Module financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement
ballerinax/financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement Ballerina library
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AddressType2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AttendanceContext1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AuthenticationEntity1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AuthenticationMethod1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardDataReading1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardholderVerificationCapability1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardPaymentServiceType2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ChargeBearerType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ClearingChannel2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CopyDuplicate1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditDebitCode![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CSCManagement1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Frequency6Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: InterestType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: MandateClassification1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: NamePrefix2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OnLineCapability1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PartyType3Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PartyType4Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentMethod4Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: POIComponentType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PreferredContactMethod2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PriceValueType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Priority2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RemittanceLocationMethod2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SequenceType3Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SettlementMethod1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxRecordPeriod1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionChannel1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionEnvironment1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UnitOfMeasure1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UserInterface2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AccountIdentification4Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AccountIdentification4Choice, a choice between IBAN or other types of account identification.
- IBAN? IBAN2007Identifier - The IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
- Othr? GenericAccountIdentification1 - Other account identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AccountInterest4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AccountInterest4, representing account interest details.
- Tp? InterestType1Choice - The type of interest.
- Rate? Rate4[] - An array of interest rates.
- FrToDt? DateTimePeriod1 - The date range for the interest period.
- Rsn? Max35Text - The reason for the interest.
- Tax? TaxCharges2 - Details regarding tax charges.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AccountSchemeName1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AccountSchemeName1Choice, a choice for account scheme name.
- Cd? ExternalAccountIdentification1Code - External account identification code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary account identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveCurrencyAndAmount![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ActiveCurrencyAndAmount, representing an amount with its currency.
- ActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType ActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType - The amount and currency details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType, representing an amount in a specific currency.
- ActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType decimal - The amount in a specified currency.
- Ccy ActiveCurrencyCode - The currency code as an XML attribute.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount, representing an amount with historical currency.
- ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType - The amount and currency details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType, representing an amount with currency code.
- ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType decimal - The amount in a historical or active currency.
- Ccy ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - The currency code as an XML attribute.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount, representing an amount and its associated currency.
- ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType - The simple type of the currency and amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType, representing a simple type with currency and amount.
- ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType decimal - The decimal amount.
- Ccy ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - The currency of the amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmountRange2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmountRange2, representing a currency amount range.
- Amt ImpliedCurrencyAmountRange1Choice - The amount range choice.
- CdtDbtInd? CreditDebitCode - The credit or debit indication.
- Ccy ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - The currency code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AddressType3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AddressType3Choice, a choice between an address type code and proprietary identification.
- Cd? AddressType2Code - Address type code.
- Prtry? GenericIdentification30 - Proprietary address identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AdviceType1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AdviceType1, representing advice information related to payments.
- CdtAdvc? AdviceType1Choice - Credit advice information.
- DbtAdvc? AdviceType1Choice - Debit advice information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AdviceType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AdviceType1Choice, representing choices for advice types.
- Cd? AdviceType1Code - Advice type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary advice type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AmendmentInformationDetails15![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AmendmentInformationDetails15, representing details of an amendment.
- OrgnlMndtId? Max35Text - Original mandate identifier.
- OrgnlCdtrSchmeId? PartyIdentification272 - Original creditor scheme identification.
- OrgnlCdtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Original creditor agent.
- OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Original creditor agent account.
- OrgnlDbtr? PartyIdentification272 - Original debtor.
- OrgnlDbtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Original debtor account.
- OrgnlDbtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Original debtor agent.
- OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Original debtor agent account.
- OrgnlFnlColltnDt? ISODate - Original final collection date.
- OrgnlFrqcy? Frequency36Choice - Original frequency.
- OrgnlRsn? MandateSetupReason1Choice - Original reason.
- OrgnlTrckgDays? Exact2NumericText - Original tracking days.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AmountAndCurrencyExchange4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AmountAndCurrencyExchange4, representing currency exchange details for transactions.
- InstdAmt? AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails5 - The instructed amount for exchange.
- TxAmt? AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails5 - The transaction amount.
- CntrValAmt? AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails5 - The counter value amount.
- AnncdPstngAmt? AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails5 - The announced posting amount.
- PrtryAmt? AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails6[] - Additional proprietary amounts.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails5![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails5, representing the amount with currency exchange details.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - The amount with its currency.
- CcyXchg? CurrencyExchange24 - The currency exchange details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails6, representing additional currency exchange details.
- Tp Max35Text - The type of the proprietary amount.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - The amount with its currency.
- CcyXchg? CurrencyExchange24 - The currency exchange details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AmountAndDirection35![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AmountAndDirection35, representing an amount and its credit/debit indication.
- Amt NonNegativeDecimalNumber - The amount.
- CdtDbtInd CreditDebitCode - The credit or debit indication.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AmountRangeBoundary1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AmountRangeBoundary1, representing a boundary for an amount range.
- BdryAmt ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - The boundary amount.
- Incl YesNoIndicator - Indicates if the boundary is inclusive.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AmountType4Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AmountType4Choice, representing a choice of amounts.
- InstdAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount instructed.
- EqvtAmt? EquivalentAmount2 - Equivalent amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Authorisation1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Authorisation1Choice, representing a choice of authorisation.
- Cd? Authorisation1Code - Authorisation code.
- Prtry? Max128Text - Proprietary authorisation.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BalanceSubType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BalanceSubType1Choice, representing a choice between an external balance subtype code or proprietary text.
- Cd? ExternalBalanceSubType1Code - External balance subtype code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary balance subtype.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BalanceType10Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BalanceType10Choice, representing a choice between an external balance type code or proprietary text.
- Cd? ExternalBalanceType1Code - External balance type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary balance type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BalanceType13![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BalanceType13, representing a balance type with an optional subtype.
- CdOrPrtry BalanceType10Choice - Choice between external balance type code or proprietary balance type.
- SubTp? BalanceSubType1Choice - Optional balance subtype.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BankTransactionCodeStructure4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BankTransactionCodeStructure4, representing a bank transaction code.
- Domn? BankTransactionCodeStructure5 - The domain of the bank transaction code.
- Prtry? ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 - Proprietary bank transaction code details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BankTransactionCodeStructure5![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BankTransactionCodeStructure5, representing the domain of a bank transaction.
- Cd ExternalBankTransactionDomain1Code - The code for the bank transaction domain.
- Fmly BankTransactionCodeStructure6 - The family of the bank transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BankTransactionCodeStructure6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BankTransactionCodeStructure6, representing the family and sub-family of bank transactions.
- Cd ExternalBankTransactionFamily1Code - The code for the bank transaction family.
- SubFmlyCd ExternalBankTransactionSubFamily1Code - The sub-family code for the bank transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BatchInformation2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BatchInformation2, representing information about a batch of transactions.
- MsgId? Max35Text - The message identifier.
- PmtInfId? Max35Text - The payment information identifier.
- NbOfTxs? Max15NumericText - The number of transactions.
- TtlAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - The total amount.
- CdtDbtInd? CreditDebitCode - The credit or debit indication.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8, representing a financial institution and its branch.
- FinInstnId FinancialInstitutionIdentification23 - Financial institution identification.
- BrnchId? BranchData5 - Optional branch identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BranchData5![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for BranchData5, representing the details of a financial institution's branch.
- Id? Max35Text - Branch identification.
- LEI? LEIIdentifier - Legal Entity Identifier.
- Nm? Max140Text - Branch name.
- PstlAdr? PostalAddress27 - Postal address of the branch.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CancellationReason33Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CancellationReason33Choice, representing choices for cancellation reasons.
- Cd? ExternalCancellationReason1Code - External cancellation reason code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary cancellation reason.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardAggregated2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardAggregated2, representing aggregated card transaction details.
- AddtlSvc? CardPaymentServiceType2Code - Additional services related to the card transaction.
- TxCtgy? ExternalCardTransactionCategory1Code - The category of the transaction.
- SaleRcncltnId? Max35Text - The sale reconciliation identifier.
- SeqNbRg? CardSequenceNumberRange1 - The range of sequence numbers.
- TxDtRg? DateOrDateTimePeriod1Choice - The date range for the transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardEntry5![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardEntry5, representing card entry details.
- Card? PaymentCard4 - The payment card used.
- POI? PointOfInteraction1 - Point of interaction details.
- AggtdNtry? CardAggregated2 - Aggregated entry details.
- PrePdAcct? CashAccount40 - Prepaid account details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardholderAuthentication2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardholderAuthentication2, representing the authentication of the cardholder.
- AuthntcnMtd AuthenticationMethod1Code - The method used for authenticating the cardholder.
- AuthntcnNtty AuthenticationEntity1Code - The entity responsible for authenticating the cardholder.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardIndividualTransaction2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardIndividualTransaction2, representing an individual card transaction.
- ICCRltdData? Max1025Text - ICC related data for the card transaction.
- PmtCntxt? PaymentContext3 - Payment context for the transaction.
- AddtlSvc? CardPaymentServiceType2Code - Additional services associated with the transaction.
- TxCtgy? ExternalCardTransactionCategory1Code - Category of the card transaction.
- SaleRcncltnId? Max35Text - Reconciliation ID for the sale.
- SaleRefNb? Max35Text - Reference number for the sale.
- RePresntmntRsn? ExternalRePresentmentReason1Code - Reason for representing the transaction.
- SeqNb? Max35Text - Sequence number of the transaction.
- TxId? TransactionIdentifier1 - Transaction identifier for the card transaction.
- Pdct? Product2 - Product details associated with the transaction.
- VldtnDt? ISODate - Validation date of the transaction.
- VldtnSeqNb? Max35Text - Validation sequence number for the transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardSecurityInformation1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardSecurityInformation1, containing security details of a card.
- CSCMgmt CSCManagement1Code - Management of the card security code (CSC).
- CSCVal? Min3Max4NumericText - Value of the card security code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardSequenceNumberRange1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardSequenceNumberRange1, representing a range of card sequence numbers.
- FrstTx? Max35Text - First transaction sequence number.
- LastTx? Max35Text - Last transaction sequence number.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardTransaction18![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardTransaction18, representing a card transaction.
- Card? PaymentCard4 - The payment card used in the transaction.
- POI? PointOfInteraction1 - Point of interaction for the transaction.
- Tx? CardTransaction3Choice - The choice of either aggregated or individual transaction details.
- PrePdAcct? CashAccount40 - Prepaid account details linked to the transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CardTransaction3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CardTransaction3Choice, providing a choice between aggregated or individual card transactions.
- Aggtd? CardAggregated2 - Aggregated card transaction details.
- Indv? CardIndividualTransaction2 - Individual card transaction details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Case6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Case6, representing details of a case related to payment processing.
- Id Max35Text - Identifier for the case.
- Cretr Party50Choice - Creator of the case.
- ReopCaseIndctn? YesNoIndicator - Indicator for reopening the case.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CaseAssignment6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CaseAssignment6, representing assignments related to a case.
- Id Max35Text - Identifier for the case assignment.
- Assgnr Party50Choice - Party assigning the case.
- Assgne Party50Choice - Party to whom the case is assigned.
- CreDtTm ISODateTime - Creation date and time of the case assignment.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CashAccount40![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CashAccount40, representing a cash account with identification, type, and currency.
- Id? AccountIdentification4Choice - Account identification.
- Tp? CashAccountType2Choice - Cash account type.
- Ccy? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - Currency code.
- Nm? Max70Text - Account name.
- Prxy? ProxyAccountIdentification1 - Proxy account identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CashAccount43![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CashAccount43, representing a cash account with identification, type, and owner details.
- Id? AccountIdentification4Choice - Identification of the account.
- Tp? CashAccountType2Choice - Type of cash account.
- Ccy? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - Currency of the cash account.
- Nm? Max70Text - Name associated with the cash account.
- Prxy? ProxyAccountIdentification1 - Proxy account identification.
- Ownr? PartyIdentification272 - Owner of the cash account.
- Svcr? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Servicer of the account.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CashAccountType2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CashAccountType2Choice, representing a choice between an external or proprietary account type.
- Cd? ExternalCashAccountType1Code - External cash account type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary cash account type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CashAvailability1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CashAvailability1, representing the availability of cash in an account.
- Dt CashAvailabilityDate1Choice - Availability date of the cash.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount of available cash.
- CdtDbtInd CreditDebitCode - Indicator of credit or debit.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CashAvailabilityDate1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CashAvailabilityDate1Choice, offering a choice between number of days and actual date for cash availability.
- NbOfDays? Max15PlusSignedNumericText - Number of days until cash availability.
- ActlDt? ISODate - Actual date of cash availability.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CashBalance8![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CashBalance8, representing a cash balance with associated credit line details.
- Tp BalanceType13 - Balance type.
- CdtLine? CreditLine3[] - Credit line.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount.
- CdtDbtInd CreditDebitCode - Credit or debit indicator.
- Dt DateAndDateTime2Choice - Date.
- Avlbty? CashAvailability1[] - Availability information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CashDeposit1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CashDeposit1, representing details of a cash deposit.
- NoteDnmtn ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Denomination of the cash notes deposited.
- NbOfNotes Max15NumericText - Number of notes deposited.
- Amt ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Amount of the cash deposit.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CategoryPurpose1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CategoryPurpose1Choice, providing a choice between external code or proprietary category purpose.
- Cd? ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code - External category purpose code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary category purpose.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Charges15![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Charges15, representing details of charges and tax amounts.
- TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Total amount of charges and taxes.
- Rcrd? ChargesRecord8[] - Records of individual charge amounts.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Charges16![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Charges16, representing a charge amount, agent, and charge type.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Charge amount.
- Agt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Agent involved in the charge.
- Tp? ChargeType3Choice - Charge type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ChargesRecord8![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ChargesRecord8, representing an individual charge record.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount of the charge.
- CdtDbtInd? CreditDebitCode - Indicator of whether the charge is a credit or debit.
- ChrgInclInd? ChargeIncludedIndicator - Indicator of whether the charge is included.
- Tp? ChargeType3Choice - Type of the charge.
- Rate? PercentageRate - Rate applied to the charge.
- Br? ChargeBearerType1Code - Bearer of the charge.
- Agt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Agent handling the charge.
- Tax? TaxCharges2 - Applicable taxes on the charge.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ChargeType3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ChargeType3Choice, providing a choice between external code or proprietary charge type.
- Cd? ExternalChargeType1Code - External charge type code.
- Prtry? GenericIdentification3 - Proprietary charge type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice, representing a choice for clearing system identification.
- Cd? ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code - External clearing system identification code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary clearing system identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice, representing a choice of clearing system identification.
- Cd? ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code - External clearing system identification code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary clearing system identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2, representing the identification of a clearing system member.
- ClrSysId? ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice - Clearing system identification.
- MmbId Max35Text - Member identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Contact13![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Contact13, representing a contact person's details.
- NmPrfx? NamePrefix2Code - Name prefix.
- Nm? Max140Text - Name.
- PhneNb? PhoneNumber - Phone number.
- MobNb? PhoneNumber - Mobile number.
- FaxNb? PhoneNumber - Fax number.
- URLAdr? Max2048Text - URL address.
- EmailAdr? Max256Text - Email address.
- EmailPurp? Max35Text - Purpose of the email.
- JobTitl? Max35Text - Job title.
- Rspnsblty? Max35Text - Responsibility.
- Dept? Max70Text - Department.
- Othr? OtherContact1[] - Other contact methods.
- PrefrdMtd? PreferredContactMethod2Code - Preferred contact method.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ControlData1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ControlData1, representing control data for transaction processing.
- NbOfTxs Max15NumericText - Number of transactions.
- CtrlSum? DecimalNumber - Control sum for the transactions.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CorporateAction9![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CorporateAction9, representing corporate actions.
- EvtTp Max35Text - Type of corporate event.
- EvtId Max35Text - Identification of the corporate event.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditLine3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditLine3, representing a credit line associated with a transaction.
- Incl TrueFalseIndicator - Indicator for inclusion of the credit line.
- Tp? CreditLineType1Choice - Type of credit line.
- Amt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount of the credit line.
- Dt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Date of the credit line.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditLineType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditLineType1Choice, offering a choice between an external or proprietary credit line type.
- Cd? ExternalCreditLineType1Code - External credit line type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary credit line type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditorReferenceInformation3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditorReferenceInformation3, representing creditor reference information.
- Tp? CreditorReferenceType3 - Creditor reference type.
- Ref? Max35Text - Creditor reference number.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditorReferenceType2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditorReferenceType2Choice, representing a choice between an external creditor reference type code and proprietary type.
- Cd? ExternalCreditorReferenceType1Code - External creditor reference type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary creditor reference type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditorReferenceType3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditorReferenceType3, representing creditor reference type details.
- CdOrPrtry CreditorReferenceType2Choice - External or proprietary creditor reference type.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the creditor reference.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditTransferMandateData1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditTransferMandateData1, representing credit transfer mandate data.
- MndtId? Max35Text - Mandate identifier.
- Tp? MandateTypeInformation2 - Mandate type information.
- DtOfSgntr? ISODate - Date of signature.
- DtOfVrfctn? ISODateTime - Date of verification.
- ElctrncSgntr? Max10KBinary - Electronic signature.
- FrstPmtDt? ISODate - First payment date.
- FnlPmtDt? ISODate - Final payment date.
- Frqcy? Frequency36Choice - Frequency.
- Rsn? MandateSetupReason1Choice - Reason for the mandate.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditTransferTransaction62![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditTransferTransaction62, which details a credit transfer transaction.
- PmtId PaymentIdentification13 - Payment identification information
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation28 - Optional payment type information
- IntrBkSttlmAmt ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Interbank settlement amount
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Optional interbank settlement date
- SttlmPrty? Priority3Code - Optional settlement priority
- SttlmTmIndctn? SettlementDateTimeIndication1 - Optional settlement time indication
- SttlmTmReq? SettlementTimeRequest2 - Optional settlement time request
- PrvsInstgAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- PrvsInstgAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- PrvsInstgAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructing agent information
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructed agent information
- IntrmyAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- UltmtDbtr? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional ultimate debtor identification
- Dbtr BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Debtor identification
- DbtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor account information
- DbtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional debtor agent information
- DbtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor agent account information
- CdtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional creditor agent information
- CdtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor agent account information
- Cdtr BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor identification
- CdtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor account information
- UltmtCdtr? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional ultimate creditor identification
- InstrForCdtrAgt? InstructionForCreditorAgent3[] - Array of instructions for the creditor agent
- InstrForNxtAgt? InstructionForNextAgent1[] - Array of instructions for the next agent
- Purp? Purpose2Choice - Optional purpose information
- RmtInf? RemittanceInformation2 - Optional remittance information
- UndrlygAllcn? TransactionAllocation1[] - Array of underlying allocations
- UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf? CreditTransferTransaction63 - Optional underlying customer credit transfer information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditTransferTransaction63![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditTransferTransaction63, which contains additional details for a credit transfer transaction.
- UltmtDbtr? PartyIdentification272 - Optional ultimate debtor identification
- InitgPty? PartyIdentification272 - Optional initiating party information
- Dbtr PartyIdentification272 - Debtor identification
- DbtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor account information
- DbtrAgt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Debtor agent information
- DbtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor agent account information
- PrvsInstgAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- PrvsInstgAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- PrvsInstgAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- IntrmyAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- CdtrAgt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor agent information
- CdtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor agent account information
- Cdtr PartyIdentification272 - Creditor identification
- CdtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor account information
- UltmtCdtr? PartyIdentification272 - Optional ultimate creditor identification
- InstrForCdtrAgt? InstructionForCreditorAgent3[] - Array of instructions for the creditor agent
- InstrForNxtAgt? InstructionForNextAgent1[] - Array of instructions for the next agent
- Tax? TaxData1 - Optional tax information
- RmtInf? RemittanceInformation22 - Optional remittance information
- InstdAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Optional instructed amount
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditTransferTransaction64![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditTransferTransaction64, which details a credit transfer transaction.
- PmtId PaymentIdentification13 - Payment identification information
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation28 - Optional payment type information
- IntrBkSttlmAmt ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Interbank settlement amount
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Optional interbank settlement date
- SttlmPrty? Priority3Code - Optional settlement priority
- SttlmTmIndctn? SettlementDateTimeIndication1 - Optional settlement time indication
- SttlmTmReq? SettlementTimeRequest2 - Optional settlement time request
- AccptncDtTm? ISODateTime - Optional acceptance date and time
- PoolgAdjstmntDt? ISODate - Optional pooling adjustment date
- InstdAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Optional instructed amount
- XchgRate? BaseOneRate - Optional exchange rate
- ChrgBr ChargeBearerType1Code - Charge bearer type
- ChrgsInf? Charges16[] - Array of charges information
- MndtRltdInf? CreditTransferMandateData1 - Optional credit transfer mandate-related information
- PrvsInstgAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- PrvsInstgAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- PrvsInstgAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional previous instructing agent information
- PrvsInstgAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional previous instructing agent account information
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructing agent information
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructed agent information
- IntrmyAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- UltmtDbtr? PartyIdentification272 - Optional ultimate debtor identification
- InitgPty? PartyIdentification272 - Initiating party information
- Dbtr PartyIdentification272 - Debtor identification
- DbtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor account information
- DbtrAgt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Debtor agent information
- DbtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor agent account information
- CdtrAgt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor agent information
- CdtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor agent account information
- Cdtr PartyIdentification272 - Creditor identification
- CdtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor account information
- UltmtCdtr? PartyIdentification272 - Optional ultimate creditor identification
- InstrForCdtrAgt? InstructionForCreditorAgent3[] - Array of instructions for the creditor agent
- InstrForNxtAgt? InstructionForNextAgent1[] - Array of instructions for the next agent
- Purp? Purpose2Choice - Optional purpose information
- RgltryRptg? RegulatoryReporting3[] - Optional regulatory reporting information
- Tax? TaxData1 - Optional tax information
- RltdRmtInf? RemittanceLocation8[] - Array of related remittance information
- RmtInf? RemittanceInformation22 - Optional remittance information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CreditTransferTransaction66![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CreditTransferTransaction66, which details a credit transfer transaction related to direct debits.
- CdtId Max35Text - Credit identifier
- BtchBookg? BatchBookingIndicator - Optional batch booking indicator
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation28 - Optional payment type information
- TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt? ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Optional total interbank settlement amount
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Optional interbank settlement date
- SttlmTmIndctn? SettlementDateTimeIndication1 - Optional settlement time indication
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructing agent information
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructed agent information
- IntrmyAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- CdtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor agent information
- CdtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor agent account information
- Cdtr BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor identification
- CdtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor account information
- UltmtCdtr? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional ultimate creditor identification
- InstrForCdtrAgt? InstructionForCreditorAgent3[] - Array of instructions for the creditor agent
- DrctDbtTxInf DirectDebitTransactionInformation33[] - Array of direct debit transaction information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CurrencyExchange24![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for CurrencyExchange24, representing a currency exchange operation.
- SrcCcy ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - Source currency.
- TrgtCcy? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - Target currency.
- UnitCcy? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - Currency unit.
- XchgRate BaseOneRate - Exchange rate.
- CtrctId? Max35Text - Contract identification for the exchange.
- QtnDt? ISODateTime - Quotation date for the exchange rate.
- XchgRateBase? PositiveNumber - Base for the exchange rate.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DateAndDateTime2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DateAndDateTime2Choice, offering a choice between a date or a date-time value.
- Dt? ISODate - Date.
- DtTm? ISODateTime - Date-time value.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DateAndPlaceOfBirth1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DateAndPlaceOfBirth1, representing a person's birth details.
- BirthDt ISODate - Date of birth.
- PrvcOfBirth? Max35Text - Province of birth.
- CityOfBirth Max35Text - City of birth.
- CtryOfBirth CountryCode - Country of birth.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DateAndType1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DateAndType1, representing a date and type.
- Tp DateType2Choice - Date type.
- Dt ISODate - Date.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DateOrDateTimePeriod1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DateOrDateTimePeriod1Choice, offering a choice between a date period or a date-time period.
- Dt? DatePeriod2 - Date period.
- DtTm? DateTimePeriod1 - Date-time period.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DatePeriod2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DatePeriod2, representing a period between two dates.
- FrDt ISODate - Start date.
- ToDt ISODate - End date.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DateTimePeriod1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DateTimePeriod1, representing a date-time period with a from and to date-time.
- FrDtTm ISODateTime - From date-time.
- ToDtTm ISODateTime - To date-time.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DateType2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DateType2Choice, representing a choice between an external date type code or proprietary date type.
- Cd? ExternalDateType1Code - External date type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary date type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DirectDebitTransaction12![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DirectDebitTransaction12, representing direct debit transaction information.
- MndtRltdInf? MandateRelatedInformation16 - Mandate related information.
- CdtrSchmeId? PartyIdentification272 - Creditor scheme identification.
- PreNtfctnId? Max35Text - Pre-notification identifier.
- PreNtfctnDt? ISODate - Pre-notification date.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DirectDebitTransactionInformation31![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DirectDebitTransactionInformation31, which details a direct debit transaction.
- PmtId PaymentIdentification13 - Payment identification information
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation27 - Optional payment type information
- IntrBkSttlmAmt ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Interbank settlement amount
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Optional interbank settlement date
- SttlmPrty? Priority3Code - Optional settlement priority
- SttlmTmIndctn? SettlementDateTimeIndication1 - Optional settlement time indication
- InstdAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Optional instructed amount
- XchgRate? BaseOneRate - Optional exchange rate
- ChrgBr ChargeBearerType1Code - Charge bearer type
- ChrgsInf? Charges16[] - Array of charges information
- ReqdColltnDt? ISODate - Optional requested collection date
- DrctDbtTx? DirectDebitTransaction12 - Optional direct debit transaction information
- Cdtr PartyIdentification272 - Creditor identification
- CdtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor account information
- CdtrAgt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor agent information
- CdtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional creditor agent account information
- UltmtCdtr? PartyIdentification272 - Optional ultimate creditor identification
- InitgPty? PartyIdentification272 - Initiating party information
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructing agent information
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructed agent information
- IntrmyAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt1Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt2Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- IntrmyAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional intermediary agent information
- IntrmyAgt3Acct? CashAccount40 - Optional intermediary agent account information
- Dbtr PartyIdentification272 - Debtor identification
- DbtrAcct CashAccount40 - Debtor account information
- DbtrAgt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Debtor agent information
- DbtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor agent account information
- UltmtDbtr? PartyIdentification272 - Optional ultimate debtor identification
- Purp? Purpose2Choice - Optional purpose information
- RgltryRptg? RegulatoryReporting3[] - Optional regulatory reporting information
- RltdRmtInf? RemittanceLocation8[] - Array of related remittance information
- RmtInf? RemittanceInformation22 - Optional remittance information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DirectDebitTransactionInformation33![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DirectDebitTransactionInformation33, which details a direct debit transaction.
- PmtId PaymentIdentification13 - Payment identification information
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation28 - Optional payment type information
- IntrBkSttlmAmt ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Interbank settlement amount
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Optional interbank settlement date
- SttlmPrty? Priority3Code - Optional settlement priority
- SttlmTmIndctn? SettlementDateTimeIndication1 - Optional settlement time indication
- SttlmTmReq? SettlementTimeRequest2 - Optional settlement time request
- UltmtDbtr? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional ultimate debtor identification
- Dbtr BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Debtor identification
- DbtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor account information
- DbtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional debtor agent information
- DbtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional debtor agent account information
- InstrForDbtrAgt? Max210Text - Optional instruction for the debtor agent
- Purp? Purpose2Choice - Optional purpose information
- RmtInf? RemittanceInformation2 - Optional remittance information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DisplayCapabilities1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DisplayCapabilities1, specifying user interface display capabilities.
- DispTp UserInterface2Code - Type of user interface.
- NbOfLines Max3NumericText - Number of display lines.
- LineWidth Max3NumericText - Width of the display lines.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentAdjustment1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentAdjustment1, representing document adjustment details.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount adjusted.
- CdtDbtInd? CreditDebitCode - Credit or debit indicator.
- Rsn? Max4Text - Reason for adjustment.
- AddtlInf? Max140Text - Additional information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentAmount1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentAmount1, representing document amount information.
- Tp DocumentAmountType1Choice - Type of document amount.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentAmountType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentAmountType1Choice, representing a choice between an external or proprietary document amount type.
- Cd? ExternalDocumentAmountType1Code - External document amount type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary document amount type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentLineIdentification1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentLineIdentification1, representing document line identification details.
- Tp? DocumentLineType1 - Document line type.
- Nb? Max35Text - Document line number.
- RltdDt? ISODate - Related date for the document line.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentLineInformation2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentLineInformation2, representing document line information.
- Id DocumentLineIdentification1[] - Array of document line identifications.
- Desc? Max2048Text - Description of the document line.
- Amt? RemittanceAmount4 - Amount related to the document line.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentLineType1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentLineType1, representing document line type details.
- CdOrPrtry DocumentLineType1Choice - Choice between external or proprietary document line type.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the document line type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentLineType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentLineType1Choice, representing a choice between an external document line type code or proprietary type.
- Cd? ExternalDocumentLineType1Code - External document line type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary document line type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentType1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentType1, representing document type details.
- CdOrPrtry DocumentType2Choice - Choice between external or proprietary document type.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the document type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DocumentType2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for DocumentType2Choice, representing a choice between an external or proprietary document type.
- Cd? ExternalDocumentType1Code - External document type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary document type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: EntryDetails13![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for EntryDetails13, containing details of batch and transaction information.
- Btch? BatchInformation2 - Batch information.
- TxDtls? EntryTransaction14[] - List of transaction details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: EntryStatus1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for EntryStatus1Choice, representing a choice for entry status.
- Cd? ExternalEntryStatus1Code - External entry status code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary entry status.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: EntryTransaction14![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for EntryTransaction14, representing details of a single entry transaction.
- Refs? TransactionReferences6 - Transaction references.
- Amt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Transaction amount.
- CdtDbtInd? CreditDebitCode - Credit or debit indicator.
- AmtDtls? AmountAndCurrencyExchange4 - Details of the amount and currency exchange.
- Avlbty? CashAvailability1[] - Availability of cash.
- BkTxCd? BankTransactionCodeStructure4 - Bank transaction code structure.
- Chrgs? Charges15 - Charges associated with the transaction.
- Intrst? TransactionInterest4 - Interest information.
- RltdPties? TransactionParties12 - Related transaction parties.
- RltdAgts? TransactionAgents6 - Related transaction agents.
- LclInstrm? LocalInstrument2Choice - Local instrument choice.
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation27 - Payment type information.
- Purp? Purpose2Choice - Purpose of the transaction.
- RltdRmtInf? RemittanceLocation8[] - Related remittance information (up to 10 instances).
- RmtInf? RemittanceInformation22 - Remittance information.
- RltdDts? TransactionDates3 - Related transaction dates.
- RltdPric? TransactionPrice4Choice - Related transaction price.
- RltdQties? TransactionQuantities3Choice[] - Related transaction quantities.
- FinInstrmId? SecurityIdentification19 - Financial instrument identification.
- Tax? TaxData1 - Tax data.
- RtrInf? PaymentReturnReason8 - Payment return reason information.
- CorpActn? CorporateAction9 - Corporate action details.
- SfkpgAcct? SecuritiesAccount19 - Securities safekeeping account.
- CshDpst? CashDeposit1[] - Cash deposit information.
- CardTx? CardTransaction18 - Card transaction information.
- AddtlTxInf? Max500Text - Additional transaction information.
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Supplementary data.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: EquivalentAmount2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for EquivalentAmount2, representing an amount and its currency.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount.
- CcyOfTrf ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode - Currency of the transfer.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice, which contains a choice between an external code or proprietary identification.
- Cd? ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code - External financial institution identification code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary scheme name.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV11![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV11, which contains details about financial institution credit transfer transactions.
- GrpHdr GroupHeader113 - Group header information for the credit transfer transaction
- CdtTrfTxInf CreditTransferTransaction62[] - Array of credit transfer transaction information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV06![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV06, which contains details about financial institution direct debit transactions.
- GrpHdr GroupHeader119 - Group header information for the direct debit transaction
- CdtInstr CreditTransferTransaction66[] - Array of credit transfer instruction information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FinancialInstitutionIdentification23![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FinancialInstitutionIdentification23, which contains various identifiers for financial institutions.
- BICFI? BICFIDec2014Identifier - BIC code for financial institutions.
- ClrSysMmbId? ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2 - Member identification within a clearing system.
- LEI? LEIIdentifier - Legal entity identifier.
- Nm? Max140Text - Name of the institution.
- PstlAdr? PostalAddress27 - Postal address.
- Othr? GenericFinancialIdentification1 - Other identification types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FinancialInstrumentQuantity1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FinancialInstrumentQuantity1Choice, offering a choice between different quantity types for a financial instrument.
- Unit? DecimalNumber - Unit quantity.
- FaceAmt? ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Face amount.
- AmtsdVal? ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Amortized value.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV12![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV12, which contains details about customer credit transfer transactions.
- GrpHdr GroupHeader113 - Group header information for the credit transfer transaction
- CdtTrfTxInf CreditTransferTransaction64[] - Array of credit transfer transaction information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV11![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV11, which contains details about customer direct debit transactions.
- GrpHdr GroupHeader125 - Group header information for the direct debit transaction
- DrctDbtTxInf DirectDebitTransactionInformation31[] - Array of direct debit transaction information
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV14![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV14, which contains details about the payment status report.
- GrpHdr GroupHeader120 - Group header information for the payment status report
- OrgnlGrpInfAndSts? OriginalGroupHeader22[] - Original group information and status
- TxInfAndSts? PaymentTransaction161[] - Array of payment transactions and their statuses
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Frequency36Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Frequency36Choice, representing a choice of frequency and its period or moment.
- Tp? Frequency6Code - Frequency type code.
- Prd? FrequencyPeriod1 - Frequency period.
- PtInTm? FrequencyAndMoment1 - Frequency and moment.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FrequencyAndMoment1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FrequencyAndMoment1, representing a frequency type and an exact moment in time.
- Tp Frequency6Code - Frequency type code.
- PtInTm Exact2NumericText - Exact numeric representation of the moment.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FrequencyPeriod1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FrequencyPeriod1, representing a frequency type and a count per period.
- Tp Frequency6Code - Frequency type code.
- CntPerPrd DecimalNumber - Count per period.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: FromToAmountRange1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for FromToAmountRange1, representing a range between two amount boundaries.
- FrAmt AmountRangeBoundary1 - From amount.
- ToAmt AmountRangeBoundary1 - To amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Garnishment4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Garnishment4, representing garnishment details.
- Tp GarnishmentType1 - Garnishment type.
- Grnshee? PartyIdentification272 - Garnishee (the party who is garnished).
- GrnshmtAdmstr? PartyIdentification272 - Garnishment administrator.
- RefNb? Max140Text - Reference number.
- Dt? ISODate - Date of garnishment.
- RmtdAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Remitted amount.
- FmlyMdclInsrncInd? TrueFalseIndicator - Family medical insurance indicator.
- MplyeeTermntnInd? TrueFalseIndicator - Employee termination indicator.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GarnishmentType1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GarnishmentType1, representing garnishment type details.
- CdOrPrtry GarnishmentType1Choice - External or proprietary garnishment type.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the garnishment type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GarnishmentType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GarnishmentType1Choice, representing a choice between an external or proprietary garnishment type.
- Cd? ExternalGarnishmentType1Code - External garnishment type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary garnishment type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericAccountIdentification1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericAccountIdentification1, which provides generic account identification information.
- Id? Max34Text - Account identifier.
- SchmeNm? AccountSchemeName1Choice - Scheme name of the account identification.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the account.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericFinancialIdentification1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericFinancialIdentification1, representing a generic financial identification.
- Id? Max35Text - Identification code.
- SchmeNm? FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice - Scheme name of the identification.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericIdentification1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericIdentification1, representing a generic identifier with an optional scheme name and issuer.
- Id? Max35Text - Identifier.
- SchmeNm? Max35Text - Scheme name.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericIdentification3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericIdentification3, representing a generic identifier with an issuer.
- Id? Max35Text - Identifier.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericIdentification30![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericIdentification30, which contains a generic identification with an exact alphanumeric code.
- Id Exact4AlphaNumericText - Exact 4 alphanumeric characters identification.
- Issr Max35Text - Issuer of the identification.
- SchmeNm? Max35Text - Scheme name for the identification
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericIdentification32![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericIdentification32, representing a generic identifier with a party type, issuer, and short name.
- Id Max35Text - Identifier.
- Tp? PartyType3Code - Party type.
- Issr? PartyType4Code - Issuer.
- ShrtNm? Max35Text - Short name.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericOrganisationIdentification3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericOrganisationIdentification3, which contains generic organisation identification information.
- Id? Max256Text - Identification code of the organisation.
- SchmeNm? OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Choice - Scheme name of the organisation identification.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GenericPersonIdentification2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GenericPersonIdentification2, which contains identification information for a person.
- Id? Max256Text - Identification code of the person.
- SchmeNm? PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice - Scheme name of the person identification.
- Issr? Max35Text - Issuer of the identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GroupHeader113![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GroupHeader113, representing the header of a group message.
- MsgId Max35Text - Message identifier.
- CreDtTm ISODateTime - Creation date and time.
- BtchBookg? BatchBookingIndicator - Batch booking indicator.
- NbOfTxs Max15NumericText - Number of transactions.
- CtrlSum? DecimalNumber - Control sum for the group.
- TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt? ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Total interbank settlement amount.
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Interbank settlement date.
- SttlmInf SettlementInstruction15 - Settlement information.
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation28 - Payment type information.
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructing agent.
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructed agent.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GroupHeader116![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GroupHeader116, representing the header of a message with creation date-time, message recipient, and other optional elements.
- MsgId Max35Text - Message identifier.
- CreDtTm ISODateTime - Creation date-time.
- MsgRcpt? PartyIdentification272 - Message recipient.
- MsgPgntn? Pagination1 - Message pagination details.
- OrgnlBizQry? OriginalBusinessQuery1 - Original business query details.
- AddtlInf? Max500Text - Additional information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GroupHeader117![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GroupHeader117, which represents the header for a group of messages.
- MsgId Max35Text - Unique identifier for the message.
- CreDtTm ISODateTime - Creation date and time of the message.
- MsgSndr? Party50Choice - Party sending the message.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GroupHeader119![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GroupHeader119, which contains group header information for the direct debit transaction.
- MsgId Max35Text - Message identification
- CreDtTm ISODateTime - Creation date and time
- NbOfTxs Max15NumericText - Number of transactions
- CtrlSum? DecimalNumber - Optional control sum for the group of transactions
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructing agent information
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructed agent information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GroupHeader120![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GroupHeader120, representing the header information for the payment status report.
- MsgId Max35Text - Message identifier
- CreDtTm ISODateTime - Creation date and time
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructing agent
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructed agent
- OrgnlBizQry? OriginalBusinessQuery1 - Optional original business query
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GroupHeader125![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GroupHeader125, representing the header information for direct debit transactions.
- MsgId Max35Text - Message identifier
- CreDtTm ISODateTime - Creation date and time
- Authstn? Authorisation1Choice[] - Optional authorizations
- BtchBookg? BatchBookingIndicator - Optional batch booking indicator
- NbOfTxs Max15NumericText - Number of transactions
- CtrlSum? DecimalNumber - Optional control sum for the transactions
- TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt? ActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Optional total interbank settlement amount
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Optional interbank settlement date
- SttlmInf SettlementInstruction14 - Settlement instructions
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation27 - Optional payment type information
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructing agent
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructed agent
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: IdentificationSource3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for IdentificationSource3Choice, offering a choice between an external code or a proprietary identifier.
- Cd? ExternalFinancialInstrumentIdentificationType1Code - External code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary identifier.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ImpliedCurrencyAmountRange1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ImpliedCurrencyAmountRange1Choice, offering a choice between different amount range types.
- FrAmt? AmountRangeBoundary1 - From amount boundary.
- ToAmt? AmountRangeBoundary1 - To amount boundary.
- FrToAmt? FromToAmountRange1 - From-to amount range.
- EQAmt? ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Equal amount.
- NEQAmt? ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Not equal amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: InstructionForCreditorAgent3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for InstructionForCreditorAgent3, representing instructions for the creditor agent.
- Cd? ExternalCreditorAgentInstruction1Code - Creditor agent instruction code.
- InstrInf? Max140Text - Instruction information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: InstructionForNextAgent1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for InstructionForNextAgent1, representing instructions for the next agent.
- Cd? Instruction4Code - Instruction code.
- InstrInf? Max140Text - Instruction information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: InterestRecord2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for InterestRecord2, representing interest details including amount, type, and tax charges.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Interest amount.
- CdtDbtInd CreditDebitCode - Credit or debit indicator.
- Tp? InterestType1Choice - Type of interest.
- Rate? Rate4 - Interest rate.
- FrToDt? DateTimePeriod1 - From-to date-time range for interest.
- Rsn? Max35Text - Reason for interest.
- Tax? TaxCharges2 - Tax charges associated with the interest.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: InterestType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for InterestType1Choice, offering a choice between an interest type code and a proprietary identifier.
- Cd? InterestType1Code - Interest type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary interest type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: LocalInstrument2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for LocalInstrument2Choice, offering a choice between an external local instrument code and a proprietary identifier.
- Cd? ExternalLocalInstrument1Code - External local instrument code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary local instrument identifier.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: MandateClassification1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for MandateClassification1Choice, offering a choice of mandate classifications.
- Cd? MandateClassification1Code - Mandate classification code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary classification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: MandateRelatedData3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for MandateRelatedData3Choice, representing choices for mandate-related data.
- DrctDbtMndt? MandateRelatedInformation16 - Direct debit mandate information.
- CdtTrfMndt? CreditTransferMandateData1 - Credit transfer mandate information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: MandateRelatedInformation16![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for MandateRelatedInformation16, representing information related to a mandate.
- MndtId? Max35Text - Mandate identifier.
- DtOfSgntr? ISODate - Date of signature.
- AmdmntInd? TrueFalseIndicator - Amendment indicator.
- AmdmntInfDtls? AmendmentInformationDetails15 - Amendment information details.
- ElctrncSgntr? Max1025Text - Electronic signature.
- FrstColltnDt? ISODate - First collection date.
- FnlColltnDt? ISODate - Final collection date.
- Frqcy? Frequency36Choice - Frequency.
- Rsn? MandateSetupReason1Choice - Reason for the mandate.
- TrckgDays? Exact2NumericText - Tracking days.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: MandateSetupReason1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for MandateSetupReason1Choice, offering a choice of mandate setup reasons.
- Cd? ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code - External mandate setup reason code.
- Prtry? Max70Text - Proprietary mandate setup reason.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: MandateTypeInformation2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for MandateTypeInformation2, representing information related to the type of mandate.
- SvcLvl? ServiceLevel8Choice - Service level.
- LclInstrm? LocalInstrument2Choice - Local instrument.
- CtgyPurp? CategoryPurpose1Choice - Category purpose.
- Clssfctn? MandateClassification1Choice - Mandate classification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: MessageIdentification2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for MessageIdentification2, containing identifiers for a message name and message.
- MsgNmId? Max35Text - Message name identifier.
- MsgId? Max35Text - Message identifier.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: NameAndAddress18![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for NameAndAddress18, representing a name and address combination.
- Nm Max140Text - Name.
- Adr PostalAddress27 - Address.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: NumberAndSumOfTransactions1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for NumberAndSumOfTransactions1, containing the number of entries and their sum.
- NbOfNtries? Max15NumericText - Number of entries.
- Sum? DecimalNumber - Sum of the entries.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: NumberAndSumOfTransactions4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for NumberAndSumOfTransactions4, containing the number of entries, their sum, and the total net entry.
- NbOfNtries? Max15NumericText - Number of entries.
- Sum? DecimalNumber - Sum of the entries.
- TtlNetNtry? AmountAndDirection35 - Total net entry amount and direction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus5![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus5, which details the number of transactions for a specific status.
- DtldNbOfTxs Max15NumericText - Detailed number of transactions
- DtldSts ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code - Detailed status of the transactions
- DtldCtrlSum? DecimalNumber - Optional control sum for the transactions
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OrganisationIdentification39![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines OrganisationIdentification39, which contains organisation identification information.
- AnyBIC? AnyBICDec2014Identifier - BIC code of the organisation.
- LEI? LEIIdentifier - Legal Entity Identifier of the organisation.
- Othr? GenericOrganisationIdentification3[] - Array of other organisation identification details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Choice, representing a choice between an external code or proprietary scheme name for organisation identification.
- Cd? ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code - External code for organisation identification.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary scheme name.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OriginalAndCurrentQuantities1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OriginalAndCurrentQuantities1, representing the original and current quantities of a financial instrument.
- FaceAmt ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Original face amount.
- AmtsdVal ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Current amortized value.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OriginalBusinessQuery1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OriginalBusinessQuery1, containing information about the original business query.
- MsgId Max35Text - Message identifier.
- MsgNmId? Max35Text - Message name identifier.
- CreDtTm? ISODateTime - Creation date-time.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OriginalGroupHeader21![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OriginalGroupHeader21, representing the header of the original group.
- GrpCxlId? Max35Text - Identifier for the group cancellation.
- Case? Case6 - Related case information.
- OrgnlMsgId Max35Text - Identifier of the original message.
- OrgnlMsgNmId Max35Text - Name of the original message.
- OrgnlCreDtTm? ISODateTime - Creation date and time of the original message.
- NbOfTxs? Max15NumericText - Number of transactions in the group.
- CtrlSum? DecimalNumber - Control sum for the group.
- GrpCxl? GroupCancellationIndicator - Group cancellation indicator.
- CxlRsnInf? PaymentCancellationReason6[] - Reasons for cancellation.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OriginalGroupHeader22![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OriginalGroupHeader22, which contains information about the original group and its status.
- OrgnlMsgId Max35Text - Original message identifier
- OrgnlMsgNmId Max35Text - Original message name identifier
- OrgnlCreDtTm? ISODateTime - Optional original creation date and time
- OrgnlNbOfTxs? Max15NumericText - Optional original number of transactions
- OrgnlCtrlSum? DecimalNumber - Optional original control sum
- GrpSts? ExternalPaymentGroupStatus1Code - Optional group status
- StsRsnInf? StatusReasonInformation14[] - Optional status reason information
- NbOfTxsPerSts? NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus5[] - Optional number of transactions per status
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OriginalGroupInformation29![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OriginalGroupInformation29, representing original group information.
- OrgnlMsgId Max35Text - Identifier of the original message.
- OrgnlMsgNmId Max35Text - Name of the original message.
- OrgnlCreDtTm? ISODateTime - Creation date and time of the original message.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OriginalTransactionReference42![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OriginalTransactionReference42, representing references to original transactions.
- IntrBkSttlmAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Interbank settlement amount.
- Amt? AmountType4Choice - Amount type choice.
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Interbank settlement date.
- ReqdColltnDt? ISODate - Required collection date.
- ReqdExctnDt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Required execution date.
- CdtrSchmeId? PartyIdentification272 - Creditor scheme identification.
- SttlmInf? SettlementInstruction15 - Settlement information.
- PmtTpInf? PaymentTypeInformation27 - Payment type information.
- PmtMtd? PaymentMethod4Code - Payment method.
- MndtRltdInf? MandateRelatedData3Choice - Mandate related information.
- RmtInf? RemittanceInformation22 - Remittance information.
- UltmtDbtr? Party50Choice - Ultimate debtor.
- Dbtr? Party50Choice - Debtor party information.
- DbtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Debtor account information.
- DbtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Debtor agent information.
- DbtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Debtor agent account information.
- CdtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor agent information.
- CdtrAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Creditor agent account information.
- Cdtr? Party50Choice - Creditor party information.
- CdtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Creditor account information.
- UltmtCdtr? Party50Choice - Ultimate creditor.
- Purp? Purpose2Choice - Purpose of the transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OtherContact1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OtherContact1, representing other contact information.
- ChanlTp Max4Text - Channel type.
- Id? Max128Text - Identification for the channel
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: OtherIdentification1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for OtherIdentification1, representing other identification information including an optional suffix and identification source.
- Id Max35Text - Identifier.
- Sfx? Max16Text - Suffix.
- Tp IdentificationSource3Choice - Identification source.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs002Document![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Pacs002Document, which encapsulates the payment status report details.
- FIToFIPmtStsRpt FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV14 - Payment status report information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs003Document![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Pacs003Document, which encapsulates the customer direct debit transaction details.
- FIToFICstmrDrctDbt FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV11 - Customer direct debit transaction information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs008Document![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Pacs008Document, which encapsulates the customer credit transfer transaction details.
- FIToFICstmrCdtTrf FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV12 - Customer credit transfer transaction information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs009Document![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Pacs009Document, which encapsulates the financial institution credit transfer transaction information.
- FICdtTrf FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV11 - Financial institution credit transfer transaction information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs010Document![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Pacs010Document, which encapsulates the financial institution direct debit transaction information.
- FIDrctDbt FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV06 - Financial institution direct debit transaction information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pagination1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Pagination1, representing pagination information for a message.
- PgNb Max5NumericText - Page number.
- LastPgInd YesNoIndicator - Indicator of whether this is the last page.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Party50Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Party50Choice, which allows a choice between a party identification or an agent.
- Pty? PartyIdentification272 - Party identification details.
- Agt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Agent details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Party52Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Party52Choice, representing a choice between organisation identification and person identification.
- OrgId? OrganisationIdentification39 - Organisation identification details.
- PrvtId? PersonIdentification18 - Private individual identification details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PartyIdentification272![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PartyIdentification272, representing identification details for a party.
- Nm? Max140Text - Name of the party.
- PstlAdr? PostalAddress27 - Postal address.
- Id? Party52Choice - Identification details.
- CtryOfRes? CountryCode - Country of residence.
- CtctDtls? Contact13 - Contact details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentCancellationReason6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentCancellationReason6, representing reasons for payment cancellation.
- Orgtr? PartyIdentification272 - Party that originated the transaction.
- Rsn? CancellationReason33Choice - Reason for cancellation.
- AddtlInf? Max105Text[] - Additional information related to the cancellation.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentCard4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentCard4, representing details of a payment card.
- PlainCardData? PlainCardData1 - Plain card data.
- CardCtryCd? Exact3NumericText - Card country code.
- CardBrnd? GenericIdentification1 - Card brand.
- AddtlCardData? Max70Text - Additional card data.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentContext3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentContext3, representing the context of a payment transaction, including details about the presence of the cardholder, attendance, and authentication.
- CardPres? TrueFalseIndicator - Indicates if the card was present.
- CrdhldrPres? TrueFalseIndicator - Indicates if the cardholder was present.
- OnLineCntxt? TrueFalseIndicator - Indicates if the transaction was online.
- AttndncCntxt? AttendanceContext1Code - Attendance context.
- TxEnvt? TransactionEnvironment1Code - Transaction environment.
- TxChanl? TransactionChannel1Code - Transaction channel.
- AttndntMsgCpbl? TrueFalseIndicator - Indicates if the attendant can send messages.
- AttndntLang? ISO2ALanguageCode - Attendant language.
- CardDataNtryMd CardDataReading1Code - Card data entry mode.
- FllbckInd? TrueFalseIndicator - Indicates if fallback mode was used.
- AuthntcnMtd? CardholderAuthentication2 - Authentication method.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentIdentification13![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentIdentification13, representing payment identification details.
- InstrId? Max35Text - Instruction identifier.
- EndToEndId Max35Text - End-to-end identifier.
- TxId? Max35Text - Transaction identifier.
- UETR? UUIDv4Identifier - Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference.
- ClrSysRef? Max35Text - Clearing system reference.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentIdentification6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentIdentification6, representing identifiers for payment transactions.
- InstrId? Max35Text - Identifier for the instruction.
- EndToEndId Max35Text - End-to-end identifier.
- UETR? UUIDv4Identifier - Unique end-to-end transaction reference.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentReturnReason8![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentReturnReason8, representing the reason for a returned payment.
- OrgnlBkTxCd? BankTransactionCodeStructure4 - Original bank transaction code.
- Orgtr? PartyIdentification272 - Originator.
- Rsn? ReturnReason5Choice - Return reason.
- AddtlInf? Max105Text[] - Additional information about the return.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentTransaction161![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentTransaction161, which details a specific payment transaction and its status.
- StsId? Max35Text - Optional status identifier
- OrgnlGrpInf? OriginalGroupInformation29 - Original group information
- OrgnlInstrId? Max35Text - Original instruction identifier
- OrgnlEndToEndId? Max35Text - Original end-to-end identifier
- OrgnlTxId? Max35Text - Original transaction identifier
- OrgnlUETR? UUIDv4Identifier - Optional unique end-to-end transaction reference
- TxSts? ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code - Optional transaction status
- StsRsnInf? StatusReasonInformation14[] - Optional status reason information
- ChrgsInf? Charges16[] - Optional charges information
- AccptncDtTm? ISODateTime - Optional acceptance date and time
- PrcgDt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Optional processing date
- FctvIntrBkSttlmDt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Optional effective interbank settlement date
- AcctSvcrRef? Max35Text - Optional account servicer reference
- ClrSysRef? Max35Text - Optional clearing system reference
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructing agent
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Optional instructed agent
- OrgnlTxRef? OriginalTransactionReference42 - Optional original transaction reference
- SplmtryData? SupplementaryData1[] - Optional supplementary data
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentTypeInformation27![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentTypeInformation27, representing payment type information including priority, clearing channel, service level, and category purpose.
- InstrPrty? Priority2Code - Instruction priority.
- ClrChanl? ClearingChannel2Code - Clearing channel.
- SvcLvl? ServiceLevel8Choice[] - Service level.
- LclInstrm? LocalInstrument2Choice - Local instrument.
- SeqTp? SequenceType3Code - Sequence type.
- CtgyPurp? CategoryPurpose1Choice - Category purpose.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PaymentTypeInformation28![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PaymentTypeInformation28, representing payment type details.
- InstrPrty? Priority2Code - Instruction priority.
- ClrChanl? ClearingChannel2Code - Clearing channel.
- SvcLvl? ServiceLevel8Choice[] - Service level.
- LclInstrm? LocalInstrument2Choice - Local instrument.
- CtgyPurp? CategoryPurpose1Choice - Category purpose.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PersonIdentification18![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PersonIdentification18, representing identification details for a person.
- DtAndPlcOfBirth? DateAndPlaceOfBirth1 - Date and place of birth.
- Othr? GenericPersonIdentification2[] - Array of other identification details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice, representing a choice between an external or proprietary identification scheme for a person.
- Cd? ExternalPersonIdentification1Code - External identification code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary identification scheme name.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PlainCardData1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PlainCardData1, representing the basic details of a payment card.
- PAN Min8Max28NumericText - Primary account number.
- CardSeqNb? Min2Max3NumericText - Card sequence number.
- FctvDt? ISOYearMonth - Effective date.
- XpryDt ISOYearMonth - Expiry date.
- SvcCd? Exact3NumericText - Service code.
- TrckData? TrackData1[] - Track data.
- CardSctyCd? CardSecurityInformation1 - Card security code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PointOfInteraction1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PointOfInteraction1, representing a point of interaction device.
- Id GenericIdentification32 - POI identification.
- SysNm? Max70Text - System name.
- GrpId? Max35Text - Group identifier.
- Cpblties? PointOfInteractionCapabilities1 - POI capabilities.
- Cmpnt? PointOfInteractionComponent1[] - POI components.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PointOfInteractionCapabilities1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PointOfInteractionCapabilities1, representing the capabilities of a point of interaction device.
- CardRdngCpblties? CardDataReading1Code[] - Card reading capabilities.
- CrdhldrVrfctnCpblties? CardholderVerificationCapability1Code[] - Cardholder verification capabilities.
- OnLineCpblties? OnLineCapability1Code - Online capabilities.
- DispCpblties? DisplayCapabilities1[] - Display capabilities.
- PrtLineWidth? Max3NumericText - Printer line width.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PointOfInteractionComponent1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PointOfInteractionComponent1, representing a component of a point of interaction device.
- POICmpntTp POIComponentType1Code - Component type.
- ManfctrId? Max35Text - Manufacturer identifier.
- Mdl? Max35Text - Model.
- VrsnNb? Max16Text - Version number.
- SrlNb? Max35Text - Serial number.
- ApprvlNb? Max70Text[] - Approval numbers.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PostalAddress27![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PostalAddress27, representing postal address information.
- AdrTp? AddressType3Choice - Address type.
- CareOf? Max140Text - Care of name.
- Dept? Max70Text - Department.
- SubDept? Max70Text - Sub-department.
- StrtNm? Max140Text - Street name.
- BldgNb? Max16Text - Building number.
- BldgNm? Max140Text - Building name.
- Flr? Max70Text - Floor.
- UnitNb? Max16Text - Unit number.
- PstBx? Max16Text - Post box.
- Room? Max70Text - Room.
- PstCd? Max16Text - Postal code.
- TwnNm? Max140Text - Town name.
- TwnLctnNm? Max140Text - Town location name.
- DstrctNm? Max140Text - District name.
- CtrySubDvsn? Max35Text - Country subdivision.
- Ctry? CountryCode - Country code.
- AdrLine? Max70Text[] - Array of address lines.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Price7![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Price7, representing a price in a financial transaction.
- Tp YieldedOrValueType1Choice - Type of price (yielded or value type).
- Val PriceRateOrAmount3Choice - Price value (rate or amount).
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PriceRateOrAmount3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for PriceRateOrAmount3Choice, offering a choice between a percentage rate and a currency amount.
- Rate? PercentageRate - Percentage rate.
- Amt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount - Currency amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Product2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Product2, representing a product including its code, unit of measure, and price.
- PdctCd Max70Text - Product code.
- UnitOfMeasr? UnitOfMeasure1Code - Unit of measure.
- PdctQty? DecimalNumber - Product quantity.
- UnitPric? ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Unit price.
- PdctAmt? ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount - Total product amount.
- TaxTp? Max35Text - Tax type.
- AddtlPdctInf? Max35Text - Additional product information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProprietaryAgent5![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProprietaryAgent5, representing a proprietary agent and its type.
- Tp Max35Text - Type of agent.
- Agt BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Branch and financial institution identification of the agent.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1, representing a proprietary bank transaction code.
- Cd Max35Text - Transaction code.
- Issr? Max35Text - Code issuer.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProprietaryDate3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProprietaryDate3, representing a proprietary date.
- Tp Max35Text - Date type.
- Dt DateAndDateTime2Choice - Date value.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProprietaryParty6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProprietaryParty6, representing a proprietary party including its type and party details.
- Tp Max35Text - Party type.
- Pty Party50Choice - Party details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProprietaryPrice2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProprietaryPrice2, representing a proprietary price.
- Tp Max35Text - Price type.
- Pric ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Price amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProprietaryQuantity1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProprietaryQuantity1, representing a proprietary quantity.
- Tp Max35Text - Quantity type.
- Qty Max35Text - Quantity value.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProprietaryReference1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProprietaryReference1, representing a proprietary reference.
- Tp Max35Text - Reference type.
- Ref Max35Text - Reference value.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProxyAccountIdentification1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProxyAccountIdentification1, representing proxy account identification information.
- Tp? ProxyAccountType1Choice - Proxy account type.
- Id Max2048Text - Proxy account identifier.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ProxyAccountType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ProxyAccountType1Choice, representing a choice between an external proxy account type code and proprietary type.
- Cd? ExternalProxyAccountType1Code - External proxy account type code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary proxy account type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Purpose2Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Purpose2Choice, representing a choice between an external or proprietary purpose.
- Cd? ExternalPurpose1Code - External purpose code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary purpose.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Rate4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for Rate4, representing an interest rate or fee rate.
- Tp RateType4Choice - Rate type.
- VldtyRg? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmountRange2 - Validity range for the rate.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RateType4Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RateType4Choice, offering a choice between a percentage rate and an alternative rate type.
- Pctg? PercentageRate - Percentage rate.
- Othr? Max35Text - Other rate type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: References74Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for References74Choice, offering a choice of transaction references.
- SctiesSttlmTxId? Max35Text - Securities settlement transaction identifier.
- IntraPosMvmntId? Max35Text - Intra-position movement identifier.
- IntraBalMvmntId? Max35Text - Intra-balance movement identifier.
- AcctSvcrTxId? Max35Text - Account servicer transaction identifier.
- MktInfrstrctrTxId? Max35Text - Market infrastructure transaction identifier.
- CtrPtyMktInfrstrctrTxId? Max35Text - Counterparty market infrastructure transaction identifier.
- PoolId? Max35Text - Pool identifier.
- CmonId? Max35Text - Common identifier.
- TradId? Max52Text - Trade identifier.
- OthrTxId? Max35Text - Other transaction identifier.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ReferredDocumentInformation8![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ReferredDocumentInformation8, representing referred document information.
- Tp? DocumentType1 - Document type.
- Nb? Max35Text - Document number.
- RltdDt? DateAndType1 - Related date.
- LineDtls? DocumentLineInformation2[] - Line details for the referred document.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RegulatoryAuthority2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RegulatoryAuthority2, representing the name and country of a regulatory authority.
- Nm? Max140Text - Name of the regulatory authority.
- Ctry? CountryCode - Country code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RegulatoryReporting3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RegulatoryReporting3, representing regulatory reporting details.
- DbtCdtRptgInd? RegulatoryReportingType1Code - Indicator for debit/credit reporting.
- Authrty? RegulatoryAuthority2 - Regulatory authority.
- Dtls? StructuredRegulatoryReporting3[] - Structured regulatory reporting details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RemittanceAmount4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RemittanceAmount4, representing remittance amount information.
- RmtAmtAndTp? DocumentAmount1[] - Array of remittance amounts and types.
- AdjstmntAmtAndRsn? DocumentAdjustment1[] - Array of adjustment amounts and reasons.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RemittanceInformation2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RemittanceInformation2, representing remittance information.
- Ustrd? Max140Text[] - Unstructured remittance information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RemittanceInformation22![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RemittanceInformation22, representing remittance information.
- Ustrd? Max140Text[] - Array of unstructured remittance information.
- Strd? StructuredRemittanceInformation18[] - Array of structured remittance information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RemittanceLocation8![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RemittanceLocation8, representing remittance location details.
- RmtId? Max35Text - Remittance ID.
- RmtLctnDtls? RemittanceLocationData2[] - Array of remittance location details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RemittanceLocationData2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for RemittanceLocationData2, representing remittance location data.
- Mtd RemittanceLocationMethod2Code - Remittance location method.
- ElctrncAdr? Max2048Text - Electronic address.
- PstlAdr? NameAndAddress18 - Postal address.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ReportEntry14![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ReportEntry14, representing a report entry with various details including amount, status, and charges.
- NtryRef? Max35Text - Entry reference.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Entry amount.
- CdtDbtInd CreditDebitCode - Credit or debit indicator.
- RvslInd? TrueFalseIndicator - Reversal indicator.
- Sts EntryStatus1Choice - Entry status.
- BookgDt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Booking date.
- ValDt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Value date.
- AcctSvcrRef? Max35Text - Account servicer reference.
- Avlbty? CashAvailability1[] - Cash availability details.
- BkTxCd BankTransactionCodeStructure4 - Bank transaction code.
- ComssnWvrInd? YesNoIndicator - Commission waiver indicator.
- AddtlInfInd? MessageIdentification2 - Additional information indicator.
- AmtDtls? AmountAndCurrencyExchange4 - Amount and currency exchange details.
- Chrgs? Charges15 - Charges applied to the entry.
- TechInptChanl? TechnicalInputChannel1Choice - Technical input channel used.
- Intrst? TransactionInterest4 - Interest details.
- CardTx? CardEntry5 - Card transaction details.
- NtryDtls? EntryDetails13[] - Entry details.
- AddtlNtryInf? Max500Text - Additional entry information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ReportingSource1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ReportingSource1Choice, offering a choice between an external reporting source code and a proprietary source.
- Cd? ExternalReportingSource1Code - External reporting source code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary source.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ReturnReason5Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ReturnReason5Choice, offering a choice between an external return reason code and a proprietary reason.
- Cd? ExternalReturnReason1Code - External return reason code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary reason.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SecuritiesAccount19![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SecuritiesAccount19, representing a securities account including its identifier, type, and name.
- Id Max35Text - Account identifier.
- Tp? GenericIdentification30 - Account type.
- Nm? Max70Text - Account name.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SecurityIdentification19![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SecurityIdentification19, representing security identification details including ISIN and other identifiers.
- ISIN? ISINOct2015Identifier - ISIN identifier.
- OthrId? OtherIdentification1[] - Other security identifiers.
- Desc? Max140Text - Security description.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SequenceRange1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SequenceRange1, representing a range of sequences.
- FrSeq Max35Text - The first sequence number.
- ToSeq Max35Text - The last sequence number.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SequenceRange1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SequenceRange1Choice, allowing various sequence range options.
- FrSeq? Max35Text - The first sequence number.
- ToSeq? Max35Text - The last sequence number.
- FrToSeq? SequenceRange1 - The sequence range.
- EQSeq? Max35Text - Equal sequence number.
- NEQSeq? Max35Text - Not equal sequence number.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ServiceLevel8Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ServiceLevel8Choice, offering a choice between an external service level code and a proprietary service level.
- Cd? ExternalServiceLevel1Code - External service level code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary service level.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SettlementDateTimeIndication1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SettlementDateTimeIndication1, representing settlement date and time details.
- DbtDtTm? ISODateTime - Debit date and time.
- CdtDtTm? ISODateTime - Credit date and time.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SettlementInstruction14![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SettlementInstruction14, which contains information on settlement instructions.
- SttlmMtd SettlementMethod2Code - Settlement method
- SttlmAcct? CashAccount40 - Optional settlement account information
- ClrSys? ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice - Optional clearing system identification
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SettlementInstruction15![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SettlementInstruction15, representing settlement instructions.
- SttlmMtd SettlementMethod1Code - Settlement method.
- SttlmAcct? CashAccount40 - Settlement account.
- ClrSys? ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice - Clearing system.
- InstgRmbrsmntAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructing reimbursement agent.
- InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Account of the instructing reimbursement agent.
- InstdRmbrsmntAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructed reimbursement agent.
- InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Account of the instructed reimbursement agent.
- ThrdRmbrsmntAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Third reimbursement agent.
- ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct? CashAccount40 - Account of the third reimbursement agent.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SettlementTimeRequest2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SettlementTimeRequest2, representing a settlement time request.
- CLSTm? ISOTime - Close time.
- TillTm? ISOTime - Time until the settlement.
- FrTm? ISOTime - From time.
- RjctTm? ISOTime - Rejection time.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: StatusReason6Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for StatusReason6Choice, which encapsulates a status reason with optional proprietary information.
- Cd? ExternalStatusReason1Code - Optional code for the reason
- Prtry? Max35Text - Optional proprietary reason information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: StatusReasonInformation14![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for StatusReasonInformation14, which provides information regarding the status reason.
- Orgtr? PartyIdentification272 - Optional originator identification
- Rsn? StatusReason6Choice - Optional reason information
- AddtlInf? Max105Text[] - Optional additional information
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: StructuredRegulatoryReporting3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for StructuredRegulatoryReporting3, representing structured regulatory reporting details.
- Tp? Max35Text - Type of the reporting.
- Dt? ISODate - Date of the reporting.
- Ctry? CountryCode - Country code.
- Cd? Max10Text - Code for the reporting.
- Amt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount reported.
- Inf? Max35Text[] - Additional information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: StructuredRemittanceInformation18![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for StructuredRemittanceInformation18, representing structured remittance information.
- RfrdDocInf? ReferredDocumentInformation8[] - Array of referred document information.
- RfrdDocAmt? RemittanceAmount4 - Referred document amount.
- CdtrRefInf? CreditorReferenceInformation3 - Creditor reference information.
- Invcr? PartyIdentification272 - Invoicer.
- Invcee? PartyIdentification272 - Invoicee.
- TaxRmt? TaxData1 - Tax remittance details.
- GrnshmtRmt? Garnishment4 - Garnishment remittance details.
- AddtlRmtInf? Max140Text[] - Array of additional remittance information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SupplementaryData1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SupplementaryData1, representing supplementary data.
- PlcAndNm? Max350Text - Place and name of the supplementary data.
- Envlp SupplementaryDataEnvelope1 - Supplementary data envelope.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SupplementaryDataEnvelope1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines SupplementaryDataEnvelope1 as an empty record for supplementary data.
- Nrtv? string - Narrative content
- XmlContent? string - Xml content
- CpOfOrgnlMsg? json - Copy of original message
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxAmount3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxAmount3, representing tax amount details.
- Rate? PercentageRate - Tax rate.
- TaxblBaseAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Taxable base amount.
- TtlAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Total tax amount.
- Dtls? TaxRecordDetails3[] - Array of tax record details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxAuthorisation1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxAuthorisation1, representing tax authorization details.
- Titl? Max35Text - Title of the tax authority.
- Nm? Max140Text - Name of the tax authority.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxCharges2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxCharges2, representing tax charges applied to a transaction.
- Id? Max35Text - Tax identifier.
- Rate? PercentageRate - Tax rate.
- Amt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Tax amount.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxData1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxData1, representing tax remittance details.
- Cdtr? TaxParty1 - Tax creditor party.
- Dbtr? TaxParty2 - Tax debtor party.
- UltmtDbtr? TaxParty2 - Ultimate debtor party.
- AdmstnZone? Max35Text - Administration zone.
- RefNb? Max140Text - Reference number.
- Mtd? Max35Text - Method of tax calculation.
- TtlTaxblBaseAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Total taxable base amount.
- TtlTaxAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Total tax amount.
- Dt? ISODate - Date of tax remittance.
- SeqNb? Number - Sequence number.
- Rcrd? TaxRecord3[] - Array of tax records.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxParty1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxParty1, representing tax party details.
- TaxId? Max35Text - Tax identification number.
- RegnId? Max35Text - Registration identification.
- TaxTp? Max35Text - Tax type.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxParty2![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxParty2, representing extended tax party details including authorization.
- TaxId? Max35Text - Tax identification number.
- RegnId? Max35Text - Registration identification.
- TaxTp? Max35Text - Tax type.
- Authstn? TaxAuthorisation1 - Tax authorization details.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxPeriod3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxPeriod3, representing the period details for tax records.
- Yr? ISOYear - The year of the tax period (as ISOYear).
- Tp? TaxRecordPeriod1Code - The type of tax period (as TaxRecordPeriod1Code).
- FrToDt? DatePeriod2 - The date range of the tax period (as DatePeriod2).
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxRecord3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxRecord3, representing details of a specific tax record.
- Tp? Max35Text - The type of tax record.
- Ctgy? Max35Text - The category of the tax record.
- CtgyDtls? Max35Text - Details of the tax category.
- DbtrSts? Max35Text - Status of the debtor.
- CertId? Max35Text - The certificate identification.
- FrmsCd? Max35Text - The form code.
- Prd? TaxPeriod3 - The tax period (as TaxPeriod3).
- TaxAmt? TaxAmount3 - The amount of tax (as TaxAmount3).
- AddtlInf? Max140Text - Additional information related to the tax record.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TaxRecordDetails3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TaxRecordDetails3, representing detailed information about tax records.
- Prd? TaxPeriod3 - The tax period.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - The amount related to the tax record.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TechnicalInputChannel1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TechnicalInputChannel1Choice, offering a choice between an external technical input channel and a proprietary channel.
- Cd? ExternalTechnicalInputChannel1Code - External technical input channel code.
- Prtry? Max35Text - Proprietary input channel.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TotalsPerBankTransactionCode5![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TotalsPerBankTransactionCode5, representing totals for entries per bank transaction code.
- NbOfNtries? Max15NumericText - Number of entries.
- Sum? DecimalNumber - Sum of the entries.
- TtlNetNtry? AmountAndDirection35 - Total net entry.
- CdtNtries? NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 - Credit entries.
- DbtNtries? NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 - Debit entries.
- FcstInd? TrueFalseIndicator - Forecast indicator.
- BkTxCd BankTransactionCodeStructure4 - Bank transaction code.
- Avlbty? CashAvailability1[] - Availability information.
- Dt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Date of the entries.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TotalTransactions6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TotalTransactions6, representing totals for transactions including credit and debit entries.
- TtlNtries? NumberAndSumOfTransactions4 - Total entries.
- TtlCdtNtries? NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 - Total credit entries.
- TtlDbtNtries? NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 - Total debit entries.
- TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd? TotalsPerBankTransactionCode5[] - Totals per bank transaction code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TrackData1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TrackData1, representing track data on a payment card.
- TrckNb? Exact1NumericText - Track number.
- TrckVal Max140Text - Track value.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionAgents6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionAgents6, representing agents involved in a transaction including debtor, creditor, and intermediaries.
- InstgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructing agent.
- InstdAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Instructed agent.
- DbtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Debtor agent.
- CdtrAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Creditor agent.
- IntrmyAgt1? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - First intermediary agent.
- IntrmyAgt2? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Second intermediary agent.
- IntrmyAgt3? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Third intermediary agent.
- RcvgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Receiving agent.
- DlvrgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Delivering agent.
- IssgAgt? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Issuing agent.
- SttlmPlc? BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification8 - Settlement place.
- Prtry? ProprietaryAgent5[] - Proprietary agents.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionAllocation1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionAllocation1, representing a transaction allocation.
- Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount allocated.
- CdtDbtInd CreditDebitCode - Credit or debit indicator.
- Acct CashAccount40 - Account involved in the allocation.
- Purp Purpose2Choice - Purpose of the transaction.
- Ref Max35Text - Reference for the transaction.
- RltdRefs? References74Choice[] - Related references for the transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionDates3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionDates3, representing various dates associated with a transaction.
- AccptncDtTm? ISODateTime - Date and time of transaction acceptance.
- TradActvtyCtrctlSttlmDt? ISODate - Contractual settlement date for the trade activity.
- TradDt? ISODate - Trade date.
- IntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Interbank settlement date.
- StartDt? ISODate - Start date of the transaction.
- EndDt? ISODate - End date of the transaction.
- TxDtTm? ISODateTime - Transaction date and time.
- Prtry? ProprietaryDate3[] - Proprietary dates.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionIdentifier1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionIdentifier1, representing a transaction identifier.
- TxDtTm ISODateTime - Transaction date and time.
- TxRef Max35Text - Transaction reference.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionInterest4![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionInterest4, representing details of interest related to a transaction.
- TtlIntrstAndTaxAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Total interest and tax amount.
- Rcrd? InterestRecord2[] - Record of interest.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionParties12![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionParties12, representing the parties involved in a transaction.
- InitgPty? Party50Choice - Initiating party.
- Dbtr? Party50Choice - Debtor.
- DbtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Debtor's account.
- UltmtDbtr? Party50Choice - Ultimate debtor.
- Cdtr? Party50Choice - Creditor.
- CdtrAcct? CashAccount40 - Creditor's account.
- UltmtCdtr? Party50Choice - Ultimate creditor.
- TradgPty? Party50Choice - Trading party.
- Prtry? ProprietaryParty6[] - Proprietary parties.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionPrice4Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionPrice4Choice, offering a choice between a deal price and a proprietary price.
- DealPric? Price7 - Deal price.
- Prtry? ProprietaryPrice2 - Proprietary price.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionQuantities3Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionQuantities3Choice, offering a choice between quantity and proprietary quantity.
- Qty? FinancialInstrumentQuantity1Choice - Financial instrument quantity.
- OrgnlAndCurFaceAmt? OriginalAndCurrentQuantities1 - Original and current face amount.
- Prtry? ProprietaryQuantity1 - Proprietary quantity.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TransactionReferences6![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for TransactionReferences6, representing various references associated with a transaction.
- MsgId? Max35Text - Message identifier.
- AcctSvcrRef? Max35Text - Account servicer reference.
- PmtInfId? Max35Text - Payment information identifier.
- InstrId? Max35Text - Instruction identifier.
- EndToEndId? Max35Text - End-to-end identifier.
- UETR? UUIDv4Identifier - Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference.
- TxId? Max35Text - Transaction identifier.
- MndtId? Max35Text - Mandate identifier.
- ChqNb? Max35Text - Cheque number.
- ClrSysRef? Max35Text - Clearing system reference.
- AcctOwnrTxId? Max35Text - Account owner transaction identifier.
- AcctSvcrTxId? Max35Text - Account servicer transaction identifier.
- MktInfrstrctrTxId? Max35Text - Market infrastructure transaction identifier.
- PrcgId? Max35Text - Processing identifier.
- Prtry? ProprietaryReference1[] - Proprietary references.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UnderlyingGroupInformation1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for UnderlyingGroupInformation1, representing information related to underlying groups.
- OrgnlMsgId Max35Text - Identifier of the original message.
- OrgnlMsgNmId Max35Text - Name of the original message.
- OrgnlCreDtTm? ISODateTime - Creation date and time of the original message.
- OrgnlMsgDlvryChanl? Max35Text - Delivery channel of the original message.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UnderlyingPaymentInstruction9![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for UnderlyingPaymentInstruction9, representing underlying payment instructions.
- OrgnlGrpInf? UnderlyingGroupInformation1 - Original group information related to the payment instruction.
- OrgnlPmtInfId? Max35Text - Identifier of the original payment information.
- OrgnlInstrId? Max35Text - Identifier of the original instruction.
- OrgnlEndToEndId? Max35Text - Identifier for the end-to-end original transaction.
- OrgnlUETR? UUIDv4Identifier - Unique end-to-end transaction reference.
- OrgnlInstdAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Amount specified in the original instruction.
- ReqdExctnDt? DateAndDateTime2Choice - Required execution date.
- ReqdColltnDt? ISODate - Required collection date.
- OrgnlTxRef? OriginalTransactionReference42 - Original transaction reference.
- OrgnlSvcLvl? ServiceLevel8Choice - Original service level information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UnderlyingPaymentTransaction8![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for UnderlyingPaymentTransaction8, representing details of underlying payment transactions.
- OrgnlGrpInf? UnderlyingGroupInformation1 - Original group information related to the payment transaction.
- OrgnlInstrId? Max35Text - Identifier of the original instruction.
- OrgnlEndToEndId? Max35Text - Identifier for the end-to-end original transaction.
- OrgnlTxId? Max35Text - Identifier of the original transaction.
- OrgnlUETR? UUIDv4Identifier - Unique end-to-end transaction reference.
- OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt? ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount - Interbank settlement amount.
- OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt? ISODate - Interbank settlement date.
- OrgnlTxRef? OriginalTransactionReference42 - Original transaction reference.
- OrgnlSvcLvl? ServiceLevel8Choice - Original service level information.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UnderlyingStatementEntry3![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for UnderlyingStatementEntry3, representing underlying statement entries.
- OrgnlGrpInf? OriginalGroupInformation29 - Original group information related to the statement entry.
- OrgnlStmtId? Max35Text - Identifier of the original statement.
- OrgnlNtryId? Max35Text - Identifier of the original entry.
- OrgnlUETR? UUIDv4Identifier - Unique end-to-end transaction reference.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UnderlyingTransaction8Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for UnderlyingTransaction8Choice, representing a choice of underlying transactions.
- Initn? UnderlyingPaymentInstruction9 - Underlying payment instruction.
- IntrBk? UnderlyingPaymentTransaction8 - Underlying interbank transaction.
- StmtNtry? UnderlyingStatementEntry3 - Underlying statement entry.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: YieldedOrValueType1Choice![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for YieldedOrValueType1Choice, offering a choice between a yielded or value type.
- Yldd? YesNoIndicator - Yielded.
- ValTp? PriceValueType1Code - Value type.
Array types![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max10KBinary![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a binary array as bytes.
String types![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode as a string representing either active or historic currency codes.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AnyBICDec2014Identifier![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines AnyBICDec2014Identifier as a string representing a BIC (Business Identifier Code) used in financial institutions.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BICFIDec2014Identifier![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines BICFIDec2014Identifier as a string representing a BICFI (Financial Institution Business Identifier Code).
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: CountryCode![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines CountryCode as a string representing a two-letter country code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Exact4AlphaNumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Exact4AlphaNumericText as a string with exactly 4 alphanumeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalAccountIdentification1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalAccountIdentification1Code as a string for external account identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalBalanceSubType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalBalanceSubType1Code as a string representing external balance subtypes.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalBalanceType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalBalanceType1Code as a string for external balance types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCashAccountType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalCashAccountType1Code as a string for external cash account types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code as a string for external clearing system identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalEntryStatus1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalEntryStatus1Code as a string for external entry status.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code as a string for external financial institution identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code as a string for external organisation identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalPersonIdentification1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalPersonIdentification1Code as a string for external person identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalProxyAccountType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ExternalProxyAccountType1Code as a string for external proxy account types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: IBAN2007Identifier![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines IBAN2007Identifier as a string representing an International Bank Account Number (IBAN).
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ISODate![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ISODate as a string representing a date in ISO format.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ISOYear![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ISOYear as a string representing a year in ISO format.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ISODateTime![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ISODateTime as a string representing a date and time in ISO format.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ISOTime![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines ISOTime as a string representing a time in ISO format.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: LEIIdentifier![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines LEIIdentifier as a string for a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI).
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max128Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max128Text as a string with a maximum length of 128 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max140Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max140Text as a string with a maximum length of 140 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max16Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max16Text as a string with a maximum length of 16 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max2048Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max2048Text as a string with a maximum length of 2048 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max256Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max256Text as a string with a maximum length of 256 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max34Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max34Text as a string with a maximum length of 34 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max52Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max52Text as a string with a maximum length of 52 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max350Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max350Text as a string with a maximum length of 350 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max35Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max35Text as a string with a maximum length of 35 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max4Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max4Text as a string with a maximum length of 4 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max70Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines Max70Text as a string with a maximum length of 70 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PhoneNumber![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines PhoneNumber as a string representing a phone number.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCreditorReferenceType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalCreditorReferenceType1Code, representing external creditor reference codes.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalDateType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalDateType1Code, representing external date types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalDocumentAmountType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalDocumentAmountType1Code, representing external document amount types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalDocumentLineType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalDocumentLineType1Code, representing external document line types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalDocumentType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalDocumentType1Code, representing external document types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalGarnishmentType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalGarnishmentType1Code, representing external garnishment types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalPurpose1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalPurpose1Code, representing external purpose codes.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: UUIDv4Identifier![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a UUIDv4 identifier type for unique identification.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ActiveCurrencyCode![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the type for ActiveCurrencyCode, representing a currency code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Exact1NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of exactly 1 numeric character.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Exact3NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of exactly 3 numeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalBankTransactionDomain1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external bank transaction domain code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalBankTransactionFamily1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external bank transaction family code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamily1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external bank transaction sub-family code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCardTransactionCategory1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external card transaction category code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external category purpose code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalChargeType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external charge type code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalFinancialInstrumentIdentificationType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external financial instrument identification type code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalLocalInstrument1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external local instrument code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalRePresentmentReason1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external re-presentment reason code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalReportingSource1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external reporting source code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalReturnReason1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external return reason code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalServiceLevel1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external service level code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalTechnicalInputChannel1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines an external technical input channel code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ISINOct2015Identifier![](/images/permalink.svg)
defines an ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) in accordance with the October 2015 format.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ISO2ALanguageCode![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a two-character ISO language code.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ISOYearMonth![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string representing a year and month in ISO format (YYYY-MM).
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max1025Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of up to 1025 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max105Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of up to 105 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max15NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of up to 15 numeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max15PlusSignedNumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of up to 15 numeric characters, allowing for signed values.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max3NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of up to 3 numeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max500Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of up to 500 characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max5NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string of up to 5 numeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Min2Max3NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string between 2 and 3 numeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Min3Max4NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string between 3 and 4 numeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Min8Max28NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a string between 8 and 28 numeric characters.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCreditLineType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines external credit line type1 code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Priority3Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines priority code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCreditorAgentInstruction1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines external creditor agent instruction1 code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines external cash clearing system1 code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines external mandate setup reason1 code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Exact2NumericText![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines numeric text as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max10Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a text with maximum 10 characters as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: RegulatoryReportingType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines regulatory reporting type1 code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Instruction4Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines instruction4 code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Authorisation1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines authorisation1 code as a string.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalCancellationReason1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalCancellationReason1Code, representing codes for external cancellation reasons.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: AdviceType1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for AdviceType1Code, representing codes for advice types.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalPaymentGroupStatus1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalPaymentGroupStatus1Code, which represents the status of the payment group.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code, which represents the status of an external payment transaction.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ExternalStatusReason1Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for ExternalStatusReason1Code, which represents external reasons for a status.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: SettlementMethod2Code![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for SettlementMethod2Code, representing different settlement methods.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Max210Text![](/images/permalink.svg)
Decimal types![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Number![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the number as a decimal.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PercentageRate![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the percentage rate as a decimal.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BaseOneRate![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the type for BaseOneRate, representing a decimal rate.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: DecimalNumber![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a decimal number.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a decimal value representing an amount with implied currency.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: NonNegativeDecimalNumber![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a non-negative decimal number.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: PositiveNumber![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines for a positive decimal number.
Simple name reference types![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs002Document1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for the Pacs002Document1.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pac003Document1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for the Pacs003Document1.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pac009Document1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for the Pacs009Document1.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs008Document1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for the Pacs008Document1.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: Pacs010Document1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for the Pacs010Document1
Boolean types![](/images/permalink.svg)
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: TrueFalseIndicator![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines a simple boolean indicator type for true/false values.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: ChargeIncludedIndicator![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the charge included indicator as a boolean.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: YesNoIndicator![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines yes or no indicator as a boolean.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: BatchBookingIndicator![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines batch booking indicator as a boolean.
financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement: GroupCancellationIndicator![](/images/permalink.svg)
Defines the structure for GroupCancellationIndicator, representing an indicator for group cancellations.
import ballerinax/financial.iso20022.payments_clearing_and_settlement;
Released date: about 2 months ago
Version: 1.0.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.10.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 218
Current verison: 131
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