Module workday.compensation

ballerinax/workday.compensation Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for WorkDay Compensation REST API v1 OpenAPI specification.
The Workday compensation service enables applications to extend Workday's HCM compensation features.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a workday application in the Credential Administrator console
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
workday.compensation: Client
This is a generated connector for WorkDay Compensation REST API v1 OpenAPI specification. The Workday compensation service enables applications to extend Workday's HCM compensation features.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Follow [this guide] and obtain tokens.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function getScorecardResults(int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse200|error
Provides the ability to set up and retrieve Scores on Scorecard Results.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function createsNewScorecardResults(CreateScorecardResults payload) returns CreateScorecardResults|error
Creates a new Scorecard Result.
- payload CreateScorecardResults -
Return Type
- CreateScorecardResults|error - Resource created.
function getCompensationScorecards(string? effectiveDate, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Retrieves Compensation Scorecard information.
- effectiveDate string? (default ()) - Effective date the scorecard task takes effect.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function createsCompensationScorecards(CreateScoreCard payload, string? effectiveDate) returns CreateScoreCard|error
Creates a Compensation Scorecard
- payload CreateScoreCard -
- effectiveDate string? (default ()) - Effective date the scorecard task takes effect.
Return Type
- CreateScoreCard|error - Resource created.
function getWorkerInstance(string id) returns WorkerProfile|error
Retrieves a worker instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- WorkerProfile|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getAndSetUpScoresOnScorecardResults(string id) returns ScoresetContainer|error
Provides the ability to set up and retrieve Scores on Scorecard Results.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- ScoresetContainer|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
Deletes the Scorecard Results with the specified ID.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
function getWorkerCollection(int? 'limit, int? offset, string? search) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Retrieves a collection of workers.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
- search string? (default ()) - Searches ~workers~ by name. The search is case-insensitive. You can include space-delimited search strings for an OR search.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2002|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function requestOneTimePayment(string id, OneTimePaymentPlanEventInput payload) returns OneTimePaymentPlanEventInput|error
Request a one-time payment for a worker with the specified ID.
Return Type
- OneTimePaymentPlanEventInput|error - Resource created.
function updateScore(string id, string subresourceID, ScoreInput payload) returns ScoreInput|error
Updates the Score for the specified Scorecard Result.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- subresourceID string - The Workday ID of the subresource.
- payload ScoreInput -
Return Type
- ScoreInput|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data. Updating resource.
Retrieves Compensation Scorecard information.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
function updateCompensationScorecard(string id, EditScoreCards payload) returns EditScoreCards|error
Updates a Compensation Scorecard
Return Type
- EditScoreCards|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data. Updating resource.
Deletes a Compensation Scorecard with the specified ID.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
workday.compensation: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
workday.compensation: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
workday.compensation: CreateGoals
- goalDescription string? - The description of the Compensation Scorecard Goal
- goalWeight int - The weight given to the Compensation Scorecard Goal. [90% will be displayed as 0.9]
- goalName string - The name of the Compensation Scorecard Goal.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: CreateScoreCard
- effectiveDate string - The Effective Date of the Compensation Scorecard in format YYYY-MM-DD
- scorecardName string - The name of the Compensation Scorecard.
- defaultScorecardGoals CreateGoals[] - The ~goals~ for the Compensation Scorecard.
- scorecardProfiles CreateScorecardProfiles[]? - The profiles for the Compensation Scorecard.
- inactive boolean? - Indicates whether the Scorecard is inactive using a value of true/false.
- scorecardDescription string? - The description of the Compensation Scorecard.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: CreateScorecardProfiles
- profileScorecardGoals CreateGoals[] - The ~goals~ for the Compensation Scorecard.
- eligibilityRule EligibilityRule -
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: CreateScorecardResults
- scorecardName string? - The ~goal~ name of the scorecard criteria result.
- scorecardID ScoreCardID -
- evaluationDate string - Scorecard Result Evaluation Date
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: DefaultScoreCard
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: DefaultScorecardGoalsResult
- Fields Included from *ScoreSet
- eligibiltyRule EligibiltyRule
- performanceScores ScoresetScore[]
- weightedFundingPercent int
- id string
- descriptor string
- anydata...
workday.compensation: EditScoreCards
- inactive boolean? - Replaces the inactive status of the Compensation Scorecard as of the specified effectiveDate. Default value: false.
- effectiveDate string - The Effective Date of the updates to the Compensation Scorecard. Date must be entered in format: YYYY-MM-DD.
- scorecardDescription string? - Replaces the description of the Compensation Scorecard as of the specified effectiveDate. Deletes the description if a description exists as of the specified effectiveDate and this field is not included in the PUT.
- scorecardProfiles ScorecardProfiles[]? - Replaces the array of Profile Scorecard Goals and Eligibility Rules as of the specified effectiveDate. Creates a new array if one does not exist. Deletes the array if one exists as of the specified effectiveDate and the array is not included in the PUT.
- defaultScorecardGoals ScoreCardGoals[] - Replaces the array of Default Scorecard Goal fields as of the specified effectiveDate.
- scorecardName string - Replaces the name of the Compensation Scorecard as of the specified effectiveDate.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: EligibilityRule
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: EligibiltyRule
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: ErrorModelReference
- 'error string - A description of the error
workday.compensation: FacetsModelReferenceInner
This object represents the possible facets for this resource
- descriptor string? - A description of the facet
- facetParameter string? - The alias used to select the facet
workday.compensation: GoalID
- Fields Included from *ScoreGoal
- id string
- anydata...
workday.compensation: InlineResponse200
collection something or other
- data ScoresetContainer[]? -
- total int? -
workday.compensation: InlineResponse2001
collection something or other
- data ScoreCard[]? -
- total int? -
workday.compensation: InlineResponse2002
collection something or other
- data WorkerSummary[]? -
- total int? -
workday.compensation: InstanceModelReference
- id string - wid / id / reference id
- descriptor string? - A description of the instance
- href string? - A link to the instance
workday.compensation: Location
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: MultipleInstanceModelReference
- total int? -
- data InstanceModelReference[]? -
workday.compensation: OneTimePaymentInput
- payrollWorktags PayrollWorkTags[]? - One-Time Payment Worktags for REST API
- paymentCurrency PaymentCurrency? -
- coverageStartDate string? - The start date of the Coverage Period for the payment, which enables Workday Payroll or Payroll Integration to associate dates with the one-time payment for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) reporting requirements.
- paymentAmount record {}? - Amount of compensation payment
- coverageEndDate string? - The end date of the Coverage Period for the payment, which enables Workday Payroll or Payroll Integration to associate dates with the one-time payment for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) reporting requirements.
- additionalInformation string? - Additional information for this compensation payment
- paymentPercent int? - The actual amount for the ~bonus~ payment represented as a percentage. The percentage is usually calculated as a percentage of base pay, but on the ~bonus~ plan setup it is possible to override the calculation basis to calculate as a percentage of a set of compensation elements.
- oneTimePaymentPlan OneTimePaymentPlan? -
- scheduledPaymentDate string? - The payment date scheduled for the one-time payment request.
- sendToPayroll boolean? - This is true if you selected Send to Payroll on the ~bonus~ payment, future payment, or one-time payment. If false, Workday Payroll doesn't process the payment.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: OneTimePaymentPlan
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: OneTimePaymentPlanEventInput
- reason Reason? -
- effectiveDate string? - The date this business process takes effect.
- employeeVisibilityDate string? - Returns the date that a compensation change is visible to a ~worker~.
- position Position? -
- oneTimePayments OneTimePaymentInput[]? - All one-time payments associated with the event.
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.compensation: PaymentCurrency
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: PayrollWorkTags
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.compensation: Position
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: PrimarySupervisoryOrganization
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
workday.compensation: Reason
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.compensation: ScoreCard
- inactive boolean? - Indicates whether the Scorecard is inactive using a value of true/false.
- defaultScorecardGoals ScorecardGoalSummary[]? - The goals for the Compensation Scorecard.
- scorecardDescription string? - The description of the Compensation Scorecard.
- scorecardProfiles ScoreCardProfile[]? - The profiles for the Compensation Scorecard.
- scorecardName string? - The name of the Compensation Scorecard.
- effectiveDate string? - The Effective Date of the Compensation Scorecard in format YYYY-MM-DD.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScoreCardGoals
- goalDescription string? - Replaces the description of the Compensation Scorecard Goal as of the specified effectiveDate. Deletes the description if a description exists as of the specified effectiveDate and this field is not included in the PUT.
- goalWeight int - Replaces the weight of the Compensation Scorecard ~Goal~ as of the specified effectiveDate. [Weight should be entered as 0.9 for a goalWeight of 90%]
- goalName string - Replaces the name of the Compensation Scorecard Goal as of the specified effectiveDate.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScorecardGoalSummary
- goalWeight int? - The weight given to the Compensation Scorecard ~Goal~. [90% will be displayed as 0.9]
- goalDescription string? - The description of the Compensation Scorecard ~Goal~.
- goalName string? - The name of the Compensation Scorecard ~Goal~.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScoreCardID
- Fields Included from *DefaultScoreCard
- id string
- anydata...
workday.compensation: ScorecardID
- Fields Included from *DefaultScoreCard
- id string
- anydata...
workday.compensation: ScoreCardProfile
- eligibilityRule EligibilityRule? -
- profileScorecardGoals ScorecardGoalSummary[]? - The goals for the Compensation Scorecard.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScorecardProfiles
- eligibilityRule EligibilityRule -
- profileScorecardGoals ScoreCardGoals[] - Replaces the array of Profile Scorecard Goal fields as of the specified effectiveDate. Creates a new array if one does not exist. Deletes the array if one exists as of the specified effectiveDate and the scorecardProfiles array is not included in the PUT.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScoreGoal
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScoreInput
- achievement int? - The achievement percentage for the scorecard criteria result.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScoreSet
- eligibiltyRule EligibiltyRule? -
- performanceScores ScoresetScore[]? - The set of Performance Scores for a Compensation Scorecard.
- weightedFundingPercent int? - Calculates the total Weighted Funding Percent for all the scores in the scorecard result set.
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.compensation: ScoresetContainer
- scorecardDescription string? - Returns the Scorecard's Description
- scorecardName string? - The ~goal~ name of the scorecard criteria result.
- scorecardID ScorecardID? -
- profileScorecardGoalsResult ScoreSet[]? - Returns the Scorecard Profiles for a Scorecard Result
- defaultScorecardGoalsResult DefaultScorecardGoalsResult? -
- evaluationDate string? - Scorecard Result Evaluation Date
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ScoresetScore
- goalID GoalID? -
- goalName string? - The ~goal~ name of the scorecard criteria result.
- achievement int? - The achievement percentage for the scorecard criteria result.
- goalWeight int? - The criteria weighted percentage of the scorecard criteria result.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.compensation: ValidationErrorModelReference
- Fields Included from *ErrorModelReference
- error string
- anydata...
- errors ErrorModelReference[]? - An array of validation errors
workday.compensation: WorkerProfile
- primaryWorkEmail string? - The primary work email address for the ~worker~.
- isManager boolean? - Identifies if the ~worker~ has a ~manager~ role.
- primaryWorkPhone string? - The primary work phone number for the ~worker~ including the area code and ~country~ code.
- location Location? -
- primarySupervisoryOrganization PrimarySupervisoryOrganization? -
- primaryWorkAddressText string? - Returns the primary work address for the ~worker~, or from their default primary work location, full format on a single line.
- yearsOfService int? - The years of service for the ~worker~.
- businessTitle string? - The business title for the ~worker's~ primary position. If no business title is defined for a position, the position title is returned back.
- supervisoryOrganizationsManaged string? - All ~supervisory organizations~, excluding inherited organizations, in which the ~worker~ has a leadership role.
- dateOfBirth string? - The birth date of the ~worker~.
- href string? - A link to the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.compensation: WorkerSummary
- primaryWorkPhone string? - The primary work phone number for the ~worker~ including the area code and ~country~ code.
- isManager boolean? - Identifies if the ~worker~ has a ~manager~ role.
- primaryWorkEmail string? - The primary work email address for the ~worker~.
- businessTitle string? - The business title for the ~worker's~ primary position. If no business title is defined for a position, the position title is returned back.
- primarySupervisoryOrganization PrimarySupervisoryOrganization? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- href string? - A link to the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
import ballerinax/workday.compensation;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
Human Resources/HRMS