Module iris.merchants
ballerinax/iris.merchants Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for IRIS Merchants API v1.6.4 OpenAPI specification.
Populate your data warehouse programmatically through this Merchants API and interact with your merchant services portfolio.
Data points include merchant demographics, deposits, transactions, retrievals, chargebacks, and statements across supported processors.
Each merchant account is accessible by users through a set of permissions controlled on the User Class level.
Segment your portfolio of merchants by filters such as processor, data source, and processing status.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a IRIS CRM account
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
To use the IRIS Merchants connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/iris.merchants
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/iris.merchants;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
Create a merchants:ApiKeysConfig
with the API key obtained, and initialize the connector with it.
merchants:ApiKeysConfig config = { xApiKey: "<API_KEY>" } merchants:Client baseClient = check new Client(config);
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.
Following is an example on how to get a list of merchants using the connector.
Get a list of merchants
public function main() returns error? { merchants:InlineResponse200 response = check baseClient->getMerchants(); log:printInfo(response.toString()); }
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
iris.merchants: Client
This is a generated connector for IRIS Merchants API v1.6.4 OpenAPI specification.
Populate your data warehouse programmatically through this Merchants API and interact with your merchant services portfolio.
Data points include merchant demographics, deposits, transactions, retrievals, chargebacks, and statements across supported processors.
Each merchant account is accessible by users through a set of permissions controlled on the User Class level.
Segment your portfolio of merchants by filters such as processor, data source, and processing status.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a IRIS account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ApiKeysConfig apiKeyConfig, string serviceUrl, ConnectionConfig config)
- apiKeyConfig ApiKeysConfig - API keys for authorization
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
- config ConnectionConfig {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
function getMerchants(int? page, int? perPage, string? sortBy, string sortDir, string? group, string? processor, string? datasource, string? mid, string? name, string? vim, string? active, string? status, string? dateFilter, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns InlineResponse200|error
Get a list of merchants
- page int? (default ()) - Page number
- perPage int? (default ()) - Count of records per page
- sortBy string? (default ()) - Sorting of merchants by the field value
- sortDir string (default "asc") - Direction of sorting
- group string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a group name
- processor string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a processor name
- datasource string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a data source name
- mid string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a partial merchant number
- name string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a partial merchant name
- vim string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a merchant vim field
- active string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a merchant active field
- status string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a merchant status field
- dateFilter string? (default ()) - Filter merchants by a merchant specific date field
- startDate string? (default ()) - Start date for date_filter filter in format ISO 8601 for created and modified properties (Please note that
sign should be encoded to%2B
), for others properties you should use simple date format (Y-m-d).
- endDate string? (default ()) - End date for date_filter filter in format ISO 8601 for created and modified properties (Please note that
sign should be encoded to%2B
), for others properties you should use simple date format (Y-m-d)
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - A JSON array of merchants
function getMerchantInformation(int merchantNumber) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Get detailed merchant information
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Detailed merchant account information
function updateMerchantInformation(int merchantNumber, MerchantsMerchantnumberBody payload) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Update an existing merchant
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
- payload MerchantsMerchantnumberBody - Merchant changes (send only fields you want to change)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2002|error - Merchant has been updated successfully
function getDepositRecords(int merchantNumber, int year, int month, int day, string? endDate) returns InlineResponse2003|error
Get a list of deposits records and totals
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
- year int - Start deposits year
- month int - Start deposits month
- day int - Start deposits day.
- endDate string? (default ()) - Filter deposits by a date in format Y-m-d. Should be no more than 90 days from the start date.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2003|error - A list of deposits
function getBatches(int merchantNumber, int? page, int? perPage, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns InlineResponse2004|error
Get a list of batches and transactions
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
- page int? (default ()) - Page number
- perPage int? (default ()) - Count of records per page
- startDate string? (default ()) - Filter batches by a date (Y-m-d)
- endDate string? (default ()) - Filter batches by a date (Y-m-d)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2004|error - A list of batches and transactions
function getChargebacks(int merchantNumber, int? page, int? perPage, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns InlineResponse2005|error
Get a list of chargeback cases
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
- page int? (default ()) - Page number
- perPage int? (default ()) - Count of records per page
- startDate string? (default ()) - Filter batches by a date (Y-m-d)
- endDate string? (default ()) - Filter batches by a date (Y-m-d)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2005|error - A list of chargeback cases
function getChargebackCaseInformation(int merchantNumber, string caseNumber) returns ChargebackReplyResponse|error
Get detailed chargeback case information
Return Type
- ChargebackReplyResponse|error - Chargeback detail information
function getRetrievalCases(int merchantNumber, int? page, int? perPage, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns InlineResponse2006|error
Get a list of retrieval cases
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
- page int? (default ()) - Page number
- perPage int? (default ()) - Count of records per page
- startDate string? (default ()) - Filter batches by a date (Y-m-d)
- endDate string? (default ()) - Filter batches by a date (Y-m-d)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2006|error - A list of retrieval cases
function getDetailedRetrievalCaseInformation(int merchantNumber, string caseNumber) returns RetrievalsReplyResponse|error
Get detailed retrieval case information
Return Type
- RetrievalsReplyResponse|error - A list of retrieval cases
function getStatements(int merchantNumber, int? page, int? perPage) returns InlineResponse2007|error
Get a list of statements
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
- page int? (default ()) - Page number
- perPage int? (default ()) - Count of records per page
Return Type
- InlineResponse2007|error - A list of statements
Download a statement
function uploadAttachment(string filename) returns InlineResponse2008|error
Upload an attachment to a chargeback or retrieval dispute case
- filename string - File name for validation
Return Type
- InlineResponse2008|error - Document
function downloadChargebackCaseFiles(int merchantNumber, int caseNumber, int fileId) returns DisputeFile[]|error
Download chargeback case files
- merchantNumber int - Merchant number
- caseNumber int - Chargeback case number
- fileId int - File Id (leave empty to get all case files)
Return Type
- DisputeFile[]|error - Files
iris.merchants: AdjustmentsInner
- date string? - Adjustment date
- 'type string? - Adjustment type
- amount string? - Adjustment amount
iris.merchants: ApiKeysConfig
Provides API key configurations needed when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- xApiKey string - Represents API Key
iris.merchants: ApiUpdated
- hook ApiupdatedHook? -
- data ApiupdatedData? -
iris.merchants: ApiupdatedData
- 'version string? - Version number
- update string? - Should users do an update of their API clients functional
- details ApiupdatedDataDetails[]? -
- createdAt string? - Date and time of creation (ISO 8601)
iris.merchants: ApiupdatedDataDetails
- description string? - Description of update
- link string? - Link to endpoint documentation
- 'type string? - Type of API update
iris.merchants: ApiupdatedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: ApplicationField
- id int? - Application field Id
- 'from int - Application field from field Id
- 'record int? - Application field record
- to string? - Name of mapped field
- toAlt string? - Alt of mapped field
- toType string? - Type of mapped field
- special string? - Special type of mapped field
- info ApplicationfieldInfo[]? -
iris.merchants: ApplicationfieldDuplicates
- instance int? - Activity Id
- left int? - Padding from left
- right int? - Padding from right
- top int? - Padding from top
- bottom int? - Padding from bottom
- height int? - Height of field
- width int? - Width of field
- page_number int? - Page number
iris.merchants: ApplicationfieldInfo
- field_name string? - Field name
- field_type string? - Field type
- left int? - Padding from left
- right int? - Padding from right
- top int? - Padding from top
- bottom int? - Padding from bottom
- field_height int? - Height of field
- field_width int? - Width of field
- page_number int? - Page number
- page_height int? - Page height
- page_width int? - Page width
- page_rotation int? - Page rotation
- export_value string? - Export value
- tooltip string? - Field tooltip
- duplicates ApplicationfieldDuplicates[]? -
iris.merchants: ApplicationSubscription
- id int? -
- title string? -
- group_id int? -
- group_name string? -
iris.merchants: BriefApplicationInfo
- id int? - Application Id
- name string? - Application name
- 'e\-sign string? - Is E-Sign available?
iris.merchants: BriefCampaignInfo
- id int? - Campaign Id
- name string? - Campaign name
iris.merchants: BriefCategoryInfo
- id int? - Status category Id
- name string? - Status category name
iris.merchants: BriefEmailTemplate
- id int? -
- title string? -
iris.merchants: BriefGroupInfo
- id int? - Group Id
- name string? - Group name
iris.merchants: BriefLeadInfo
- id int? - Lead Id
- mid int? - Lead merchant Id
- name string? - Lead name
- group BriefGroupInfo? -
- category BriefCategoryInfo? -
- status BriefStatusInfo? -
- campaign BriefCampaignInfo? -
- 'source BriefSourceInfo? -
- created string? - Lead creation date (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- modified string? - Lead modification date (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
iris.merchants: BriefMerchantInfo
- mid string? - Merchant number
- name string? - Merchant name
- opened string? - Merchant open date
- closed string? - Merchant closed date
- created string? - Merchant created date
- modified string? - Merchant modified date
- first_batch string? - Merchant first batch date
- last_batch string? - Merchant last batch date
- group string? - Group name
- processor string? - Processor name
- datasource string? - Data source name
- sic_code string? - SIC Code
- vim string? - Is VIM?
- deactivated string? - Merchant deactivation date
- status string? - Merchant status
- active string? - Merchant active flag
iris.merchants: BriefSmsTemplate
- id int? -
- title string? -
iris.merchants: BriefSourceInfo
- id int? - Source Id
- name string? - Source name
iris.merchants: BriefStatusInfo
- id int? - Status Id
- name string? - Status name
iris.merchants: BriefSubscriptionInfo
- id int? - Subscription Id
- url string - Subscription URL
- events string[] - Subscription Events
- options BriefsubscriptioninfoOptions? - Options for each event
- multiple_at_once boolean? - Report multiple items in one request
iris.merchants: BriefsubscriptioninfoOptions
Options for each event
- 'lead\.status\.updated BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadStatusUpdated? -
- 'lead\.created BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadCreated? -
- 'lead\.note\.added BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadNoteAdded? -
- 'lead\.document\.uploaded BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadDocumentUploaded? -
- 'lead\.email\.received BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadEmailReceived? -
iris.merchants: BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadCreated
- statuses int[]? - Statuses with which a created lead should be reported (any if not specified)
iris.merchants: BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadDocumentUploaded
- statuses int[]? - Statuses of leads whose uploaded documents should be reported (any if not specified)
iris.merchants: BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadEmailReceived
- statuses int[]? - Statuses of leads whose received emails should be reported (any if not specified)
iris.merchants: BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadNoteAdded
- statuses int[]? - Statuses of leads whose added notes should be reported (any if not specified)
iris.merchants: BriefsubscriptioninfoOptionsLeadStatusUpdated
- previousStatuses int[]? - Statuses from which a lead should be updated to report the update (any if not specified)
- newStatuses int[]? - Statuses to which a lead should be updated to report the update (any if not specified)
iris.merchants: BriefTabInfo
- id int? - Tab Id
- name string? - Tab name
iris.merchants: BriefTicketChecklistInfo
- id int? - Checklist item Id
- template_id int? - Checklist template Id
- name string? - Checklist item name
- index int? - Index in list
- required boolean? - Flag is checklist are required
- fileRequired boolean? - Flag is checklist file are required
- commentRequiredToDoneTicket boolean? - Flag is comment are required to resolve ticket
- commentRequiredToDoneItem boolean? - Flag is checklist are required to resolve checklist item
- commentedAt anydata? - Datetime when user have commented checklist item
- commentedBy int? - User Id of user who have commented checklist item
iris.merchants: BriefTicketComments
- id int? - Comment id
- ticketId int? - Ticket id
- comment string? - Comment text
- created string? - Comment created date
- createdBy int? - Comment creator id
- modified string? - Comment modified date
- modifiedBy int? - Id of user who left comment
- files File[]? -
- preview_images File[]? -
- merchantVisible boolean? - Indicates if the comment is visible to Merchant users
iris.merchants: BriefTicketInfo
- Fields Included from *Ticket
- id int
- subject string
- description string
- status TicketStatus
- type TicketType
- group TicketGroup
- priority TicketPriority
- lead_id int
- mid int
- merchantVisible boolean
- anydata...
- Fields Included from *TicketCreatedBlock
- modified string? - Ticket modified date
- modified_by int? - Id of user who made last change
- resolved string? - Ticket resolved date
- resolved_by int? - Id of user who made last change
- due_date string? - Ticket due date
- due string? - Ticket SLA
- only_business_days boolean? - Calculate only business days
- last_comment string? - Ticket last comment date
- files_count int? - Count of ticket files
iris.merchants: BriefTicketTypeInfo
- id int? - Ticket type id
- name string? - Ticket type name
- description string? - Ticket type description
- daysToResolve int? - Days to Resolve
- only_business_days boolean? - Calculate only business days
- status TicketStatus? -
- priority TicketPriority? -
- created string? - Ticket type created date
- createdBy int? - Ticket type creator id
- modified string? - Ticket type modified date
- modifiedBy int? - Id of user who made last change
- 'order int? - Ticket type order
- permissions int[]? -
- due_date string? - Ticket due date
- assignees BrieftickettypeinfoAssignees? -
iris.merchants: BrieftickettypeinfoAssignees
- everyTime int[]? -
- roundRobin int[]? -
iris.merchants: BriefTicketUsersInfo
- id int? - User id
- name string? - User name
- 'class string? - User class
iris.merchants: BriefUserInfo
- id int? - User Id
- name string? - User name
iris.merchants: BriefUserInfoWithClass
- id int? - User Id
- username string? - User username
- full_name string? - User name
- email string? - User email
- status string? - User status
- 'class string? - User class
iris.merchants: CampaignActivity
- id int? - Activity Id
- newValue string? - New value of activity
- assignedBy int? - User Id
- assignedAt string? - Assigned date (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
iris.merchants: CategoryWithStatuses
- id int? - Status category Id
- name string? - Status category name
- statuses BriefStatusInfo[]? -
iris.merchants: Chargeback
- id int? - Chargeback internal ID
- merchant_id string? - Merchant ID
- dba string? - Merchant DBA
- case_number string? - Case number
- chargeback_date string? - Chargeback date
- transaction_date string? - Transaction date
- respond_due string? - Respond due date
- amount string? - Amount
- original_amount string? - Original amount of transaction
- currency string? - Transaction currency
- reason string? - Chargeback reason
- reason_code string? - Chargeback reason code
- card_number string? - Cardholder number
- reply_form string? - Reply form type. Affects reply options.
- cycle_indicator string? - Chargeback cycle indicator
- transaction_id string? - Transaction ID
- reference_number string? - Transaction ID
- case_status string? - Case status
- case_status_description string? - Status description
- mcc string? - MCC code
- dispute_jurisdiction string? - Dispute jurisdiction
- card_product_type string? - Card product
- process_date string? - Process date
- transaction_method string? - Transaction method
- invoice_number string? - Invoice number
- microfilm_number string? - Microfilm number
- airline_ticket_number string? - Airline ticket number
- order_number string? - Order number
- tracking_number string? - Tracking number
- last_status_date string? - Date of the last status update
- updated_at string? - Date of the most recent update
- case_action string? - Case action
- action string? - Can the case be viewed of replied
- foreign_amount string? - Foreign amount of transaction
- transaction_locator string? - Transaction locator
- authorization_code string? - Authorization code
- 'type string? - Chargeback type
iris.merchants: ChargebackAdded
- hook ChargebackaddedHook? -
- data ChargebackaddedData? -
iris.merchants: ChargebackaddedData
- chargebacks ChargebackReplyResponse[]? -
iris.merchants: ChargebackaddedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: ChargebackReminder
- hook ChargebackreminderHook? -
- data ChargebackreminderData? -
iris.merchants: ChargebackreminderData
- chargebacks record { due_in int }[]? -
iris.merchants: ChargebackreminderHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: ChargebackReplyCreditIssuedRequest
- credit_date string - Credit transaction date
- credit_amount string - Credit transaction amount
- user_note string - User note
- file string[] - Files to attach
iris.merchants: ChargebackReplyDisputeRequest
- selected_doc_types string - Selected documents
- other_description string? - Other document description
- compelling_doc string? - Compelling document
- selected_compelling string? - Selected compelling
- selected_digital_goods_04 string? - Digital goods compelling documents
- download_date string? - Download date
- download_time string? - Download time
- purchaser_ip_addr string? - Purchaser IP address
- geographical_location string? - Physical location
- device_id string? - PhDevice ID
- device_name string? - Device ID
- purchaser_name string? - Purchaser name
- purchaser_email string? - Purchaser email
- arn_04 string? - ARN
- tran_date_04 string? - Transaction date
- arn_09 string? - ARN
- tran_date_09 string? - Transaction date
- arn_13 string? - ARN
- tran_date_13 string? - Transaction date
- ip_address string? - IP address
- email_address string? - Email address
- phone_number string? - Phone number
- physical_address string? - Physical address
- user_note string - User note
- file string[] - Files to attach
iris.merchants: ChargebackReplyResponse
- chargeback ChargebackreplyresponseChargeback? -
- items ChargebackreplyresponseItems? -
- Fields Included from *DisputeDetailsResponse
- transactions DisputedetailsresponseTransactions[]
- auth_records DisputedetailsresponseTransactions[]
- notes DisputedetailsresponseNotes[]
- messages DisputedetailsresponseMessages[]
- directories DisputedetailsresponseDirectories[]
- anydata...
iris.merchants: ChargebackreplyresponseChargeback
- id string? -
- merchant_id string? -
- dba string? -
- cycle_indicator string? -
- date string? -
- transaction_date string? -
- amount string? -
- reason_code string? -
- reason string? -
- card_number string? -
- case_number string? -
- case_action string? -
- action string? -
- reply_form string? -
- case_status string? -
- case_status_description string? -
- last_status_date string? -
- respond_due string? -
- original_amount string? -
- updated_at string? -
- mcc string? -
- dispute_jurisdiction string? -
- card_product_type string? -
- process_date string? -
- transaction_method string? -
- invoice_number string? -
- microfilm_number string? -
- airline_ticket_number string? -
- order_number string? -
- tracking_number string? -
iris.merchants: ChargebackreplyresponseItems
- reason string? -
- message_from_bank string? -
- merchant_due_date string? -
- financial_disposition_date string? -
- 'type string? -
iris.merchants: ChargebackUpdated
- hook ChargebackupdatedHook? -
- data ChargebackaddedData? -
iris.merchants: ChargebackupdatedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: ChecklistFullInfo
- Fields Included from *BriefTicketChecklistInfo
- completed boolean? - Flag is checklist are done
- completed_by int? - User ID who compleated the checklist
- completed_at anydata? - Datetime when user have completed the checklist item
- files File[]? -
iris.merchants: CheckListRequest
- index int? - Checklist item index
- files string[]? -
- attached_files int[]? -
- completed boolean? - Flag checklist are item completed
- comment string? - Comment for checklist item
iris.merchants: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
iris.merchants: CommentSubscriptionData
- ticket_url string? -
- assignedUsers UserListStructure? -
- files File[]? -
- merchantVisible boolean? - Indicates if the comment is visible for Merchant users
iris.merchants: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
iris.merchants: DeletionActivity
- id int? - Activity Id
- deletedId int? - User Id
- deletedAt string? - Date of deletion (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- undeletedId int? - User Id
- undeletedAt string? - Date of undeletion (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
iris.merchants: DepositsInner
- date string? - Deposit date
- amount string? - Deposit amount
- transactions int? - Transactions count
- batch string? - Deposit batch number
iris.merchants: DisputeDetailsResponse
- transactions DisputedetailsresponseTransactions[]? -
- auth_records DisputedetailsresponseTransactions[]? -
- notes DisputedetailsresponseNotes[]? -
- messages DisputedetailsresponseMessages[]? -
- directories DisputedetailsresponseDirectories[]? -
iris.merchants: DisputedetailsresponseDirectories
- time string? -
- title string? -
- files DisputedetailsresponseFiles[]? -
iris.merchants: DisputedetailsresponseFields
- 'key string? -
- value string? -
iris.merchants: DisputedetailsresponseFiles
- time string? -
- title string? -
- url string? - site url
- api_url string? - api url
iris.merchants: DisputedetailsresponseMessages
- message string? -
- description string? -
- added_at string? -
- viewed_on string? -
iris.merchants: DisputedetailsresponseNotes
- message string? -
- added_at string? -
iris.merchants: DisputedetailsresponseTransactions
- reference string? -
- fields DisputedetailsresponseFields[]? -
iris.merchants: DisputeFile
- name string? - File name
- directory string? - Folder name
- content string? - base64 encoded content
iris.merchants: DuplicateActivity
- id int? - Activity Id
- oldLeadId int? - Old lead Id
- newLeadId int? - New lead Id
- duplicatedBy int? - User Id
- duplicatedAt string? - Date of duplication (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
iris.merchants: File
- id int? -
- name string? -
- size int? -
- created string? - File creation date (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- created_by int? -
iris.merchants: FileLabel
- id int? - Label Id
- 'order int? - Label display order
- name string? - Label name
iris.merchants: FullLeadSubscription
- Fields Included from *ShortLeadSubscription
- id int? - Lead ID
- lead_url string? - Lead URL
- name string? - Lead Name
- email string? - Lead Default Email
- contact string? - Lead Default Contact Name
- phone string? - Lead Default Contact Phone Number
- address LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeadAddress? -
- group FullleadsubscriptionGroup? -
- category FullleadsubscriptionCategory? -
- status FullleadsubscriptionStatus? -
- campaign FullleadsubscriptionCampaign? -
- 'source FullleadsubscriptionSource? -
- createdAt string? - Date and time of creation (ISO 8601)
- createdBy UserStructure? -
iris.merchants: FullleadsubscriptionCampaign
- id int? - Campaign ID
- name string? - Campaign Name
iris.merchants: FullleadsubscriptionCategory
- id int? - Status category ID
- name string? - Status category Name
iris.merchants: FullleadsubscriptionGroup
- id int? - Group ID
- name string? - Group Name
iris.merchants: FullleadsubscriptionSource
- id int? - Source ID
- name string? - Source Name
iris.merchants: FullleadsubscriptionStatus
- id int? - Status ID
- name string? - Status Name
iris.merchants: InlineResponse200
- data record { leads int[] }[]? -
- links Links? -
- meta Meta? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2001
- general BriefMerchantInfo? -
- account_information string[]? -
- leads int[]? - A list of linked lead Id's. First from this list is always used as a primary lead.
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2002
- message string? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2003
- deposits Deposits? -
- adjustments Adjustments? -
- totals InlineResponse2003Totals? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2003Totals
- total_paid_by_us string? -
- monthly_total string? -
- adjustments InlineResponse2003TotalsAdjustments[]? -
- deposits InlineResponse2003TotalsDeposits[]? -
- per_card_type InlineResponse2003TotalsPerCardType[]? -
- transactions_count int? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2003TotalsAdjustments
- 'type string? -
- amount string? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2003TotalsDeposits
- date string? -
- amount string? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2003TotalsPerCardType
- 'type string? -
- amount string? -
- count int? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2004
- data MonetaryBatch[]? -
- links Links? -
- meta Meta? -
- adjustments Adjustments? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2005
- data Chargeback[]? -
- links Links? -
- meta Meta? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2006
- data Retrieval[]? -
- links Links? -
- meta Meta? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2007
- data InlineResponse2007Data[]? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2007Data
- id int? - Statement Id
- date string? - Statement date
iris.merchants: InlineResponse2008
- status string? -
- file_id string? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse401
- message string? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse403
- message string? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse404
- message string? -
iris.merchants: InlineResponse405
- message string? -
iris.merchants: LeadAppointment
- id int? - Appointment Id
- user BriefUserInfo? -
- set_for BriefUserInfo? -
- set_at string? - Appointment creation date and time in format ISO 8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- set_by BriefUserInfo? -
- modified string? - Appointment modification date and time in format ISO 8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- modified_by BriefUserInfo? -
- text string? - Appointment description
- date string? - Appointment date and time in format ISO 8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- date_end string? - Appointment end date and time in format ISO 8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- done string? - Is appointment done?
- confirmed string? - Appointment confirmed date and time in format ISO 8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- confirmed_by BriefUserInfo? -
- seen string? - Appointment seen date and time in format ISO 8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- seen_by BriefUserInfo? -
- rescheduled string? - Appointment rescheduled date and time in format ISO 8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- rescheduled_by BriefUserInfo? -
- rescheduled_count int? -
iris.merchants: LeadCreatedEventInfo
- hook LeadcreatedeventinfoHook? -
- data LeadcreatedeventinfoData? -
iris.merchants: LeadcreatedeventinfoData
- lead FullLeadSubscription? -
- leads FullLeadSubscription[]? - 'leads' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is enabled
iris.merchants: LeadcreatedeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LeadDeletedEventInfo
- hook LeaddeletedeventinfoHook? -
- data LeaddeletedeventinfoData? -
iris.merchants: LeaddeletedeventinfoData
- lead record { deletedBy UserStructure }? -
- leads record { deletedBy UserStructure }[]? - 'leads' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is enabled
iris.merchants: LeaddeletedeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LeadDocumentUploadedEventInfo
iris.merchants: LeaddocumentuploadedeventinfoData
iris.merchants: LeaddocumentuploadedeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LeadEmailReceivedEventInfo
- hook LeademailreceivedeventinfoHook? -
- data LeademailreceivedeventinfoData? -
iris.merchants: LeademailreceivedeventinfoData
- lead LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLead? - 'lead' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is disabled
- leads LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeads[]? - 'leads' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is enabled
iris.merchants: LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLead
'lead' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is disabled
- id int? - Lead ID
- lead_url string? - Lead URL
- name string? - Lead Name
- emailAddress string? - Lead Default Email
- contact string? - Lead Default Contact Name
- phone string? - Lead Default Contact Phone Number
- address LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeadAddress? -
- assignedUsers UserListStructure? -
iris.merchants: LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeadAddress
- address string? - Lead Default Address
- city string? - Lead Default City
- state string? - Lead Default State
- zip string? - Lead Default ZIP
iris.merchants: LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeadEmail
- 'from string? - Sent from (name and email)
- to string? - Sent to(email)
- subject string? - Email subject
- bodyText string? - Email message without html
- bodyHtml string? - Email message including html
- sentAt string? - Date and time of receiving the email (ISO 8601)
iris.merchants: LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeads
- id int? - Lead ID
- lead_url string? - Lead URL
- name string? - Lead Name
- emailAddress string? - Lead Default Email
- contact string? - Lead Default Contact Name
- phone string? - Lead Default Contact Phone Number
- address LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeadAddress? -
- assignedUsers UserListStructure? -
iris.merchants: LeademailreceivedeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LeadField
- id int? - Field Id
- tab int - Field tab Id
- label string - Field label
- 'type string - Field type
- length int? - Field size
- default string? - Field default value
- alignment string? - Field alignment
- searchable int? - Searchable field
- special string? - Field special value
- options LeadfieldOptions? -
- 'order int? -
- readOnly boolean? - Whether the field is read only
- required boolean? - Whether the field is required
iris.merchants: LeadfieldOptions
- dropdown LeadfieldOptionsDropdown? - Add new list item
- dupecheck boolean? - Enable dupecheck
- contactid string? - Id of contact field
- mask string? - Field mask
- copy LeadfieldOptionsCopy? - Copy button properties
- hyperlink boolean? - Enable hyperlink
- sms boolean? - Enable SMS
- dialer boolean? - Enable dialer
- googlemaps record {}? - Google Maps search properties
- zipcode_autocomplete LeadfieldOptionsZipcodeAutocomplete? - ZIP Code autofill properties
iris.merchants: LeadfieldOptionsCopy
Copy button properties
- title string? - Button label
- 'from record {}? - Copy from
- to record {}? - Copy to
iris.merchants: LeadfieldOptionsDropdown
Add new list item
- 'key string? - Key
- value string? - Value
iris.merchants: LeadfieldOptionsZipcodeAutocomplete
ZIP Code autofill properties
- city record {}? - City fields
- state record {}? - State fields
- zipcode record {}? - Zipcode fields
iris.merchants: LeadFieldOrder
- value int - New order position of lead field
- 'type string? - Type of changing order position
iris.merchants: LeadFieldTab
- id int? - Tab Id
- active int? - Active tab
- position int - Tab position
- 'class string - Tab class
- name string - Tab class
- 'order int - Tab order
iris.merchants: LeadNoteAddedEventInfo
- hook LeadnoteaddedeventinfoHook? -
- data LeadnoteaddedeventinfoData? -
iris.merchants: LeadnoteaddedeventinfoData
iris.merchants: LeadnoteaddedeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LeadRestoredEventInfo
- hook LeadrestoredeventinfoHook? -
- data LeadrestoredeventinfoData? -
iris.merchants: LeadrestoredeventinfoData
- lead record { restoredAt string, restoredBy UserStructure }? -
- leads record { restoredAt string, restoredBy UserStructure }[]? - 'leads' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is enabled
iris.merchants: LeadrestoredeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LeadStatusUpdatedEventInfo
- hook LeadstatusupdatedeventinfoHook? -
- data LeadstatusupdatedeventinfoData? -
iris.merchants: LeadstatusupdatedeventinfoData
- lead record { previousStatus record { id int, name string }, newStatus record { id int, name string }, statusUpdatedAt string, statusUpdatedBy UserStructure, salesRep UserStructure }? -
- leads record { previousStatus record { id int, name string }, newStatus record { id int, name string }, statusUpdatedAt string, statusUpdatedBy UserStructure, salesRep UserStructure }[]? - 'leads' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is enabled
iris.merchants: LeadstatusupdatedeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LeadUpdatedEventInfo
- hook LeadupdatedeventinfoHook? -
- data LeadupdatedeventinfoData? -
iris.merchants: LeadupdatedeventinfoData
- lead record { updated_at string, updated_by UserStructure }? -
- leads record { updated_at string, updated_by UserStructure }[]? - 'leads' property is passed when 'Multiple at once' feature is enabled
iris.merchants: LeadupdatedeventinfoHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LineItemAdded
- hook LineitemaddedHook? -
- data LineitemaddedData? -
iris.merchants: LineitemaddedData
- line_items LineItems[]? -
iris.merchants: LineitemaddedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: LineItems
- id int? -
- 'type string? -
- item_id int? -
- user LineitemsUser? -
- merchant LineitemsMerchant? -
- related_mid int? -
- related_dba string? -
- description string? -
- income int? -
- expense int? -
- percentage int? -
- agent_net int? -
- is_recurring boolean? -
- created string? - Created date of line item
- modified string? - Last update date of line item
- agents LineitemsAgents[]? -
- recurring_start_date string? - Date of start recurring line item
- recurring_payment_count int? - Count of payments what was already done
- recurring_max_payment_count int? - Count of payments which will be done (this will be null if there is no limit)
- recurring_period string? -
iris.merchants: LineitemsAgents
- user_id int? -
- username string? -
- full_name string? -
- agent_net int? -
- percentage int? -
iris.merchants: LineitemsMerchant
- mid string? -
- dba string? -
iris.merchants: LineitemsUser
- user_id int? -
- username string? -
- full_name string? -
- 'class string? -
iris.merchants: Links
- first string? - An URL to the first page of the data set
- last string? - An URL to the last page of the data set
- prev string? - An URL to the previous page of the data set
- next string? - An URL to the next page of the data set
iris.merchants: LinksActivity
- id int? - Activity Id
- status string? - Status of link
- lead string? - Lead Id
- merchant string? - Merchant Id
- linkedBy int? - User Id
- linkedAt string? - Linking date (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
iris.merchants: MerchantRow
- merchant string? -
- transactions int? -
- sales_amount int? -
- income int? -
- expense int? -
- net int? -
- bps int? -
- users boolean? -
- percentage int? -
- agent_net int? -
- mid int? -
iris.merchants: MerchantsMerchantnumberBody
- name string? - Merchant name
- opened string? - Merchant open date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- closed string? - Merchant closed date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- processor string? - Processor name
- datasource string? - Data source name
- group string? - Group name
- vim string? - Is VIM?
- status string? - Merchant status
- active string? - Merchant active flag
iris.merchants: Meta
- current_page int? - The current page number of a data set
- 'from int? - The current position of a data set
- last_page string? - The last page of a data set
- path string? - API path
- per_page int? - A number of records per page
- to int? - The last position in a data set
- total int? - Total number of records in a data set
iris.merchants: MonetaryBatch
- date string? - Batch date
- reference_number string? - Batch description
- amount string? - Batch amount
- count string? - A number of transactions
- terminal_number string? - Batch terminal number
- transactions MonetarybatchTransactions[]? -
iris.merchants: MonetarybatchTransactions
- id int? - Transaction ID
- date string? - Transaction date
- 'type string? - Transaction type
- amount string? - Transaction amount
- cardholder string? - Cardholder number
- auth_code string? - Transaction auth code
- pos_entry_mode string? - POS entry mode
- invoice_number string? - Invoice number
- void_reject_chargeback boolean? - Is a transaction rejected?
iris.merchants: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
iris.merchants: ReportPublished
- hook ReportpublishedHook? -
- data ReportpublishedData? -
iris.merchants: ReportpublishedData
- reports ReportpublishedDataReports[]? -
iris.merchants: ReportpublishedDataReports
- id int? -
- month int? -
- year int? -
- sys_prin int? -
- created string? - Ticket created date
- created_by UserStructure? -
- added_merchants_count int? -
- rows_count int? -
- revision int? -
- deactivated_merchants_count int? -
- processor_id int? -
- processor_name string? -
- sum_transactions int? -
- sum_volume decimal? -
- sum_net decimal? -
- sum_agent_net int? -
iris.merchants: ReportpublishedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: ResidualsDetails
- MID string? -
- DBA string? -
iris.merchants: ResidualTemplate
- id int? -
- name string? -
- creator_id int? -
- creator_name string? -
- created_at string? - Created date of template
- revision int? -
- rules TemplateRules[]? -
iris.merchants: ResidualTemplateAssigned
- user_id int? -
- username string? -
- full_name string? -
- templates ResidualtemplateassignedTemplates[]? -
iris.merchants: ResidualtemplateassignedTemplates
- id int? -
- name string? -
- 'version int? -
- processor_id int? -
- rules TemplateRules[]? -
iris.merchants: Retrieval
- id int? - Chargeback internal ID
- merchant_id string? - Merchant ID
- dba string? - Merchant DBA
- case_number string? - Case number
- retrieval_date string? - Request date
- transaction_date string? - Transaction date
- amount string? - Amount
- respond_due string? - Respond due date
- original_amount string? - Original amount of transaction
- currency string? - Transaction currency
- reason string? - Retrieval case reason
- reason_code string? - Retrieval case reason code
- card_number string? - Cardholder number
- transaction_id string? - Transaction ID
- reference_number string? - Transaction ID
- case_status string? - Case status
- case_status_description string? - Status description
- mcc string? - MCC code
- dispute_jurisdiction string? - Dispute jurisdiction
- card_product_type string? - Card product
- transaction_method string? - Transaction method
- invoice_number string? - Invoice number
- microfilm_number string? - Microfilm number
- airline_ticket_number string? - Airline ticket number
- order_number string? - Order number
- tracking_number string? - Tracking number
- last_status_date string? - Date of the last status update
- updated_at string? - Date of the most recent update
- case_action string? - Case action
- action string? - Can the case be viewed of replied
- foreign_amount string? - Foreign amount of transaction
- transaction_locator string? - Transaction locator
iris.merchants: RetrievalAdded
- hook RetrievaladdedHook? -
- data RetrievaladdedData? -
iris.merchants: RetrievaladdedData
- retrievals RetrievalsReplyResponse[]? -
iris.merchants: RetrievaladdedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: RetrievalReminder
- hook RetrievalreminderHook? -
- data RetrievalreminderData? -
iris.merchants: RetrievalreminderData
- retrievals record { due_in int }[]? -
iris.merchants: RetrievalreminderHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: RetrievalReplyCreditIssuedRequest
- credit_date string - Credit transaction date
- credit_amount string - Credit transaction amount
- user_note string - User note
- file string[] - Files to attach
iris.merchants: RetrievalReplyResponseRequest
- user_note string - User note
- file string[] - Files to attach
iris.merchants: RetrievalReplyUnableRequest
- user_note string - User note
- file string[] - Files to attach
iris.merchants: RetrievalsReplyResponse
- retrieval RetrievalsreplyresponseRetrieval? -
- Fields Included from *DisputeDetailsResponse
- transactions DisputedetailsresponseTransactions[]
- auth_records DisputedetailsresponseTransactions[]
- notes DisputedetailsresponseNotes[]
- messages DisputedetailsresponseMessages[]
- directories DisputedetailsresponseDirectories[]
- anydata...
iris.merchants: RetrievalsreplyresponseRetrieval
- id string? -
- merchant_id string? -
- dba string? -
- date string? -
- transaction_date string? -
- amount string? -
- reason_code string? -
- reason string? -
- card_number string? -
- case_number string? -
- case_action string? -
- action string? -
- case_status string? -
- case_status_description string? -
- last_status_date string? -
- respond_due string? -
- original_amount string? -
- updated_at string? -
- mcc string? -
- dispute_jurisdiction string? -
- card_product_type string? -
- foreign_amount string? -
- transaction_method string? -
- transaction_locator string? -
- invoice_number string? -
- microfilm_number string? -
- airline_ticket_number string? -
- order_number string? -
- tracking_number string? -
iris.merchants: RetrievalUpdated
- hook RetrievalupdatedHook? -
- data RetrievaladdedData? -
iris.merchants: RetrievalupdatedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: ShortLeadSubscription
- id int? - Lead ID
- lead_url string? - Lead URL
- name string? - Lead Name
- email string? - Lead Default Email
- contact string? - Lead Default Contact Name
- phone string? - Lead Default Contact Phone Number
- address LeademailreceivedeventinfoDataLeadAddress? -
- assignedUsers UserListStructure? -
iris.merchants: SignatureGenerated
- hook SignaturegeneratedHook? -
- data SignaturegeneratedData? -
iris.merchants: SignaturegeneratedData
- signatures SignaturegeneratedDataSignatures[]? -
iris.merchants: SignaturegeneratedDataSignatures
- signature SignatureSubscription? -
- application ApplicationSubscription? -
- lead FullLeadSubscription? -
iris.merchants: SignaturegeneratedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: SignatureOpened
- hook SignatureopenedHook? -
- data SignaturegeneratedData? -
iris.merchants: SignatureopenedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: SignatureSigned
- hook SignaturesignedHook? -
- data SignaturegeneratedData? -
iris.merchants: SignaturesignedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: SignatureSubscription
- id int? -
- hash string? -
- url string? -
- status string? -
- created string? - Signature created date
- created_by UserStructure? -
- multi_signer boolean? -
- completed boolean? -
- signers SignaturesubscriptionSigners[]? -
iris.merchants: SignaturesubscriptionSigners
- name string? -
- email string? -
iris.merchants: SourceActivity
- id int? - Activity Id
- newValue string? - New value of activity
- assignedBy int? - User Id
- assignedAt string? - Assigned date (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
iris.merchants: StatusActivity
- id int? - Activity Id
- changedBy int? - User Id
- changedAt string? - Deleted date (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
- oldStatus string? - Old status
- old_status_id int? - Old Status Id
- newStatus string? - New status
- new_status_id int? - New Status Id
iris.merchants: SubscriptionCommentEdited
- hook SubscriptioncommenteditedHook? -
- data TicketcommentedData? -
iris.merchants: SubscriptioncommenteditedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: SummaryResponse
- processor_id int? -
- name string? -
- created string? -
- created_by int? -
- modified string? -
- modified_by int? -
- merchants_count int? -
- sum_transactions int? -
- sum_sales_amount decimal? -
- sum_income decimal? -
- sum_expense decimal? -
- sum_net decimal? -
- sum_bps decimal? -
- sum_agent_net int? -
iris.merchants: TemplateRules
- column string? -
- rule string? -
- value int? -
- 'field string? -
iris.merchants: TestSubscription
- hook TestsubscriptionHook? -
- data TestsubscriptionData? -
iris.merchants: TestsubscriptionData
- message string? -
iris.merchants: TestsubscriptionHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: Ticket
- id int? - Ticket id
- subject string? - Ticket subject
- description string? - Ticket description
- status TicketStatus? -
- 'type TicketType? -
- group TicketGroup? -
- priority TicketPriority? -
- lead_id int? - Assigned Lead ID
- mid int? - Assigned Merchant ID
- merchantVisible boolean? - Indicates if the ticket is visible to Merchant users
iris.merchants: TicketCommented
- hook TicketcommentedHook? -
- data TicketcommentedData? -
iris.merchants: TicketcommentedData
- comments record { id int, ticketId int, comment string, created string, createdBy UserStructure, modified string, modified_by UserStructure }[]? -
iris.merchants: TicketcommentedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TicketCreated
- hook TicketcreatedHook? -
- data TicketcreatedData? -
iris.merchants: TicketCreatedBlock
- created string? - Ticket created date
- created_by int? - Ticket creator id
iris.merchants: TicketcreatedData
- tickets record {}[]? -
iris.merchants: TicketcreatedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TicketDetail
- general File[]? -
- checklist ChecklistFullInfo[]? -
iris.merchants: TicketGroup
- id int? - Group id
- name string? - Group name
iris.merchants: TicketPriority
- id int? - Priority id
- name string? - Priority name
iris.merchants: TicketResolved
- hook TicketresolvedHook? -
- data TicketresolvedData? -
iris.merchants: TicketresolvedData
- tickets record { created string, created_by UserStructure, modified string, modified_by UserStructure, last_comment string, resolved string, resolved_by UserStructure }[]? -
iris.merchants: TicketresolvedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TicketStatus
- id int? - Status id
- name string? - Status name
iris.merchants: TicketSubscriptionData
- ticket_url string? -
- assignedUsers UserListStructure? -
- files File[]? -
- preview_images File[]? -
- due_date string? - Ticket due date
- due string? - Ticket SLA
- only_business_days boolean? - Calculate only business days
iris.merchants: TicketType
- id int? - Type id
- name string? - Ticket type
iris.merchants: TicketTypeRequest
- name string? - Ticket type name
- description string? - Ticket type description
- daysToResolve int? - Days to Resolve
- only_business_days boolean? - Calculate only business days
- status string? - Status
- priority int? - Priority (0 - Normal, 1 - Medium, 2 - Rush)
- permissions int[]? -
- assignees BrieftickettypeinfoAssignees? -
iris.merchants: TicketUpdated
- hook TicketupdatedHook? -
- data TicketupdatedData? -
iris.merchants: TicketupdatedData
- tickets record { modified string, modified_by UserStructure, last_comment string }[]? -
iris.merchants: TicketupdatedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TurboAppApproved
- hook TurboappapprovedHook? -
- data TurboappapprovedData? -
iris.merchants: TurboappapprovedData
- accounts TurboappapprovedDataAccounts[]? -
iris.merchants: TurboappapprovedDataAccounts
- id int? - Account ID
- application_url string? - Application URL
- identifier string? - Application identifier
- processor string? - Processor name
- dba string? - Merchant name
- mid int? - Merchant ID
- lid int? - Lead ID related to the application
- activation_status TurboappupdatedDataActivationStatus? -
- application_status TurboappupdatedDataActivationStatus? -
- contact_name string? -
- contact_address string? -
- contact_phone string? -
- salesman string? -
- co_name string? -
- approved_at string? - Date and time of account approve (ISO 8601)
- legal_name string? - Merchant name
- comments TurboappupdatedDataComments? -
- entitlements TurboappapprovedDataEntitlements? -
- users string[]? -
- date_submitted string? - Date and time of account submit (ISO 8601)
- date_decision string? - Date and time of decision (ISO 8601)
- mcc_code string? - MCC code
- annual_sales string? - Annual sales
- average_ticket string? - Average ticket
- tier string? -
- tier_status string? -
iris.merchants: TurboappapprovedDataEntitlements
- card_type string? -
- srv string? -
- proc_flag string? -
iris.merchants: TurboappapprovedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TurboAppDeclined
- hook TurboappdeclinedHook? -
- data TurboappdeclinedData? -
iris.merchants: TurboappdeclinedData
- accounts TurboappdeclinedDataAccounts[]? -
iris.merchants: TurboappdeclinedDataAccounts
- id int? - Account ID
- application_url string? - Application URL
- identifier string? - Application identifier
- processor string? - Processor name
- dba string? - Merchant name
- mid int? - Merchant ID
- lid int? - Lead ID related to the application
- activation_status TurboappdeclinedDataActivationStatus? -
- application_status TurboappdeclinedDataActivationStatus? -
- contact_name string? -
- contact_address string? -
- contact_phone string? -
- salesman string? -
- co_name string? -
- declined_at string? - Date and time of account was declined (ISO 8601)
- legal_name string? - Merchant name
- comments TurboappdeclinedDataComments? -
- entitlements TurboappapprovedDataEntitlements? -
- users string[]? -
- date_submitted string? - Date and time of account submit (ISO 8601)
- date_decision string? - Date and time of decision (ISO 8601)
- mcc_code string? - MCC code
- annual_sales string? - Annual sales
- average_ticket string? - Average ticket
- tier string? -
- tier_status string? -
iris.merchants: TurboappdeclinedDataActivationStatus
- old string? -
- 'new string? -
iris.merchants: TurboappdeclinedDataComments
- date string? - Date and time of comment (ISO 8601)
- co string? -
- text string? -
iris.merchants: TurboappdeclinedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TurboAppSubmited
- hook TurboappsubmitedHook? -
- data TurboappsubmitedData? -
iris.merchants: TurboappsubmitedData
- applications TurboappsubmitedDataApplications[]? -
iris.merchants: TurboappsubmitedDataApplications
- id int? - Application ID
- application_url string? - Application URL
- identifier string? - Application identifier
- submission_id string? - Application submission identifier
- dba string? - Merchant name
- lid int? - Lead ID related to the application
- createdAt string? - Date and time of creation (ISO 8601)
- createdBy UserStructure? -
- finishedAt string? - Date and time of submission (ISO 8601)
- finishedBy UserStructure? -
iris.merchants: TurboappsubmitedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TurboAppUpdated
- hook TurboappupdatedHook? -
- data TurboappupdatedData? -
iris.merchants: TurboappupdatedData
- accounts TurboappupdatedDataAccounts[]? -
iris.merchants: TurboappupdatedDataAccounts
- id int? - Account ID
- application_url string? - Application URL
- identifier string? - Application identifier
- dba string? - Merchant name
- mid int? - Merchant ID
- lid int? - Lead ID related to the application
- comments TurboappupdatedDataComments? -
- activation_status TurboappupdatedDataActivationStatus? -
- application_status TurboappupdatedDataActivationStatus? -
- contact_name string? -
- salesman string? -
- updatedAt string? - Date and time of account update (ISO 8601)
iris.merchants: TurboappupdatedDataActivationStatus
- old string? -
- 'new string? -
iris.merchants: TurboappupdatedDataComments
- date string? - Date and time of comment (ISO 8601)
- co string? -
- text string? -
iris.merchants: TurboappupdatedHook
- requestId int? - Request ID
- event string? - Event ID
iris.merchants: TypeDetail
- general BriefTicketTypeInfo? -
- checklist ChecklistFullInfo[]? -
iris.merchants: UserStructure
- id int? - User ID
- name string? - User Name
- userClass string? - User Class
import ballerinax/iris.merchants;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
Sales & CRM/Customer Relationship Management