Module zuora.collection

ballerinax/zuora.collection Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for [Zuora Collections API V1](https://www.zuora.com/developer/collect-api/#) OpenAPI specification. This Zuora Collections API provides detailed descriptions about functions, requests, and responses of the APIs for the following four component apps. - Advanced Payment Manager - Collections Window - Configurable Payment Retry - Statement Generator
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a Zuora account
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
zuora.collection: Client
This is a generated connector for Zuora Collections API V1 OpenAPI specification. This reference provides detailed descriptions about functions, requests, and responses of the APIs for the following two component apps. Rest APIs for other component apps will be included in this reference when they are released.
- Advanced Payment Manager
- Collections Window
- Configurable Payment Retry
- Statement Generator
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a Zuora account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function getPaymentRun(int paymentRunId) returns GETPaymentRunResponse|error
Get a payment run
- paymentRunId int - The payment run ID. A payment run id in Advanced Payment Manager is different from a payment run id in Zuora.
function createPaymentRun(POSTPaymentRun payload) returns POSTPaymentRunResponse|error
Create a payment run
- payload POSTPaymentRun -
function getPaymentRunSchedules() returns GETPaymentRunSchedulesResponse|error
Get all payment run schedules
function createPaymentRunSchedule(POSTPaymentRunSchedule payload) returns POSTPaymentRunScheduleResponse|error
Create a payment run schedule
- payload POSTPaymentRunSchedule -
function getPaymentRunSchedule(int scheduleId) returns GETPaymentRunScheduleResponse|error
Get a payment run schedule
- scheduleId int - The schedule ID
function updatePaymentRunSchedule(int scheduleId, PUTPaymentRunSchedule payload) returns POSTPaymentRunScheduleResponse|error
Update a payment run schedule
function deletePaymentRunSchedule(int scheduleId) returns DELETEPaymentRunScheduleResponse|error
Cancel a payment run schedule
- scheduleId int - The schedule ID
Get a statement
- statementNumber int - The statement number
function getStatements(int accountId, int count) returns GETStatementsResponse|error
Get multiple statements
- accountId int - The ID of the account
- count int - The number of statements you want to retrieve.
function getSettings() returns GETStatementSettingsResponse|error
Get Statement Generator settings
function createAdhocStatementRun(POSTAdhocStatementRun payload) returns POSTAdhocStatementRunResponse|error
Create an ad hoc statement run
- payload POSTAdhocStatementRun -
function createCustomStatementRun(POSTCustomStatementRun payload) returns POSTCustomStatementRunResponse|error
Create a custom statement run
- payload POSTCustomStatementRun -
function getAccount(string accountId) returns CollectionAccount|error
Get an account
- accountId string - The account ID.
function getAccounts() returns GETCollectionAccountsResponse|error
Get all accounts
function getCollectionsAgent(string email) returns CollectionAgent|error
Get a collections agent by email
- email string - The email of the collections agent.
function getCollectionsAgents() returns GETCollectionAgentsResponse|error
Get all collections agents
function getCollectionsInfo() returns CollectionsInfo|error
Get an overview of collections
function updateAccount(string accountId, string status, boolean? value) returns InlineResponse200|error
Update account status
- accountId string - The account ID.
- status string - The status that you want to update for the specified account.
- value boolean? (default ()) - The new value of the status. 0 indicates false, while 1 indicates true.
function updateAccountAgent(string accountId, string agentEmail) returns InlineResponse200|error
Update account agent
function getActiveInvoiceCycle(string invoiceId) returns GETActiveInvoiceCycleResponse|error
Get active retry cycles for an invoice
- invoiceId string - ID of an invoice.
function getActiveDebitMemoCycle(string debitMemoId) returns GETActiveDebitMemoCycleResponse|error
Get active retry cycles for a debit memo
- debitMemoId string - ID of a debit memo.
function getActiveAccountCycle(string accountId) returns GETActiveAccountCycleResponse|error
Get active retry cycles for an account
- accountId string - ID of an account.
function getInvoiceCycleHistory(string invoiceId) returns GETInvoiceCycleHistoryResponse|error
Get retry cycle history for an invoice
- invoiceId string - ID of an invoice.
function getDebitMemoCycleHistory(string debitMemoId) returns GETDebitMemoCycleHistoryResponse|error
Get retry cycle history for a debit memo
- debitMemoId string - ID of a debit memo.
function getAccountCycleHistory(string accountId) returns GETAccountCycleHistoryResponse|error
Get retry cycle history for an account
- accountId string - ID of an account.
function executeExecuteInvoicePayment(string invoiceId) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Execute invoice payment
- invoiceId string - ID of an invoice.
function executeExecuteDebitMemoPayment(string debitMemoId) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Execute debit memo payment
- debitMemoId string - ID of a debit memo.
function executeExecuteAccountPayments(string accountId) returns InlineResponse2003|error
Execute account payments
- accountId string - ID of an account.
function updateExecutePayments(PaymentsExecutePaymentsBody payload) returns InlineResponse2004|error
Execute payments
- payload PaymentsExecutePaymentsBody -
function removeRemoveInoviceFromCycle(string invoiceId) returns InlineResponse2005|error
Remove an invoice from retry cycle
- invoiceId string - ID of an invoice.
function removeDebitMemoFromCycle(string debitMemoId) returns InlineResponse2006|error
Remove a debit memo from retry cycle
- debitMemoId string - ID of a debit memo.
function removeAccountFromCycle(string accountId) returns InlineResponse2007|error
Remove an account from retry cycle
- accountId string - ID of an account.
function updateSubmitPaymentToCycle(PaymentsSubmitFailedPaymentBody payload) returns InlineResponse2008|error
Submit a payment to retry cycle
- payload PaymentsSubmitFailedPaymentBody -
function getBaselineMetrics() returns GETBaselineMetricsResponse|error
Get baseline metrics
function getAmountRecovered() returns GETAmountRecoveredResponse|error
Get the Amount Recovered metrics
function getDocumentSuccessRateByCustomerGroup() returns GETDocumentSuccessRateByCustomerGroupResponse|error
Get the Document Success Rate metrics by customer group
function getCustomerGroupMetrics() returns GETCustomerGroupMetricsResponse|error
Get the Customer Group metrics
zuora.collection: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
zuora.collection: CollectionAccount
- name string? - The name of the account.
- zuora_id string? - The Zuora ID of the account.
- in_collections boolean? - Whether the account is in collections.
- account_currency string? - The currency that is currently used by the account.
- home_currency string? - The home currency of the tenant.
- amount_due_account_currency decimal? - The amount that is due for the account in the account currency.
- amount_due_home_currency decimal? - The amount that is due for the account in the tenant home currency.
- last_open_invoice_date string? - The last open invoice date.
- average_debt_age decimal? - The average age of all the debt of the account.
- statuses CollectionStatuses? - The status of the account.
zuora.collection: CollectionAgent
- name string? - The name of the agent.
- email string? - The email of the agent.
- zuora_identity_id string? - The Zuora ID of the agent.
- amount_in_collections decimal? - The total amount of debt for accounts that are assigned to the user.
- accounts int? - The number of accounts that are assigned to the user.
- account_statuses CollectionagentAccountStatuses? -
zuora.collection: CollectionagentAccountStatuses
- 'In\ Collections int? - The number of accounts that are in collections.
- Pending int? - The number of accounts that are pending.
- 'In\ Disputes int? - The number of accounts that are in dispute.
- 'Paid\ in\ Full int? - The number of accounts that have paid in full.
zuora.collection: CollectionsInfo
- accounts_in_collections int? - The number of accounts that are in collections.
- home_currency string? - The home currency of the tenant.
- total_debt decimal? - The total debt of all accounts that are in collections.
- largest_debts string[]? - The five largest debts that are in collections.
- oldest_debts string[]? - The five oldest debts that are in collections.
- statuses CollectionsinfoStatuses? -
zuora.collection: CollectionsinfoStatuses
- 'In\ Collection int? - The number of accounts that are in collections.
- Pending int? - The number of accounts that are in pending status.
- 'In\ Dispute int? - The number of accounts that are in dispute.
- 'Paid\ In\ Full int? -
zuora.collection: CollectionStatuses
The status of the account.
- 'In\ Collections boolean? - Whether this account is in collections.
- Pending boolean? - Whether this account is pending.
- 'In\ Dispute boolean? - Whether this account is in dispute.
- 'Paid\ In\ Full boolean? - Whether this account has paid in full.
zuora.collection: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth CredentialsConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
zuora.collection: CustomerGroups
- id int? -
- name string? -
- smart_retry string? -
- document_success_rate string? -
- document_success_rate_trend string? -
- retry_success_rate string? -
- average_attempts string? -
zuora.collection: DELETEPaymentRunScheduleResponse
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- errors string[]? - Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when success is false.
zuora.collection: GETAccountCycleElementResponse
- account_id string? - The ID of the customer account.
- invoice_id string? - The ID of the invoice.
- debit_memo_id string? - The ID of the debit memo.
- payment_method_id string? - The ID of the payment method.
- currency string? - The type of the currency used.
- status string? - The status of the retry cycle.
- current_attempt_number decimal? - The number of the current retry attempt.
- next_attempt string? - The date and time of the next retry attempt, in
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- customer_group string? - The name of the customer group.
- attempts GETCycleElementAttemptResponse[]? - An array containing information of the retry attempts that have been made. See the schema and example for details.
zuora.collection: GETAccountCycleHistoryResponse
- cycles GETAccountCycleElementResponse[]? - An array containing information of all completed retry cycles for an account. See the example for details.
zuora.collection: GETActiveAccountCycleResponse
- cycles GETAccountCycleElementResponse[]? - An array containing information of all active retry cycles for an account. See the schema and example for details.
zuora.collection: GETActiveDebitMemoCycleResponse
- cycles GETDebitMemoCycleElementResponse[]? - An array containing information of all active retry cycles for a debit memo. See the schema and example for details.
zuora.collection: GETActiveInvoiceCycleResponse
- cycles GETInvoiceCycleElementResponse[]? - An array containing information of all active retry cycles for an invoice. See the schema and example for details.
zuora.collection: GETAmountRecoveredResponse
- currency string[]? - An array containing the following information for each available currency.
If no payment of a given currency has been processed over the last 30 days, the currency will not appear in the array.
- The total amount recovered to date
- The amount recovered over the last 30 days
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully.
If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to
. All expected fields will be present but the value will benull
zuora.collection: GETBaselineMetricsResponse
- retry_success_rate decimal? - The percentage of successful payment attempts for all customer groups on this Configurable Payment Retry instance so far. Retry Success Rate = Number of successful retry payment attempts / Total number of retry payments attempted Payment attempts here are any payment attempts executed by Configurable Payment Retry, excluding the initial payment run.
- retry_success_rate_trend string? - The trend of change in Retry Success Rate over the last 30 days.
- document_success_rate decimal? - The percentage of billing documents that are successfully collected, for all customer groups on this Configurable Payment Retry instance so far. Document Success Rate = Number of billing documents collected / Total number of billing documents attempted Billing documents collected are any invoices and debit memos that were paid through the payment attempt initiated by Configurable Payment Retry.
- document_success_rate_trend string? - The trend of change in Document Success Rate over the last 30 days.
- average_days_outstanding decimal? - The average number of days invoices and debit memos are unpaid before collection, for all customer groups on this Configurable Payment Retry instance so far.
- average_days_outstanding_trend string? - The trend of change in Average Days Outstanding over the last 30 days.
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully.
If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to
. All expected fields will be present but the value will benull
zuora.collection: GETCollectionAccountsResponse
- accounts CollectionAccount[]? - The array of accounts.
- pagination ResultsPagination? - The pagination information.
zuora.collection: GETCollectionAgentsResponse
- accounts CollectionAgent? -
- pagination ResultsPagination? - The pagination information.
zuora.collection: GETCustomerGroupMetricsResponse
- customer_groups CustomerGroups[]? - An array containing the following information for each customer group.
- Customer group ID
- Customer group name
- Whether Smart Retry is enabled for this customer group
- Document Success Rate indicating the percentage of billing documents that are successfully collected
- The trend of change in Document Success Rate over the last 30 days
- Retry Success Rate indicating the percentage of the successful payment attempts
- Average Attempts indicating the average number of attempts required to recover funds
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully.
If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to
. All expected fields will be present but the value will benull
zuora.collection: GETCycleElementAttemptResponse
- attempt_number decimal? - The number of the retry attempt.
- zuora_payment_id string? - The ID of the payment in Zuora Payments.
- time_of_execution string? - The date and time when the retry attempt was made, in
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- 'source string? - The number of the failed payment run.
- cpr_generated boolean? - Indicates whether the first retry attempt was generated by Configurable Payment Retry.
for the cases of the first retry attempt generated by CPR and the second or later attempt.false
for the cases that the retry attempt was made by the payment run or an external source during retry cycles.
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the retry attempt is successful.
- amount_collected decimal? - The amount collected in this retry attempt.
- action_info GetcycleelementattemptresponseActionInfo? - Information about the action of the retry attempt.
- retry_info GetcycleelementattemptresponseRetryInfo? - Information about the next retry attempt.
- mapping_info GetcycleelementattemptresponseMappingInfo? - Information about the response code mapping for the retry attempt.
- gateway_info GetcycleelementattemptresponseGatewayInfo? - Information about the payment gateway.
zuora.collection: GetcycleelementattemptresponseActionInfo
Information about the action of the retry attempt.
- action string? - The action taken in the retry attempt.
zuora.collection: GetcycleelementattemptresponseGatewayInfo
Information about the payment gateway.
- id string? - The ID of the payment gateway.
- code string? - The response code from the gateway.
- response string? - The response message from the gateway.
zuora.collection: GetcycleelementattemptresponseMappingInfo
Information about the response code mapping for the retry attempt.
- label string? - The response code label, can be
Hard Decline
,Soft Decline
,System Error
, or custom labels.
- level string? - The response code level for the payment gateway, can be
- customer_group_id decimal? - The ID of the customer group.
zuora.collection: GetcycleelementattemptresponseRetryInfo
Information about the next retry attempt.
- next string? - The date and time of the next retry attempt as determined by
, inyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- criteria string? - The criteria defined in the retry configuration in the CPR UI, to specify whether the next retry will occur in an incremental time or at a specific time or day.
zuora.collection: GETDebitMemoCycleElementResponse
- account_id string? - The ID of the customer account.
- debit_memo_id string? - The ID of the debit memo.
- payment_method_id string? - The ID of the payment method.
- currency string? - The type of the currency used.
- status string? - The status of the retry cycle.
- current_attempt_number decimal? - The number of the current retry attempt.
- next_attempt string? - The date and time of the next retry attempt, in
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- customer_group string? - The name of the customer group.
- attempts GETCycleElementAttemptResponse[]? - An array containing information of the retry attempts that have been made. See the schema and example for details.
zuora.collection: GETDebitMemoCycleHistoryResponse
- cycles GETDebitMemoCycleElementResponse[]? - An array containing information of all completed retry cycles for a debit memo. See the example for details.
zuora.collection: GETDocumentSuccessRateByCustomerGroupResponse
- customer_groups CustomerGroupsDetail[]? - An array containing the Document Success Rate timeseries for each customer group represented by the customer group ID.
A timeseries over the past 6 months is present in the format of
<month_year>: <document_success_rate>
. The data of the current month is not included. For example, if it is April 15th today, the data for April will not be included. Data for March and earlier will be shown.
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully.
If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to
. All expected fields will be present but the value will benull
zuora.collection: GETInvoiceCycleElementResponse
- account_id string? - The ID of the customer account.
- invoice_id string? - The ID of the invoice.
- payment_method_id string? - The ID of the payment method.
- currency string? - The type of the currency used.
- status string? - The status of the retry cycle.
- current_attempt_number decimal? - The number of the current retry attempt.
- next_attempt string? - The date and time of the next retry attempt, in
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- customer_group string? - The name of the customer group.
- attempts GETCycleElementAttemptResponse[]? - An array containing information of the retry attempts that have been made. See the schema and example for details.
zuora.collection: GETInvoiceCycleHistoryResponse
- cycles GETInvoiceCycleElementResponse[]? - An array containing information of all completed retry cycles for an invoice. See the example for details.
zuora.collection: GETPaymentRunResponse
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- id int? - The ID of the payment run in Advanced Payment Manager.
- status string? - The status of the payment run.
- target_date string? - The target date of the payment run, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
- filter string? - The filter that is used for the payment run.
- payment_run_schedule_id string? - The ID of the payment run schedule. If this is not a scheduled payment run, the value is Adhoc.
- invoices_held record {}? - Invoices that are held by the payment run for manual processing.
- metrics record {}? - Metrics of the payment runs after completion.
- errors anydata[]? - Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when success is false.
zuora.collection: GETPaymentRunScheduleResponse
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- id int? - The ID of the payment run schedule in Advanced Payment Manager.
- status string? - The status of the payment run schedule.
- filter string? - The filter that is defined in the payment run schedule.
- schedule string? - The schedule that is defined for this payment run schedule.
- errors anydata[]? - Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when success is false.
zuora.collection: GETPaymentRunSchedulesResponse
- schedules record {}[]? - An array containing all available schedules.
- size int? - The number of schedules retrieved.
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- errors anydata[]? - Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when success is false.
zuora.collection: GETStatementSettingsResponse
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- templates GetstatementsettingsresponseTemplates[]? - An array containing all available templates.
- advanced_ar boolean? - Whether Invoice Settlement is enabled on the tenant.
- default_template string? - The name of the default template.
- default_cycle string? - The statement cycle being used.
zuora.collection: GetstatementsettingsresponseTemplates
- name string? - The name of the template.
zuora.collection: GETStatementsResponse
- statements record {}[]? - An array containing the requested number of statements of the specified account. Every object contains an Amazon S3 link. You can click the links to view and download the statements. The links will expire in 10 minutes.
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- count int? - The number of statements retrieved.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse200
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2001
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2002
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2003
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2004
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2005
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2006
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2007
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: InlineResponse2008
- success boolean? - Indicates whether the operation is successful.
- message string? - The response message.
zuora.collection: NotesComment
- id int? - The ID of the comment.
- body string? - The body of the comment.
- image string? - The link to the image file. The value is null if no image files are available.
- attachment string? - The link to the attachment. The value is null if no attachments are available.
- createdAt string? - The time and date when this comment is created.
- updatedAt string? - The last time and date when the comment is updated.
- user NotesUser? -
- replies NotesReply[]? - An array of replies.
zuora.collection: NotesCreateGroupBody
- name string? - The name of the group that you want to create.
- description string? - Additional information about the group.
zuora.collection: NotesCreateGroupResponse
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- id int? - The ID of the Notes group.
- name string? - The name of the group.
- description string? - Additional information about the group.
- created_at string? - The date and time when the group was created.
- updated_at string? - The last date and time when the group was updated.
- users NotesUser[]? - An array of users in the group.
zuora.collection: NotesDeleteGroupBody
- name string? - The name of the group that has been deleted.
- description string? - The description of the group.
zuora.collection: NotesGroup
- id int? - The ID of the Notes group.
- name string? - The name of the group.
- description string? - Additional information about the group.
- created_at string? - The date and time when the group was created.
- updated_at string? - The last date and time when the group was updated.
- users NotesUser[]? - A list of all users in the group.
zuora.collection: NotesGroupsResponse
- success boolean? - Whether this operation is successful.
- groups NotesGroup[]? -
zuora.collection: NotesObject
- success boolean? - Whether this operation is successful or not.
- data NotesobjectData? -
zuora.collection: NotesobjectData
- id int? - The ID of the Notes object.
- 'object string? - The type of the object. It can be "Accounts" or "Invoices" for Collections Window.
- notesId string? - The ID of the Notes object. It is an account number (32-digit hex) for Accounts object type, and an invoice number for Invoices object type.
- notesParentId string? - The ID of the parent object. For "Accounts" object, this parameter is the account name that the Notes object is created for.
- createdAt string? - The time and date when this Notes object is created.
- updatedAt string? - The last time and date when the Notes object is updated.
zuora.collection: NotesObjectWithComment
- success boolean? - Whether this operation is successful or not.
- data NotesobjectwithcommentData? -
zuora.collection: NotesobjectwithcommentData
- id int? - The ID of the Notes object.
- 'object string? - The type of the object. It can be "Accounts" or "Invoices" for Collections Window.
- notesId string? - The ID of the notes object. It is an account number (32-digit hex) for Accounts object type, and an invoice number for Invoices object type.
- notesParentId string? - The ID of the parent object. For "Accounts" object, this parameter is the account name that the Notes object is created for.
- createdAt string? - The time and date when this Notes object is created.
- updatedAt string? - The last time and date when the Notes object is updated.
- comments NotesComment[]? - The array of comments for this Notes object.
zuora.collection: NotesReply
- id int? - The ID of the reply.
- body string? - The body of the reply.
- image string? - The link to the image file. The value is null if no image files are available.
- attachment string? - The link to the attachment. The value is null if no attachments are available.
- createdAt string? - The time and date when the reply is created.
- updatedAt string? - The last time and date when the reply is updated.
- user NotesUser? -
zuora.collection: NotesTasks
- id int? - The ID of the task.
- task string? - The title of the task.
- description string? - Additional details about the task.
- dueDate string? - The due date and time of the task.
- createdAt string? - The date and time when this task is created.
- updatedAt string? - The last date and time when the task is updated.
- reminderDate string? - The data and time when a reminder about this task needs to be sent.
- notifications string? - The message to be sent as notifications. It can be null if no message is defined.
- status string? - The status of the task.
- comment string? - The comment about the task.
- autoEscalation string? - The automatic escalation setting for the task.
- createdBy NotesUser? -
- assignTo NotesUser? -
zuora.collection: NotesTasksResponse
- success boolean? - Whether this operation is successful.
- data NotestasksresponseData? - The actual tasks data.
- pagination NotestasksresponsePagination? -
zuora.collection: NotestasksresponseData
The actual tasks data.
- tasks NotestasksresponseDataTasks[]? -
zuora.collection: NotestasksresponseDataTasks
- id int? - The ID of the task.
- task string? - The title of the task.
- description string? - Additional details about the task.
- dueDate string? - The due date and time of the task.
- createdAt string? - The date and time when this task is created.
- updatedAt string? - The last date and time when the task is updated.
- reminderDate string? - The data and time when a reminder about this task needs to be sent.
- notifications string? - The message to be sent as notifications. It can be null if no message is defined.
- status string? - The status of the task.
- comment string? - The comment about the task.
- autoEscalation string? - The automatic escalation setting for the task.
- createdBy NotesUser? -
- assignTo NotesUser? -
zuora.collection: NotestasksresponsePagination
- page int? - The number of the current page.
- per_page int? - The number of results on each page.
- total_filtered_records int? - The total number of filtered records.
- total_records int? - The total number of records.
zuora.collection: NotesUpdateGroupBody
- name string? - The new name of the group.
- description string? - The new description about the group.
zuora.collection: NotesUser
- id int? - The ID of the Notes user.
- username string? - The user name.
- connectIdentity string? - The connect ID of the user. It must be a 32-digit hex number.
- email string? - The email address of the user.
- firstName string? - The first name.
- lastName string? - The last name.
- fullName string? - The full name of the user.
- platformRole string? - The Platform role of the user.
- timeZone string? - The time zone setting for the user.
- createdAt string? - The time and date when this user record is created.
- updatedAt string? - The last time and date when the user record is updated.
- escalationUser string? - The full name of the user that is configured to handle escalations for the current user.
- escalationUserId string? - The ID of the escalation user. It must be a 32-digit hex number.
- approvalAmount decimal? - The amount of money that this user is allowed to approve.
- avatar string? - The link to the avatar image file for the user.
zuora.collection: PaymentsExecutePaymentsBody
- account_ids string[]? - IDs of accounts.
- debit_memo_ids string[]? - IDs of debit memos.
- invoice_ids string[]? - IDs of invoices.
zuora.collection: PaymentsSubmitFailedPaymentBody
- payment_id string? - ID of a failed payment.
zuora.collection: POSTAdhocStatementRun
- starting_date string - The starting date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY.
- ending_date string - The ending date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY.
- template_name string - The name of the template to be used in the statement run.
- advanced_ar boolean - Specifies whether Invoice Settlement is enabled on the tenant.
- account_id string - The ID of the account for which the statement run is created.
- attach_to_account boolean? - Indicates whether the generated statement is attached to the account.
zuora.collection: POSTAdhocStatementRunResponse
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- code int? - The response code.
- message string? - The response message.
- statement_number string? - The number of the statement.
zuora.collection: POSTCustomStatementRun
- starting_date string - The starting date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY.
- ending_date string - The ending date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY.
- batch string - The billing batch of accounts the statements need to be generated for.
- mode string - The mode in which the run has to be executed.
zuora.collection: POSTCustomStatementRunResponse
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- code int? - The response code.
- message string? - The response message.
- execution_number string? - The serial number of the execution.
- report_file string? - The URL pointing to the report of the run.
zuora.collection: POSTPaymentRun
- target_date string? - The target date of the payment run to be created, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
- billrun string? - A bill run name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- batch string? - A batch name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- currency string? - A three-character currency code that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- payment_gateway string? - A payment gateway name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- bill_cycle_day string? - A bill cycle day value that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- custom string? - A custom ZOQL query that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. It cannot be used with other filters.
zuora.collection: POSTPaymentRunResponse
- id int? - The ID of the payment run in Advanced Payment Manager.
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- errors string[]? - Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when success is false.
zuora.collection: POSTPaymentRunSchedule
- frequency string? - The frequency of payment runs in the schedule.
- day string? - The day of a month when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if frequency is Monthly. Allowed values are 1-31 or L (the last day of a month).
- day_of_week int[]? - An array of days in a week when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if frequency is Weekly. Allowed integers are 1-7. 1 stands for Monday. 2 stands for Tuesday, etc.
- hour int? - The hour of a day when payment runs need to be performed. Allowed values are 1-23.
- billrun string? - A bill run name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- batch string? - A batch name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- currency string? - A three-character currency code that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- payment_gateway string? - A payment gateway name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- bill_cycle_day string? - A bill cycle day value that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- custom string? - A custom ZOQL query that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. It cannot be used with other filters.
zuora.collection: POSTPaymentRunScheduleResponse
- id int? - The ID of the payment run schedule in Advanced Payment Manager.
- success boolean? - Whether the operation is successful.
- errors string[]? - Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when success is false.
zuora.collection: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
zuora.collection: PUTPaymentRunSchedule
- frequency string? - The frequency of payment runs in the schedule.
- day string? - The day of a month when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if frequency is Monthly. Allowed values are 1-31 or L (the last day of a month).
- day_of_week int[]? - An array of days in a week when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if frequency is Weekly. Allowed integers are 1-7. 1 stands for Monday. 2 stands for Tuesday, etc.
- hour int? - The hour of a day when payment runs need to be performed. Allowed values are 1-23.
- billrun string? - A bill run name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- batch string? - A batch name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- currency string? - A three-character currency code that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- payment_gateway string? - A payment gateway name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- bill_cycle_day string? - A bill cycle day value that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used.
- custom string? - A custom ZOQL query that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. It cannot be used with other filters.
zuora.collection: ResultsPagination
The pagination information.
- page int? - The current page.
- page_length int? - The number of result on each page.
- next_page string? - The link to the next page of results.
import ballerinax/zuora.collection;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
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