Module yodlee

ballerinax/yodlee Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Yodlee Core API v1.1.0 OpenAPI specification.
Envestnet | Yodlee API (“Yodlee API”) is a flexible RESTful API that allows developers to access personal financial data from the Envestnet | Yodlee financial data platform that can be used to develop various financial management applications. Yodlee API 1.1 is designed to work with FastLink 3.0.
yodlee: Client
This is a generated connector for Yodlee Core API v1.1.0 OpenAPI specification Envestnet | Yodlee API (“Yodlee API”) is a flexible RESTful API that allows developers to access personal financial data from the Envestnet | Yodlee financial data platform that can be used to develop various financial management applications. Yodlee API 1.1 is designed to work with FastLink 3.0.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a Yodlee account and obtain OAuth tokens following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function getAllAccounts(string? accountId, string? container, string? include, string? providerAccountId, string? requestId, string? status) returns AccountResponse|error
Get Accounts
- accountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated accountIds.
- container string? (default ()) - bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan/reward/realEstate/otherAssets/otherLiabilities
- include string? (default ()) - profile, holder, fullAccountNumber, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh<br><b>Note:</b>fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response.
- providerAccountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated providerAccountIds.
- requestId string? (default ()) - The unique identifier that returns contextual data
- status string? (default ()) - ACTIVE,INACTIVE,TO_BE_CLOSED,CLOSED
Return Type
- AccountResponse|error - OK
function createManualAccount(CreateAccountRequest payload) returns CreatedAccountResponse|error
Add Manual Account
- payload CreateAccountRequest - accountParam
Return Type
function evaluateAddress(EvaluateAddressRequest payload) returns EvaluateAddressResponse|error
Evaluate Address
- payload EvaluateAddressRequest - addressParam
Return Type
function getHistoricalBalances(string? accountId, string? fromDate, boolean? includeCF, string? interval, int? skip, string? toDate, int? top) returns AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse|error
Get Historical Balances
- accountId string? (default ()) - accountId
- fromDate string? (default ()) - from date for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)
- includeCF boolean? (default ()) - Consider carry forward logic for missing balances
- interval string? (default ()) - D-daily, W-weekly or M-monthly
- skip int? (default ()) - skip (Min 0)
- toDate string? (default ()) - toDate for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)
- top int? (default ()) - top (Max 500)
Return Type
function getAccount(int accountId, string? include) returns AccountResponse|error
Get Account Details
- accountId int - accountId
- include string? (default ()) - profile, holder, fullAccountNumber, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh<br><b>Note:</b>fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response.
Return Type
- AccountResponse|error - OK
function updateAccount(int accountId, UpdateAccountRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update Account
Delete Account
- accountId int - accountId
function getApiKeys() returns ApiKeyResponse|error
Get API Keys
Return Type
- ApiKeyResponse|error - OK
function generateApiKey(ApiKeyRequest payload) returns ApiKeyResponse|error
Generate API Key
- payload ApiKeyRequest - apiKeyRequest
Return Type
- ApiKeyResponse|error - OK
Delete API Key
- 'key string - key
function generateAccessToken() returns ClientCredentialTokenResponse|error
Generate Access Token
Return Type
Delete Token
function getSubscribedEvents(string? eventName) returns CobrandNotificationResponse|error
Get Subscribed Events
- eventName string? (default ()) - eventName
Return Type
- CobrandNotificationResponse|error - OK
function updateSubscribedEvent(string eventName, UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update Subscription
function createSubscriptionEvent(string eventName, CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest payload) returns Response|error
Subscribe Event
Delete Subscription
- eventName string - eventName
function cobrandLogin(CobrandLoginRequest payload) returns CobrandLoginResponse|error
Cobrand Login
- payload CobrandLoginRequest - cobrandLoginRequest
Return Type
Cobrand Logout
function getPublicKey() returns CobrandPublicKeyResponse|error
Get Public Key
Return Type
- CobrandPublicKeyResponse|error - OK
function getSubscribedNotificationEvents(string? eventName) returns ConfigsNotificationResponse|error
Get Subscribed Notification Events
- eventName string? (default ()) - eventName
Return Type
function updateSubscribedNotificationEvent(string eventName, UpdateConfigsNotificationEventRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update Notification Subscription
function createSubscriptionNotificationEvent(string eventName, CreateConfigsNotificationEventRequest payload) returns Response|error
Subscribe For Notification Event
Delete Notification Subscription
- eventName string - eventName
function getPublicEncryptionKey() returns ConfigsPublicKeyResponse|error
Get Public Key
Return Type
function getDataExtractsEvents(string eventName, string fromDate, string toDate) returns DataExtractsEventResponse|error
Get Events
- eventName string - Event Name
- fromDate string - From DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
- toDate string - To DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
Return Type
function getDataExtractsUserData(string fromDate, string loginName, string toDate) returns DataExtractsUserDataResponse|error
Get userData
- fromDate string - From DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
- loginName string - Login Name
- toDate string - To DateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
Return Type
function getHoldingSummary(string? accountIds, string? classificationType, string? include) returns DerivedHoldingSummaryResponse|error
Get Holding Summary
- accountIds string? (default ()) - Comma separated accountIds
- classificationType string? (default ()) - e.g. Country, Sector, etc.
- include string? (default ()) - details
Return Type
function getNetworth(string? accountIds, string? container, string? fromDate, string? include, string? interval, int? skip, string? toDate, int? top) returns DerivedNetworthResponse|error
Get Networth Summary
- accountIds string? (default ()) - comma separated accountIds
- container string? (default ()) - bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan/realEstate/otherAssets/otherLiabilities
- fromDate string? (default ()) - from date for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)
- include string? (default ()) - details
- interval string? (default ()) - D-daily, W-weekly or M-monthly
- skip int? (default ()) - skip (Min 0)
- toDate string? (default ()) - toDate for balance retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)
- top int? (default ()) - top (Max 500)
Return Type
function getTransactionSummary(string groupBy, string? accountId, string? categoryId, string? categoryType, string? fromDate, string? include, boolean? includeUserCategory, string? interval, string? toDate) returns DerivedTransactionSummaryResponse|error
Get Transaction Summary
- accountId string? (default ()) - comma separated account Ids
- categoryId string? (default ()) - comma separated categoryIds
- fromDate string? (default ()) - YYYY-MM-DD format
- include string? (default ()) - details
- includeUserCategory boolean? (default ()) - TRUE/FALSE
- interval string? (default ()) - D-daily, W-weekly, M-mothly or Y-yearly
- toDate string? (default ()) - YYYY-MM-DD format
Return Type
function getDocuments(string? keyword, string? accountId, string? docType, string? fromDate, string? toDate) returns DocumentResponse|error
Get Documents
- keyword string? (default ()) - The string used to search a document by its name.
- accountId string? (default ()) - The unique identifier of an account. Retrieve documents for a given accountId.
- docType string? (default ()) - Accepts only one of the following valid document types: STMT, TAX, and EBILL.
- fromDate string? (default ()) - The date from which documents have to be retrieved.
- toDate string? (default ()) - The date to which documents have to be retrieved.
Return Type
- DocumentResponse|error - OK
function downloadDocument(string documentId) returns DocumentDownloadResponse|error
Download a Document
- documentId string - documentId
Return Type
Delete Document
- documentId string - documentId
function getHoldings(string? accountId, string? assetclassificationClassificationtype, string? classificationValue, string? include, string? providerAccountId) returns HoldingResponse|error
Get Holdings
- accountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated accountId
- assetclassificationClassificationtype string? (default ()) - e.g. Country, Sector, etc.
- classificationValue string? (default ()) - e.g. US
- include string? (default ()) - assetClassification
- providerAccountId string? (default ()) - providerAccountId
Return Type
- HoldingResponse|error - OK
function getAssetClassificationList() returns HoldingAssetClassificationListResponse|error
Get Asset Classification List
Return Type
function getHoldingTypeList() returns HoldingTypeListResponse|error
Get Holding Type List
Return Type
function getSecurities(string? holdingId) returns HoldingSecuritiesResponse|error
Get Security Details
- holdingId string? (default ()) - Comma separated holdingId
Return Type
function getAllProviderAccounts(string? include, string? providerIds) returns ProviderAccountResponse|error
Get Provider Accounts
- include string? (default ()) - include
- providerIds string? (default ()) - Comma separated providerIds.
Return Type
function editCredentialsOrRefreshProviderAccount(string providerAccountIds, ProviderAccountRequest payload) returns UpdatedProviderAccountResponse|error
Update Account
- providerAccountIds string - comma separated providerAccountIds
- payload ProviderAccountRequest - loginForm or field entity
Return Type
function getProviderAccountProfiles(string? providerAccountId) returns ProviderAccountUserProfileResponse|error
Get User Profile Details
- providerAccountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated providerAccountIds.
Return Type
function getProviderAccount(int providerAccountId, string? include, string? requestId) returns ProviderAccountDetailResponse|error
Get Provider Account Details
- providerAccountId int - providerAccountId
- include string? (default ()) - include credentials,questions
- requestId string? (default ()) - The unique identifier for the request that returns contextual data
Return Type
Delete Provider Account
- providerAccountId int - providerAccountId
function updatePreferences(int providerAccountId, ProviderAccountPreferencesRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update Preferences
- providerAccountId int - providerAccountId
- payload ProviderAccountPreferencesRequest - preferences
function getAllProviders(string? capability, string? datasetFilter, string? fullAccountNumberFields, int? institutionId, string? name, string? priority, string? providerId, int? skip, int? top) returns ProviderResponse|error
Get Providers
- capability string? (default ()) - CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT_VERIFICATION - capability search is deprecated
- datasetFilter string? (default ()) - Expression to filter the providers by dataset(s) or dataset attribute(s). The default value will be the dataset or dataset attributes configured as default for the customer.
- fullAccountNumberFields string? (default ()) - Specify to filter the providers with values paymentAccountNumber,unmaskedAccountNumber.
- institutionId int? (default ()) - Institution Id for Single site selection
- name string? (default ()) - Name in minimum 1 character or routing number.
- priority string? (default ()) - Search priority
- providerId string? (default ()) - Max 5 Comma seperated Provider Ids
- skip int? (default ()) - skip (Min 0) - This is not applicable along with 'name' parameter.
- top int? (default ()) - top (Max 500) - This is not applicable along with 'name' parameter.
Return Type
- ProviderResponse|error - OK
function getProvidersCount(string? capability, string? datasetFilter, string? fullAccountNumberFields, string? name, string? priority) returns ProvidersCountResponse|error
Get Providers Count
- capability string? (default ()) - CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT_VERIFICATION - capability search is deprecated
- datasetFilter string? (default ()) - Expression to filter the providers by dataset(s) or dataset attribute(s). The default value will be the dataset or dataset attributes configured as default for the customer.
- fullAccountNumberFields string? (default ()) - Specify to filter the providers with values paymentAccountNumber,unmaskedAccountNumber.
- name string? (default ()) - Name in minimum 1 character or routing number.
- priority string? (default ()) - Search priority
Return Type
function getProvider(int providerId) returns ProviderDetailResponse|error
Get Provider Details
- providerId int - providerId
Return Type
function getStatements(string? accountId, string? container, string? fromDate, string? isLatest, string? status) returns StatementResponse|error
Get Statements
- accountId string? (default ()) - accountId
- container string? (default ()) - creditCard/loan/insurance
- fromDate string? (default ()) - from date for statement retrieval (YYYY-MM-DD)
- isLatest string? (default ()) - isLatest (true/false)
- status string? (default ()) - ACTIVE,TO_BE_CLOSED,CLOSED
Return Type
- StatementResponse|error - OK
function getTransactions(string? accountId, string? baseType, string? categoryId, string? categoryType, string? container, string? detailCategoryId, string? fromDate, string? highLevelCategoryId, string? keyword, int? skip, string? toDate, int? top, string? 'type) returns TransactionResponse|error
Get Transactions
- accountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated accountIds
- baseType string? (default ()) - DEBIT/CREDIT
- categoryId string? (default ()) - Comma separated categoryIds
- categoryType string? (default ()) - Transaction Category Type(UNCATEGORIZE, INCOME, TRANSFER, EXPENSE or DEFERRED_COMPENSATION)
- container string? (default ()) - bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan
- detailCategoryId string? (default ()) - Comma separated detailCategoryIds
- fromDate string? (default ()) - Transaction from date(YYYY-MM-DD)
- highLevelCategoryId string? (default ()) - Comma separated highLevelCategoryIds
- keyword string? (default ()) - Transaction search text
- skip int? (default ()) - skip (Min 0)
- toDate string? (default ()) - Transaction end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- top int? (default ()) - top (Max 500)
- 'type string? (default ()) - Transaction Type(SELL,SWEEP, etc.) for bank/creditCard/investment
Return Type
- TransactionResponse|error - OK
function getTransactionCategories() returns TransactionCategoryResponse|error
Get Transaction Category List
Return Type
function updateTransactionCategory(UpdateCategoryRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update Category
- payload UpdateCategoryRequest - updateCategoryRequest
function createTransactionCategory(TransactionCategoryRequest payload) returns Response|error
Create Category
- payload TransactionCategoryRequest - User Transaction Category in JSON format
function getTransactionCategorizationRulesDeprecated() returns TransactionCategorizationRule[]|error
Get Transaction Categorization Rules
Return Type
- TransactionCategorizationRule[]|error - OK
function createOrRunTransactionCategorizationRules(string? action, string? ruleParam) returns Response|error
Create or Run Transaction Categorization Rule
- action string? (default ()) - To run rules, pass action=run. Only value run is supported
- ruleParam string? (default ()) - rules(JSON format) to categorize the transactions
function updateTransactionCategorizationRule(int ruleId, TransactionCategorizationRuleRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update Transaction Categorization Rule
- ruleId int - ruleId
- payload TransactionCategorizationRuleRequest - transactionCategoriesRuleRequest
Run Transaction Categorization Rule
Delete Transaction Categorization Rule
- ruleId int - ruleId
function getTransactionCategorizationRules() returns TransactionCategorizationRuleResponse|error
Get Transaction Categorization Rules
Return Type
Delete Category
- categoryId int - categoryId
function getTransactionsCount(string? accountId, string? baseType, string? categoryId, string? categoryType, string? container, string? detailCategoryId, string? fromDate, string? highLevelCategoryId, string? keyword, string? toDate, string? 'type) returns TransactionCountResponse|error
Get Transactions Count
- accountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated accountIds
- baseType string? (default ()) - DEBIT/CREDIT
- categoryId string? (default ()) - Comma separated categoryIds
- categoryType string? (default ()) - Transaction Category Type(UNCATEGORIZE, INCOME, TRANSFER, EXPENSE or DEFERRED_COMPENSATION)
- container string? (default ()) - bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan
- detailCategoryId string? (default ()) - Comma separated detailCategoryIds
- fromDate string? (default ()) - Transaction from date(YYYY-MM-DD)
- highLevelCategoryId string? (default ()) - Comma separated highLevelCategoryIds
- keyword string? (default ()) - Transaction search text
- toDate string? (default ()) - Transaction end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- 'type string? (default ()) - Transaction Type(SELL,SWEEP, etc.)
Return Type
function updateTransaction(int transactionId, TransactionRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update Transaction
function getUser() returns UserDetailResponse|error
Get User Details
Return Type
- UserDetailResponse|error - OK
function updateUser(UpdateUserRequest payload) returns Response|error
Update User Details
- payload UpdateUserRequest - userRequest
function getAccessTokens(string appIds) returns UserAccessTokensResponse|error
Get Access Tokens
- appIds string - appIds
Return Type
User Logout
function registerUser(UserRequest payload) returns UserResponse|error
Register User
- payload UserRequest - userRequest
Return Type
- UserResponse|error - Login Successful
function samlLogin(string issuer, string samlResponse, string? 'source) returns UserResponse|error
Saml Login
- issuer string - issuer
- samlResponse string - samlResponse
- 'source string? (default ()) - source
Return Type
- UserResponse|error - OK
Delete User
function getVerificationStatus(string? accountId, string? providerAccountId, string? verificationType) returns VerificationStatusResponse|error
Get Verification Status
- accountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated accountId
- providerAccountId string? (default ()) - Comma separated providerAccountId
- verificationType string? (default ()) - verificationType
Return Type
function verifyChallengeDeposit(UpdateVerificationRequest payload) returns VerificationResponse|error
Verify Challenge Deposit
- payload UpdateVerificationRequest - verification information
Return Type
function initiateMatchingOrChallengeDepositeVerification(VerificationRequest payload) returns VerificationResponse|error
Initiaite Matching Service and Challenge Deposit
- payload VerificationRequest - verification information
Return Type
function initiateAccountVerification(string providerAccountId, VerifyAccountRequest payload) returns VerifyAccountResponse|error
Verify Accounts Using Transactions
- providerAccountId string - providerAccountId
- payload VerifyAccountRequest - verificationParam
Return Type
yodlee: AccessTokens
- appId string? - The identifier of the application for which the access token is generated.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET user/accessTokens</li></ul>
- url string? - Base URL using which the application is accessed.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET user/accessTokens</li></ul>
- value string? - Access token value used to invoke the widgets/apps.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET user/accessTokens</li></ul>
yodlee: Account
- '401kLoan Money? -
- CONTAINER string? - The type of service. E.g., Bank, Credit Card, Investment, Insurance, etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- accountName string? - The account name as it appears at the site.<br>(The POST accounts service response return this field as name)<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- accountNumber string? - The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)<br><b>Additional Details</b>:<b> Bank/ Loan/ Insurance/ Investment</b>:<br> The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.<br><b>Credit Card</b>: The account number of the card account as it appears at the site,<br>i.e., the card number.The account number can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the site.In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST accounts</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- accountStatus string? - The status of the account that is updated by the consumer through an application or an API. Valid Values: AccountStatus<br><b>Additional Details:</b><br><b>ACTIVE:</b> All the added manual and aggregated accounts status will be made "ACTIVE" by default. <br><b>TO_BE_CLOSED:</b> If the aggregated accounts are not found or closed in the data provider site, Yodlee system marks the status as TO_BE_CLOSED<br><b>INACTIVE:</b> Users can update the status as INACTIVE to stop updating and to stop considering the account in other services<br><b>CLOSED:</b> Users can update the status as CLOSED, if the account is closed with the provider. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- address AccountAddress? -
- aggregationSource string? - The source through which the account(s) are added in the system.<br><b>Valid Values</b>: SYSTEM, USER<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- amountDue Money? -
- annualPercentageYield decimal? - Annual percentage yield (APY) is a normalized representation of an interest rate, based on a compounding period of one year. APY generally refers to the rate paid to a depositor by a financial institution on an account.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- annuityBalance Money? -
- apr decimal? - The annual percentage rate (APR) is the yearly rate of interest on the credit card account.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> The yearly percentage rate charged when a balance is held on a credit card. This rate of interest is applied every month on the outstanding credit card balance.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- associatedProviderAccountId int[]? - The providerAccountIds that share the account with the primary providerAccountId that was created when the user had added the account for the first time.<br><b>Additional Details</b>: This attribute is returned in the response only if the account deduplication feature is enabled and the same account is mapped to more than one provider account IDs indicating the account is owned by more than one user, for example, joint accounts.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- autoRefresh AutoRefresh? -
- availableBalance Money? -
- availableCash Money? -
- availableCredit Money? -
- balance Money? -
- bankTransferCode BankTransferCode[]? - Bank and branch identification information.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- cash Money? -
- cashApr decimal? - Annual percentage rate applied to cash withdrawals on the card.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- cashValue Money? -
- classification string? - The classification of the account such as personal, corporate, etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, reward, loan, insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- collateral string? - Property or possession offered to support a loan that can be seized on a default.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- coverage Coverage[]? - The coverage-related details of the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- createdDate string? - The date on which the account is created in the Yodlee system.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> It is the date when the user links or aggregates the account(s) that are held with the provider to the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- currentBalance Money? -
- currentLevel string? - Current level of the reward program the user is associated with. E.g. Silver, Jade etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- dataset AccountDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- deathBenefit Money? -
- derivedApr decimal? - Derived APR will be an estimated purchase APR based on consumers credit card transactions and credit card purchase.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual / Derived</b>: Derived<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- displayedName string? - The name or identification of the account owner, as it appears at the FI site. <br><b>Note:</b> The account holder name can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the FI site. In most cases, the FI site does not display the full account holder name in the account summary page.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- dueDate string? - The date on which the due amount has to be paid. <br><b>Additional Details:</b><br><b>Credit Card:</b> The monthly date by when the minimum payment is due to be paid on the credit card account. <br><b>Loan:</b> The date on or before which the due amount should be paid.<br><b>Note:</b> The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- enrollmentDate string? - Date on which the user is enrolled on the rewards program.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- escrowBalance Money? -
- estimatedDate string? - The date on which the home value was estimated.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: realEstate<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- expirationDate string? - The date on which the insurance policy expires or matures.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- faceAmount Money? -
- frequency string? - The frequency of the billing cycle of the account in case of card. The frequency in which premiums are paid in an insurance policy such as monthly, quarterly, and annually. The frequency in which due amounts are paid in a loan account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, insurance, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- fullAccountNumber string? - Full account number of the account that is included only when include = fullAccountNumber is provided in the request. For student loan account the account number that will be used for ACH or fund transfer<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward, otherAssets, otherLiabilities <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><b> Note : </b> fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter and response.</ul>
- fullAccountNumberList FullAccountNumberList? -
- guarantor string? - A nonprofit or state organization that works with lender, servicer, school, and the Department of Education to help successfully repay Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans. If FFELP student loans default, the guarantor takes ownership of them.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- holder AccountHolder[]? - Holder details of the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- homeInsuranceType string? - Type of home insurance, like -<ul><li>HOME_OWNER</li><li>RENTAL</li><li>RENTER</li><li>etc..</li></ul><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- homeValue Money? -
- id int? - The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts </li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET investmentOptions</li><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li><li>POST accounts</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- includeInNetWorth boolean? - Used to determine whether an account to be considered in the networth calculation.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,loan,investment,insurance,realEstate,otherAssets,otherLiabilities<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- interestPaidLastYear Money? -
- interestPaidYTD Money? -
- interestRate decimal? - <br><b>Bank:</b> The interest rate offered by a FI to its depositors on a bank account.<br><b>Loan:</b> Interest rate applied on the loan.<br><b>Additional Details:</b><br><b>Note:</b> The Interest Rate field is only applicable for the following account types: savings, checking, money market, and certificate of deposit.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- interestRateType string? - The type of the interest rate, for example, fixed or variable.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- isAsset boolean? - The account to be considered as an asset or liability.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isManual boolean? - Indicates if an account is aggregated from a site or it is a manual account i.e. account information manually provided by the user.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastEmployeeContributionAmount Money? -
- lastEmployeeContributionDate string? - The date on which the last employee contribution was made to the 401k account.<br><b>Note:</b> The last employee contribution date field is derived from the transaction data and not aggregated from the FI site. The field is only applicable to the 401k account type.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastPayment Money? -
- lastPaymentAmount Money? -
- lastPaymentDate string? - The date on which the payment for the previous or current billing cycle is done.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> If the payment is already done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment date of the current billing cycle. If payment is yet to be done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the date on which the payment was made for any of the previous billing cycles. The last payment date at the account-level can differ from the last payment date at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastUpdated string? - The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lender string? - The financial institution that provides the loan.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lifeInsuranceType string? - Type of life insurance.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- loanPayByDate string? - The date by which the payoff amount should be paid.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- loanPayoffAmount Money? -
- loanPayoffDetails LoanPayoffDetails? -
- marginBalance Money? -
- maturityAmount Money? -
- maturityDate string? - The date when a certificate of deposit (CD/FD) matures or the final payment date of a loan at which point the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> The date when a certificate of deposit (CD) matures, i.e., the money in the CD can be withdrawn without paying an early withdrawal penalty.The final payment date of a loan, i.e., the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- memo string? - The additional description or notes given by the user.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- minimumAmountDue Money? -
- moneyMarketBalance Money? -
- nextLevel string? - The eligible next level of the rewards program.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- nickname string? - The nickname of the account as provided by the consumer to identify an account. The account nickname can be used instead of the account name.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- oauthMigrationStatus string? - Indicates the migration status of the account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- originalLoanAmount Money? -
- originationDate string? - The date on which the loan is disbursed.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- overDraftLimit Money? -
- paymentProfile PaymentProfile? -
- policyEffectiveDate string? - The date on which the insurance policy coverage commences.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- policyFromDate string? - The date the insurance policy began.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- policyStatus string? - The status of the policy.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- policyTerm string? - The duration for which the policy is valid or in effect. For example, one year, five years, etc.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- policyToDate string? - The date to which the policy exists.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- premium Money? -
- premiumPaymentTerm string? - The number of years for which premium payments have to be made in a policy.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- primaryRewardUnit string? - Primary reward unit for this reward program. E.g. miles, points, etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- principalBalance Money? -
- profile AccountProfile? -
- providerAccountId int? - The primary key of the provider account resource.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- providerId string? - Identifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- providerName string? - Service provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- recurringPayment Money? -
- remainingBalance Money? -
- repaymentPlanType string? - The type of repayment plan that the borrower prefers to repay the loan. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- rewardBalance RewardBalance[]? - Information of different reward balances associated with the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- runningBalance Money? -
- shortBalance Money? -
- sourceAccountStatus string? - Indicates the status of the loan account. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- sourceId string? - A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the account. The source ID is only available for the HELD accounts.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- term string? - The tenure for which the CD account is valid or in case of loan, the number of years/months over which the loan amount has to be repaid. <br><b>Additional Details:</b><br> Bank: The Term field is only applicable for the account type CD.Loan: The period for which the loan agreement is in force. The period, before or at the end of which, the loan should either be repaid or renegotiated for another term.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- totalCashLimit Money? -
- totalCreditLimit Money? -
- totalCreditLine Money? -
- totalUnvestedBalance Money? -
- totalVestedBalance Money? -
- userClassification string? - <b>Applicable containers</b>: reward, bank, creditCard, investment, loan, insurance, realEstate, otherLiabilities<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts </li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST accounts</ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- valuationType string? - The valuation type indicates whether the home value is calculated either manually or by Yodlee Partners.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: realEstate<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: AccountAddress
- address1 string? -
- address2 string? -
- address3 string? -
- city string? -
- country string? -
- sourceType string? -
- state string? -
- street string? -
- 'type string? -
- zip string? -
yodlee: AccountDataset
- additionalStatus string? - The status of last update attempted for the dataset. <br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- lastUpdateAttempt string? - Indicate when the last attempt was performed to update the dataset for the given provider account<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- lastUpdated string? - Indicate when the dataset is last updated successfully for the given provider account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- name string? - The name of the dataset requested from the provider site<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Manual<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- nextUpdateScheduled string? - Indicates when the next attempt to update the dataset is scheduled.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- updateEligibility string? - Indicate whether the dataset is eligible for update or not.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse
- account AccountHistory[]? -
yodlee: AccountHistory
- historicalBalances HistoricalBalance[]? -
- id int? -
yodlee: AccountHolder
- gender string? - Identifiers of the account holder.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- identifier Identifier[]? - Identifiers of the account holder.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- name Name? -
- ownership string? - Indicates the ownership of the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: AccountProfile
- address AccountAddress[]? - Address available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- email Email[]? - Email Id available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- identifier Identifier[]? - Identifiers available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- phoneNumber PhoneNumber[]? - Phone number available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
yodlee: AccountResponse
- account Account[]? -
yodlee: ApiKeyOutput
- createdDate string? - The date on which the apiKey was created for the customer.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET /auth/apiKey</li><li>POST /auth/apiKey</li></ul>
- expiresIn int? - Time in seconds after which the JWT token created for users expires.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET /auth/apiKey</li><li>POST /auth/apiKey</li></ul>
- 'key string? - ApiKey or the issuer key used to generate the JWT token for authentication.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET /auth/apiKey</li><li>POST /auth/apiKey</li></ul>
- publicKey string? - Public key uploaded by the customer while generating ApiKey.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET /auth/apiKey</li><li>POST /auth/apiKey</li></ul>
yodlee: ApiKeyRequest
- publicKey string? - Public key uploaded by the customer while generating ApiKey.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET /auth/apiKey</li><li>POST /auth/apiKey</li></ul>
yodlee: ApiKeyResponse
- apiKey ApiKeyOutput[]? - ApiKey customer details.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET /auth/apiKey</li><li>POST /auth/apiKey</li></ul>
yodlee: AssetClassification
- allocation decimal? - The allocation percentage of the holding.<br><br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- classificationType string? - The type of classification to which the investment belongs (assetClass, country, sector, and style).<br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- classificationValue string? - The value for each classificationType.<br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
yodlee: AssetClassificationList
- classificationType string? - The type of classification to which the investment belongs (assetClass, country, sector, and style).<br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- classificationValue string[]? - The value for each classificationType.<br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
yodlee: Attribute
- container string[]? - Containers for which the attributes are supported.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- containerAttributes ContainerAttributes? -
- fromDate string? - Applicable only to EBILLS and STATEMENTS attributes of DOCUMENT dataset.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts</li></ul>
- fromFinYear string? - Applicable only to TAX attribute of DOCUMENT dataset.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts</li></ul>
- name string? - Attributes that are supported for a dataset.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- toDate string? - Applicable only to EBILLS and STATEMENTS attributes of DOCUMENT dataset.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts</li></ul>
- toFinYear string? - Applicable only to TAX attribute of DOCUMENT dataset.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts</li></ul>
yodlee: AutoRefresh
- additionalStatus string? - Indicates the reason for the status.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- asOfDate string? - Date on which the auto refresh status is determined.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- status string? - Indicates whether auto refresh is enabled or disabled.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: BankTransferCode
- id string? - The FI's branch identification number.Additional Details: The routing number of the bank account in the United States. For non-United States accounts, it is the IFSC code (India), BSB number (Australia), and sort code (United Kingdom). <br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST verification</li></ul>
- 'type string? - The bank transfer code type varies depending on the region of the account origination. <br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST verification</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: Capability
- container string[]? -
- name string? -
yodlee: ClientCredentialToken
- accessToken string? - Access Token to access YSL 1.1 services.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST /auth/token</li></ul>
- expiresIn int? - Time in seconds after which the issued accessToken expires.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST /auth/token</li></ul>
- issuedAt string? - The date and time on which accessToken was created for the customer.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST /auth/token</li></ul>
yodlee: ClientCredentialTokenResponse
- token ClientCredentialToken? -
yodlee: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
yodlee: Cobrand
- cobrandLogin string -
- cobrandPassword string -
- locale string? - The customer's locale that will be considered for the localization functionality.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST cobrand/login</li></ul>
yodlee: CobrandLoginRequest
- cobrand Cobrand -
yodlee: CobrandLoginResponse
- applicationId string? - The application identifier.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST cobrand/login</li></ul>
- cobrandId int? - Unique identifier of the cobrand (customer) in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST cobrand/login</li></ul>
- locale string? - The customer's locale that will be considered for the localization functionality.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST cobrand/login</li></ul>
- session CobrandSession? -
yodlee: CobrandNotificationEvent
- callbackUrl string? - URL to which the notification should be posted.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET cobrand/config/notifications/events</li></ul>
- name string? - Name of the event for which the customers must subscribe to receive notifications.<br><b>Valid Value:</b> Notification Events Name<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET cobrand/config/notifications/events</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: CobrandNotificationResponse
- event CobrandNotificationEvent[]? -
yodlee: CobrandPublicKeyResponse
- keyAlias string? - The key name used for encryption.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET cobrand/publicKey</li></ul>
- keyAsPemString string? - Public key that the customer should be using to encrypt the credentials and answers before sending to the add & update providerAccounts APIs.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET cobrand/publicKey</li></ul>
yodlee: CobrandSession
- cobSession string? -
yodlee: ConfigsNotificationEvent
- callbackUrl string? - URL to which the notification should be posted.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET configs/notifications/events</li></ul>
- name string? - Name of the event for which the customers must subscribe to receive notifications.<br><b>Valid Value:</b> Notification Events Name<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET configs/notifications/events</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: ConfigsNotificationResponse
- event ConfigsNotificationEvent[]? -
yodlee: ConfigsPublicKey
- alias string? - The key name used for encryption.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET configs/publicKey</li></ul>
- 'key string? - Public key that the customer should be using to encrypt the credentials and answers before sending to the add and update providerAccounts APIs.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET configs/publicKey</li></ul>
yodlee: ConfigsPublicKeyResponse
- publicKey ConfigsPublicKey? -
yodlee: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
yodlee: Contact
- email string? - Email Id of the merchant<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,loan<br>
- phone string? - Phone number of the merchant<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,loan<br>
yodlee: ContainerAttributes
- BANK TransactionDays? -
- CREDITCARD TransactionDays? -
- INSURANCE TransactionDays? -
- INVESTMENT TransactionDays? -
- LOAN TransactionDays? -
yodlee: Coordinates
- latitude decimal? - Latitude of the merchant<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,loan<br>
- longitude decimal? - Longitude of the merchant<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,loan<br>
yodlee: Coverage
- amount CoverageAmount[]? - The coverage amount-related details.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- endDate string? - The date on which the coverage for the account ends or expires.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- planType string? - The plan type for an insurance provided to an individual or an entity.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- startDate string? - The date on which the coverage for the account starts.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- 'type string? - The type of coverage provided to an individual or an entity.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
yodlee: CoverageAmount
- cover Money? -
- limitType string? - The type of coverage limit indicates if the coverage is in-network or out-of-network.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- met Money? -
- 'type string? - The type of coverage provided to an individual or an entity.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- unitType string? - The type of coverage unit indicates if the coverage is for an individual or a family.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
yodlee: CreateAccountInfo
- accountName string -
- accountNumber string? -
- accountType string -
- address AccountAddress? -
- amountDue Money? -
- balance Money? -
- dueDate string? -
- frequency string? -
- homeValue Money? -
- includeInNetWorth string? -
- memo string? -
- nickname string? -
- valuationType string? -
yodlee: CreateAccountRequest
- account CreateAccountInfo -
yodlee: CreateCobrandNotificationEvent
- callbackUrl string? - URL to which the notification should be posted.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET cobrand/config/notifications/events</li></ul>
yodlee: CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest
- event CreateCobrandNotificationEvent -
yodlee: CreateConfigsNotificationEvent
- callbackUrl string? - URL to which the notification should be posted.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET configs/notifications/events</li></ul>
yodlee: CreateConfigsNotificationEventRequest
- event CreateConfigsNotificationEvent -
yodlee: CreatedAccountInfo
- accountName string? -
- accountNumber string? -
- id int? -
yodlee: CreatedAccountResponse
- account CreatedAccountInfo[]? -
yodlee: DataExtractsAccount
- '401kLoan Money? -
- CONTAINER string? - The type of service. E.g., Bank, Credit Card, Investment, Insurance, etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- accountName string? - The account name as it appears at the site.<br>(The POST accounts service response return this field as name)<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- accountNumber string? - The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)<br><b>Additional Details</b>:<b> Bank/ Loan/ Insurance/ Investment</b>:<br> The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.<br><b>Credit Card</b>: The account number of the card account as it appears at the site,<br>i.e., the card number.The account number can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the site.In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST accounts</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- accountStatus string? - The status of the account that is updated by the consumer through an application or an API. Valid Values: AccountStatus<br><b>Additional Details:</b><br><b>ACTIVE:</b> All the added manual and aggregated accounts status will be made "ACTIVE" by default. <br><b>TO_BE_CLOSED:</b> If the aggregated accounts are not found or closed in the data provider site, Yodlee system marks the status as TO_BE_CLOSED<br><b>INACTIVE:</b> Users can update the status as INACTIVE to stop updating and to stop considering the account in other services<br><b>CLOSED:</b> Users can update the status as CLOSED, if the account is closed with the provider. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- address AccountAddress? -
- aggregationSource string? - The source through which the account(s) are added in the system.<br><b>Valid Values</b>: SYSTEM, USER<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- amountDue Money? -
- annualPercentageYield decimal? - Annual percentage yield (APY) is a normalized representation of an interest rate, based on a compounding period of one year. APY generally refers to the rate paid to a depositor by a financial institution on an account.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- annuityBalance Money? -
- apr decimal? - The annual percentage rate (APR) is the yearly rate of interest on the credit card account.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> The yearly percentage rate charged when a balance is held on a credit card. This rate of interest is applied every month on the outstanding credit card balance.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- associatedProviderAccountId int[]? - The providerAccountIds that share the account with the primary providerAccountId that was created when the user had added the account for the first time.<br><b>Additional Details</b>: This attribute is returned in the response only if the account deduplication feature is enabled and the same account is mapped to more than one provider account IDs indicating the account is owned by more than one user, for example, joint accounts.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- availableBalance Money? -
- availableCash Money? -
- availableCredit Money? -
- balance Money? -
- bankTransferCode BankTransferCode[]? - Bank and branch identification information.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- cash Money? -
- cashApr decimal? - Annual percentage rate applied to cash withdrawals on the card.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- cashValue Money? -
- classification string? - The classification of the account such as personal, corporate, etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, reward, loan, insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- collateral string? - Property or possession offered to support a loan that can be seized on a default.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- coverage Coverage[]? - The coverage-related details of the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance,investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- createdDate string? - The date on which the account is created in the Yodlee system.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> It is the date when the user links or aggregates the account(s) that are held with the provider to the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- currentBalance Money? -
- currentLevel string? - Current level of the reward program the user is associated with. E.g. Silver, Jade etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- dataset AccountDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- deathBenefit Money? -
- derivedApr decimal? - Derived APR will be an estimated purchase APR based on consumers credit card transactions and credit card purchase.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual / Derived</b>: Derived<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- displayedName string? - The name or identification of the account owner, as it appears at the FI site. <br><b>Note:</b> The account holder name can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the FI site. In most cases, the FI site does not display the full account holder name in the account summary page.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- dueDate string? - The date on which the due amount has to be paid. <br><b>Additional Details:</b><br><b>Credit Card:</b> The monthly date by when the minimum payment is due to be paid on the credit card account. <br><b>Loan:</b> The date on or before which the due amount should be paid.<br><b>Note:</b> The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- enrollmentDate string? - Date on which the user is enrolled on the rewards program.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- escrowBalance Money? -
- estimatedDate string? - The date on which the home value was estimated.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: realEstate<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- expirationDate string? - The date on which the insurance policy expires or matures.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> The due date at the account-level can differ from the due date field at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- faceAmount Money? -
- frequency string? - The frequency of the billing cycle of the account in case of card. The frequency in which premiums are paid in an insurance policy such as monthly, quarterly, and annually. The frequency in which due amounts are paid in a loan account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, insurance, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- guarantor string? - A nonprofit or state organization that works with lender, servicer, school, and the Department of Education to help successfully repay Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans. If FFELP student loans default, the guarantor takes ownership of them.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- homeInsuranceType string? - Type of home insurance, like -<ul><li>HOME_OWNER</li><li>RENTAL</li><li>RENTER</li><li>etc..</li></ul><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- homeValue Money? -
- id int? - The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts </li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET investmentOptions</li><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li><li>POST accounts</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- includeInNetWorth boolean? - Used to determine whether an account to be considered in the networth calculation.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,loan,investment,insurance,realEstate,otherAssets,otherLiabilities<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- interestPaidLastYear Money? -
- interestPaidYTD Money? -
- interestRate decimal? - <br><b>Bank:</b> The interest rate offered by a FI to its depositors on a bank account.<br><b>Loan:</b> Interest rate applied on the loan.<br><b>Additional Details:</b><br><b>Note:</b> The Interest Rate field is only applicable for the following account types: savings, checking, money market, and certificate of deposit.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- interestRateType string? - The type of the interest rate, for example, fixed or variable.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- isAsset boolean? - The account to be considered as an asset or liability.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isDeleted boolean? - Indicates if the account is marked as deleted.<b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isManual boolean? - Indicates if an account is aggregated from a site or it is a manual account i.e. account information manually provided by the user.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastEmployeeContributionAmount Money? -
- lastEmployeeContributionDate string? - The date on which the last employee contribution was made to the 401k account.<br><b>Note:</b> The last employee contribution date field is derived from the transaction data and not aggregated from the FI site. The field is only applicable to the 401k account type.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastPayment Money? -
- lastPaymentAmount Money? -
- lastPaymentDate string? - The date on which the payment for the previous or current billing cycle is done.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> If the payment is already done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the payment date of the current billing cycle. If payment is yet to be done for the current billing cycle, then the field indicates the date on which the payment was made for any of the previous billing cycles. The last payment date at the account-level can differ from the last payment date at the statement-level, as the information in the aggregated card account data provides an up-to-date information to the consumer.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastUpdated string? - The date time the account information was last retrieved from the provider site and updated in the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lender string? - The financial institution that provides the loan.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lifeInsuranceType string? - Type of life insurance.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- loanPayByDate string? - The date by which the payoff amount should be paid.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- loanPayoffAmount Money? -
- loanPayoffDetails LoanPayoffDetails? -
- marginBalance Money? -
- maturityAmount Money? -
- maturityDate string? - The date when a certificate of deposit (CD/FD) matures or the final payment date of a loan at which point the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.<br><b>Additional Details:</b> The date when a certificate of deposit (CD) matures, i.e., the money in the CD can be withdrawn without paying an early withdrawal penalty.The final payment date of a loan, i.e., the principal amount (including pending interest) is due to be paid.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- memo string? - The additional description or notes given by the user.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- minimumAmountDue Money? -
- moneyMarketBalance Money? -
- nextLevel string? - The eligible next level of the rewards program.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- nickname string? - The nickname of the account as provided by the consumer to identify an account. The account nickname can be used instead of the account name.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- oauthMigrationStatus string? - Indicates the migration status of the account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- originalLoanAmount Money? -
- originationDate string? - The date on which the loan is disbursed.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- overDraftLimit Money? -
- policyEffectiveDate string? - The date on which the insurance policy coverage commences.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- policyFromDate string? - The date the insurance policy began.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- policyStatus string? - The status of the policy.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- policyTerm string? - The duration for which the policy is valid or in effect. For example, one year, five years, etc.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- policyToDate string? - The date to which the policy exists.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- premium Money? -
- premiumPaymentTerm string? - The number of years for which premium payments have to be made in a policy.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: insurance<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- primaryRewardUnit string? - Primary reward unit for this reward program. E.g. miles, points, etc.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- principalBalance Money? -
- providerAccountId int? - The primary key of the provider account resource.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- providerId string? - Identifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- providerName string? - Service provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- recurringPayment Money? -
- remainingBalance Money? -
- repaymentPlanType string? - The type of repayment plan that the borrower prefers to repay the loan. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- rewardBalance RewardBalance[]? - Information of different reward balances associated with the account.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- runningBalance Money? -
- shortBalance Money? -
- sourceAccountStatus string? - Indicates the status of the loan account. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- sourceId string? - A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the account. The source ID is only available for the HELD accounts.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan, reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- term string? - The tenure for which the CD account is valid or in case of loan, the number of years/months over which the loan amount has to be repaid. <br><b>Additional Details:</b><br> Bank: The Term field is only applicable for the account type CD.Loan: The period for which the loan agreement is in force. The period, before or at the end of which, the loan should either be repaid or renegotiated for another term.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- totalCashLimit Money? -
- totalCreditLimit Money? -
- totalCreditLine Money? -
- totalUnvestedBalance Money? -
- totalVestedBalance Money? -
- userClassification string? - <b>Applicable containers</b>: reward, bank, creditCard, investment, loan, insurance, realEstate, otherLiabilities<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts </li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST accounts</ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- valuationType string? - The valuation type indicates whether the home value is calculated either manually or by Yodlee Partners.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: realEstate<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: DataExtractsEvent
- data DataExtractsEventData? -
- info string? -
yodlee: DataExtractsEventData
- fromDate string? -
- toDate string? -
- userCount int? -
- userData DataExtractsEventUserData[]? -
yodlee: DataExtractsEventLinks
- href string? -
- methodType string? -
- rel string? -
yodlee: DataExtractsEventResponse
- event DataExtractsEvent? -
yodlee: DataExtractsEventUserData
- links DataExtractsEventLinks[]? -
- user DataExtractsUser? -
yodlee: DataExtractsHolding
- accountId int? - Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- accruedIncome Money? -
- accruedInterest Money? -
- contractQuantity decimal? - The quantity of tradeable units in a contract.<br><b>Note</b>: The contract quantity field is only applicable to commodity and currency.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- costBasis Money? -
- couponRate decimal? - The stated interest rate for a bond.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- createdDate string? - The date on which the holding is created in the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- cusipNumber string? - The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- description string? - The description (name) for the holding (E.g., Cisco Systems)<br>For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- enrichedDescription string? - The enrichedDescription is the security description of the normalized holding<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- exercisedQuantity decimal? - The quantity of the employee stock options that are already exercised or bought by the employee.<br><b>Note</b>: Once the employee stock options is exercised, they are either converted to cash value or equity positions depending on the FI. The exercised quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- expirationDate string? - The date on which an option, right or warrant expires.<br><b>Note</b>: The expiration date field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- grantDate string? - The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted.<br><b>Note</b>: The grant date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- holdingType string? - Type of holding<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- interestRate decimal? - The interest rate on a CD.<br><b>Note</b>: The interest rate field is only applicable to CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- isShort boolean? - Indicates that the holding is a short trading.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- isin string? - The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.<br><br><b>Note</b>: The ISIN field is only applicable to the trade related transactions<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- lastUpdated string? - The date when the information was last updated in the system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- matchStatus string? - Indicates the security match status id of the investment option identified during security normalization.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- maturityDate string? - The stated maturity date of a bond or CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- optionType string? - The type of the option position (i.e., put or call).<br><b>Note</b>: The option type field is only applicable to options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- price Money? -
- providerAccountId int? - Unique identifier for the user's association with the provider.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- quantity decimal? - The quantity held for the holding.<br><b>Note</b>: Only for bonds the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity and not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field is only applicable to restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity.<br>For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- securityStyle string? - Indicates the security style of holding identified through the security service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- securityType string? - Indicates the security type of holding identified through the security service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- sedol string? - The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.<br><b>Note</b>: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- spread Money? -
- strikePrice Money? -
- symbol string? - The symbol of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- term string? - The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued.<br><b>Note</b>: The term field is only applicable to CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- unvestedQuantity decimal? - Indicates the number of unvested quantity or units.<br><b>Note</b>: The unvested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- unvestedValue Money? -
- value Money? -
- vestedQuantity decimal? - The quantity of units or shares that are already vested on a vest date.<br><b>Note</b>: The vested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- vestedSharesExercisable decimal? - The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity.<br><b>Note</b>: The vested shares exercisable field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- vestedValue Money? -
- vestingDate string? - The date on which a RSU, RSA, or an employee stock options become vested.<br><b>Note</b>: The vesting date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
yodlee: DataExtractsProviderAccount
- aggregationSource string? - The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- createdDate string? - The date on when the provider account is created in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- dataset AccountDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isDeleted boolean? - Indicates if the provider account is deleted from the system.<b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isManual boolean? - Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastUpdated string? - Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- oauthMigrationStatus string? - Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- providerId int? - Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- requestId string? - Unique id generated to indicate the request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- status string? - The status of last update attempted for the account. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: DataExtractsTransaction
- CONTAINER string? - The account's container.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- accountId int? - The account from which the transaction was made. This is basically the primary key of the account resource. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- amount Money? -
- baseType string? - Indicates if the transaction appears as a debit or a credit transaction in the account. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- category string? - The name of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the category field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- categoryId int? - The id of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the id field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- categorySource string? - Indicates the source of the category, i.e., categories derived by the system or assigned/provided by the consumer. This is the source field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- categoryType string? - The categoryType of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the type field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- checkNumber string? - The checkNumber of the transaction.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br>
- commission Money? -
- createdDate string? -
- cusipNumber string? - The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.<br><b><br><b>Note</b></b>: The CUSIP number field applies only to trade related transactions.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- date string? - The value provided will be either postDate or transactionDate. postDate takes higher priority than transactionDate, except for the investment container as only transactionDate is available. The availability of postDate or transactionDate depends on the provider site.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- description Description? -
- detailCategoryId int? - The id of the detail category that is assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard<br>
- highLevelCategoryId int? - The high level category assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- holdingDescription string? - For transactions involving securities, this captures the securities description.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- id int? - An unique identifier for the transaction. The combination of the id and account container are unique in the system. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- interest Money? -
- isDeleted boolean? - Indicates if the transaction is marked as deleted.<b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isManual boolean? - Indicates if the transaction is aggregated from the FI site or the consumer has manually created the transaction using the application or an API. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- isin string? - International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) standard is used worldwide to identify specific securities.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- lastUpdated string? -
- memo string? - Additional notes provided by the user for a particular transaction through application or API services. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- merchant Merchant? -
- parentCategoryId int? - The parentCategoryId of the category assigned to the transaction.<br><b>Note</b>: This field will be provided in the response if the transaction is assigned to a user-created category. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- postDate string? - The date on which the transaction is posted to the account.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,insurance,loan<br>
- price Money? -
- principal Money? -
- quantity decimal? - The quantity associated with the transaction.<br><b>Note</b>: The quantity field applies only to trade-related transactions.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- runningBalance Money? -
- sedol string? - SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List, a list of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- settleDate string? - It is the date on which the transaction is finalized, that is, the date the ownership of the security is transferred to the buyer. The settlement date is usually few days after the transaction date.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- sourceId string? - A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the transaction. The source ID is only available for the pre-populated accounts.<br>Pre-populated accounts are the accounts that the FI customers shares with Yodlee, so that the user does not have to add or aggregate those accounts.
- sourceType string? - The source through which the transaction is added to the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loann<br><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- status string? - The status of the transaction: pending or posted.<br><b>Note</b>: Most FI sites only display posted transactions. If the FI site displays transaction status, same will be aggregated. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- subType string? - The transaction subtype field provides a detailed transaction type. For example, purchase is a transaction type and the transaction subtype field indicates if the purchase was made using a debit or credit card.<br><b>Note</b>: The transaction subtype field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- symbol string? - The symbol of the security being traded.<br><b>Note</b>: The settle date field applies only to trade-related transactions. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- transactionDate string? - The date the transaction happens in the account. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- 'type string? - The nature of the transaction, i.e., deposit, refund, payment, etc.<br><b>Note</b>: The transaction type field is available only for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India based provider sites. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment<br>
- valoren string? - It is an identification number that is assigned to financial instruments such as stocks and bonds trading in Switzerland.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
yodlee: DataExtractsUser
- loginName string? -
yodlee: DataExtractsUserData
- account DataExtractsAccount[]? -
- holding DataExtractsHolding[]? -
- providerAccount DataExtractsProviderAccount[]? -
- totalTransactionsCount int? -
- 'transaction DataExtractsTransaction[]? -
- user DataExtractsUser? -
yodlee: DataExtractsUserDataResponse
- userData DataExtractsUserData[]? -
yodlee: DerivedCategorySummary
- categoryId int? - Id of the category. This information is provided by transactions/categories service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, bank, investment<br>
- categoryName string? - The name of the category.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, bank, investment<br>
- creditTotal Money? -
- debitTotal Money? -
- details DerivedCategorySummaryDetails[]? - Credit and debit summary per date.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, bank, investment<br>
- links DerivedTransactionsLinks? -
yodlee: DerivedCategorySummaryDetails
- creditTotal Money? -
- date string? - Date on which the credit and debit transactions had occured.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, bank, investment<br>
- debitTotal Money? -
yodlee: DerivedHolding
- accountId int? - Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- accruedIncome Money? -
- accruedInterest Money? -
- assetClassification AssetClassification? -
- contractQuantity decimal? - The quantity of tradeable units in a contract.<br><b>Note</b>: The contract quantity field is only applicable to commodity and currency.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- costBasis Money? -
- couponRate decimal? - The stated interest rate for a bond.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- createdDate string? - The date on which the holding is created in the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- cusipNumber string? - The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- description string? - The description (name) for the holding (E.g., Cisco Systems)<br>For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- enrichedDescription string? - The enrichedDescription is the security description of the normalized holding<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- exercisedQuantity decimal? - The quantity of the employee stock options that are already exercised or bought by the employee.<br><b>Note</b>: Once the employee stock options is exercised, they are either converted to cash value or equity positions depending on the FI. The exercised quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- expirationDate string? - The date on which an option, right or warrant expires.<br><b>Note</b>: The expiration date field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- grantDate string? - The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted.<br><b>Note</b>: The grant date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- holdingType string? - Type of holding<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- interestRate decimal? - The interest rate on a CD.<br><b>Note</b>: The interest rate field is only applicable to CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- isShort boolean? - Indicates that the holding is a short trading.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- isin string? - The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.<br><br><b>Note</b>: The ISIN field is only applicable to the trade related transactions<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- lastUpdated string? - The date when the information was last updated in the system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- matchStatus string? - Indicates the security match status id of the investment option identified during security normalization.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- maturityDate string? - The stated maturity date of a bond or CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- optionType string? - The type of the option position (i.e., put or call).<br><b>Note</b>: The option type field is only applicable to options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- price Money? -
- providerAccountId int? - Unique identifier for the user's association with the provider.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- quantity decimal? - The quantity held for the holding.<br><b>Note</b>: Only for bonds the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity and not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field is only applicable to restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity.<br>For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- securityStyle string? - Indicates the security style of holding identified through the security service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- securityType string? - Indicates the security type of holding identified through the security service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- sedol string? - The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.<br><b>Note</b>: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- spread Money? -
- strikePrice Money? -
- symbol string? - The symbol of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- term string? - The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued.<br><b>Note</b>: The term field is only applicable to CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- unvestedQuantity decimal? - Indicates the number of unvested quantity or units.<br><b>Note</b>: The unvested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- unvestedValue Money? -
- value Money? -
- vestedQuantity decimal? - The quantity of units or shares that are already vested on a vest date.<br><b>Note</b>: The vested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- vestedSharesExercisable decimal? - The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity.<br><b>Note</b>: The vested shares exercisable field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- vestedValue Money? -
- vestingDate string? - The date on which a RSU, RSA, or an employee stock options become vested.<br><b>Note</b>: The vesting date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
yodlee: DerivedHoldingsAccount
- id int? - The primary key of the account resource and the unique identifier for the account.<br>Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- value Money? -
yodlee: DerivedHoldingsLinks
- holdings string? -
yodlee: DerivedHoldingsSummary
- account DerivedHoldingsAccount[]? - Accounts that contribute to the classification. <br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- classificationType string? - The classification type of the security. The supported asset classification type and the values are provided in the /holdings/assetClassificationList.<br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- classificationValue string? - The classification value that corresponds to the classification type of the holding. The supported asset classification type and the values are provided in the /holdings/assetClassificationList.<br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- holding DerivedHolding[]? - Securities that belong to the asset classification type and contributed to the summary value.<br><b>Required Feature Enablement</b>: Asset classification feature.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- value Money? -
yodlee: DerivedHoldingSummaryResponse
- holdingSummary DerivedHoldingsSummary[]? -
- link DerivedHoldingsLinks? -
yodlee: DerivedNetworth
- asset Money? -
- date string? - The date as of when the networth information is provided.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditcard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br>
- historicalBalances DerivedNetworthHistoricalBalance[]? - Balances of the accounts over the period of time.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditcard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br>
- liability Money? -
- networth Money? -
yodlee: DerivedNetworthHistoricalBalance
- accountId int? -
- asOfDate string? - Date as of when the balance is last updated due to the auto account updates or user triggered updates. This balance will be carry forward for the days where there is no balance available in the system. <br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated and Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li></ul>
- balance Money? -
- dataSourceType string? - The source of balance information.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated and Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- date string? - Date for which the account balance was provided. This balance could be a carryforward, calculated or a scraped balance. AdditIonal Details: scraped: Balance shown in the provider site. This balance gets stored in Yodlee system during system/user account updates. carryForward : Balance carried forward from the scraped balance to the days for which the balance was not available in the system. Balance may not be available for all the days in the system due to MFA information required, error in the site, credential changes, etc. calculated: Balances that gets calculated for the days that are prior to the account added date.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated and Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li><li>GET derived/networth</li></ul>
- isAsset boolean? - Indicates whether the balance is an asset or liability.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated and Manual<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li></ul>
yodlee: DerivedNetworthResponse
- networth DerivedNetworth[]? -
yodlee: DerivedTransactionsLinks
- transactions string? - Link of the transaction API service that corresponds to the value derivation.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, bank, investment<br>
yodlee: DerivedTransactionsSummary
- categorySummary DerivedCategorySummary[]? - Summary of transaction amouts at category level.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, bank, investment<br>
- categoryType string? - Type of categories provided by transactions/categories service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, bank, investment<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- creditTotal Money? -
- debitTotal Money? -
- links DerivedTransactionsLinks? -
yodlee: DerivedTransactionSummaryResponse
- links DerivedTransactionsLinks? -
- transactionSummary DerivedTransactionsSummary[]? -
yodlee: Description
- consumer string? - The description of the transaction as defined by the consumer. The consumer can define or provide more details of the transaction in this field.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, insurance, loan<br>
- original string? - Original transaction description as it appears at the FI site.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, insurance, loan<br>
- security string? - The description will provide the actual name of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- simple string? - The transaction description that appears at the FI site may not be self-explanatory, i.e., the source, purpose of the transaction may not be evident. Yodlee attempts to simplify and make the transaction meaningful to the consumer, and this simplified transaction description is provided in the simple description field.Note: The simple description field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, insurance, loan<br>
yodlee: DetailCategory
- id int? - The unique identifier of the detail category.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- name string? - The name of the detail category<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
yodlee: Document
- accountID int? - The unique identifier for the account. The account ID to which the document is linked.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- docType string? - Indicates the type of the document.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- formType string? - Indicates the type of the tax form.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- id string? - The document's primary key and unique identifier.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- lastUpdated string? - Indicates the date and time the document was last updated.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- name string? - Indicates the name of the document.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- 'source string? - Indicates the source of the document download.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- status string? - Indicates the status of the document download.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
yodlee: DocumentDownload
- docContent string? - Contents of the document in Base64 format.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- id string? - The document's primary key and unique identifier.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
yodlee: DocumentDownloadResponse
- document DocumentDownload[]? -
yodlee: DocumentResponse
- document Document[]? -
yodlee: Email
- 'type string? -
- value string? -
yodlee: EvaluateAccountAddress
- address1 string? -
- address2 string? -
- address3 string? -
- city string? -
- country string? -
- sourceType string? -
- state string? -
- street string -
- 'type string? -
- zip string? -
yodlee: EvaluateAddressRequest
- address EvaluateAccountAddress -
yodlee: EvaluateAddressResponse
- address AccountAddress[]? -
- isValidAddress boolean? -
yodlee: Field
- id string? - Identifier for the field.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- image string? - Image displayed at the endsite.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- isOptional boolean? - Indicates if a field is an optional field or a mandatory field.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- isValueProvided boolean? - Indicates that the answer to the security question already exists in the Yodlee system.Persuading the user to provide the answer to the security question again during the edit-credential flow can be avoided.<br><br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts?include=questions</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}? include=questions</li></ul>
- maxLength int? - The maximum length of the login form field.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- minLength int? - The minimum length of the login form field.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- name string? - Name of the field.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- option Option[]? - Provides the different values that are available for the user to choose. This field is applicable for drop-down or radio field types.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- prefix string? - The prefix string that has to be displayed before the field value.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- suffix string? - The suffix string that has to be displayed next to the field value.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- 'type string? - This indicates the display type of the field. For example, text box, image, etc. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- value string? - Value expected from the user for the field. This will be blank and is expected to be filled and sent back when submitting the login or MFA information.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- valueEditable string? - Indicates whether the field is editable or not.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
yodlee: FieldOperation
- 'field string? - Field for which the clause is created.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b>:<ul><li>amount</li><li>description</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- operation string? - Operation for which the clause is created.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable values (depends on the value of field)</b>:<ul><li>field is <b>description</b> -> operation can be<ol><li>stringEquals</li><li>stringContains</li></ol></li><li>field is <b>amount</b> -> operation can be<ol><li>numberEquals</li><li>numberLessThan</li><li>numberLessThanEquals</li><li>numberGreaterThan</li><li>numberGreaterThanEquals</li></ol></li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- value record {}? - The value would be the amount value in case of amount based rule clause or the string value in case of description based rule clause.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b>:<ul><li>field is <b>description</b> -> value should be <b>min of 3 and max of 50 characters</b></li><li>field is <b>amount</b> -> value should be <b> min value of 0 and a max value of 99999999999.99</b></li></ul>
yodlee: FullAccountNumberList
- paymentAccountNumber string? - Payment Account Number of given account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- unmaskedAccountNumber string? - Unmasked account number of given account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
yodlee: HistoricalBalance
- asOfDate string? - Date as of when the balance is last updated due to the auto account updates or user triggered updates. This balance will be carry forward for the days where there is no balance available in the system. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li></ul>
- balance Money? -
- dataSourceType string? - The source of balance information.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- date string? - Date for which the account balance was provided. This balance could be a carryforward, calculated or a scraped balance.<br><b>Additional Details</b>:<br><b>Scraped</b>: Balance shown in the provider site. This balance gets stored in Yodlee system during system/user account updates.<br><b>CarryForward</b>: Balance carried forward from the scraped balance to the days for which the balance was not available in the system. Balance may not be available for all the days in the system due to MFA information required, error in the site, credential changes, etc.<br><b>calculated</b>: Balances that gets calculated for the days that are prior to the account added date. <br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li><li>GET derived/networth</li></ul>
- isAsset boolean? - Indicates whether the balance is an asset or liability.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, realEstate, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts/historicalBalances</li></ul>
yodlee: Holding
- accountId int? - Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- accruedIncome Money? -
- accruedInterest Money? -
- assetClassification AssetClassification[]? - Asset classification applied to the holding. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- contractQuantity decimal? - The quantity of tradeable units in a contract.<br><b>Note</b>: The contract quantity field is only applicable to commodity and currency.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- costBasis Money? -
- couponRate decimal? - The stated interest rate for a bond.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- createdDate string? - The date on which the holding is created in the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- cusipNumber string? - The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- description string? - The description (name) for the holding (E.g., Cisco Systems)<br>For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- enrichedDescription string? - The enrichedDescription is the security description of the normalized holding<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- exercisedQuantity decimal? - The quantity of the employee stock options that are already exercised or bought by the employee.<br><b>Note</b>: Once the employee stock options is exercised, they are either converted to cash value or equity positions depending on the FI. The exercised quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- expirationDate string? - The date on which an option, right or warrant expires.<br><b>Note</b>: The expiration date field is only applicable to options and employee stock options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- grantDate string? - The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted.<br><b>Note</b>: The grant date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- holdingType string? - Type of holding<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- interestRate decimal? - The interest rate on a CD.<br><b>Note</b>: The interest rate field is only applicable to CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- isShort boolean? - Indicates that the holding is a short trading.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- isin string? - The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.<br><br><b>Note</b>: The ISIN field is only applicable to the trade related transactions<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- lastUpdated string? - The date when the information was last updated in the system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- matchStatus string? - Indicates the security match status id of the investment option identified during security normalization.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- maturityDate string? - The stated maturity date of a bond or CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- optionType string? - The type of the option position (i.e., put or call).<br><b>Note</b>: The option type field is only applicable to options.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- price Money? -
- providerAccountId int? - Unique identifier for the user's association with the provider.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- quantity decimal? - The quantity held for the holding.<br><b>Note</b>: Only for bonds the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity and not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field is only applicable to restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity.<br>For insurance container, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- securityStyle string? - Indicates the security style of holding identified through the security service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- securityType string? - Indicates the security type of holding identified through the security service.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- sedol string? - The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.<br><b>Note</b>: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- spread Money? -
- strikePrice Money? -
- symbol string? - The symbol of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- term string? - The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued.<br><b>Note</b>: The term field is only applicable to CD.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- unvestedQuantity decimal? - Indicates the number of unvested quantity or units.<br><b>Note</b>: The unvested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- unvestedValue Money? -
- value Money? -
- vestedQuantity decimal? - The quantity of units or shares that are already vested on a vest date.<br><b>Note</b>: The vested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- vestedSharesExercisable decimal? - The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity.<br><b>Note</b>: The vested shares exercisable field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- vestedValue Money? -
- vestingDate string? - The date on which a RSU, RSA, or an employee stock options become vested.<br><b>Note</b>: The vesting date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
yodlee: HoldingAssetClassificationListResponse
- assetClassificationList AssetClassificationList[]? -
yodlee: HoldingResponse
- holding Holding[]? -
yodlee: HoldingSecuritiesResponse
- holding SecurityHolding[]? -
yodlee: HoldingTypeListResponse
- holdingType string[]? -
yodlee: Identifier
- 'type string? - Type of Identifier
- value string? - Value of the identifier
yodlee: LoanPayoffDetails
- outstandingBalance Money? -
- payByDate string? - The date by which the payoff amount should be paid.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- payoffAmount Money? -
yodlee: LoginForm
- forgetPasswordURL string? - The forget password URL of the provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- formType string? - The type of the forms for which the user information is required.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- help string? - The help that can be displayed to the customer in the login form.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- id int? - The identifier of the login form.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- loginHelp string? - The help that can be displayed to the customer in the login form.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- mfaInfoText string? - The text displayed in the provider site while requesting the user's MFA information. This field is applicable for MFA form types only. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- mfaInfoTitle string? - The title for the MFA information demanded from the user.This is the title displayed in the provider site.This field is applicable for MFA form types only. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- mfaTimeout int? - The amount of time before which the user is expected to provide MFA information. This field is applicable for MFA form types only. This would be an useful information that could be displayed to the users. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- row Row[]? - This indicates one row in the form. The row will have one label. But it may have single or multiple fields.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
yodlee: Merchant
- address AccountAddress? -
- categoryLabel string[]? - The business categories of the merchant.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- contact Contact? -
- coordinates Coordinates? -
- id string? - Identifier of the merchant.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- name string? - The name of the merchant.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- 'source string? - The source through which merchant information is retrieved.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- website string? - The website of the merchant.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,loan<br>
yodlee: Money
- amount decimal -
- currency string -
yodlee: Name
- first string? -
- fullName string? -
- last string? -
- middle string? -
yodlee: Option
- displayText string? - The text that is displayed to the user for that option in the provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- isSelected boolean? - The option that is selected by default in the provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- optionValue string? - The value that is associated with the option.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
yodlee: PaymentBankTransferCode
- id string? - Value of the identifier
- 'type string? - Type of BankTransferCode
yodlee: PaymentIdentifier
- 'type string? - Type of Identifier
- value string? - Value of the identifier
yodlee: PaymentProfile
- address AccountAddress[]? - The address of the lender to which the monthly payments or the loan payoff amount should be paid. <br><b>Additional Details:</b>The address field applies only to the student loan account type.<br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- identifier PaymentIdentifier? -
- paymentBankTransferCode PaymentBankTransferCode? -
yodlee: PhoneNumber
- 'type string? - type of phone number
- value string? - Phone Number
yodlee: Profile
- address AccountAddress[]? - Address available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- email Email[]? - Email Id available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- gender string? - Gender of the provider account holder.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/profile</li></ul>
- identifier Identifier[]? - Identifiers available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
- name Name? -
- phoneNumber PhoneNumber[]? - Phone number available in the profile page of the account.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li></ul>
yodlee: ProviderAccount
- aggregationSource string? - The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- consentId int? - Consent Id generated through POST Consent.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- createdDate string? - The date on when the provider account is created in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- dataset AccountDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isManual boolean? - Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastUpdated string? - Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- oauthMigrationStatus string? - Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- preferences ProviderAccountPreferences? -
- providerId int? - Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- requestId string? - Unique id generated to indicate the request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- status string? - The status of last update attempted for the account. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: ProviderAccountDetail
- aggregationSource string? - The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- consentId int - Consent Id generated through POST Consent.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- createdDate string? - The date on when the provider account is created in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- dataset AccountDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isManual boolean? - Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastUpdated string? - Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- loginForm LoginForm[]? - This entity gets returned in the response for only MFA based provider accounts during the add/update account polling process. This indicates that the MFA information is expected from the user to complete the process. This represents the structure of MFA form that is displayed to the user in the provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- oauthMigrationStatus string? - Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- preferences ProviderAccountPreferences? -
- providerId int? - Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- requestId string? - Unique id generated to indicate the request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- status string? - The status of last update attempted for the account. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: ProviderAccountDetailResponse
- providerAccount ProviderAccountDetail[]? -
yodlee: ProviderAccountPreferences
- isAutoRefreshEnabled boolean? - Indicates if auto-refreshes have to be triggered for the provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts?include=preferences</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}?include=preferences</li></ul>
- isDataExtractsEnabled boolean? - Indicates if the updates to the provider account should be part of the data extracts event notification or the data extract data retrieval service.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts?include=preferences</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}?include=preferences</li></ul>
- linkedProviderAccountId int? - LinkedproviderAccountd is a providerAccountId linked by the user to the primary provider account. <br>LinkedProviderAccountId and the providerAccountId belongs to the same institution.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST Provider Account</li><li>PUT Provider Account</li><li>GET Provider Accounts</li></ul>
yodlee: ProviderAccountPreferencesRequest
- preferences ProviderAccountPreferences? -
yodlee: ProviderAccountProfile
- id int? - Unique identifier for profile<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/profile</li></ul>
- profile Profile[]? - PII related data like address, name, phoneNumber, identifier and email.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/profile</li></ul>
yodlee: ProviderAccountRequest
- aggregationSource string? -
- consentId int? - Consent Id generated for the request through POST Consent.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST Provider Account</li><li>PUT Provider Account</li></ul>
- dataset ProvidersDataset[]? -
- datasetName string[]? -
- 'field Field[] -
- preferences ProviderAccountPreferences? -
yodlee: ProviderAccountResponse
- providerAccount ProviderAccount[]? -
yodlee: ProviderAccountUserProfileResponse
- providerAccount ProviderAccountProfile[]? -
yodlee: ProviderDetail
- PRIORITY string? - Indicates the priority for which the service is invoked.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- accountType string[]? - AccountType supported by the provider, eg: Brokerage Cash, Current<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- associatedProviderIds int[]? - The screen-scraping providers that are associated to the Open Banking provider ID.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- authParameter string[]? - AuthParameter appears in the response only in case of token-based aggregation sites.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- authType string? - The authentication type enabled at the provider site. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- baseUrl string? - The base URL of the provider's site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- capability Capability[]? - Capability of the site<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><br><b>Note : </b> capability has been deprecated
- countryISOCode string? - Country to which the provider belongs.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- dataset ProvidersDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- favicon string? - Favicon link of the provider.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- help string? - Text to guide user through linking an account that belongs to the site<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the provider site(e.g., financial institution sites, biller sites, lender sites, etc.).<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- isAddedByUser string? - Indicates that the site has been added by the user at least once.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- isAutoRefreshEnabled boolean? - Indicates if a provider site is auto-refreshed.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- isConsentRequired boolean? - Indicates if a provider site requires consent.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- languageISOCode string? - The language in which the provider details are provided. For example, a site supports two languages English and French. English being the primary language, the provider response will be provided in French depending on the user's locale. The language follows the two letter ISO code.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- lastModified string? - Determines when the provider information was updated by Yodlee. If the customer caches the data, the cache is recommended to be refreshed based on this field.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- loginForm LoginForm[]? - This entity represents the structure of the login or MFA form that is displayed to the user at the provider site. For performance reasons, this field is returned only when a single provider is requested in the request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- loginUrl string? - The login URL of the provider's site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- logo string? - The logo link of the provider institution. The link will return the logo in the PNG format.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- name string? - The name of a provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- primaryLanguageISOCode string? - The primary language of the site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- status string? - Determines if the provider is supported for the cobrand (customer), is in the beta stage, etc. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
yodlee: ProviderDetailResponse
- provider ProviderDetail[]? -
yodlee: ProviderResponse
- provider Providers[]? -
yodlee: Providers
- PRIORITY string? - Indicates the priority for which the service is invoked.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- accountType string[]? - AccountType supported by the provider, eg: Brokerage Cash, Current<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- associatedProviderIds int[]? - The screen-scraping providers that are associated to the Open Banking provider ID.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- authParameter string[]? - AuthParameter appears in the response only in case of token-based aggregation sites.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- authType string? - The authentication type enabled at the provider site. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- baseUrl string? - The base URL of the provider's site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- capability Capability[]? - Capability of the site<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><br><b>Note : </b> capability has been deprecated
- countryISOCode string? - Country to which the provider belongs.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- dataset ProvidersDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- favicon string? - Favicon link of the provider.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- forgetPasswordUrl string? - The forget password URL of the provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- help string? - Text to guide user through linking an account that belongs to the site<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the provider site(e.g., financial institution sites, biller sites, lender sites, etc.).<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- isAddedByUser string? - Indicates that the site has been added by the user at least once.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- isAutoRefreshEnabled boolean? - Indicates if a provider site is auto-refreshed.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- isConsentRequired boolean? - Indicates if a provider site requires consent.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- languageISOCode string? - The language in which the provider details are provided. For example, a site supports two languages English and French. English being the primary language, the provider response will be provided in French depending on the user's locale. The language follows the two letter ISO code.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- lastModified string? - Determines when the provider information was updated by Yodlee. If the customer caches the data, the cache is recommended to be refreshed based on this field.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- loginHelp string? - Help text to guide the user to choose the correct provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- loginUrl string? - The login URL of the provider's site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- logo string? - The logo link of the provider institution. The link will return the logo in the PNG format.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- name string? - The name of a provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- primaryLanguageISOCode string? - The primary language of the site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- status string? - Determines if the provider is supported for the cobrand (customer), is in the beta stage, etc. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
yodlee: ProvidersCount
- TOTAL TotalCount? -
yodlee: ProvidersCountResponse
- provider ProvidersCount? -
yodlee: ProvidersDataset
- attribute Attribute[]? - The name of the dataset attribute suported by the provider.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul>
- name string? - The name of the dataset requested from the provider site<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Manual<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li><li>GET providers</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
yodlee: RewardBalance
- balance decimal? - The actual reward balance.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- balanceToLevel string? - The balance required to reach a reward level.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- balanceToReward string? - The balance required to qualify for a reward such as retaining membership, business reward, etc.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- balanceType string? - The type of reward balance.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- description string? - The description for the reward balance as available at provider source.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- expiryDate string? - The date on which the balance expires.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- units string? - Unit of reward balance - miles, points, segments, dollars, credits.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: reward<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
yodlee: Row
- 'field Field[]? - Details of fields that belong to the row.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- fieldRowChoice string? - Fields that belong to a particular choice are collected together using this field.<br><b>Recommendations</b>: All the field row choices label to be grouped and displayed as options to the customer. On choosing a particular choice field, we recommend displaying the fields relevant to them. First field choice could be selected by default.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- form string? - Form denotes the set of the fields that are related. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- id string? - Unique identifier of the row.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
- label string? - The label text displayed for a row in the form.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providers/{providerId}</li></ul>
yodlee: RuleClause
- 'field string? - Field for which the clause is created.<br><br><br><b>Valid Values</b>:amount,description<b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- fieldValue string? - The value would be the amount value in case of amount based rule clause or the string value in case of description based rule clause.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- operation string? - Operation for which the clause is created.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- ruleClauseId int? - Unique identifier generated for the rule clause.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- userDefinedRuleId int? - Unique identifier generated for every rule the user creates.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
yodlee: Security
- accrualMethod string? - The method in which interest is accrued or earned.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- agencyFactor decimal? - Agency factor of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- callDate string? - Next call date of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- callPrice decimal? - Next call price of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- cdscFundFlag boolean? - cdsc fund flag of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- closedFlag boolean? - <b>true</b>:Closed for all investors , <b>false</b>: Open to all investors.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- cusip string? - A CUSIP is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- description string? - The description (name) of the security. For example, Cisco Systems.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- federalTaxable boolean? - Flag indicating federal taxable.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- firmEligible string? - <b>1</b>- indicates Eligible,<b>0</b>- indicates firm is not eligible.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- firstCouponDate string? - First coupon date of security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- frequency int? - Coupon Frequency.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- fundFamily string? - Mutual Fund Family Name.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- gicsSector string? - GICS Sector is a categorization the S&P assigns to all publically traded companies. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- id int? - The unique identifier of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- incomeCurrency string? - ISO 4217 currency code indicating income currency of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- interestRate decimal? - The rate of interest paid annually, expressed as a percentage of the bond's par or face value.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- isDummySecurity boolean? - Indicates whether the security is a dummy security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- isEnvestnetDummySecurity boolean? - Flag indicating a dummy security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- isSyntheticSecurity boolean? - Indicates whether the security is a simulated security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- isin string? - The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- issueDate string? - Issue date of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- issueTypeMultiplier decimal? - Price units corresponding to the security style. This is used to derive actual price of the security from market value.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- lastCouponDate string? - Last coupon date of security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- lastModifiedDate string? - The last updated date of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- maturityDate string? - Maturity date of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- minimumPurchase int? - Minimum purchase of security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- moodyRating string? - Unique identifier for Moody rating on Envestnet platform.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- sAndPRating string? - Unique identifier for S&P rating on Envestnet platform.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- sector string? - Identifier of the sector to which the security belongs to.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- sedol string? - The Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.<br><b>Note</b>: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade related transactions.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- shareClass string? - Share class of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- stateTaxable boolean? - The state in which the security is taxed.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- stockExchangeDetails StockExchangeDetail[]? - Securities exchange provide the securities information at the corresponding exchanges. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- style string? - Classification of the style for the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- subSector string? - GICS sector ID to which the security belongs to.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- tradeCurrencyCode string? - ISO 4217 currency code indicating trading currency of the security.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- 'type string? - Indicates the type of security like stocks, mutual fund, etc. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
yodlee: SecurityHolding
- id string? -
- security Security? -
yodlee: Statement
- accountId int? - Account to which the statement belongs to.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- amountDue Money? -
- apr decimal? - The APR applied to the balance on the credit card account, as available in the statement.<br><b>Note:</b> In case of variable APR, the APR available on the statement might differ from the APR available at the account-level.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- billingPeriodEnd string? - The end date of the statement period.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- billingPeriodStart string? - The start date of the statement period.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- cashAdvance Money? -
- cashApr decimal? - The APR applicable to cash withdrawals on the credit card account.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- dueDate string? - The date by when the minimum payment is due to be paid.<br><b>Note:</b> The due date that appears in the statement may differ from the due date at the account-level.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the statement.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- interestAmount Money? -
- isLatest boolean? - The field is set to true if the statement is the latest generated statement.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- lastPaymentAmount Money? -
- lastPaymentDate string? - The date on which the last payment was done during the billing cycle.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- lastUpdated string? - The date when the account was last updated by Yodlee.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
- loanBalance Money? -
- minimumPayment Money? -
- newCharges Money? -
- principalAmount Money? -
- statementDate string? - The date on which the statement is generated.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, loan, insurance<br>
yodlee: StatementResponse
- statement Statement[]? -
yodlee: StockExchangeDetail
- countryCode string? - Country codes are geocodes developed to represent countries and dependent areas.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- currencyCode string? - ISO codes of currency.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- exchangeCode string? - An Exchange code is a four-character code used to identify stock markets and other trading exchanges within global trading.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
- symbol string? - Ticker symbol representing particular securities listed on an exchange.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment, insurance<br>
yodlee: TotalCount
- count int? -
yodlee: Transaction
- CONTAINER string? - The account's container.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- accountId int? - The account from which the transaction was made. This is basically the primary key of the account resource. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- amount Money? -
- baseType string? - Indicates if the transaction appears as a debit or a credit transaction in the account. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- category string? - The name of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the category field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- categoryId int? - The id of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the id field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- categorySource string? - Indicates the source of the category, i.e., categories derived by the system or assigned/provided by the consumer. This is the source field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- categoryType string? - The categoryType of the category assigned to the transaction. This is the type field of the transaction category resource. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- checkNumber string? - The checkNumber of the transaction.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank<br>
- commission Money? -
- createdDate string? -
- cusipNumber string? - The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies the financial instruments in the United States and Canada.<br><b><br><b>Note</b></b>: The CUSIP number field applies only to trade related transactions.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- date string? - The value provided will be either postDate or transactionDate. postDate takes higher priority than transactionDate, except for the investment container as only transactionDate is available. The availability of postDate or transactionDate depends on the provider site.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- description Description? -
- detailCategoryId int? - The id of the detail category that is assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by GET transactions/categories.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard<br>
- highLevelCategoryId int? - The high level category assigned to the transaction. The supported values are provided by the GET transactions/categories. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- holdingDescription string? - For transactions involving securities, this captures the securities description.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- id int? - An unique identifier for the transaction. The combination of the id and account container are unique in the system. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- interest Money? -
- isManual boolean? - Indicates if the transaction is aggregated from the FI site or the consumer has manually created the transaction using the application or an API. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- isin string? - International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) standard is used worldwide to identify specific securities.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- lastUpdated string? -
- memo string? - Additional notes provided by the user for a particular transaction through application or API services. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- merchant Merchant? -
- parentCategoryId int? - The parentCategoryId of the category assigned to the transaction.<br><b>Note</b>: This field will be provided in the response if the transaction is assigned to a user-created category. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- postDate string? - The date on which the transaction is posted to the account.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,insurance,loan<br>
- price Money? -
- principal Money? -
- quantity decimal? - The quantity associated with the transaction.<br><b>Note</b>: The quantity field applies only to trade-related transactions.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- runningBalance Money? -
- sedol string? - SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List, a list of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- settleDate string? - It is the date on which the transaction is finalized, that is, the date the ownership of the security is transferred to the buyer. The settlement date is usually few days after the transaction date.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- sourceId string? - A unique ID that the provider site has assigned to the transaction. The source ID is only available for the pre-populated accounts.<br>Pre-populated accounts are the accounts that the FI customers shares with Yodlee, so that the user does not have to add or aggregate those accounts.
- sourceType string? - The source through which the transaction is added to the Yodlee system.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loann<br><b>Applicable Values:</b><br>
- status string? - The status of the transaction: pending or posted.<br><b>Note</b>: Most FI sites only display posted transactions. If the FI site displays transaction status, same will be aggregated. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- subType string? - The transaction subtype field provides a detailed transaction type. For example, purchase is a transaction type and the transaction subtype field indicates if the purchase was made using a debit or credit card.<br><b>Note</b>: The transaction subtype field is available only in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- symbol string? - The symbol of the security being traded.<br><b>Note</b>: The settle date field applies only to trade-related transactions. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
- transactionDate string? - The date the transaction happens in the account. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br>
- 'type string? - The nature of the transaction, i.e., deposit, refund, payment, etc.<br><b>Note</b>: The transaction type field is available only for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and India based provider sites. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment<br>
- valoren string? - It is an identification number that is assigned to financial instruments such as stocks and bonds trading in Switzerland.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: investment<br>
yodlee: TransactionCategorizationRule
- categoryLevelId int? - The level of the category for which the rule is created.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, insurance, loan<br>
- memId int? - Unique identifier of the user.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- ruleClauses RuleClause[]? - Details of rules. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- rulePriority int? - The order in which the rules get executed on transactions.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- transactionCategorisationId int? - Category id that is assigned to the transaction when the transaction matches the rule clause. This is the id field of the transaction category resource.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- userDefinedRuleId int? - Unique identifier generated for every rule the user creates.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
yodlee: TransactionCategorizationRuleInfo
- categoryId int -
- priority int? -
- ruleClause FieldOperation[] -
- 'source string? -
yodlee: TransactionCategorizationRuleRequest
yodlee: TransactionCategorizationRuleResponse
- txnRules TransactionCategorizationRule[]? -
yodlee: TransactionCategory
- category string? - The name of the category.<br><b>Note</b>: Transaction categorization is one of the core features offered by Yodlee and the categories are assigned to the transactions by the system. Transactions can be clubbed together by the category that is assigned to them. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- classification string? - Category Classification.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- defaultCategoryName string? - A attribute which will always hold the first value(initial name) of Yodlee defined category attribute.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- defaultHighLevelCategoryName string? - A attribute which will always hold the first value(initial name) of Yodlee defined highLevelCategoryName attribute.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- detailCategory DetailCategory[]? - Entity that provides detail category attributes<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- highLevelCategoryId int? - The unique identifier of the high level category.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- highLevelCategoryName string? - The name of the high level category. A group of similar transaction categories are clubbed together to form a high-level category.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- id int? - Unique identifier of the category.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br>
- 'source string? - Source used to identify whether the transaction category is user defined category or system created category.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- 'type string? - Transaction categories and high-level categories are further mapped to five transaction category types. Customers, based on their needs can either use the transaction categories, the high-level categories, or the transaction category types. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: TransactionCategoryRequest
- categoryName string? -
- parentCategoryId int -
- 'source string? -
yodlee: TransactionCategoryResponse
- transactionCategory TransactionCategory[]? -
yodlee: TransactionCount
- TOTAL TransactionTotal? -
yodlee: TransactionCountResponse
- 'transaction TransactionCount? -
yodlee: TransactionDays
- fullAccountNumberFields string[]? -
- numberOfTransactionDays int? -
yodlee: TransactionRequest
- 'transaction UpdateTransaction -
yodlee: TransactionResponse
- 'transaction Transaction[]? -
yodlee: TransactionTotal
- count int? -
yodlee: UpdateAccountInfo
- accountName string? -
- accountNumber string? -
- accountStatus string? -
- address AccountAddress? -
- amountDue Money? -
- balance Money? -
- container string? -
- dueDate string? -
- frequency string? -
- homeValue Money? -
- includeInNetWorth string? -
- isEbillEnrolled string? -
- memo string? -
- nickname string? -
yodlee: UpdateAccountRequest
- account UpdateAccountInfo -
yodlee: UpdateCategoryRequest
- categoryName string? -
- highLevelCategoryName string? -
- id int -
- 'source string -
yodlee: UpdateCobrandNotificationEvent
- callbackUrl string? - URL to which the notification should be posted.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET cobrand/config/notifications/events</li></ul>
yodlee: UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest
- event UpdateCobrandNotificationEvent -
yodlee: UpdateConfigsNotificationEvent
- callbackUrl string? - URL to which the notification should be posted.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET configs/notifications/events</li></ul>
yodlee: UpdateConfigsNotificationEventRequest
- event UpdateConfigsNotificationEvent -
yodlee: UpdatedProviderAccount
- aggregationSource string? - The source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- createdDate string? - The date on when the provider account is created in the system.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- dataset AccountDataset[]? - Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Documents.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- id int? - Unique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- isManual boolean? - Indicates whether account is a manual or aggregated provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- lastUpdated string? - Indicate when the providerAccount is last updated successfully.<br><br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- loginForm LoginForm[]? - This entity gets returned in the response for only MFA based provider accounts during the add/update account polling process. This indicates that the MFA information is expected from the user to complete the process. This represents the structure of MFA form that is displayed to the user in the provider site.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- oauthMigrationStatus string? - Indicates the migration status of the provider account from screen-scraping provider to the Open Banking provider. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- providerId int? - Unique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul>
- requestId string? - Unique id generated to indicate the request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li></ul>
- status string? - The status of last update attempted for the account. <br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET providerAccounts</li><li>POST providerAccounts</li><li>PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}</li><li>GET dataExtracts/userData</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: UpdatedProviderAccountResponse
- providerAccount UpdatedProviderAccount[]? -
yodlee: UpdateTransaction
- categoryId int -
- categorySource string -
- container string -
- description Description? -
- memo string? -
yodlee: UpdateUserRegistration
- address UserAddress? -
- email string? -
- name Name? -
- preferences UserRequestPreferences? -
- segmentName string? -
yodlee: UpdateUserRequest
- user UpdateUserRegistration -
yodlee: UpdateVerification
- account VerificationAccount? -
- accountId int? - Unique identifier for the account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- providerAccountId int? - Unique identifier for the provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- reason string? - The reason the account verification failed.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- 'transaction VerificationTransaction[] -
- verificationDate string? - The date of the account verification.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- verificationId int? - Unique identifier for the verification request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- verificationStatus string? - The status of the account verification.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul><br><b>Applicable Values</b>
- verificationType string? - The account verification type.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul><br><b>Applicable Values</b>
yodlee: UpdateVerificationRequest
- verification UpdateVerification? -
yodlee: User
- id int? - The unique identifier of a consumer/user in Yodlee system for whom the API services would be accessed for.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST user/samlLogin</li><li>POST user/register</li><li>GET user</li></ul>
- loginName string? - The login name of the user used for authentication.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST user/register</li><li>GET user</li></ul>
- name Name? -
- preferences UserResponsePreferences? -
- roleType string? -
- session UserSession? -
yodlee: UserAccessToken
- accessTokens AccessTokens[]? -
yodlee: UserAccessTokensResponse
- user UserAccessToken? -
yodlee: UserAddress
- address1 string? -
- address2 string? -
- address3 string? -
- city string? -
- country string? -
- state string? -
- zip string? -
yodlee: UserDetail
- address UserAddress? -
- email string? - The email address of the user.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>GET user</li></ul>
- id int? - The unique identifier of a consumer/user in Yodlee system for whom the API services would be accessed for.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST user/samlLogin</li><li>POST user/register</li><li>GET user</li></ul>
- loginName string? - The login name of the user used for authentication.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST user/register</li><li>GET user</li></ul>
- name Name? -
- preferences UserResponsePreferences? -
- roleType string? -
- segmentName string? -
yodlee: UserDetailResponse
- user UserDetail? -
yodlee: UserRegistration
- address UserAddress? -
- email string? -
- loginName string -
- name Name? -
- preferences UserRequestPreferences? -
- segmentName string? -
yodlee: UserRequest
- user UserRegistration -
yodlee: UserRequestPreferences
- currency string? - The currency of the user. This currency will be respected while providing the response for derived API services.<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- dateFormat string? - The dateformat of the user.This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services.
- locale string? - The locale of the user. This locale will be considered for localization features like providing the provider information in the supported locale or providing category names in the transaction related services.<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- timeZone string? - The timezone of the user. This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services.
yodlee: UserResponse
- user User? -
yodlee: UserResponsePreferences
- currency string? - The currency of the user. This currency will be respected while providing the response for derived API services.<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- dateFormat string? - The dateformat of the user.This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services.
- locale string? - The locale of the user. This locale will be considered for localization features like providing the provider information in the supported locale or providing category names in the transaction related services.<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- timeZone string? - The timezone of the user. This attribute is just a place holder and has no impact on any other API services.
yodlee: UserSession
- userSession string? - Session provided for a valid user to access API services upon successful authentication.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST user/samlLogin</li><li>POST user/register</li></ul>
yodlee: Verification
- account VerificationAccount? -
- accountId int? - Unique identifier for the account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- providerAccountId int? - Unique identifier for the provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- reason string? - The reason the account verification failed.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- verificationDate string? - The date of the account verification.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- verificationId int? - Unique identifier for the verification request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- verificationStatus string? - The status of the account verification.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul><br><b>Applicable Values</b>
- verificationType string? - The account verification type.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul><br><b>Applicable Values</b>
yodlee: VerificationAccount
- accountName string? -
- accountNumber string -
- accountType string -
- bankTransferCode VerificationBankTransferCode -
yodlee: VerificationBankTransferCode
- id string? - The FI's branch identification number.Additional Details: The routing number of the bank account in the United States. For non-United States accounts, it is the IFSC code (India), BSB number (Australia), and sort code (United Kingdom). <br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST verification</li></ul>
- 'type string? - The bank transfer code type varies depending on the region of the account origination. <br><b>Account Type</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST verification</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
yodlee: VerificationRequest
- verification Verification -
yodlee: VerificationResponse
- verification Verification[]? -
yodlee: VerificationStatus
- account VerificationAccount? -
- accountId int? - Unique identifier for the account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- providerAccountId int? - Unique identifier for the provider account.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- reason string? - The reason the account verification failed.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- remainingAttempts int? -
- verificationDate string? - The date of the account verification.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- verificationId int? - Unique identifier for the verification request.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul>
- verificationStatus string? - The status of the account verification.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul><br><b>Applicable Values</b>
- verificationType string? - The account verification type.<br><br><b>Endpoints</b>:<ul><li>POST verification</li><li>GET verification</li><li>PUT verification</li></ul><br><b>Applicable Values</b>
yodlee: VerificationStatusResponse
- verification VerificationStatus[]? -
yodlee: VerificationTransaction
- amount Money -
- baseType string -
yodlee: VerifiedAccount
- accountNumber string? - The account number as it appears on the site. (The POST accounts service response return this field as number)<br><b>Additional Details</b>:<b> Bank/ Loan/ Insurance/ Investment</b>:<br> The account number for the bank account as it appears at the site.<br><b>Credit Card</b>: The account number of the card account as it appears at the site,<br>i.e., the card number.The account number can be full or partial based on how it is displayed in the account summary page of the site.In most cases, the site does not display the full account number in the account summary page and additional navigation is required to aggregate it.<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All Containers<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul><li>GET accounts</li><li>GET accounts/{accountId}</li><li>POST accounts</li></ul>
- bankTransferCode BankTransferCode[]? - Bank and branch identification information.<br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Aggregated<br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, investment, loan<br><b>Endpoints</b>:<br><ul></ul>
- fullAccountNumber string? -
- holder AccountHolder[]? -
- id int? -
- providerAccountId int? - The primary key of the provider account resource.<br><br><b>Aggregated / Manual</b>: Both <br><b>Applicable containers</b>: All containers<br>
- providerName string? - <b>Applicable containers</b>: reward, bank, creditCard, investment, loan, insurance, realEstate, otherLiabilities<br>
yodlee: VerifyAccount
- account VerifiedAccount[]? -
- transactionCriteria VerifyTransactionCriteria[]? -
yodlee: VerifyAccountRequest
- accountId int? -
- container string? -
- transactionCriteria VerifyTransactionCriteria[] -
yodlee: VerifyAccountResponse
- verifyAccount VerifyAccount? -
yodlee: VerifyTransactionCriteria
- amount decimal -
- baseType string? - Indicates if the transaction appears as a debit or a credit transaction in the account. <br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank,creditCard,investment,insurance,loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- date string -
- dateVariance string? -
- keyword string? -
- matched string? - Indicates if the criteria is matched or not. <br><b>Applicable Values</b><br>
- verifiedTransaction Transaction[]? -
yodlee: YodleeError
- errorCode string? -
- errorMessage string? -
- referenceCode string? -
import ballerinax/yodlee;
Released date: over 2 years ago
Version: 1.4.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.2.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads
Finance/Asset Management