Module xero.projects
ballerinax/xero.projects Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Xero Projects API v2.16.0 OpenAPI specification. The Xero Projects API is a collection of endpoints which businesses to track time and costs on projects/jobs and report on profitability.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a Xero account
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
xero.projects: Client
This is a generated connector for Xero Projects API v2.16.0 OpenAPI specification. The Xero Projects API is a collection of endpoints which businesses to track time and costs on projects/jobs and report on profitability.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a Xero account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "https://api.xero.com/projects.xro/2.0" - URL of the target service
function getProjects(string xeroTenantId, string[]? projectIds, string? contactID, string? states, int page, int pageSize) returns Projects|error
Retrieves all projects
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectIds string[]? (default ()) - Search for all projects that match a comma separated list of projectIds
- contactID string? (default ()) - Filter for projects for a specific contact
- states string? (default ()) - Filter for projects in a particular state (INPROGRESS or CLOSED)
- page int (default 1) - set to 1 by default. The requested number of the page in paged response - Must be a number greater than 0.
- pageSize int (default 50) - Optional, it is set to 50 by default. The number of items to return per page in a paged response - Must be a number between 1 and 500.
function createProject(string xeroTenantId, ProjectCreateOrUpdate payload) returns Project|error
Create one or more new projects
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- payload ProjectCreateOrUpdate - Create a new project with ProjectCreateOrUpdate object
Retrieves a single project
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
function updateProject(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, ProjectCreateOrUpdate payload) returns Response|error
Updates a specific project
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
- payload ProjectCreateOrUpdate - Request of type ProjectCreateOrUpdate
function patchProject(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, ProjectPatch payload) returns Response|error
creates a project for the specified contact
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
- payload ProjectPatch - Update the status of an existing Project
function getProjectUsers(string xeroTenantId, int page, int pageSize) returns ProjectUsers|error
Retrieves a list of all project users
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- page int (default 1) - set to 1 by default. The requested number of the page in paged response - Must be a number greater than 0.
- pageSize int (default 50) - Optional, it is set to 50 by default. The number of items to return per page in a paged response - Must be a number between 1 and 500.
Return Type
- ProjectUsers|error - OK/success, returns a list of project objects
function getTasks(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, int? page, int? pageSize, string? taskIds, ChargeType? chargeType) returns Tasks|error
Retrieves all project tasks
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
- page int? (default ()) - Set to 1 by default. The requested number of the page in paged response - Must be a number greater than 0.
- pageSize int? (default ()) - Optional, it is set to 50 by default. The number of items to return per page in a paged response - Must be a number between 1 and 500.
- taskIds string? (default ()) - taskIds Search for all tasks that match a comma separated list of taskIds, i.e. GET https://.../tasks?taskIds={taskID},{taskID}
- chargeType ChargeType? (default ()) - Can be
, defines how the task will be charged. UseTIME
when you want to charge per hour andFIXED
to charge as a fixed amount. If the task will not be charged useNON_CHARGEABLE
Retrieves a single project task
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
- taskId string - You can specify an individual task by appending the taskId to the endpoint, i.e. GET https://.../tasks/{taskID}
function getTimeEntries(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, string? userId, string? taskId, string? invoiceId, string? contactId, int? page, int? pageSize, string[]? states, boolean? isChargeable, string? dateAfterUtc, string? dateBeforeUtc) returns TimeEntries|error
Retrieves all time entries associated with a specific project
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - Identifier of the project, that the task (which the time entry is logged against) belongs to.
- userId string? (default ()) - The xero user identifier of the person who logged time.
- taskId string? (default ()) - Identifier of the task that time entry is logged against.
- invoiceId string? (default ()) - Finds all time entries for this invoice.
- contactId string? (default ()) - Finds all time entries for this contact identifier.
- page int? (default ()) - Set to 1 by default. The requested number of the page in paged response - Must be a number greater than 0.
- pageSize int? (default ()) - Optional, it is set to 50 by default. The number of items to return per page in a paged response - Must be a number between 1 and 500.
- states string[]? (default ()) - Comma-separated list of states to find. Will find all time entries that are in the status of whatever is specified.
- isChargeable boolean? (default ()) - Finds all time entries which relate to tasks with the charge type 'TIME' or 'FIXED'.
- dateAfterUtc string? (default ()) - ISO 8601 UTC date. Finds all time entries on or after this date filtered on the
- dateBeforeUtc string? (default ()) - ISO 8601 UTC date. Finds all time entries on or before this date filtered on the
Return Type
- TimeEntries|error - OK/success, returns a list of time entry objects
function createTimeEntry(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, TimeEntryCreateOrUpdate payload) returns TimeEntry|error
Creates a time entry for a specific project
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
- payload TimeEntryCreateOrUpdate - The time entry object you are creating
function getTimeEntry(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, string timeEntryId) returns TimeEntry|error
Retrieves a single time entry for a specific project
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
- timeEntryId string - You can specify an individual time entry by appending the id to the endpoint
function updateTimeEntry(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, string timeEntryId, TimeEntryCreateOrUpdate payload) returns Response|error
Updates a time entry for a specific project
- xeroTenantId string - Xero identifier for Tenant
- projectId string - You can specify an individual project by appending the projectId to the endpoint
- timeEntryId string - You can specify an individual time entry by appending the id to the endpoint
- payload TimeEntryCreateOrUpdate - The time entry object you are updating
function deleteTimeEntry(string xeroTenantId, string projectId, string timeEntryId) returns Response|error
Deletes a time entry for a specific project
xero.projects: Amount
- currency CurrencyCode? - 3 letter alpha code for the ISO-4217 currency code, e.g. USD, AUD.
- value decimal? -
xero.projects: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
xero.projects: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig|OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
xero.projects: Error
- message string? - Exception message
- modelState record {}? - Array of Elements of validation Errors
xero.projects: OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
OAuth2 Refresh Token Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
- refreshUrl string(default "https://identity.xero.com/connect/token") - Refresh URL
xero.projects: Pagination
- page int? - Set to 1 by default. The requested number of the page in paged response - Must be a number greater than 0.
- pageSize int? - Optional, it is set to 50 by default. The number of items to return per page in a paged response - Must be a number between 1 and 500.
- pageCount int? - Number of pages available
- itemCount int? - Number of items returned
xero.projects: Project
- projectId string? - Identifier of the project.
- contactId string? - Identifier of the contact this project was created for.
- name string - Name of the project.
- currencyCode CurrencyCode? - 3 letter alpha code for the ISO-4217 currency code, e.g. USD, AUD.
- minutesLogged int? - A total of minutes logged against all tasks on the Project.
- totalTaskAmount Amount? -
- totalExpenseAmount Amount? -
- estimateAmount Amount? -
- minutesToBeInvoiced int? - Minutes which have not been invoiced across all chargeable tasks in the project.
- taskAmountToBeInvoiced Amount? -
- taskAmountInvoiced Amount? -
- expenseAmountToBeInvoiced Amount? -
- expenseAmountInvoiced Amount? -
- projectAmountInvoiced Amount? -
- deposit Amount? -
- depositApplied Amount? -
- creditNoteAmount Amount? -
- deadlineUtc string? - Deadline for the project. UTC Date Time in ISO-8601 format.
- totalInvoiced Amount? -
- totalToBeInvoiced Amount? -
- estimate Amount? -
- status ProjectStatus? - Status for project
xero.projects: ProjectCreateOrUpdate
- contactId string? - Identifier of the contact this project was created for.
- name string - Name of the project.
- estimateAmount decimal? -
- deadlineUtc string? - Deadline for the project. UTC Date Time in ISO-8601 format.
xero.projects: ProjectPatch
- status ProjectStatus - Status for project
xero.projects: Projects
- pagination Pagination? -
- items Project[]? -
xero.projects: ProjectUser
- userId string? - Identifier of the user of the project.
- name string? - Full name of the user.
- email string? - Email address of the user.
xero.projects: ProjectUsers
- pagination Pagination? -
- items ProjectUser[]? -
xero.projects: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
xero.projects: Task
- taskId string? - Identifier of the task.
- name string? - Name of the task.
- rate Amount? -
- chargeType ChargeType? - Can be
, defines how the task will be charged. UseTIME
when you want to charge per hour andFIXED
to charge as a fixed amount. If the task will not be charged useNON_CHARGEABLE
- estimateMinutes decimal? - An estimated time to perform the task
- projectId string? - Identifier of the project task belongs to.
- totalMinutes decimal? - Total minutes which have been logged against the task. Logged by assigning a time entry to a task
- totalAmount Amount? -
- minutesInvoiced decimal? - Minutes on this task which have been invoiced.
- minutesToBeInvoiced decimal? - Minutes on this task which have not been invoiced.
- fixedMinutes decimal? - Minutes logged against this task if its charge type is
- nonChargeableMinutes decimal? - Minutes logged against this task if its charge type is
- amountToBeInvoiced Amount? -
- amountInvoiced Amount? -
- status string? - Status of the task. When a task of ChargeType is
and the rate amount is invoiced the status will be set toINVOICED
and can't be modified. A task with ChargeType ofTIME
cannot have a status ofINVOICED
state indicates that the task is currently changing state (for example being invoiced) and can't be modified.
xero.projects: TaskCreateOrUpdate
- name string - Name of the task. Max length 100 characters.
- rate Amount -
- chargeType ChargeType - Can be
, defines how the task will be charged. UseTIME
when you want to charge per hour andFIXED
to charge as a fixed amount. If the task will not be charged useNON_CHARGEABLE
- estimateMinutes int? - Estimated time to perform the task. EstimateMinutes has to be greater than 0 if provided.
xero.projects: Tasks
- pagination Pagination? -
- items Task[]? -
xero.projects: TimeEntries
- pagination Pagination? -
- items TimeEntry[]? -
xero.projects: TimeEntry
- timeEntryId string? - Identifier of the time entry.
- userId string? - The xero user identifier of the person who logged time.
- projectId string? - Identifier of the project, that the task (which the time entry is logged against) belongs to.
- taskId string? - Identifier of the task that time entry is logged against.
- dateUtc string? - The date time that time entry is logged on. UTC Date Time in ISO-8601 format.
- dateEnteredUtc string? - The date time that time entry is created. UTC Date Time in ISO-8601 format. By default it is set to server time.
- duration int? - The duration of logged minutes.
- description string? - A description of the time entry.
- status string? - Status of the time entry. By default a time entry is created with status of
state indicates that the time entry is currently changing state (for example being invoiced). Updates are not allowed when in this state. It will have a status of INVOICED once it is invoiced.
xero.projects: TimeEntryCreateOrUpdate
- userId string - The xero user identifier of the person logging the time.
- taskId string - Identifier of the task that time entry is logged against.
- dateUtc string - Date time entry is logged on. UTC Date Time in ISO-8601 format.
- duration int - Number of minutes to be logged. Duration is between 1 and 59940 inclusively.
- description string? - An optional description of the time entry, will be set to null if not provided during update.
String types
xero.projects: ChargeType
Can be TIME
, defines how the task will be charged. Use TIME
when you want to charge per hour and FIXED
to charge as a fixed amount. If the task will not be charged use NON_CHARGEABLE
xero.projects: CurrencyCode
3 letter alpha code for the ISO-4217 currency code, e.g. USD, AUD.
xero.projects: ProjectStatus
Status for project
import ballerinax/xero.projects;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
Productivity/Project Management