Module netsuite

ballerinax/netsuite Ballerina library
NetSuite's SuiteTalk SOAP API provides the capability to access NetSuite operations related to different kinds of NetSuite records such as Account, Client, Transactions, Invoice, Classifications etc.
This module supports NetSuite WSDL 2020.2.0 version.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a NetSuite account
- Obtain tokens tokens
Go to NetSuite and sign in to your account.
If you have NetSuite permission to create an integration application, the following steps may be helpful. If not, proceed to step 3.
Enable the SuiteTalk Web service features of the account (Setup->Company->Enable Features).
Create an integration application (Setup->Integration->New), enable TBA code grant and scope, and obtain the following credentials:
- Client ID
- Client secret
If you have client ID, client secret from your administrator, obtain the credentials below by following the token based authorization in the NetSuite documentation.
- Access token
- Access token Secret
Obtain the SuitTalk Base URL that contains the account ID under the company URLs (Setup->Company->Company Information).
e.g., https://<ACCOUNT_ID>
To use the NetSuite connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1 - Import connector
- Create a Ballerina file and import the following Netsuite module.
import ballerinax/netsuite;
Step 2 - Create a new connector instance
- Create a NetSuite client by providing credentials. Initialize the connector by giving authentication details in the HTTP client configuration, which has built-in support for Token Based Authentication(TBA). The NetSuite connector can be initialized by the HTTP client configuration using the client ID, client secret, access token, and the access token secret. You can use the Ballerina Configuration variable to store your credentials.
public function main() returns error? { netsuite:NetsuiteConfiguration nsConfig = { accountId: "<accountId>", consumerId: "<consumerId>", consumerSecret: "<consumerSecret>", token: "<token>", tokenSecret: "<tokenSecret>", baseURL: "<webServiceURL>" }; netsuite:Client netsuiteClient = check new(nsConfig);
Step 3 - Invoke connector operation
- Invoke the connector operation using the client.
netsuite:RecordInputRef currency = { internalId: "1", 'type: "currency" }; netsuite:NewAccount account = { acctNumber: "1234567", acctName: "Ballerina NetSuite Demo Account", currency: currency }; netsuite:RecordAddResponse newAccount = check netsuiteClient->addNewAccount(account);
- Use
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
netsuite: Client
NetSuite's SuiteTalk SOAP API provides capability to access NetSuite operations related different kind of NetSuite records such as Account, Client, Transactions, Invoice, Classifications etc.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
This connector supports NetSuite Token Based Authentication.
Follow this guide
to Obtain token for NetSuite connector configuration.
init (ConnectionConfig config)
- config ConnectionConfig - NetSuite connection configuration
function addNewVendor(NewVendor vendor) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new vendor record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- vendor NewVendor - Details of NetSuite record instance creation
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record or else the relevant error
function addNewVendorBill(NewVendorBill vendorBill) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new vendor bill record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- vendorBill NewVendorBill - Details of NetSuite record instance creation
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record or else the relevant error
function addNewCustomer(NewCustomer customer) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new customer record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- customer NewCustomer - Details of NetSuite record instance creation
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record or else the relevant error
function addNewContact(NewContact contact) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new contact record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- contact NewContact - Details of NetSuite record instance creation
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record or else the relevant error
function addNewInvoice(NewInvoice invoice) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates an invoice record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- invoice NewInvoice - Invoice type record with detail
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function addNewCurrency(NewCurrency currency) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new currency record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- currency NewCurrency - Currency type record with detail
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function addNewSalesOrder(NewSalesOrder salesOrder) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new salesOrder record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- salesOrder NewSalesOrder - SalesOrder type record with detail
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function addNewClassification(NewClassification classification) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new classification record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- classification NewClassification - Classification type record with detail
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function addNewAccount(NewAccount account) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates an new account record instance in NetSuite according to the given detail.
- account NewAccount - Account type record with detail
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function addNewItemGroup(ItemGroupCommon itemGroup) returns RecordAddResponse|error
Creates a new Item Group record instance in NetSuite according to given item detail.
- itemGroup ItemGroupCommon - ItemGroup type record with detail
Return Type
- RecordAddResponse|error - RecordAddResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function deleteRecord(RecordDetail info) returns RecordDeletionResponse|error
Deletes a record instance from NetSuite according to the given detail if they are valid.
- info RecordDetail - Details of NetSuite record instance to be deleted
Return Type
- RecordDeletionResponse|error - RecordDeletionResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateVendorRecord(Vendor vendor) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite vendor instance by internal ID.
- vendor Vendor - Vendor record with details and internal ID
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateVendorBillRecord(VendorBill vendorBill) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite vendor bill instance by internal ID.
- vendorBill VendorBill - Vendor bill record with details and internal ID
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateCustomerRecord(Customer customer) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite customer instance by internal ID.
- customer Customer - Customer record with details and internal ID
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateContactRecord(Contact contact) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite contact instance by internal ID.
- contact Contact - Contact record with details and internal ID
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateCurrencyRecord(Currency currency) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite currency instance by internal ID.
- currency Currency - Currency record with details and internal ID
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateInvoiceRecord(Invoice invoice, boolean replaceAll) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite invoice instance by internal ID.
- invoice Invoice - Invoice record with details and internalId
- replaceAll boolean - if true, replaces all items with new items in the invoice
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateSalesOrderRecord(SalesOrder salesOrder) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite salesOrder instance by internal ID.
- salesOrder SalesOrder - SalesOrder record with details and internalId
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateClassificationRecord(Classification classification) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite classification instance by internal ID.
- classification Classification - Classification record with details and internalId
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
function updateAccountRecord(Account account) returns RecordUpdateResponse|error
Updates a NetSuite account instance by internal ID.
- account Account - Account record with details and internal ID
Return Type
- RecordUpdateResponse|error - RecordUpdateResponse type record otherwise the relevant error
Retrieves all currency types instances from NetSuite.
Return Type
function getSavedSearchIDs(string searchType) returns SavedSearchResponse|error
Retrieve a list of existing saved search IDs on a per-record-type basis.
- searchType string - Netsuite saved search types
Return Type
- SavedSearchResponse|error - If success returns the list of saved search references otherwise the relevant error
function performSavedSearchById(string savedSearchId, string advancedSearchType) returns stream<SearchResult, error?>|error
Perform a saved search search operation using the saved search ID.
- savedSearchId string - Saved search ID (Internal ID)
- advancedSearchType string - Type of the saved search from the list given here: [CalendarEventSearchAdvanced, PhoneCallSearchAdvanced, FileSearchAdvanced, FolderSearchAdvanced, NoteSearchAdvanced, MessageSearchAdvanced, BinSearchAdvanced, ClassificationSearchAdvanced, DepartmentSearchAdvanced, LocationSearchAdvanced, SalesTaxItemSearchAdvanced, SubsidiarySearchAdvanced, EmployeeSearchAdvanced, CampaignSearchAdvanced, ContactSearchAdvanced, CustomerSearchAdvanced, PartnerSearchAdvanced, VendorSearchAdvanced, EntityGroupSearchAdvanced, JobSearchAdvanced, SiteCategorySearchAdvanced, SupportCaseSearchAdvanced, SolutionSearchAdvanced, TopicSearchAdvanced, IssueSearchAdvanced,CustomRecordSearchAdvanced, TimeBillSearchAdvanced, BudgetSearchAdvanced, AccountSearchAdvanced, AccountingTransactionSearchAdvanced, OpportunitySearchAdvanced, TransactionSearchAdvanced, TaskSearchAdvanced, ItemSearchAdvanced, GiftCertificateSearchAdvanced, PromotionCodeSearchAdvanced]
Return Type
- stream<SearchResult, error?>|error - Ballerina stream of json type otherwise the relevant error
function searchCustomerRecords(SearchElement[] searchElements) returns stream<SearchResult, error?>|error
Retrieves NetSuite client instances from NetSuite according to the given detail if they are valid.
- searchElements SearchElement[] - Details of a NetSuite record to be retrieved from NetSuite
Return Type
- stream<SearchResult, error?>|error - Ballerina stream of customer type records otherwise the relevant error
function searchTransactionRecords(SearchElement[] searchElements) returns stream<SearchResult, error?>|error
Retrieves NetSuite transaction instances from NetSuite according to the given detail if they are valid.
- searchElements SearchElement[] - Details of a NetSuite record to be retrieved from NetSuite
Return Type
- stream<SearchResult, error?>|error - Ballerina stream of transaction type records otherwise the relevant error
function searchAccountRecords(SearchElement[] searchElements) returns stream<SearchResult, error?>|error
Retrieves NetSuite account record instances from NetSuite according to the given detail.
- searchElements SearchElement[] - Details of a NetSuite record to be retrieved from NetSuite
Return Type
- stream<SearchResult, error?>|error - Ballerina stream of account type records otherwise the relevant error
function searchContactRecords(SearchElement[] searchElements) returns stream<SearchResult, error?>|error
Retrieves NetSuite contact record instances from NetSuite according to the given detail.
- searchElements SearchElement[] - Details of a NetSuite record to be retrieved from NetSuite
Return Type
- stream<SearchResult, error?>|error - Ballerina stream of contact type records otherwise the relevant error
function searchVendorRecords(SearchElement[] searchElements) returns stream<SearchResult, error?>|error
Retrieves NetSuite vendor record instances from NetSuite according to the given detail.
- searchElements SearchElement[] - Details of a NetSuite record to be retrieved from NetSuite
Return Type
- stream<SearchResult, error?>|error - Ballerina stream of vendor type records otherwise the relevant error
function getVendorRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns Vendor|error
Gets a vendor record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
function getVendorBillRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns VendorBill|error
Gets a vendorBill record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
Return Type
- VendorBill|error - VendorBill type record otherwise the relevant error
function getCustomerRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns Customer|error
Gets a customer record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
function getItemGroupRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns ItemGroup|error
Gets a item group record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
function getContactRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns Contact|error
Gets a contact record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
function getCurrencyRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns Currency|error
Gets a currency record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
function getClassificationRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns Classification|error
Gets a currency record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
Return Type
- Classification|error - Classification type record otherwise the relevant error
function getInvoiceRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns Invoice|error
Gets a invoice record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
function getSalesOrderRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns SalesOrder|error
Gets a salesOrder record from Netsuite by using internal ID.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
Return Type
- SalesOrder|error - SalesOrder type record otherwise the relevant error
function getAccountRecord(RecordInfo recordInfo) returns Account|error
Gets a account record from Netsuite by using internal Id.
- recordInfo RecordInfo - Ballerina record for Netsuite record information
Returns the NetSuite server time in GMT, regardless of a user's time zone.
Provides ability to send a SOAP based request with custom xml body elements(Child elements of Body element). You can use this function to access any other operation or record operation that the current connector doesn't support yet. Eg: urn:getServerTime/
netsuite: AccountType
netsuite: AdvancedSearchTypes
netsuite: BasicSearchOperator
netsuite: ConsolidatedRate
netsuite: Country
netsuite: GlobalSubscriptionStatusType
netsuite: RecordCoreType
netsuite: RecordGetAllType
netsuite: RecordSaveSearchType
netsuite: SalesOrderStatus
netsuite: SearchType
netsuite: TransactionType
netsuite: Account
NetSuite Account type record
- internalId string - Internal ID
- externalId? string - External ID
- acctNumber? string - Account Number
- acctName? string - Account Name
- legalName? string - Legal Name of the Account
- currency? RecordRef - Account currency
- Fields Included from *AccountCommon
- acctType "_unbilledReceivable"|"_statistical"|"_otherIncome"|"_otherExpense"|"_otherCurrentLiability"|"_otherCurrentAsset"|"_otherAsset"|"_nonPosting"|"_longTermLiability"|"_income"|"_fixedAsset"|"_expense"|"_equity"|"_deferredRevenue"|"_deferredExpense"|"_creditCard"|"_costOfGoodsSold"|"_bank"|"_accountsReceivable"|"_accountsPayable"|string
- unitsType RecordRef
- unit RecordRef
- includeChildren boolean
- exchangeRate string
- generalRate string
- cashFlowRate "_historical"|"_current"|"_average"|string
- billableExpensesAcct RecordRef
- deferralAcct RecordRef
- description string
- curDocNum decimal
- isInactive boolean
- department RecordRef
- class RecordRef
- location RecordRef
- inventory boolean
- eliminate boolean
- openingBalance decimal
- revalue boolean
- subsidiary Subsidiary
- anydata...
netsuite: AccountCommon
NetSuite Account type record for common fields
- acctType? AccountType|string - Account type
- unitsType? RecordRef - Units type
- unit? RecordRef - Displays the base unit assigned to the unitsType
- includeChildren? boolean - checks for children
- exchangeRate? string - Exchange rate
- generalRate? string - General Rate of the Account
- cashFlowRate? ConsolidatedRate|string - The type of exchange rate that is used to translate foreign currency amounts for this account
- billableExpensesAcct? RecordRef - Track Billable Expenses in
- deferralAcct? RecordRef - Deferral Account
- description? string - Account description
- curDocNum? decimal - Next Check Number
- isInactive? boolean - Checks whether active or not
- department? RecordRef - Netsuite Department
- 'class? RecordRef - Class of the Account
- location? RecordRef - Restrict to Location
- inventory? boolean - If TRUE, the account balance is included in the Inventory KPI
- eliminate? boolean - Eliminate Intercompany Transactions
- openingBalance? decimal - Opening Balance of the account
- revalue? boolean - Revalue Open Balance for Foreign Currency Transactions
- subsidiary? Subsidiary - A subsidiary of the account
netsuite: AccountingBookDetail
NetSuite AccountingBookDetail type record
- accountingBook? RecordRef - Accounting Book
- currency? RecordRef - The currency is used
- exchangeRate? decimal? - The exchange rate
netsuite: AccountingBookDetailList
NetSuite AccountingBookDetailList type record
- replaceAll boolean(default true) - Whether to replace the current values
- accountingBookDetail AccountingBookDetail[] - An array of accounting book details
netsuite: Address
Represents an address record in NetSuite
- internalId? string - Netsuite Internal ID
- attention? string - Field Description
- addressee? string - addressee of this record
- addrPhone? string - Address phone
- addr1? string - Address Part01
- addr2? string - Address Part02
- addr3? string - Address Part03
- city? string - City of the Address
- state? string - State of the Address
- zip? string - Zip code the area
- addrText? string - Address stress
- override? boolean - override the existing address
netsuite: BooleanCustomFieldRef
Represents boolean number custom Field Type in NetSuite UI
- internalId string - References a unique instance of a custom field type
- scriptId? string - Script Id
- value boolean - boolean value
netsuite: Category
NetSuite category type record
- Fields Included from *RecordRef
netsuite: Classification
Netsuite Classification type record
- internalId string - Internal ID
- name? string - Name of the classification
- parent? RecordRef - References parent classifications
- includeChildren? boolean - Checks for child classifications
- name string - Name of the classification
- includeChildren boolean - Checks for child classifications
- isInactive boolean - shows whether classification is active or not
- subsidiaryList RecordRef - Subsidiary List
- externalId string - external ID
- anydata... -
netsuite: CommonSearchResult
- pageIndex int -
- totalPages int -
- searchId string -
- totalRecords int -
- pageSize int -
netsuite: ConnectionConfig
Netsuite Client Config.
- Fields Included from *ConnectionConfig
- auth AuthConfig
- httpVersion HttpVersion
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings
- timeout decimal
- forwarded string
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration
- cache CacheConfig
- compression Compression
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig
- retryConfig RetryConfig
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket
- proxy ProxyConfig
- validation boolean
- anydata...
- auth? never -
- accountId string - NetSuite Account ID
- consumerId string - Netsuite Integration App consumer ID
- consumerSecret string - Netsuite Integration application consumer secret
- token string - Netsuite user role access token
- tokenSecret string - Netsuite user role access secret
- baseURL string - Netsuite SuiteTalk URLs for SOAP web services (Available at Setup->Company->Company Information->Company URLs)
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_1_1) - The HTTP version understood by the client
netsuite: Contact
Netsuite Contact type record
- internalId string - internal ID of the record
- salutation? string - The contact's salutation
- firstName? string - First name of the contact
- middleName string - Middle name of the contact
- lastName string - Last name of the contact
- entityId string - Entity ID
- title string - Contact's title at his or her company
- phone string - Main phone number
- fax string - Fax number
- email string - Email address
- defaultAddress string - The default billing address
- isPrivate boolean - If true the contact can only be viewed by the user that entered the contact record.(default: false)
- isInactive boolean - If true, this contact is not displayed on the Contacts list in the UI.(default: false)
- altEmail string - An alternate email address for this contact
- officePhone string - Office phone number
- homePhone string - Home phone number
- mobilePhone string - Mobile phone number
- supervisorPhone string - SuperVisor phone number
- assistantPhone string - Assistant Phone number
- comments string - Any other information
- image string - References an existing file
- billPay boolean - BillPay value
- dateCreated string - The date of record creation
- lastModifiedDate string - The date of the last modification
- addressBookList ContactAddressBook[] - List of Address Books
- SubscriptionsList Subscription[] - List of subscriptions
- assistant RecordRef - References to an existing contact
- supervisor RecordRef - References an existing contact
- contactSource RecordRef - The way how this contact came to do business with the company
- company RecordRef - The company this contact works for
- customForm RecordRef - NetSuite custom form record reference
- anydata... -
- subsidiary? RecordRef - The subsidiary to associate with this contact
netsuite: ContactAddressBook
NeSuite contactAddressBook type record
- defaultShipping? boolean - default shipping address
- defaultBilling? boolean - default billing address
- label? string - contactBookLabel
- addressBookAddress? Address[] - AddressBook address
- internalId? string - InternalID of the record
netsuite: Currency
Netsuite Currency type record
- internalId string - Internal ID of the currency record
- name? string - Name of the record
- symbol? string - Symbol of the record
- exchangeRate? decimal - The exchange rate of the currency
- displaySymbol string - Display symbol of the currency type
- currencyPrecision string - Precision symbol of the currency type
- isInactive boolean - Shows whether the currency type is active or not
- isBaseCurrency boolean - Shows whether the currency type is a NetSuite base currency or not
- anydata... -
netsuite: Customer
Netsuite Customer type record
- internalId string - Internal ID of the customer record
- salutation string - The title of this person
- firstName string - First name
- middleName string - Middle name
- lastName string - Last name
- phone string - Main phone number
- fax string - Fax phone number
- email string - Email Address
- defaultAddress string - Default Address
- title string - The job title
- homePhone string - Home phone number
- mobilePhone string - Field Description
- accountNumber string - Field Description
- entityId string - Entity ID
- isInactive boolean - This field is false by default, shows whether active or not
- isPerson boolean - This is set to True which specifies the type
- category RecordRef - References a value in a user defined list at Setup
- addressbookList CustomerAddressbook[] - Field Description
- currencyList CustomerCurrency[] - Field Description
- anydata... -
- companyName? string - Company name
- subsidiary? RecordRef - Selects the subsidiary to associate with this entity or job
netsuite: CustomerAddressbook
Netsuite CustomerAddressbook type record
- Fields Included from *ContactAddressBook
- isResidential boolean - Whether addressBook is residential or not
netsuite: CustomerCurrency
NetSuite CustomerCurrency type record
- currency? RecordRef - The NetSuite currency
- balance? decimal - balance of the customerCurrency
- consolBalance? decimal - Consolidated balance
- depositBalance? decimal - Deposit Balance
- consolDepositBalance? decimal - Consolidated Deposit
- overdueBalance? decimal - OverDue Balance
- consolOverdueBalance? decimal - Consolidated overdue balance
- unbilledOrders? decimal - Unbilled orders
- consolUnbilledOrders? decimal - Consolidated unbilled orders
- overrideCurrencyFormat? boolean - checks whether override the currency format
netsuite: CustomFieldList
Represents NetSuite CustomFieldList type record
- customFields CustomField[] - An array of customFields
netsuite: DoubleCustomFieldRef
Represents decimal number custom Field Type in NetSuite UI
- internalId string - References a unique instance of a custom field type
- scriptId? string - Script Id
- value decimal? - decimal value
netsuite: Installment
NetSuite Installment type record
- amount? string - The amount
- dueDate? string - The due date
- amountDue? decimal - The due amount
- seqNum? int - Sequence number
- status? string - The status
netsuite: InventoryAssignment
NetSuite InventoryAssignment type record
- internalId? string - The internal ID of the inventory assignment
- issueInventoryNumber? RecordRef - The issue inventory number
- receiptInventoryNumber? string - The receipt inventory number
- binNumber? RecordRef - Bin number
- toBinNumber? RecordRef - To Bin number
- quantity? decimal - The quantity
- expirationDate? string - The expiration date
- quantityAvailable? decimal - The available quantity
- inventoryStatus? RecordRef - The inventory status
- toInventoryStatus? RecordRef - To inventory status
netsuite: InventoryAssignmentList
NetSuite InventoryAssignmentList type record
- inventoryAssignment InventoryAssignment[] - An array of inventory assignments
- customForm RecordRef? - Reference to a custom form
netsuite: Invoice
Represents a NetSuite Invoice record
- internalId string - The internalId of the invoice
- entity? RecordRef - The customer of the invoice
- itemList? Item[] - The item list for the invoice
- invoiceId? string - The ID of the invoice
- Fields Included from *InvoiceCommon
netsuite: InvoiceCommon
Represents a NetSuite Invoice record
- recognizedRevenue? decimal? - Recognized Revenue: cumulative amount of revenue recognized for this transaction
- discountTotal? decimal? - The amount discounted on this invoice
- deferredRevenue? decimal? - The amount of revenue deferred on this transaction
- total? decimal? - The total of line items, tax and shipping costs
- email? string - References an email for the invoice
- createdDate? string - Created date of the invoice
- lastModifiedDate? string - The last modified Date of the invoice
- status? string - The status of the Invoice
- classification? Classification - The classification of the invoice
- currency? RecordRef - The currency of the invoice
- 'class? RecordRef - The class of the invoice
- department? RecordRef - A department to associate with this invoice
- subsidiary? RecordRef - The subsidiary of the invoice
netsuite: Item
NetSuite general Item record
- subscription? RecordRef - Subscription of salesOrderItem
- item RecordRef - References an item type record
- quantityAvailable? decimal? - The available quantity
- quantityOnHand? decimal? - Sets the quantity on hand for this item
- quantity? decimal? - Quantity of the item
- units? RecordRef - Number of item units
- description? string - Item description
- price? RecordRef - Price of the item
- rate? string - Defines the rate for this item.
- amount decimal? - Amount of the item
- isTaxable? boolean - Shows whether item is taxable
- location? RecordRef - Locations for details
- line? decimal? - Line number of the invoice item list
- excludeFromRateRequest? boolean - Whether to exclude from the rate request
netsuite: ItemGroup
Netsuite itemGroup type record
- internalId? string - Internal Id of the group
- externalId? string - External id of the group
- Fields Included from *ItemGroupCommon
- createdDate string
- lastModifiedDate string
- customForm RecordRef
- includeStartEndLines boolean
- isVsoeBundle boolean
- defaultItemShipMethod RecordRef
- availableToPartners boolean
- isInactive boolean
- itemId string
- upcCode string
- displayName string
- vendorName string
- issueProduct RecordRef
- parent RecordRef
- description string
- subsidiaryList RecordRef[]
- includeChildren boolean
- department RecordRef
- class RecordRef
- location RecordRef
- itemShipMethodList RecordRef[]
- printItems boolean
- memberList ItemMember[]
- translationsList Translation[]
- hierarchyVersionsList ItemGroupHierarchyVersions[]
- customFieldList CustomFieldList
- anydata...
netsuite: ItemGroupCommon
Netsuite itemGroup type record common fields
- createdDate? string - Created date
- lastModifiedDate? string - Last modified date
- customForm? RecordRef - Custom form
- includeStartEndLines? boolean - Include Start/End Lines
- isVsoeBundle? boolean - ItemGroup Is VSOE Bundle or not
- defaultItemShipMethod? RecordRef - Default item ship method
- availableToPartners? boolean - Available to Adv. Partners
- isInactive? boolean - ItemGroup is inactive or not
- itemId? string - Item name/number
- upcCode? string - UPC Code
- displayName? string - Display name/code
- vendorName? string - Vendor name
- issueProduct? RecordRef - The product this item is associated with
- parent? RecordRef - Parent item
- description? string - Item description
- subsidiaryList? RecordRef[] - Subsidiary list
- includeChildren? boolean - Include Children field to share the item with all the sub-subsidiaries associated with each subsidiary selected in the Subsidiary field.
- department? RecordRef - Department to associate with this item
- 'class? RecordRef - Class to associate with this item.
- location? RecordRef - Location to associate with this item
- itemShipMethodList? RecordRef[] - Shipping method list
- printItems? boolean - To display the member items with their respective display names, quantities and descriptions on sales and purchase forms
- memberList? ItemMember[] - List of items of the group
- translationsList? Translation[] - List translations of the group
- hierarchyVersionsList? ItemGroupHierarchyVersions[] - List of version hierarchies.
- customFieldList? CustomFieldList - Custom Fields
netsuite: ItemGroupHierarchyVersions
Represents item group version hierarchies
- isIncluded? boolean - Whether it is included
- hierarchyVersion? RecordRef - Hierarchy version
- startDate? string - Start date
- endDate? string - End date
- hierarchyNode? RecordRef - hierarchy node
netsuite: ItemMember
Represents an item(member) of an item group
- memberDescr? string - Description of the member
- componentYield? decimal? - Component yield
- bomQuantity? decimal? - BOM quantity
- itemSource? string - Item source values:(_stock, _phantom, _workOrder, _purchaseOrder)
- quantity? decimal? - Quantity of the member
- memberUnit? RecordRef - Units
- vsoeDeferral? string - Deferral value (_deferBundleUntilDelivered, _deferUntilItemDelivered)
- vsoePermitDiscount? string - Permit Discount value (_asAllowed, _never)
- vsoeDelivered? boolean - Default as Delivered
- taxSchedule? RecordRef - Tax schedule
- taxcode? string - Tax Code
- item RecordRef - Item reference
- taxrate? decimal? - Tax rate
- effectiveDate? string - Effective date
- obsoleteDate? string - ObsoleteDate
- effectiveRevision? RecordRef - Effective Revision
- obsoleteRevision? RecordRef - ObsoleteRevision
- lineNumber? decimal? - Line number
- memberKey? string - Member Key
netsuite: LandedCostData
NetSuite LandedCostData type record
- costCategory? RecordRef - The cost category
- amount? decimal - The amount
netsuite: LandedCostDataList
NetSuite LandedCostDataList type record
- landedCostData LandedCostData[] - An array of landed cost data
netsuite: LandedCostSummary
NetSuite LandedCostSummary type record
- category? RecordRef - The category of the landed cost summary
- amount? decimal - The amount
- 'source? string - The source of the landed cost summary
- 'transaction? RecordRef - Reference to landed cost summary
netsuite: ListOrRecordRef
Represents an array of type RecordRef
- recordName string - name of the record
- internalId string - internal Id of the record ref
netsuite: LongCustomFieldRef
Represents integer custom Field Type in NetSuite UI
- internalId string - References a unique instance of a custom field type
- scriptId? string - Script Id
- value int? - Integer value
netsuite: MultiSelectCustomFieldRef
Represents Multiple Select custom Field Type in NetSuite UI
- internalId string - References a unique instance of a custom field type
- scriptId? string - Script Id
- value ListOrRecordRef[] - An array of lists/records or documents
netsuite: NewAccount
NetSuite Account type record
- acctNumber string - Account Number
- acctName string - Account Name
- currency? RecordInputRef - Account Currency Detail(Type: netsuite:CURRENCY)
- Fields Included from *AccountCommon
- acctType "_unbilledReceivable"|"_statistical"|"_otherIncome"|"_otherExpense"|"_otherCurrentLiability"|"_otherCurrentAsset"|"_otherAsset"|"_nonPosting"|"_longTermLiability"|"_income"|"_fixedAsset"|"_expense"|"_equity"|"_deferredRevenue"|"_deferredExpense"|"_creditCard"|"_costOfGoodsSold"|"_bank"|"_accountsReceivable"|"_accountsPayable"|string
- unitsType RecordRef
- unit RecordRef
- includeChildren boolean
- exchangeRate string
- generalRate string
- cashFlowRate "_historical"|"_current"|"_average"|string
- billableExpensesAcct RecordRef
- deferralAcct RecordRef
- description string
- curDocNum decimal
- isInactive boolean
- department RecordRef
- class RecordRef
- location RecordRef
- inventory boolean
- eliminate boolean
- openingBalance decimal
- revalue boolean
- subsidiary Subsidiary
- anydata...
netsuite: NewClassification
Netsuite Classification type record
- name string - Name of the classification
- parent? RecordInputRef - References parent classifications
- name string - Name of the classification
- includeChildren boolean - Checks for child classifications
- isInactive boolean - shows whether classification is active or not
- subsidiaryList RecordRef - Subsidiary List
- externalId string - external ID
- anydata... -
netsuite: NewContact
Netsuite Contact type record
- firstName string - First name of the contact
- subsidiary RecordInputRef - The subsidiary to associate with this contact
- middleName string - Middle name of the contact
- lastName string - Last name of the contact
- entityId string - Entity ID
- title string - Contact's title at his or her company
- phone string - Main phone number
- fax string - Fax number
- email string - Email address
- defaultAddress string - The default billing address
- isPrivate boolean - If true the contact can only be viewed by the user that entered the contact record.(default: false)
- isInactive boolean - If true, this contact is not displayed on the Contacts list in the UI.(default: false)
- altEmail string - An alternate email address for this contact
- officePhone string - Office phone number
- homePhone string - Home phone number
- mobilePhone string - Mobile phone number
- supervisorPhone string - SuperVisor phone number
- assistantPhone string - Assistant Phone number
- comments string - Any other information
- image string - References an existing file
- billPay boolean - BillPay value
- dateCreated string - The date of record creation
- lastModifiedDate string - The date of the last modification
- addressBookList ContactAddressBook[] - List of Address Books
- SubscriptionsList Subscription[] - List of subscriptions
- assistant RecordRef - References to an existing contact
- supervisor RecordRef - References an existing contact
- contactSource RecordRef - The way how this contact came to do business with the company
- company RecordRef - The company this contact works for
- customForm RecordRef - NetSuite custom form record reference
- anydata... -
netsuite: NewCurrency
Netsuite Currency type record
- name string - Name of the record
- symbol string - Symbol of the record
- exchangeRate decimal - The exchange rate of the currency
- displaySymbol string - Display symbol of the currency type
- currencyPrecision string - Precision symbol of the currency type
- isInactive boolean - Shows whether the currency type is active or not
- isBaseCurrency boolean - Shows whether the currency type is a NetSuite base currency or not
- anydata... -
netsuite: NewCustomer
Netsuite Customer type record
- companyName string - Company name
- subsidiary RecordInputRef - Selects the subsidiary to associate with this entity or job
- salutation string - The title of this person
- firstName string - First name
- middleName string - Middle name
- lastName string - Last name
- phone string - Main phone number
- fax string - Fax phone number
- email string - Email Address
- defaultAddress string - Default Address
- title string - The job title
- homePhone string - Home phone number
- mobilePhone string - Field Description
- accountNumber string - Field Description
- entityId string - Entity ID
- isInactive boolean - This field is false by default, shows whether active or not
- isPerson boolean - This is set to True which specifies the type
- category RecordRef - References a value in a user defined list at Setup
- addressbookList CustomerAddressbook[] - Field Description
- currencyList CustomerCurrency[] - Field Description
- anydata... -
netsuite: NewInvoice
Represents a NetSuite Invoice record
- entity RecordInputRef - The customer of the invoice
- itemList Item[] - The item list for the invoice
- Fields Included from *InvoiceCommon
netsuite: NewItemGroup
Represents Item Group record in record creation
- Fields Included from *ItemGroupCommon
- createdDate string
- lastModifiedDate string
- customForm RecordRef
- includeStartEndLines boolean
- isVsoeBundle boolean
- defaultItemShipMethod RecordRef
- availableToPartners boolean
- isInactive boolean
- itemId string
- upcCode string
- displayName string
- vendorName string
- issueProduct RecordRef
- parent RecordRef
- description string
- subsidiaryList RecordRef[]
- includeChildren boolean
- department RecordRef
- class RecordRef
- location RecordRef
- itemShipMethodList RecordRef[]
- printItems boolean
- memberList ItemMember[]
- translationsList Translation[]
- hierarchyVersionsList ItemGroupHierarchyVersions[]
- customFieldList CustomFieldList
- anydata...
netsuite: NewSalesOrder
Netsuite Sales Order type record
- entity RecordInputRef - The customer of the sales Order
- itemList Item[] - The list of items
- Fields Included from *SalesOrderCommon
- internalId string
- createdDate string
- tranDate string
- tranId string
- orderStatus "_undefined"|"_closed"|"_fullyBilled"|"_pendingBilling"|"_pendingBillingPartFulfilled"|"_partiallyFulfilled"|"_cancelled"|"_pendingFulfillment"|"_pendingApproval"|string
- nextBill string
- startDate string
- endDate string
- memo string
- excludeCommission boolean
- totalCostEstimate decimal|()
- estGrossProfit decimal|()
- estGrossProfitPercent decimal|()
- exchangeRate decimal|()
- currencyName string
- isTaxable boolean
- email string
- shipDate string
- subTotal decimal|()
- discountTotal decimal|()
- total decimal|()
- balance decimal|()
- status string
- billingAddress Address
- shippingAddress Address
- subsidiary RecordRef
- customForm RecordRef
- currency RecordRef
- drAccount RecordRef
- fxAccount RecordRef
- opportunity RecordRef
- salesRep RecordRef
- partner RecordRef
- salesGroup RecordRef
- leadSource RecordRef
- entityTaxRegNum RecordRef
- createdFrom RecordRef
- anydata...
netsuite: NewVendor
NetSuite Vendor type record
- companyName string - Company Name
- subsidiary RecordRef - Refers the subsidiary
- Fields Included from *VendorCommon
- customForm RecordRef
- externalId string
- entityId string
- altName string
- isPerson boolean
- phoneticName string
- salutation string
- firstName string
- middleName string
- lastName string
- phone string
- fax string
- email string
- url string
- defaultAddress string
- isInactive boolean
- lastModifiedDate string
- dateCreated string
- category RecordRef
- title string
- printOnCheckAs string
- altPhone string
- homePhone string
- mobilePhone string
- altEmail string
- comments string
- image RecordRef
- representingSubsidiary RecordRef
- accountNumber string
- legalName string
- vatRegNumber string
- expenseAccount RecordRef
- payablesAccount RecordRef
- terms RecordRef
- incoterm RecordRef
- creditLimit decimal|()
- balancePrimary decimal|()
- openingBalance decimal|()
- openingBalanceDate string
- openingBalanceAccount RecordRef
- balance decimal|()
- unbilledOrdersPrimary decimal|()
- bcn string
- unbilledOrders decimal|()
- currency RecordRef
- is1099Eligible boolean
- isJobResourceVend boolean
- laborCost decimal|()
- purchaseOrderQuantity decimal|()
- purchaseOrderAmount decimal|()
- purchaseOrderQuantityDiff decimal|()
- receiptQuantity decimal|()
- receiptAmount decimal|()
- receiptQuantityDiff decimal|()
- workCalendar RecordRef
- taxIdNum string
- taxItem RecordRef
- giveAccess boolean
- sendEmail boolean
- billPay boolean
- isAccountant boolean
- password string
- password2 string
- requirePwdChange boolean
- eligibleForCommission boolean
- emailTransactions boolean
- printTransactions boolean
- faxTransactions boolean
- defaultTaxReg RecordRef
- predictedDays int|()
- predConfidence decimal|()
- customFieldList CustomFieldList
- anydata...
netsuite: NewVendorBill
NetSuite VendorBill type record
- subsidiary? RecordRef - The subsidiary reference
- entity RecordRef - Vendor of the Bill
- Fields Included from *VendorBillCommon
- createdDate string
- lastModifiedDate string
- nexus RecordRef
- subsidiaryTaxRegNum RecordRef
- taxRegOverride boolean
- taxDetailsOverride boolean
- customForm RecordRef
- billAddressList RecordRef
- account RecordRef
- approvalStatus RecordRef
- nextApprover RecordRef
- vatRegNum string
- postingPeriod RecordRef
- tranDate string
- currencyName string
- billingAddress Address
- exchangeRate decimal|()
- entityTaxRegNum RecordRef
- taxPointDate string
- terms RecordRef
- dueDate string
- discountDate string
- tranId string
- userTotal decimal|()
- discountAmount decimal|()
- taxTotal decimal|()
- paymentHold boolean
- memo string
- tax2Total decimal|()
- creditLimit decimal|()
- availableVendorCredit decimal|()
- currency RecordRef
- class RecordRef
- department RecordRef
- location RecordRef
- status string
- landedCostMethod string
- landedCostPerLine boolean
- transactionNumber string
- overrideInstallments boolean
- expenseList VendorBillExpenseList
- accountingBookDetailList AccountingBookDetailList
- itemList VendorBillItemList
- installmentList Installment[]
- landedCostsList PurchLandedCostList
- purchaseOrderList RecordRef[]
- taxDetailsList TaxDetailsList
- customFieldList CustomFieldList
- anydata...
netsuite: PurchLandedCostList
Represents PurchLandedCostList type record
- replaceAll boolean(default true) - Whether to replace current values
- landedCosts LandedCostSummary[] - The landed costs
netsuite: RecordAddResponse
Ballerina record for netsuite record creation response
- isSuccess boolean - Boolean for checking submission NetSuite failures
- afterSubmitFailed? boolean - Boolean for checking After submission NetSuite failures
- internalId string - NetSuite record ID
- recordType string - Netsuite record type
- warning? string - Netsuite warnings
netsuite: RecordBaseRef
Represents record reference base to NetSuite Records
- internalId string - NetSuite Internal ID
- name? string - Name of the Record
- externalId? string - NetSuite external ID
netsuite: RecordDeletionResponse
Ballerina record for Netsuite record deletion response
- Fields Included from *RecordAddResponse
netsuite: RecordDetail
Ballerina record for Netsuite record delete response
- Fields Included from *RecordInfo
- deletionReasonId? string - Reason ID for deletion
- deletionReasonMemo? string - NetSuite Reason memo for deletion
netsuite: RecordInfo
Ballerina record for Netsuite record response
- recordType string - NetSuite Record type Eg: "currency","invoice", netsuite:INVOICE etc.
- recordInternalId string - Internal ID of the Netsuite record
netsuite: RecordInputRef
References to NetSuite Records for Input operations
- Fields Included from *RecordBaseRef
- 'type string - Type of the Record Eg: "currency" or netsuite:CURRENCY
netsuite: RecordList
Ballerina record for storing search results
- records RecordRef[] - Array of record references
netsuite: RecordRef
References to NetSuite Records
- Fields Included from *RecordBaseRef
- 'type string? - Type of the Record
netsuite: RecordUpdateResponse
Ballerina record for Netsuite record update response
- Fields Included from *RecordAddResponse
netsuite: SalesOrder
Netsuite Sales Order type record
- internalId string - Internal ID of the SalesOrder record
- entity? RecordRef - The customer of the sales Order
- itemList? Item[] - The list of items
- Fields Included from *SalesOrderCommon
- internalId string
- createdDate string
- tranDate string
- tranId string
- orderStatus "_undefined"|"_closed"|"_fullyBilled"|"_pendingBilling"|"_pendingBillingPartFulfilled"|"_partiallyFulfilled"|"_cancelled"|"_pendingFulfillment"|"_pendingApproval"|string
- nextBill string
- startDate string
- endDate string
- memo string
- excludeCommission boolean
- totalCostEstimate decimal|()
- estGrossProfit decimal|()
- estGrossProfitPercent decimal|()
- exchangeRate decimal|()
- currencyName string
- isTaxable boolean
- email string
- shipDate string
- subTotal decimal|()
- discountTotal decimal|()
- total decimal|()
- balance decimal|()
- status string
- billingAddress Address
- shippingAddress Address
- subsidiary RecordRef
- customForm RecordRef
- currency RecordRef
- drAccount RecordRef
- fxAccount RecordRef
- opportunity RecordRef
- salesRep RecordRef
- partner RecordRef
- salesGroup RecordRef
- leadSource RecordRef
- entityTaxRegNum RecordRef
- createdFrom RecordRef
- anydata...
netsuite: SalesOrderCommon
Netsuite Sales Order type record
- internalId? string - InternalId of the salesOrder record in Netsuite
- createdDate? string - created date of the salesOrder record in Netsuite
- tranDate? string - The posting date of this sales order
- tranId? string - Sales Order number
- orderStatus? SalesOrderStatus|string - status of sales orders
- nextBill? string - Date of the next bill
- startDate? string - The date for the first invoice to be created
- endDate? string - The end date of the order
- memo? string - A memo to describe this sales order
- excludeCommission? boolean - Option to exclude this transaction
- totalCostEstimate? decimal? - Estimated Cost
- estGrossProfit? decimal? - Estimated Gross Profit
- estGrossProfitPercent? decimal? - Estimated Gross Profit Margin
- exchangeRate? decimal? - The currency's exchange rate
- currencyName? string - Name of the currency
- isTaxable? boolean - A check mark in this box if this order is taxable
- email? string - The email address
- shipDate? string - Type or pick a shipping date for this order
- subTotal? decimal? - Total before any discounts, shipping cost, handling cost or tax
- discountTotal? decimal? - NetSuite enters the amount discounted on this sales order
- total? decimal? - The total of line items, tax and shipping costs
- balance? decimal? - The balance owed by this customer
- status? string - Status of the sales Order
- billingAddress? Address - The billing address
- shippingAddress? Address - The shipping address
- subsidiary? RecordRef - Subsidiary of the Sales Order
- customForm? RecordRef - References the customized sales order form
- currency? RecordRef - The currency of the sales Order
- drAccount? RecordRef - Deferred revenue reclassification account
- fxAccount? RecordRef - Foreign currency adjustment revenue account
- opportunity? RecordRef - References an Netsuite Opportunity
- salesRep? RecordRef - The sales representative associated with the company on the customer record
- partner? RecordRef - A partner to associate with this transaction
- salesGroup? RecordRef - A sales team to associate with this transaction
- leadSource? RecordRef - The lead source associated with this transaction
- entityTaxRegNum? RecordRef - The customer's tax registration number associated with this sales order
- createdFrom? RecordRef - The opportunity or estimate used to create this sales order
netsuite: SavedSearchReference
Saved search reference
- internalId string - Internal Id of the saved search record
- scriptId string - ScriptId of the saved search
- name string - Name of the Saved search
netsuite: SavedSearchResponse
Netsuite saveSearch list response record
- status boolean - Boolean for checking submission NetSuite failures
- totalReferences int - The total number of records for this search. Depending on the pageSize value, some or all the records may be returned in this response
- recordRefList SavedSearchReference[] - Netsuite record reference list
netsuite: SearchElement
Ballerina records for search operation
- fieldName string - Name of the search field (Eg: name, type)
- operator string|BasicSearchOperator - Searching operator (optional for boolean searches)
- searchType SearchType - Netsuite search field type
- value1 string(default EMPTY_STRING) - Primary search value
- value2? string - Secondary search value
- multiValues? string[] - An array of strings for multi values in case there are more values excepts primary and secondary
- multiSelectValues? RecordRef[] - An array of record references for Search Multi Select Field.
netsuite: SearchResult
Represents search results
- commonSearchResult CommonSearchResult - Description on search results
netsuite: SelectCustomFieldRef
Represents list/record, document custom Field Type in NetSuite UI
- internalId string - References a unique instance of a custom field type
- scriptId? string - Script Id
- value ListOrRecordRef - The list/record or document
netsuite: StringOrDateCustomFieldRef
Represents free-form text, text area, phone number, e-mail address, hyperlink, rich text custom Field Type, date and time in NetSuite UI
- internalId string - References a unique instance of a custom field type
- scriptId? string - Script Id
- value string - Custom field value
netsuite: Subscription
Netsuite Subscription type record
- subscribed boolean - Subscription ID
- subscription RecordRef - Subscription Detail
- lastModifiedDate string - Last modified date of the subscription
netsuite: Subsidiary
Netsuite Subsidiary type record
- name? string - Name of the subsidiary
- country? string - Country of the subsidiary
- email? string - Email of the subsidiary
- isElimination? boolean - The elimination status of the subsidiary
- isInactive? boolean - Shows whether subsidiary is active or not
- legalName? string - Legal name of the subsidiary
- url? string - URL for the subsidiary
netsuite: TaxDetails
Represents tax details
- taxDetailsReference? string - Tax details reference
- lineType? string - Type of the line
- lineName? string - Name of the line
- netAmount? decimal - Net amount
- grossAmount? decimal - Gross amount
- taxType? RecordRef - Type of the tax
- taxCode? RecordRef - Tax code
- taxBasis? decimal - Tax basis
- taxRate? decimal - Tax rates
- taxAmount? decimal - Tax amount
- calcDetail? string - Calculation details
netsuite: TaxDetailsList
Represents TaxDetailsList type record
- replaceAll boolean(default true) - Whether to replace current values
- taxDetails TaxDetails[] - Array of tax detail records
netsuite: Translation
Netsuite Translation element for the itemGroup
- locale? string - The location
- language? string - language of the translation
- displayName? string - Display Name
- description? string - Description
- salesDescription? string - Sales description
- storeDisplayName? string - Store display name
- storeDescription? string - Store description
- storeDetailedDescription? string - store detail Description
- featuredDescription? string - featured Description
- specialsDescription? string - special translation Description
- pageTitle? string - page Title
- noPriceMessage? string - No price message
- outOfStockMessage? string - Out of stock message
netsuite: Vendor
NetSuite Vendor type record
- internalId string - Internal ID
- companyName? string - The Company name
- subsidiary? RecordRef - Refers subsidiary
- Fields Included from *VendorCommon
- customForm RecordRef
- externalId string
- entityId string
- altName string
- isPerson boolean
- phoneticName string
- salutation string
- firstName string
- middleName string
- lastName string
- phone string
- fax string
- email string
- url string
- defaultAddress string
- isInactive boolean
- lastModifiedDate string
- dateCreated string
- category RecordRef
- title string
- printOnCheckAs string
- altPhone string
- homePhone string
- mobilePhone string
- altEmail string
- comments string
- image RecordRef
- representingSubsidiary RecordRef
- accountNumber string
- legalName string
- vatRegNumber string
- expenseAccount RecordRef
- payablesAccount RecordRef
- terms RecordRef
- incoterm RecordRef
- creditLimit decimal|()
- balancePrimary decimal|()
- openingBalance decimal|()
- openingBalanceDate string
- openingBalanceAccount RecordRef
- balance decimal|()
- unbilledOrdersPrimary decimal|()
- bcn string
- unbilledOrders decimal|()
- currency RecordRef
- is1099Eligible boolean
- isJobResourceVend boolean
- laborCost decimal|()
- purchaseOrderQuantity decimal|()
- purchaseOrderAmount decimal|()
- purchaseOrderQuantityDiff decimal|()
- receiptQuantity decimal|()
- receiptAmount decimal|()
- receiptQuantityDiff decimal|()
- workCalendar RecordRef
- taxIdNum string
- taxItem RecordRef
- giveAccess boolean
- sendEmail boolean
- billPay boolean
- isAccountant boolean
- password string
- password2 string
- requirePwdChange boolean
- eligibleForCommission boolean
- emailTransactions boolean
- printTransactions boolean
- faxTransactions boolean
- defaultTaxReg RecordRef
- predictedDays int|()
- predConfidence decimal|()
- customFieldList CustomFieldList
- anydata...
netsuite: VendorBill
NetSuite VendorBill type record
- internalId string - Internal Id of the Bill
- subsidiary? RecordRef - The subsidiary of the bill
- entity? RecordRef - The vendor of the bill
- Fields Included from *VendorBillCommon
- createdDate string
- lastModifiedDate string
- nexus RecordRef
- subsidiaryTaxRegNum RecordRef
- taxRegOverride boolean
- taxDetailsOverride boolean
- customForm RecordRef
- billAddressList RecordRef
- account RecordRef
- approvalStatus RecordRef
- nextApprover RecordRef
- vatRegNum string
- postingPeriod RecordRef
- tranDate string
- currencyName string
- billingAddress Address
- exchangeRate decimal|()
- entityTaxRegNum RecordRef
- taxPointDate string
- terms RecordRef
- dueDate string
- discountDate string
- tranId string
- userTotal decimal|()
- discountAmount decimal|()
- taxTotal decimal|()
- paymentHold boolean
- memo string
- tax2Total decimal|()
- creditLimit decimal|()
- availableVendorCredit decimal|()
- currency RecordRef
- class RecordRef
- department RecordRef
- location RecordRef
- status string
- landedCostMethod string
- landedCostPerLine boolean
- transactionNumber string
- overrideInstallments boolean
- expenseList VendorBillExpenseList
- accountingBookDetailList AccountingBookDetailList
- itemList VendorBillItemList
- installmentList Installment[]
- landedCostsList PurchLandedCostList
- purchaseOrderList RecordRef[]
- taxDetailsList TaxDetailsList
- customFieldList CustomFieldList
- anydata...
netsuite: VendorBillCommon
NetSuite VendorBill type record
- createdDate? string - The created date of the record
- lastModifiedDate? string - The last modified date of the record
- nexus? RecordRef - This field shows the nexus of the transaction. NetSuite automatically populates this field based on the nexus lookup logic. You can override the transaction nexus and tax registration number that NetSuite automatically selects by checking the Nexus Override box. When you select a different nexus in the dropdown list, the corresponding tax registration number is automatically selected in the Subsidiary Tax Reg. Number field
- subsidiaryTaxRegNum? RecordRef - This field shows the tax registration number of the transaction nexus. NetSuite automatically populates this field based on the nexus lookup logic
- taxRegOverride? boolean - Overrides the values in the Nexus and Subsidiary Tax Reg. Number fields
- taxDetailsOverride? boolean - Override the tax information on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction
- customForm? RecordRef - The appropriate standard or custom form to use.
- billAddressList? RecordRef - The billing address displayed in the Vendor field
- account? RecordRef - The Accounts Payable account that will be affected by this transaction
- approvalStatus? RecordRef - The approval status of this bill
- nextApprover? RecordRef - The next person set to approve this bill via approval routing
- vatRegNum? string - The vat Registration Number
- postingPeriod? RecordRef - Required on Add when the Accounting Periods feature is enabled
- tranDate? string - Required on Add. Defaults to the current date
- currencyName? string - A read only field that defaults to the currency associated with the customer referenced by the entity field
- billingAddress? Address - The billing address of the bill
- exchangeRate? decimal? - Required on Add. Defaults to the rate associated with the Vendor set in the entity field.
- entityTaxRegNum? RecordRef - The tax registration number for this entity displays here
- taxPointDate? string - Tax point date is a legal requirement in many countries
- terms? RecordRef - NetSuite multiplies the tax rate by the taxable total of line items and enters it here
- dueDate? string - Sets the due date for the bill. Defaults to the current date.
- discountDate? string - A read-only field that returns the last day you can pay this bill in order to receive a discount
- tranId? string - Sets the number to identify this transaction, such as the vendor's invoice number.
- userTotal? decimal? - A read-only field that returns the total amount of the transaction
- discountAmount? decimal? - A read-only field that returns the amount discounted on this bill
- taxTotal? decimal? - NetSuite multiplies the tax rate by the taxable total of line items and enters it here
- paymentHold? boolean - The Payment Hold box to apply a payment hold on a disputed bill
- memo? string - A memo that will appear on such reports as the 2-line Accounts Payable Register
- tax2Total? decimal? - NetSuite multiplies the tax rate by the taxable total of line items and enters it here
- creditLimit? decimal? - This is a read-only field that returns the credit limit set for the vendor
- availableVendorCredit? decimal? - From the web services perspective, this field is available only with the get, getList, and asyncGetList operations
- currency? RecordRef - The transaction currency for this bill is shown here
- 'class? RecordRef - The class that applies to this item
- department? RecordRef - References a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Company > Classifications > Departments
- location? RecordRef - A location to associate with this line item
- status? string - VendorBill status
- landedCostMethod? string - Available values are: _quantity _value _weight
- landedCostPerLine? boolean - Check this box to enter a landed cost per line item
- transactionNumber? string - By default, transaction lists display only the Number field in searches and reporting
- overrideInstallments? boolean - This box to override the default calculated installment amounts and enter custom ones
- expenseList? VendorBillExpenseList - The expense list
- accountingBookDetailList? AccountingBookDetailList - The accounting book list
- itemList? VendorBillItemList - The item list
- installmentList? Installment[] - The installment list
- landedCostsList? PurchLandedCostList - The landed costs list
- purchaseOrderList? RecordRef[] - The purchase order list
- taxDetailsList? TaxDetailsList - The tax details list
- customFieldList? CustomFieldList - The custom field list
netsuite: VendorBillExpense
NetSuite VendorBillExpense type record
- orderDoc? int? - Netsuite expenses orderDoc value
- orderLine? int? - The order line
- line int? - The line number of Netsuite list
- category? RecordRef - The expense category
- account? RecordRef - The Accounts Payable account that will be affected by this transaction
- amount decimal? - The expense amount
- taxAmount? decimal? - The tax amount
- tax1Amt? decimal? - The tax amount
- memo? string - A memo that will appear on such reports as the 2-line Accounts Payable Register
- grossAmt? decimal? - The gross amount
- taxDetailsReference? string - Tax details reference
- department? RecordRef - The department that applies to this item
- 'class? RecordRef - The class that applies to this item
- location? RecordRef - The location of the item
- customer? RecordRef - The Customer of the expense
- isBillable? boolean - Whether this is billable or not
- projectTask? RecordRef - The project task
- taxCode? RecordRef - Tax code
- taxRate1? decimal? - Tax rate 1
- taxRate2? decimal? - Tax rate 2
- amortizationSched? RecordRef - Amortization schedule
- amortizStartDate? string - Amortization start date
- amortizationEndDate? string - Amortization end date
- amortizationResidual? string - Amortization residual
- customFieldList? CustomFieldList - Custom field list
netsuite: VendorBillExpenseList
NetSuite VendorBillExpenseList type record
- replaceAll boolean(default true) - Whether to replace current values
- expenses VendorBillExpense[] - An array of expenses
netsuite: VendorBillItem
NetSuite VendorBillItem type record
- item? RecordRef - The vendorBill item
- vendorName? string - Name of the vendor
- line? int - The line number
- orderDoc? int - The order doc
- orderLine? int - The order line
- quantity? decimal? - The quantity
- unit? RecordRef - The unit
- inventoryDetail? InventoryAssignmentList - The inventory details
- description? string - Description on the item
- serialNumbers? string - Serial num
- binNumbers? string - The bin numbers
- expirationDate? string - The expiration date
- taxCode? RecordRef - Tax code
- taxRate1? decimal? - Tax rate1
- taxRate2? decimal? - Tax rate2
- grossAmt? decimal? - Gross amount
- tax1Amt? decimal? - Tax amount
- rate? string - The vendorBillItem rate value
- amount? decimal - The amount
- options? CustomFieldList - The options of the vendorBillItem
- department? RecordRef - The department of the item
- 'class? RecordRef - The class of the item
- location? RecordRef - The location of the item
- customer? RecordRef - The customer of the item
- landedCostCategory? RecordRef - The landed cost category
- isBillable? boolean - Whether item is billable or not
- billVarianceStatus? string - The bill variance status
- billreceiptsList? RecordRef[] - The bill receipt list
- amortizStartDate? string - Amortization start date
- amortizationEndDate? string - Amortization end date
- amortizationResidual? string - Amortization residual
- taxAmount? decimal? - The tax amount
- taxDetailsReference? string - The Details reference
- landedCost? LandedCostDataList - The landed cost
- customFieldList? CustomFieldList - The custom field list
netsuite: VendorBillItemList
NetSuite VendorBillItemList type record
- replaceAll boolean(default true) - Whether to replace current values
- item VendorBillItem[] - An array of VendorBillItem records
netsuite: VendorCommon
NetSuite Vendor type record
- customForm? RecordRef - Refers the custom form
- externalId? string - The external ID
- entityId? string - The entity ID
- altName? string - This is the name of this person or company
- isPerson? boolean - By default, this is set to True which specifies the type of vendor record as Individual. If set to False, the vendor record is set as a Company type
- phoneticName? string - The furigana character you want to use to sort this record
- salutation? string - The salutation
- firstName? string - First name
- middleName? string - Middle name
- lastName? string - Last name
- phone? string - Phone number
- fax? string - Fax
- email? string - Email
- url? string - Only available when isPerson is set to FALSE
- defaultAddress? string - Read-only field that returns the default address for the vendor
- isInactive? boolean - This field is false by default
- lastModifiedDate? string - The last modified date
- dateCreated? string - The record created date
- category? RecordRef - References a value in a user-defined list at Lists > Accounting > Currencies. This value sets the currency that all transactions involving this vendor are conducted in.
- title? string - Job title
- printOnCheckAs? string - Sets the Pay to the Order of line of a check instead of what you entered in the Vendor field
- altPhone? string - Phone numbers can be entered in the following formats: 999-999-9999, 1-999-999-9999, (999) 999-9999, 1(999) 999-9999 or 999-999-9999 ext 9999
- homePhone? string - Home page
- mobilePhone? string - Mobile Phone
- altEmail? string - Email
- comments? string - Any other information you wish to track for this vendor
- image? RecordRef - References an image file that has already been uploaded to the account
- representingSubsidiary? RecordRef - Indicates that this entity is an intercompany vendor
- accountNumber? string - The account number for vendors to reference
- legalName? string - The legal name for this vendor for financial purposes
- vatRegNumber? string - For the UK edition only. Note that this field is not validated when submitted via Web services.
- expenseAccount? RecordRef - References an existing account to be used for goods and services you purchase from this vendor
- payablesAccount? RecordRef - The default payable account for this vendor record
- terms? RecordRef - References a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > Term and sets the standard discount terms for this Vendor's invoices
- incoterm? RecordRef - The standardized three-letter trade term to be used on transactions related to this vendor
- creditLimit? decimal? - A credit limit for your purchases from the vendor
- balancePrimary? decimal? - This is a read-only calculated field that returns the vendor's current accounts payable balance in the specified currency
- openingBalance? decimal? - The opening balance of your account with this vendor
- openingBalanceDate? string - The date of the balance entered in the Opening Balance field
- openingBalanceAccount? RecordRef - The account this opening balance is applied to
- balance? decimal? - This is a read-only calculated field that returns the vendor's current accounts payable balance
- unbilledOrdersPrimary? decimal? - This field displays the total amount of orders that have been entered but not yet billed in the specified currency
- bcn? string - The 15-digit registration number that identifies this vendor as a client of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)
- unbilledOrders? decimal? - Tffhe total amount of orders that have been entered but not yet billed in the specified currency
- currency? RecordRef - References a value in a user-defined list at Lists > Accounting > Currencies. This value sets the currency that all transactions involving this vendor are conducted in
- is1099Eligible? boolean - If set to TRUE, this vendor is 1099 eligible
- isJobResourceVend? boolean - This vendor as a resource on tasks and jobs
- laborCost? decimal? - The cost of labor for this vendor in order to be able to calculate profitability on jobs
- purchaseOrderQuantity? decimal? - The tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and purchase order
- purchaseOrderAmount? decimal? - The tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the amount on the vendor bill and purchase order
- purchaseOrderQuantityDiff? decimal? - The difference limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and purchase order
- receiptQuantity? decimal? - The tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and item receipt
- receiptAmount? decimal? - The tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the amount on the vendor bill and item receipt
- receiptQuantityDiff? decimal? - The difference limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and item receipt
- workCalendar? RecordRef - The work calendar for this vendor
- taxIdNum? string - The Vendor's Tax ID number
- taxItem? RecordRef - The default tax code you want applied to purchase orders and bills for this vendor
- giveAccess? boolean - Access to your NetSuite account for the vendor
- sendEmail? boolean - This field can only be set on ADD. When set to TRUE, an email notification is sent to the Vendor to inform them that they have been granted access to your account
- billPay? boolean - Allows to send this vendor payments online. Before you can use this feature, you must set up Online Bill Pay at Setup > Accounting > Online Bill Pay.
- isAccountant? boolean - If set to TRUE, this vendor has free access to the NetSuite account and the isAccountant field is set to FALSE for any vendor record previously defined as the Free Accountant
- password? string - The password assigned to allow this vendor access to NetSuite
- password2? string - The password confirmation field
- requirePwdChange? boolean - If set to TRUE, the vendor is required to change the default password assign on the next login attempt
- eligibleForCommission? boolean - Indicates eligible for commission
- emailTransactions? boolean - Sets a preferred transaction delivery method for this vendor
- printTransactions? boolean - Sets a preferred transaction delivery method for this vendor
- faxTransactions? boolean - Sets a preferred transaction delivery method for this vendor
- defaultTaxReg? RecordRef - The default tax registration number for this entity
- predictedDays? int? - How late or early you expect this vendor to provide the required material in number of days. To indicate days early, enter a negative number
- predConfidence? decimal? - The confidence you have that this vendor will provide the required material expressed as a percentage
- customFieldList? CustomFieldList - Custom field list
Union types
netsuite: CustomField
Represents a union type for custom field types.
netsuite: NewRecordType
RecordType Connector supports for creation operation for now.
netsuite: ExistingRecordType
RecordType Connector supports for update operation for now.
import ballerinax/netsuite;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 3.3.0
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.8.0
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 0
Current verison: 51
Weekly downloads
Business Management/ERP