Module workday.accountspayable
ballerinax/workday.accountspayable Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for WorkDay Accounts Payable REST API v1 OpenAPI specification.
The WorkDay accounts payable service enables applications to access information related to accounts payable.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a workday application in the Credential Administrator console
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
workday.accountspayable: Client
This is a generated connector for WorkDay Accounts Payable REST API v1 OpenAPI specification. The WorkDay accounts payable service enables applications to access information related to accounts payable.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Follow [this guide] and obtain tokens.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function submitInvoiceInstance(string id, SubmitSupplierInvoiceRequest payload) returns SubmitSupplierInvoiceRequest|error
Submits a single supplier invoice instance.
Return Type
- SubmitSupplierInvoiceRequest|error - Resource created.
Secured by: View: Supplier Invoice Request, Process: Supplier Invoice - Request
Scope: Supplier Accounts
Contains attachment(s) only
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- subresourceID string - The Workday ID of the subresource.
function getSupplierInvoiceRequests(string[]? company, string? fromDueDate, string? fromInvoiceDate, int? 'limit, int? offset, string[]? requester, string[]? status, string[]? supplier, string? toDueDate, string? toInvoiceDate) returns InlineResponse200|error
Retrieves a collection of supplier invoices.
- company string[]? (default ()) - The company for the Common Financial Dimensions. This is for internal use only on a REST API.
- fromDueDate string? (default ()) - The beginning date of the payment due period for this supplier invoice request. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format. Example: When the payment term is Net 30, the due date value is the day from this invoice date.
- fromInvoiceDate string? (default ()) - The date on or after which the supplier invoice is created using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
- requester string[]? (default ()) - The ID of the worker generating the supplier invoice request.
- status string[]? (default ()) - The status of the supplier invoice request. This is for internal use only on a REST API.
- supplier string[]? (default ()) - The supplier on the business documents.
- toDueDate string? (default ()) - The end date of the payment due period for this supplier invoice request. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format. Example: When the payment term is Net 30, the due date value is 30 days from the invoice date.
- toInvoiceDate string? (default ()) - The date on or before which the supplier invoice is created using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function createSupplierInvoice(CreateInvoiceRequestSummary payload, string[]? company, string? fromDueDate, string? fromInvoiceDate, string[]? requester, string[]? status, string[]? supplier, string? toDueDate, string? toInvoiceDate) returns CreateInvoiceRequestSummary|error
Creates the supplier invoice as specified in the request.
- payload CreateInvoiceRequestSummary -
- company string[]? (default ()) - The company for the Common Financial Dimensions. This is for internal use only on a REST API.
- fromDueDate string? (default ()) - The beginning date of the payment due period for this supplier invoice request. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format. Example: When the payment term is Net 30, the due date value is the day from this invoice date.
- fromInvoiceDate string? (default ()) - The date on or after which the supplier invoice is created using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
- requester string[]? (default ()) - The ID of the worker generating the supplier invoice request.
- status string[]? (default ()) - The status of the supplier invoice request. This is for internal use only on a REST API.
- supplier string[]? (default ()) - The supplier on the business documents.
- toDueDate string? (default ()) - The end date of the payment due period for this supplier invoice request. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format. Example: When the payment term is Net 30, the due date value is 30 days from the invoice date.
- toInvoiceDate string? (default ()) - The date on or before which the supplier invoice is created using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Return Type
- CreateInvoiceRequestSummary|error - Resource created.
function getSupplierInvoiceRequestAttachment(string id, string subresourceID) returns AttachmentSummary|error
Retrieves a single attachment instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- subresourceID string - The Workday ID of the subresource.
Return Type
- AttachmentSummary|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
Secured by: View: Supplier Invoice Request, Process: Supplier Invoice - Request
Scope: Supplier Accounts
Contains attachment(s) only
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
function getSupplierInvoiceLines(string id, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Retrieves a collection of supplier invoice lines.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getSupplierInvoiceInstance(string id) returns InvoiceRequestSummary|error
Retrieves a single supplier invoice instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
Return Type
- InvoiceRequestSummary|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function getInvoiceAttachments(string id, int? 'limit, int? offset) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Retrieves a collection of attachments for the specified supplier invoice.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of objects in a single response. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
- offset int? (default ()) - The zero-based index of the first object in a response collection. The default is 0. Use offset with the limit parameter to control paging of a response collection. Example: If limit is 5 and offset is 9, the response returns a collection of 5 objects starting with the 10th object.
Return Type
- InlineResponse2002|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
function createsNewAttachmentSupplierInvoice(string id, CreateAttachmentSummary payload) returns CreateAttachmentSummary|error
Creates a new attachment for the supplier invoice.
Return Type
- CreateAttachmentSummary|error - Resource created.
function getSupplierInvoiceLineInstance(string id, string subresourceID) returns ViewLineSummary|error
Retrieves a single supplier invoice line instance.
- id string - The Workday ID of the resource.
- subresourceID string - The Workday ID of the subresource.
Return Type
- ViewLineSummary|error - Successful response. A successful response can return no matched data.
workday.accountspayable: AttachmentSummary
- fileExtension string? - Type of the file extension for an attachment.
- fileLength int? - File length of the attachment
- fileName string? - File name of the attachment
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
workday.accountspayable: Company
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
workday.accountspayable: ContentType
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: CreateAttachmentSummary
- fileLength int? - File length of the attachment.
- contentType ContentType? -
- fileName string? - File name of the attachment.
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.accountspayable: CreateInvoiceRequestSummary
- currency CurrencyInstanceModelRef? -
- company Company -
- taxAmount record {}? - Tax amount for the supplier invoice request.
- requester Requester? -
- controlTotalAmount record {}? - The amount entered that should match the total of the line amounts.
- paymentTerms PaymentTerms? -
- referenceType ReferenceType? -
- lines CreateLineSummary[]? - The Supplier Invoice Request Lines for a Supplier Invoice Request.
- statutoryInvoiceType StatutoryInvoiceType? -
- suppliersInvoiceNumber string? - The reference number provided by the supplier for the supplier invoice request.
- referenceNumber string? - The reference number that is encoded with key payment information on the invoice request document.
- invoiceReceivedDate string? - The date an invoice is received.
- freightAmount record {}? - Freight amount for the supplier invoice request.
- supplier Supplier -
- handlingCode HandlingCode? -
- shipToAddress ShipToAddress? -
- invoiceDate string - The date when a request for a supplier invoice is created.
- memo string? - The memo for the Supplier Invoice Request.
- remitToConnection RemitToConnection? -
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: CreateLineSummary
- unitCost record {}? - The unit cost for the document line.
- internalMemo string? - The internal line memo for the supplier invoice request line.
- itemDescription string? - The description of the item on the document line. This is a text-only value.
- worktags LinesWorkTagSummary[]? - Accounting Worktags for Requisition. Used in REST API Only.
- splits LineSplitSummary[]? - The supplier invoice lines that includes the splits for the requested instance. Note: Splits occur on a Supplier Invoice when a user decides to divide a line into multiple lines. For instance, if someone has a line which has a quantity of 4 items and they select "Splits" and they may split that line into 2 (so there will now be 2 lines, each of which has a quantity of 2 items)
- 'order string? - The order of the lines on a transaction. You can use this field to compare other transactions, such as supplier invoice matching events.
- billable boolean? - True if the supplier invoice request line or line split are billable.
- splitBy SplitBy? -
- quantity int? - The quantity on the transaction line. This value can have 20 integer places, is precise to 2 decimal places, and can be negative.
- extendedAmount record {}? - The extended amount for the document line. Excludes extended amount on tax only invoices.
- spendCategory SpendCategory? -
- unitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure? -
- memo string? - The memo on the document line.
- serviceLine boolean? - The line type for supplier invoice request line.
- item Item? -
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: Currency
- Fields Included from *CurrencyEmbedded
workday.accountspayable: CurrencyEmbedded
- currencyID string? - The Reference ID to use for lookups within our Workday Web Services. For ~supervisory organizations~, this is also the 'Organization ID'
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: CurrencyInstanceModelRef
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: ErrorModelReference
- 'error string - A description of the error
workday.accountspayable: FacetsModelReferenceInner
This object represents the possible facets for this resource
- descriptor string? - A description of the facet
- facetParameter string? - The alias used to select the facet
workday.accountspayable: HandlingCode
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: InlineResponse200
collection something or other
- data InvoiceRequestSummary[]? -
- total int? -
workday.accountspayable: InlineResponse2001
collection something or other
- data ViewLineSummary[]? -
- total int? -
workday.accountspayable: InlineResponse2002
collection something or other
- data AttachmentSummary[]? -
- total int? -
workday.accountspayable: InstanceModelReference
- id string - wid / id / reference id
- descriptor string? - A description of the instance
- href string? - A link to the instance
workday.accountspayable: InvoiceRequestSummary
- invoiceDate string? - The date when a request for a supplier invoice is created.
- statutoryInvoiceType StatutoryInvoiceType? -
- referenceNumber string? - The reference number that is encoded with key payment information on the invoice request document.
- taxAmount record {}? - Tax amount for the supplier invoice request.
- handlingCode HandlingCode? -
- status Status? -
- dueDate string? - The due date for payment for this Supplier Invoice Request. Example: If the payment terms are Net 30, the Due Date field is 30 days after the invoice date.
- remitToConnection RemitToConnection? -
- paymentTerms PaymentTerms? -
- controlTotalAmount record {}? - The amount entered that should match the total of the line amounts.
- memo string? - The memo for the supplier invoice request.
- suppliersInvoiceNumber string? - The reference number provided by the supplier for the supplier invoice request.
- currency Currency? -
- freightAmount record {}? - The freight amount for the supplier invoice request.
- shipToAddress ShipToAddress? -
- referenceType ReferenceType? -
- requestNumber string? - The unique number assigned to the Supplier Invoice Request at the time of creation.
- invoiceReceivedDate string? - The date the invoice was recieved
- requester Requester? -
- supplier Supplier? -
- company Company? -
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.accountspayable: Item
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: ItemIdentifierSummary
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: ItemTagSummary
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.accountspayable: LineSplitSummary
- percent int? - The percentage specified for the Business Document Line distribution line split.
- billable boolean? - True if the supplier invoice request line or line split are billable.
- memo string? - The memo for a line split
- quantity int? - The quantity specified for the Business Document Line distribution line split.
- amount record {}? - The amount on the transaction line split. This value displays in the same currency as the business document.
- worktags LineSplitWorktagSummary[]? - The accounting worktags for the line split.
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: LineSplitWorktagSummary
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
- id string? - Id of the instance
workday.accountspayable: LinesWorkTagSummary
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: MultipleInstanceModelReference
- total int? -
- data InstanceModelReference[]? -
workday.accountspayable: PaymentTerms
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
workday.accountspayable: ReferenceType
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: RemitToConnection
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: Requester
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: ShipToAddress
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: SpendCategory
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: SplitBy
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: Status
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: StatutoryInvoiceType
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: SubmitSupplierInvoiceRequest
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
workday.accountspayable: Supplier
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: UnitOfMeasure
- Fields Included from *InstanceModelReference
workday.accountspayable: ValidationErrorModelReference
- Fields Included from *ErrorModelReference
- error string
- anydata...
- errors ErrorModelReference[]? - An array of validation errors
workday.accountspayable: ViewLineSummary
- 'type string? - Gets the line type for supplier invoice request.
- itemIdentifiers ItemIdentifierSummary[]? - Contains list of Item Identifiers for Procurement Item on Business Document Line Distribution.
- unitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure? -
- internalMemo string? - The internal line memo for the supplier invoice request line.
- splits LineSplitSummary[]? - Splits for the Supplier Invoice Request Line instance.
- itemDescription string? - The description of the item on the document line. This is a text-only value.
- billable boolean? - Returns true if the Supplier Invoice Request Line or Line Split is Billable.
- unitCost record {}? - The unit cost for the document line.
- extendedAmount record {}? - The extended amount for the document line. Excludes Extended Amounts on Tax Only Invoices.
- spendCategory SpendCategory? -
- memo string? - The memo on the document line.
- itemTags ItemTagSummary[]? - All item tags for a goods delivery run line's item
- item Item? -
- quantity int? - The quantity on the transaction line. This value can have 20 integer places, is precise to 2 decimal places, and can be negative.
- worktags LinesWorkTagSummary[]? - Accounting Worktags for Requisition. Used in REST API Only.
- splitBy SplitBy? -
- id string? - Id of the instance
- descriptor string? - A preview of the instance
import ballerinax/workday.accountspayable;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
Human Resources/HRMS