Module pocketsmith
ballerinax/pocketsmith Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for PocketSmith API v2.0 OpenAPI specification.
The public PocketSmith API. It's a powerful interface for online money management with cash flow forecasts as well as superb historical tracking.
- Create a PocketSmith account
- Obtain tokens
- Use this guide to obtain the OAuth tokens related to your account.
pocketsmith: Client
This is a generated connector for PocketSmith API v2.0 OpenAPI specification. The public PocketSmith API. It's a powerful interface for online money management with cash flow forecasts as well as superb historical tracking.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a PocketSmith account and obtain OAuth tokens following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "https://api.pocketsmith.com/v2" - URL of the target service
Get the authorised user
Get user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
function updateUserById(int id, UsersIdBody payload) returns User|error
Update user
function getInstitution(int id) returns Institution|error
Get institution
- id int - The unique identifier of the institution.
Return Type
- Institution|error - Success
function updateInstitution(int id, InstitutionsIdBody payload) returns Institution|error
Update institution
Return Type
- Institution|error - Success
Delete institution
- id int - The unique identifier of the institution.
function listInstitutions(int id) returns Institution[]|error
List institutions in user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user
Return Type
- Institution[]|error - Success
function createInstitutionForUser(int id, IdInstitutionsBody payload) returns Institution|error
Create institution in user
Return Type
- Institution|error - Success
Get account
- id int - The unique identifier of the account.
function updateAccountById(int id, AccountsIdBody payload) returns Account|error
Update account
Delete account
- id int - The unique identifier of the account.
List accounts in user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
function updateAccountDisplayOrder(int id, IdAccountsBody payload) returns Account[]|error
Update the display order of accounts in user
function createUserAccount(int id, IdAccountsBody1 payload) returns Account|error
Create an account in user
List accounts in institution
- id int - The unique identifier of the institution.
function getTransactionAccount(int id) returns TransactionAccount|error
Get transaction account
- id int - The unique identifier of the transaction account.
Return Type
- TransactionAccount|error - Success
function updateTransactionAccount(int id, TransactionAccountsIdBody payload) returns TransactionAccount|error
Update transaction account
- id int - The unique identifier of the transaction account.
- payload TransactionAccountsIdBody -
Return Type
- TransactionAccount|error - Success
function listTransactionAccountsByUserId(int id) returns TransactionAccount[]|error
List transaction accounts in user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
Return Type
- TransactionAccount[]|error - Success
function getTransaction(int id) returns Transaction|error
Get a transaction
- id int - The unique identifier of the transaction.
Return Type
- Transaction|error - Success
function updateTransaction(int id, TransactionsIdBody payload, string? labels) returns Transaction|error
Update a transaction
- id int - The unique identifier of the transaction.
- payload TransactionsIdBody -
- labels string? (default ()) - A new set of labels for the transaction.
Return Type
- Transaction|error - Success
function listTransactionsUser(int id, string? startDate, string? endDate, int? onlyUncategorised, string? 'type, string? search, int? page) returns Transaction[]|error
List transactions in user
- id int - The unique identifier of the account.
- startDate string? (default ()) - Return only transactions on or after this date. Required if end_date is provided. If not provided, defaults to the furtherest date allowed by the user's subscription.
- endDate string? (default ()) - Return transactions that fall on or before this date. Required if start_date is provided. If not provided, defaults to today's date.
- onlyUncategorised int? (default ()) - If set, will return only uncategorised results.
- 'type string? (default ()) - Only return transactions of this type.
- search string? (default ()) - Return transactions matching a keyword search string. The provided string is matched against the transaction amount, account name, payee, category title, note, labels, and the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
- page int? (default ()) - Choose a particular page of the results.
Return Type
- Transaction[]|error - Success
function listTransactionsAccount(int id, string? startDate, string? endDate, int? onlyUncategorised, string? 'type, string? search, int? page) returns Transaction[]|error
List transactions in account
- id int - The unique identifier of the account.
- startDate string? (default ()) - Return only transactions on or after this date. Required if end_date is provided. If not provided, defaults to the furtherest date allowed by the user's subscription.
- endDate string? (default ()) - Return transactions that fall on or before this date. Required if start_date is provided. If not provided, defaults to today's date.
- onlyUncategorised int? (default ()) - If set, will return only uncategorised results.
- 'type string? (default ()) - Only return transactions of this type.
- search string? (default ()) - Return transactions matching a keyword search string. The provided string is matched against the transaction amount, account name, payee, category title, note, labels, and the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
- page int? (default ()) - Choose a particular page of the results.
Return Type
- Transaction[]|error - Success
function listTransactionsByTransactionAccount(int id, string? startDate, string? endDate, int? onlyUncategorised, string? 'type, string? search, int? page) returns Transaction[]|error
List transactions in transaction account
- id int - The unique identifier of the transaction account.
- startDate string? (default ()) - Return only transactions on or after this date. Required if
is provided. If not provided, defaults to the furtherest date allowed by the user's subscription.
- endDate string? (default ()) - Return transactions that fall on or before this date. Required if
is provided. If not provided, defaults to today's date.
- onlyUncategorised int? (default ()) - If set, will return only uncategorised results.
- 'type string? (default ()) - Only return transactions of this type.
- search string? (default ()) - Return transactions matching a keyword search string. The provided string is matched against the transaction amount, account name, payee, category title, note, labels, and the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
- page int? (default ()) - Choose a particular page of the results.
Return Type
- Transaction[]|error - Success
function createTransactionForTransactionAccount(int id, IdTransactionsBody payload) returns Transaction|error
Create a transaction in transaction account
Return Type
- Transaction|error - Success
Get category
- id int - The unique identifier of the category.
function updateCategory(int id, CategoriesIdBody payload) returns Category|error
Update category
Delete category
- id int - The unique identifier of the category.
List categories in user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
function createCategoryForUser(int id, IdCategoriesBody payload) returns Category|error
Create category in user
function createCategoryRuleInUser(int id) returns CategoryRule[]|error
List category rules in user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
Return Type
- CategoryRule[]|error - Success
function createCategoryRuleInCategory(int id, IdCategoryRulesBody payload) returns CategoryRule|error
Create category rule in category
Return Type
- CategoryRule|error - Success
function listBudgetForUser(int id, boolean? rollUp) returns BudgetAnalysisPackage[]|error
List budget for user
- id int - The unique identifier of the account.
- rollUp boolean? (default ()) - Whether parent categories should have their children rolled up into them. When used, the children will still appear in the collection on their own, but their actual and forecast figures will be rolled up to the root parent.
Return Type
- BudgetAnalysisPackage[]|error - Success
function getBudgetSummaryForUser(int id, string period, int interval, string startDate, string endDate) returns BudgetAnalysisPackage[]|error
Get budget summary for user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
- period string - The period to analyse in, one of
. Also supported isevent
, although event period analysis is only possible when the budget events gathered align, so in this case where all categories are analysed together, it's highly unlikely that event period analysis will be possible.
- interval int - The period interval, e.g. if the interval is 2 and the period is weeks, the budget will be analysed fortnightly.
- startDate string - The date to start analysing the budget from. This will be bumped out to make full periods as necessary.
- endDate string - The date to stop analysing the budget from. This will be bumped out to make full periods as necessary.
Return Type
- BudgetAnalysisPackage[]|error - Success
function getTrendAnalysisForUser(int id, string period, int interval, string startDate, string endDate, string categories, string scenarios) returns BudgetAnalysisPackage[]|error
Get trend analysis for user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
- period string - The period to analyse in, one of
. Also supported isevent
, although event period analysis is only possible when the budget events gathered align, so in this case where all categories are analysed together, it's highly unlikely that event period analysis will be possible.
- interval int - The period interval, e.g. if the interval is 2 and the period is weeks, the budget will be analysed fortnightly.
- startDate string - The date to start analysing the budget from. This will be bumped out to make full periods as necessary.
- endDate string - The date to stop analysing the budget from. This will be bumped out to make full periods as necessary.
- categories string - A comma-separated list of category IDs to analyse.
- scenarios string - A comma-separated list of scenario IDs to analyse. You're likely going to want to include all a user's scenarios here, unless you have reason to only analyse for a subset of scenarios. Regardless of what scenarios are analysed, all actuals (transactions) across all accounts will be included.
Return Type
- BudgetAnalysisPackage[]|error - Success
function getAttachment(int id) returns Attachment|error
Get attachment
- id int - The unique identifier of the attachment.
Return Type
- Attachment|error - Success
function updateAttachment(int id, AttachmentsIdBody payload) returns Attachment|error
Update attachment
Return Type
- Attachment|error - Success
Delete attachment
- id int - The unique identifier of the attachment.
function listAttachmentUser(int id, int? unassigned) returns Attachment[]|error
Lists attachments in user
- id int - The unique identifier of the user.
- unassigned int? (default ()) - If set, returns unassigned attachments, that are available for assigning to a transaction.
Return Type
- Attachment[]|error - Success
function createAttachmentUser(int id, IdAttachmentsBody payload) returns Attachment|error
Create attachment in user
Return Type
- Attachment|error - Success
function listAttachmentTransaction(int id) returns Attachment[]|error
List attachments in transaction
- id int - The unique identifier of the transaction.
Return Type
- Attachment[]|error - Success
function assignsAttachmentToTransaction(int id, IdAttachmentsBody1 payload) returns Attachment|error
Assigns attachment to transaction
Return Type
- Attachment|error - Success
Unassigns attachment in transaction
pocketsmith: Account
- id int? - The unique identifier of the account.
- title string? - The title of the account.
- currency_code string? - The currency code for the account.
- 'type string? - The type of the account.
- is_net_worth boolean? - Whether the account is a net worth asset.
- primary_transaction_account TransactionAccount? -
- primary_scenario Scenario? -
- transaction_accounts TransactionAccount[]? - All transaction accounts that compose the account, including the primary.
- scenarios Scenario[]? - All scenarios that compose the account, including the primary.
- created_at string? - When the account was created.
- updated_at string? - When the account was last updated.
- current_balance decimal? - The current balance of the account.
- current_balance_date string? - The date of the current balance.
- current_balance_in_base_currency decimal? - The current balance of the account in the user's base currency.
- current_balance_exchange_rate decimal? - The exchange rate between the account's currency and the user's base currency, when different. If the currencies are the same, null is returned.
- safe_balance decimal? - The current safe balance, if safe balance is activated on the account. If safe balance is not activated, then null is returned.
- safe_balance_in_base_currency decimal? - The current safe balance in the user's base currency, if safe balance is activated on the account. If safe balance is not activated, then null is returned.
pocketsmith: AccountsIdBody
- title string? - A new title for the account.
- currency_code string? - A new currency code for the account.
pocketsmith: Attachment
- id int? - The unique identifier of the attachment
- title string? - The title of the attachment. If blank or not provided, the title will be derived from the file name.
- file_name string? - The file name of the attachment
- 'type string? - The type of attachment
- content_type string? - The content type of the attachment.
- content_type_meta AttachmentContentTypeMeta? -
- original_url string? - The url of the attachment
- variants AttachmentVariants? -
- created_at string? - When the attachment was created
- updated_at string? - When the attachment was last updated
pocketsmith: AttachmentContentTypeMeta
- title string? - The content type title of the attachment
- description string? - The content type description of the attachment
- extension string? - The extension type of the attachment
pocketsmith: AttachmentsIdBody
- title string? - The new title of the attachment. If the title is blank or not provided, the server will derive a title from the file name.
pocketsmith: AttachmentVariants
- large_url string? - The url of the large version of the attachment
- thumb_url string? - The url of the thumb version of the attachment
pocketsmith: BudgetAnalysis
- start_date string? - The start date of the budget analysis.
- end_date string? - The end date of the budget analysis.
- total_actual_amount decimal? - The total actual (transactions) amount across all periods.
- average_actual_amount decimal? - The average actual (transactions) amount across all periods.
- total_forecast_amount decimal? - The total budgeted amount across all periods.
- average_forecast_amount decimal? - The average budgeted amount across all periods.
- total_over_by decimal? - The total amount the budget was exceeded across all periods.
- total_under_by decimal? - The total amount the budget was under by across all periods.
- periods Period[]? - The period analyses that this budget analysis comprises.
pocketsmith: BudgetAnalysisPackage
- category Category? -
- is_transfer boolean? - Whether the expense budget analysis looks like a transfer to the income budget analysis, based on a number of heuristics.
- expense BudgetAnalysis? -
- income BudgetAnalysis? -
pocketsmith: CategoriesIdBody
- title string? - A new title for the category.
- colour string? - A new CSS-style hex colour for the category.
- parent_id int? - The unique identifier of a parent category for the category, making this category a child of that category.
pocketsmith: Category
- id int? - The unique identifier of the category.
- title string? - The title of the category.
- colour string? - The colour for the category.
- children Category[]? - The category's child categories.
- parent_id int? - The unique identifier of the parent category of this category, or null if this category has no parent (i.e. is a top-level category)
- created_at string? - When the category was created.
- updated_at string? - When the category was last updated.
- is_transfer boolean? - Whether this category has been marked as a transfer category.
pocketsmith: CategoryRule
- category Category? -
- id int? - The unique identifier of the category rule.
- payee_matches string? - The keyword/s to match the transactions payees.
- created_at string? - When the category rule was created.
- updated_at string? - When the category rule was last updated.
pocketsmith: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
pocketsmith: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig|OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
pocketsmith: Error
- 'error string? - A message describing the error that occurred.
pocketsmith: IdAccountsBody
- accounts Account[] - List the account objects in their new display order.
pocketsmith: IdAccountsBody1
- institution_id int - The ID of the institution to create this account in.
- title string - A title for the account.
- currency_code string - A currency code for the account.
- 'type string - The type of the account.
pocketsmith: IdAttachmentsBody
- title string? - The title of the attachment. If the title is blank or not provided, the title will derived from the file name.
- file_name string? - The file name of the attachment.
- file_data string? - The base64-encoded contents of the source file. The supported file types are png, jpg, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx.
pocketsmith: IdAttachmentsBody1
- attachment_id int? - The unique identifier of the attachment.
pocketsmith: IdCategoriesBody
- title string - A title for the category.
- colour string? - A CSS-style hex colour for the category.
- parent_id int? - The unique identifier of a category to be the parent of this category.
pocketsmith: IdCategoryRulesBody
- payee_matches string - The keyword/s to match the transaction payees.
- apply_to_uncategorised boolean? - Apply the created category rule to all uncategorised transactions.
- apply_to_all boolean? - Apply the created category rule to all transactions.
pocketsmith: IdInstitutionsBody
- title string - A title for the institution.
- currency_code string - A currency code for the institution.
pocketsmith: IdTransactionsBody
- payee string - The payee/merchant of the transaction.
- amount decimal - The amount of the transaction. A positive amount is a credit, and a negative amount is a debit.
- date string - The date when the transaction occurred.
- is_transfer boolean? - Whether the transaction should be indicated as a transfer.
- labels string? - A set of comma-separated labels for the transaction.
- category_id int? - The unique identifier of a category for the transaction.
- note string? - A note for the transaction.
- memo string? - A memo for the transaction.
- cheque_number string? - A cheque number for the transaction.
pocketsmith: Institution
- currency_code string? - The currency code of the institution.
- title string? - The title of the institution.
- updated_at string? - When the institution was last updated.
- created_at string? - When the institution was created.
- id int? - The unique identifier of the institution.
pocketsmith: InstitutionsIdBody
- title string? - A new title for the institution.
- currency_code string? - A new currency code for the institution.
pocketsmith: OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
OAuth2 Refresh Token Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
- refreshUrl string(default "https://api.pocketsmith.com/v2/oauth/access_token") - Refresh URL
pocketsmith: Period
- start_date string? - The start date of the period.
- end_date string? - The end date of the period.
- actual_amount decimal? - The sum of all actuals (transactions) in the period.
- forecast_amount decimal? - The sum of all forecast sources (budget events) in the period, for comparison against the actual amount.
- refund_amound decimal? - This attribute tracks the amount that has been refunded or deducted to the actual amount. When a category is set to "always expense", any credit transactions are treated as refunds and when set to "always income", any debit transactions are treated as deductions.
- current boolean? - Whether this period is current, such that the current date (in the user's time zone) falls within the date range.
- over_budget boolean? - Whether the budget has been exceeded in the period.
- under_budget boolean? - Whether the budget has not been exceeded in the period.
- over_by decimal? - How much the budget has been exceeded by in the period.
- under_by decimal? - How much there is left in the budget for the period.
- percentage_used decimal? - The percentage of the budget that has been used in the period.
pocketsmith: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
pocketsmith: Scenario
- id int? - The unique identifier of the scenario.
- title string? - The title of the scenario.
- description string? - A short description of what the scenario is modelling.
- interest_rate decimal? - The amount of interest to apply to the balance. Will apply periodically depending on what
is set to.
- interest_rate_repeat_id int? - A number representing how often the interest should be applied. 0 is used for no interest, 2 is weekly, 3 is fortnightly, 4 is monthly, 5 is yearly and 7 for quarterly.
- 'type string? - The type of the scenario.
- 'minimum\-value decimal? -
- 'maximum\-value decimal? -
- achieve_date string? - For goals, the date that they should be achieved by.
- starting_balance decimal? - The starting balance of the scenario.
- starting_balance_date string? - The date of the starting balance.
- closing_balance decimal? - The closing balance of the scenario.
- closing_balance_date string? - The date of the closing balance.
- current_balance decimal? - The current balance of the scenario.
- current_balance_date string? - The date of the current balance.
- current_balance_in_base_currency decimal? - The current balance of the scenario in the user's base currency.
- current_balance_exchange_rate decimal? - The exchange rate between the scenario's currency and the user's base currency, when different. If the currencies are the same, null is returned.
- safe_balance decimal? - The current safe balance in the user's base currency, if safe balance is activated on the account associated with the scenario. If safe balance is not activated, then null is returned.
- safe_balance_in_base_currency decimal? - The current safe balance in the user's base currency, if safe balance is activated on the account associated with the scenario. If safe balance is not available, then null is returned.
- created_at string? - When the scenario was created.
- updated_at string? - When the scenario was last updated.
pocketsmith: Transaction
- cheque_number string? -
- 'type string? - Whether the transaction is a debit or a credit
- memo string? -
- payee string? - The payee/merchant of the transaction.
- amount decimal? -
- date string? - The date the transaction took place.
- is_transfer boolean? - Whether the transaction was a transfer.
- category Category? -
- note string? -
- labels string[]? -
- id int? - The unique identifier of the transaction.
- original_payee string? - The payee the transaction was created with.
- upload_source string? - Where the transaction came from.
- closing_balance decimal? - The closing balance of the account at the transaction.
- transaction_account TransactionAccount? -
- status string? - The status of the transaction. Pending transactions are temporary and may be superseded later by their posted counterparts, which are permanent.
pocketsmith: TransactionAccount
- id int? -
- name string? -
- number string? -
- current_balance decimal? -
- current_balance_date string? -
- current_balance_in_base_currency decimal? - The current balance of the transaction account in the user's base currency.
- current_balance_exchange_rate decimal? - The exchange rate between the transaction account's currency and the user's base currency, when different. If the currencies are the same, null is returned.
- safe_balance decimal? - The current safe balance, if safe balance is activated and available for the transaction account. If safe balance is not available, then null is returned.
- safe_balance_in_base_currency decimal? - The current safe balance in the user's base currency, if safe balance is activated and available for the transaction account. If safe balance is not available, then null is returned.
- starting_balance decimal? -
- starting_balance_date string? -
- created_at string? -
- updated_at string? -
- institution Institution? -
- currency_code string? - The currency that the account is in. This is determined by the account that the transaction account belongs to.
- 'type string? - The type of the transaction account.
pocketsmith: TransactionAccountsIdBody
- institution_id int? - The unique identifier of a new institution for the transaction account.
pocketsmith: TransactionsIdBody
- memo string? - A new memo for the transaction.
- cheque_number string? - A new cheque number for the transaction.
- payee string? - A new payee for the transaction.
- amount decimal? - A new amount for the transaction.
- date string? - A new date for the transaction.
- is_transfer boolean? - Whether the transaction is a transfer or not.
- category_id int? - The unique identifier of a new category for the transaction.
- note string? - A new note for the transaction.
pocketsmith: User
- id int? - The unique identifier of the user.
- login string? - The user's username.
- name string? - The full name of the user, although not all users will have a name set.
- email string? - The user's email address.
- avatar_url string? - The URL to the user's avatar.
- beta_user boolean? - Whether the user has opted in to beta features.
- time_zone string? - The user's time zone.
- week_start_day int? - The day of the week the user wishes their calendars to start on. A number between 0 and 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday.
- base_currency_code string? - The user's base currency.
- always_show_base_currency boolean? - Whether the user wants to see all accounts in their base currency instead of the native account currency.
- created_at string? - When the user signed up.
- updated_at string? - When the user was last updated.
- using_multiple_currencies boolean? - Whether the user has multiple currencies in use across their account.
- last_logged_in_at string? - When the user last logged into PocketSmith.
- last_activity_at string? - When the user last interacted with PocketSmith, via any application or the API.
pocketsmith: UsersIdBody
Update information
- email string? - A new email address for the user.
- name string? - A new name for the user.
- time_zone string? - A new time zone for the user.
- week_start_day int? - The day of the week the user wishes their calendars to start on. A number between 0 and 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday.
- beta_user boolean? - Whether the user is a beta user, and wishes to try out new features.
- base_currency_code string? - A new base currency code for the user.
- always_show_base_currency boolean? - Whether the user wishes to have all monetary values converted to their base currency.
import ballerinax/pocketsmith;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
Finance/Asset Management