsDisplay, string boardActionsFormat, string? boardActionsSince, string boardActionsLimit, string boardActionFields, string boardLists, string boardMemberships, string? boardOrganization, string boardOrganizationFields, string? boardsInvited, string boardsinvitedFields, string? boardStars, string? savedSearches, string organizations, string organizationFields, string? organizationPaidAccount, string organizationsInvited, string organizationsinvitedFields, string? notifications, string? notificationsEntities, string? notificationsDisplay, string notificationsLimit, string notificationFields, string? notificationMembercreator, string notificationMembercreatorFields, string? notificationBefore, string? notificationSince, string tokens, string? paidAccount, string boardBackgrounds, string customBoardBackgrounds, string customStickers, string customEmoji, string fields) returns Response|error
Get members by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- actionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- actionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- actionSince string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- actionBefore string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- cards string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- cardMembers string? (default ()) - True or false
- cardMemberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- cardAttachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- cardAttachmentFields string (default "url and previews") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- cardStickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- boards string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, members, open, organization, pinned, public, starred or unpinned
- boardFields string (default "name, closed, idOrganization and pinned") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- boardActions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- boardActionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardActionsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardActionsFormat string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- boardActionsSince string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- boardActionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- boardActionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- boardLists string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none or open
- boardMemberships string (default "none") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- boardOrganization string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardOrganizationFields string (default "name and displayName") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- boardsInvited string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, members, open, organization, pinned, public, starred or unpinned
- boardsinvitedFields string (default "name, closed, idOrganization and pinned") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- boardStars string? (default ()) - True or false
- savedSearches string? (default ()) - True or false
- organizations string (default "none") - One of: all, members, none or public
- organizationFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- organizationPaidAccount string? (default ()) - True or false
- organizationsInvited string (default "none") - One of: all, members, none or public
- organizationsinvitedFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- notifications string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAdminToBoard, addAdminToOrganization, addedAttachmentToCard, addedMemberToCard, addedToBoard, addedToCard, addedToOrganization, cardDueSoon, changeCard, closeBoard, commentCard, createdCard, declinedInvitationToBoard, declinedInvitationToOrganization, invitedToBoard, invitedToOrganization, makeAdminOfBoard, makeAdminOfOrganization, memberJoinedTrello, mentionedOnCard, removedFromBoard, removedFromCard, removedFromOrganization, removedMemberFromCard, unconfirmedInvitedToBoard, unconfirmedInvitedToOrganization or updateCheckItemStateOnCard
- notificationsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- notificationsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- notificationsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 1 to 1000
- notificationFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator, type or unread
- notificationMembercreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- notificationMembercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- notificationBefore string? (default ()) - An ID, or null
- notificationSince string? (default ()) - An ID, or null
- tokens string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- paidAccount string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardBackgrounds string (default "none") - One of: all, custom, default, none or premium
- customBoardBackgrounds string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- customStickers string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- customEmoji string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, avatarSource, bio, bioData, confirmed, email, fullName, gravatarHash, idBoards, idBoardsPinned, idOrganizations, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, loginTypes, memberType, oneTimeMessagesDismissed, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, status, status, trophies, uploadedAvatarHash, url or username
Update members by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload Members - Attributes of "Members" to be updated.
function getMembersActionsByIdMember(string idMember, string? entities, string? display, string filter, string fields, string 'limit, string format, string? since, string? before, string page, string? idModels, string? member, string memberFields, string? memberCreator, string membercreatorFields) returns Response|error
Get members actions by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- entities string? (default ()) - True or false
- display string? (default ()) - True or false
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- 'limit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- format string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- since string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- page string (default "0") - Page * limit must be less than 1000
- idModels string? (default ()) - Only return actions related to these model ids
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- memberCreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- membercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function addMembersAvatarByIdMember(string idMember, MembersAvatar payload) returns Response|error
Add members avatar by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersAvatar - Attributes of "Members Avatar" to be added.
function updateMembersAvatarSourceByIdMember(string idMember, MembersAvatarsource payload) returns Response|error
Update members avatar source by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersAvatarsource - Attributes of "Members Avatar Source" to be updated.
function updateMembersBioByIdMember(string idMember, MembersBio payload) returns Response|error
Update members bio by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersBio - Attributes of "Members Bio" to be updated.
function getMembersBoardBackgroundsByIdMember(string idMember, string filter) returns Response|error
Get members board backgrounds by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- filter string (default "all") - One of: all, custom, default, none or premium
function addMembersBoardBackgroundsByIdMember(string idMember, MembersBoardbackgrounds payload) returns Response|error
Add members board backgrounds by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersBoardbackgrounds - Attributes of "Members Board Backgrounds" to be added.
function getMembersBoardBackgroundsByIdMemberByIdBoardBackground(string idMember, string idBoardBackground, string fields) returns Response|error
Get members board backgrounds by ID member by ID board background
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idBoardBackground string - IdBoardBackground
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: brightness, fullSizeUrl, scaled or tile
function updateMembersBoardBackgroundsByIdMemberByIdBoardBackground(string idMember, string idBoardBackground, MembersBoardbackgrounds payload) returns Response|error
Update members board backgrounds by ID member by ID board background
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idBoardBackground string - IdBoardBackground
- payload MembersBoardbackgrounds - Attributes of "Members Board Backgrounds" to be updated.
function deleteMembersBoardBackgroundsByIdMemberByIdBoardBackground(string idMember, string idBoardBackground) returns Response|error
Delete members board backgrounds by ID member by ID board background
Get members board stars by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
function addMembersBoardStarsByIdMember(string idMember, MembersBoardstars payload) returns Response|error
Add members board stars by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersBoardstars - Attributes of "Members Board Stars" to be added.
function getMembersBoardStarsByIdMemberByIdBoardStar(string idMember, string idBoardStar) returns Response|error
Get members board stars by ID member by ID board star
function updateMembersBoardStarsByIdMemberByIdBoardStar(string idMember, string idBoardStar, MembersBoardstars payload) returns Response|error
Update members board stars by ID member by ID board star
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idBoardStar string - IdBoardStar
- payload MembersBoardstars - Attributes of "Members Board Stars" to be updated.
function deleteMembersBoardStarsByIdMemberByIdBoardStar(string idMember, string idBoardStar) returns Response|error
Delete members board stars by ID member by ID board star
function updateMembersBoardStarsIdBoardByIdMemberByIdBoardStar(string idMember, string idBoardStar, MembersBoardstarsIdboard payload) returns Response|error
Update members board stars ID board by ID member by ID board star
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idBoardStar string - IdBoardStar
- payload MembersBoardstarsIdboard - Attributes of "Members Board Stars ID Board" to be updated.
function updateMembersBoardStarsPosByIdMemberByIdBoardStar(string idMember, string idBoardStar, MembersBoardstarsPos payload) returns Response|error
Update members board stars pos by ID member by ID board star
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idBoardStar string - IdBoardStar
- payload MembersBoardstarsPos - Attributes of "Members Board Stars Pos" to be updated.
function getMembersBoardsByIdMember(string idMember, string filter, string fields, string? actions, string? actionsEntities, string actionsLimit, string actionsFormat, string? actionsSince, string actionFields, string memberships, string? organization, string organizationFields, string lists) returns Response|error
Get members boards by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, members, open, organization, pinned, public, starred or unpinned
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- actionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- actionsFormat string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- actionsSince string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- actionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- memberships string (default "none") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- organization string? (default ()) - True or false
- organizationFields string (default "name and displayName") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- lists string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none or open
Get members boards by ID member by filter
Get members boards invited by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
function getMembersBoardsInvitedByIdMemberByField(string idMember, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get members boards invited by ID member by field
function getMembersCardsByIdMember(string idMember, string? actions, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? stickers, string? members, string memberFields, string? checkItemStates, string checklists, string? 'limit, string? since, string? before, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get members cards by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- stickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- 'limit string? (default ()) - A number from 1 to 1000
- since string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- filter string (default "visible") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
Get members cards by ID member by filter
function getMembersCustomBoardBackgroundsByIdMember(string idMember, string filter) returns Response|error
Get members custom board backgrounds by ID member
function addMembersCustomBoardBackgroundsByIdMember(string idMember, MembersCustomboardbackgrounds payload) returns Response|error
Add members custom board backgrounds by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersCustomboardbackgrounds - Attributes of "Members Custom Board Backgrounds" to be added.
function getMembersCustomBoardBackgroundsByIdMemberByIdBoardBackground(string idMember, string idBoardBackground, string fields) returns Response|error
Get members custom board backgrounds by ID member by ID board background
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idBoardBackground string - IdBoardBackground
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: brightness, fullSizeUrl, scaled or tile
function updateMembersCustomBoardBackgroundsByIdMemberByIdBoardBackground(string idMember, string idBoardBackground, MembersCustomboardbackgrounds payload) returns Response|error
Update members custom board backgrounds by ID member by ID board background
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idBoardBackground string - IdBoardBackground
- payload MembersCustomboardbackgrounds - Attributes of "Members Custom Board Backgrounds" to be updated.
function deleteMembersCustomBoardBackgroundsByIdMemberByIdBoardBackground(string idMember, string idBoardBackground) returns Response|error
Delete members custom board backgrounds by ID member by ID board background
Get members custom emoji by ID member
function addMembersCustomEmojiByIdMember(string idMember, MembersCustomemoji payload) returns Response|error
Add members custom emoji by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersCustomemoji - Attributes of "Members Custom Emoji" to be added.
function getMembersCustomEmojiByIdMemberByIdCustomEmoji(string idMember, string idCustomEmoji, string fields) returns Response|error
Get members custom emoji by ID member by ID custom emoji
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idCustomEmoji string - IdCustomEmoji
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: name or url
Get members custom stickers by ID member
function addMembersCustomStickersByIdMember(string idMember, MembersCustomstickers payload) returns Response|error
Add members custom stickers by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersCustomstickers - Attributes of "Members Custom Stickers" to be added.
function getMembersCustomStickersByIdMemberByIdCustomSticker(string idMember, string idCustomSticker, string fields) returns Response|error
Get members custom stickers by ID member by ID custom sticker
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idCustomSticker string - IdCustomSticker
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: scaled or url
function deleteMembersCustomStickersByIdMemberByIdCustomSticker(string idMember, string idCustomSticker) returns Response|error
Delete members custom stickers by ID member by ID custom sticker
function getMembersDeltasByIdMember(string idMember, string tags, string ixLastUpdate) returns Response|error
Get members deltas by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- tags string - A valid tag for subscribing
- ixLastUpdate string - A number from -1 to Infinity
function updateMembersFullNameByIdMember(string idMember, MembersFullname payload) returns Response|error
Update members full name by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersFullname - Attributes of "Members Full Name" to be updated.
function updateMembersInitialsByIdMember(string idMember, MembersInitials payload) returns Response|error
Update members initials by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersInitials - Attributes of "Members Initials" to be updated.
function getMembersNotificationsByIdMember(string idMember, string? entities, string? display, string filter, string readFilter, string fields, string 'limit, string page, string? before, string? since, string? memberCreator, string membercreatorFields) returns Response|error
Get members notifications by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- entities string? (default ()) - True or false
- display string? (default ()) - True or false
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: addAdminToBoard, addAdminToOrganization, addedAttachmentToCard, addedMemberToCard, addedToBoard, addedToCard, addedToOrganization, cardDueSoon, changeCard, closeBoard, commentCard, createdCard, declinedInvitationToBoard, declinedInvitationToOrganization, invitedToBoard, invitedToOrganization, makeAdminOfBoard, makeAdminOfOrganization, memberJoinedTrello, mentionedOnCard, removedFromBoard, removedFromCard, removedFromOrganization, removedMemberFromCard, unconfirmedInvitedToBoard, unconfirmedInvitedToOrganization or updateCheckItemStateOnCard
- readFilter string (default "all") - One of: all, read or unread
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator, type or unread
- 'limit string (default "50") - A number from 1 to 1000
- page string (default "0") - A number from 0 to 100
- before string? (default ()) - An ID, or null
- since string? (default ()) - An ID, or null
- memberCreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- membercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function getMembersNotificationsByIdMemberByFilter(string idMember, string filter) returns Response|error
Get members notifications by ID member by filter
function addMembersOneTimeMessagesDismissedByIdMember(string idMember, MembersOnetimemessagesdismissed payload) returns Response|error
Add members one time messages dismissed by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersOnetimemessagesdismissed - Attributes of "Members One Time Messages Dismissed" to be added.
function getMembersOrganizationsByIdMember(string idMember, string filter, string fields, string? paidAccount) returns Response|error
Get members organizations by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- filter string (default "all") - One of: all, members, none or public
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- paidAccount string? (default ()) - True or false
function getMembersOrganizationsByIdMemberByFilter(string idMember, string filter) returns Response|error
Get members organizations by ID member by filter
function getMembersOrganizationsInvitedByIdMember(string idMember, string fields) returns Response|error
Get members organizations invited by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
function getMembersOrganizationsInvitedByIdMemberByField(string idMember, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get members organizations invited by ID member by field
function updateMembersPrefsColorBlindByIdMember(string idMember, PrefsColorblind payload) returns Response|error
Update members prefs color blind by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload PrefsColorblind - Attributes of "Prefs Color Blind" to be updated.
function updateMembersPrefsLocaleByIdMember(string idMember, PrefsLocale payload) returns Response|error
Update members prefs locale by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload PrefsLocale - Attributes of "Prefs Locale" to be updated.
function updateMembersPrefsMinutesBetweenSummariesByIdMember(string idMember, PrefsMinutesbetweensummaries payload) returns Response|error
Update members prefs minutes between summaries by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload PrefsMinutesbetweensummaries - Attributes of "Prefs Minutes Between Summaries" to be updated.
Get members saved searches by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
function addMembersSavedSearchesByIdMember(string idMember, MembersSavedsearches payload) returns Response|error
Add members saved searches by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersSavedsearches - Attributes of "Members Saved Searches" to be added.
function getMembersSavedSearchesByIdMemberByIdSavedSearch(string idMember, string idSavedSearch) returns Response|error
Get members saved searches by ID member by ID saved search
function updateMembersSavedSearchesByIdMemberByIdSavedSearch(string idMember, string idSavedSearch, MembersSavedsearches payload) returns Response|error
Update members saved searches by ID member by ID saved search
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idSavedSearch string - IdSavedSearch
- payload MembersSavedsearches - Attributes of "Members Saved Searches" to be updated.
function deleteMembersSavedSearchesByIdMemberByIdSavedSearch(string idMember, string idSavedSearch) returns Response|error
Delete members saved searches by ID member by ID saved search
function updateMembersSavedSearchesNameByIdMemberByIdSavedSearch(string idMember, string idSavedSearch, MembersSavedsearchesName payload) returns Response|error
Update members saved searches name by ID member by ID saved search
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idSavedSearch string - IdSavedSearch
- payload MembersSavedsearchesName - Attributes of "Members Saved Searches Name" to be updated.
function updateMembersSavedSearchesPosByIdMemberByIdSavedSearch(string idMember, string idSavedSearch, MembersSavedsearchesPos payload) returns Response|error
Update members saved searches pos by ID member by ID saved search
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idSavedSearch string - IdSavedSearch
- payload MembersSavedsearchesPos - Attributes of "Members Saved Searches Pos" to be updated.
function updateMembersSavedSearchesQueryByIdMemberByIdSavedSearch(string idMember, string idSavedSearch, MembersSavedsearchesQuery payload) returns Response|error
Update members saved searches query by ID member by ID saved search
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- idSavedSearch string - IdSavedSearch
- payload MembersSavedsearchesQuery - Attributes of "Members Saved Searches Query" to be updated.
Get members tokens by ID member
function updateMembersUsernameByIdMember(string idMember, MembersUsername payload) returns Response|error
Update members username by ID member
- idMember string - IdMember or username
- payload MembersUsername - Attributes of "Members Username" to be updated.
Get members by ID member by field
Add notifications all read
function getNotificationsByIdNotification(string idNotification, string? display, string? entities, string fields, string? memberCreator, string membercreatorFields, string? board, string boardFields, string? list, string? card, string cardFields, string? organization, string organizationFields, string? member, string memberFields) returns Response|error
Get notifications by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- display string? (default ()) - True or false
- entities string? (default ()) - True or false
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator, type or unread
- memberCreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- membercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- board string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardFields string (default "name") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- list string? (default ()) - True or false
- card string? (default ()) - True or false
- cardFields string (default "name") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- organization string? (default ()) - True or false
- organizationFields string (default "displayName") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function updateNotificationsByIdNotification(string idNotification, Notifications payload) returns Response|error
Update notifications by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- payload Notifications - Attributes of "Notifications" to be updated.
function getNotificationsBoardByIdNotification(string idNotification, string fields) returns Response|error
Get notifications board by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
function getNotificationsBoardByIdNotificationByField(string idNotification, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get notifications board by ID notification by field
function getNotificationsCardByIdNotification(string idNotification, string fields) returns Response|error
Get notifications card by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
function getNotificationsCardByIdNotificationByField(string idNotification, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get notifications card by ID notification by field
Get notifications display by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
Get notifications entities by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
function getNotificationsListByIdNotification(string idNotification, string fields) returns Response|error
Get notifications list by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
function getNotificationsListByIdNotificationByField(string idNotification, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get notifications list by ID notification by field
function getNotificationsMemberByIdNotification(string idNotification, string fields) returns Response|error
Get notifications member by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, avatarSource, bio, bioData, confirmed, email, fullName, gravatarHash, idBoards, idBoardsPinned, idOrganizations, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, loginTypes, memberType, oneTimeMessagesDismissed, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, status, status, trophies, uploadedAvatarHash, url or username
function getNotificationsMemberByIdNotificationByField(string idNotification, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get notifications member by ID notification by field
function getNotificationsMemberCreatorByIdNotification(string idNotification, string fields) returns Response|error
Get notifications member creator by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, avatarSource, bio, bioData, confirmed, email, fullName, gravatarHash, idBoards, idBoardsPinned, idOrganizations, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, loginTypes, memberType, oneTimeMessagesDismissed, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, status, status, trophies, uploadedAvatarHash, url or username
function getNotificationsMemberCreatorByIdNotificationByField(string idNotification, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get notifications member creator by ID notification by field
function getNotificationsOrganizationByIdNotification(string idNotification, string fields) returns Response|error
Get notifications organization by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
function getNotificationsOrganizationByIdNotificationByField(string idNotification, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get notifications organization by ID notification by field
function updateNotificationsUnreadByIdNotification(string idNotification, NotificationsUnread payload) returns Response|error
Update notifications unread by ID notification
- idNotification string - IdNotification
- payload NotificationsUnread - Attributes of "Notifications Unread" to be updated.
function getNotificationsByIdNotificationByField(string idNotification, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get notifications by ID notification by field
function addOrganizations(Organizations payload) returns Response|error
Add organizations
- payload Organizations - Attributes of "Organizations" to be added.
function getOrganizationsByIdOrg(string idOrg, string? actions, string? actionsEntities, string? actionsDisplay, string actionsLimit, string actionFields, string memberships, string? membershipsMember, string membershipsMemberFields, string members, string memberFields, string? memberActivity, string membersInvited, string membersinvitedFields, string boards, string boardFields, string? boardActions, string? boardActionsEntities, string? boardActionsDisplay, string boardActionsFormat, string? boardActionsSince, string boardActionsLimit, string boardActionFields, string boardLists, string? paidAccount, string fields) returns Response|error
Get organizations by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- actionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- actionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- memberships string (default "none") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- membershipsMember string? (default ()) - True or false
- membershipsMemberFields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- members string (default "none") - One of: admins, all, none, normal or owners
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials, username and confirmed") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- memberActivity string? (default ()) - True or false ; works for premium organizations only.
- membersInvited string (default "none") - One of: admins, all, none, normal or owners
- membersinvitedFields string (default "avatarHash, initials, fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- boards string (default "none") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, members, open, organization, pinned, public, starred or unpinned
- boardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- boardActions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- boardActionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardActionsDisplay string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardActionsFormat string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- boardActionsSince string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- boardActionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- boardActionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- boardLists string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none or open
- paidAccount string? (default ()) - True or false
- fields string (default "name, displayName, desc, descData, url, website, logoHash, products and powerUps") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
function updateOrganizationsByIdOrg(string idOrg, Organizations payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload Organizations - Attributes of "Organizations" to be updated.
Delete organizations by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
function getOrganizationsActionsByIdOrg(string idOrg, string? entities, string? display, string filter, string fields, string 'limit, string format, string? since, string? before, string page, string? idModels, string? member, string memberFields, string? memberCreator, string membercreatorFields) returns Response|error
Get organizations actions by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- entities string? (default ()) - True or false
- display string? (default ()) - True or false
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- 'limit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- format string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- since string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- before string? (default ()) - A date, or null
- page string (default "0") - Page * limit must be less than 1000
- idModels string? (default ()) - Only return actions related to these model ids
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- memberCreator string? (default ()) - True or false
- membercreatorFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function getOrganizationsBoardsByIdOrg(string idOrg, string filter, string fields, string? actions, string? actionsEntities, string actionsLimit, string actionsFormat, string? actionsSince, string actionFields, string memberships, string? organization, string organizationFields, string lists) returns Response|error
Get organizations boards by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, members, open, organization, pinned, public, starred or unpinned
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- actionsEntities string? (default ()) - True or false
- actionsLimit string (default "50") - A number from 0 to 1000
- actionsFormat string (default "list") - One of: count, list or minimal
- actionsSince string? (default ()) - A date, null or lastView
- actionFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: data, date, idMemberCreator or type
- memberships string (default "none") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- organization string? (default ()) - True or false
- organizationFields string (default "name and displayName") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- lists string (default "none") - One of: all, closed, none or open
Get organizations boards by ID org by filter
function getOrganizationsDeltasByIdOrg(string idOrg, string tags, string ixLastUpdate) returns Response|error
Get organizations deltas by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- tags string - A valid tag for subscribing
- ixLastUpdate string - A number from -1 to Infinity
function updateOrganizationsDescByIdOrg(string idOrg, OrganizationsDesc payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations desc by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload OrganizationsDesc - Attributes of "Organizations Desc" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsDisplayNameByIdOrg(string idOrg, OrganizationsDisplayname payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations display name by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload OrganizationsDisplayname - Attributes of "Organizations Display Name" to be updated.
function addOrganizationsLogoByIdOrg(string idOrg, OrganizationsLogo payload) returns Response|error
Add organizations logo by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload OrganizationsLogo - Attributes of "Organizations Logo" to be added.
Delete organizations logo by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
function getOrganizationsMembersByIdOrg(string idOrg, string filter, string fields, string? activity) returns Response|error
Get organizations members by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- filter string (default "all") - One of: admins, all, none, normal or owners
- fields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- activity string? (default ()) - True or false ; works for premium organizations only.
function updateOrganizationsMembersByIdOrg(string idOrg, OrganizationsMembers payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations members by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload OrganizationsMembers - Attributes of "Organizations Members" to be updated.
Get organizations members by ID org by filter
function updateOrganizationsMembersByIdOrgByIdMember(string idOrg, string idMember, OrganizationsMembers payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations members by ID org by ID member
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- idMember string - IdMember
- payload OrganizationsMembers - Attributes of "Organizations Members" to be updated.
function deleteOrganizationsMembersByIdOrgByIdMember(string idOrg, string idMember) returns Response|error
Delete organizations members by ID org by ID member
function deleteOrganizationsMembersAllByIdOrgByIdMember(string idOrg, string idMember) returns Response|error
Delete organizations members all by ID org by ID member
function getOrganizationsMembersCardsByIdOrgByIdMember(string idOrg, string idMember, string? actions, string? attachments, string attachmentFields, string? members, string memberFields, string? checkItemStates, string checklists, string? board, string boardFields, string? list, string listFields, string filter, string fields) returns Response|error
Get organizations members cards by ID org by ID member
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- idMember string - IdMember
- actions string? (default ()) - All or a comma-separated list of: addAttachmentToCard, addChecklistToCard, addMemberToBoard, addMemberToCard, addMemberToOrganization, addToOrganizationBoard, commentCard, convertToCardFromCheckItem, copyBoard, copyCard, copyCommentCard, createBoard, createCard, createList, createOrganization, deleteAttachmentFromCard, deleteBoardInvitation, deleteCard, deleteOrganizationInvitation, disablePowerUp, emailCard, enablePowerUp, makeAdminOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfBoard, makeNormalMemberOfOrganization, makeObserverOfBoard, memberJoinedTrello, moveCardFromBoard, moveCardToBoard, moveListFromBoard, moveListToBoard, removeChecklistFromCard, removeFromOrganizationBoard, removeMemberFromCard, unconfirmedBoardInvitation, unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation, updateBoard, updateCard, updateCard:closed, updateCard:desc, updateCard:idList, updateCard:name, updateCheckItemStateOnCard, updateChecklist, updateList, updateList:closed, updateList:name, updateMember or updateOrganization
- attachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- attachmentFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: bytes, date, edgeColor, idMember, isUpload, mimeType, name, previews or url
- members string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- checkItemStates string? (default ()) - True or false
- checklists string (default "none") - One of: all or none
- board string? (default ()) - True or false
- boardFields string (default "name, desc, closed, idOrganization, pinned, url and prefs") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- list string? (default ()) - True or false
- listFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, idBoard, name, pos or subscribed
- filter string (default "visible") - One of: all, closed, none, open or visible
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
function updateOrganizationsMembersDeactivatedByIdOrgByIdMember(string idOrg, string idMember, OrganizationsMembersDeactivated payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations members deactivated by ID org by ID member
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- idMember string - IdMember
- payload OrganizationsMembersDeactivated - Attributes of "Organizations Members Deactivated" to be updated.
Get organizations members invited by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- fields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, avatarSource, bio, bioData, confirmed, email, fullName, gravatarHash, idBoards, idBoardsPinned, idOrganizations, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, loginTypes, memberType, oneTimeMessagesDismissed, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, status, status, trophies, uploadedAvatarHash, url or username
function getOrganizationsMembersInvitedByIdOrgByField(string idOrg, string 'field) returns Response|error
Get organizations members invited by ID org by field
function getOrganizationsMembershipsByIdOrg(string idOrg, string filter, string? member, string memberFields) returns Response|error
Get organizations memberships by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- filter string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: active, admin, deactivated, me or normal
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function getOrganizationsMembershipsByIdOrgByIdMembership(string idOrg, string idMembership, string? member, string memberFields) returns Response|error
Get organizations memberships by ID org by ID membership
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- idMembership string - IdMembership
- member string? (default ()) - True or false
- memberFields string (default "fullName and username") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
function updateOrganizationsMembershipsByIdOrgByIdMembership(string idOrg, string idMembership, OrganizationsMemberships payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations memberships by ID org by ID membership
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- idMembership string - IdMembership
- payload OrganizationsMemberships - Attributes of "Organizations Memberships" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsNameByIdOrg(string idOrg, OrganizationsName payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations name by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload OrganizationsName - Attributes of "Organizations Name" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsPrefsAssociatedDomainByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsAssociateddomain payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs associated domain by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsAssociateddomain - Attributes of "Prefs Associated Domain" to be updated.
Delete organizations prefs associated domain by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
function updateOrganizationsPrefsBoardVisibilityRestrictOrgByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsBoardvisibilityrestrict payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs board visibility restrict org by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsBoardvisibilityrestrict - Attributes of "Prefs Board Visibility Restrict" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsPrefsBoardVisibilityRestrictPrivateByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsBoardvisibilityrestrict payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs board visibility restrict private by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsBoardvisibilityrestrict - Attributes of "Prefs Board Visibility Restrict" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsPrefsBoardVisibilityRestrictPublicByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsBoardvisibilityrestrict payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs board visibility restrict public by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsBoardvisibilityrestrict - Attributes of "Prefs Board Visibility Restrict" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsPrefsExternalMembersDisabledByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsExternalmembersdisabled payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs external members disabled by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsExternalmembersdisabled - Attributes of "Prefs External Members Disabled" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsPrefsGoogleAppsVersionByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsGoogleappsversion payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs google apps version by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsGoogleappsversion - Attributes of "Prefs Google Apps Version" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsPrefsOrgInviteRestrictByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsOrginviterestrict payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs org invite restrict by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsOrginviterestrict - Attributes of "Prefs Org Invite Restrict" to be updated.
function deleteOrganizationsPrefsOrgInviteRestrictByIdOrg(string idOrg, string value) returns Response|error
Delete organizations prefs org invite restrict by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- value string - An email address with optional expansion tokens
function updateOrganizationsPrefsPermissionLevelByIdOrg(string idOrg, PrefsPermissionlevel payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations prefs permission level by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload PrefsPermissionlevel - Attributes of "Prefs Permission Level" to be updated.
function updateOrganizationsWebsiteByIdOrg(string idOrg, OrganizationsWebsite payload) returns Response|error
Update organizations website by ID org
- idOrg string - IdOrg or name
- payload OrganizationsWebsite - Attributes of "Organizations Website" to be updated.
Get organizations by ID org by field
function getSearch(string query, string idOrganizations, string idBoards, string? idCards, string modelTypes, string boardFields, string boardsLimit, string cardFields, string cardsLimit, string cardsPage, string? cardBoard, string? cardList, string? cardMembers, string? cardStickers, string? cardAttachments, string organizationFields, string organizationsLimit, string memberFields, string membersLimit, string? partial) returns Response|error
Get search
- query string - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- idOrganizations string - A comma-separated list of objectIds, 24-character hex strings
- idBoards string (default "mine") - A comma-separated list of objectIds, 24-character hex strings
- idCards string? (default ()) - A comma-separated list of objectIds, 24-character hex strings
- modelTypes string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: actions, boards, cards, members or organizations
- boardFields string (default "name and idOrganization") - All or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl, starred, subscribed or url
- boardsLimit string (default "10") - A number from 1 to 1000
- cardFields string (default "all") - All or a comma-separated list of: badges, checkItemStates, closed, dateLastActivity, desc, descData, due, email, idAttachmentCover, idBoard, idChecklists, idLabels, idList, idMembers, idMembersVoted, idShort, labels, manualCoverAttachment, name, pos, shortLink, shortUrl, subscribed or url
- cardsLimit string (default "10") - A number from 1 to 1000
- cardsPage string (default "0") - A number from 0 to 100
- cardBoard string? (default ()) - True or false
- cardList string? (default ()) - True or false
- cardMembers string? (default ()) - True or false
- cardStickers string? (default ()) - True or false
- cardAttachments string? (default ()) - A boolean value or "cover" for only card cover attachments
- organizationFields string (default "name and displayName") - All or a comma-separated list of: billableMemberCount, desc, descData, displayName, idBoards, invitations, invited, logoHash, memberships, name, powerUps, prefs, premiumFeatures, products, url or website
- organizationsLimit string (default "10") - A number from 1 to 1000
- memberFields string (default "avatarHash, fullName, initials, username and confirmed") - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- membersLimit string (default "10") - A number from 1 to 1000
- partial string? (default ()) - True or false
function getSearchMembers(string query, string 'limit, string? idBoard, string? idOrganization, string? onlyOrgMembers) returns Response|error
Get search members
- query string - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- 'limit string (default "8") - A number from 1 to 20
- idBoard string? (default ()) - An ID, or null
- idOrganization string? (default ()) - An ID, or null
- onlyOrgMembers string? (default ()) - A boolean
Add sessions
- payload Sessions - Attributes of "Sessions" to be added.
Get sessions socket
Update sessions by ID session
function updateSessionsStatusByIdSession(string idSession, SessionsStatus payload) returns Response|error
Update sessions status by ID session
- idSession string - IdSession
- payload SessionsStatus - Attributes of "Sessions Status" to be updated.
Get types by ID
- iD string - ID
trello: Actions
- text string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: ActionsComments
- text string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: ActionsText
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: ApiKeysConfig
Provides API key configurations needed when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- 'key string - Represents API Key
- token string - Represents API Key
trello: Boards
- closed string? - True or false
- desc string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- idBoardSource string? - The ID of the board to copy into the new board
- idOrganization string? - The ID or name of the organization to add the board to.
- keepFromSource string? - Components of the source board to copy.
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- powerUps string? - All or a comma-separated list of: calendar, cardAging, recap or voting
- prefs_background string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- prefs_cardAging string? - One of: pirate or regular
- prefs_cardCovers string? - True or false
- prefs_comments string? - One of: disabled, members, observers, org or public
- prefs_invitations string? - One of: admins or members
- prefs_permissionLevel string? - One of: org, private or public
- prefs_selfJoin string? - True or false
- prefs_voting string? - One of: disabled, members, observers, org or public
- subscribed string? - True or false
trello: BoardsChecklists
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: BoardsClosed
- value string? - True or false
trello: BoardsDesc
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: BoardsIdorganization
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: BoardsLabels
- color string? - A valid label color or null
- name string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: BoardsLists
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: BoardsMembers
- email string? - An email address
- fullName string? - A string with a length of at least 1. Cannot begin or end with a space.
- 'type string? - One of: admin, normal or observer
trello: BoardsMemberships
- member_fields string? - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- 'type string? - One of: admin, normal or observer
trello: BoardsName
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: BoardsPowerups
- value string? - One of: calendar, cardAging, recap or voting
trello: BoardsSubscribed
- value string? - True or false
trello: Cards
- closed string? - True or false
- desc string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- due string? - A date, or null
- fileSource string? - A file
- idAttachmentCover string? - ID of the image attachment of this card to use as its cover, or null for no cover
- idBoard string? - ID of the board the card should be moved to
- idCardSource string? - The ID of the card to copy into a new card.
- idLabels string? - A comma-separated list of objectIds, 24-character hex strings
- idList string? - ID of the list that the card should be added to
- idMembers string? - A comma-separated list of objectIds, 24-character hex strings
- keepFromSource string? - Properties of the card to copy over from the source.
- labels string? - All or a comma-separated list of: blue, green, orange, purple, red or yellow
- name string? - The name of the new card. It isn't required if the name is being copied from provided by a URL, file or card that is being copied.
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
- subscribed string? - True or false
- urlSource string? - A URL starting with http:// or https:// or null
trello: CardsActionsComments
- text string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: CardsAttachments
- file string? - A file
- mimeType string? - A string with a length from 0 to 256
- name string? - A string with a length from 0 to 256
- url string? - A URL starting with http:// or https:// or null
trello: CardsChecklistCheckitem
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: CardsChecklistCheckitemName
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: CardsChecklistCheckitemPos
- value string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: CardsChecklistCheckitemState
- value string? - One of: complete, false, incomplete or true
trello: CardsChecklistIdchecklistcurrentCheckitem
- idChecklist string? - An ID, or null
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
- state string? - One of: complete, false, incomplete or true
trello: CardsChecklists
- idChecklistSource string? - The ID of the source checklist to copy into a new checklist.
- name string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- value string? - The ID of the checklist to add to the card, or null to create a new one.
trello: CardsClosed
- value string? - True or false
trello: CardsDesc
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: CardsDue
- value string? - A date, or null
trello: CardsIdattachmentcover
- value string? - ID of the image attachment of this card to use as its cover, or null for no cover
trello: CardsIdboard
- idList string? - ID of the list that the card should be moved to on the new board
- value string? - ID of the board the card should be moved to
trello: CardsIdlabels
- value string? - The ID of the label to add
trello: CardsIdlist
- value string? - ID of the list the card should be moved to
trello: CardsIdmembers
- value string? - The ID of the member to add to the card
trello: CardsLabels
- color string? - A valid label color or null
- name string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- value string? - All or a comma-separated list of: blue, green, orange, purple, red or yellow
trello: CardsMembersvoted
- value string? - The ID of the member to vote 'yes' on the card
trello: CardsName
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: CardsPos
- value string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: CardsStickers
- image string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- left string? - Undefined
- rotate string? - Undefined
- top string? - Undefined
- zIndex string? - Valid Z values for stickers, must be an integer
trello: CardsSubscribed
- value string? - True or false
trello: Checklists
- idBoard string? - ID of the board that the checklist should be added to
- idCard string? - ID of the card that the checklist should be added to
- idChecklistSource string? - The ID of the source checklist to copy into a new checklist.
- name string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: ChecklistsCheckitems
- checked string? - True or false
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: ChecklistsIdcard
- value string? - The ID of the card that the checklist is on
trello: ChecklistsName
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: ChecklistsPos
- value string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: LabelnamesBlue
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: LabelnamesGreen
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: LabelnamesOrange
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: LabelnamesPurple
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: LabelnamesRed
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: LabelnamesYellow
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: Labels
- color string? - A valid label color or null
- idBoard string? - An ID
- name string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: LabelsColor
- value string? - A valid label color or null
trello: LabelsName
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: Lists
- closed string? - True or false
- idBoard string? - ID of the board that the list should be added to
- idListSource string? - The ID of the list to copy into a new list.
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
- subscribed string? - True or false
trello: ListsCards
- desc string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- due string? - A date, or null
- idMembers string? - A comma-separated list of objectIds, 24-character hex strings
- labels string? - All or a comma-separated list of: blue, green, orange, purple, red or yellow
- name string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: ListsClosed
- value string? - True or false
trello: ListsIdboard
- pos string? - Position of the list on the new board
- value string? - ID of the board the list should be moved to
trello: ListsMoveallcards
- idBoard string? - ID of the board that the cards should be moved to
trello: ListsName
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: ListsPos
- value string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: ListsSubscribed
- value string? - True or false
trello: Members
- avatarSource string? - One of: gravatar, none or upload
- bio string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- fullName string? - A string with a length of at least 1. Cannot begin or end with a space.
- initials string? - A string with a length from 1 to 4. Cannot begin or end with a space
- username string? - A string with a length of at least 3. Only lowercase letters, underscores, and numbers are allowed. Must be unique.
trello: MembersAvatar
- file string? - A file
trello: MembersAvatarsource
- value string? - One of: gravatar, none or upload
trello: MembersBio
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: MembersBoardbackgrounds
- brightness string? - One of: dark, light or unknown
- file string? - A file
- tile string? - True or false
trello: MembersBoardstars
- idBoard string? - The ID of the board to star
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: MembersBoardstarsIdboard
- value string? - An ID
trello: MembersBoardstarsPos
- value string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: MembersCustomboardbackgrounds
- brightness string? - One of: dark, light or unknown
- file string? - A file
- tile string? - True or false
trello: MembersCustomemoji
- file string? - A file
- name string? - A string with a length from 2 to 64
trello: MembersCustomstickers
- file string? - A file
trello: MembersFullname
- value string? - A string with a length of at least 1. Cannot begin or end with a space.
trello: MembersInitials
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 4. Cannot begin or end with a space
trello: MembersOnetimemessagesdismissed
- value string? - Type of message dismissed
trello: MembersSavedsearches
- name string? - A non-empty string with at least one non-space character
- pos string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
- query string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: MembersSavedsearchesName
- value string? - A non-empty string with at least one non-space character
trello: MembersSavedsearchesPos
- value string? - A position. top , bottom , or a positive number.
trello: MembersSavedsearchesQuery
- value string? - A string with a length from 1 to 16384
trello: MembersUsername
- value string? - A string with a length of at least 3. Only lowercase letters, underscores, and numbers are allowed. Must be unique.
trello: MyprefsEmailposition
- value string? - One of: bottom or top
trello: MyprefsIdemaillist
- value string? - An ID
trello: MyprefsShowlistguide
- value string? - True or false
trello: MyprefsShowsidebar
- value string? - True or false
trello: MyprefsShowsidebaractivity
- value string? - True or false
trello: MyprefsShowsidebarboardactions
- value string? - True or false
trello: MyprefsShowsidebarmembers
- value string? - True or false
trello: Notifications
- unread string? - True or false
trello: NotificationsUnread
- value string? - True or false
trello: Organizations
- desc string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- displayName string? - A string with a length of at least 1. Cannot begin or end with a space.
- name string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- website string? - A URL starting with http:// or https:// or null
trello: OrganizationsDesc
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: OrganizationsDisplayname
- value string? - A string with a length of at least 1. Cannot begin or end with a space.
trello: OrganizationsLogo
- file string? - A file
trello: OrganizationsMembers
- email string? - An email address
- fullName string? - A string with a length of at least 1. Cannot begin or end with a space.
- 'type string? - One of: admin, normal or observer
trello: OrganizationsMembersDeactivated
- value string? - True or false
trello: OrganizationsMemberships
- member_fields string? - All or a comma-separated list of: avatarHash, bio, bioData, confirmed, fullName, idPremOrgsAdmin, initials, memberType, products, status, url or username
- 'type string? - One of: admin, normal or observer
trello: OrganizationsName
- value string? - A string with a length of at least 3. Only lowercase letters, underscores, and numbers are allowed. Must be unique.
trello: OrganizationsWebsite
- value string? - A URL starting with http:// or https:// or null
trello: PrefsAssociateddomain
- value string? - The google apps domain to link this org to.
trello: PrefsBackground
- value string? - A standard background name, or the ID of a custom background
trello: PrefsBoardvisibilityrestrict
- value string? - One of: admin, none or org
trello: PrefsCalendarfeedenabled
- value string? - True or false
trello: PrefsCardaging
- value string? - One of: pirate or regular
trello: PrefsCardcovers
- value string? - True or false
trello: PrefsColorblind
- value string? - True or false
trello: PrefsComments
- value string? - One of: disabled, members, observers, org or public
trello: PrefsExternalmembersdisabled
- value string? - True or false
trello: PrefsGoogleappsversion
- value string? - A number from 1 to 2
trello: PrefsInvitations
- value string? - One of: admins or members
trello: PrefsLocale
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 255
trello: PrefsMinutesbetweensummaries
- value string? - -1 (disabled), 1 or 60
trello: PrefsOrginviterestrict
- value string? - An email address with optional expansion tokens
trello: PrefsPermissionlevel
- value string? - One of: private or public
trello: PrefsSelfjoin
- value string? - True or false
trello: PrefsVoting
- value string? - One of: disabled, members, observers, org or public
trello: Sessions
- idBoard string? - The ID of the board you're viewing. Boards with no viewers will not get updates about members' statuses.
- status string? - One of: active, disconnected or idle
trello: SessionsStatus
- value string? - One of: active, disconnected or idle
trello: TokensWebhooks
- callbackURL string? - A valid URL that is reachable with a HEAD request
- description string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- idModel string? - ID of the model to be monitored
trello: Webhooks
- active string? - True or false
- callbackURL string? - A valid URL that is reachable with a HEAD request
- description string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
- idModel string? - ID of the model that should be hooked
trello: WebhooksActive
- value string? - True or false
trello: WebhooksCallbackurl
- value string? - A valid URL that is reachable with a HEAD request
trello: WebhooksDescription
- value string? - A string with a length from 0 to 16384
trello: WebhooksIdmodel
- value string? - ID of the model to be monitored
import ballerinax/trello;
Released date: about 3 years ago
Version: 1.2.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.0.0
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2059
Current verison: 1536
Weekly downloads
Productivity/Task Management