Module tcp

ballerina/tcp Ballerina library
This module provides APIs for sending/receiving messages to/from another application process (local or remote) over the connection-oriented TCP protocol.
The tcp:Client
is used to connect to a socket server and interact with it.
The client can send the data to the server and retrieve the data from the server.
A client can be defined by providing the remoteHost
and the remotePort
A simple client code is as follows.
import ballerina/tcp; public function main() returns error? { tcp:Client socketClient = check new("localhost", 3000); string msg = "Hello Ballerina"; byte[] msgByteArray = msg.toBytes(); check socketClient->writeBytes(msgByteArray); readonly & byte[] receivedData = check socketClient->readBytes(); check socketClient->close(); }
The tcp:Listener
is used to listen to the incoming socket request. The onConnect(tcp:Caller)
remote method gets invoked when a new client is connected. The new client is represented using the tcp:Caller
. The onConnect(tcp:Caller)
method may return tcp:ConnectionService|tcp:Error
The tcp:ConnectionService
can have the following remote methods
onBytes(readonly & byte[] data) - This remote method is invoked once the content is received from the client.
onError(readonly & tcp:Error err) - This remote method is invoked in an error situation.
onClose() - This remote method is invoked when the connection is closed.
A tcp:Listener
can be defined as follows:
import ballerina/tcp; import ballerina/io; import ballerina/log; service on new tcp:Listener(3000) { remote function onConnect(tcp:Caller caller) returns tcp:ConnectionService { io:println("Client connected to echoServer: ", caller.remotePort); return new EchoService(); } } service class EchoService { remote function onBytes(readonly & byte[] data) returns byte[]|tcp:Error? { // echo back the data to the client return data; } remote function onError(tcp:Error err) returns tcp:Error? { log:printError("An error occurred", 'error = err); } remote function onClose() returns tcp:Error? { io:println("Client left"); } }
Using the TLS protocol
The Ballerina TCP module allows the use of TLS in communication. This expects a secure socket to be set in the connection configuration as shown below.
Configuring TLS in server side
tcp:ListenerSecureSocket listenerSecureSocket = { key: { certFile: "../resource/path/to/public.crt", keyFile: "../resource/path/to/private.key" } }; service on new tcp:Listener(9002, secureSocket = listenerSecureSocket) { isolated remote function onConnect(tcp:Caller caller) returns tcp:ConnectionService { return new EchoService(); } }
Configuring TLS in client side
tcp:Client socketClient = check new ("localhost", 9002, secureSocket = { cert: "../resource/path/to/public.crt", });