Module workday.payroll

ballerinax/workday.payroll Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for WorkDay payroll REST API v2 OpenAPI specification.
The Payroll service enables you to access and manage payroll information, such as pay groups, payroll inputs, and tax rates.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a workday application in the Credential Administrator console
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
workday.payroll: Client
This is a generated connector for WorkDay payroll REST API v2 OpenAPI specification. The Payroll service enables you to access and manage payroll information,such as pay groups, payroll inputs, and tax rates.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials. Follow [this guide] and obtain tokens.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function getPayGroupBySubResourceID(string id, string subresourceID) returns PayGroupViewDetail|error
Retrieves a single pay group instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- subresourceID string - The Workday ID of the subresource.
Return Type
- PayGroupViewDetail|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getPayGroupByID(string id) returns PayGroupViewDetail|error
Retrieves a single pay group instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- PayGroupViewDetail|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getPayGroupByJobID(string id, string? effective, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse200|error
Retrieves the pay group for a specified job ID. This method always returns 1 pay group.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- effective string? (default ()) - The effective date of the pay group, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getInstanceForEndpointParameters() returns MultipleInstanceModelReference|error
Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.
Return Type
- MultipleInstanceModelReference|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getWorkTagInstancesForEndpointParameters(string? payComponent, string? 'worker, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns MultipleInstanceModelReference|error
Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.
- payComponent string? (default ()) - The pay component for the worktags. You can use a returned id from GET/values/payrollInputsGroup/payComponents.
- 'worker string? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the worker. You can use a returned id from GET /workers in the Staffing service.
- startDate string? (default ()) - The start date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- endDate string? (default ()) - The end date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
Return Type
- MultipleInstanceModelReference|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getPayGroupDetailsByID(string id) returns PayGroupDetailView|error
Retrieves a single pay group detail instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- PayGroupDetailView|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getCollectionOfJobs(int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Retrieves a collection of jobs.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getRunCategoriesForEndpointParameters(string? payComponent, string? 'worker, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns MultipleInstanceModelReference|error
Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.
- payComponent string? (default ()) - The pay component for the worktags. You can use a returned id from GET/values/payrollInputsGroup/payComponents.
- 'worker string? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the worker. You can use a returned id from GET /workers in the Staffing service.
- startDate string? (default ()) - The start date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- endDate string? (default ()) - The end date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
Return Type
- MultipleInstanceModelReference|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getCollectionOfPayGroupDetails(int? 'limit, int? offset, string[]? runCategories) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Retrieves a collection of pay group details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
- runCategories string[]? (default ()) - One or more Workday IDs of run categories for the pay group. You can use returned ids from GET /values/payrollInputsGroup/runCategories.You can specify 1 or more runCategories query parameters, example: runCategories=category1&runCategories=category2
Return Type
- InlineResponse2002|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
Retrieves a single job instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
function getPositionInstancesForOtherEndpoints(string? payComponent, string? 'worker, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns MultipleInstanceModelReference|error
Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.
- payComponent string? (default ()) - The pay component for the worktags. You can use a returned id from GET/values/payrollInputsGroup/payComponents.
- 'worker string? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the worker. You can use a returned id from GET /workers in the Staffing service.
- startDate string? (default ()) - The start date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- endDate string? (default ()) - The end date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
Return Type
- MultipleInstanceModelReference|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getPayRollInputInstance(string id) returns PayrollInputView|error
Retrieves a single payroll input instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- PayrollInputView|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
Deletes an existing payroll input instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
function updateAnExistingPayroll(string id, PayrollInputView payload) returns PayrollInputView|error
Partially updates an existing payroll input instance.
Return Type
- PayrollInputView|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data. Updating resource.
function getCollectionOfPayroll(string? endDate, int? 'limit, int? offset, string[]? payComponent, string? startDate, string[]? 'worker) returns InlineResponse2003|error
Retrieves a collection of payroll inputs. At least 1 query parameter is required to get data.
- endDate string? (default ()) - The end date filter which returns payroll inputs that are active on or before the end date, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
- payComponent string[]? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the pay component for the payroll input. You can use a returned id from GET /values/payrollInputsGroup/payComponents.
- startDate string? (default ()) - The start date filter which returns payroll inputs that are active on or after the start date, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- 'worker string[]? (default ()) - The Workday ID of worker for the payroll input. You can use a returned id from GET /workers in the Staffing service.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2003|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function createPayrollInputs(PayrollInputView payload, string? endDate, string[]? payComponent, string? startDate, string[]? 'worker) returns PayrollInputView|error
Creates payroll inputs.
- payload PayrollInputView -
- endDate string? (default ()) - The end date filter which returns payroll inputs that are active on or before the end date, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- payComponent string[]? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the pay component for the payroll input. You can use a returned id from GET /values/payrollInputsGroup/payComponents.
- startDate string? (default ()) - The start date filter which returns payroll inputs that are active on or after the start date, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- 'worker string[]? (default ()) - The Workday ID of worker for the payroll input. You can use a returned id from GET /workers in the Staffing service.
Return Type
- PayrollInputView|error - Resource created.
function getStateInstancesForEndpointParameters() returns MultipleInstanceModelReference|error
Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.
Return Type
- MultipleInstanceModelReference|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getCompanySUIRates(string? company, string? effective, int? 'limit, int? offset, string? payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode) returns InlineResponse2004|error
Retrieves a single or a collection of company SUI rates.
- company string? (default ()) - The company reference ID or WID that represents 1 or more companies. Example: company=comp1&company=comp2&company=cb550da820584750aae8f807882fa79a
- effective string? (default ()) - The effective date for the SUI rate, using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
- payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode string? (default ()) - The FIPS code or WID that represents 1 or more states. Example: payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode=06&payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode=3b3d378d5f4a48b8b3ac46fee0703226&payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode=48
Return Type
- InlineResponse2004|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function createCompanySUIRates(CompanySuiRateDetails payload, string? company, string? effective, string? payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode) returns CompanySuiRateDetails|error
Creates a single or a collection of Company SUI Rates.
- payload CompanySuiRateDetails -
- company string? (default ()) - The company reference ID or WID that represents 1 or more companies. Example: company=comp1&company=comp2&company=cb550da820584750aae8f807882fa79a
- effective string? (default ()) - The effective date for the SUI rate, using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
- payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode string? (default ()) - The FIPS code or WID that represents 1 or more states. Example: payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode=06&payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode=3b3d378d5f4a48b8b3ac46fee0703226&payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode=48
Return Type
- CompanySuiRateDetails|error - Resource created.
function getPayComponentsForEndpoints(string? payComponent, string? 'worker, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns MultipleInstanceModelReference|error
Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.
- payComponent string? (default ()) - The pay component for the worktags. You can use a returned id from GET/values/payrollInputsGroup/payComponents.
- 'worker string? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the worker. You can use a returned id from GET /workers in the Staffing service.
- startDate string? (default ()) - The start date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
- endDate string? (default ()) - The end date for the positions, using the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
Return Type
- MultipleInstanceModelReference|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getCollectionOfPayGroups(string? country, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse200|error
Retrieves a collection of pay groups.
- country string? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the country or territory of the pay group. You can use a returned country id from any of the payGroups endpoints in this Payroll API.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
workday.payroll: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
workday.payroll: CompanyDetail
- company string? - The Reference ID to use for lookups within our Workday Web Services. For supervisory organizations, this is also the Organization_ID.
- fein string? - The FEIN for the US company.
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: CompanyDetail2
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: CompanyInstance
- Fields Included from *CompanyDetail
workday.payroll: CompanyInstanceDetail
- Fields Included from *CompanyDetail2
- id string
- anydata...
workday.payroll: CompanySuiRateDetails
- companyInstance CompanyInstanceDetail -
- stateInstance StateInstanceDetail -
- exempt boolean? - If true, the SUI rate is exempt.
- startDate string - The start date for company tax reporting.
- taxCode string - The deduction for company tax reporting.
- ein string? - The payroll tax authority EIN field for company tax reporting.
- endDate string? - The end date for company tax reporting.
- applicableRate string? - The tax override rate for company tax reporting.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
workday.payroll: Country
- Fields Included from *CountryDataForLocationData
- descriptor string
- anydata...
workday.payroll: CountryDataForLocationData
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: Currency
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: CurrentPeriodInProgress
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: ErrorModelReference
- 'error string - A description of the error
workday.payroll: FacetsModelReferenceInner
This object represents the possible facets for this resource
- descriptor string? - A description of the facet
- facetParameter string? - The alias used to select the facet
workday.payroll: FirstProcessingPeriod
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: InlineResponse200
collection something or other
- data PayGroupViewDetail[]? -
- total int? -
workday.payroll: InlineResponse2001
collection something or other
- data JobData[]? -
- total int? -
workday.payroll: InlineResponse2002
collection something or other
- data PayGroupDetailView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.payroll: InlineResponse2003
collection something or other
- data PayrollInputView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.payroll: InlineResponse2004
collection something or other
- data SuiRatesSummary[]? -
- total int? -
workday.payroll: InputInterfaceDetail
- name string? - The alternate ID of the related calculation for the pay component and pay component related calculation.
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: InputLine
- 'type Type? -
- value int? - The value for the input line.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: InstanceModelReference
- id string - wid / id / reference id
- descriptor string? - A description of the instance
- href string? - A link to the instance
workday.payroll: JobData
- location Location? -
- businessTitle string? - The business title for the position.
- 'worker Worker? -
- supervisoryOrganization SupervisoryOrganization? -
- nextPayPeriodStartDate string? - The next pay period start date for the job.
- jobType JobType? -
- jobProfile JobProfile? -
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: JobProfile
- Fields Included from *JobProfileJobView
workday.payroll: JobProfileJobView
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: JobType
- Fields Included from *JobTypeData
- descriptor string
- anydata...
workday.payroll: JobTypeData
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: LastPeriodCompleted
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: Location
- Fields Included from *LocationDataJobView
workday.payroll: LocationDataJobView
- country Country? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: MultipleInstanceModelReference
- total int? -
- data InstanceModelReference[]? -
workday.payroll: NextPeriodToProcess
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: PayComponent
- Fields Included from *PayComponentDetail
workday.payroll: PayComponentDetail
- code string? - The payroll code of the pay component.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: PayGroup
- Fields Included from *PayGroupSimpleViewDetail
workday.payroll: PayGroupDetailMiniViewDetail
- runCategory RunCategory2? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: PayGroupDetailView
- runCategory RunCategory? -
- currentPeriodInProgress CurrentPeriodInProgress? -
- nextPeriodToProcess NextPeriodToProcess? -
- firstProcessingPeriod FirstProcessingPeriod? -
- lastPeriodCompleted LastPeriodCompleted? -
- periodSchedule PeriodSchedule? -
- payRunGroup PayRunGroupSimpleViewDetail[]? - Contains one or more pay groups that are processed or run at the same time.
- payGroup PayGroup? -
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: PayGroupSimpleViewDetail
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: PayGroupViewDetail
- country Country? -
- payGroupDetails PayGroupDetailMiniViewDetail[]? - Contains the pay group detail.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: PayrollInputView
- runCategories RunCategoryDetail[]? - The run category for the payroll input.
- payComponent PayComponent? -
- comment string? - The text comment for this input.
- startDate string? - The start date before which this input does not apply.
- currency Currency? -
- worktags Worktag[]? - The worktags associated with the payroll input.
- inputDetails InputLine[]? - The details for this payroll input.
- ongoing boolean? - If true, the payroll input is ongoing.
- position Position? -
- fieldEditability string? - The editability status indicating the fields that can be updated in the payroll input request. Possible values: all, none, endDateOnly
- endDate string? - The end date after which this input does not apply.
- 'worker WorkerDc? -
- adjustment boolean? - If true, the input is for an adjustment as opposed to an override.
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: PayRunGroupSimpleViewDetail
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: PeriodSchedule
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: Position
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
workday.payroll: RunCategory
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: RunCategory2
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.payroll: RunCategoryDetail
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: State2
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: StateDetail
- payrollStateAuthorityTaxCode string? - The Payroll Authority Tax Code for a Payroll Tax Authority.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: StateInstance
- Fields Included from *StateDetail
workday.payroll: StateInstanceDetail
- Fields Included from *State2
- id string
- anydata...
workday.payroll: SuiRatesSummary
- id string? - Unique identifier for company SUI rate.
- ein string? - The EIN value for the company SUI rate.
- startDate string? - The start date value of the row for company SUI rate.
- exempt boolean? - If true, the SUI rate is exempt.
- endDate string? - The end date value of the row for company SUI rate.
- einType string? - The EIN type. Valid values: SUI EIN, STATE EIN, FEIN.
- rateType string? - The rate type. Valid values: OR for override rate, DR for default rate.
- taxCode string? - The payroll tax code. As of v1, the default value is W_SUIER.
- applicableRate string? - The applicable rate for the company SUI.
- stateInstance StateInstance? -
- companyInstance CompanyInstance? -
workday.payroll: SupervisoryOrganization
- Fields Included from *SupervisoryOrganizationJobView
workday.payroll: SupervisoryOrganizationJobView
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: Type
- Fields Included from *InputInterfaceDetail
workday.payroll: ValidationErrorModelReference
- Fields Included from *ErrorModelReference
- error string
- anydata...
- errors ErrorModelReference[]? - An array of validation errors
workday.payroll: Worker
- Fields Included from *WorkerJobView
workday.payroll: WorkerDc
- Fields Included from *WorkerDetail
workday.payroll: WorkerDetail
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.payroll: WorkerJobView
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.payroll: Worktag
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
import ballerinax/workday.payroll;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.5.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads