Module workday.businessprocess

ballerinax/workday.businessprocess Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for WorkDay Business Process REST API v1 OpenAPI specification.
The WorkDay business process service enables applications to access information on event actions and details
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a workday application in the Credential Administrator console
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
workday.businessprocess: Client
This is a generated connector for WorkDay Business Process REST API v1 OpenAPI specification. The WorkDay business process service enables applications to access information on event actions and details
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Follow [this guide] and obtain tokens.
init (ClientConfig clientConfig, string serviceUrl)
- clientConfig ClientConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function getBusinessProcessEventSteps(string[]? businessProcess, string? createdOnOrAfter, string? createdOnOrBefore, string? dueDateOnOrAfter, string? dueDateOnOrBefore, int? 'limit, int? offset, string[]? stepType) returns InlineResponse200|error
Retrieves business process event steps.
- businessProcess string[]? (default ()) - The business process type of the event that the step is associated with.
- createdOnOrAfter string? (default ()) - The last moment the step was updated.
- createdOnOrBefore string? (default ()) - The last moment the step was updated.
- dueDateOnOrAfter string? (default ()) - Returns the due date for this step.
- dueDateOnOrBefore string? (default ()) - Returns the due date for this step.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
- stepType string[]? (default ()) - Retired. We retire this report field because when there are multiple steps on the business process definition that are associated with this event step, this report field doesn't return the step type for each associated step. We recommend that you use the Step Type report field instead.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getBusinessProcessEvents(string[]? businessProcess, string? completedOnOrAfter, string? completedOnOrBefore, string? initiatedOnOrAfter, string? initiatedOnOrBefore, string[]? initiator, int? 'limit, int? offset, string[]? status, string? 'worker) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Retrieves business process events.
- businessProcess string[]? (default ()) - The business process type associated with the business process. Returns filterable search results. Use with the Business Process Type data source.
- completedOnOrAfter string? (default ()) - The date and time the business process was completed.
- completedOnOrBefore string? (default ()) - The date and time the business process was completed.
- initiatedOnOrAfter string? (default ()) - The date and time this business process was initiated.
- initiatedOnOrBefore string? (default ()) - The date and time this business process was initiated.
- initiator string[]? (default ()) - The ~worker~ that initiated the business process. Please do not use this field in a condition rule for the initiation step of a process, as it will not return results. This is because there is no initiating ~worker~ designated until the process has started. The Initiating ~Worker~ field only gets a value after the event is initiated (after the process is submitted).
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
- status string[]? (default ()) - Transaction Status for Facet Search
- 'worker string? (default ()) - Event about ~Worker~ for Facet Search
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getCompletedStepsBusinessProcess(string id, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Retrieves completed steps for a business process event.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2002|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getAllBusinessProcessTypes(int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2003|error
Retrieves all business process types.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2003|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getAttachmentBusinessProcessEvent(string id, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2004|error
Retrieves attachments for a business process event.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2004|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getBusinessProcessTypeByID(string id) returns BusinessProcessTypeDetails|error
Retrieves a business process type.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- BusinessProcessTypeDetails|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getBusinessProcessEventStepByID(string id) returns EventStepsView|error
Retrieves a business process event step.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- EventStepsView|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getCommentsBusinessProcessEvent(string id, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2005|error
Retrieves comments for a business process event.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2005|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getInProcessStepsBusinessProcessEvent(string id, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2006|error
Retrieves in progress steps for a business process event.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2006|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function deniesBusinessProcess(string id, BusinessProcessStepsDeny payload) returns BusinessProcessStepsDeny|error
Denies a business process event step.
Return Type
- BusinessProcessStepsDeny|error - Resource created.
function getRetrievesInstances(string? eventStep) returns MultipleInstanceModelReference|error
Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.
- eventStep string? (default ()) - Please do not add superclasses to, or relationships on this class without first discussing with the BPF team.
Return Type
- MultipleInstanceModelReference|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getRemainingStepsBusinessProcessEvent(string id, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2007|error
Retrieves remaining steps for a business process event.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2007|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getAttachmentCategories(string id, string? eventTarget, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2008|error
Retrieves attachment categories for a business process type.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- eventTarget string? (default ()) - The Workday ID of the event target that this business process is about. You can use a returned id from an API that returns instances of the event target type. For example, if your event target is a worker, use GET /workers in the Staffing service.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2008|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getBusinessProcessEvent(string id) returns EventDetails|error
Retrieves a business process event.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- EventDetails|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function approveBusinessProcess(string id, BusinessProcessStepsApprove payload) returns BusinessProcessStepsApprove|error
Approves a business process event step.
Return Type
- BusinessProcessStepsApprove|error - Resource created.
function sendBackBusinessProcessEvent(string id, BusinessProcessStepSendBack payload) returns BusinessProcessStepSendBack|error
Sends back a business process event step.
Return Type
- BusinessProcessStepSendBack|error - Resource created.
workday.businessprocess: AttachmentCategoryView
- referenceID string? - The Reference ID to use for lookups within our Workday Web Services. For ~supervisory organizations~, this is also the 'Organization ID'
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: AwaitingPerson
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcess
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessStep
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessStep2
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessStepRef
- Fields Included from *BusinessProcessStep2
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessStepsApprove
- eventStatus EventStatus? -
- comment string? - Returns user's comment for Event Record.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessStepsDeny
- comment string? - Returns user's comment for Event Record.
- stepAction StepAction? -
- eventStatus EventStatus? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessStepSendBack
- reason string - Returns user's comment for Event Record.
- to To -
- status StatusReadOnly? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessTypeDetails
- helpText string? - The help text for the initiation step of a business process.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: BusinessProcessTypeView
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: Category
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: ClientConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion string(default "1.1") - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings(default {}) - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings(default {}) - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- followRedirects FollowRedirects?(default ()) - Configurations associated with Redirection
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration?(default ()) - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig(default {}) - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with retrying
- cookieConfig CookieConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with cookies
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs(default {}) - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket?(default ()) - SSL/TLS-related options
workday.businessprocess: Comments
- person Person? -
- comment string? - Comment
- commentDate string? - Gives the moment at which the instance was originally created.
workday.businessprocess: CompletedByPerson
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: CompletedStepsView
- awaitingPersons AwaitingPerson[]? - The people this event is currently awaiting for action.
- event Event? -
- completedDate string? - The date when this step was completed
- creationDate string? - The date when the event record was created.
- status Status? -
- completedByPerson CompletedByPerson? -
- 'order string? - Retired. We retire this report field because when there are multiple steps on the business process definition that are associated with this event step, this report field doesn't return the order for each associated step. We recommend that you use the Order report field instead.
- parallelStepInboxOrder string? - The order that parallel steps display in the Inbox. This will be populated only if this Business Process Type allows configuration of Parallel Step Inbox Order. If there are multiple steps from the business process definition that are associated to this event step, this field returns no value.
- comments Comments[]? - Returns the comments for the business process event step
- dueDate string? - Returns the due date for this step.
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.businessprocess: ContentType
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: DueDate
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: ErrorModelReference
- _error string - A description of the error
workday.businessprocess: Event
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: EventAttachmentsView
- uploadedBy UploadedBy? -
- description string? - Event attachment description
- category Category? -
- contentType ContentType? -
- fileLength int? - File length of the attachment
- fileName string? - File name of the attachment
- uploadDate string? - Returns Date the Business Process Attachment was updated.
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: EventDetails
- subBusinessProcesses SubBusinessProcess[]? - Returns other Business Processes (sub-processes) part of this process, including processes multiple levels down.
- dueDate string? - The date the business process needs to be completed.
- for For? -
- overallBusinessProcess OverallBusinessProcess? -
- completedDate string? - The date and time the business process was completed.
- creationDate string? - Date the business process was initiated.
- status Status? -
- initiator Initiator? -
- effectiveDate string? - The date this business process takes effect.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: EventStatus
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: EventStepsSummary
- stepEvent StepEvent? -
- creationDate string? - The date when the event record was created.
- stepHelpText string? - This CRF returns the step help text that is configured for the Workflow Step of the Event Record.
- overallProcess OverallProcess? -
- delayedDate string? - The date the delayed step will trigger.
- completedDate string? - The date when this step was completed
- task Task? -
- awaitingPersons AwaitingPerson[]? - The people this event is currently awaiting for action.
- businessProcessStep BusinessProcessStep? -
- stepType StepType? -
- businessProcess BusinessProcess? -
- parallelStepInboxOrder string? - The order that parallel steps display in the Inbox. This will be populated only if this Business Process Type allows configuration of Parallel Step Inbox Order. If there are multiple steps from the business process definition that are associated to this event step, this field returns no value.
- completedByPerson CompletedByPerson? -
- comments Comments[]? - Returns the comments for the business process event step
- status Status? -
- 'order string? - Retired. We retire this report field because when there are multiple steps on the business process definition that are associated with this event step, this report field doesn't return the order for each associated step. We recommend that you use the Order report field instead.
- dueDate string? - Returns the due date for this step.
- event Event? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: EventStepsView
- delayedDate string? - The date the delayed step will trigger.
- stepEvent StepEvent? -
- businessProcessStep BusinessProcessStep? -
- parallelStepInboxOrder string? - The order that parallel steps display in the Inbox. This will be populated only if this Business Process Type allows configuration of Parallel Step Inbox Order. If there are multiple steps from the business process definition that are associated to this event step, this field returns no value.
- status Status? -
- dueDate string? - Returns the due date for this step.
- stepType StepType? -
- 'order string? - Retired. We retire this report field because when there are multiple steps on the business process definition that are associated with this event step, this report field doesn't return the order for each associated step. We recommend that you use the Order report field instead.
- stepHelpText string? - This CRF returns the step help text that is configured for the Workflow Step of the Event Record.
- businessProcess BusinessProcess? -
- completedDate string? - The date when this step was completed
- task Task? -
- awaitingPersons AwaitingPerson[]? - The people this event is currently awaiting for action.
- overallProcess OverallProcess? -
- comments Comments[]? - Returns the comments for the business process event step
- event Event? -
- completedByPerson CompletedByPerson? -
- questionnaire Questionnaire? -
- creationDate string? - The date when the event record was created.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: FacetsModelReferenceInner
This object represents the possible facets for this resource
- descriptor string? - A description of the facet
- facetParameter string? - The alias used to select the facet
workday.businessprocess: For
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: Initiator
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse200
collection something or other
- data EventStepsSummary[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2001
collection something or other
- data EventDetails[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2002
collection something or other
- data CompletedStepsView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2003
collection something or other
- data BusinessProcessTypeView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2004
collection something or other
- data EventAttachmentsView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2005
collection something or other
- data Comments[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2006
collection something or other
- data StepsInProgressView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2007
collection something or other
- data RemainingStepView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InlineResponse2008
collection something or other
- data AttachmentCategoryView[]? -
- total int? -
workday.businessprocess: InstanceModelReference
- id string - wid / id / reference id
- descriptor string? - A description of the instance
- href string? - A link to the instance
workday.businessprocess: MultipleInstanceModelReference
- total int? -
- data InstanceModelReference[]? -
workday.businessprocess: OverallBusinessProcess
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: OverallProcess
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: Person
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: Questionnaire
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: RemainingStepView
- completionStep boolean? - Returns true if this step completes the business process.
- stepType StepType? -
- groups SecurityGroupView[]? - Returns the security groups that can perform the workflow step.
- step string? - Returns the alternate name of the workflow step for the business process definition.
- dueDate DueDate? -
- parallelStepInboxOrder string? - This report field controls ordering of parallel steps in Inbox. It will be populated only if this Business Process Type allows configuration of Parallel Step Inbox Order.
- 'order string? - Returns the order of this step within the business process definition it is part of.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: SecurityGroupView
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: Status
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: StatusReadOnly
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: StepAction
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: StepEvent
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: StepsInProgressView
- delayedDate string? - The date the delayed step will trigger.
- dueDate string? - Returns the due date for this step.
- anonymous boolean? - Returns if the event step has been anonymously assigned.
- businessProcessStep BusinessProcessStepRef? -
- 'order string? - Retired. We retire this report field because when there are multiple steps on the business process definition that are associated with this event step, this report field doesn't return the order for each associated step. We recommend that you use the Order report field instead.
- parallelStepInboxOrder string? - The order that parallel steps display in the Inbox. This will be populated only if this Business Process Type allows configuration of Parallel Step Inbox Order. If there are multiple steps from the business process definition that are associated to this event step, this field returns no value.
- awaitingPersons AwaitingPerson[]? - The people this event is currently awaiting for action.
- creationDate string? - The date when the event record was created.
- status Status? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: StepType
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: SubBusinessProcess
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.businessprocess: Task
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: To
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: UploadedBy
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.businessprocess: ValidationErrorModelReference
- Fields Included from *ErrorModelReference
- _error string|()
- anydata...
- errors ErrorModelReference[]? - An array of validation errors
import ballerinax/workday.businessprocess;
Released date: almost 3 years ago
Version: 1.2.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.0.2
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads
Human Resources/HRMS