Module saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote
ballerinax/saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for SAP S/4HANA Integration with External Tax Calculation Engine API- Tax Determination and Calculation via Integration Flow API v1.0.0 OpenAPI specification.
Your external tax engine sends tax calculation results to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system via communication scenario SAP_COM_0249. This API is consumed by the SAP S/4HANA Integration with External Tax Calculation Engines Integration Package endpoint.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create and configure an OAuth2 client credentials by following this guide.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: Client
This is a generated connector for SAP S/4HANA Integration with External Tax Calculation Engine API- Tax Determination and Calculation via Integration Flow API v1.0.0 OpenAPI specification. Your external tax engine sends tax calculation results to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system via communication scenario SAP_COM_0249. This API is consumed by the SAP S/4HANA Integration with External Tax Calculation Engines Integration Package endpoint.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create and configure an OAuth2 client credentials by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function taxquote1(ApiV0SchemaTaxrequest payload, string? xCorrelationid, string? xRoutingKey) returns ApiV0SchemaTaxresponse|error
Determines and calculates indirect taxes.
- payload ApiV0SchemaTaxrequest - The request payload as per the model schema provided.
- xCorrelationid string? (default ()) - An ID that uniquely identifies an HTTP request. The SAP Cloud Integration generates a new correlation ID when you do not send the X-CorrelationID parameter on the HTTP request header.
- xRoutingKey string? (default ()) - The tax engine that you want to use to calculate taxes in a certain transaction (if you have configured multiple engines).
Return Type
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaAdditionaliteminformation
- 'type string? - Information about the operation, such as the material origin, own production usage, and whether the service is sold electronically.
- information string? - Information about the item type. The 'isServiceElectronicallySold' parameter can have the values 'Y' (yes) or 'N' (no). In the tax configuration application, you must maintain the product tax classification for all relevant tax countries where the product is sold electronically.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaBusinesspartnerexemptiondetail
The exemption details of a business partner.
- locationType string? - The location at which the product has the specified exemption.
- exemptionreasoncode string? - The exemption code classification for the product.
- taxType string? - The identification of the tax rate type on which you apply the exemption.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaCostinformation
- costType string? - The type of cost, such as freight, discount, shipping, or others.
- amount string? - The corresponding amount for the cost type.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaErrorresponse
Invalid date in the request / Invalid country/region code in the request / Invalid type in the request / Any of the mandatory parameters is missing / Invalid currency in the request / Invalid GrossOrNet in the request / Invalid SaleOrPurchase in the request / Max length given in the schema / Location Type is missing/invalid / ExemptionCode is missing/invalid / More than 1 Ship_From in the exemptionDetils / More than 1 Ship_To in the exemptionDetails / More than 1 Ship_From in the Locations / More than 1 Ship_To in the Locations/ Invalid Zipcode in SHIP_TO Location for US / More than 1 shippingCost in items / Invalid shippingCost in items " / Invalid fromDate / Invalid toDate / Invalid Date Range / Missing value for toDate / Missing value for fromDate.
- status int? - The status code.
- 'type string? - The message type.
- message string? - The message content.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaExemptiondetail
The list of details on the tax exemption.
- LocationType string? - The location at which the product has the specified exemption.
- exemptionCode string? - The Exemption Code classification for the product.
- tariffId string? - The classification code for a tax rate. The tax authorities of the country/region in which the the tax is applicable determine these rates.
- taxType string? - The identification of the tax rate type on which you apply the exemption.
- taxRateType string? - The identification of the tax rate type.
- region string? - The code of the region in which the product exemption is valid.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaItem
If you include too many line items in the request, it can impact the performance. For more information, see SAP Note 2698505 on the SAP ONE Support Launchpad.
- id string - A unique identifier for each item in the transaction.
- itemCode string? - Pass the item code, for example, SKU of a product. Else pass the productid as maintained in the Tax configuration application. In the second case, the service considers the relevant tax classification as maintained in the application.
- quantity decimal - The quantity of the line item. This can include fractions expressed using decimal places.
- unitPrice decimal - The unit price of the line item.
- shippingCost string? - To determine tax on shipping costs, specify the tax as a separate item. To indicate that an item relates to shipping costs, you must enter 'Y' as the value of this parameter. For the United States of America, tax is calculated if shipping is taxable in the particular jurisdiction. If shipping is not taxable, the API returns zero tax for the item.
- itemType string? - The type of product - service or material. Enter 's' for service and 'm' for material.
- exemptionDetails ApiV0SchemaExemptiondetail[]? -
- certificateId string? - The ID of the exemption certificate, as maintained in the tax configuration application. The API considers the exemption only when the following conditions are met: 1. The certificate ID is valid on the date in the request payload. 2. The exemption details are maintained in the tax configuration application.
- itemClassifications ApiV0SchemaItemclassification[]? -
- additionalItemInformation ApiV0SchemaAdditionaliteminformation[]? -
- costInformation ApiV0SchemaCostinformation[]? -
- taxCategory string? - Determines if the taxes to be calculated are product taxes or withholding taxes. This parameter is valid only for direct calculation scenarios.
- taxCodeCountry string? - Determines the country/region for which the system calculates taxes. The system uses the 2-character country/region code described on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. This parameter is valid only for direct calculation scenarios.
- taxCode string? - Determines which rule the system uses to calculate taxes. This parameter is valid only for direct calculation scenarios.
- taxCodeRegion string? - Determines the region for which the system calculates taxes. This parameter is optional and valid only for direct calculation scenarios.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaItemclassification
- itemStandardClassificationSystemCode string? - The identifier of the item.
- itemStandardClassificationCode string? - The classification code for the system code.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaLocation
List of Addresses.
- 'type string - The type of address.
- addressLine1 string? - The first line of the address.
- addressLine2 string? - The second line of the address.
- addressLine3 string? - The third line of the address.
- zipCode string? - The ZIP or postal code.
- city string? - The name of the city.
- state string? - The code of the state or province; do not add the country/region as a prefix or suffix.
- county string? - The name of the county.
- addressId string? - The ID of the address, as maintained in the tax configuration application for the various location addresses. The 'addressID' parameter is relevant only when location addresses are maintained in the tax configuration application for a company, customer, or supplier. For sale transactions and the location type 'SHIP_FROM', the API checks for an address maintained for the company ID that is specified in the request payload. For sale transactions and the location type 'SHIP_TO', the API checks for an address maintained for the business partner ID that is specified in the request payload. For purchase transactions and the location type 'SHIP_TO', the API checks for an address maintained for the company ID that is specified in the request payload. For sale transactions and the location type 'SHIP_FROM', the API checks for an address maintained for the business partner ID that is specified in the request payload. Note: if you specify an address ID in the request, you must also specify a company ID and business partner ID.
- country string - The name of the country/region. Enter the 2-character country/region code according to the standards of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
- isCompanyTaxRegistered string? - Shows whether the company is registered with the tax authorities at this location. The application calling the API must identify whether a company has a VAT establishment for tax purposes in the selling country/region. If the company has a VAT establishment, the calling application must specify 'Y' as the value for this parameter "isCompanyTaxRegistered" for the selling location. If the company is not established for VAT purposes, the calling application must specify 'N' as the value for this parameter "isCompanyTaxRegistered" for the selling location.
- isBusinessPartnerTaxRegistered string? - Shows whether the business partner is registered for tax purposes. The tax service does not differentiate between business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions. B2B transactions: the calling application must specify 'Y' as the value of this parameter. B2C transactions: the calling application must specify 'N' as the value of this parameter.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaParty
Details about other parties.
- id string? - The identifier of each party in the business transaction. Use the party master data ID that the consuming application defines. For example, in SAP S/4HANA (Cloud and OP), the party ID is the business partner number.
- role string? - The role played by the party in the transaction.
- taxRegistration ApiV0SchemaTaxregistration[]? -
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaTaxattribute
Other tax attributes.
- attributeType string? - The type of the tax attribute.
- attributeValue string? - Corresponding value for the attributes.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaTaxline
- id string? - The unique identifier for each item in the transaction.
- country string? - The taxable country/region. If the tax country/region for an item differs from the other items, then the tax service sends back the tax country/region for each item.
- totalTax string? - The total amount of tax for an item.
- taxcode string? - The tax code for an item in the operation.
- taxCodeDescription string? - The description of the tax code that is determined for the transaction.
- taxCodeLegalPhrase string? - The legal phrase associated with the tax code. Where applicable, this item relates to the tax act or article numbers.
- totalRate string? - The total tax rate.
- totalWithholdingTax string? - The total amount of withholding tax.
- totalWithholdingTaxRate string? - The total withholding tax rate.
- withholdingTaxCode string? - The withholding tax code.
- taxValues ApiV0SchemaTaxvalue[]? -
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaTaxregistration
The tax registration details.
- locationType string? - The type of location.
- taxNumber string? - The corresponding tax number for the tax number type code.
- taxNumberTypeCode string? - The code for the tax number type.
- isNaturalPerson - Determines if this party of the business transaction is a natural person. Note: The system uses the information from this parameter to determine what data privacy and protection policies to apply on this payload data. The system does not use the information from this parameter to determine and calculate taxes. 'y' when the party is a natural person, otherwise 'n'.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaTaxrequest
The request payload as per the model schema provided.
- id string - A document ID that uniquely identifies the transaction, which is the request that is sent for tax calculation.
- companyId string? - The company ID, as maintained in the Tax Configuration application. If the company master data is maintained in the tax configuration application, include a value for this key in the request for the service to use the relevant tax classification available in the application to determine the tax amount.
- businessPartnerId string? - The ID of a supplier or customer, as maintained in the Tax Configuration application. Include a value for this parameter in the request only if the tax configuration data for suppliers or customers is maintained in the tax configuration application. In this case, the service considers the relevant tax classification available in the application to determine the tax amount.
- date string - The date of a transaction, such as the order date, invoice date, or return date. To determine the tax due, the service applies the relevant tax rules that apply on this date.
- currency string - Specifies the currency code according to ISO 4217 standards. All amounts in the response have the number digits after the decimal place in accordance with the currency in question.
- isTransactionWithinTaxReportingGroup string? - Indicates if the parties involved in the transaction belong to the same tax reporting group, as defined by law.
- cashDiscountPercent string? - The percentage discount that applies to the business transaction request sent. In accordance with country/region tax determination guidelines, the service determines whether a cash discount affects the base amount used for tax calculation.
- isCashDiscountPlanned string? - If the cash discount is planned for the transaction, enter 'y' or 'Y' as the value of this parameter. If the cash discount is already considered in the transaction, enter 'n' or 'N' as the value of this parameter.
- grossOrNet string? - Shows whether the transaction is gross or net. Use g for gross and n for net.
- saleorPurchase string? - Shows whether the transaction is a sale or purchase. Use s or S for a sale and p or P for a purchase.
- operationNatureCode string? - Identifies the nature of the operation.
- isCompanyDeferredTaxEnabled string? - Indicates if the company can defer the tax due until the date of the invoice payment. This applies only if the company has the required authorizations for tax deferral. If you enter 'y' as the value in this parameter, the service applies deferred tax rules and indicates tax deferral in the response.
- Items ApiV0SchemaItem[] - If you include too many line items in the request, it can impact the performance. For more information, see SAP Note 2698505 on the SAP ONE Support Launchpad.
- Locations ApiV0SchemaLocation[]? -
- BusinessPartnerExemptionDetails ApiV0SchemaBusinesspartnerexemptiondetail[]? -
- Party ApiV0SchemaParty[]? -
- isTraceRequired string? - Shows whether tracing of the tax determination process is enabled. To enable the trace, enter 'y' or 'Y' as the value of the parameter. To disable the trace, enter 'n' or 'N'. When enabled, the trace content is sent as part of the response payload.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaTaxresponse
- date string? -
- total string? - The total amount to be paid or collected.
- inclusive string? - Shows whether tax was included in the gross amount: included (true) or not included (false).
- subTotal string? - The amount on which tax is applicable.
- totalTax string? - The total amount of tax for an item.
- totalWithholdingTax string? - The total amount of withholding tax.
- country string? - The taxable country/region. Note: the API returns the country/region only if all items have the same tax country/region.
- taxLines ApiV0SchemaTaxline[]? -
- warning ApiV0SchemaWarning[]? -
- traceLog string[]? - Includes the trace content for tax determination. Applies only when the value of the 'isTraceRequired' parameter is 'y' in the request payload.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaTaxvalue
- level string? - Returns the tax level in the tax hierarchy for a tax on tax scenario. The highest level is 1. In the case of sales and use tax in US, level 1 indicates State tax, level 2 indicates county and so on.
- taxTypeCode string? - Tax type code.
- name string? - Name of tax type.
- rate string? - Tax rate.
- taxable string? - Returns the base amount used for tax calculations. In cases where a cash discount percentage is passed, country/region tax determination guidelines can affect the base amount.
- exemptedBasePercent string? - Percentage of base amount exempted.
- exemptedBaseAmount string? - Exempted base amount.
- otherBaseAmount string? - Other base amount.
- value string? - Tax amount including the non-deductible amount where applicable.
- nonDeductibleTaxRate string? - Non-deductible tax rate.
- nonDeductibleTaxAmount string? - Non-deductible tax amount.
- deductibleTaxAmount string? - Deductible tax amount.
- taxAttributes ApiV0SchemaTaxattribute[]? -
- jurisdiction string? - Jurisdiction name.
- jurisdictionCode string? - Returns the unique identifier of tax jurisdiction in the US.
- dueCategory string? - Returns "P" (payable) in cases of taxes due to the authorities, and "R" (receivable) for input taxes that can be claimed.
- isTaxDeferred boolean? - Is tax deferred or not.
- withholdingRelevant boolean? - Tax value is withholding relevant or not.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ApiV0SchemaWarning
Return messages for scenarios where one or more input values are not taken into consideration for tax calculation. It is also relevant in cases in which the API overrides input values.
- code string? - The code of the warning.
- description string? - The description of the warning.
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
- tokenUrl string
- clientId string
- clientSecret string
- scopes string[]
- defaultTokenExpTime decimal
- clockSkew decimal
- optionalParams map<string>
- credentialBearer CredentialBearer
- clientConfig ClientConfiguration
- tokenUrl string(default "") - Token URL
saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
import ballerinax/saps4hana.externaltaxcalculation.taxquote;
Released date: about 2 years ago
Version: 1.2.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.2.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 0
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Business Management/ERP