Module techport
ballerinax/techport Ballerina library
This is a generated connector from Techport REST API v3.4.0 OpenAPI Specification.
This is the public REST API for TechPort. All of the integrations communicates with TechPort through this API.
For additional help getting started with the API, visit the following help articles:
This module supports Techport API version v3.4.0.
To use the Techport connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/techport module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/techport;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
You can now initialize the client.
techport:Client baseClient = check new;
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
- Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Following is an example on how to obtain project information since 2000-01-01
techport:ProjectIdResponse response = check baseClient->getProjectsSince("2000-01-01");
- Use
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
techport: Client
This is a generated connector for TechPort RESTful API v3.4.0 OpenAPI specification.
All of the integrations communicates with TechPort through this API.
For additional help getting started with the API, visit the following help articles:
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization doesn't require setting the API credentials.
Please refer to API documentation for more detail.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
Returns the swagger specification for the API.
function getProjectsSince(string updatedSince) returns ProjectIdResponse|error
Returns a list of available technology project IDs.
- updatedSince string - ISO 8601 full-date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Filters the list of available ID values by their lastUpdated parameter.
Return Type
- ProjectIdResponse|error - List of Project Ids since the given date.
function searchProjects(int? projectId, string? searchQuery, string? missionDirectorate, string? titleSearch) returns ProjectSearchResponse|error
Returns a list of projects matching the search term.
- projectId int? (default ()) - The specific ID of the project requested.
- searchQuery string? (default ()) - The term on which to search. Will check all project fields for the this term.
- missionDirectorate string? (default ()) - The mission directorate acronym of the projects. Used to filter.
- titleSearch string? (default ()) - The term on which to search. Will check only project titles for the this term.
Return Type
- ProjectSearchResponse|error - List of ProjectSearchResult records.
Returns information about a specific technology project.
- projectId int - ID of project to fetch
techport: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
techport: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
techport: Contact
Represents an individual and their details.
- contactId int? - Unique ID for this contact
- displayOrder int? - Display order
- fax string? - Fax number for the contact
- firstName string? - First name for the contact
- lastName string? - Last name for the contact
- fullName string? - Full name for the contact, first middle initial last
- fullNameInverted string? - Full name for the contact but inverted, last first middle initial
- location Location? - Represents a physical location.
- locationId int? - Unique ID representing the contacts location
- middleInitial string? - Middle initial for the contact
- organization Organization? - A NASA center/facility associated with an project
- prefix string? - Prefix for the contact
- primaryEmail string? - Primary email for the contact
- secondaryEmail string? - Secondary email for the contact
- suffix string? - Suffix for the contact
- title string? - Title for the contact
- workPhoneExtension string? - Extension for contacts work phone number
- workPhone string? - Phone number for the contact
- receiveEmail int? - 1 if the contact is signed up to receive TechPort emails
- isPublicEmail boolean? - True if the contacts email is available to be shown to the public
techport: File
Represents a file associated with a library item.
- fileId int? - Unique identifier for the file.
- url string? - The TechPort URL at which the file is accessible for download.
- fileSize int? - The size of the file in bytes.
- fileExtension string? - The file extension for the file.
- fileName string? - The file name.
techport: LibraryItem
Represents a specific library item.
- id int? - Unique identifier for the library item.
- title string? - Title of the library item
- contentType LkuCode? - Lookup code representing more data about an object usually stored in our database.
- files File[]? - List of files associated with the library item.
- description string? - Description of the library item.
- url string? - External URL for the library item.
- publishedDateString string? - Date the library item was published.
- publishedBy string? - Publisher of the library item.
techport: LkuCode
Lookup code representing more data about an object usually stored in our database.
- lkuCodeId int? - Unique ID for this LKU Code
- code string? - Unique text code that represents this LKU Code
- description string? - Description of the LKU Code
- lkuCodeTypeId int? - Unique ID for the LKU Code Type
- lkuCodeType LkuCodeType? - Lookup code type further showing how the lookup codes within this type will be used.
- displayOrder int? - Display order
techport: LkuCodeType
Lookup code type further showing how the lookup codes within this type will be used.
- lkuCodeTypeId int? - Unique ID for this LKU Code Type
- codeType string? - Unique text code type that represents this LKU Code
- description string? - Description of the LKU Code Type
techport: Location
Represents a physical location.
- locationId int? - Unique ID for this location
- addressLine1 string? - First line of address for location
- addressLine2 string? - Second line of address for location
- city string? - City for location
- locationType LkuCode? - Lookup code representing more data about an object usually stored in our database.
- locationTypeId int? - Unique ID for the lookup code representing the location type
- state string? - State for location
- stateTerritoryName string? - State Territory name for location
- zip string? - ZIP code for location
- zip2 string? - Secondary ZIP code for location
- NALocation string? - True if this location is located in North America
- country LkuCode? - Lookup code representing more data about an object usually stored in our database.
- countryId int? - Unique ID for the lookup code representing the location country
- shortLocationString string? - A string representing the full location
techport: Organization
A NASA center/facility associated with an project
- organizationId int? - Unique ID for this organization
- acronym string? - The acronym of the organization
- fax string? - Fax number of the organization
- isActive boolean? - True if the organization is an active organization
- location Location? - Represents a physical location.
- locationId int? - Unique ID representing the organizations location
- organizationName string? - The name of the organization
- organizationType LkuCode? - Lookup code representing more data about an object usually stored in our database.
- organizationTypeId int? - Unique ID for the lookup code representing the organization type
- parentOrganizationId int? - Unique ID for the parent organization
- phone string? - The phone number for the organization
- replacementOrganizationId int? - Unique ID for the replacement organization
- url string? - The URL for the organization
- NAOrganization boolean? - True if the organization is in North America
- 'external boolean? - True if the organization is external to NASA
- linkCount int? - Amount of links this organization has
techport: Program
Represents a NASA program.
- programId int? - Unique ID for this program
- acronym string? - Acronym for this program
- active boolean? - True if the program is still active
- description string? - Description for the program
- parentProgram Program? - Represents a NASA program.
- parentProgramId int? - Unique ID for the parent program
- responsibleMd Organization? - A NASA center/facility associated with an project
- responsibleMdId int? - Unique ID for the parent responsible mission directorate
- title string? - Title for the program
techport: Project
Top-level TechPort object representing a NASA technology project and its associated data.
- projectId int? - Unique identifier for the project.
- lastUpdated string? - ISO 8601 full-date in the format YYYY-MM-DD describing the last time this project was updated.
- title string? - Title of the project.
- acronym string? - Abbreviated name of the project.
- statusDescription string? - Indicates whether the project is currently active, completed, or canceled.
- description string? - A detailed description of the project.
- benefits string? - Describes the benefits offered to NASA funded and planned missions, unfunded or planned missions, commercial space industry, and to the nation.
- startDateString string? - The month and year the project was authorized to proceed.
- endDateString string? - The month and year the project is expected to complete its work.
- startTrl int? - The technology maturity (technology readiness level) of the project at its beginning.
- currentTrl int? - The current technology maturity (technology readiness level) of the project.
- endTrl int? - The estimated technology maturity (technology readiness level) of the project at its end.
- primaryTaxonomyNodes TaxonomyNode[]? - List of primary taxonomy nodes (from the NASA Technology Roadmap) associated with the project.
- additionalTaxonomyNodes TaxonomyNode[]? - List of additional and cross-cutting taxonomy nodes associated with the project.
- destinations LkuCode[]? - List of the NASA destinations the technology on this project helps achieve.
- supportedMission LkuCode? - Lookup code representing more data about an object usually stored in our database.
- program Program? - Represents a NASA program.
- responsibleMd Program? - Represents a NASA program.
- leadOrganization Organization? - A NASA center/facility associated with an project
- supportingOrganizations Organization[]? - The supporting organizations for this project that are conducting work on the project.
- coFundingPartners Organization[]? - Other government agencies, NASA Mission Directoratres, universities, or commercial entities performing contributing resources to this project.
- statesWithWork Location[]? - States and territories with people performing work on this project.
- programDirectors Contact[]? - Names of the Program Directors responsible for the management of this project.
- programManagers Contact[]? - Names of the Program Managers responsible for the management of this project.
- projectManagers Contact[]? - Names of the Project Managers responsible for the management of this project.
- principalInvestigators Contact[]? - Names of the Principal Investigators who are the lead scientists or engineers for this project.
- coInvestigators Contact[]? - Names of the additional investigators who are scientists or engineers for this project.
- website string? - The URL for the associated website.
- libraryItems LibraryItem[]? - List of library items in the project library.
- stiDaas LibraryItem[]? - List of STI DAAs in the project library.
- closeoutSummary string? - The project closeout summary excerpt.
- closeoutDocuments LibraryItem[]? - List of document files or links to the project final report closeout documentation.
- primaryImage LibraryItem? - Represents a specific library item.
techport: ProjectId
- projectId int? - Project IDs.
- lastUpdated string? - Date where the project was last updated.
techport: ProjectIdResponse
- projects ProjectId[]? -
- totalCount int? -
techport: ProjectSearchResponse
- projects ProjectSearchResult[]? -
techport: ProjectSearchResult
- id int? - Project Id.
- title string? - Project title.
- description string? - Details about the project.
techport: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
techport: Taxonomy
Represents data associated with a single taxonomy root entity.
- taxonomyRootId int? - Unique ID for this taxonomy
- releaseStatusId int? - ID for this taxonomy roots release status
- title string? - Title for this taxonomy
- definition string? - Definition for this taxonomy
- modifiedBy string? - The last user to modify this taxonomy
- modifiedDate string? - The date this taxonomy was last modified
- children TreeNode[]? -
- releaseStatus string? - The release status of this taxonomy
techport: TaxonomyNode
Represents data associated with a single taxonomy node entity.
- taxonomyNodeId int? - Unique identifier for the taxonomy node
- taxonomyRootId int? - Unique identifier for the root of this taxonomy node
- parentNodeId int? - Unique identifier for the taxonomy node/root that is the direct parent of this taxonomy node
- level int? - The level of this node on the tree (0 being the root)
- code string? - Code of the taxonomy node
- title string? - Title of the taxonomy node
- definition string? - Definition of the taxonomy node
- hasChildren boolean? - Defines whether this node has children
- publishedUrl string? - Published URL of the taxonomy node
techport: TechnologyArea
The Technology Area for a given technology that corresponds to the NASA Technology Roadmap.
- id int? - Unique identifier for the Technology Area.
- code string? - The code identifier for the Technology Area.
- title string? - The title of the Technology Area.
techport: TreeNode
Represents a taxonomy node in a tree.
- content TaxonomyNode? - Represents data associated with a single taxonomy node entity.
- children TreeNode[]? -
String types
techport: CloseoutDocument
Represents a file hyperlink or external hyperlink to a project closeout final report artifact.
techport: CoInvestigator
The name of an investigator who is a scientist or engineer for an project.
techport: Destination
Represents a destination towards which the technology on this project helps advance the Agency goals.
techport: PrincipalInvestigator
The name of the Principal Investigator who is a lead scientist or engineer for an project.
techport: ProgramDirector
The name of a Program Director responsible for management of an project.
techport: ProgramManager
The name of a Program Manager responsible for management of an project.
techport: ProjectManager
The name of a Project Manager responsible for management of an project.
techport: WorkLocation
A state/territory where work on this project is performed.
import ballerinax/techport;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
IT Operations/Cloud Services