ballerinax/trigger.asb Ballerina library



The ballerinax/trigger.asb module supports asynchronous message listening capabilities from the Azure Service Bus via the Ballerina language. This module supports Service Bus SDK 7.13.1 version. The source code on GitHub is located here. The primary wire protocol for Service Bus is Advanced Messaging Queueing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0, an open ISO/IEC standard.


Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:


To use the Azure Service Bus listener in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:

Enabling Azure SDK Logs

To enable Azure logs in a Ballerina module, you need to set the environment variable ASB_CLOUD_LOGS to ACTIVE. You can do this by adding the following line to your shell script or using the export command in your terminal(to deactivate,remove the variable value):


Enabling Internal Connector Logs

To enable internal connector logs in a Ballerina module, you need to set the log level in the Config.toml file using the custom configuration record Where <log_level> is the desired log level (e.g. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, (Default)ERROR, FATAL, OFF)


Step 1: Import listener

Import the ballerinax/trigger.asb module as shown below.

import ballerinax/trigger.asb;

Step 2: Create a new listener endpoint

asb:ListenerConfig configuration = {
    connectionString: "CONNECTION_STRING"

listener asb:Listener asbListener = new (configuration);

Step 3: Define a consumer service

  • Now you can define one or more consumer services and attach it to the defined listener endpoint. The messages will then be delivered automatically as they arrive rather than having to be explicitly requested. Multiple consumer services can be bound to one Ballerina Azure Service Bus asb:Listener.

  • Listener configurations such as queue or topic name to listen to, message receive mode etc. are configured in the asb:ServiceConfig annotation of the service.

    @asb:ServiceConfig {
          queueName: "MyQueue",
          peekLockModeEnabled: true,
          topicName: "myTopic",
          subscriptionName: "abc",
          maxConcurrency: 1,
          prefetchCount: 10,
          maxAutoLockRenewDuration: 300,
          logLevel: ERROR
      service asb:Service on myTestListener {
          remote function onMessage(asb:Message message) {
              //process message
    1. queueName : Name of the queue service should listen to. Either queueName or topicName should be configured.
    2. topicName : Name of the topic service should listen to. Either queueName or topicName should be configured.
    3. peekLockModeEnabled : ASB has two modes of message receive. Setting this to true makes the mode to PEEK_LOCK. Making it false or not setting it makes the mode to RECEIVE_AND_DELETE . You can find more information about receive modes here
    4. subscriptionName : Name of the subscription if a topicName is specified.
    5. maxConcurrency : How many messages are parallelly dispatched to the service (default =1, means sequential).
    6. prefetchCount: Number of messages pre-fetched by underlying subscriber for efficiency (default - 0, means prefetch off)
    7. maxAutoLockRenewDuration: Sets the amount of time to continue auto-renewing the lock in seconds. Setting Duration to #ZERO disables auto-renewal. This is not considered when peekLockModeEnabled is false. (default 300 seconds)
    8. logLevel: desired log level (e.g. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, (Default)ERROR, FATAL, OFF) for underlying SDK
  • Implement logic on how to process the message under onMessage resource.

  • Implement logic on how to process error when receiving a message under onError resource.

  • Following is a complete example on how to listen to messages from an Azure Service Bus queue called MyQueue sequentially using Ballerina ASB listener.

    Listen to Messages from the Azure Service Bus

    import ballerina/lang.value; 
    import ballerina/log;
    import ballerinax/trigger.asb;
    asb:ListenerConfig configuration = {
        connectionString: "CONNECTION_STRING"
    listener asb:Listener asbListener = new (configuration);
    @asb:ServiceConfig {
        queueName: "MyQueue",
        peekLockModeEnabled: true,
        maxConcurrency: 1,
        prefetchCount: 10,
        maxAutoLockRenewDuration: 300
    service asb:MessageService on asbListener {
        isolated remote function onMessage(asb:Message message, asb:Caller caller) returns error? {
            // Write your message processing logic here
            log:printInfo("Message received from queue: " + message.toBalString());
            _ = check caller.complete(message);
        isolated remote function onError(asb:ErrorContext context, error 'error) returns error? {
            // Write your error handling logic here

    !!! NOTE: You can complete, abandon, deadLetter, defer, renewLock using the asb:Caller instance. If you want to handle to errors that come when processing messages, use MessageServiceErrorHandling service type.

    Use bal run command to compile and run the Ballerina program.


import ballerinax/trigger.asb;Copy


Released date: about 1 year ago

Version: 1.2.0

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: java11

Ballerina version: 2201.4.1

Pull count

Total: 2543

Current verison: 176

Weekly downloads

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IT Operations/Message Brokers




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