Module trigger.salesforce
ballerinax/trigger.salesforce Ballerina library
The ballerinax/trigger.salesforce
module provides a Listener to grasp events triggered from a Salesforce org. This functionality is provided by Salesforce Streaming API.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a Salesforce account.
- Obtain the security token for the your Salesforce org by visiting
Profile -> Settings -> My Personal Information -> Reset My Security Token
- Add the API Enabled permission & Streaming API permissions for your Salesforce org.
- Prerequisites for different kind of events
- Subscribe to Change Data Capture Events
- Subscribe to channels to receive notifications for record changes by visiting
Setup -> Integrations -> Change Data Capture
- Subscribe to channels to receive notifications for record changes by visiting
- Subscribe to Change Data Capture Events
To use the Salesforce listener in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import listener
Import the ballerinax/trigger.salesforce as sfdc
module as shown below.
import ballerinax/trigger.salesforce as sfdc;
Step 2: Create a new listener instance
Create a sfdc:Listener
using your Salesforce User Name
, Salesforce Password
Salesforce Security Token
, Subscribe Channel Name
and initialize the listener with it.
- For using the listener in sandbox environments we need to specify the parameter
environment: "Sandbox"
sfdc:ListenerConfig configuration = { username: "USER_NAME", password: "PASSWORD" + "SECURITY_TOKEN", channelName: "CHANNEL_NAME" }; listener Listener sfdc:Listener = new (configuration);
Step 3: Implement a listener remote function
- Now you can implement a listener remote function supported by this connector.
Write a remote function to receive a particular event type. Implement your logic within that function as shown in the below sample.
Following is a simple sample for using Salesforce listener
import ballerina/log; import ballerinax/trigger.salesforce as sfdc; service sfdc:RecordService on sfdcListener { remote function onUpdate(sfdc:EventData event) returns error? { log:printInfo(event.toString()); } remote function onCreate(sfdc:EventData event) returns error? { } remote function onDelete(sfdc:EventData event) returns error? { } remote function onRestore(sfdc:EventData event) returns error? { } }
- Use
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
- Receiving events
- After successful verification of Request URL your ballerina service will receive events.