Module trigger.twilio

ballerinax/trigger.twilio Ballerina library
The Twilio trigger allows you to listen to Twilio SMS and call status change events similar to the following.
- Incoming message events and message status change callback events from Twilio SMS.
- Incoming call events and call status change callback events from Twilio voice call.
This module supports the Twilio Basic API 2010-04-01 version.
Before using this trigger in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Sign up to Twilio and create a Twilio account. For step-by-step instructions, see View and Create New Accounts in Twilio.
- Follow the steps below to purchase a Twilio phone number to send messages and make phone calls using Twilio:
- Go to Phone Numbers -> Manage on the left navigation pane under the Develop section.
- Click Buy a Number and proceed to purchase.
- Follow the steps below to register the request URL:
- Run the following command to start ngrok on the same port:
ngrok http 8090
- Copy the Forwarding URL displayed in your terminal. You need this URL to configure TwilioML SMS.
- Follow the steps below to configure TwilioML calls:
- Go to Phone Numbers -> Manage -> Active Numbers.
- Click on your number
- Scroll to the Voice & Fax section, and paste the Forwarding URL you copied via ngrok under A CALL COMES IN.
- Select WEBHOOK as the type and HTTP POST as the protocol
- Click Save
- Follow the steps below to configure TwilioML SMS:
- Go to Messaging -> Services.
- Click Create a messaging service to set up a messaging service.
- Enter an appropriate name for the messaging service.
- Add senders to the messaging service.
- In the Set up integration step, under Incoming Messages, select Send a webhook.
- Paste the Forwarding URL you copied via ngrok as the Request URL.
- Proceed with the next steps and click Complete Messaging Service Setup.
Version | |
Ballerina Language | Ballerina Swan Lake 2201.11.0 |
Twilio Events API | V1.0.0 |
To use the Twilio trigger in your Ballerina application, update the .bal
file as follows:
Step 1: Import listener
Import the ballerinax/trigger.twilio module as follows:
import ballerinax/trigger.twilio;
Step 2: Create a new listener instance
Create a twilio:Listener using your port and initialize the trigger with it.
listener twilio:Listener TwilioListener = new (8090);
Step 3: Implement listener remote functions
You can implement one or more Twilio remote functions supported by the trigger.
To write a remote function to receive a particular event type, you can implement the logic within the function as shown in the following samples:
- Following is a sample of the
event of the Twilio trigger:
import ballerina/log; import ballerinax/trigger.twilio; listener twilio:Listener TwilioListener = new (8090); service twilio:SmsStatusService on TwilioListener { remote function onAccepted(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onAccepted"); return; } remote function onDelivered(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onDelivered"); return; } remote function onFailed(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onFailed"); return; } remote function onQueued(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onQueued"); return; } remote function onReceived(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onReceived"); return; } remote function onReceiving(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onReceiving"); return; } remote function onSending(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onSending"); return; } remote function onSent(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onSent"); return; } remote function onUndelivered(twilio:SmsStatusChangeEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Triggered onUndelivered"); return; } }
- Following is a sample of the
event of the Twilio trigger:
import ballerina/log; import ballerinax/trigger.twilio; listener twilio:Listener TwilioListener = new (8090); service twilio:SmsStatusService on TwilioListener{ remote function onBusy(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onBusy triggered"); return; } remote function onCanceled(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onCanceled triggered"); return; } remote function onCompleted(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onCompleted triggered"); return; } remote function onFailed(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onFailed triggered"); return; } remote function onInProgress(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onInProgress triggered"); return; } remote function onNoAnswer(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onNoAnswer triggered"); return; } remote function onQueued(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onQueued triggered"); return; } remote function onRinging(twilio:CallStatusEventWrapper event) returns error? { log:printInfo("Twilio call event onRinging triggered"); return; } }
You can use the following command to compile and run the Ballerina program:
bal run
Receiving events
To try out receiving Twilio call/message events, you can use an active Twilio number to send a call/message.
Report issues
To report bugs, request new features, start new discussions, etc., go to the Ballerina Library repository
Useful links
- For more information go to the
package. - For example demonstrations of the usage, go to Ballerina By Examples.
- Chat live with us via our Discord server.
- Post all technical questions on Stack Overflow with the #ballerina tag.