Module optitune

ballerinax/optitune Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for OptiTune API v1 OpenAPI specification. A complete API for interacting with all objects on an OptiTune Management Server
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a OptiTune account
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
To use the OptiTune connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/optitune
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/optitune;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
Create a ynab:ClientConfig
with the USER_NAME
obtained, and initialize the connector with it.
optitune:ClientConfig clientConfig = { auth: { username: <USER_NAME>, password: <PASSWORD> } }; optitune:Client baseClient = check new Client(clientConfig);
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.
Following is an example on how to get all computers in the organization using the connector.
Gets all computers in the organization
public function main() { optitune:Computer[] response = check baseClient->getAllComputers(); log:printInfo(response.toString()); }
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
optitune: Client
This is a generated connector for OptiTune API v1 OpenAPI specification. A complete API for interacting with all objects on an OptiTune Management Server
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a OptiTune account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "https://manage.opti-tune.com/" - URL of the target service
Gets the logged in user account
Gets all accounts in the organization
Adds a new account
- payload Account - The account to add
Gets a single account in the organization, given an account ID
- id string - Account ID
Updates an existing account
Deletes an existing account
- id string - Account ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAdvancedSettings() returns AdvancedSettings|error
Gets the advanced settings for an organization
Return Type
- AdvancedSettings|error - OK
function putAdvancedSettings(AdvancedSettings payload) returns AdvancedSettings|error
Adds or updates advanced settings for the organization
- payload AdvancedSettings - AdvancedSettings data
Return Type
- AdvancedSettings|error - OK
Gets the OptiTune agent configuration for a given computer id, in XML format
- computerid string - computer ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function agentinstallersGetall() returns AgentInstaller[]|error
Gets all agent installers in the organization
Return Type
- AgentInstaller[]|error - OK
function postAgentInstallers(AgentInstaller payload) returns AgentInstaller|error
Adds a new agent installer. Upload the files specifying local storage first, and then specify the file IDs in the agent installer here
- payload AgentInstaller - AgentInstaller data
Return Type
- AgentInstaller|error - OK
function getAgentInstallers(string id) returns AgentInstaller|error
Gets a single agent installer in the organization, given an agent installer ID
- id string - Agent installer ID
Return Type
- AgentInstaller|error - OK
Deletes an existing agent installer
- id string - Agent installer ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAgentStateAgentStatus(string computerid) returns AgentState|error
Gets the state of a single OptiTune agent, given a computer ID. The state will frequently change as the agent performs its duties.
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- AgentState|error - OK
function getConnectionStateAgentStatus(string computerid) returns ConnectionStatusInfo|error
Gets the connection status for a single computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
function getAlertInstances(string id) returns AlertInstance|error
Gets a single alert instance, given an alert instance ID
- id string - Alert instance ID
Return Type
- AlertInstance|error - OK
Deletes an existing alert instance
- id string - Alert instance ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllAlertInstances(int? pageNumber, int? pageSize) returns AlertInstance[]|error
Gets all alert instances that fall into a given page range.
Return Type
- AlertInstance[]|error - OK
function patchAlertInstances(AlertInstance payload) returns AlertInstance|error
Updates only the status for a given alert instance
- payload AlertInstance - AlertInstance data
Return Type
- AlertInstance|error - OK
function getAllAlertSubscriptions() returns AlertSubscription[]|error
Gets all alert subscriptions in the organization
Return Type
- AlertSubscription[]|error - OK
function postAlertSubscriptions(AlertSubscription payload) returns AlertSubscription|error
Adds a new alert subscription
- payload AlertSubscription - AlertSubscription data
Return Type
- AlertSubscription|error - OK
function getAlertSubscriptions(string id) returns AlertSubscription|error
Gets a alert subscription by ID
- id string - Alert subscription ID
Return Type
- AlertSubscription|error - OK
function putAlertSubscriptions(string id, AlertSubscription payload) returns AlertSubscription|error
Updates an existing alert subscription, using a given ID
Return Type
- AlertSubscription|error - OK
Deletes an existing alert subscription, given an ID
- id string - Alert subscription ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllAnnouncements() returns Announcement[]|error
Gets all announcements on the management server
Return Type
- Announcement[]|error - OK
function getApplications(string computerid) returns Application[]|error
Gets all applications installed on a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- Application[]|error - OK
function getByDateAuditLog(string? startDateTime, string? endDateTime) returns AuditLogEntry[]|error
Gets all audit log entries between optional start and end times, in UTC
- startDateTime string? (default ()) - An optional start time
- endDateTime string? (default ()) - An optional end time
Return Type
- AuditLogEntry[]|error - OK
function getConfigBackupCloudberry(string computerid) returns BackupCloudberryComputerConfig|error
Gets the cloudberry backup configuration for a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
function getPlansBackupCloudberry(string computerid) returns BackupCloudberryComputerPlan[]|error
Gets the cloudberry backup plans for a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
function getPlanHistoryBackupCloudberry(string computerid, string planid) returns BackupCloudberryComputerPlanHistory[]|error
Gets the cloudberry backup plan history, for a given computer ID and plan ID
Return Type
function getByComputerBenchmarkDataPoints(string computerid) returns BenchmarkDataPoint[]|error
Gets all benchmark data points for a given computer. Each benchmark data point will have an associated "benchmark" and "benchmark data set".
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- BenchmarkDataPoint[]|error - OK
function getAllBenchmarkDataSets() returns BenchmarkDataSet[]|error
Each benchmark for a particular computer may contain multiple data sets. This returns all available data sets for the organization, across all computers.
Return Type
- BenchmarkDataSet[]|error - OK
function getBenchmarkDataSets(int id) returns BenchmarkDataSet|error
Gets a particular benchmark data set given a benchmark data set id
- id int - Benchmark data set ID
Return Type
- BenchmarkDataSet|error - OK
Gets all available benchmarks for the organization. Each benchmark is named for the corresponding performance counter, e.g. Name = "\Processor(_Total)% Processor Time"
Gets a particular benchmark given a benchmark id
- id int - Benchmark ID
function getByDateBillingLicenseUsage(string? startDateTime, string? endDateTime) returns BillingLicenseUsage[]|error
Gets all billing license usage data for the organization, between optional start and end dates (in UTC)
- startDateTime string? (default ()) - Start date
- endDateTime string? (default ()) - End date
Return Type
- BillingLicenseUsage[]|error - OK
function getBillingSettings() returns BillingSettings|error
Gets the billing settings for the current organization
Return Type
- BillingSettings|error - OK
function putBillingSettings(BillingSettings payload) returns BillingSettings|error
Updates existing billing settings. If you provide a valid billing token (from https://www.bravurasoftware.com/billing), the organization will use monthly billing for its license usage
- payload BillingSettings - BillingSettings data
Return Type
- BillingSettings|error - OK
function getAllBrandDomains() returns BrandDomain[]|error
Gets all available root domains for branding. When configuring a brand for your organization, you can pick between one or more root domains, e.g. "rmmportal.com"
Return Type
- BrandDomain[]|error - OK
Gets all brands in the organization
Adds a new brand
- payload Brand - Brand data
Gets a brand by ID
- id string - Brand ID
Deletes an existing brand
- id string - Brand ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllBusinessEntities() returns BusinessEntity[]|error
Gets all business entities in the organization
Return Type
- BusinessEntity[]|error - OK
function postBusinessEntities(BusinessEntity payload) returns BusinessEntity|error
Adds a new business entity
- payload BusinessEntity - BusinessEntity data
Return Type
- BusinessEntity|error - OK
function getBusinessEntities(string id) returns BusinessEntity|error
Gets a business entity, based on the provided business entity ID
- id string - Business entity ID
Return Type
- BusinessEntity|error - OK
function putBusinessEntities(string id, BusinessEntity payload) returns BusinessEntity|error
Updates an existing business entity. You can also change the parent of the business entity by adjusting the ParentID value.
- id string - The id of the Business Entity
- payload BusinessEntity - The Business Entity data
Return Type
- BusinessEntity|error - OK
Deletes an existing business entity
- id string - Business entity ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getComputerDetails(string computerid) returns ComputerDetails|error
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- ComputerDetails|error - OK
Returns the user provided display name for a given computer. The display name typically entered in the computer details page, and is independent of the normal computer name, as seen in Windows.
- computerid string - Computer ID
Adds or Updates the computer's user defined display name
Deletes the display name for a single computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getComputerMetadata(string computerid) returns ComputerMetadata|error
Gets computer metadata for a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- ComputerMetadata|error - OK
function putComputerMetadata(string computerid, ComputerMetadata payload) returns ComputerMetadata|error
Adds or updates Metadata for a single computer
Return Type
- ComputerMetadata|error - OK
Deletes the metadata for a single computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function patchComputerMetadata(string computerid, ComputerMetadata payload) returns ComputerMetadata|error
Updates individual metadata fields for one computer. The Patch method will update individual fields, whereas the Put method adds or updates the entire metadata for one computer.
Return Type
- ComputerMetadata|error - OK
function getAllComputerMetadata() returns ComputerMetadata[]|error
Gets all computer metadata values for all computers in the organization. Note that not every computer will have metadata associated with it.
Return Type
- ComputerMetadata[]|error - OK
Gets all computers in the organization
Gets a computer by the computer's id
- id string - Computer ID
Retires an existing computer, deleting all of its data in OptiTune. Calling this method will add it to the list of retired computers. The computer will be blocked from accessing OptiTune until it is removed from the list of retired computers.
- id string - Computer ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getDeploymentResults(string deploymentid) returns DeploymentResult[]|error
Gets all deployment results for a given deployment ID
- deploymentid string - Deployment ID
Return Type
- DeploymentResult[]|error - OK
function getForGroupDeployments(string groupid) returns Deployment[]|error
Gets all deployments to a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- Deployment[]|error - OK
function getAllDeployments() returns Deployment[]|error
Gets all deployments in the organization
Return Type
- Deployment[]|error - OK
function postDeployments(Deployment payload) returns Deployment|error
Adds a new deployment
- payload Deployment - Deployment data
Return Type
- Deployment|error - OK
function getDeployments(string id) returns Deployment|error
Gets a deployment by ID
- id string - Deployment ID
Return Type
- Deployment|error - OK
Deletes an existing deployment
- id string - Deployment ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getEndpointProtection(string computerid) returns EndpointProtection|error
Gets the endpoint protection information for a given computer, if available
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- EndpointProtection|error - OK
function getEndpointProtectionSettings(string groupid) returns EndpointProtectionSettings|error
Gets the endpoint protection settings for a given group, if available
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
function putEndpointProtectionSettings(string groupid, EndpointProtectionSettings payload) returns EndpointProtectionSettings|error
Adds or updates endpoint protection settings for a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
- payload EndpointProtectionSettings - EndpointProtectionSettings data
Return Type
Deletes existing endpoint protection settings for a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllEndpointProtectionSettings() returns EndpointProtectionSettings[]|error
Gets all endpoint protection settings for all groups in the organization
Return Type
- EndpointProtectionSettings[]|error - OK
function getAllEventCategories() returns EventCategory[]|error
Gets all event categories in the organization
Return Type
- EventCategory[]|error - OK
function postEventCategories(EventCategory payload) returns EventCategory|error
Adds a new event category
- payload EventCategory - EventCategory data
Return Type
- EventCategory|error - OK
function getEventCategories(string id) returns EventCategory|error
Gets an event category by ID
- id string - Event category ID
Return Type
- EventCategory|error - OK
Deletes an existing event category
- id string - Event category ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getEventCategoryMemberships(string eventCategoryid) returns EventCategoryMembership[]|error
Gets the event category members for a given event category, if available
- eventCategoryid string - Event category ID
Return Type
- EventCategoryMembership[]|error - OK
function postEventCategoryMemberships(string eventCategoryid, string eventSourceid) returns json|error
Adds event source to an event category, if it doesn't already exist
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function deleteEventCategoryMemberships(string eventCategoryid, string eventSourceid) returns json|error
Deletes a event category membership for a given event category and event source
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllEventDescriptors() returns EventDescriptor[]|error
Gets all event descriptors that are available on the management server.
To create a new event source, you will need an event descriptor with valid parameters filled in.
Return Type
- EventDescriptor[]|error - OK
function getAllEventSources() returns EventSource[]|error
Gets all event sources in the organization
Return Type
- EventSource[]|error - OK
function postEventSources(EventSource payload) returns EventSource|error
Adds a new event source. Use the EventDescriptors resource to get the valid event descriptors on the management server, and pick one to use for the new event source.
- payload EventSource - EventSource data
Return Type
- EventSource|error - OK
function getEventSources(string id) returns EventSource|error
Gets an event source by ID
- id string - Event source ID
Return Type
- EventSource|error - OK
Deletes an existing event source
- id string - Event source ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllFavoriteTasks() returns FavoriteTask[]|error
Gets all favorite tasks in the organization
Return Type
- FavoriteTask[]|error - OK
function postFavoriteTasks(FavoriteTask payload) returns FavoriteTask|error
Adds a new favorite task
- payload FavoriteTask - FavoriteTask data
Return Type
- FavoriteTask|error - OK
function getFavoriteTasks(string id) returns FavoriteTask|error
Gets a favorite task by task ID
- id string - Task ID
Return Type
- FavoriteTask|error - OK
Deletes an existing favorite task, by task ID
- id string - Task ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
Gets all files in the organization
function uploadFiles(V1FilesBody payload, int storageType) returns File|error
Upload a file using 'multipart/form-data', supplying a storage type to use (1 for local storage, 2 for cloud)
- payload V1FilesBody - File data
- storageType int (default 1) - 1 for local storage, 2 for cloud storage
Gets a single file in the organization, given a file ID
- id string - File ID
Deletes an existing file
- id string - File ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getGroupMemberships(string groupid) returns GroupMembership[]|error
Gets the group members for a given group, if available
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- GroupMembership[]|error - OK
Adds computer to a group, using the static membership type
Return Type
- json|error - OK
Deletes a group membership for a given computer and group. Note that this will only work if the group membership type for the computer is 'Static'.
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllGroups() returns OptiTuneGroup[]|error
Gets all groups in the organization
Return Type
- OptiTuneGroup[]|error - OK
function postGroups(OptiTuneGroup payload) returns OptiTuneGroup|error
Adds a new group
- payload OptiTuneGroup - OptiTuneGroup data
Return Type
- OptiTuneGroup|error - OK
function getGroups(string id) returns OptiTuneGroup|error
Looks up a given group, based on its ID
- id string - Group ID
Return Type
- OptiTuneGroup|error - OK
Deletes an existing group
- id string - Group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllInstallTasks() returns InstallTask[]|error
Gets all install tasks in the organization
Return Type
- InstallTask[]|error - OK
function postInstallTasks(InstallTask payload) returns InstallTask|error
Adds a new install task. If using PackageFileID, be sure to upload your package file first and get the ID of the file before calling this method
- payload InstallTask - InstallTask data
Return Type
- InstallTask|error - OK
function getInstallTasks(string id) returns InstallTask|error
Gets a install task by ID
- id string - Install task ID
Return Type
- InstallTask|error - OK
Deletes an existing install task, and all of its associated deployments
- id string - Install task ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
Gets all applications installed on a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
function getAllMailTemplates() returns MailTemplate[]|error
Gets all mail templates in the organization
Return Type
- MailTemplate[]|error - OK
function postMailTemplates(MailTemplate payload) returns MailTemplate|error
Adds a new mail template
- payload MailTemplate - MailTemplate data
Return Type
- MailTemplate|error - OK
function getMailTemplates(string id) returns MailTemplate|error
Gets a mail template by ID
- id string - Mail template ID
Return Type
- MailTemplate|error - OK
function putMailTemplates(string id, MailTemplate payload) returns MailTemplate|error
Updates an existing mail template, using a given ID
Return Type
- MailTemplate|error - OK
Deletes an existing mail template
- id string - Mail template ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getMalwareThreats(string computerid) returns MalwareThreat[]|error
Gets any detected malware threats on a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- MalwareThreat[]|error - OK
function getNotificationGroupMemberAccounts(string notificationgroupid) returns NotificationGroupMemberAccount[]|error
Gets the account members of a notification group by notification group ID
- notificationgroupid string - Notification group ID
Return Type
function putNotificationGroupMemberAccounts(string notificationgroupid, string accountid, NotificationGroupMemberAccount payload) returns NotificationGroupMemberAccount|error
Adds an account to a notification group
- notificationgroupid string - Notification group ID
- accountid string - Account ID
- payload NotificationGroupMemberAccount - NotificationGroupMemberAccount data
Return Type
function deleteNotificationGroupMemberAccounts(string notificationgroupid, string accountid) returns json|error
Deletes an existing notification group account
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getNotificationGroupMembers(string notificationgroupid) returns NotificationGroupMember[]|error
Gets the members of a notification group by notification group ID
- notificationgroupid string - Notification group ID
Return Type
- NotificationGroupMember[]|error - OK
function postNotificationGroupMembers(string notificationgroupid, NotificationGroupMember payload) returns NotificationGroupMember|error
Adds a member to a notification group. For users that already have OptiTune accounts, use NotificationGroupMemberAccounts instead.
- notificationgroupid string - Notification group ID
- payload NotificationGroupMember - NotificationGroupMember data
Return Type
function putNotificationGroupMembers(string notificationgroupid, string notificationgroupmemberid, NotificationGroupMember payload) returns NotificationGroupMember|error
Updates an existing notification group member
- notificationgroupid string - Notification group ID
- notificationgroupmemberid string - Notification group member ID
- payload NotificationGroupMember - NotificationGroupMember data
Return Type
function deleteNotificationGroupMembers(string notificationgroupid, string notificationgroupmemberid) returns json|error
Deletes an existing notification group member
- notificationgroupid string - Notification group ID
- notificationgroupmemberid string - Notification group member ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllNotificationGroups() returns NotificationGroup[]|error
Gets all notification groups in the organization
Return Type
- NotificationGroup[]|error - OK
function postNotificationGroups(NotificationGroup payload) returns NotificationGroup|error
Adds a new notification group
- payload NotificationGroup - NotificationGroup data
Return Type
- NotificationGroup|error - OK
function getNotificationGroups(string id) returns NotificationGroup|error
Gets a notification group by ID
- id string - Notification group ID
Return Type
- NotificationGroup|error - OK
function putNotificationGroups(string id, NotificationGroup payload) returns NotificationGroup|error
Updates an existing notification group, using a given ID
Return Type
- NotificationGroup|error - OK
Deletes an existing notification group
- id string - Notification group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllOptiTuneTasks(string taskType) returns OptiTuneTask[]|error
Gets all tasks in the organization, that match the given taskType. Use AllTasks to get all tasks in the organization.
- taskType string - Task type
Return Type
- OptiTuneTask[]|error - OK
function getOptiTuneTasks(string id) returns OptiTuneTask|error
Gets a task by ID
- id string - Task ID
Return Type
- OptiTuneTask|error - OK
function getOrganizationsBillingLicenseUsageByDate(string organizationid, string? startDateTime, string? endDateTime) returns BillingLicenseUsage[]|error
Gets an organization's license usage data for an optional date and time range, in UTC
- organizationid string - Organization ID
- startDateTime string? (default ()) - Start Date Time
- endDateTime string? (default ()) - End Date Time
Return Type
- BillingLicenseUsage[]|error - OK
function getAllOrganizations() returns Organization[]|error
Gets all organizations on the management server. You need to have master administrator privileges to call any of the Organization resource methods
Return Type
- Organization[]|error - OK
function postOrganizations(OrganizationRegistration payload, boolean generateApiCredentials) returns Organization|error
Adds a new organization
- payload OrganizationRegistration - OrganizationRegistration data
- generateApiCredentials boolean (default false) - Generate Api credentials
Return Type
- Organization|error - OK
function getOrganizations(string id) returns Organization|error
Gets a organization by ID
- id string - Organization ID
Return Type
- Organization|error - OK
function putOrganizations(string id, Organization payload) returns Organization|error
Updates an existing organization, using a given ID
Return Type
- Organization|error - OK
Deletes an existing organization, and all of its associated data
- id string - Organization ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllOrganizationSettings() returns OrganizationSettings[]|error
Gets all organization settings, for all organizations
Return Type
- OrganizationSettings[]|error - OK
function getOrganizationSettings(string id) returns OrganizationSettings|error
Gets an organization settings by organization ID
- id string - Organization ID
Return Type
function putOrganizationSettings(string id, OrganizationSettings payload) returns OrganizationSettings|error
Updates an existing organization settings, using a given organization ID
Return Type
function getPerformanceSettings(string groupid) returns PerformanceSettings|error
Gets the performance settings for a given group, if available
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- PerformanceSettings|error - OK
function putPerformanceSettings(string groupid, PerformanceSettings payload) returns PerformanceSettings|error
Adds or updates performance settings for a given group
Return Type
- PerformanceSettings|error - OK
Deletes performance settings for a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllPerformanceSettings() returns PerformanceSettings[]|error
Gets all performance settings for all groups in the organization
Return Type
- PerformanceSettings[]|error - OK
function getAllProductKeys() returns ProductKey[]|error
Gets all product keys for the organization
Return Type
- ProductKey[]|error - OK
function postProductKeys(ProductKey payload) returns ProductKey|error
Adds a new product key for the organization
- payload ProductKey - ProductKey data
Return Type
- ProductKey|error - OK
function getRemoteAccessSettings(string groupid) returns RemoteAccessSettings|error
Gets the remote access settings for a given group, if available
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
function putRemoteAccessSettings(string groupid, RemoteAccessSettings payload) returns RemoteAccessSettings|error
Adds or updates remote access settings for a given group
Return Type
Deletes existing remote access settings for a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllRemoteAccessSettings() returns RemoteAccessSettings[]|error
Gets all remote access settings for all groups in the organization
Return Type
- RemoteAccessSettings[]|error - OK
function getAllRemoteAssistanceRequests() returns RemoteAssistanceRequest[]|error
Gets all remoteAssistanceRequests in the organization
Return Type
- RemoteAssistanceRequest[]|error - OK
function postRemoteAssistanceRequests(RemoteAssistanceRequest payload) returns RemoteAssistanceRequest|error
Adds a new RemoteAssistanceRequest
- payload RemoteAssistanceRequest - RemoteAssistanceRequest data
Return Type
function getRemoteAssistanceRequests(string id) returns RemoteAssistanceRequest|error
Gets a remoteAssistanceRequest by ID
- id string - RemoteAssistanceRequest ID
Return Type
function putRemoteAssistanceRequests(string id, RemoteAssistanceRequest payload) returns RemoteAssistanceRequest|error
Updates an existing RemoteAssistanceRequest, using a given ID
- id string - RemoteAssistanceRequest ID
- payload RemoteAssistanceRequest - RemoteAssistanceRequest data
Return Type
Deletes an existing remote assistance request
- id string - Remote assistance request ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
This will initiate a remote connection to the given computer, and return an .OTC file used by the Remote Connect software which will in turn connect to the remote computer. Note that if the computer in question is not connected to OptiTune, it will not work, so it is suggested that the caller check the computer's connection status before making this request.
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
This will initiate a remote connection to the given computer, and return an URI with a custom url scheme (otcfile://) used by the Remote Connect software which will in turn connect to the remote computer. Note that if the computer in question is not connected to OptiTune, it will not work, so it is suggested that the caller check the computer's connection status before making this request.
- computerid string - Computer ID
function getAllRepairTasks() returns RepairTask[]|error
Gets all repair tasks in the organization
Return Type
- RepairTask[]|error - OK
function postRepairTasks(RepairTask payload) returns RepairTask|error
Adds a new repair task
- payload RepairTask - RepairTask data
Return Type
- RepairTask|error - OK
function getRepairTasks(string id) returns RepairTask|error
Gets a repair task by ID
- id string - Repair task ID
Return Type
- RepairTask|error - OK
Deletes an existing repair task, and all of its associated deployments
- id string - Repair task ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllRetiredComputers() returns RetiredComputer[]|error
Gets all retired computers in the organization
Return Type
- RetiredComputer[]|error - OK
function getRetiredComputers(string id) returns RetiredComputer|error
Gets a retired computer by computer ID
- id string - Retired computer ID
Return Type
- RetiredComputer|error - OK
Removes an existing retired computer, allowing to access OptiTune again
- id string - Retired computer ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllScriptTasks() returns ScriptTask[]|error
Gets all script tasks in the organization
Return Type
- ScriptTask[]|error - OK
function postScriptTasks(ScriptTask payload) returns ScriptTask|error
Adds a new script task
- payload ScriptTask - ScriptTask data
Return Type
- ScriptTask|error - OK
function getScriptTasks(string id) returns ScriptTask|error
Gets a script task by task ID
- id string - Script task ID
Return Type
- ScriptTask|error - OK
Deletes an existing script task, and all of its associated deployments
- id string - Script task ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
Gets the ID of the singleton group for a given computer ID. The singleton group is used when creating settings or deploying tasks to a single computer.
- computerid string - Computer ID
function getAllSystemTasks() returns SystemTask[]|error
Gets all system tasks in the organization
Return Type
- SystemTask[]|error - OK
function getSystemTasks(string id) returns SystemTask|error
Gets a system task by ID
- id string - System task ID
Return Type
- SystemTask|error - OK
function getTrayIconSettings(string groupid) returns TrayIconSettings|error
Gets the tray icon settings for a given group, if available
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- TrayIconSettings|error - OK
function putTrayIconSettings(string groupid, TrayIconSettings payload) returns TrayIconSettings|error
Adds or updates tray icon settings for a given group
Return Type
- TrayIconSettings|error - OK
Deletes existing tray icon settings for a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllTrayIconSettings() returns TrayIconSettings[]|error
Gets all tray icon settings for all groups in the organization
Return Type
- TrayIconSettings[]|error - OK
function getAllUninstallTasks() returns UninstallTask[]|error
Gets all uninstall tasks in the organization
Return Type
- UninstallTask[]|error - OK
function postUninstallTasks(UninstallTask payload) returns UninstallTask|error
Adds a new uninstall task
- payload UninstallTask - UninstallTask data
Return Type
- UninstallTask|error - OK
function getUninstallTasks(string id) returns UninstallTask|error
Gets a uninstall task by ID
- id string - Uninstall task ID
Return Type
- UninstallTask|error - OK
Deletes an existing uninstall task, and all of its associated deployments
- id string - Uninstall task ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
Gets all webhooks in the organization
Adds a new Webhook
- payload Webhook - Webhook data
Gets a webhook by ID
- id string - Webhook ID
Updates an existing Webhook, using a given ID
Deletes an existing Webhook
- id string - Webhook ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getWindowsEventLog(string computerid, string? startDateTime, string? endDateTime) returns WindowsEventLogEntry[]|error
Gets windows event log entries on a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
- startDateTime string? (default ()) - Start Date Time
- endDateTime string? (default ()) - End Date Time
Return Type
- WindowsEventLogEntry[]|error - OK
function getWindowsEventLogByLogNameId(string computerid, string logNameId, string? startDateTime, string? endDateTime) returns WindowsEventLogEntry[]|error
Gets windows event log entries for a given log on a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
- logNameId string - Log name ID
- startDateTime string? (default ()) - Start Date Time
- endDateTime string? (default ()) - End Date Time
Return Type
- WindowsEventLogEntry[]|error - OK
function getWindowsEventLogNames() returns WindowsEventLogName[]|error
Gets the names and IDs of all windows event logs for the organization. The log IDs are needed to query event log entries for a given computer.
Return Type
- WindowsEventLogName[]|error - OK
function getWindowsEventLogSettings(string groupid) returns WindowsEventLogSettings|error
Gets the windows event log settings for a given group, if available
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
function putWindowsEventLogSettings(string groupid, WindowsEventLogSettings payload) returns WindowsEventLogSettings|error
Adds or updates windows event log settings for a given group
Return Type
Deletes existing windows event log settings for a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllWindowsEventLogSettings() returns WindowsEventLogSettings[]|error
Gets all windows event log settings for all groups in the organization
Return Type
- WindowsEventLogSettings[]|error - OK
function getMembersWindowsUpdateCategories(string categoryid) returns WindowsUpdate[]|error
Gets all windows updates that belong to a given windows update category
- categoryid string - Category ID
Return Type
- WindowsUpdate[]|error - OK
function getAllWindowsUpdateCategories() returns WindowsUpdateCategory[]|error
Gets all windows update categories in the organization
Return Type
- WindowsUpdateCategory[]|error - OK
function getWindowsUpdateCategories(string id) returns WindowsUpdateCategory|error
Gets a windows update category by ID
- id string - Category ID
Return Type
function getWindowsUpdateComputerState(string computerid) returns WindowsUpdateComputerState[]|error
Gets the state of all windows updates on a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- WindowsUpdateComputerState[]|error - OK
function getWindowsUpdateHistory(string computerid) returns WindowsUpdateHistoryEntry[]|error
Gets the entire windows update history for a given computer
- computerid string - Computer ID
Return Type
- WindowsUpdateHistoryEntry[]|error - OK
function getAllWindowsUpdates() returns WindowsUpdate[]|error
Gets all windows updates in the organization
Return Type
- WindowsUpdate[]|error - OK
function getWindowsUpdates(string id) returns WindowsUpdate|error
Gets a windows update by its ID
- id string - Windows update ID
Return Type
- WindowsUpdate|error - OK
function getWindowsUpdateSettings(string groupid) returns WindowsUpdateSettings|error
Gets the windows update settings for a given group, if available
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
function putWindowsUpdateSettings(string groupid, WindowsUpdateSettings payload) returns WindowsUpdateSettings|error
Adds or updates windows update settings for a given group
Return Type
Deletes windows update settings for a given group
- groupid string - Group ID
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getAllWindowsUpdateSettings() returns WindowsUpdateSettings[]|error
Gets all windows update settings for all groups in the organization
Return Type
- WindowsUpdateSettings[]|error - OK
optitune: Account
The account is an OptiTune user account
- ID string? - The id of the account
- Roles string - The roles assigned to the account, only certain combinations of these flags are allowed, which include: Admin Admin | GroupRestricted ReportReader ReportReader | GroupRestricted ReportReader | RemoteAssistance ReportReader | RemoteAssistance | GroupRestricted
- FirstName string - The first name for the account
- LastName string - The last name for the account
- UserName string - The user name for the account
- Password string? - The password for the account
- Email string - The email for the account
- SMSNumber string? - The mobile number for the account, used to send SMS text messages
- AuthenticationMode string - The authentication mode for the account, which determines how the user will login
- TimeZoneCode string - The timezone ID for the account Valid values include: Value: 'Dateline Standard Time' Offset: '-12:00:00' Value: 'UTC-11' Offset: '-11:00:00' Value: 'Aleutian Standard Time' Offset: '-10:00:00' Value: 'Hawaiian Standard Time' Offset: '-10:00:00' Value: 'Marquesas Standard Time' Offset: '-09:30:00' Value: 'Alaskan Standard Time' Offset: '-09:00:00' Value: 'UTC-09' Offset: '-09:00:00' Value: 'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)' Offset: '-08:00:00' Value: 'UTC-08' Offset: '-08:00:00' Value: 'Pacific Standard Time' Offset: '-08:00:00' Value: 'US Mountain Standard Time' Offset: '-07:00:00' Value: 'Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)' Offset: '-07:00:00' Value: 'Mountain Standard Time' Offset: '-07:00:00' Value: 'Central America Standard Time' Offset: '-06:00:00' Value: 'Central Standard Time' Offset: '-06:00:00' Value: 'Easter Island Standard Time' Offset: '-06:00:00' Value: 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)' Offset: '-06:00:00' Value: 'Canada Central Standard Time' Offset: '-06:00:00' Value: 'SA Pacific Standard Time' Offset: '-05:00:00' Value: 'Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)' Offset: '-05:00:00' Value: 'Eastern Standard Time' Offset: '-05:00:00' Value: 'Haiti Standard Time' Offset: '-05:00:00' Value: 'Cuba Standard Time' Offset: '-05:00:00' Value: 'US Eastern Standard Time' Offset: '-05:00:00' Value: 'Turks And Caicos Standard Time' Offset: '-05:00:00' Value: 'Paraguay Standard Time' Offset: '-04:00:00' Value: 'Atlantic Standard Time' Offset: '-04:00:00' Value: 'Venezuela Standard Time' Offset: '-04:00:00' Value: 'Central Brazilian Standard Time' Offset: '-04:00:00' Value: 'SA Western Standard Time' Offset: '-04:00:00' Value: 'Pacific SA Standard Time' Offset: '-04:00:00' Value: 'Newfoundland Standard Time' Offset: '-03:30:00' Value: 'Tocantins Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'E. South America Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'SA Eastern Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'Argentina Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'Greenland Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'Montevideo Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'Magallanes Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'Saint Pierre Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'Bahia Standard Time' Offset: '-03:00:00' Value: 'UTC-02' Offset: '-02:00:00' Value: 'Mid-Atlantic Standard Time' Offset: '-02:00:00' Value: 'Azores Standard Time' Offset: '-01:00:00' Value: 'Cape Verde Standard Time' Offset: '-01:00:00' Value: 'UTC' Offset: '00:00:00' Value: 'GMT Standard Time' Offset: '00:00:00' Value: 'Greenwich Standard Time' Offset: '00:00:00' Value: 'Sao Tome Standard Time' Offset: '00:00:00' Value: 'Morocco Standard Time' Offset: '00:00:00' Value: 'W. Europe Standard Time' Offset: '01:00:00' Value: 'Central Europe Standard Time' Offset: '01:00:00' Value: 'Romance Standard Time' Offset: '01:00:00' Value: 'Central European Standard Time' Offset: '01:00:00' Value: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time' Offset: '01:00:00' Value: 'Jordan Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'GTB Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Middle East Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Egypt Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'E. Europe Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Syria Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'West Bank Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'South Africa Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'FLE Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Israel Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Kaliningrad Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Sudan Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Libya Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Namibia Standard Time' Offset: '02:00:00' Value: 'Arabic Standard Time' Offset: '03:00:00' Value: 'Turkey Standard Time' Offset: '03:00:00' Value: 'Arab Standard Time' Offset: '03:00:00' Value: 'Belarus Standard Time' Offset: '03:00:00' Value: 'Russian Standard Time' Offset: '03:00:00' Value: 'E. Africa Standard Time' Offset: '03:00:00' Value: 'Iran Standard Time' Offset: '03:30:00' Value: 'Arabian Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Astrakhan Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Azerbaijan Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Russia Time Zone 3' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Mauritius Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Saratov Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Georgian Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Volgograd Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Caucasus Standard Time' Offset: '04:00:00' Value: 'Afghanistan Standard Time' Offset: '04:30:00' Value: 'West Asia Standard Time' Offset: '05:00:00' Value: 'Ekaterinburg Standard Time' Offset: '05:00:00' Value: 'Pakistan Standard Time' Offset: '05:00:00' Value: 'Qyzylorda Standard Time' Offset: '05:00:00' Value: 'India Standard Time' Offset: '05:30:00' Value: 'Sri Lanka Standard Time' Offset: '05:30:00' Value: 'Nepal Standard Time' Offset: '05:45:00' Value: 'Central Asia Standard Time' Offset: '06:00:00' Value: 'Bangladesh Standard Time' Offset: '06:00:00' Value: 'Omsk Standard Time' Offset: '06:00:00' Value: 'Myanmar Standard Time' Offset: '06:30:00' Value: 'SE Asia Standard Time' Offset: '07:00:00' Value: 'Altai Standard Time' Offset: '07:00:00' Value: 'W. Mongolia Standard Time' Offset: '07:00:00' Value: 'North Asia Standard Time' Offset: '07:00:00' Value: 'N. Central Asia Standard Time' Offset: '07:00:00' Value: 'Tomsk Standard Time' Offset: '07:00:00' Value: 'China Standard Time' Offset: '08:00:00' Value: 'North Asia East Standard Time' Offset: '08:00:00' Value: 'Singapore Standard Time' Offset: '08:00:00' Value: 'W. Australia Standard Time' Offset: '08:00:00' Value: 'Taipei Standard Time' Offset: '08:00:00' Value: 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time' Offset: '08:00:00' Value: 'Aus Central W. Standard Time' Offset: '08:45:00' Value: 'Transbaikal Standard Time' Offset: '09:00:00' Value: 'Tokyo Standard Time' Offset: '09:00:00' Value: 'North Korea Standard Time' Offset: '09:00:00' Value: 'Korea Standard Time' Offset: '09:00:00' Value: 'Yakutsk Standard Time' Offset: '09:00:00' Value: 'Cen. Australia Standard Time' Offset: '09:30:00' Value: 'AUS Central Standard Time' Offset: '09:30:00' Value: 'E. Australia Standard Time' Offset: '10:00:00' Value: 'AUS Eastern Standard Time' Offset: '10:00:00' Value: 'West Pacific Standard Time' Offset: '10:00:00' Value: 'Tasmania Standard Time' Offset: '10:00:00' Value: 'Vladivostok Standard Time' Offset: '10:00:00' Value: 'Lord Howe Standard Time' Offset: '10:30:00' Value: 'Bougainville Standard Time' Offset: '11:00:00' Value: 'Russia Time Zone 10' Offset: '11:00:00' Value: 'Magadan Standard Time' Offset: '11:00:00' Value: 'Norfolk Standard Time' Offset: '11:00:00' Value: 'Sakhalin Standard Time' Offset: '11:00:00' Value: 'Central Pacific Standard Time' Offset: '11:00:00' Value: 'Russia Time Zone 11' Offset: '12:00:00' Value: 'New Zealand Standard Time' Offset: '12:00:00' Value: 'UTC+12' Offset: '12:00:00' Value: 'Fiji Standard Time' Offset: '12:00:00' Value: 'Kamchatka Standard Time' Offset: '12:00:00' Value: 'Chatham Islands Standard Time' Offset: '12:45:00' Value: 'UTC+13' Offset: '13:00:00' Value: 'Tonga Standard Time' Offset: '13:00:00' Value: 'Samoa Standard Time' Offset: '13:00:00' Value: 'Line Islands Standard Time' Offset: '14:00:00'
- SavePageSize boolean - Whether or not the page size will be remembered when the user views various pages in OptiTune
- GroupRestriction string? - If provided, restrict the account to only accessing computers in the given group, or any of its sub groups
optitune: AdvancedSettings
Advanced settings for an organization
- ReportingUrl string - The reporting url, where OptiTune agents send their reports.
- MinUpdateAge int - Specifies the minimum number of days that a Windows Update is available, before it is taken into account for Windows Update reporting. For example, if you specify 5, then updates that have been released for less than 5 days won't affect the counts for number of computers needing important updates, recommended updates, or optional updates.
- ComputerMetadataPrototype SimpleParameterList -
optitune: AgentInstaller
An OptiTune agent installer
- ID string? - The ID of the agent installer
- GroupID string? - The group ID the agent installer is associated with. Normally when setting this you also set the ClientIdentifier to match the group
- DateModified string? - The date and time this agent installer was last modified
- Name string - An internal only name for the agent installer
- Description string - An internal only description for the agent installer
- PublisherName string? - Optional Publisher Name
- ApplicationName string? - Optional Application Name
- ClientIdentifier string? - Optional Client Identifier to use when installing the OptiTune agent
- PublicDownload boolean? - Specifies whether or not the agent can be downloaded by anyone who has the agent installer URL (true), or if the user needs to be logged in to OptiTune to download the agent installer (false)
- InstallerIconFileID string? -
- InstallerBackgroundImageFileID string? -
- EulaFileID string? -
- PostInstallExeFileID string? -
- PostInstallCmdParameters string? -
- PostInstallUrlDisplayName string? -
- PostInstallUrl string? -
- InstallerFileID string? -
- LastBuildErrorMessage string? - If there was a problem building the installer, the description is saved here, to be displayed to the user
optitune: AgentQueue
- QueueName string? -
- QueueItems AgentQueueItem[]? -
optitune: AgentQueueItem
- DisplayName string? -
- ID string? -
- Started string? -
- RunTime int? -
- Stage string? -
optitune: AgentState
- ComputerID string? -
- OrganizationID string? -
- ClientVersion int? -
- ClientDisplayVersion string? -
- ClientApp string? -
- ClientTime string? -
- LastUpdated string? -
- AutoUpdateCount int? -
- LogMessages LogMessage[]? -
- LastStatus AgentStatus? -
- Queues record {}? - Maps from queue name to AgentQueue, in a case insensitive manner
optitune: AgentStatus
- Status string? -
- DisplayText string? -
- Time string? -
optitune: AlertInstance
An alert instance
- ID string? - The ID for the deployment
- Status string? -
- GroupID string? -
- EventSourceID string? -
- Time string? -
- ReportedTime string? -
- Details string? -
optitune: AlertSubscription
An alert subscription
- ID string? -
- GroupID string? -
- NotificationGroupID string? -
- MailTemplateID string? -
- State string? -
- EventCategoryIDs string[]? - Optional, a list of event categories to match, or null for no event categories
- SeverityMask string? -
- Times WeeklySchedule? -
optitune: AllUpdateFilter
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: Announcement
This class represents an Announcement on the management server, visible to all organizations
- Title string? -
- ContentHtml string? -
- DateDisplay string? -
- DateExpires string? -
- ID string? -
optitune: AnyTimeWeeklyScheduleItem
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: Application
Summary description for Application
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- UninstallSubKeyName string? -
- MsiProductID string? -
- DisplayName string? -
- UserName string? -
- Comments string? -
- Contact string? -
- HelpTelephone string? -
- HelpUrl string? -
- PublisherName string? -
- UpdateInfoUrl string? -
- Version string? -
- InstallerActions int? -
- DateInstalled string? -
- InstallSize int? -
- InstallSource string? -
- ModifyCmd string? -
- Location string? -
- UninstallCmd string? -
optitune: AuditLogCustom
- Entries AuditLogCustomDataEntry[]? -
optitune: AuditLogCustomDataEntry
- Name string? -
- Format string? -
- Value string? -
optitune: AuditLogEntry
Summary description for AuditLogEntry
- ID string? -
- OrganizationID string? -
- AccountID string? -
- UserName string? -
- SourceType string? -
- TargetID string? -
- TargetType string? -
- TargetName string? -
- Date string? -
- IPAddress string? -
- WebBrowser string? -
- PagePath string? -
- Result int? -
- Importance string? -
- Area string? -
- MessageType string? -
- MessageTypeDetail string? -
- Message string? -
- Data AuditLogCustom? -
optitune: BackupCloudberryComputerConfig
Summary description for Application
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- EngineVersion string? -
- Edition string? -
- BackupUserEmail string? -
- License record {}[]? -
- EngineSettings record {}[]? -
optitune: BackupCloudberryComputerPlan
Summary description for Application
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- PlanId string? - A cloudberry backup plan id, which may not be unique on a given computer
- PlanType string? -
- Name string? -
- DateModified string? -
- PlanContent record {}[]? -
optitune: BackupCloudberryComputerPlanHistory
- PlanID string? -
- DateStarted string? -
- Duration int? -
- Result int? -
- ErrorMessage string? -
- FailedCount int? -
- PeakMemoryUsage int? -
- ProcessorTime int? -
- PurgedCount int? -
- ScannedCount int? -
- ScannedSize int? -
- TotalCount int? -
- TotalSize int? -
- UploadedCount int? -
- UploadedSize int? -
- ID string? -
optitune: Benchmark
- ID int? -
- OrganizationID string? -
- Name string? -
optitune: BenchmarkDataPoint
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- BenchmarkID int? -
- DataSetID int? -
- Date string? -
- Value decimal? -
- Flags int? -
optitune: BenchmarkDataSet
- ID int? -
- OrganizationID string? -
- Name string? -
optitune: BillingLicenseUsage
- OrganizationID string? -
- Time string? -
- TotalComputers int? -
- Desktops int? -
- Laptops int? -
- Servers int? -
- StaticLicenses int? -
- ID string? -
optitune: BillingSettings
The billing settings for an organization. Provide a billing token from the Bravura Software Billing Portal to setup monthly billing for the organization.
- BillingToken string? - An optional billing token to associate with the organization, if monthly billing is to be used in addition or instead of product keys
optitune: Brand
This class represents a brand that you can configure for your organization. Each organization supports having 0, 1 or multiple brands, each of which has a unique title, domain name, colors, styles, and other assets that you can configure. When you access the brand's domain name, you will be presented with the branded (white labeled) experience, instead of the default management portal.
- ID string? -
- BrandDomainID string? - The ID of the brand root domain to use. Use the BrandDomains resource to get all available root domains installed on the management server
- HostName string - A host name for accessing the branded site. The fully qualified domain name will be "hostname.rootdomain", for example, "mycompany.rmmportal.com", where "mycompany" is the host name, and "rmmportal.com" is the root domain
- Title string - The title is used (optionally) when rendering the logo, and showing the HTML page title in the browser.
- Subtitle string? - The subtitle is used (optionally) when rendering the logo
- Description string? - A description for the brand. This is for internal, informational purposes, and is not shown anywhere.
- FaviconFileID string? - A file ID for the icon the browser uses to represent the site. It will be displayed in the browser tab, next to the title, and often as a bookmark icon for the site. Must be .png
- FrontpageLogoFileID string? - A file ID for a logo image to use in the login page, and other front pages of the site. Must be .png, .jpg, .gif, .svg, or .webp
- FrontpageCssFileID string? - A file ID for a custom .CSS file for further customizing the appearance of the login page, and other front pages of the site. This is for advanced users only.
- FrontpageBackgroundFileID string? - A file ID for a custom .CSS file for further customizing the appearance of the main site, after successfully logging in. This is for advanced users only.
- MainpageLogoFileID string? - A file ID for a logo image to use in the main site, after successfully logging in. Must be .png, .jpg, .gif, .svg, or .webp
- MainpageCssFileID string? - A file ID for a custom .CSS file for further customizing the appearance of the main site, after successfully logging in. This is for advanced users only.
- Flags string? - These flags determine how the logo is displayed on the front page and main page. Note that if you add a .css file, it can further alter this behavior.
- TabColor string - Specify a color for the tabs in the sidebar
- ButtonColor string - Specify a color for the website buttons
- LinkColor string - Specify a color for the website page links
- HeadingColor string - Specify a color for text headings
- HighlightColor string - Specify a color for highlights, used as a lighter background color for small item lists
- PageBackgroundColor string - Specify a color for drawing the background of the page
- ContentHeaderColor string - Specify a color for drawing the background of each content box's header
- SidebarBackgroundColor string - Specify a color for drawing the background of the sidebar
- TitleFontSize decimal? - The font size in points (pt) used to display the logo title. It can be a decimal number.
- SubtitleFontSize decimal? - The font size in points (pt) used to display the logo subtitle. It can be a decimal number.
optitune: BrandDomain
- Domain string? -
- ID string? -
optitune: BusinessEntity
A business entity, which will always have an associated group. You can think of the business entity as extra fields or metadata to associate with a group, such as addresses, contact information, websites, etc... Every business entity will have an associated group, but not every group will have an associated business entity. The tree of business entities will also be a subset of the tree of groups.
- ID string? -
- ParentID string? - The ID of the business entity's parent business entity
- GroupID string? - The ID of the group associated with this business entity
- Type string? - The type of the business entity. Depending on the type, not all of the data fields will be shown in the UI when displaying the business entity
- Name string - The name of the business entity
- Description string? - The description of the business entity
- Notes string? - Any notes you wish to keep about the business entity
- DateModified string? - The date and time the business entity was last modified
- ContactFirstName string? - The first name of the person to contact for the business entity
- ContactLastName string? - The last name of the person to contact for the business entity
- ContactEmail string? - The email address of the person to contact for the business entity
- ContactPhone string? - The phone number of the person to contact for the business entity
- Website string? - The website of the business entity
- MailingAddress string? - The mailing address of the business entity
- PhysicalAddress string? - The physical address of the business entity
- AccountNumber string? - The account number of the business entity
- RelationshipManagerFirstName string? - The first name of the sales person who handles the business entity
- RelationshipManagerLastName string? - The last name of the sales person who handles the business entity
- RelationshipManagerEmail string? - The email of the sales person who handles the business entity
- RelationshipManagerPhone string? - The phone number of the sales person who handles the business entity
optitune: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
optitune: Computer
- ID string? -
- OrganizationID string? -
- ComputerName string? -
- DomainName string? -
- OSMajorVersion int? -
- OSMinorVersion int? -
- OSBuildNumber int? -
- OSVersion string? -
- OSServicePack int? -
- OSArchitecture string? -
- OSProductKey string? -
- ComputerType string? -
- MachineGuid string? -
- ClientID string? -
- LocalIP string? -
- PublicIP string? -
- PublicIPNumber int? -
- ClientVersion string? -
- LastReportDate string? -
- FirstReportDate string? -
- ComputerFullName string? - Gets the fully qualified name of the computer, e.g. "Bravura\BRAVO2"
- ComputerDisplayName string? - Gets the display name for the computer, if one is set, otherwise returns ComputerName
optitune: ComputerDetails
- Details ComputerDetailsData? -
- DiskDrives ComputerDetailsDiskDrive[]? -
- DiskShares ComputerDetailsDiskShares[]? -
- DiskVolumes ComputerDetailsDiskVolumes[]? -
- NetworkAdapters ComputerDetailsNetworkAdapters[]? -
- PhysicalMemory ComputerDetailsPhysicalMemory[]? -
- PortableBatteries ComputerDetailsPortableBattery[]? -
- Printers ComputerDetailsPrinter[]? -
- Processors ComputerDetailsProcessors[]? -
- SoundDevices ComputerDetailsSoundDevices[]? -
- VideoCards ComputerDetailsVideoCards[]? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsData
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- DateGenerated string? -
- ComputerSystem_ComputerName string? -
- ComputerSystem_DomainName string? -
- ComputerSystem_DomainRole int? -
- ComputerSystem_PartOfDomain int? -
- ComputerSystem_BootupState string? -
- ComputerSystem_Manufacturer string? -
- ComputerSystem_Model string? -
- ComputerSystem_NumberOfLogicalProcessors int? -
- ComputerSystem_NumberOfProcessors int? -
- ComputerSystem_PCSystemType int? -
- ComputerSystem_PowerState int? -
- ComputerSystem_PowerSupplyState int? -
- ComputerSystem_SystemType string? -
- ComputerSystem_ThermalState int? -
- ComputerSystem_TotalPhysicalMemory int? -
- ComputerSystem_UserName string? -
- ComputerSystemProduct_Caption string? -
- ComputerSystemProduct_IdentifyingNumber string? -
- ComputerSystemProduct_Name string? -
- ComputerSystemProduct_SKUNumber string? -
- ComputerSystemProduct_Vendor string? -
- SystemEnclosure_Manufacturer string? -
- SystemEnclosure_OtherIdentifyingInfo string? -
- SystemEnclosure_PartNumber string? -
- SystemEnclosure_Name string? -
- SystemEnclosure_SerialNumber string? -
- SystemEnclosure_SMBIOSAssetTag string? -
- OperatingSystem_Name string? -
- OperatingSystem_BootDevice string? -
- OperatingSystem_BuildNumber int? -
- OperatingSystem_BuildType string? -
- OperatingSystem_Caption string? -
- OperatingSystem_CodeSet string? -
- OperatingSystem_CountryCode string? -
- OperatingSystem_CSDVersion string? -
- OperatingSystem_CurrentTimeZone int? -
- OperatingSystem_Debug int? -
- OperatingSystem_FreePhysicalMemory int? -
- OperatingSystem_InstallDate string? -
- OperatingSystem_LastBootUpTime string? -
- OperatingSystem_Manufacturer string? -
- OperatingSystem_MUILanguages string? -
- OperatingSystem_OperatingSystemSKU int? -
- OperatingSystem_Organization string? -
- OperatingSystem_OSArchitecture string? -
- OperatingSystem_OSLanguage int? -
- OperatingSystem_OSProductSuite int? -
- OperatingSystem_OSType int? -
- OperatingSystem_OtherTypeDescription string? -
- OperatingSystem_PAEEnabled int? -
- OperatingSystem_ProductType int? -
- OperatingSystem_SerialNumber string? -
- OperatingSystem_ServicePackMajorVersion int? -
- OperatingSystem_ServicePackMinorVersion int? -
- OperatingSystem_SuiteMask int? -
- OperatingSystem_SystemDevice string? -
- OperatingSystem_SystemDirectory string? -
- OperatingSystem_Version string? -
- Motherboard_Manufacturer string? -
- Motherboard_Product string? -
- Motherboard_SerialNumber string? -
- Motherboard_Version string? -
- Bios_Caption string? -
- Bios_Manufacturer string? -
- Bios_Name string? -
- Bios_ReleaseDate string? -
- Bios_SMBIOSBIOSVersion string? -
- Bios_SMBIOSMajorVersion int? -
- Bios_SMBIOSMinorVersion int? -
- Bios_Status string? -
- Bios_Version string? -
- WinSAT_CPUScore decimal? -
- WinSAT_D3DScore decimal? -
- WinSAT_DiskScore decimal? -
- WinSAT_GraphicsScore decimal? -
- WinSAT_MemoryScore decimal? -
- WinSAT_WinSPRLevel decimal? -
- Details_TotalRam int? -
- Details_TotalDiskSize int? -
- Details_TotalDiskFreeSpace int? -
- Details_PrimaryCPU string? -
- Details_PCType int? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsDiskDrive
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- ConfigManagerErrorCode int? -
- FirmwareRevision string? -
- InterfaceType string? -
- Manufacturer string? -
- Model string? -
- SerialNumber string? -
- Size int? -
- Status string? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsDiskShares
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- Caption string? -
- Path string? -
- Status string? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsDiskVolumes
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- BootVolume int? -
- Capacity int? -
- Compressed int? -
- DriveLetter string? -
- DriveType int? -
- FileSystem string? -
- FreeSpace int? -
- IndexingEnabled int? -
- PageFilePresent int? -
- QuotasEnabled int? -
- SystemVolume int? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsNetworkAdapters
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- ConfigManagerErrorCode int? -
- Description string? -
- Manufacturer string? -
- AdapterType string? -
- NetConnectionID string? -
- NetConnectionStatus int? -
- NetEnabled int? -
- MACAddress string? -
- Speed int? -
- Status string? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsPhysicalMemory
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- BankLabel string? -
- Capacity int? -
- DeviceLocator string? -
- FormFactor int? -
- Manufacturer string? -
- MemoryType int? -
- PartNumber string? -
- SerialNumber string? -
- Speed int? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsPortableBattery
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- Manufacturer string? -
- Location string? -
- Chemistry int? -
- DesignCapacity int? -
- DesignVoltage int? -
- Status string? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsPrinter
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- DriverName string? -
- Location string? -
- Attributes int? -
- IsDefault int? -
- DetectedErrorState int? -
- ExtendedDetectedErrorState int? -
- ExtendedPrinterStatus int? -
- Status string? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsProcessors
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- Manufacturer string? -
- ProcessorId string? -
- NumberOfCores int? -
- NumberOfLogicalProcessors int? -
- Socket string? -
- L2CacheSize int? -
- L3CacheSize int? -
- Revision int? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsSoundDevices
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- ConfigManagerErrorCode int? -
- Manufacturer string? -
- Status string? -
optitune: ComputerDetailsVideoCards
- ID string? -
- ComputerDetailsID string? -
- Name string? -
- AdapterCompatibility string? -
- AdapterDACType string? -
- AdapterRAM int? -
- ConfigManagerErrorCode int? -
- CurrentBitsPerPixel int? -
- CurrentHorizontalResolution int? -
- CurrentNumberOfColors int? -
- CurrentRefreshRate int? -
- CurrentVerticalResolution int? -
- DriverDate string? -
- DriverVersion string? -
- Status string? -
- VideoArchitecture int? -
- VideoMemoryType int? -
- VideoModeDescription string? -
- VideoProcessor string? -
optitune: ComputerMetadata
Metadata for one computer
- Parameters SimpleParameterList -
- ComputerID string? -
optitune: ComputerTypeGroupMembershipRule
- PCType string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth CredentialsConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
optitune: ConnectionStatusInfo
- Status string? -
- LastPollUtc string? -
- PollingInterval int? -
optitune: CustomUpdateFilter
- PublishedDaysGreaterThan int? -
- PublishedDaysLessThan int? -
- Product string? -
- Classification string? -
- Importance string? -
- Flags int? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: DailyScheduleItem
- Time string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: DateParameter
- Value string? -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: Deployment
A Deployment of an OptiTune Task to a Group of computers (or the singleton group for an individual computer)
- ID string? - The ID for the deployment
- TaskID string? - The ID of the deployed task
- GroupID string? - The ID of the group the task is deployed to
- Schedule Schedule -
- DateModified string? - The date and time the deployment was last modified
- State string? - Whether or not the deployment is enabled/disabled
optitune: DeploymentResult
- ID string? -
- DeploymentID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- Date string? -
- Result boolean? -
- DetailedResult int? -
- SubStatus int? -
- ErrorCode int? -
- ExitCode int? -
- Message string? -
- Output string? -
optitune: DirectoryCondition
- Name string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: DoubleParameter
- MinValue decimal? -
- MaxValue decimal? -
- Value decimal? -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: EmailSupportAction
- To string -
- Subject string? -
- Body string? -
- AttachScreenshot boolean? -
- Name string -
- Icon string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: EndpointProtection
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- ProductName string? -
- ProductVersion string? -
- ProductID string? -
- ProductSupported string? -
- InstalledDate string? -
- ModifiedDate string? -
- LocalPath string? -
- SignatureVersion string? -
- SignatureDate string? -
- EngineVersion string? -
- LastQuickScanDate string? -
- LastFullScanDate string? -
- RealtimeAntivirusState string? -
- RealtimeAntispywareState string? -
- AntivirusSignatureState string? -
- DetectionMethod string? -
- AntivirusScanSubstatus string? -
- AntivirusSettingsSubstatus string? -
- AntivirusProtectionUpdateSubstatus string? -
- AntivirusDaysUntilExpired int? -
- ActionRequired string? -
optitune: EndpointProtectionSettings
Endpoint protection settings for a group of computers
- GroupID string? -
- MonitoringState string? -
- QuickScanState string? -
- QuickScanSchedule Schedule? -
- FullScanState string? -
- FullScanSchedule Schedule? -
- SignatureUpdateState string? -
- SignatureUpdateSchedule Schedule? -
optitune: EnumParameter
- Value int? -
- AllowedValues NameValuePair[] -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: EventCategory
An event category
- ID string? -
- Name string -
- Description string -
optitune: EventCategoryMembership
An event category membership entry. This defines which event sources belong to which event categories.
- EventCategoryID string? -
- EventSourceID string? -
optitune: EventDescriptor
- Parameters SimpleParameterList? -
- Type string? - The type of event
- Scope string? - The scope of the event type
- Scenario string? - The scenario of the event type
- Explanation string? - The explanation of the event type
optitune: EventSource
An event source
- ID string? -
- Name string -
- Description string -
- Notes string? -
- Severity string? -
- State string? -
- MinPeriod TimePeriod -
- Scope string? -
- Scenario string? -
- Descriptor EventDescriptor -
optitune: FavoriteTask
A favorite task is an organization wide task that is frequently used, and can be quickly deployed from the computer details page
- TaskID string? -
- Name string? -
optitune: File
A file that has been uploaded to OptiTune
- ID string? - The file's ID, used to reference the file in other resources
- FileName string? - The file's filename
- MimeType string? - The file's mime type
- DownloadUrl string? - The url from which the file can be downloaded
- DateCreated string? - The date the file was created
- DateModified string? - The date the file was last modified
- Size int? - The size of the file, in bytes
- Flags string? - The flags associated with the file
- ScriptTaskID string? - If the file is associated with a script task, the ID of the script task
- InstallTaskID string? - If the file is associated with a install task, the ID of the install task
- TrayIconSettingsGroupID string? - If the file is associated with tray icon settings, the tray icon settings ID
- AgentInstallerID string? - If the file is associated with an agent installer, the ID of the agent installer
- TaskMetadataID string? - If the file is associated with task metadata, the ID of the task metadata
- BrandID string? - If the file is associated with a brand, the ID of the brand
- RelatedItemName string? - If one of the associated ID fields is present, the name of the associated entity
optitune: FileCondition
- Name string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: GroupMembership
A group membership entry
- GroupID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- MembershipType string? -
optitune: GroupMembershipRules
- Logic string -
- ValueMatchesRules GroupMembershipValueMatchesRule[]? -
- ComputerTypeRules ComputerTypeGroupMembershipRule[]? -
- WindowsInstallDateRules WindowsInstallDateGroupMembershipRule[]? -
- PhysicalMemoryRules PhysicalMemoryGroupMembershipRule[]? -
- MalwareProtectionStateRules MalwareProtectionStateGroupMembershipRule[]? -
- MalwareThreatExistsRules MalwareThreatExistsGroupMembershipRule[]? -
- OSRules OSGroupMembershipRule[]? -
optitune: GroupMembershipValueMatchesRule
- ValueType string -
- Value string - Note that this can be the empty string in certain cases, depending on the value of ValueType. BadRequest will be returned if this value is invalid
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: GuidParameter
- Value string? -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: IDUpdateFilter
- UpdateNumber string -
- UpdateRevision string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: InstallTask
An install task
- PackageFileID string? - The ID of the uploaded package file for the install task. It may refer to an .exe, .msi, or .bvx file which contains the installer for the application
- Locations string[]? - Enter any other locations where the installation file is available, one per line. If you have also specified a packaged file id, the name of the uploaded file must be the same as the filename in each additional location. The client computer will try to download the file in the order specified, finally trying the file specified in PackageFileID, if any. For example: \myserver\share\test1.bvx https://www.mywebsite.com/packages/test1.bvx https://mycompany.s3.amazonaws.com/packages/test1.bvx
- PreInstallConditions SystemConditions? -
- InstalledConditions SystemConditions? -
- SetupRelativePath string - If the installer file specified in PackageFileID or Locations is an .exe or .msi, this must be identical to that filename If the installer file specified is a .bvx package file, this refers to the filename inside the .bvx package to run when installing the application
- CommandLineArgs string? - Any command line arguments to pass to the installer file
- KeepInstallerFiles boolean? - Whether or not to keep the installer files (.exe, .msi, or extracted files from the .bvx package) after the install completes
- ID string? - The ID for the task in the database
- Name string - The name of the task
- Description string - A description of the task
- Notes string? - Notes about the task
- DateModified string? - The date/time in UTC that the task was modified
- Timeout int? - The time to wait for the task to complete, in minutes
- TaskType string? - The type of task
optitune: IntParameter
- MinValue int? -
- MaxValue int? -
- Value int? -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: KBArticleUpdateFilter
- KBArticle string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: LocalUser
Summary description for LocalUser
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- UserName string? -
- DomainName string? -
- FullName string? -
- Comment string? -
- Sid string? -
- ProfilePath string? -
- HasAllDetails boolean? -
- PrivilegesMask string? -
- Flags string? -
- LastLogonTime string? -
optitune: LogMessage
- Text string? -
- Time string? -
- MessageType string? -
optitune: LongParameter
- MinValue int? -
- MaxValue int? -
- Value int? -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: MailTemplate
A mail template for sending alert notification emails and SMS messages
- ID string? - The ID of the mail template
- Name string - The name of the mail template
- FromAddress string - The FROM email address to use when sending the email
- Subject string - The template for the subject of the email. This can contain variables, see the OptiTune help documentation for more details.
- Body string - The template for the body of the email. This can contain variables, see the OptiTune help documentation for more details.
- BodyType string? - The format of the body, either plain text or html
- SMSBody string? - The template for the body of the SMS message. This can contain variables, see the OptiTune help documentation for more details.
optitune: MalwareProtectionStateGroupMembershipRule
- Value string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: MalwareThreat
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- Date string? -
- ThreatName string? -
- ThreatNumber int? -
- Severity string? -
- Category string? -
- Action string? -
- Detection string? -
- InfoUrl string? -
- Processes PathsList? -
- UserName string? -
- ErrorCode int? -
- LocalPaths PathsList? -
- Message string? -
- RecordNumber int? -
- EventNumber int? -
- State string? -
optitune: MalwareThreatExistsGroupMembershipRule
- Value string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: MonthlyByWeekdayScheduleItem
- WeekOrder int? -
- DayOfWeek string? -
- Time string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: MonthlyScheduleItem
- Day int? -
- Time string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: MSIProductCondition
- ID string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: NameContainsUpdateFilter
- NameContains string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: NameUpdateFilter
- Name string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: NameValuePair
- Name string -
- Value int? -
optitune: NotificationGroup
A notification group for sending alert notification emails and SMS messages to
- ID string? - The ID of the notification group
- Name string - The name of the notification group
- Description string - A description for the notification group
- Notes string? - Any notes you wish to keep about the notification group
optitune: NotificationGroupMember
A notification group member, for sending emails or SMS messages to users who don't have an OptiTune account.
- ID string? - The ID of the notification group member
- NotificationGroupID string? - The ID of the notification group
- FirstName string - The first name of the user
- LastName string - The last name of the user
- Email string? - The email address of the user
- SMSNumber string? - The phone number of the user, for sending SMS messages
optitune: NotificationGroupMemberAccount
A notification group member account entry, associating an account with a notification group
- NotificationGroupID string? - The ID of the notification group
- AccountID string? - The ID of the account to associate with the notification group
- NotificationMethods string? - The methods to use to notify the account, either SMS, Email or both
optitune: OnceAfterScheduleItem
- DateAndTimeUTC string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: OnceBeforeScheduleItem
- DateAndTimeUTC string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: OneTimeScheduleItem
- DateAndTime string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: OptiTuneGroup
A group of computers
- ID string? - The ID of the group
- ParentID string? - The ID of the parent group, if the group has a parent group
- Name string - The name of the group
- Notes string? - Any notes you wish to keep about the group
- Segment string? - The segment is a user readable string that identifies this group in a path of groups, for example, "groupa" in groupa.groupb.root It should only contain lower case letters, digits, and '-' for spaces. No punctuation or whitespace is allowed. If left out or blank, it will be calculated based on the group name.
- IsSystemGroup boolean? - True if the group's members are managed by the system, otherwise false. For example, All Computers is a system group
- IsSingletonGroup boolean? - True if the group represents one computer, and should be hidden from the user's view. This allows the admin to make settings changes for a single computer, since the singleton group is used.
- Flags string? - Currently, flags are used to determine what type of system group this group represents
- Priority int? - The priority indicates the relative importance of the group. Lower numbers indicate a higher priority, and groups with lower numbers will win when conflicting settings are created for a computer that belongs to multiple groups.
- MembershipRules GroupMembershipRules? -
optitune: OptiTuneTask
- ID string? - The ID for the task in the database
- Name string - The name of the task
- Description string - A description of the task
- Notes string? - Notes about the task
- DateModified string? - The date/time in UTC that the task was modified
- Timeout int? - The time to wait for the task to complete, in minutes
- TaskType string? - The type of task
optitune: Organization
An organization on this management server
- ID string? - The unique ID of the organization on this management server
- DateAdded string? - The date and time the organization was added to this management server, in UTC
- Name string - The name of the organization
- Website string? - An optional website for the organization
- ContactFirstName string - The first name of a contact person at the organization
- ContactLastName string - The last name of a contact person at the organization
- ContactEmail string - The contact person's email address
- ContactPhone string? - The contact person's phone number
- GeneratedApiUserName string? - If GenerateApiCredentials is true when adding an organization, this will hold the API User Name
- GeneratedApiPassword string? - If GenerateApiCredentials is true when adding an organization, this will hold the API Password
optitune: OrganizationRegistration
- UserName string - The user name of the administrator of the organization
- Password string - The password for the administrator of the organization. This is only used when setting up a new organization
- RegistrationCode string? - An optional registration code to use when registering a new organization
- TimeZoneCode string? - An optional timezone code for the new account
- ID string? - The unique ID of the organization on this management server
- DateAdded string? - The date and time the organization was added to this management server, in UTC
- Name string - The name of the organization
- Website string? - An optional website for the organization
- ContactFirstName string - The first name of a contact person at the organization
- ContactLastName string - The last name of a contact person at the organization
- ContactEmail string - The contact person's email address
- ContactPhone string? - The contact person's phone number
- GeneratedApiUserName string? - If GenerateApiCredentials is true when adding an organization, this will hold the API User Name
- GeneratedApiPassword string? - If GenerateApiCredentials is true when adding an organization, this will hold the API Password
optitune: OrganizationSettings
An OrganizationSettings object
- OrganizationID string? -
- StorageQuota int? - The storage quota (in bytes) assigned to the organization, from 100MB to 25TB
- BillingToken string? - An optional billing token to associate with the organization, if monthly billing is to be used in addition or instead of product keys
- BillingLocked boolean? - Specifies whether or not the billing token is locked. If true, the user cannot edit the billing token, otherwise they can edit the billing token for the organization.
optitune: OSCondition
- Items OSConditionItem[] -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: OSConditionItem
- Version string? -
- Architecture string? -
- MinServicePack int? -
optitune: OSGroupMembershipRule
- Items OSConditionItem[] -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: Page
Summary description for PageDTO
- Number int? -
- Size int? -
optitune: PathsList
- Paths string[]? -
optitune: PerformanceSettings
Performance settings for a group of computers
- GroupID string? - The ID of the group
- MonitoringEnabled boolean? - Is performance monitoring enabled?
- ReportingInterval int? - The reporting interval, in seconds at which the agent should send performance data. The default is 1 hour.
- SampleInterval int? - The sample interval, at which the agent should sample performance data. The default is 30 seconds.
- MaxDataPoints int? - The number of data points to store per computer. The default is 5000.
optitune: PeriodicScheduleItem
- Days int? -
- Hours int? -
- Minutes int? -
- Seconds int? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: PhysicalMemoryGroupMembershipRule
- TotalMemoryBytes int -
- BelowOrAbove string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: ProductKey
An OptiTune product key (registration code)
- ExpirationDate string? -
- NumLicenses int? -
- IsTrialLicense boolean? -
- RegistrationCode string -
optitune: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
optitune: RegistryKeyCondition
- Key string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: RegistryValueCondition
- Key string -
- ValueName string - We don't support ValueName of length 0, use a RegistryKeyCondition instead
- ValueType string? -
- StringValue string? -
- DwordValue int? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: RemoteAccessSettings
Remote access settings for a group of computers
- GroupID string? - The ID of the group that these settings apply to
- DateModified string? - The date and time these settings were last modified
- RelayServerState string? - Whether or not the relay server is enabled
- RelayServerSelectionMethod string? - If the relay server is enabled, how is it chosen?
- RelayServers string[]? - If the relay server is enabled, and the selection method is Manual, provide a list of relay servers to use (fully qualified DNS names), e.g. "relay.opti-tune.com"
- RemoteAssistanceFirewallState string? - Whether or not the remote assistance application should have a firewall exception
- RemoteServiceFirewallState string? - Whether or not the remote service application should have a firewall exception
- RemoteConnectState string? - Enables/Disables the remote connect tool
- RemoteConnectNotifyState string? - If enabled, show a message to the end user when the remote connect tool is activated
- RemoteConnectNotifyMessage string? - If RemoteConnectNotifyState is Enabled, provide the message to display to the user when remote connect is activated on their machine
- RemoteToolsState string? - Enables/Disables the other remote tools, such as the command prompt, task manager, powershell, etc...
- RemoteToolsNotifyState string? - If enabled, show a message to the end user when the other remote tools are activated
- RemoteToolsNotifyMessage string? - If RemoteToolsNotifyState is Enabled, provide the message to display to the user when any of the other remote tools are activated
optitune: RemoteAssistanceRequest
A remote assistance request, created when an end user requests remote assistance
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- UserName string -
- FullName string -
- Email string -
- Phone string? -
- UserMessage string? -
- LocalIPAddresses string? -
- DateCreated string? -
optitune: RemoteAssistSupportAction
- Name string -
- Icon string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: RepairTask
A repair task, for repairing an installed MSI application
- InstalledConditions SystemConditions? -
- MsiProduct string? -
- ID string? - The ID for the task in the database
- Name string - The name of the task
- Description string - A description of the task
- Notes string? - Notes about the task
- DateModified string? - The date/time in UTC that the task was modified
- Timeout int? - The time to wait for the task to complete, in minutes
- TaskType string? - The type of task
optitune: RetiredComputer
A retired computer describes a previously managed computer that is retired, and not allowed to access OptiTune
- ComputerID string? -
- ComputerName string? -
- DomainName string? -
optitune: Schedule
- StartupScheduleItems StartupScheduleItem[]? -
- PeriodicScheduleItems PeriodicScheduleItem[]? -
- OneTimeScheduleItems OneTimeScheduleItem[]? -
- OnceBeforeScheduleItems OnceBeforeScheduleItem[]? -
- OnceAfterScheduleItems OnceAfterScheduleItem[]? -
- UpdatedScheduleItems UpdatedScheduleItem[]? -
- DailyScheduleItems DailyScheduleItem[]? -
- WeeklyScheduleItems WeeklyScheduleItem[]? -
- MonthlyScheduleItems MonthlyScheduleItem[]? -
- MonthlyByWeekdayScheduleItems MonthlyByWeekdayScheduleItem[]? -
optitune: ScriptTask
A script task executes a script on a computer or group of computers, and uploads the output of the script to the management server
- RunConditions SystemConditions? -
- ScriptFileID string? -
- PackageFileID string? -
- ScriptType string? -
- CommandLineArgs string? -
- ID string? - The ID for the task in the database
- Name string - The name of the task
- Description string - A description of the task
- Notes string? - Notes about the task
- DateModified string? - The date/time in UTC that the task was modified
- Timeout int? - The time to wait for the task to complete, in minutes
- TaskType string? - The type of task
optitune: SelectDaysWeeklyScheduleItem
- Days string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: SelectTimesWeeklyScheduleItem
- Days string? -
- StartTime string? -
- EndTime string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: SimpleParameterList
- StringParameters StringParameter[]? -
- IntParameters IntParameter[]? -
- LongParameters LongParameter[]? -
- DoubleParameters DoubleParameter[]? -
- GuidParameters GuidParameter[]? -
- DateParameters DateParameter[]? -
- EnumParameters EnumParameter[]? -
- MaskParameters EnumParameter[]? -
optitune: StartupScheduleItem
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: StringParameter
- MinLength int? -
- MaxLength int? -
- Value string? -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: SupportActionsList
- RemoteAssistSupportActions RemoteAssistSupportAction[]? -
- UrlSupportActions UrlSupportAction[]? -
- EmailSupportActions EmailSupportAction[]? -
optitune: SystemConditions
- Logic string -
- FileConditions FileCondition[]? -
- DirectoryConditions DirectoryCondition[]? -
- RegistryKeyConditions RegistryKeyCondition[]? -
- RegistryValueConditions RegistryValueCondition[]? -
- UninstallKeyConditions UninstallKeyCondition[]? -
- MSIProductConditions MSIProductCondition[]? -
- OSConditions OSCondition[]? -
optitune: SystemTask
A system task, for performing simple operations, like restarting or shutting down a computer
- SystemTaskType string? -
- ID string? - The ID for the task in the database
- Name string - The name of the task
- Description string - A description of the task
- Notes string? - Notes about the task
- DateModified string? - The date/time in UTC that the task was modified
- Timeout int? - The time to wait for the task to complete, in minutes
- TaskType string? - The type of task
optitune: TimePeriod
- Days int? -
- Hours int? -
- Minutes int? -
- Seconds int? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: TrayIconSettings
Tray icon settings for a group of computers
- GroupID string? - The ID of the group that the settings apply to
- DateModified string? - The date and time the settings were last modified
- TrayIconState string? - Whether or not the tray icon application is enabled/disabled on each computer in the group
- Title string - The title in the Support Center Overview screen. You can customize this to include your own company's branding.
- Description string - The description in the Support Center Overview screen. You can customize this to provide an overview for the Support Center.
- SupportedBy string - The organization or person who provides technical support.
- Website string? - The main support website (optional).
- Email string - The main support email address.
- Phone string? - The main support phone number (optional).
- Notes string? - Any notes or information you wish to provide to the end user. For example, you could include hours of operation.
- SupportActions SupportActionsList? -
- CustomIconFileID string? - A File ID for a icon (.ico) file to use in the support center application's main window, the tray section of the windows task bar, and the desktop shortcut as well
- DesktopShortcutName string? - If specified, this will create a desktop shortcut using the given name to provide easier access to the support center application for end users
optitune: UninstallKeyCondition
- SubKey string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: UninstallTask
An uninstall task, for uninstalling a regular or MSI installed application
- InstalledConditions SystemConditions? -
- CommandLine string? - Enter the full command line to uninstall the application You may use environment variables in the string as well. For example: %programfiles%\myapp32\bin\uinstall.exe /s /r %programfiles64%\myapp64\bin\uinstall.exe /s /r
- MsiProduct string? - Enter the product ID (in Guid format) for the msi application you wish to uninstall For example: 837FEC39-0181-4EB3-BCB5-CFFC425B2345
- UninstallSubkeyName string? - Enter the name of the uninstall subkey for the application. The OptiTune client will use the UninstallString registry value contained in the key to uninstall the application For example: myapp {2012098D-EEE9-4769-8DD3-B038050854D4}
- UninstallSubkeyExtraCommandLineArgs string? - Enter any extra command line arguments you wish to pass to the uninstaller, when using the UninstallSubkeyName parameter This allows you to specify the uninstall command using the uninstall registry key name, but add additional parameters such as a "quiet" or "silent" switch to the uninstaller For example: /s /q
- UninstallMethod string? -
- ID string? - The ID for the task in the database
- Name string - The name of the task
- Description string - A description of the task
- Notes string? - Notes about the task
- DateModified string? - The date/time in UTC that the task was modified
- Timeout int? - The time to wait for the task to complete, in minutes
- TaskType string? - The type of task
optitune: UpdatedScheduleItem
- DateAndTimeUTC string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: UpdateFilters
- AllUpdateFilters AllUpdateFilter[]? -
- NameUpdateFilters NameUpdateFilter[]? -
- NameContainsUpdateFilters NameContainsUpdateFilter[]? -
- KBArticleUpdateFilters KBArticleUpdateFilter[]? -
- IDUpdateFilters IDUpdateFilter[]? -
- CustomUpdateFilters CustomUpdateFilter[]? -
optitune: UrlSupportAction
- UrlLink string -
- Name string -
- Icon string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: V1FilesBody
- file string -
optitune: Webhook
A Webhook for receiving a notification via HTTP POST
- ID string? -
- GroupID string? -
- Name string -
- Description string? -
- State string? -
- WebhookEventType string? -
- WebhookEventSubType string? -
- Url string -
optitune: WeeklySchedule
- TimezoneID string? -
- AnyTimeWeeklyScheduleItems AnyTimeWeeklyScheduleItem[]? -
- SelectDaysWeeklyScheduleItems SelectDaysWeeklyScheduleItem[]? -
- SelectTimesWeeklyScheduleItems SelectTimesWeeklyScheduleItem[]? -
optitune: WeeklyScheduleItem
- DayOfWeek string? -
- Time string? -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: WindowsEventLogEntry
Summary description for LocalUser
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- LogNameID string? -
- ProviderName string? -
- ProviderGuid string? -
- Keywords string? -
- EventID int? -
- EventLevel string? -
- Message string? -
- TimeCreated string? -
- Sid string? -
optitune: WindowsEventLogName
- OrganizationID string? -
- Name string? -
- ID string? -
optitune: WindowsEventLogSettings
Windows Event Log settings for a group of computers
- GroupID string? - The ID of the group that these settings apply to
- CollectionState string? - Whether or not the collection of windows event log entries is enabled/disabled on each computer in the group
- CollectionSchedule Schedule? -
- EventLogsMask string? - Defines which system event logs to collect from
- OtherEventLogNames string[]? - Any other custom event logs to collect from, for example 'Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational'
- EventLogLevels string? - The levels of windows event log entries to include, a bitmask
- MaxEntries int? - The maximum number of event log entries to collect for each event log on each computer
optitune: WindowsInstallDateGroupMembershipRule
- InstallTimeUTC string -
- BeforeOrAfter string -
- ListOrder int? -
optitune: WindowsUpdate
- ID string? -
- OrganizationID string? -
- UpdateNumber string? -
- RevisionNumber int? -
- Title string? -
- Description string? -
- KBs string[]? -
- PublishedDate string? -
- MoreInfoUrls string[]? -
- SupportUrl string? -
- Languages string[]? -
- MsrcSeverity string? -
- MsrcNumbers string[]? -
- Type string? -
- UninstallNote string? -
- UninstallSteps string[]? -
- Flags string? -
optitune: WindowsUpdateCategory
- ID string? -
- OrganizationID string? -
- ParentID string? -
- CategoryNumber string? -
- ParentCategoryNumber string? -
- Name string? -
- Description string? -
- Type string? -
- DisplayOrder int? -
optitune: WindowsUpdateComputerState
- ID string? -
- UpdateID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- State string? -
- StateDate string? -
- ErrorCode int? -
optitune: WindowsUpdateGroupPolicy
Windows update group policy settings for a group of computers
- ConfigureAutomaticUpdatesState string? - Controls the state of the Windows Update Automatic Update agent, i.e. you can turn off automatic updates or enable them on supported versions of Windows (usually the enterprise versions of Windows 10 for example).
- AutomaticUpdates int? - Use the following values to control how windows itself automatically installs windows updates 2 - Notify for download and auto install When Windows finds updates that apply to this computer, users will be notified that updates are ready to be downloaded.After going to Windows Update, users can download and install any available updates. 3 - Auto download and notify for install Windows finds updates that apply to the computer and downloads them in the background (the user is not notified or interrupted during this process). When the downloads are complete, users will be notified that they are ready to install. After going to Windows Update, users can install them. 4 - Auto download and schedule the install The default schedule for all installations will be every day at 3:00 AM. If any updates require a restart to complete the installation, Windows will restart the computer automatically. (If a user is signed in to the computer when Windows is ready to restart, the user will be notified and given the option to delay the restart.) 5 - Allow local admin to choose setting With this option, local administrators will be allowed to use the Windows Update control panel to select a configuration option of their choice. Local administrators will not be allowed to disable the configuration for Automatic Updates.
- ConfigureDownloadModeState string? - This setting lets you configure the download method used by Delivery Optimization, in Windows 10 computers or above. Specifies the download method that Delivery Optimization can use in downloads of Windows Updates, Apps and App updates.
- DownloadMode int? - 0 - HTTP only HTTP only, no peering 1 - LAN HTTP blended with peering behind the same NAT. 2 - Group HTTP blended with peering across a private group.Peering occurs on devices in the same Active Directory Site(if exist) or the same domain by default. When this option is selected, peering will cross NATs. To create a custom group use Group ID in combination with Mode 2. 3 - Internet HTTP blended with Internet Peering. 99 - Simple Simple download mode with no peering. Delivery Optimization downloads using HTTP only and does not attempt to contact the Delivery Optimization cloud services. 100 - Bypass Bypass mode. Do not use Delivery Optimization and use BITS instead.
- UseWUServer string? - CorpWuURL - Specify intranet Microsoft update service location
- WUServer string? - CorpWUURL_Name - Set the intranet update service for detecting updates:
- WUStatusServer string? - CorpWUStatusURL_Name - Set the intranet statistics server:
- UpdateServiceUrlAlternate string? - CorpWUContentHost_Name - Set the alternate download server:
- FillEmptyContentUrls boolean? - CorpWUFillEmptyContentUrls - Download files with no Url in the metadata if alternate download server is set. Added in the April service release of Windows 10, version 1607. Allows Windows Update Agent to determine the download URL when it is missing from the metadata. This scenario will occur when intranet update service stores the metadata files but the download contents are stored in the ISV file cache (specified as the alternate download URL).
- EnableWUTargetGroup string? - TargetGroup_Title - Enable client-side targeting
- TargetGroup string? - TargetGroup_Name - Target group name for this computer
optitune: WindowsUpdateHistoryEntry
- ID string? -
- ComputerID string? -
- UpdateNumber string? -
- RevisionNumber int? -
- Title string? -
- Description string? -
- ClientApplication string? -
- Date string? -
- ErrorCode int? -
- Operation string? -
- OperationResult string? -
- SelectedServer int? -
- SupportUrl string? -
- UninstallNotes string? -
- UninstallSteps string[]? -
optitune: WindowsUpdateSettings
Windows update settings for a group of computers
- GroupID string? - The ID of the group
- MonitoringState string? - The state for whether or not the OptiTune agent should upload update information to the management server
- AutomaticInstallState string? - Whether or not the OptiTune agent should install windows updates according to the AutomaticInstallSchedule, and the include/exclude filters
- AutomaticInstallSchedule Schedule? -
- AutomaticInstallRebootBehavior string? - If AutomaticInstallState = Enabled, use this variable to control the reboot behavior for updates that require a system reboot
- AutomaticInstallIncludeFilter UpdateFilters? -
- AutomaticInstallExcludeFilter UpdateFilters? -
- WindowsUpdateGroupPolicy WindowsUpdateGroupPolicy? - Windows update group policy settings for a group of computers
import ballerinax/optitune;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2
Current verison: 2
Weekly downloads
Internet of Things/Device Management