Module slack
ballerinax/slack Ballerina library
Slack is a collaboration platform for teams, offering real-time messaging, file sharing, and integrations with various tools. It helps streamline communication and enhance productivity through organized channels and direct messaging.
Setup guide
Step 1: Sign in to Slack
To use the Slack Connector you need to be signed in to Slack. If you haven't created an account already, you can create it here.
Step 2: Create a new Slack application
Navigate to your apps in Slack API and create a new Slack app.
Provide an app name and choose a workspace of your choice.
Click on the "Create App" button.
Step 3: Add scopes to the token
Once the application is created, go to the "Add Features and Functionality" section and click on "Permissions" to set the token scopes.
In the User Token Scopes section set the following token scopes.
Install the application to workspace.
Copy the OAuth token that is generated upon installation.
To use the slack
connector in your Ballerina application, modify the .bal
file as follows:
Step 1: Import the module
Import the slack
import ballerinax/slack;
Step 2: Instantiate a new connector
Assign the OAuth token obtained to the variable token, and then initialize a new instance of the slack client by passing the token.
configurable string token = ?; slack:Client slack = check new({ auth: { token } });
Step 3: Invoke the connector operation
Now, utilize the available connector operations.
Send a Text Message to General Channel
slack:ChatPostMessageResponse postMessageResponse = check slack->/chat\{channel: "general", text: "hello"});
Step 4: Run the Ballerina application
bal run
The Slack
connector provides practical examples illustrating usage in various scenarios. Explore these examples, covering the following use cases:
Automated Summary Report - This use case demonstrates how the Slack API can be utilized to generate a summarized report of daily stand up chats in the general channel.
Survey Feedback Analysis - This use case demonstrates how the Slack API can be utilized to perform a company-wide survey by creating a dedicated channel to receive and track feedback replies.
slack: Client![](/images/permalink.svg)
One way to interact with the Slack platform is its HTTP RPC-based Web API, a collection of methods requiring OAuth 2.0-based user, bot, or workspace tokens blessed with related OAuth scopes.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
get admin.apps.approved.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.apps\.approved\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_apps_approved_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.apps.requests.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.apps\.requests\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_apps_requests_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.apps.restricted.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.apps\.restricted\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_apps_restricted_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.conversations.ekm.listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.conversations\.ekm\.listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_conversations_ekm_listOriginalConnectedChannelInfoQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.conversations.getConversationPrefs![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.conversations\.getConversationPrefs(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_conversations_getConversationPrefsQueries queries) returns AdminConversationsGetConversationPrefsResponse|error
get admin.conversations.getTeams![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.conversations\.getTeams(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_conversations_getTeamsQueries queries) returns AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse|error
- queries *Admin_conversations_getTeamsQueries -
get admin.conversations.restrictAccess.listGroups![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.conversations\.restrictAccess\.listGroups(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_conversations_restrictAccess_listGroupsQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
function get admin\.conversations\.search(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_conversations_searchQueries queries) returns AdminConversationsSearchResponse|error
get admin.emoji.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.emoji\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_emoji_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.inviteRequests.approved.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.inviteRequests\.approved\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_inviteRequests_approved_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
- queries *Admin_inviteRequests_approved_listQueries -
get admin.inviteRequests.denied.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.inviteRequests\.denied\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_inviteRequests_denied_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
- queries *Admin_inviteRequests_denied_listQueries -
get admin.inviteRequests.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.inviteRequests\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_inviteRequests_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.teams.admins.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.teams\.admins\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_teams_admins_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.teams.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.teams\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_teams_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.teams.owners.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.teams\.owners\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_teams_owners_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
function get admin\.teams\.settings\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_teams_settings_infoQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get admin.usergroups.listChannels![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.usergroups\.listChannels(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_usergroups_listChannelsQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
- queries *Admin_usergroups_listChannelsQueries -
get admin.users.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get admin\.users\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Admin_users_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get api.test![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get api\.test(map<string|string[]> headers, *Api_testQueries queries) returns ApiTestResponse|error
get apps.event.authorizations.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get apps\.event\.authorizations\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Apps_event_authorizations_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
- queries *Apps_event_authorizations_listQueries -
function get apps\.permissions\.info(map<string|string[]> headers) returns AppsPermissionsInfoResponse|error
get apps.permissions.request![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get apps\.permissions\.request(map<string|string[]> headers, *Apps_permissions_requestQueries queries) returns AppsPermissionsRequestResponse|error
get apps.permissions.resources.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get apps\.permissions\.resources\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Apps_permissions_resources_listQueries queries) returns AppsPermissionsResourcesListResponse|error
- queries *Apps_permissions_resources_listQueries -
get apps.permissions.scopes.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get apps\.permissions\.scopes\.list(map<string|string[]> headers) returns ApiPermissionsScopesListResponse|error
get apps.permissions.users.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get apps\.permissions\.users\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Apps_permissions_users_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get apps.permissions.users.request![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get apps\.permissions\.users\.request(map<string|string[]> headers, *Apps_permissions_users_requestQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
- queries *Apps_permissions_users_requestQueries -
get apps.uninstall![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get apps\.uninstall(map<string|string[]> headers, *Apps_uninstallQueries queries) returns AppsUninstallResponse|error
get auth.revoke![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get auth\.revoke(map<string|string[]> headers, *Auth_revokeQueries queries) returns AuthRevokeResponse|error
get auth.test![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get auth\.test(map<string|string[]> headers) returns AuthTestResponse|error
function get bots\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Bots_infoQueries queries) returns BotsInfoResponse|error
function get calls\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Calls_infoQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get chat.getPermalink![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get chat\.getPermalink(map<string|string[]> headers, *Chat_getPermalinkQueries queries) returns ChatGetPermalinkResponse|error
get chat.scheduledMessages.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get chat\.scheduledMessages\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Chat_scheduledMessages_listQueries queries) returns ChatScheduledMessagesListResponse|error
get conversations.history![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get conversations\.history(map<string|string[]> headers, *Conversations_historyQueries queries) returns ConversationsHistoryResponse|error
function get conversations\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Conversations_infoQueries queries) returns ConversationsInfoResponse|error
get conversations.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get conversations\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Conversations_listQueries queries) returns ConversationsListResponse|error
get conversations.members![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get conversations\.members(map<string|string[]> headers, *Conversations_membersQueries queries) returns ConversationsMembersResponse|error
get conversations.replies![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get conversations\.replies(map<string|string[]> headers, *Conversations_repliesQueries queries) returns ConversationsRepliesResponse|error
function get dialog\.open(map<string|string[]> headers, *Dialog_openQueries queries) returns DialogOpenResponse|error
function get dnd\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Dnd_infoQueries queries) returns DndInfoResponse|error
get dnd.teamInfo![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get dnd\.teamInfo(map<string|string[]> headers, *Dnd_teamInfoQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get emoji.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get emoji\.list(map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
function get files\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Files_infoQueries queries) returns FilesInfoResponse|error
get files.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get files\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Files_listQueries queries) returns FilesListResponse|error
function get files\.remote\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Files_remote_infoQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get files.remote.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get files\.remote\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Files_remote_listQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get files.remote.share![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get files\.remote\.share(map<string|string[]> headers, *Files_remote_shareQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
function get migration\.exchange(map<string|string[]> headers, *Migration_exchangeQueries queries) returns MigrationExchangeResponse|error
get oauth.access![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get oauth\.access(map<string|string[]> headers, *Oauth_accessQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get oauth.token![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get oauth\.token(map<string|string[]> headers, *Oauth_tokenQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get oauth.v2.access![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get oauth\.v2\.access(map<string|string[]> headers, *Oauth_v2_accessQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get pins.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get pins\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Pins_listQueries queries) returns record {| items (record {| created int, created_by UserIdDef, file FileObj, 'type "file" |}|record {| channel ChannelDef, created int, created_by UserIdDef, message MessageObj, 'type "message" |})[], ok OkTrueDef |}|record {| count int, ok OkTrueDef |}[]|error
get reactions.get![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get reactions\.get(map<string|string[]> headers, *Reactions_getQueries queries) returns record {| channel ChannelDef, message MessageObj, ok OkTrueDef, 'type "message" |}|record {| file FileObj, ok OkTrueDef, 'type "file" |}|record {| comment CommentObj, file FileObj, ok OkTrueDef, 'type "file_comment" |}[]|error
get reactions.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get reactions\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Reactions_listQueries queries) returns ReactionsListResponse|error
function get reminders\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Reminders_infoQueries queries) returns RemindersInfoResponse|error
get reminders.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get reminders\.list(map<string|string[]> headers) returns RemindersListResponse|error
get rtm.connect![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get rtm\.connect(map<string|string[]> headers, *Rtm_connectQueries queries) returns RtmConnectResponse|error
get search.messages![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get search\.messages(map<string|string[]> headers, *Search_messagesQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get stars.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get stars\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Stars_listQueries queries) returns StarsListResponse|error
get team.accessLogs![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get team\.accessLogs(map<string|string[]> headers, *Team_accessLogsQueries queries) returns TeamAccessLogsResponse|error
get team.billableInfo![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get team\.billableInfo(map<string|string[]> headers, *Team_billableInfoQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
function get team\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Team_infoQueries queries) returns TeamInfoResponse|error
get team.integrationLogs![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get team\.integrationLogs(map<string|string[]> headers, *Team_integrationLogsQueries queries) returns TeamIntegrationLogsResponse|error
get team.profile.get![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get team\.profile\.get(map<string|string[]> headers, *Team_profile_getQueries queries) returns TeamProfileGetResponse|error
get usergroups.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get usergroups\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Usergroups_listQueries queries) returns UsergroupsListResponse|error
get usergroups.users.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get usergroups\.users\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Usergroups_users_listQueries queries) returns UsergroupsUsersListResponse|error
get users.conversations![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get users\.conversations(map<string|string[]> headers, *Users_conversationsQueries queries) returns UsersConversationsResponse|error
get users.getPresence![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get users\.getPresence(map<string|string[]> headers, *Users_getPresenceQueries queries) returns APIMethodUsersGetPresence|error
get users.identity![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get users\.identity(map<string|string[]> headers) returns record {| ok OkTrueDef, team record {| id TeamDef |}, user record {| id UserIdDef, name string |} |}|record {| ok OkTrueDef, team record {| id TeamDef |}, user record {| email string, id UserIdDef, name string |} |}|record {| ok OkTrueDef, team record {| id TeamDef |}, user record {| id UserIdDef, image_192 string, image_24 string, image_32 string, image_48 string, image_512 string, image_72 string, name string |} |}|record {| ok OkTrueDef, team record {| domain string, id TeamDef, image_102 string, image_132 string, image_230 string, image_34 string, image_44 string, image_68 string, image_88 string, image_default boolean, name string |}, user record {| id UserIdDef, name string |} |}[]|error
function get users\.info(map<string|string[]> headers, *Users_infoQueries queries) returns UsersInfoResponse|error
get users.list![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get users\.list(map<string|string[]> headers, *Users_listQueries queries) returns UsersListResponse|error
get users.lookupByEmail![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get users\.lookupByEmail(map<string|string[]> headers, *Users_lookupByEmailQueries queries) returns UsersLookupByEmailResponse|error
get users.profile.get![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get users\.profile\.get(map<string|string[]> headers, *Users_profile_getQueries queries) returns UsersProfileGetResponse|error
function get views\.open(map<string|string[]> headers, *Views_openQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get views.publish![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get views\.publish(map<string|string[]> headers, *Views_publishQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get views.push![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get views\.push(map<string|string[]> headers, *Views_pushQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get views.update![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get views\.update(map<string|string[]> headers, *Views_updateQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get workflows.stepCompleted![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get workflows\.stepCompleted(map<string|string[]> headers, *Workflows_stepCompletedQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get workflows.stepFailed![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get workflows\.stepFailed(map<string|string[]> headers, *Workflows_stepFailedQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
get workflows.updateStep![](/images/permalink.svg)
function get workflows\.updateStep(map<string|string[]> headers, *Workflows_updateStepQueries queries) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.apps.approve![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.apps\.approve(admin_apps_approve_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.apps.restrict![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.apps\.restrict(admin_apps_restrict_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.conversations.archive![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.archive(admin_conversations_archive_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsArchiveResponse|error
post admin.conversations.convertToPrivate![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.convertToPrivate(admin_conversations_convertToPrivate_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsConvertToPrivateResponse|error
post admin.conversations.create![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.create(admin_conversations_create_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsCreateResponse|error
post admin.conversations.delete![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.delete(admin_conversations_delete_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsDeleteResponse|error
post admin.conversations.disconnectShared![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.disconnectShared(admin_conversations_disconnectShared_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsRenameResponse|error
post admin.conversations.invite![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.invite(admin_conversations_invite_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsInviteResponse|error
post admin.conversations.rename![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.rename(admin_conversations_rename_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsRenameResponse_1|error
post admin.conversations.restrictAccess.addGroup![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.restrictAccess\.addGroup(admin_conversations_restrictAccess_addGroup_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.conversations.restrictAccess.removeGroup![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.restrictAccess\.removeGroup(admin_conversations_restrictAccess_removeGroup_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.conversations.setConversationPrefs![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.setConversationPrefs(admin_conversations_setConversationPrefs_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsSetConversationPrefsResponse|error
post admin.conversations.setTeams![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.setTeams(admin_conversations_setTeams_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.conversations.unarchive![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.conversations\.unarchive(admin_conversations_unarchive_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns AdminConversationsUnarchiveResponse|error
post admin.emoji.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.emoji\.add(admin_emoji_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.emoji.addAlias![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.emoji\.addAlias(admin_emoji_addAlias_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.emoji.remove![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.emoji\.remove(admin_emoji_remove_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.emoji.rename![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.emoji\.rename(admin_emoji_rename_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.inviteRequests.approve![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.inviteRequests\.approve(record { invite_request_id string, team_id string } payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.inviteRequests.deny![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.inviteRequests\.deny(record { invite_request_id string, team_id string } payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.teams.create![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.teams\.create(admin_teams_create_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.teams.settings.setDefaultChannels![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.teams\.settings\.setDefaultChannels(admin_teams_settings_setDefaultChannels_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.teams.settings.setDescription![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.teams\.settings\.setDescription(admin_teams_settings_setDescription_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
- payload admin_teams_settings_setDescription_body -
post admin.teams.settings.setDiscoverability![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.teams\.settings\.setDiscoverability(admin_teams_settings_setDiscoverability_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.teams.settings.setIcon![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.teams\.settings\.setIcon(admin_teams_settings_setIcon_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.teams.settings.setName![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.teams\.settings\.setName(admin_teams_settings_setName_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.usergroups.addChannels![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.usergroups\.addChannels(admin_usergroups_addChannels_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.usergroups.addTeams![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.usergroups\.addTeams(admin_usergroups_addTeams_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.usergroups.removeChannels![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.usergroups\.removeChannels(admin_usergroups_removeChannels_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
- payload admin_usergroups_removeChannels_body -
post admin.users.assign![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.assign(admin_users_assign_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.invite![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.invite(admin_users_invite_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.remove![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.remove(admin_users_remove_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.session.invalidate![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.session\.invalidate(admin_users_session_invalidate_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.session.reset![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.session\.reset(admin_users_session_reset_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.setAdmin![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.setAdmin(admin_users_setAdmin_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.setExpiration![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.setExpiration(admin_users_setExpiration_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.setOwner![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.setOwner(admin_users_setOwner_body payload, Admin_users_setOwnerHeaders headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post admin.users.setRegular![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post admin\.users\.setRegular(admin_users_setRegular_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post calls.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post calls\.add(calls_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post calls.end![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post calls\.end(calls_end_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post calls.participants.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post calls\.participants\.add(calls_participants_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post calls.participants.remove![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post calls\.participants\.remove(calls_participants_remove_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post calls.update![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post calls\.update(calls_update_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post chat.delete![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.delete(chat_delete_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatDeleteResponse|error
post chat.deleteScheduledMessage![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.deleteScheduledMessage(chat_deleteScheduledMessage_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatDeleteScheduledMessageResponse|error
post chat.meMessage![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.meMessage(chat_meMessage_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatMeMessageResponse|error
post chat.postEphemeral![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.postEphemeral(chat_postEphemeral_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatPostEphemeralResponse|error
post chat.postMessage![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.postMessage(chat_postMessage_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatPostMessageResponse|error
post chat.scheduleMessage![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.scheduleMessage(chat_scheduleMessage_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatScheduleMessageResponse|error
post chat.unfurl![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.unfurl(chat_unfurl_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatUnfurlResponse|error
post chat.update![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post chat\.update(chat_update_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ChatUpdateResponse|error
post conversations.archive![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.archive(conversations_archive_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsArchiveResponse|error
post conversations.close![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.close(conversations_close_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsCloseResponse|error
post conversations.create![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.create(conversations_create_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsCreateResponse|error
post conversations.invite![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.invite(conversations_invite_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsInviteErrorResponse|error
post conversations.join![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.join(conversations_join_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsJoinResponse|error
post conversations.kick![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.kick(conversations_kick_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsKickResponse|error
post conversations.leave![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.leave(conversations_leave_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsLeaveResponse|error
post conversations.mark![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.mark(conversations_mark_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsMarkResponse|error
function post conversations\.open(conversations_open_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsOpenResponse|error
post conversations.rename![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.rename(conversations_rename_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsRenameResponse|error
post conversations.setPurpose![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.setPurpose(conversations_setPurpose_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsSetPurposeResponse|error
post conversations.setTopic![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.setTopic(conversations_setTopic_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsSetTopicResponse|error
post conversations.unarchive![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post conversations\.unarchive(conversations_unarchive_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ConversationsUnarchiveResponse|error
post dnd.endDnd![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post dnd\.endDnd(map<string|string[]> headers) returns DndEndDndResponse|error
post dnd.endSnooze![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post dnd\.endSnooze(map<string|string[]> headers) returns DndEndSnoozeResponse|error
post dnd.setSnooze![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post dnd\.setSnooze(dnd_setSnooze_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DndSetSnoozeResponse|error
post files.comments.delete![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.comments\.delete(files_comments_delete_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns FilesCommentsDeleteResponse|error
post files.delete![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.delete(files_delete_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns FilesDeleteResponse|error
post files.remote.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.remote\.add(files_remote_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post files.remote.remove![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.remote\.remove(files_remote_remove_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post files.remote.update![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.remote\.update(files_remote_update_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns DefaultSuccessResponse|error
post files.revokePublicURL![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.revokePublicURL(files_revokePublicURL_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns FilesRevokePublicURLResponse|error
post files.sharedPublicURL![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.sharedPublicURL(files_sharedPublicURL_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns FilesSharedPublicURLResponse|error
post files.upload![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post files\.upload(files_upload_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns FilesUploadResponse|error
post pins.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post pins\.add(pins_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns PinsAddResponse|error
post pins.remove![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post pins\.remove(pins_remove_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns PinsRemoveResponse|error
post reactions.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post reactions\.add(reactions_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ReactionsAddResponse|error
post reactions.remove![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post reactions\.remove(reactions_remove_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns ReactionsRemoveResponse|error
post reminders.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post reminders\.add(reminders_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns RemindersAddResponse|error
post reminders.complete![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post reminders\.complete(reminders_complete_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns RemindersCompleteResponse|error
post reminders.delete![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post reminders\.delete(reminders_delete_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns RemindersDeleteResponse|error
post stars.add![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post stars\.add(stars_add_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns StarsAddResponse|error
post stars.remove![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post stars\.remove(stars_remove_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns StarsRemoveResponse|error
post usergroups.create![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post usergroups\.create(usergroups_create_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsergroupsCreateResponse|error
post usergroups.disable![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post usergroups\.disable(usergroups_disable_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsergroupsDisableResponse|error
post usergroups.enable![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post usergroups\.enable(usergroups_enable_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsergroupsEnableResponse|error
post usergroups.update![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post usergroups\.update(usergroups_update_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsergroupsUpdateResponse|error
post usergroups.users.update![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post usergroups\.users\.update(usergroups_users_update_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsergroupsUsersUpdateResponse|error
post users.deletePhoto![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post users\.deletePhoto(users_deletePhoto_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsersDeletePhotoResponse|error
post users.profile.set![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post users\.profile\.set(users_profile_set_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsersProfileSetResponse|error
post users.setActive![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post users\.setActive(map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsersSetActiveResponse|error
post users.setPhoto![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post users\.setPhoto(users_setPhoto_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsersSetPhotoResponse|error
post users.setPresence![](/images/permalink.svg)
function post users\.setPresence(users_setPresence_body payload, map<string|string[]> headers) returns UsersSetPresenceResponse|error
slack: admin_apps_approve_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- app_id? string - The id of the app to approve.
- request_id? string - The id of the request to approve.
- team_id? string -
slack: Admin_apps_approved_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_apps_approved_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
- team_id? string -
- enterprise_id? string -
slack: Admin_apps_requests_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_apps_requests_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
- team_id? string -
slack: admin_apps_restrict_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- app_id? string - The id of the app to restrict.
- request_id? string - The id of the request to restrict.
- team_id? string -
slack: Admin_apps_restricted_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_apps_restricted_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
- team_id? string -
- enterprise_id? string -
slack: admin_conversations_archive_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to archive.
slack: admin_conversations_convertToPrivate_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to convert to private.
slack: admin_conversations_create_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- description? string - Description of the public or private channel to create.
- is_private boolean - When
, creates a private channel instead of a public channel
- name string - Name of the public or private channel to create.
- org_wide? boolean - When
, the channel will be available org-wide. Note: if the channel is notorg_wide=true
, you must specify ateam_id
for this channel
- team_id? string - The workspace to create the channel in. Note: this argument is required unless you set
slack: admin_conversations_delete_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to delete.
slack: admin_conversations_disconnectShared_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to be disconnected from some workspaces.
- leaving_team_ids? string - The team to be removed from the channel. Currently only a single team id can be specified.
slack: Admin_conversations_ekm_listOriginalConnectedChannelInfoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_conversations_ekm_listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo
- channel_ids? string - A comma-separated list of channels to filter to.
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
- team_ids? string - A comma-separated list of the workspaces to which the channels you would like returned belong.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
slack: Admin_conversations_getConversationPrefsQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_conversations_getConversationPrefs
- channel_id string - The channel to get preferences for.
slack: Admin_conversations_getTeamsQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_conversations_getTeams
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
- channel_id string - The channel to determine connected workspaces within the organization for.
slack: admin_conversations_invite_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel that the users will be invited to.
- user_ids string - The users to invite.
slack: admin_conversations_rename_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to rename.
- name string -
slack: admin_conversations_restrictAccess_addGroup_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to link this group to.
- team_id? string - The workspace where the channel exists. This argument is required for channels only tied to one workspace, and optional for channels that are shared across an organization.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Admin_conversations_restrictAccess_listGroupsQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_conversations_restrictAccess_listGroups
- team_id? string - The workspace where the channel exists. This argument is required for channels only tied to one workspace, and optional for channels that are shared across an organization.
- channel_id string -
slack: admin_conversations_restrictAccess_removeGroup_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to remove the linked group from.
- team_id string - The workspace where the channel exists. This argument is required for channels only tied to one workspace, and optional for channels that are shared across an organization.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Admin_conversations_searchQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_conversations_search
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
- search_channel_types? string - The type of channel to include or exclude in the search. For example
will search private channels, whileprivate_exclude
will exclude them. For a full list of types, check the Types section.
- team_ids? string - Comma separated string of team IDs, signifying the workspaces to search through.
- query? string - Name of the the channel to query by.
- 'limit? int - Maximum number of items to be returned. Must be between 1 - 20 both inclusive. Default is 10.
- sort? string - Possible values are
(search ranking based on what we think is closest),name
(number of users in the channel), andcreated
(date channel was created). You can optionally pair this with thesort_dir
arg to change how it is sorted
- sort_dir? string - Sort direction. Possible values are
for ascending order like (1, 2, 3) or (a, b, c), anddesc
for descending order like (3, 2, 1) or (c, b, a)
slack: admin_conversations_setConversationPrefs_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to set the prefs for
- prefs string - The prefs for this channel in a stringified JSON format.
slack: admin_conversations_setTeams_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The encoded
to add or remove to workspaces.
- org_channel? boolean - True if channel has to be converted to an org channel
- target_team_ids? string - A comma-separated list of workspaces to which the channel should be shared. Not required if the channel is being shared org-wide.
- team_id? string - The workspace to which the channel belongs. Omit this argument if the channel is a cross-workspace shared channel.
slack: admin_conversations_unarchive_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id string - The channel to unarchive.
slack: admin_emoji_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- name string - The name of the emoji to be removed. Colons (
) around the value are not required, although they may be included.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
- url string - The URL of a file to use as an image for the emoji. Square images under 128KB and with transparent backgrounds work best.
slack: admin_emoji_addAlias_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- alias_for string - The alias of the emoji.
- name string - The name of the emoji to be aliased. Colons (
) around the value are not required, although they may be included.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Admin_emoji_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_emoji_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
slack: admin_emoji_remove_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- name string - The name of the emoji to be removed. Colons (
) around the value are not required, although they may be included.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: admin_emoji_rename_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- name string - The name of the emoji to be renamed. Colons (
) around the value are not required, although they may be included.
- new_name string - The new name of the emoji.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Admin_inviteRequests_approved_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_inviteRequests_approved_list
- cursor? string - Value of the
field sent as part of the previous API response
- 'limit? int - The number of results that will be returned by the API on each invocation. Must be between 1 - 1000, both inclusive
- team_id? string - ID for the workspace where the invite requests were made.
slack: Admin_inviteRequests_denied_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_inviteRequests_denied_list
- cursor? string - Value of the
field sent as part of the previous api response
- 'limit? int - The number of results that will be returned by the API on each invocation. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive
- team_id? string - ID for the workspace where the invite requests were made.
slack: Admin_inviteRequests_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_inviteRequests_list
- cursor? string - Value of the
field sent as part of the previous API response
- 'limit? int - The number of results that will be returned by the API on each invocation. Must be between 1 - 1000, both inclusive
- team_id? string - ID for the workspace where the invite requests were made.
slack: Admin_teams_admins_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_teams_admins_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return.
- team_id string -
slack: admin_teams_create_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- team_description? string - Description for the team.
- team_discoverability? string - Who can join the team. A team's discoverability can be
, orunlisted
- team_domain string - Team domain (for example, slacksoftballteam).
- team_name string - Team name (for example, Slack Softball Team).
slack: Admin_teams_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_teams_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 100 both inclusive.
slack: Admin_teams_owners_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_teams_owners_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
- team_id string -
slack: Admin_teams_settings_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_teams_settings_info
- team_id string -
slack: admin_teams_settings_setDefaultChannels_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_ids string - An array of channel IDs.
- team_id string - ID for the workspace to set the default channel for.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: admin_teams_settings_setDescription_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- description string - The new description for the workspace.
- team_id string - ID for the workspace to set the description for.
slack: admin_teams_settings_setDiscoverability_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- discoverability string - This workspace's discovery setting. It must be set to one of
, orunlisted
- team_id string - The ID of the workspace to set discoverability on.
slack: admin_teams_settings_setIcon_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- image_url string - Image URL for the icon
- team_id string - ID for the workspace to set the icon for.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: admin_teams_settings_setName_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- name string - The new name of the workspace.
- team_id string - ID for the workspace to set the name for.
slack: admin_usergroups_addChannels_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_ids string - Comma separated string of channel IDs.
- team_id? string - The workspace to add default channels in.
- usergroup_id string - ID of the IDP group to add default channels for.
slack: admin_usergroups_addTeams_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- auto_provision? boolean - When
, this method automatically creates new workspace accounts for the IDP group members.
- team_ids string - A comma separated list of encoded team (workspace) IDs. Each workspace MUST belong to the organization associated with the token.
- usergroup_id string - An encoded usergroup (IDP Group) ID.
slack: Admin_usergroups_listChannelsQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_usergroups_listChannels
- include_num_members? boolean - Flag to include or exclude the count of members per channel.
- usergroup_id string - ID of the IDP group to list default channels for.
- team_id? string - ID of the the workspace.
slack: admin_usergroups_removeChannels_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_ids string - Comma-separated string of channel IDs
- usergroup_id string - ID of the IDP Group
slack: admin_users_assign_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_ids? string - Comma separated values of channel IDs to add user in the new workspace.
- is_restricted? boolean - True if user should be added to the workspace as a guest.
- is_ultra_restricted? boolean - True if user should be added to the workspace as a single-channel guest.
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
- user_id string - The ID of the user to add to the workspace.
slack: admin_users_invite_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_ids string - A comma-separated list of
s for this user to join. At least one channel is required.
- custom_message? string - An optional message to send to the user in the invite email.
- email string - The email address of the person to invite.
- guest_expiration_ts? string - Timestamp when guest account should be disabled. Only include this timestamp if you are inviting a guest user and you want their account to expire on a certain date.
- is_restricted? boolean - Is this user a multi-channel guest user? (default: false)
- is_ultra_restricted? boolean - Is this user a single channel guest user? (default: false)
- real_name? string - Full name of the user.
- resend? boolean - Allow this invite to be resent in the future if a user has not signed up yet. (default: false)
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
slack: Admin_users_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: admin_users_list
- cursor? string - Set
returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
- 'limit? int - Limit for how many users to be retrieved per page
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
slack: admin_users_remove_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
- user_id string - The ID of the user to remove.
slack: admin_users_session_invalidate_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- session_id int -
- team_id string - ID of the team that the session belongs to
slack: admin_users_session_reset_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- mobile_only? boolean - Only expire mobile sessions (default: false)
- user_id string - The ID of the user to wipe sessions for
- web_only? boolean - Only expire web sessions (default: false)
slack: admin_users_setAdmin_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
- user_id string - The ID of the user to designate as an admin.
slack: admin_users_setExpiration_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- expiration_ts int - Timestamp when guest account should be disabled.
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
- user_id string - The ID of the user to set an expiration for.
slack: admin_users_setOwner_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
- user_id string - Id of the user to promote to owner.
slack: Admin_users_setOwnerHeaders![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Headers record for the operation: admin_users_setOwner
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: admin_users_setRegular_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- team_id string - The ID (
) of the workspace.
- user_id string - The ID of the user to designate as a regular user.
slack: AdminConversationsArchiveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.archive
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsConvertToPrivateResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.convertToPrivate
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsCreateResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.create
- channel_id? ChannelIdDef -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsDeleteResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.delete
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsGetConversationPrefsResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.getConversationPrefs
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsGetConversationPrefsResponse_prefs![](/images/permalink.svg)
- who_can_post? AdminConversationsGetConversationPrefsResponse_prefs_can_thread -
slack: AdminConversationsGetConversationPrefsResponse_prefs_can_thread![](/images/permalink.svg)
- 'type? string[] -
- user? string[] -
slack: AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.getTeams
- ok OkTrueDef -
- response_metadata? AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse_response_metadata -
- team_ids TeamDef[] -
slack: AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse_response_metadata![](/images/permalink.svg)
- next_cursor string -
slack: AdminConversationsInviteResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.invite
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsRenameResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.disconnectShared
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsRenameResponse_1![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.rename
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsSearchResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of
- channels ChannelObj[] -
- next_cursor string -
slack: AdminConversationsSetConversationPrefsResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.setConversationPrefs
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AdminConversationsUnarchiveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of admin.conversations.unarchive
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: Api_testQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: api_test
- foo? string - example property to return
slack: APIMethodUsersGetPresence![](/images/permalink.svg)
Generated from users.getPresence with shasum e7251aec575d8863f9e0eb38663ae9dc26655f65
- auto_away? boolean -
- connection_count? int -
- last_activity? int -
- manual_away? boolean -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- online? boolean -
- presence string -
slack: ApiPermissionsScopesListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response api.permissions.scopes.list method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ApiPermissionsScopesListResponse_scopes![](/images/permalink.svg)
- app_home? ScopesObj -
- channel? ScopesObj -
- group? ScopesObj -
- im? ScopesObj -
- mpim? ScopesObj -
- team? ScopesObj -
- user? ScopesObj -
slack: ApiTestResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response api.test method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- record {}... - Rest field
slack: Apps_event_authorizations_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: apps_event_authorizations_list
- cursor? string -
- 'limit? int -
- event_context string -
slack: Apps_permissions_requestQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: apps_permissions_request
- trigger_id string - Token used to trigger the permissions API
- scopes string - A comma separated list of scopes to request for
slack: Apps_permissions_resources_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: apps_permissions_resources_list
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return.
slack: Apps_permissions_users_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: apps_permissions_users_list
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return.
slack: Apps_permissions_users_requestQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: apps_permissions_users_request
- trigger_id string - Token used to trigger the request
- scopes string - A comma separated list of user scopes to request for
- user string - The user this scope is being requested for
slack: Apps_uninstallQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: apps_uninstall
- client_secret? string - Issued when you created your application.
- client_id? string - Issued when you created your application.
slack: AppsPermissionsInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AppsPermissionsInfoResponse_info![](/images/permalink.svg)
- app_home AppsPermissionsInfoResponse_info_app_home -
slack: AppsPermissionsInfoResponse_info_app_home![](/images/permalink.svg)
- resources? ResourcesObj -
- scopes? ScopesObj -
slack: AppsPermissionsInfoResponse_info_team![](/images/permalink.svg)
- resources ResourcesObj -
- scopes ScopesObj -
slack: AppsPermissionsRequestResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from apps.permissions.request method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: AppsPermissionsResourcesListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response apps.permissions.resources.list method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- resources AppsPermissionsResourcesListResponse_resources[] -
- response_metadata? AppsPermissionsResourcesListResponse_response_metadata -
slack: AppsPermissionsResourcesListResponse_resources![](/images/permalink.svg)
- id? string -
- 'type? string -
slack: AppsPermissionsResourcesListResponse_response_metadata![](/images/permalink.svg)
- next_cursor string -
slack: AppsUninstallResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from apps.uninstall method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: Auth_revokeQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: auth_revoke
- test? boolean - Setting this parameter to
triggers a testing mode where the specified token will not actually be revoked.
slack: AuthRevokeResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from auth.revoke method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- revoked boolean -
slack: AuthTestResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response auth.test method
- bot_id? BotIdDef -
- is_enterprise_install? boolean -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- team string -
- team_id TeamDef -
- url string -
- user string -
- user_id UserIdDef -
slack: blocks_inner![](/images/permalink.svg)
- 'type string -
slack: BotProfileObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- app_id AppIdDef -
- deleted boolean -
- icons BotProfileObj_icons -
- id BotIdDef -
- name string -
- team_id TeamDef -
- updated int -
slack: BotProfileObj_icons![](/images/permalink.svg)
- image_36 string -
- image_48 string -
- image_72 string -
slack: Bots_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: bots_info
- bot? string - Bot user to get info on
slack: BotsInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- bot BotsInfoResponse_bot -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: BotsInfoResponse_bot![](/images/permalink.svg)
- app_id AppIdDef -
- deleted boolean -
- icons BotProfileObj_icons -
- id BotIdDef -
- name string -
- updated int -
- user_id? UserIdDef -
slack: calls_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- created_by? string - The valid Slack user ID of the user who created this Call. When this method is called with a user token, the
field is optional and defaults to the authed user of the token. Otherwise, the field is required.
- date_start? int - Call start time in UTC UNIX timestamp format
- desktop_app_join_url? string - When supplied, available Slack clients will attempt to directly launch the 3rd-party Call with this URL.
- external_display_id? string - An optional, human-readable ID supplied by the 3rd-party Call provider. If supplied, this ID will be displayed in the Call object.
- external_unique_id string - An ID supplied by the 3rd-party Call provider. It must be unique across all Calls from that service.
- join_url string - The URL required for a client to join the Call.
- title? string - The name of the Call.
- users? string - The list of users to register as participants in the Call. Read more on how to specify users here.
slack: calls_end_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- duration? int - Call duration in seconds
slack: Calls_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: calls_info
slack: calls_participants_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- users string - The list of users to add as participants in the Call. Read more on how to specify users here.
slack: calls_participants_remove_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- users string - The list of users to remove as participants in the Call. Read more on how to specify users here.
slack: calls_update_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- desktop_app_join_url? string - When supplied, available Slack clients will attempt to directly launch the 3rd-party Call with this URL.
- join_url? string - The URL required for a client to join the Call.
- title? string - The name of the Call.
slack: ChannelObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- accepted_user? UserIdDef -
- created int -
- creator UserIdDef -
- id ChannelIdDef -
- is_archived? boolean -
- is_channel boolean -
- is_frozen? boolean -
- is_general? boolean -
- is_member? boolean -
- is_moved? int -
- is_mpim boolean -
- is_non_threadable? boolean -
- is_org_shared boolean -
- is_pending_ext_shared? boolean -
- is_private boolean -
- is_read_only? boolean -
- is_shared boolean -
- is_thread_only? boolean -
- last_read? TsDef -
- latest? (anydata)[] -
- members UserIdDef[] -
- name string -
- name_normalized string -
- num_members? int -
- pending_shared? TeamDef[] -
- previous_names? ChannelNameDef[] -
- priority? decimal -
- purpose ChannelObj_purpose -
- topic ChannelObj_purpose -
- unlinked? int -
- unread_count? int -
- unread_count_display? int -
slack: ChannelObj_purpose![](/images/permalink.svg)
- creator TopicPurposeCreatorDef -
- last_set int -
- value string -
slack: chat_delete_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Channel containing the message to be deleted.
- ts? decimal - Timestamp of the message to be deleted.
slack: chat_deleteScheduledMessage_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel string - The channel the scheduled_message is posting to
- scheduled_message_id string -
returned from call to chat.scheduleMessage
slack: Chat_getPermalinkQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: chat_getPermalink
- channel string - The ID of the conversation or channel containing the message
- message_ts string - A message's
value, uniquely identifying it within a channel
slack: chat_meMessage_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Channel to send message to. Can be a public channel, private group or IM channel. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.
- text? string - Text of the message to send.
slack: chat_postEphemeral_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- as_user? boolean - Pass true to post the message as the authed user. Defaults to true if the chat:write:bot scope is not included. Otherwise, defaults to false.
- attachments? string - A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
- blocks? string - A JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string.
- channel string - Channel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.
- icon_emoji? string - Emoji to use as the icon for this message. Overrides
. Must be used in conjunction withas_user
set tofalse
, otherwise ignored. See authorship below.
- icon_url? string - URL to an image to use as the icon for this message. Must be used in conjunction with
set to false, otherwise ignored. See authorship below.
- link_names? boolean - Find and link channel names and usernames.
- thread_ts? string - Provide another message's
value to post this message in a thread. Avoid using a reply'sts
value; use its parent's value instead. Ephemeral messages in threads are only shown if there is already an active thread.
- user string -
of the user who will receive the ephemeral message. The user should be in the channel specified by thechannel
- username? string - Set your bot's user name. Must be used in conjunction with
set to false, otherwise ignored. See authorship below.
slack: chat_postMessage_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- as_user? string - Pass true to post the message as the authed user, instead of as a bot. Defaults to false. See authorship below.
- attachments? string - A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
- blocks? string - A JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string.
- icon_emoji? string - Emoji to use as the icon for this message. Overrides
. Must be used in conjunction withas_user
set tofalse
, otherwise ignored. See authorship below.
- icon_url? string - URL to an image to use as the icon for this message. Must be used in conjunction with
set to false, otherwise ignored. See authorship below.
- link_names? boolean - Find and link channel names and usernames.
- mrkdwn? boolean - Disable Slack markup parsing by setting to
. Enabled by default.
- reply_broadcast? boolean - Used in conjunction with
and indicates whether reply should be made visible to everyone in the channel or conversation. Defaults tofalse
- thread_ts? string - Provide another message's
value to make this message a reply. Avoid using a reply'sts
value; use its parent instead.
- unfurl_links? boolean - Pass true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.
- unfurl_media? boolean - Pass false to disable unfurling of media content.
- username? string - Set your bot's user name. Must be used in conjunction with
set to false, otherwise ignored. See authorship below.
slack: Chat_scheduledMessages_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: chat_scheduledMessages_list
- cursor? string - For pagination purposes, this is the
value returned from a previous call tochat.scheduledmessages.list
indicating where you want to start this call from.
- oldest? decimal - A UNIX timestamp of the oldest value in the time range
- channel? string - The channel of the scheduled messages
- 'limit? int - Maximum number of original entries to return.
- latest? decimal - A UNIX timestamp of the latest value in the time range
slack: chat_scheduleMessage_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- as_user? boolean - Pass true to post the message as the authed user, instead of as a bot. Defaults to false. See chat.postMessage.
- attachments? string - A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
- blocks? string - A JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string.
- link_names? boolean - Find and link channel names and usernames.
- parse? string - Change how messages are treated. Defaults to
. See chat.postMessage.
- post_at? string - Unix EPOCH timestamp of time in future to send the message.
- reply_broadcast? boolean - Used in conjunction with
and indicates whether reply should be made visible to everyone in the channel or conversation. Defaults tofalse
- thread_ts? decimal - Provide another message's
value to make this message a reply. Avoid using a reply'sts
value; use its parent instead.
- unfurl_links? boolean - Pass true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.
- unfurl_media? boolean - Pass false to disable unfurling of media content.
slack: chat_unfurl_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel string - Channel ID of the message
- ts string - Timestamp of the message to add unfurl behavior to.
- unfurls? string - URL-encoded JSON map with keys set to URLs featured in the the message, pointing to their unfurl blocks or message attachments.
- user_auth_message? string - Provide a simply-formatted string to send as an ephemeral message to the user as invitation to authenticate further and enable full unfurling behavior
- user_auth_required? boolean - Set to
to indicate the user must install your Slack app to trigger unfurls for this domain
- user_auth_url? string - Send users to this custom URL where they will complete authentication in your app to fully trigger unfurling. Value should be properly URL-encoded.
slack: chat_update_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- attachments? string - A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string. This field is required when not presenting
. If you don't include this field, the message's previousattachments
will be retained. To remove previousattachments
, include an empty array for this field.
- blocks? string - A JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string. If you don't include this field, the message's previous
will be retained. To remove previousblocks
, include an empty array for this field.
- channel string - Channel containing the message to be updated.
- link_names? string - Find and link channel names and usernames. Defaults to
. If you do not specify a value for this field, the original value set for the message will be overwritten with the default,none
- parse? string - Change how messages are treated. Defaults to
, unlikechat.postMessage
. Accepts eithernone
. If you do not specify a value for this field, the original value set for the message will be overwritten with the default,client
- text? string - New text for the message, using the default formatting rules. It's not required when presenting
- ts string - Timestamp of the message to be updated.
slack: ChatDeleteResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of chat.delete method
- channel ChannelDef -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- ts TsDef -
slack: ChatDeleteScheduledMessageResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from chat.deleteScheduledMessage method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ChatGetPermalinkResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response chat.getPermalink
- channel ChannelDef -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- permalink string -
slack: ChatMeMessageResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from chat.meMessage method
- channel? ChannelDef -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- ts? TsDef -
slack: ChatPostEphemeralResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from chat.postEphemeral method
- message_ts TsDef -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ChatPostMessageResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of chat.postMessage method
- channel ChannelDef -
- message MessageObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- ts TsDef -
slack: ChatScheduledMessagesListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from chat.scheduledMessages.list method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- response_metadata AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse_response_metadata -
- scheduled_messages ChatScheduledMessagesListResponse_scheduled_messages[] -
slack: ChatScheduledMessagesListResponse_scheduled_messages![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel_id ChannelIdDef -
- date_created int -
- id string -
- post_at int -
- text? string -
slack: ChatScheduleMessageResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of chat.scheduleMessage method
- channel ChannelDef -
- message ChatScheduleMessageResponse_message -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- post_at int -
- scheduled_message_id string -
slack: ChatScheduleMessageResponse_message![](/images/permalink.svg)
- bot_id BotIdDef -
- bot_profile? BotProfileObj -
- team TeamDef -
- text string -
- 'type string -
- user UserIdDef -
- username? string -
slack: ChatUnfurlResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from chat.unfurl method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ChatUpdateResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response of chat.update method
- channel string -
- message Message\ object -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- text string -
- ts string -
slack: ClientHttp1Settings![](/images/permalink.svg)
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy? ProxyConfig - Proxy server related options
slack: CommentObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- comment string -
- created int -
- id CommentIdDef -
- is_intro boolean -
- is_starred? boolean -
- num_stars? int -
- pinned_info? PinnedInfoDef -
- pinned_to? ChannelDef[] -
- reactions? ReactionObj[] -
- timestamp int -
- user UserIdDef -
slack: ConnectionConfig![](/images/permalink.svg)
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig|OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings? ClientHttp1Settings - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings? ClientHttp2Settings - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig? PoolConfiguration - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache? CacheConfig - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker? CircuitBreakerConfig - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig? RetryConfig - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits? ResponseLimitConfigs - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket? ClientSecureSocket - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy? ProxyConfig - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
slack: conversations_archive_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - ID of conversation to archive
slack: conversations_close_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Conversation to close.
slack: conversations_create_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- is_private? boolean - Create a private channel instead of a public one
- name? string - Name of the public or private channel to create
slack: Conversations_historyQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: conversations_history
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- inclusive? boolean - Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results only when either timestamp is specified.
- oldest? decimal - Start of time range of messages to include in results.
- channel? string - Conversation ID to fetch history for.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn't been reached.
- latest? decimal - End of time range of messages to include in results.
slack: Conversations_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: conversations_info
- include_num_members? boolean - Set to
to include the member count for the specified conversation. Defaults tofalse
- channel? string - Conversation ID to learn more about
- include_locale? boolean - Set this to
to receive the locale for this conversation. Defaults tofalse
slack: conversations_invite_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - The ID of the public or private channel to invite user(s) to.
- users? string - A comma separated list of user IDs. Up to 1000 users may be listed.
slack: conversations_join_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - ID of conversation to join
slack: conversations_kick_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - ID of conversation to remove user from.
- user? string - User ID to be removed.
slack: conversations_leave_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Conversation to leave
slack: Conversations_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: conversations_list
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- types? string - Mix and match channel types by providing a comma-separated list of any combination of
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached. Must be an integer no larger than 1000.
- exclude_archived? boolean - Set to
to exclude archived channels from the list
slack: conversations_mark_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Channel or conversation to set the read cursor for.
- ts? decimal - Unique identifier of message you want marked as most recently seen in this conversation.
slack: Conversations_membersQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: conversations_members
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- channel? string - ID of the conversation to retrieve members for
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn't been reached.
slack: conversations_open_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Resume a conversation by supplying an
's ID. Or provide theusers
field instead.
- return_im? boolean - Boolean, indicates you want the full IM channel definition in the response.
- users? string - Comma separated lists of users. If only one user is included, this creates a 1:1 DM. The ordering of the users is preserved whenever a multi-person direct message is returned. Supply a
when not supplyingusers
slack: conversations_rename_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - ID of conversation to rename
- name? string - New name for conversation.
slack: Conversations_repliesQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: conversations_replies
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- inclusive? boolean - Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results only when either timestamp is specified.
- oldest? decimal - Start of time range of messages to include in results.
- channel? string - Conversation ID to fetch thread from.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn't been reached.
- ts? decimal - Unique identifier of a thread's parent message.
must be the timestamp of an existing message with 0 or more replies. If there are no replies then just the single message referenced byts
will return - it is just an ordinary, unthreaded message.
- latest? decimal - End of time range of messages to include in results.
slack: conversations_setPurpose_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Conversation to set the purpose of
- purpose? string - A new, specialer purpose
slack: conversations_setTopic_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Conversation to set the topic of
- topic? string - The new topic string. Does not support formatting or linkification.
slack: conversations_unarchive_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - ID of conversation to unarchive
slack: ConversationsArchiveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response conversations.archive method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsCloseResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response conversations.close method
- already_closed? boolean -
- no_op? boolean -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsCreateResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response conversations.create method
- channel ConversationObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsHistoryResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.history method
- channel_actions_count int -
- channel_actions_ts (anydata)[] -
- has_more boolean -
- messages MessageObj[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- pin_count int -
slack: ConversationsInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response
- channel ConversationObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsInviteErrorResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.invite method
- channel ConversationObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsJoinResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.join method
- channel ConversationObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- response_metadata? Response\ metadata -
- warning? string -
slack: ConversationsKickResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response conversations.kick method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsLeaveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.leave method
- not_in_channel? true -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.list method
- channels ConversationObj[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- response_metadata? AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse_response_metadata -
slack: ConversationsMarkResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response conversations.mark method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsMembersResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response conversations.members method
- members UserIdDef[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- response_metadata AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse_response_metadata -
slack: ConversationsOpenResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method when opening channels, ims, mpims
- already_open? boolean -
- channel (ConversationObj|record {| created string, id DmIdDef, is_im boolean, is_open boolean, last_read TsDef, latest MessageObj, unread_count decimal, unread_count_display decimal, user UserIdDef |})[] -
- no_op? boolean -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsRenameResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.rename method
- channel ConversationObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsRepliesResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.replies method
- has_more? boolean -
- messages (record {| last_read TsDef, latest_reply TsDef, reply_count int, reply_users UserIdDef[], reply_users_count int, source_team TeamDef, subscribed boolean, team TeamDef, text string, thread_ts TsDef, ts TsDef, 'type string, unread_count int, user UserIdDef, user_profile UserProfileShortObj, user_team TeamDef |}|record {| is_starred boolean, parent_user_id UserIdDef, source_team TeamDef, team TeamDef, text string, thread_ts TsDef, ts TsDef, 'type string, user UserIdDef, user_profile UserProfileShortObj, user_team TeamDef |})[][] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsSetPurposeResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.setPurpose method
- channel ConversationObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsSetTopicResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.setTopic method
- channel ConversationObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ConversationsUnarchiveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from conversations.unarchive method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: DefaultSuccessResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
This method either only returns a brief OK response or a verbose schema is not available for this method.
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: Dialog_openQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: dialog_open
- dialog string - The dialog definition. This must be a JSON-encoded string.
- trigger_id string - Exchange a trigger to post to the user.
slack: DialogOpenResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: Dnd_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: dnd_info
- user? string - User to fetch status for (defaults to current user)
slack: dnd_setSnooze_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- num_minutes string - Number of minutes, from now, to snooze until.
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Dnd_teamInfoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: dnd_teamInfo
- users? string - Comma-separated list of users to fetch Do Not Disturb status for
slack: DndEndDndResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from dnd.endDnd method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: DndEndSnoozeResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from dnd.endSnooze method
- dnd_enabled boolean -
- next_dnd_end_ts int -
- next_dnd_start_ts int -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- snooze_enabled boolean -
slack: DndInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- dnd_enabled boolean -
- next_dnd_end_ts int -
- next_dnd_start_ts int -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- snooze_enabled? boolean -
- snooze_endtime? int -
- snooze_remaining? int -
slack: DndSetSnoozeResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from dnd.setSnooze method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- snooze_enabled boolean -
- snooze_endtime int -
- snooze_remaining int -
slack: EnterpriseUserObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- enterprise_id EnterpriseIdDef -
- enterprise_name EnterpriseNameDef -
- id EnterpriseUserIdDef -
- is_admin boolean -
- is_owner boolean -
- teams TeamDef[] -
slack: ExternalOrgMigrationsObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- current ExternalOrgMigrationsObj_current[] -
- date_updated int -
slack: ExternalOrgMigrationsObj_current![](/images/permalink.svg)
- date_started int -
- team_id string -
slack: FileObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channels? ChannelIdDef[] -
- comments_count? int -
- created? int -
- date_delete? int -
- display_as_bot? boolean -
- editable? boolean -
- editor? UserIdDef -
- external_id? string -
- external_type? string -
- external_url? string -
- filetype? string -
- groups? GroupIdDef[] -
- has_rich_preview? boolean -
- id? FileIdDef -
- image_exif_rotation? int -
- ims? DmIdDef[] -
- is_external? boolean -
- is_public? boolean -
- is_starred? boolean -
- is_tombstoned? boolean -
- last_editor? UserIdDef -
- mimetype? string -
- mode? string -
- name? string -
- non_owner_editable? boolean -
- num_stars? int -
- original_h? int -
- original_w? int -
- permalink? string -
- permalink_public? string -
- pinned_info? PinnedInfoDef -
- pinned_to? ChannelDef[] -
- pretty_type? string -
- preview? string -
- public_url_shared? boolean -
- reactions? ReactionObj[] -
- shares? FileObj_shares -
- size? int -
- source_team? TeamDef -
- state? string -
- thumb_1024? string -
- thumb_1024_h? int -
- thumb_1024_w? int -
- thumb_160? string -
- thumb_360? string -
- thumb_360_h? int -
- thumb_360_w? int -
- thumb_480? string -
- thumb_480_h? int -
- thumb_480_w? int -
- thumb_64? string -
- thumb_720? string -
- thumb_720_h? int -
- thumb_720_w? int -
- thumb_80? string -
- thumb_800? string -
- thumb_800_h? int -
- thumb_800_w? int -
- thumb_960? string -
- thumb_960_h? int -
- thumb_960_w? int -
- thumb_tiny? string -
- timestamp? int -
- title? string -
- updated? int -
- url_private? string -
- url_private_download? string -
- user? string -
- user_team? TeamDef -
- username? string -
slack: FileObj_shares![](/images/permalink.svg)
- 'private? record {||} -
- 'public? record {||} -
slack: files_comments_delete_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- file? string - File to delete a comment from.
- id? string - The comment to delete.
slack: files_delete_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- file? string - ID of file to delete.
slack: Files_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: files_info
- cursor? string - Parameter for pagination. File comments are paginated for a single file. Set
equal to thenext_cursor
attribute returned by the previous request'sresponse_metadata
. This parameter is optional, but pagination is mandatory: the default value simply fetches the first "page" of the collection of comments. See pagination for more details.
- file? string - Specify a file by providing its ID.
- count? string -
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached.
- page? string -
slack: Files_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: files_list
- ts_from? decimal - Filter files created after this timestamp (inclusive).
- show_files_hidden_by_limit? boolean - Show truncated file info for files hidden due to being too old, and the team who owns the file being over the file limit.
- ts_to? decimal - Filter files created before this timestamp (inclusive).
- channel? string - Filter files appearing in a specific channel, indicated by its ID.
- count? string -
- page? string -
- user? string - Filter files created by a single user.
slack: files_remote_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- external_id? string - Creator defined GUID for the file.
- external_url? string - URL of the remote file.
- filetype? string - type of file
- indexable_file_contents? string - A text file (txt, pdf, doc, etc.) containing textual search terms that are used to improve discovery of the remote file.
- preview_image? string - Preview of the document via
- title? string - Title of the file being shared.
- token? string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Files_remote_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: files_remote_info
- file? string - Specify a file by providing its ID.
- external_id? string - Creator defined GUID for the file.
slack: Files_remote_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: files_remote_list
- ts_from? decimal - Filter files created after this timestamp (inclusive).
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- ts_to? decimal - Filter files created before this timestamp (inclusive).
- channel? string - Filter files appearing in a specific channel, indicated by its ID.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return.
slack: files_remote_remove_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- external_id? string - Creator defined GUID for the file.
- file? string - Specify a file by providing its ID.
- token? string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Files_remote_shareQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: files_remote_share
- file? string - Specify a file registered with Slack by providing its ID. Either this field or
or both are required.
- channels? string - Comma-separated list of channel IDs where the file will be shared.
- external_id? string - The globally unique identifier (GUID) for the file, as set by the app registering the file with Slack. Either this field or
or both are required.
slack: files_remote_update_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- external_id? string - Creator defined GUID for the file.
- external_url? string - URL of the remote file.
- file? string - Specify a file by providing its ID.
- filetype? string - type of file
- indexable_file_contents? string - File containing contents that can be used to improve searchability for the remote file.
- preview_image? string - Preview of the document via
- title? string - Title of the file being shared.
- token? string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: files_revokePublicURL_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- file? string - File to revoke
slack: files_sharedPublicURL_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- file? string - File to share
slack: files_upload_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channels? string - Comma-separated list of channel names or IDs where the file will be shared.
- content? string - File contents via a POST variable. If omitting this parameter, you must provide a
- file? string - File contents via
. If omitting this parameter, you must submitcontent
- filename? string - Filename of file.
- initial_comment? string - The message text introducing the file in specified
- thread_ts? decimal - Provide another message's
value to upload this file as a reply. Never use a reply'sts
value; use its parent instead.
- title? string - Title of file.
- token? string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: FilesCommentsDeleteResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response files.comments.delete method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: FilesDeleteResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response files.delete method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: FilesInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- comments CommentsObj -
- content_html? anydata? -
- editor? UserIdDef -
- file FileObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- paging? PagingObj -
- response_metadata? ResponseMetadataObj -
slack: FilesListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from files.list method
- files FileObj[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- paging PagingObj -
slack: FilesRevokePublicURLResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from files.revokePublicURL method
- file FileObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: FilesSharedPublicURLResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from files.sharedPublicURL method
- file FileObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: FilesUploadResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response files.upload method
- file FileObj -
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: IconObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- image_102? string -
- image_132? string -
- image_230? string -
- image_34? string -
- image_44? string -
- image_68? string -
- image_88? string -
- image_default? boolean -
slack: Message\ object![](/images/permalink.svg)
- attachments? record {}[] -
- blocks? record {} -
- text string -
slack: MessageObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- attachments? MessageObj_attachments[] -
- blocks? blocks -
- bot_id? (anydata)[] -
- bot_profile? BotProfileObj -
- client_msg_id? string -
- comment? CommentObj -
- display_as_bot? boolean -
- file? FileObj -
- files? FileObj[] -
- icons? MessageObj_icons -
- inviter? UserIdDef -
- is_delayed_message? boolean -
- is_intro? boolean -
- is_starred? boolean -
- last_read? TsDef -
- latest_reply? TsDef -
- name? string -
- old_name? string -
- parent_user_id? UserIdDef -
- permalink? string -
- pinned_to? ChannelDef[] -
- purpose? string -
- reactions? ReactionObj[] -
- reply_count? int -
- reply_users? UserIdDef[] -
- reply_users_count? int -
- source_team? WorkspaceIdDef -
- subscribed? boolean -
- subtype? string -
- team? WorkspaceIdDef -
- text string -
- thread_ts? TsDef -
- topic? string -
- ts TsDef -
- 'type string -
- unread_count? int -
- upload? boolean -
- user? UserIdDef -
- user_profile? UserProfileShortObj -
- user_team? WorkspaceIdDef -
- username? string -
slack: MessageObj_attachments![](/images/permalink.svg)
- fallback? string -
- id int -
- image_bytes? int -
- image_height? int -
- image_url? string -
- image_width? int -
slack: MessageObj_icons![](/images/permalink.svg)
- emoji? string -
- image_64? string -
slack: Migration_exchangeQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: migration_exchange
- to_old? boolean - Specify
to convertW
global user IDs to workspace-specificU
IDs. Defaults tofalse
- team_id? string - Specify team_id starts with
in case of Org Token
- users string - A comma-separated list of user ids, up to 400 per request
slack: MigrationExchangeResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- enterprise_id string -
- invalid_user_ids? string[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- team_id TeamDef -
- user_id_map? record {} -
slack: OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig![](/images/permalink.svg)
OAuth2 Refresh Token Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
- refreshUrl string(default "") - Refresh URL
slack: Oauth_accessQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: oauth_access
- single_channel? boolean - Request the user to add your app only to a single channel. Only valid with a legacy workspace app.
- code? string - The
param returned via the OAuth callback.
- client_secret? string - Issued when you created your application.
- redirect_uri? string - This must match the originally submitted URI (if one was sent).
- client_id? string - Issued when you created your application.
slack: Oauth_tokenQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: oauth_token
- single_channel? boolean - Request the user to add your app only to a single channel.
- code? string - The
param returned via the OAuth callback.
- client_secret? string - Issued when you created your application.
- redirect_uri? string - This must match the originally submitted URI (if one was sent).
- client_id? string - Issued when you created your application.
slack: Oauth_v2_accessQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: oauth_v2_access
- code string - The
param returned via the OAuth callback.
- client_secret? string - Issued when you created your application.
- redirect_uri? string - This must match the originally submitted URI (if one was sent).
- client_id? string - Issued when you created your application.
slack: PagingObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- count? int -
- page int -
- pages? int -
- per_page? int -
- spill? int -
- total int -
slack: PinnedInfoDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: pins_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel string - Channel to pin the item in.
- timestamp? string - Timestamp of the message to pin.
slack: Pins_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: pins_list
- channel string - Channel to get pinned items for.
slack: pins_remove_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel string - Channel where the item is pinned to.
- timestamp? string - Timestamp of the message to un-pin.
slack: PinsAddResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from pins.add method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: PinsRemoveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from pins.remove method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: PrimaryOwnerObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- email string -
- id string -
slack: ProxyConfig![](/images/permalink.svg)
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
slack: ReactionObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- count int -
- name string -
- users UserIdDef[] -
slack: reactions_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel string - Channel where the message to add reaction to was posted.
- name string - Reaction (emoji) name.
- timestamp string - Timestamp of the message to add reaction to.
slack: Reactions_getQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: reactions_get
- file? string - File to get reactions for.
- channel? string - Channel where the message to get reactions for was posted.
- file_comment? string - File comment to get reactions for.
- full? boolean - If true always return the complete reaction list.
- timestamp? string - Timestamp of the message to get reactions for.
slack: Reactions_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: reactions_list
- cursor? string - Parameter for pagination. Set
equal to thenext_cursor
attribute returned by the previous request'sresponse_metadata
. This parameter is optional, but pagination is mandatory: the default value simply fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more details.
- count? int -
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached.
- page? int -
- user? string - Show reactions made by this user. Defaults to the authed user.
- full? boolean - If true always return the complete reaction list.
slack: reactions_remove_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Channel where the message to remove reaction from was posted.
- file? string - File to remove reaction from.
- file_comment? string - File comment to remove reaction from.
- name string - Reaction (emoji) name.
- timestamp? string - Timestamp of the message to remove reaction from.
slack: ReactionsAddResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from reactions.add method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ReactionsListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from reactions.list method
- items (record {| channel ChannelDef, message MessageObj, 'type "message" |}|record {| file FileObj, 'type "file" |}|record {| comment CommentObj, file FileObj, 'type "file_comment" |})[][] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- paging? PagingObj -
- response_metadata? ResponseMetadataObj -
slack: ReactionsRemoveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from reactions.remove method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: ReminderObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- complete_ts? int -
- creator UserIdDef -
- id ReminderIdDef -
- recurring boolean -
- text string -
- time? int -
- user UserIdDef -
slack: reminders_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- text string - The content of the reminder
- time string - When this reminder should happen: the Unix timestamp (up to five years from now), the number of seconds until the reminder (if within 24 hours), or a natural language description (Ex. "in 15 minutes," or "every Thursday")
- user? string - The user who will receive the reminder. If no user is specified, the reminder will go to user who created it.
slack: reminders_complete_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- reminder? string - The ID of the reminder to be marked as complete
slack: reminders_delete_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- reminder? string - The ID of the reminder
slack: Reminders_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: reminders_info
- reminder? string - The ID of the reminder
slack: RemindersAddResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from reminders.add method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- reminder ReminderObj -
slack: RemindersCompleteResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from reminders.complete method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: RemindersDeleteResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from reminders.delete method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: RemindersInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- reminder ReminderObj -
slack: RemindersListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from reminders.list method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- reminders ReminderObj[] -
slack: ResourcesObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- excluded_ids? (ChannelDef|TeamDef)[][] -
- ids (ChannelDef|TeamDef)[][] -
- wildcard? boolean -
slack: Response\ metadata![](/images/permalink.svg)
- warnings? string[] -
slack: Rtm_connectQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: rtm_connect
- batch_presence_aware? boolean - Batch presence deliveries via subscription. Enabling changes the shape of
events. See batch presence.
- presence_sub? boolean - Only deliver presence events when requested by subscription. See presence subscriptions.
slack: RtmConnectResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from rtm.connect method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- self RtmConnectResponse_self -
- team RtmConnectResponse_team -
- url string -
slack: RtmConnectResponse_self![](/images/permalink.svg)
- id UserIdDef -
- name string -
slack: RtmConnectResponse_team![](/images/permalink.svg)
- domain string -
- id TeamDef -
- name string -
slack: Search_messagesQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: search_messages
- highlight? boolean - Pass a value of
to enable query highlight markers (see below).
- query string - Search query.
- count? int - Pass the number of results you want per "page". Maximum of
- page? int -
- sort? string - Return matches sorted by either
- sort_dir? string - Change sort direction to ascending (
) or descending (desc
slack: stars_add_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Channel to add star to, or channel where the message to add star to was posted (used with
- file? string - File to add star to.
- file_comment? string - File comment to add star to.
- timestamp? string - Timestamp of the message to add star to.
slack: Stars_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: stars_list
- cursor? string - Parameter for pagination. Set
equal to thenext_cursor
attribute returned by the previous request'sresponse_metadata
. This parameter is optional, but pagination is mandatory: the default value simply fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more details.
- count? string -
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached.
- page? string -
slack: stars_remove_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channel? string - Channel to remove star from, or channel where the message to remove star from was posted (used with
- file? string - File to remove star from.
- file_comment? string - File comment to remove star from.
- timestamp? string - Timestamp of the message to remove star from.
slack: StarsAddResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from stars.add method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: StarsListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from stars.list method
- items (record {| channel ChannelDef, date_create int, message MessageObj, 'type "message" |}|record {| date_create int, file FileObj, 'type "file" |}|record {| comment CommentObj, date_create int, file FileObj, 'type "file_comment" |}|record {| channel ChannelDef, date_create int, 'type "channel" |}|record {| channel DmIdDef, date_create int, 'type "im" |}|record {| channel GroupIdDef, date_create int, 'type "group" |})[][] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- paging? PagingObj -
slack: StarsRemoveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from stars.remove method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: SubteamObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- auto_provision boolean -
- auto_type (anydata)[] -
- channel_count? int -
- created_by UserIdDef -
- date_create int -
- date_delete int -
- date_update int -
- deleted_by (anydata)[] -
- description string -
- enterprise_subteam_id string -
- 'handle string -
- id SubteamIdDef -
- is_external boolean -
- is_subteam boolean -
- is_usergroup boolean -
- name string -
- prefs SubteamObj_prefs -
- team_id TeamDef -
- updated_by UserIdDef -
- user_count? int -
- users? UserIdDef[] -
slack: SubteamObj_prefs![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channels ChannelIdDef[] -
- groups GroupIdDef[] -
slack: Team_accessLogsQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: team_accessLogs
- before? string - End of time range of logs to include in results (inclusive).
- count? string -
- page? string -
slack: Team_billableInfoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: team_billableInfo
- user? string - A user to retrieve the billable information for. Defaults to all users.
slack: Team_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: team_info
- team? string - Team to get info on, if omitted, will return information about the current team. Will only return team that the authenticated token is allowed to see through external shared channels
slack: Team_integrationLogsQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: team_integrationLogs
- service_id? string - Filter logs to this service. Defaults to all logs.
- count? string -
- change_type? string - Filter logs with this change type. Defaults to all logs.
- page? string -
- app_id? string - Filter logs to this Slack app. Defaults to all logs.
- user? string - Filter logs generated by this user’s actions. Defaults to all logs.
slack: Team_profile_getQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: team_profile_get
- visibility? string - Filter by visibility.
slack: TeamAccessLogsResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from team.accessLogs method
- logins TeamAccessLogsResponse_logins[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- paging PagingObj -
slack: TeamAccessLogsResponse_logins![](/images/permalink.svg)
- count int -
- country string? -
- date_first int -
- date_last int -
- ip string? -
- isp string? -
- region string? -
- user_agent string -
- user_id UserIdDef -
- username string -
slack: TeamInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- team TeamObj -
slack: TeamIntegrationLogsResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from team.integrationLogs method
- logs TeamIntegrationLogsResponse_logs[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- paging PagingObj -
slack: TeamIntegrationLogsResponse_logs![](/images/permalink.svg)
- admin_app_id? AppIdDef -
- app_id AppIdDef -
- app_type string -
- change_type string -
- channel? ChannelDef -
- date string -
- scope string -
- service_id? string -
- service_type? string -
- user_id UserIdDef -
- user_name string -
slack: TeamObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- archived? boolean -
- avatar_base_url? string -
- created? int -
- date_create? int -
- deleted? boolean -
- description? string? -
- discoverable? (anydata)[] -
- domain string -
- email_domain string -
- enterprise_id? EnterpriseIdDef -
- enterprise_name? EnterpriseNameDef -
- external_org_migrations? ExternalOrgMigrationsObj -
- has_compliance_export? boolean -
- icon IconObj -
- id WorkspaceIdDef -
- is_assigned? boolean -
- is_enterprise? int -
- is_over_storage_limit? boolean -
- limit_ts? int -
- locale? string -
- messages_count? int -
- msg_edit_window_mins? int -
- name string -
- over_integrations_limit? boolean -
- over_storage_limit? boolean -
- pay_prod_cur? string -
- plan? ""|"std"|"plus"|"compliance"|"enterprise" -
- primary_owner? PrimaryOwnerObj -
- sso_provider? TeamObj_sso_provider -
slack: TeamObj_sso_provider![](/images/permalink.svg)
- label? string -
- name? string -
- 'type? string -
slack: TeamProfileFieldObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- field_name? string? -
- hint string -
- id string -
- is_hidden? boolean -
- label string -
- options? (anydata)[] -
- ordering decimal -
- possible_values? string[]? -
- 'type "text"|"date"|"link"|"mailto"|"options_list"|"user" -
slack: TeamProfileFieldOptionObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- is_custom? boolean? -
- is_multiple_entry? boolean? -
- is_protected? boolean? -
- is_scim? boolean? -
slack: TeamProfileGetResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from team.profile.get method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- profile TeamProfileGetResponse_profile -
slack: TeamProfileGetResponse_profile![](/images/permalink.svg)
- fields TeamProfileFieldObj[] -
slack: usergroups_create_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channels? string - A comma separated string of encoded channel IDs for which the User Group uses as a default.
- description? string - A short description of the User Group.
- 'handle? string - A mention handle. Must be unique among channels, users and User Groups.
- include_count? boolean - Include the number of users in each User Group.
- name string - A name for the User Group. Must be unique among User Groups.
slack: usergroups_disable_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- include_count? boolean - Include the number of users in the User Group.
- usergroup string - The encoded ID of the User Group to disable.
slack: usergroups_enable_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- include_count? boolean - Include the number of users in the User Group.
- usergroup string - The encoded ID of the User Group to enable.
slack: Usergroups_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: usergroups_list
- include_disabled? boolean - Include disabled User Groups.
- include_users? boolean - Include the list of users for each User Group.
- include_count? boolean - Include the number of users in each User Group.
slack: usergroups_update_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- channels? string - A comma separated string of encoded channel IDs for which the User Group uses as a default.
- description? string - A short description of the User Group.
- 'handle? string - A mention handle. Must be unique among channels, users and User Groups.
- include_count? boolean - Include the number of users in the User Group.
- name? string - A name for the User Group. Must be unique among User Groups.
- usergroup string - The encoded ID of the User Group to update.
slack: Usergroups_users_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: usergroups_users_list
- include_disabled? boolean - Allow results that involve disabled User Groups.
- usergroup string - The encoded ID of the User Group to update.
slack: usergroups_users_update_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- include_count? boolean - Include the number of users in the User Group.
- usergroup string - The encoded ID of the User Group to update.
- users string - A comma separated string of encoded user IDs that represent the entire list of users for the User Group.
slack: UsergroupsCreateResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from usergroups.create method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- usergroup SubteamObj -
slack: UsergroupsDisableResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from usergroups.disable method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- usergroup SubteamObj -
slack: UsergroupsEnableResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from usergroups.enable method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- usergroup SubteamObj -
slack: UsergroupsListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from usergroups.list method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- usergroups SubteamObj[] -
slack: UsergroupsUpdateResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from usergroups.update method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- usergroup SubteamObj -
slack: UsergroupsUsersListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from usergroups.users.list method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- users UserIdDef[] -
slack: UsergroupsUsersUpdateResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from usergroups.users.update method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- usergroup SubteamObj -
slack: UserProfileObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- always_active? boolean -
- api_app_id? OptionalAppIdDef -
- avatar_hash string -
- bot_id? BotIdDef -
- display_name string -
- display_name_normalized string -
- email? string? -
- fields record {}[]? -
- first_name? string? -
- guest_expiration_ts? int? -
- guest_invited_by? string? -
- image_1024? string? -
- image_192? string? -
- image_24? string? -
- image_32? string? -
- image_48? string? -
- image_512? string? -
- image_72? string? -
- image_original? string? -
- is_app_user? boolean -
- is_custom_image? boolean -
- is_restricted? boolean? -
- is_ultra_restricted? boolean? -
- last_avatar_image_hash? string -
- last_name? string? -
- memberships_count? int -
- name? string? -
- phone string -
- pronouns? string -
- real_name string -
- real_name_normalized string -
- skype string -
- status_default_emoji? string -
- status_default_text? string -
- status_default_text_canonical? string? -
- status_emoji string -
- status_expiration? int -
- status_text string -
- status_text_canonical? string? -
- team? WorkspaceIdDef -
- title string -
- updated? int -
- user_id? string -
- username? string? -
slack: UserProfileShortObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
- avatar_hash string -
- display_name string -
- display_name_normalized? string -
- first_name string? -
- image_72 string -
- is_restricted boolean -
- is_ultra_restricted boolean -
- name string -
- real_name string -
- real_name_normalized? string -
- team WorkspaceIdDef -
slack: Users_conversationsQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: users_conversations
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- types? string - Mix and match channel types by providing a comma-separated list of any combination of
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached. Must be an integer no larger than 1000.
- user? string - Browse conversations by a specific user ID's membership. Non-public channels are restricted to those where the calling user shares membership.
- exclude_archived? boolean - Set to
to exclude archived channels from the list
slack: users_deletePhoto_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: Users_getPresenceQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: users_getPresence
- user? string - User to get presence info on. Defaults to the authed user.
slack: Users_infoQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: users_info
- include_locale? boolean - Set this to
to receive the locale for this user. Defaults tofalse
- user? string - User to get info on
slack: Users_listQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: users_list
- cursor? string - Paginate through collections of data by setting the
parameter to anext_cursor
attribute returned by a previous request'sresponse_metadata
. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
- 'limit? int - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn't been reached. Providing no
value will result in Slack attempting to deliver you the entire result set. If the collection is too large you may experiencelimit_required
or HTTP 500 errors.
- include_locale? boolean - Set this to
to receive the locale for users. Defaults tofalse
slack: Users_lookupByEmailQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: users_lookupByEmail
- email string - An email address belonging to a user in the workspace
slack: Users_profile_getQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: users_profile_get
- include_labels? boolean - Include labels for each ID in custom profile fields
- user? string - User to retrieve profile info for
slack: users_profile_set_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- name? string - Name of a single key to set. Usable only if
is not passed.
- profile? string - Collection of key:value pairs presented as a URL-encoded JSON hash. At most 50 fields may be set. Each field name is limited to 255 characters.
- user? string - ID of user to change. This argument may only be specified by team admins on paid teams.
- value? string - Value to set a single key to. Usable only if
is not passed.
slack: users_setPhoto_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- crop_w? string - Width/height of crop box (always square)
- crop_x? string - X coordinate of top-left corner of crop box
- crop_y? string - Y coordinate of top-left corner of crop box
- image? string - File contents via
- token string - Authentication token. Requires scope:
slack: users_setPresence_body![](/images/permalink.svg)
- presence string - Either
slack: UsersConversationsResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.conversations method. Returned conversation objects do not include num_members
or is_member
- channels ConversationObj[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- response_metadata? AdminConversationsGetTeamsResponse_response_metadata -
slack: UsersDeletePhotoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.deletePhoto method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: UsersInfoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- user UserObj -
slack: UsersListResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.list method
- cache_ts int -
- members UserObj[] -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- response_metadata? ResponseMetadataObj -
slack: UsersLookupByEmailResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.lookupByEmail method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- user UserObj -
slack: UsersProfileGetResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.profile.get method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- profile UserProfileObj -
slack: UsersProfileSetResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.profile.set method
- email_pending? string -
- ok OkTrueDef -
- profile UserProfileObj -
- username string -
slack: UsersSetActiveResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.setActive method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: UsersSetPhotoResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.setPhoto method
- ok OkTrueDef -
- profile UsersSetPhotoResponse_profile -
slack: UsersSetPhotoResponse_profile![](/images/permalink.svg)
- avatar_hash string -
- image_1024 string -
- image_192 string -
- image_24 string -
- image_32 string -
- image_48 string -
- image_512 string -
- image_72 string -
- image_original string -
slack: UsersSetPresenceResponse![](/images/permalink.svg)
Schema for successful response from users.setPresence method
- ok OkTrueDef -
slack: Views_openQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: views_open
- view string - A view payload. This must be a JSON-encoded string.
- trigger_id string - Exchange a trigger to post to the user.
slack: Views_publishQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: views_publish
- view string - A view payload. This must be a JSON-encoded string.
- user_id string -
of the user you want publish a view to.
- hash? string - A string that represents view state to protect against possible race conditions.
slack: Views_pushQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: views_push
- view string - A view payload. This must be a JSON-encoded string.
- trigger_id string - Exchange a trigger to post to the user.
slack: Views_updateQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: views_update
- view? string - A view object. This must be a JSON-encoded string.
- view_id? string - A unique identifier of the view to be updated. Either
is required.
- external_id? string - A unique identifier of the view set by the developer. Must be unique for all views on a team. Max length of 255 characters. Either
is required.
- hash? string - A string that represents view state to protect against possible race conditions.
slack: Workflows_stepCompletedQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: workflows_stepCompleted
- workflow_step_execute_id string - Context identifier that maps to the correct workflow step execution.
slack: Workflows_stepFailedQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: workflows_stepFailed
- workflow_step_execute_id string - Context identifier that maps to the correct workflow step execution.
- 'error string - A JSON-based object with a
property that should contain a human readable error message.
slack: Workflows_updateStepQueries![](/images/permalink.svg)
Represents the Queries record for the operation: workflows_updateStep
- outputs? string - An JSON array of output objects used during step execution. This is the data your app agrees to provide when your workflow step was executed.
- inputs? string - A JSON key-value map of inputs required from a user during configuration. This is the data your app expects to receive when the workflow step starts. Please note: the embedded variable format is set and replaced by the workflow system. You cannot create custom variables that will be replaced at runtime. Read more about variables in workflow steps here.
- step_name? string - An optional field that can be used to override the step name that is shown in the Workflow Builder.
- step_image_url? string - An optional field that can be used to override app image that is shown in the Workflow Builder.
- workflow_step_edit_id string - A context identifier provided with
payloads used to call back toworkflows.updateStep
Array types![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: CommentsObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: ConversationObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: blocks![](/images/permalink.svg)
This is a very loose definition, in the future, we'll populate this with deeper schema in this definition namespace.
slack: ResponseMetadataObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: ScopesObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: UserObj![](/images/permalink.svg)
Anydata types![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: UserObjItemsnull![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: ConversationObjItemsnull![](/images/permalink.svg)
String types![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: TopicPurposeCreatorDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: ReminderIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: CommentIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: TsDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: EnterpriseIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: EnterpriseNameDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: ChannelIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: DmIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: FileIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: TeamDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: AppIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: ChannelNameDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: EnterpriseUserIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: BotIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: ChannelDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: OptionalAppIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: WorkspaceIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: UserIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: GroupIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
slack: SubteamIdDef![](/images/permalink.svg)
import ballerinax/slack;
Released date: 6 months ago
Version: 4.0.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.9.3
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 6356
Current verison: 30
Weekly downloads
Communication/Team Chat