Module pdfbroker
ballerinax/pdfbroker Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for PDFBroker API v1.0.0 OpenAPI Specification.
PdfBroker.io is an api for creating pdf files from Xsl-Fo or Html and other useful pdf utilities.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a PDFBroker account Account
- Obtaining tokens
- Obtain your token by following this link
pdfbroker: Client
This is a generated connector from PdfBroker.io API v1 OpenAPI Specification. PdfBroker.io is an api for creating pdf files from Xsl-Fo or Html and other useful pdf utilities.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an PdfBroker account and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
Basic method to verify api is up and running
function createPDfFromXSLFO(FoRequestDto payload) returns PdfResponseDto|error
Create pdf-file from complete XSL-FO document.
- payload FoRequestDto - XSL-FO Request, the basic XSL-FO request. Post your XSL-FO document and digital resources, either as 'multipart/form-data' or 'application/json'
Return Type
- PdfResponseDto|error - Returns the newly created pdf file. Either the file directly or serialized as Json if Accept-header is set to application/json
function createPDFfromXML(FoTransformRequestDto payload) returns PdfResponseDto|error
Create pdf-file from transforming xml document with Xsl-Fo transform document.
- payload FoTransformRequestDto - XSL-FO Transform Request. The XSL-FO is transformed on the supplied xml data document. Post your XSL-FO transform document and xml data document aloing with your digital resources, either as 'multipart/form-data' or 'application/json'
Return Type
- PdfResponseDto|error - Returns the newly created pdf file. Either the file directly or serialized as Json if Accept-header is set to application/json
function createPDFfromImage(PdfToImageRequestDto payload) returns ImageResponseDto|error
Generate an image of to provided pdf file
- payload PdfToImageRequestDto - PdfToImage Request. Create an image of a page in an existing pdf document.
Return Type
- ImageResponseDto|error - Generate an image of the provided pdf file. Either the image file directly or serialized as Json if Accept-header is set to application/json
function concatenatePDFs(PdfConcatenationRequestDto payload) returns PdfResponseDto|error
Concatenate multiple pdf files into single pdf file..
- payload PdfConcatenationRequestDto - PdfConcat Request. Add two or more pdf files and concatenate pages into single pdf document.
Return Type
- PdfResponseDto|error - Returns the newly created pdf file. Either the file directly or serialized as Json if Accept-header is set to application/json
function addTextonPDFPage(PdfWriteStringRequestDto payload) returns PdfResponseDto|error
Write text on a page in a pdf document.
- payload PdfWriteStringRequestDto - PdfWriteString Request. Write string on page in pdf document
Return Type
- PdfResponseDto|error - Returns the newly created pdf file. Either the file directly or serialized as Json if Accept-header is set to application/json
function generatePDFfromURL(WkHtmlToPdfRequestDto payload) returns PdfResponseDto|error
Generate pdf file from url using the excellent tool wkhtmltopdf.
- payload WkHtmlToPdfRequestDto - WkHtmlToPdf Request. Generate pdf from html, either from url or base64 encoded html string
Return Type
- PdfResponseDto|error - Returns the newly created pdf file. Either the file directly or serialized as Json if Accept-header is set to application/json
pdfbroker: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
pdfbroker: ColorDto
Set color
- R int? - Get or sets R value of RGB color
- G int? - Get or sets G value of RGB color
- B int? - Get or sets B value of RGB color
pdfbroker: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
pdfbroker: ErrorResponseDto
- ErrorMessage string? - If any error occurs the message will be displayed in here
- Description string? -
- StatusCode int? -
pdfbroker: FontDto
The Font dto object
- Name string? - Gets the name of the font
- Size float? - Gets the size of the font
- Style FontStyle? - Font style enum representing Regular, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic
pdfbroker: FoRequestDto
The basic request with the XSL-FO document as a Base64 encoded string with a set of resources provided with a name and the data of the resource as a Base64 encoded string.
- FoDocumentBase64String string? - This is the complete XSL-FO document provided using Base64 encoding.
- Resources record {}? - This is a set of key-value pairs of digital resources like images that is referenced in the XSL-FO document. It uses the filename as key and the data is provided as a Base64 encoded string.
- Metadata PdfMetadataDto? - Enter meta data for pdf document
pdfbroker: FoTransformRequestDto
The XSL-FO transform document and xml data document as a Base64 encoded string with a set of resources provided with a name and the data of the resource as a Base64 encoded string.
- FoDocumentBase64String string? - This is the complete XSL-FO document provided using Base64 encoding.
- Resources record {}? - This is a set of key-value pairs of digital resources like images that is referenced in the XSL-FO document. It uses the filename as key and the data is provided as a Base64 encoded string.
- Metadata PdfMetadataDto? - Enter meta data for pdf document
- XmlDataDocumentBase64String string? - This is xml data document on which the XSL-FO transform document is applied. Provided using Base64 encoding.
pdfbroker: ImageResponseDto
When setting the Accept-header in the request to "application/json" the image file will be return as Base64 encoded string. Note that converting data to Base64 encoded strings increases the response size with approximately 33%, if you can accept the a binary format it's better to use Accept-header "image/jpeg", "image/png" or "image/gif".
- ErrorMessage string? - If any error occurs the message will be displayed in here
- ImageBase64String string? - The Base64 encoded string that is the image file. This is a complete data uri, including media type that can be used directly as src on a img-tag e.g.
pdfbroker: OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
- tokenUrl string(default "https://login.pdfbroker.io/connect/token") - Token URL
pdfbroker: PdfConcatenationRequestDto
Request to concatenate a list of Pdf documents to a single Pdf document.
- PdfDocumentsAsBase64String string[]? - The list of Pdf documents encoded as Base64 strings.
pdfbroker: PdfMetadataDto
Enter meta data for pdf document
- Title string? - Pdf document title
- Author string? - Pdf document author
- Subject string? - Pdf document subject
- Keywords string[]? - Pdf document keywords
- EnableAdd boolean? - Enables or disables adding or modifying text annotations and interactive form fields.
- EnableCopy boolean? - Enables or disables copying of text and graphics.
- EnableModify boolean? - Enables or disables modifying document contents (other than text annotations and interactive form fields).
- EnablePrinting boolean? - Enables or disables printing.
- OwnerPassword string? - Specifies the owner password that will protect full access to any generated PDF documents.
- UserPassword string? - Specifies the user password that will protect access to any generated PDF documents.
pdfbroker: PdfPdfconcatBody
- pdfdocument1 string? - Add pdf files to be concatenated into single file
- pdfdocument2 string? - You can add more than two files in the same request
pdfbroker: PdfPdftoimageBody
- pdfdocument string? - An entry named pdfdocument is required in the multipart/form-data request
- options string? - After pdfdocument is added, add an entry named options with your PdfToImageOptions object serialized as JSON.
pdfbroker: PdfPdfwritestringBody
- pdfdocument string? - An entry named pdfdocument is required in the multipart/form-data request
- options string? - After pdfdocument is added, add an entry named options with your PdfWriteStringOptions object serialized as JSON.
- fontfile string? - Optional entry to attach your own TrueType font file to style string
pdfbroker: PdfResponseDto
When setting the Accept-header in the request to "application/json" the content of the pdf file will be return as Base64 encoded string. Note that converting data to Base64 encoded strings increases the response size with approximately 33%, if you can accept the a binary format it's better to use Accept-header "application/pdf".
- ErrorMessage string? - If any error occurs the message will be displayed in here
- PdfFileBase64String string? - The Base64 encoded string that is the pdf file.
pdfbroker: PdfToImageOptions
- PageNumber int? - Which page of the pdf file to generate image from, default is first page
- ImageFormat string? - Valid options are "image/jpeg", "image/png" or "image/gif". Default is "image/png"
- HorizontalResolution decimal? - Set the horizontal resolution, default is 96 dpi;
- VerticalResolution decimal? - Set the vertical resolution, default is 96 dpi;
- Width int? - Set the width of the output image, default value is width of source document. To scale width, and keeping proportions, do not set height;
- Height int? - Set the height of the output image, default value is width of source document. To scale height, and keeping proportions, do not set width;
- Transparent boolean? - Keep the background of the image transparent. This setting is not available in JPEG-files, since transparency is not supported in the JPEG format.
- JpegQuality int? - Sets the quality of jpeg images, range 0 to 100, default is 75
- PngCompressionLevel int? - Sets the png compression level, range 1 - 9, default is 6
pdfbroker: PdfToImageRequestDto
- PdfFileBase64String string? - The pdf file to generate image from, as Base64 encoded string.
- Options PdfToImageOptions? -
pdfbroker: PdfWriteStringOptions
Options for writing string in pdf page;
- Text string? - The text to write in the pdf
- TextColor ColorDto? - Set color
- Font FontDto? - The Font dto object
- PageNumber int? - Get or set which page in the pdf to write on, default is first page.
- XPosition float? - Get or set the X axis position on where to write string, in reference to XOrigin.
- YPosition float? - Get or set the Y axis position on where to write string, in reference to YOrigin.
- XOrigin XOriginPoint? - XOriginPoint
- YOrigin YOriginPoint? - YOriginPoint
pdfbroker: PdfWriteStringRequestDto
The request dto object to write a string on pdf page
- PdfFileBase64String string? - The pdf file to add text to, as Base64 encoded string.
- Options PdfWriteStringOptions? - Options for writing string in pdf page;
- FontFileBase64String string? - System fonts are available, but you can provide your own font file to be embedded in the pdf document. Send font as Base64 encoded string.
pdfbroker: PdfXslfoBody
- fodocument string? - An entry named fodocument is required in the multipart/form-data request
- resources string? - After fodocument is added, add all digital resources one by one to your multipart/form-data request, using the filename as name in the form.
- metadata string? - Add pdf document metadata like title, author, subject and keywords
pdfbroker: PdfXslfowithtransformBody
- fodocument string? - An entry named fodocument with your XSL-FO transform is required in the multipart/form-data request
- xmldatadocument string? - An entry named xmldatadocument, on which the XSL-FO transform is applied, is required in the multipart/form-data request
- resources string? - After fodocument and xmldatadocument is added, add all digital resources one by one to your multipart/form-data request, using the filename as name in the form.
pdfbroker: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
pdfbroker: WkHtmlToPdfRequestDto
WkHtmlToPdfRequestDto is the data transfer object for generating a pdf using wkhtmltopdf;
- Url string? - The url to generate pdf from. Url has precedence over HtmlBase64String value if both are set.
- HtmlBase64String string? - Base64 encoded string with html. If property Url is set, it will be used, not HtmlBase64String.
- WkHtmlToPdfArguments record {}? - Command line arguments passed to wkhtmltopdf.
- Resources record {}? - This is a set of key-value pairs of digital resources like images that is referenced in the HtmlBase64String document. It uses the filename including relative path as key and the data is provided as a Base64 encoded string.
Integer types
import ballerinax/pdfbroker;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads
Content & Files/Documents