Module opendesign

ballerinax/opendesign Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Open Design REST API v0.3.4 OpenAPI specification.
Open Design read and display data from designs using code. Unlock the power of programmatic design.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a Open Design account account
- Obtain tokens by following this guide.
To use the Brex Onboarding connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/opendesign
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/opendesign;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
Create a opendesign:ClientConfig
with the <JWT_TOKEN>
obtained, and initialize the connector with it.
opendesign:ClientConfig clientConfig = { authConfig : { token: <JWT_TOKEN> } }; opendesign:Client baseClient = check new Client(clientConfig);
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.
Following is an example on test if your token is valid using the connector.
public function main() { opendesign:InlineResponse200|error response = baseClient->checkToken(); if (response is opendesign:InlineResponse200) { log:printInfo(response.toString()); } else { log:printError(response.message()); } }
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
opendesign: Client
This is a generated connector for Open Design REST API v0.3.4 OpenAPI specification. Open Design read and display data from designs using code. Unlock the power of programmatic design.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a Open Design account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ClientConfig clientConfig, string serviceUrl)
- clientConfig ClientConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
function checkToken() returns InlineResponse200|error
Auth Token Check
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Returns info about the token.
function postDesignUpload(DesignsUploadBody payload) returns InlineResponse201|error
Design File Upload
- payload DesignsUploadBody - Upload information
Return Type
- InlineResponse201|error - Returns the created design entity.
function postDesignLink(DesignsLinkBody payload) returns InlineResponse201|error
URL-Based Design File Import
- payload DesignsLinkBody - Design link information
Return Type
- InlineResponse201|error - Returns the created design entity.
function postDesignFigmaLink(DesignsFigmalinkBody payload) returns InlineResponse2011|error
Figma Design File Import
- payload DesignsFigmalinkBody - Figma design information
Return Type
- InlineResponse2011|error - Returns the created design entity or its processing status (in case a export was requested).
function getDesignList() returns InlineResponse2001|error
Design List
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Returns a list of design entities
function getDesign(string designId) returns DesignProcessing|InlineResponse2002|error
Design Info
- designId string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
Return Type
- DesignProcessing|InlineResponse2002|error - Returns the design entity or its processing status.
function postDesignExport(string designId, DesignIdExportsBody payload) returns DesignExport|error
Start Design Export
- designId string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
- payload DesignIdExportsBody - Design export target
Return Type
- DesignExport|error - Returns the started design export task entity.
function getDesignExport(string designId, string exportId) returns DesignExport|error
Design Export Info
- designId string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
- exportId string - An identifier of a export task of an imported design file.
Return Type
- DesignExport|error - Returns the design export task entity.
function getDesignSummary(string designId) returns DesignProcessing|InlineResponse2003|error
Design Summary
- designId string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
Return Type
- DesignProcessing|InlineResponse2003|error - Returns an extended design entity with the complete page and artboard entity lists or the processing status of the design.
function getDesignPageList(string designId) returns InlineResponse2004|error
Page List
- designId string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2004|error - Returns a page entity list.
function getDesignArtboardList(string designId) returns InlineResponse2005|error
Artboard List
- designId string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2005|error - Returns a artboard entity list.
opendesign: Artboard
- id ArtboardId - An identifier of an artboard within a design file.
- page_id string? - The design file page containing the artboard in case of paged (
) designs.
- name string - The name of the design file artboard.
- status ArtboardStatusEnum - The processing status of an artboard within a design file.
- has_content boolean - Flag denoting there is content in the design file artboard and the client can obtain it via a GET
opendesign: ArtboardContentNotFoundError
The specified artboard does not have any content.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: ArtboardNotFoundError
The specified artboard is not present in the design file.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: ClientConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion string(default "1.1") - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings(default {}) - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings(default {}) - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- followRedirects FollowRedirects?(default ()) - Configurations associated with Redirection
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration?(default ()) - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig(default {}) - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with retrying
- cookieConfig CookieConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with cookies
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs(default {}) - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket?(default ()) - SSL/TLS-related options
opendesign: Design
A design file descriptor
- id string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
- name string - The name of the design.
- format DesignFormatEnum - The design file format.
- created_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the design file was imported.
- completed_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the processing of the design file successfully finished.
- status DesignStatusEnum - The processing status of the design file.
- has_pages boolean - Flag denoting there are pages in the design file and the client can obtain the page list via a GET
opendesign: DesignArtboardProcessing
A descriptor of a design artboard which is being processed.
- id ArtboardId - An identifier of an artboard within a design file.
- design_id DesignId - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
- status ArtboardStatusEnum - The processing status of an artboard within a design file.
opendesign: DesignExport
- id string - An identifier of a export task of an imported design file.
- created_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the design export started.
- completed_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the design export successfully finished.
- status DesignExportStatusEnum - The processing status of the design file export task.
- result_format DesignExportTargetFormatEnum - The target design file format of a export. (Only Sketch is supported currently.)
- result_url string - The URL of the produced design file in the
format when the export is successfully finished.
opendesign: DesignExportNotFoundError
The specified design file export task is not found.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: DesignIdExportsBody
- format DesignExportTargetFormatEnum - The target design file format of a export. (Only Sketch is supported currently.)
opendesign: DesignNotFoundError
The specified design file is not found.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: DesignNotPagedError
The specified design file is not paged (has_pages=false
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: DesignNotProcessedError
The provided file format is not valid or supported.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: DesignProcessing
A descriptor of a design file which is being processed.
- id string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
- status DesignStatusEnum - The processing status of the design file.
opendesign: DesignsFigmalinkBody
- design_name string? - Name of the design.
- figma_token string - An access token from Figma.
- figma_filekey string - ID of the file in Figma.
- figma_ids FigmaFrameId[]? - Frame IDs to sync. When not specified, all frames are included.
- exports DesignsfigmalinkExports[]? - Design file exports to intiate automatically with the import. (Only Sketch is supported currently as the target format.)
opendesign: DesignsfigmalinkExports
- format DesignExportTargetFormatEnum - The target design file format of a export. (Only Sketch is supported currently.)
opendesign: DesignsLinkBody
- url string - A publicly accessible URL of the design file to import.
- format DesignImportFormatEnum? - The design file format. (This is not needed when the format can be inferred from the file extension.)
- design_name string? - Name of the design. (When no name is provided, the server infers the name from the URL.)
opendesign: DesignSummary
- pages Page[]? - The list of pages within the paged (
) design file.
- artboards Artboard[] - The list of artboards within the design file.
- id string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
- name string - The name of the design.
- format DesignFormatEnum - The design file format.
- created_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the design file was imported.
- completed_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the processing of the design file successfully finished.
- status DesignStatusEnum - The processing status of the design file.
- has_pages boolean - Flag denoting there are pages in the design file and the client can obtain the page list via a GET
opendesign: DesignsUploadBody
- file MultipartFilePart - A multipart file upload field.
- format DesignImportFormatEnum? - The design file format. (This is not needed when the format can be inferred from the file extension.)
opendesign: FigmaDesign
A descriptor of a figma design file
- format string - Design format
- id string - A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
- name string - The name of the design.
- created_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the design file was imported.
- completed_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the processing of the design file successfully finished.
- status DesignStatusEnum - The processing status of the design file.
- has_pages boolean - Flag denoting there are pages in the design file and the client can obtain the page list via a GET
opendesign: InactiveAccountError
The auth token provided via the Authorization
HTTP header is associated with an account which is either expired or blocked.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: InlineResponse200
- expires_at int - UTC timestamp (in milliseconds) when the provided token expires.
opendesign: InlineResponse2001
- designs Design[] - List of design entities
opendesign: InlineResponse2004
- pages Page[] - The list of pages within the paged (
) design file.
opendesign: InlineResponse2005
- artboards Artboard[] - The list of artboards within the design file.
opendesign: InlineResponse201
A design file descriptor
- design Design - A design file descriptor
opendesign: InlineResponse2011
- design FigmaDesign|DesignProcessing -
- exports DesignExport[] - Inititated design file exports for the import.
opendesign: InlineResponse400
- _error InvalidInputError - Some of the input parameters are invalid or missing.
opendesign: InlineResponse4001
opendesign: InlineResponse4002
opendesign: InlineResponse4003
opendesign: InlineResponse4004
opendesign: InlineResponse401
- _error AuthTokenError -
opendesign: InlineResponse404
- _error DesignNotFoundError - The specified design file is not found.
opendesign: InlineResponse4041
opendesign: InlineResponse4042
- _error DesignNotFoundError|ArtboardNotFoundError -
opendesign: InlineResponse406
- _error DesignNotPagedError - The specified design file is not paged (
opendesign: InlineResponse429
- _error RateLimitReachedError - The rate limit for the operation has been reached.
opendesign: InlineResponse500
- _error ServerError -
opendesign: InvalidAuthTokenError
The auth token provided via the Authorization
HTTP header is not valid.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: InvalidFormatError
The provided file format is not valid or supported.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: InvalidHeaderError
A required HTTP header is either not provided of invalid.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: InvalidInputError
Some of the input parameters are invalid or missing.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: InvalidUploadFileFieldError
The multipart request contain the file data under the wrong field name.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: InvalidUploadLinkError
The provided file URL is not valid.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: MissingUploadFileError
The multipart request does not contain file data.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: MultipleDesignExportsError
The provided file format is not valid or supported.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: NoAuthTokenError
The endpoint requires an auth token provided via the Authorization
HTTP header.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: Page
- id PageId - An identifier of an page within a design file.
- name string -
- status PageStatusEnum - The processing status of a page within a design file.
opendesign: RateLimitReachedError
The rate limit for the operation has been reached.
- code string - Error code
- message string - Error message
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: ServerError
- code string - Error code
- message string? - A human-readable technical message of the error.
- docs_url ErrorDocsUrl? - The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
Union types
opendesign: AuthTokenError
opendesign: InlineResponse2002
opendesign: InlineResponse2003
Descriptor for a design
String types
opendesign: ArtboardId
An identifier of an artboard within a design file.
opendesign: ArtboardStatusEnum
The processing status of an artboard within a design file.
opendesign: DesignExportStatusEnum
The processing status of the design file export task.
opendesign: DesignExportTargetFormatEnum
The target design file format of a export. (Only Sketch is supported currently.)
opendesign: DesignFormatEnum
The design file format.
opendesign: DesignId
A unique identifier (UUID) of an imported design file.
opendesign: DesignImportFormatEnum
The design file format. (This is not needed when the format can be inferred from the file extension.)
opendesign: DesignStatusEnum
The processing status of the design file.
opendesign: ErrorDocsUrl
The URL of a documentation web page with more info about the error.
opendesign: FigmaFrameId
An identifier of a "frame" component within a Figma file.
opendesign: MultipartFilePart
A multipart file upload field.
opendesign: PageId
An identifier of an page within a design file.
opendesign: PageStatusEnum
The processing status of a page within a design file.
import ballerinax/opendesign;
Released date: about 3 years ago
Version: 1.2.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.0.0
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads
Content & Files/Images & Design