Module soundcloud

ballerinax/soundcloud Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for SoundCloud API v1.0.0 OpenAPI Specification.
SoundCloud API provides capability to access the online audio distribution platform and music sharing website that enables you to upload,promote, and share audio, as well as a digital signal processor enabling listeners to stream audio.
soundcloud: Client
This is a generated connector for SoundCloud API v1.0.0 OpenAPI Specification. SoundCloud API provides capability to access the online audio distribution platform and music sharing website that enables you to upload,promote, and share audio, as well as a digital signal processor enabling listeners to stream audio.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an SoundCloud account and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ApiKeysConfig apiKeyConfig, ClientConfiguration clientConfig, string serviceUrl)
- apiKeyConfig ApiKeysConfig - API keys for authorization
- clientConfig ClientConfiguration {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
Likes a playlist.
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
Return Type
- json|error - Success
Unlikes a playlist.
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
Return Type
- json|error - Success
Likes a track.
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
Return Type
- json|error - Success
Unlikes a track.
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
Return Type
- json|error - Success
function getUserDetail() returns CompleteUser|error
Returns the authenticated user’s information.
Return Type
- CompleteUser|error - Success
function getActivities(string[]? access, int 'limit) returns Activities|error
Returns the authenticated user's activities.
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- Activities|error - Success
function getOwnActivities(string[]? access, int 'limit) returns Activities|error
Recent the authenticated user's activities.
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- Activities|error - Success
function getRecentTrackRelatedActivities(string[]? access, int 'limit) returns Activities|error
Returns the authenticated user's recent track related activities.
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- Activities|error - Success
Returns a list of the authenticated user's connected social accounts.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- Connections|error - Success
function getConnectionByID(int connectionId) returns Connection|error
Returns the authenticated user's connected social account.
- connectionId int - SoundCloud connection id
Return Type
- Connection|error - Success
function getFollowers(int 'limit) returns InlineResponse200|error
Returns a list of users who are following the authenticated user.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Success
function listFollowings(int 'limit, int offset) returns InlineResponse200|error
Returns a list of users who are followed by the authenticated user.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Success
Returns a list of recent tracks from users followed by the authenticated user.
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- TracksList|error - Success
Follows a user.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
Deletes a user who is followed by the authenticated user.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
Return Type
- json|error - Success
function listLikedTracks(int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Returns a list of favorites or liked tracks of the authenticated user.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Success
Returns user’s playlists (sets).
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- PlaylistsArray|error - Success
function listTracks(int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Returns a list of user's tracks.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Success
function searchPlaylist(string q, string[]? access, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning, int offset) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Performs a playlist search based on a query
- q string - search
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- InlineResponse2002|error - Success
function createPlaylist(CreateUpdatePlaylistRequest payload) returns InlineResponse201|error
Creates a playlist.
- payload CreateUpdatePlaylistRequest - Create Playlist request
Return Type
- InlineResponse201|error - Success
Returns a playlist.
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
- secretToken string? (default ()) - A secret token to fetch private playlists/tracks
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
function updatePlaylist(int playlistId, CreateUpdatePlaylistRequest payload) returns InlineResponse201|error
Updates a playlist.
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
- payload CreateUpdatePlaylistRequest - Playlist payload
Return Type
- InlineResponse201|error - Success
Deletes a playlist.
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
Returns a collection of playlist's reposters.
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
function getTracksUnderPlaylist(int playlistId, string? secretToken, string[]? access, boolean? linkedPartitioning) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Returns tracks under a playlist.
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
- secretToken string? (default ()) - A secret token to fetch private playlists/tracks
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Success
Reposts a playlist as the authenticated user
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
Removes a repost on a playlist as the authenticated user
- playlistId int - SoundCloud playlist id
Reposts a track as the authenticated user
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
Removes a repost on a track as the authenticated user
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
Resolves URLs to Resource URLs to use with the API.
- url string - SoundCloud URL
function searchTracks(string q, string? ids, string? genres, string? tags, string[]? access, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning, int offset) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Performs a track search based on a query
- q string - search
- ids string? (default ()) - A comma separated list of track ids to filter on
- genres string? (default ()) - A comma separated list of genres
- tags string? (default ()) - A comma separated list of tags
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Success
Returns a track.
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
- secretToken string? (default ()) - A secret token to fetch private playlists/tracks
Deletes a track.
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
function getCommentsOnTrack(int trackId, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning, int offset) returns InlineResponse2003|error
Returns the comments posted on the track(track_id).
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- InlineResponse2003|error - Success
function addComment(int trackId, TrackIdCommentsBody payload) returns Comment|error
Returns the newly created comment on success
Returns a list of users who have favorited or liked the track.
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- UsersList|error - Success
function listRelatedTracksOfTrack(int trackId, string[]? access, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning, int offset) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Returns all related tracks of track on SoundCloud.
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Success
Returns a collection of track's reposters.
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Returns a track's streamable URLs
- trackId int - SoundCloud Track id
- secretToken string? (default ()) - A secret token to fetch private playlists/tracks
function searchUser(string q, string? ids, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning, int offset) returns InlineResponse200|error
Performs a user search based on a query
- q string - search
- ids string? (default ()) - A comma separated list of track ids to filter on
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Success
function getUserByID(int userId) returns CompleteUser|error
Returns a user.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
Return Type
- CompleteUser|error - Success
Returns a list of user's comments.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- offset int (default 0) - Offset of first result. Deprecated, use
instead.Deprecated parameters
Return Type
- CommentsList|error - Success
function listFollowers(int userId, int 'limit) returns InlineResponse200|error
Returns a list of user’s followers.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Success
function listUserFollowings(int userId, int 'limit) returns InlineResponse200|error
Returns a list of user’s followings.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- InlineResponse200|error - Success
function listUserLikedTracks(int userId, string[]? access, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Returns a list of user's liked tracks.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Success
function listUserPlaylist(int userId, string[]? access, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning) returns InlineResponse2002|error
Returns a list of user's playlists.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2002|error - Success
function listUserTracks(int userId, string[]? access, int 'limit, boolean? linkedPartitioning) returns InlineResponse2001|error
Returns a list of user's tracks.
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
- access string[]? (default ()) - Filters content by level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track. The result list will include only tracks with the specified access. Include all options if you'd like to see all possible tracks. See
schema for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
- linkedPartitioning boolean? (default ()) - Returns paginated collection of items (recommended, returning a list without pagination is deprecated and should not be used)
Return Type
- InlineResponse2001|error - Success
Returns list of user's links added to their profile (website, facebook, instagram).
- userId int - SoundCloud User id
- 'limit int (default 50) - Number of results to return in the collection.
Return Type
- WebProfiles|error - Success
soundcloud: Activities
User's activities.
- collection ActivitiesCollection[]? -
- future_href string? -
- next_href string? -
soundcloud: ActivitiesCollection
- created_at string? - Created timestamp.
- 'type string? - Type of activity (track).
soundcloud: ApiKeysConfig
Provides API key configurations needed when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- authorization string - Represents API Key
soundcloud: Comment
User's Comment
- body string? - Comment body.
- created_at string? - Created timestamp.
- id int? - Identifier.
- kind string? - Kind (comment).
- timestamp string? - Timestamp.
- track_id int? - Track's identifier.
- uri string? - Comment's URL.
- user CommentUser? - SoundCloud User object
- user_id int? - User's identifier.
soundcloud: Comments
- collection Comment[]? -
- next_href string? -
soundcloud: CommentUser
SoundCloud User object
- avatar_url string? - URL to a JPEG image.
- followers_count int? - number of followers.
- followings_count int? - number of followed users.
- id int? - unique identifier
- kind string? - kind of resource.
- last_modified string? - last modified timestamp.
- permalink string? - permalink of the resource.
- permalink_url string? - URL to the page.
- reposts_count int? - number of reposts from user
- uri string? - API resource URL.
- username string? - username
soundcloud: CompleteUser
SoundCloud Complete User object
- avatar_url string? - URL to a JPEG image.
- city string? - city.
- country string? - country.
- description string? - description.
- discogs_name string? - discogs name.
- first_name string? - first name.
- followers_count int? - number of followers.
- followings_count int? - number of followed users.
- full_name string? - first and last name.
- id int? - unique identifier
- kind string? - kind of resource.
- last_modified string? - last modified timestamp.
- last_name string? - last name.
- locale string? - locale.
- myspace_name string? - myspace name
- permalink string? - permalink of the resource.
- permalink_url string? - URL to the page.
- plan string? - subscription plan of the user.
- playlist_count int? - number of public playlists.
- primary_email_confirmed boolean? - boolean if email is confirmed.
- private_playlists_count int? - number of private playlists.
- private_tracks_count int? - number of private tracks.
- public_favorites_count int? - number of favorited public tracks
- quota CompleteuserQuota? - user's upload quota
- reposts_count int? - number of reposts from user
- subscriptions anydata[]? - a list subscriptions associated with the user
- track_count int? - number of public tracks.
- uri string? - API resource URL.
- username string? - username
- website string? - a URL to the website.
- website_title string? - a custom title for the website.
soundcloud: CompleteuserQuota
user's upload quota
- unlimited_upload_quota boolean? - unlimited upload quota.
- upload_seconds_used int? - upload seconds used.
soundcloud: Connection
- created_at string? - Created timestamp.
- display_name string? - Full Name.
- id int? - Unique identifier
- kind string? - Kind of resource.
- post_favorite boolean? -
- post_publish boolean? -
- 'service string? - Service.
- 'type string? - Type.
- uri string? - The external link URI.
soundcloud: CreateUpdatePlaylistRequest
- playlist CreateupdateplaylistrequestPlaylist? -
soundcloud: CreateupdateplaylistrequestPlaylist
- description string? - Description of the playlist
- sharing string? - public or private
- title string? - Title of the playlist
- tracks CreateupdateplaylistrequestPlaylistTracks[]? - List of tracks to add to playlist
soundcloud: CreateupdateplaylistrequestPlaylistTracks
- id string - SoundCloud track id
soundcloud: Error
- code int? -
- _error string? -
- errors anydata[]? -
- link string? -
- message string? -
- status string? -
soundcloud: Found
- location string? - Location URL of the resource.
- status string? - Status code.
soundcloud: InlineResponse201
Soundcloud Playlist Object
- artwork_url string? - URL to a JPEG image.
- created_at string? - Created timestamp.
- description string? - Playlist description.
- downloadable boolean? - is downloadable.
- duration int? - Playlist duration.
- ean string? - European Article Number.
- embeddable_by string? - Embeddable by.
- genre string? - Playlist genre.
- id int? - Playlist identifier.
- kind string? - Type of Soundcloud object (playlist).
- label_id int? - Label user identifier.
- label_name string? - Label name.
- last_modified string? - Last modified timestamp.
- license string? - License.
- permalink string? - Playlist permalink.
- permalink_url string? - Playlist permalink URL.
- playlist_type string? - Type of playlist.
- purchase_title string? - Purchase title.
- purchase_url string? - Purchase URL.
- release string? - Release.
- release_day int? - Day of release.
- release_month int? - Month of release.
- release_year int? - Year of release.
- sharing string? - Type of sharing (private/public).
- streamable boolean? - Is streamable.
- tag_list string? - Tags.
- title string? - Playlist title.
- track_count int? - Count of tracks.
- tracks InlineResponse201Tracks[]? - List of tracks.
- 'type string? - Playlist type.
- uri string? - Playlist URI.
- user MetaUser? - SoundCloud User object.
- user_id int? - User identifier.
soundcloud: InlineResponse201Tracks
Soundcloud Track object.
- artwork_url string? - URL to a JPEG image.
- bpm int? - Tempo.
- comment_count int? - Number of comments.
- commentable boolean? - Is commentable.
- created_at string? - Created timestamp.
- description string? - Track description.
- download_count int? - NUmber of downloads.
- downloadable string? - Is downloadable.
- duration int? - Track duration.
- embeddable_by string? - Embeddable by.
- favoritings_count int? - Number of favoritings.
- genre string? - Genre
- id int? - Track identifier.
- isrc string? - ISRC code.
- key_signature string? - Key signature.
- kind string? - Type of object (track).
- label_name string? - Label user name.
- license string? - License
- permalink_url string? - Permalink URL.
- playback_count int? - Number of plays.
- purchase_title string? - Purchase title.
- purchase_url string? - Purchase URL.
- release string? - Release.
- release_day int? - Day of release.
- release_month int? - Month of release.
- release_year int? - Year of release.
- sharing string? - Type of sharing (public/private).
- stream_url string? - URL to stream.
- streamable boolean? - Is streamable.
- tag_list string? - Tags.
- title string? - Track title.
- uri string? - Track URI.
- user MetaUser? - SoundCloud User object.
- user_favorite boolean? - Is user's favourite.
- user_playback_count int? - Number of plays by a user.
- waveform_url string? - Waveform URL.
soundcloud: MetaUser
SoundCloud User object.
- avatar_url string? - URL to a JPEG image
- created_at string? - profile creation datetime
- id int? - unique identifier
- kind string? - kind of resource
- last_modified string? - last modified datetime
- permalink string? - permalink of the resource
- permalink_url string? - URL to the page
- uri string? - API resource URL
- username string? - username
soundcloud: MetaUsers
- collection MetaUser[]? -
- next_href string? -
soundcloud: Playlist
Soundcloud Playlist Object
- artwork_url string? - URL to a JPEG image.
- created_at string? - Created timestamp.
- description string? - Playlist description.
- downloadable boolean? - is downloadable.
- duration int? - Playlist duration.
- ean string? - European Article Number.
- embeddable_by string? - Embeddable by.
- genre string? - Playlist genre.
- id int? - Playlist identifier.
- kind string? - Type of Soundcloud object (playlist).
- label MetaUser? - SoundCloud User object.
- label_id int? - Label user identifier.
- label_name string? - Label name.
- last_modified string? - Last modified timestamp.
- license string? - License.
- likes_count int? - Count of playlist likes.
- permalink string? - Playlist permalink.
- permalink_url string? - Playlist permalink URL.
- playlist_type string? - Type of playlist.
- purchase_title string? - Purchase title.
- purchase_url string? - Purchase URL.
- release string? - Release.
- release_day int? - Day of release.
- release_month int? - Month of release.
- release_year int? - Year of release.
- sharing string? - Type of sharing (private/public).
- streamable boolean? - Is streamable.
- tag_list string? - Tags.
- tags string? - Tags.
- title string? - Playlist title.
- track_count int? - Count of tracks.
- tracks Track[]? - List of tracks.
- tracks_uri string? - tracks URI.
- 'type string? - Playlist type.
- uri string? - Playlist URI.
- user MetaUser? - SoundCloud User object.
- user_id int? - User identifier.
soundcloud: Playlists
- collection Playlist[]? -
- next_href string? -
soundcloud: Streams
- hls_mp3_128_url string? -
- hls_opus_64_url string? -
- http_mp3_128_url string? -
- preview_mp3_128_url string? -
soundcloud: TooManyRequests
- Fields Included from *Error
- spam_warning_urn string? -
soundcloud: Track
Soundcloud Track object.
- access string? - Level of access the user (logged in or anonymous) has to the track.
- user is allowed to listen to a full track.preview
- user is allowed to preview a track, meaning a snippet is availableblocked
- user can only see the metadata of a track, no streaming is possible
- artwork_url string? - URL to a JPEG image.
- available_country_codes string? - List of countries where track is available.
- bpm int? - Tempo.
- comment_count int? - Number of comments.
- commentable boolean? - Is commentable.
- created_at string? - Created timestamp.
- description string? - Track description.
- download_count int? - NUmber of downloads.
- download_url string? - URL to download a track.
- downloadable string? - Is downloadable.
- duration int? - Track duration.
- embeddable_by string? - Embeddable by.
- favoritings_count int? - Number of favoritings.
- genre string? - Genre
- id int? - Track identifier.
- isrc string? - ISRC code.
- key_signature string? - Key signature.
- kind string? - Type of object (track).
- label_name string? - Label user name.
- license string? - License
- permalink_url string? - Permalink URL.
- playback_count int? - Number of plays.
- purchase_title string? - Purchase title.
- purchase_url string? - Purchase URL.
- release string? - Release.
- release_day int? - Day of release.
- release_month int? - Month of release.
- release_year int? - Year of release.
- reposts_count int? - Number of reposts.
- secret_uri string? - Secret URL.
- sharing string? - Type of sharing (public/private).
- stream_url string? - URL to stream.
- streamable boolean? - Is streamable.
- tag_list string? - Tags.
- title string? - Track title.
- uri string? - Track URI.
- user MetaUser? - SoundCloud User object.
- user_favorite boolean? - Is user's favourite.
- user_playback_count int? - Number of plays by a user.
- waveform_url string? - Waveform URL.
soundcloud: TrackDataRequest
- 'track\[artwork\_data\] string? -
- 'track\[asset\_data\] string? -
- 'track\[commentable\] boolean? -
- 'track\[description\] string? -
- 'track\[downloadable\] boolean? -
- 'track\[embeddable\_by\] string? - who can embed this track "all", "me", or "none"
- 'track\[genre\] string? -
- 'track\[isrc\] string? -
- 'track\[label\_name\] string? -
- 'track\[license\] string? - Possible values: no-rights-reserved, all-rights-reserved, cc-by, cc-by-nc, cc-by-nd, cc-by-sa, cc-by-nc-nd, cc-by-nc-sa
- 'track\[permalink\] string? -
- 'track\[purchase\_url\] string? -
- 'track\[release\] string? -
- 'track\[release\_date\] string? - string, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd, representing release date
- 'track\[sharing\] string? -
- 'track\[streamable\] boolean? -
- 'track\[tag\_list\] string? - The tag_list property contains a list of tags separated by spaces. Multiword tags are quoted in double quotes. We also support machine tags that follow the pattern NAMESPACE:KEY=VALUE. For example: geo:lat=43.555 camel:size=medium “machine:tag=with space” Machine tags are not revealed to the user on the track pages.
- 'track\[title\] string? -
soundcloud: TrackIdCommentsBody
- comment TrackstrackIdcommentsComment? -
soundcloud: TrackMetadataRequest
- track TrackmetadatarequestTrack? -
soundcloud: TrackmetadatarequestTrack
- commentable boolean? -
- description string? -
- downloadable boolean? -
- embeddable_by string? - who can embed this track "all", "me", or "none"
- genre string? -
- isrc string? -
- label_name string? -
- license string? - Possible values: no-rights-reserved, all-rights-reserved, cc-by, cc-by-nc, cc-by-nd, cc-by-sa, cc-by-nc-nd, cc-by-nc-sa
- permalink string? -
- purchase_url string? -
- release string? -
- release_date string? - string, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd, representing release date
- sharing string? -
- streamable boolean? -
- tag_list string? - The tag_list property contains a list of tags separated by spaces. Multiword tags are quoted in double quotes. We also support machine tags that follow the pattern NAMESPACE:KEY=VALUE. For example: geo:lat=43.555 camel:size=medium “machine:tag=with space” Machine tags are not revealed to the user on the track pages.
- title string? -
soundcloud: Tracks
- collection Track[]? -
- next_href string? -
soundcloud: TrackstrackIdcommentsComment
- body string - Comment's content
soundcloud: User
SoundCloud User object
- avatar_url string? - URL to a JPEG image
- city string? - city
- country string? - country
- created_at string? - profile creation datetime
- description string? - description
- discogs_name string? - discogs name
- first_name string? - first name
- followers_count int? - number of followers
- followings_count int? - number of followed users
- full_name string? - first and last name
- id int? - unique identifier
- kind string? - kind of resource
- last_modified string? - last modified datetime
- last_name string? - last name
- myspace_name string? - myspace name
- permalink string? - permalink of the resource
- permalink_url string? - URL to the page
- plan string? - subscription plan of the user
- playlist_count int? - number of public playlists
- public_favorites_count int? - number of favorited public tracks
- reposts_count int? - number of reposts from user
- subscriptions anydata[]? - a list subscriptions associated with the user
- track_count int? - number of public tracks
- uri string? - API resource URL
- username string? - username
- website string? - a URL to the website
- website_title string? - a custom title for the website
soundcloud: Users
- collection User[]? -
- next_href string? -
soundcloud: UserslistInner
SoundCloud User object
- avatar_url string? - URL to a JPEG image
- city string? - city
- country string? - country
- description string? - description
- discogs_name string? - discogs name
- first_name string? - first name
- followers_count int? - number of followers
- followings_count int? - number of followed users
- full_name string? - first and last name
- id int? - unique identifier
- kind string? - kind of resource
- last_modified string? - last modified datetime
- last_name string? - last name
- myspace_name string? - myspace name
- permalink string? - permalink of the resource
- permalink_url string? - URL to the page
- plan string? - subscription plan of the user
- playlist_count int? - number of public playlists
- public_favorites_count int? - number of favorited public tracks
- reposts_count int? - number of reposts from user
- subscriptions anydata[]? - a list subscriptions associated with the user
- track_count int? - number of public tracks
- uri string? - API resource URL
- username string? - username
- website string? - a URL to the website
- website_title string? - a custom title for the website
soundcloud: WebprofilesInner
- created_at string? - Timestamp of when the link was added to the profile.
- id int? - Id
- kind string? - Kind
- 'service string? - Service or platform
- title string? - Link's title
- url string? - URL of the external link
- username string? - Username extracted from the external link
Union types
import ballerinax/soundcloud;
Released date: about 3 years ago
Version: 1.1.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: slbeta6
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads
Content & Files/Video & Audio