Module leanix.integrationapi
ballerinax/leanix.integrationapi Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for LeanIX Integration API v1 OpenAPI specification.
The Integration API provides the ability to import and export data using a generic LeanIX Data Interchange Format (LDIF). LDIF is a JSON format with a very simple structure described in the following sections. All mapping and processing of the incoming and outgoing data is done using "Data Processors" that are configured behind the API. Configuration of the processors can be done using the UI, please see the Setup page for more information. The configurations can be managed using the Integration API as well.
leanix.integrationapi: Client
This is a generated connector for LeanIX Integration API v1 OpenAPI specification. The Integration API provides the ability to import and export data using a generic LeanIX Data Interchange Format (LDIF). LDIF is a JSON format with a very simple structure described in the following sections. All mapping and processing of the incoming and outgoing data is done using "Data Processors" that are configured behind the API. Configuration of the processors can be done using the UI, please see the Setup page for more information. The configurations can be managed using the Integration API as well.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a LeanIX Account and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ClientConfig clientConfig, string serviceUrl)
- clientConfig ClientConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "https://eu.leanix.net/services/integration-api/v1" - URL of the target service
function starterExample() returns InputWithProcessorConfig|error
Returns a starter example including an Input object and processor configuration
Return Type
- InputWithProcessorConfig|error - Returns a complete input example with processor configurations
function advancedExample() returns InputWithProcessorConfig|error
Returns an advanced example including an Input object and processor configuration
Return Type
- InputWithProcessorConfig|error - Returns a complete input example with processor configurations
function getProcessorConfigurations(string? connectorType, string? connectorId, string? connectorVersion, string? processingDirection, string? processingMode) returns ProcessorConfiguration|error
Returns a list of available processor configurations
- connectorType string? (default ()) - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string? (default ()) - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string? (default ()) - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- processingDirection string? (default ()) - The data flow direction, could be [inbound, outbound]
- processingMode string? (default ()) - The processing mode, could be [partial, full]
Return Type
- ProcessorConfiguration|error - successful operation
function upsertProcessorConfiguration(ProcessorConfiguration payload) returns Response|error
Inserts a new processor configuration or updates an existing one
- payload ProcessorConfiguration -
function deleteProcessorConfiguration(string? connectorType, string? connectorId, string? connectorVersion, string? processingDirection, string? processingMode) returns Response|error
Delete a single processor configuration
- connectorType string? (default ()) - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string? (default ()) - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string? (default ()) - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- processingDirection string? (default ()) - The data flow direction, could be [inbound, outbound]
- processingMode string? (default ()) - The processing mode, could be [partial, full]
function getSynchronizationRunsStatusList() returns StatusResponse[]|error
Returns the status of all existing synchronization runs
Return Type
- StatusResponse[]|error - A list containing current status of all available synchronization runs
function createSynchronizationRun(Input payload, boolean 'start, boolean test) returns StatusResponse[]|error
Creates a synchronization run.
- payload Input -
- 'start boolean (default false) - If true the created run will be enqueued to be started
- test boolean (default false) - If true a dry run without any changes will be performed. This parameter requires the start parameter to be set to true as well
Return Type
- StatusResponse[]|error - Returns the ID of the new synchronization run.
Starts an existing but not yet started synchronization run
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
- test boolean (default false) - If true a dry run without any changes will be performed
function getSynchronizationRunProgress(string id) returns SyncRunInboundProgressReport|error
Shows the progress of a synchronization run, it gives updated counters of the run level that is in execution.
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
Return Type
- SyncRunInboundProgressReport|error - The synchronization run exists and progress information was searched.
Stops a running synchronization run
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
Returns the status of an existing synchronization run
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
Returns the results of a finished synchronization run
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
Returns the url to the results of a finished synchronization run
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
Return Type
Returns the warnings of a synchronization run
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
- offset int (default 0) - The zero-based index of the first element to retrieve
- 'limit int (default 100) - The number of elements that should be retrieved
function createSynchronizationRunWithConfig(InputWithProcessorConfig payload, boolean 'start, boolean test) returns SynchronizationRun|error
Starts a new synchronization run using the processor configuration and input object provided in the request.
- payload InputWithProcessorConfig -
- 'start boolean (default false) - If true the created run will be enqueued to be started
- test boolean (default false) - If true a dry run without any changes will be performed. This parameter requires the start parameter to be set to true as well
Return Type
- SynchronizationRun|error - Successful operation, the response contains the ID of the run.
function createSynchronizationRunWithUrlInput(DataProvider payload, boolean 'start, boolean test) returns SynchronizationRunWithConfiguration|error
Starts a new synchronization run using a DataProvider information to obtain the LDIF input
- payload DataProvider -
- 'start boolean (default false) - If true the created run will be enqueued to be started
- test boolean (default false) - If true a dry run without any changes will be performed. This parameter requires the start parameter to be set to true as well
Return Type
- SynchronizationRunWithConfiguration|error - Successful operation, the response contains the ID of the run and the processor configuration selected for the run.
function createSynchronizationRunWithExecutionGroup(Input payload, string? groupName, boolean 'start, boolean test) returns SynchronizationRunWithConfiguration|error
Starts a new synchronization run using combined processor configuration within an execution group and input object provided in the request.
- payload Input -
- groupName string? (default ()) - The name of execution group
- 'start boolean (default false) - If true the created run will be enqueued to be started
- test boolean (default false) - If true a dry run without any changes will be performed. This parameter requires the start parameter to be set to true as well
Return Type
- SynchronizationRunWithConfiguration|error - Successful operation, the response contains the ID of the run.
function createSynchronizationFastRun(Input payload, boolean test) returns FastRunResponse|error
Creates a fast synchronization run.
- payload Input -
- test boolean (default false) - If true a dry run without any changes will be performed
Return Type
- FastRunResponse|error - Results of the execution, it includes error messages and statistics about the run.
function createSynchronizationFastRunWithConfig(InputWithProcessorConfig payload, boolean test) returns FastRunResponse|error
Starts a new fast run synchronization using the processor configuration and input object provided in the request.
- payload InputWithProcessorConfig -
- test boolean (default false) - If true a dry run without any changes will be performed
Return Type
- FastRunResponse|error - Results of the execution, it includes error messages and statistics about the run.
function createInAzure() returns StorageManagerResponse|error
Provides storage resources that can be used for synchronisation runs. It creates a blob file in Azure Storage.
Return Type
- StorageManagerResponse|error - A new blob file was created and its ready for writing in Azure Blob Storage.
leanix.integrationapi: AzureStorageDataConsumer
Upload the outbound result LDFI to the target Azure storage account and container
- Fields Included from *DataConsumer
- type string
- anydata...
leanix.integrationapi: ChunkInformation
- firstDataObject int? - Index of the first data object in this chunk
- lastDataObject int? - Index of the last data object in this chunk
- maxDataObject int? - Index of the last data object over all chunks
leanix.integrationapi: ClientConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion string(default "1.1") - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings(default {}) - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings(default {}) - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- followRedirects FollowRedirects?(default ()) - Configurations associated with Redirection
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration?(default ()) - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig(default {}) - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with retrying
- cookieConfig CookieConfig?(default ()) - Configurations associated with cookies
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs(default {}) - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket?(default ()) - SSL/TLS-related options
leanix.integrationapi: Content
An object containing all necessary information about changes that are going to be made by the processors
- 'type string - The type of content defined by this entry
- id string - The (External) ID that identifies the fact sheet
- data record {} - Processor specific fields that correspond to changes
leanix.integrationapi: Credentials
Credential settting for synchronization run
- apiToken string? - The API token that is used for executing the synchronization run
- useTechnicalUser boolean? - Whether to use the technical user of the workspace to execute the synchronization run. If true, 'apiToken' field will be ignored.
leanix.integrationapi: DataConsumer
Define the target location to which the outbound result LDIF should be uploaded to
- 'type string - The type of data consumer (one of 'leanixStorage' or 'azureStorage').
leanix.integrationapi: DataProvider
Definition of the provider which provides the inbound LDIF
- url string? - The url from which the inbound LDIF should be downloaded from
- 'type string? - The type of storage provider. Use 'azureStorage' to optimize for Azure Storage, or null for other types.
leanix.integrationapi: DeletionScope
Definition of the entities to be removed if they are not touched by the processor configuration
- maximumDeletionRatio record {}? - Maximum Ratio (percentage) between elements to be deleted compared to size of the scope. If this limit is violated the deletion is canceled
- factSheets FactSheetDeletionScope[]? - The scopes for fact sheet entities
- relations RelationDeletionScope[]? - The scopes for fact sheet entities
- tags TagDeletionScope[]? - The scopes for fact sheet entities
- subscriptions SubscriptionDeletionScope[]? - The scopes for subscriptions entities
- documents DocumentDeletionScope[]? - The scopes for document entities
- impacts ImpactDeletionScope[]? - The scopes for impact entities
leanix.integrationapi: DocumentDeletionScope
The criteria for selection of documents.
- documentMatches record {}? - A list of matching patterns that document names have to match to be considered for deletion
- scope Scope? - The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
- advanced string? - An EL expression to describe the advanced filter settings.
leanix.integrationapi: DocumentFilter
- filter string? - The document names to filter for
leanix.integrationapi: DocumentInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- identifier IdentifierWithSearchScopeTemplate - A template representing the conditions for obtaining the fact sheets to been evaluated. Includes an identifier for internal, external Id, or a search criteria to obtain multiple fact sheets to evaluate
- updates PatchTemplate[]? - A list of changes that are performed to the specified fact sheet
leanix.integrationapi: ExternalIdSetTemplate
The template that generates one or more fact sheet identifiers using the ExternalID of the fact sheets
- ids string - The ExternalIDs of the fact sheets
- 'type KeyTemplate -
leanix.integrationapi: ExternalIdTemplate
The template that generates the fact sheet identifier using the ExternalID of the fact sheet
- id KeyTemplate -
- 'type KeyTemplate -
leanix.integrationapi: FactSheetDeletionScope
The criteria to select fact sheets and activate the deletion.
- owner FactSheetOwnerDeletion? - Defines the factSheet field that controls the deletion, which will be done only if the value represents an empty list
- scope Scope? - The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
leanix.integrationapi: FactSheetInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- 'type string - An expression resolving to a Fact Sheet type present in the data model of your LeanIX workspace
- identifier IdentifierWithSearchScopeTemplate - A template representing the conditions for obtaining the fact sheets to been evaluated. Includes an identifier for internal, external Id, or a search criteria to obtain multiple fact sheets to evaluate
- updates PatchTemplate[]? - A list of changes that are performed to the specified fact sheet
- read ReadFactSheetSection? - Define the components that will be available for JUEL expression under the symbol 'lx'.
leanix.integrationapi: FactSheetOwnerDeletion
Defines the factSheet field that controls the deletion, which will be done only if the value represents an empty list
- fieldName string? - The name of the factSheet field that keep the list of owners for a factSheet
- ownerId string? - The value that represents ownership for factSheets, if this value is found in fieldName, it will be removed
leanix.integrationapi: FastRunResponse
- status string? - The status result of the run, like FINISHED, FAILED.
- warnings Warning[]? - A list of error/warnings messages found during the execution.
- stats FastRunStatsReport? -
- results record {}? - Output ldif when writeToLdif processor is used.
leanix.integrationapi: FastRunStatsReport
- duration string? - The duration of the execution expressed in ISO-8601 format PnDTnHnMn
- processedContentCount int? - The number of elements processed as given by the LDIF input content
- processorCount int? - The number or processors that were part of the execution
leanix.integrationapi: FilterConfig
Defines a filter for the content data that this processor is able to evaluate
- 'type string? - The regular expression of the content type this filter config should accept
- id string? - The regular expression of the content id this filter config should accept
- advanced string? - An EL expression to describe the advanced filter settings.
- onRead string? - An EL expression to describe the onRead filter settings.
- updatedAtDuration string? - An EL expression to limit Fact Sheets that have changes since a given data. ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn is used
leanix.integrationapi: IdentifierSetTemplate
A template representing one or more identifiers of Fact Sheets
- 'external ExternalIdSetTemplate? - The template that generates one or more fact sheet identifiers using the ExternalID of the fact sheets
- internal string? - Internal identifiers of the Fact Sheet assigned by LeanIX
leanix.integrationapi: IdentifierTemplate
A template representing a unique identifier of a Fact Sheet when evaluated
- 'external ExternalIdTemplate? - The template that generates the fact sheet identifier using the ExternalID of the fact sheet
- internal string? - An internal identifier of the Fact Sheet assigned by LeanIX
leanix.integrationapi: IdentifierWithSearchScopeTemplate
A template representing the conditions for obtaining the fact sheets to been evaluated. Includes an identifier for internal, external Id, or a search criteria to obtain multiple fact sheets to evaluate
- 'external ExternalIdTemplate? - The template that generates the fact sheet identifier using the ExternalID of the fact sheet
- internal string? - An internal identifier of the Fact Sheet assigned by LeanIX
- search SearchScope? - The criteria for selecting fact sheets and filter in combination with LDIF data
leanix.integrationapi: ImpactDeletionScope
The criteria to select impacts for deletion
- scope Scope? - The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
- advanced string? - An EL expression to describe the advanced filter settings.
leanix.integrationapi: ImpactFilter
- readAll boolean? - A flag that specifies whether to read impacts belonging to Fact Sheet
leanix.integrationapi: ImpactInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- identifier IdentifierWithSearchScopeTemplate - A template representing the conditions for obtaining the fact sheets to been evaluated. Includes an identifier for internal, external Id, or a search criteria to obtain multiple fact sheets to evaluate
- updates PatchTemplate[]? - A list of changes that are performed to the specified fact sheet
- read ReadFactSheetSection? - Define the components that will be available for JUEL expression under the symbol 'lx'.
leanix.integrationapi: InboundProcessor
- processorType string - The type that identifies this processor (one of 'inboundFactSheet', 'inboundRelation', 'inboundTag', 'inboundDocument', 'inboundSubscription', 'inboundMetrics', 'inboundImpact', 'variableProcessor')
- processorName string? - A not necessarily unique name for this processor
- processorDescription string? - A description for this processor
- filter FilterConfig? - Defines a filter for the content data that this processor is able to evaluate
- run int? - Order of processor execution. Processors with high numbers are executed after such processors with low number. A value greater or equal 0 is expected for this value
- enabled boolean? - Whether this processor is executed or not. Default is true.
- forEach string? - An EL expression which targets a content property with a list. Processing will be done for each element in the list.
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]? - A list of variables. Each variable consists of a key and a value. Both fields can contain EL expressions. The expression in key must be evaluated to a single element while the expression in value will be evaluated to a list. The EL expressions are evaluated after a processor has run for a data object and the values will be provided in the next run of the running synchronization.
- mode string? - The operation mode of this processor. It can be either 'delete', or 'createOrUpdate'.
- logLevel string? - The log level of this processor. It can be 'off', 'warning' or 'debug'.
leanix.integrationapi: InboundProcessorConfiguration
- Fields Included from *ProcessorConfiguration
- connectorType string - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- processingDirection string - The data flow direction, must be [inbound]
- processingMode string? - The processing mode, could be [partial, full]
- processors InboundProcessor[]? - The list of processors used to evaluate the LDIF data
- deletionScope record {}? - The deletion scope definition used to delete untouched entities on a 'full' sync mode
- variables record {}? - The global variable definition used to define default values
- dataProvider record {}? - Definition of the provider which provides the inbound LDIF.
- credentials record {}? - Credentials setting for the synchronization run.
- targetLdif TargetLdifConfiguration? - Configuration for the created LDIF, in case 'writeToLdif' is used
- defaultInput record {}? - The default LDIF for testing with this processor configuration.
leanix.integrationapi: Input
- connectorType string - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- processingDirection string - The data flow direction, could be [inbound, outbound]
- processingMode string? - The processing mode, could be [partial, full]
leanix.integrationapi: InputWithProcessorConfig
- input Input -
- processorConfiguration ProcessorConfiguration -
leanix.integrationapi: KeyTemplate
- expr string - The basic expression that is evaluated by the EL based on the content data
- regexReplace RegexReplace? - The combination of a matching and a replacement pattern. The default matching pattern selects the whole string in group 1, while the default replace pattern replaces the matches with group 1
leanix.integrationapi: KeyValueTemplate
- 'key string - The basic expression of key
- value string - The basic expression of value
leanix.integrationapi: LeanIxDataInterchangeFormat
Represents a LeanIX Data Interchange Format (LDIF)
- Fields Included from *Input
- connectorType string - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- lxVersion string - The target API version
- lxWorkspace string? - The optional target workspace
- description string? - A customer added, arbitrary description for any kind of grouping, notification or note purpose
- processingDirection string - The direction of the data flow
- processingMode string? - Optional additional options to parse this LDIF request
- chunkInformation ChunkInformation? -
- customFields record {}? - Global variables accessible from all data processors.
- content Content[]? - The list of content changes that are applied within this LDIF
leanix.integrationapi: LeanIxStorageDataConsumer
Upload the outbound result LDFI to the default cloud storage provided by LeanIX
- Fields Included from *DataConsumer
- type string
- anydata...
leanix.integrationapi: MaximumDeletionRatio
The ratio limits for each type of deletion scope
- factSheets int? - The maximum ratio for deletion in fact sheets
- subscriptions int? - The maximum ratio for deletion in subscriptions
- documents int? - The maximum ratio for deletion in documents
- relations int? - The maximum ratio for deletion in relations
- tags int? - The maximum ratio for deletion in tags
leanix.integrationapi: MetricRules
Specify the condition to collect data. Juel expression can be used in all corresponding values.
- 'key string? - Identify the key for the rule
- comparator string? - Identify the operation that is used to compare values
- compareWith string? - The value used in the comparison operation
leanix.integrationapi: MetricsInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- updates PatchTemplate[]? - A set of values that specify the metrics point that is created.
leanix.integrationapi: MetricsMeasurement
Specify multiple measurements that are fetched along with the processing Fact Sheet, it is possible to use juel expression in any of the values
- name string? - The name to be used for this measurement in the context of 'lx.metrics.'.
- measurement string? - The name of the measurement as it is known in the workspace.
- fieldName string? - The name of the field that belongs to the measurement where the data will be collected.
- groupBy string? - Optional, grouping criteria, it is a time duration value, e.g. '1d'.
- 'start string? - Optional, start of the period of time to fetch data. If 'start' is defined, then at least 'end' or 'duration' must be also defined
- end string? - Optional, end of the period of time to fetch data, must be defined based on the 'start' field.
- duration string? - Optional, the duration expression (time interval) to express the period of time to fetch data. ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn is expected
- rules MetricRules? - Specify the condition to collect data. Juel expression can be used in all corresponding values.
leanix.integrationapi: OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
OAuth2 Client Credintials Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
- tokenUrl string
- clientId string
- clientSecret string
- scopes string[]
- defaultTokenExpTime decimal
- clockSkew decimal
- optionalParams map<string>
- credentialBearer CredentialBearer
- clientConfig ClientConfiguration
- tokenUrl string(default "https://app.leanix.net/services/mtm/v1/oauth2/token") - Token URL
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundDocumentFilter
- filter string? - The document names to filter for
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundFieldTemplate
- 'key KeyTemplate -
- mode string? - Either 'list' or 'selectFirst'. Defines if the field should be written as a list or as a single element.
- values ValueTemplate[]? - A list of expressions for multiple values, e.g. for multi select fields
- forEach ValueForEachTemplate? - An object that contains information about how the value should be expanded according to a list field
- optional boolean? - Whether this value is optional. If true, then missing value error will not be reported
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundInput
- Fields Included from *Input
- connectorType string - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- processingDirection string - The direction of the data flow.
- processingMode string? - Optional additional options to parse this LDIF request
- description string? - A customer added, arbitrary description for any kind of grouping, notification or note purpose
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundProcessor
- processorType string - The type that identifies this processor ('outboundFactSheet')
- processorName string? - A not necessarily unique name for this processor
- processorDescription string? - A description for this processor
- filter FilterConfig? - Defines a filter for the content data that this processor is able to evaluate
- enabled boolean? - Whether this processor is executed or not. Default is true.
- scope record {}? - A list of facet filters which limit which Fact Sheets are considered for output
- fields string[]? - A list of fields that are required to get from Fact Sheet
- relations OutboundRequiredRelationInfo? -
- tags OutboundTagFilter? -
- subscriptions OutboundSubscriptionFilter? -
- documents OutboundDocumentFilter? -
- dataConsumer DataConsumer? - Define the target location to which the outbound result LDIF should be uploaded to
- metrics MetricsMeasurement? - Specify multiple measurements that are fetched along with the processing Fact Sheet, it is possible to use juel expression in any of the values
- output OutboundFieldTemplate[]? - A list of fields that are constructed an exported Fact Sheet
- noNullForOrdinal boolean? - A flag to determine the fallback response in the function lx.toOrdinal(...). A true (default if absent) makes the value returned by lx.toOrdinal(...) to be zero for non-found cases. False will make the returned value equals NULL.
- multipleFields string? - An EL expression to describe which factSheet fields from the data model are selected
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundProcessorConfiguration
- Fields Included from *ProcessorConfiguration
- connectorType string - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- processingDirection string - The data flow direction, must be [outbound]
- processingMode string? - The processing mode, could be [partial]
- scope record {} - A list of facet filters to limit which Fact Sheets are considered for output
- processors OutboundProcessor[]? - The list of processors used to evaluate the LDIF data
- dataConsumer DataConsumer? - Define the target location to which the outbound result LDIF should be uploaded to
- defaultInput record {}? - The default outbound input for testing with this processor configuration.
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundRequiredRelationInfo
- filter string[]? - The relation types to filter for
- fields string[]? - The names of the fields of a relation that are be available
- targetFields string[]? - The names of the fields of the target Fact Sheet that are available
- constrainingRelations boolean? - Whether to get constraining relations of relations
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundSubscriptionFilter
- types string[]? - The subscription types to retrieve
leanix.integrationapi: OutboundTagFilter
- groups string[]? - The tag groups to retrieve
leanix.integrationapi: PatchTemplate
The template of a key/value pair that defines an abstract change to the data
- 'key KeyTemplate -
- op string? - Defines the operation that is used. Data can be added or updated
- values ValueTemplate[] - A list of expressions for multiple values, e.g. for multi select fields
- optional boolean? - Whether this value is optional. If true, then missing value error will not be reported
- forEach ValueForEachTemplate? - An object that contains information about how the value should be expanded according to a list field
leanix.integrationapi: Processor
- name string? - The name of the processor as defined by the processor configuration
- index int? - An internal integer value used to identify the processor
leanix.integrationapi: ProcessorConfiguration
- connectorType string - The type of connector that is used
- connectorId string - The identifier of the connector instance
- connectorVersion string - The version of the connector that is expected to process this LDIF file
- processingDirection string - The data flow direction, could be [inbound, outbound]
- processingMode string? - The processing mode, could be [partial, full]
leanix.integrationapi: ReadFactSheetSection
Define the components that will be available for JUEL expression under the symbol 'lx'.
- metrics MetricsMeasurement? - Specify multiple measurements that are fetched along with the processing Fact Sheet, it is possible to use juel expression in any of the values
- fields string[]? - A list of fields that are required to get from Fact Sheet
- relations RequiredRelationInfo? -
- tags TagFilter? -
- subscriptions SubscriptionFilter? -
- documents DocumentFilter? -
- impacts ImpactFilter? -
- noNullForOrdinal boolean? - A flag to determine the fallback response in the function lx.toOrdinal(...). A true (default if absent) makes the value returned by lx.toOrdinal(...) to be zero for non-found cases. False will make the returned value equals NULL.
- multipleFields string? - An EL expression to describe which factSheet fields from the data model are selected
leanix.integrationapi: RegexReplace
The combination of a matching and a replacement pattern. The default matching pattern selects the whole string in group 1, while the default replace pattern replaces the matches with group 1
- 'match string? - The matching pattern
- replace string? - The replacement pattern
leanix.integrationapi: RelationDeletionScope
The criteria for selection of relations.
- relationTypes string[]? - A list of relation types like 'relToParent', 'relToChild'
- scope Scope? - The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
- advanced string? - An EL expression to describe the advanced filter settings.
leanix.integrationapi: RelationInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- 'type string - The relation type
- 'from IdentifierTemplate - A template representing a unique identifier of a Fact Sheet when evaluated
- to IdentifierTemplate - A template representing a unique identifier of a Fact Sheet when evaluated
- updates PatchTemplate[]? - A list of changes that are performed to the specified relation
leanix.integrationapi: RequiredRelationInfo
- filter string[]? - The relation types to filter for
- fields string[]? - The names of the fields of a relation that are be available
- targetFields string[]? - The names of the fields of the target Fact Sheet that are available
- constrainingRelations boolean? - Whether to get constraining relations of relations
- multipleFields string? - An EL expression to describe which relation fields from the data model are selected
- multipleFilters string? - An EL expression to describe which relation type to filter for
- multipleTargetFields string? - An EL expression to describe which factSheet fields on the target factSheet are selected
leanix.integrationapi: Scope
The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
leanix.integrationapi: SearchScope
The criteria for selecting fact sheets and filter in combination with LDIF data
- scope Scope? - The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
- filter record {}? - The JUEL expression to filter results from search scope. References to LDIF fields are allowed here
- multipleMatchesAllowed record {}? - True is multiple matches are allowed for the target fact sheets to update. False if only one match is allowed
- scopeFromBookmark record {}? - String or JUEL expression that define bookmark that wil be used for selecting factsheets.
- projectionScope record {}? - The projection query request for obtaining projection PointOfViews, create this section as documented in projection endpoint (https://app.leanix.net/openapi-explorer/?urls.primaryName=Impacts). Every item from the PointOfViews response can be used in JUEL expressions by ${lx.projection}
leanix.integrationapi: StatusResponse
- id string - The ID of the synchronization run
- status string? - The status of the synchronization run
- description string? - The optional description that was provided as part of the Input object.
leanix.integrationapi: StorageManagerResponse
- expireAt string - The date until the SAS url for the new blob file is valid.
- SAS string - The Shared Accesss Signature (SAS)
leanix.integrationapi: SubscriptionDeletionScope
The criteria to select subscriptions
- subscriptionScopes SubscriptionScopes[]? - The combinations of type and roles for subscriptions
- scope Scope? - The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
- advanced string? - An EL expression to describe the advanced filter settings.
leanix.integrationapi: SubscriptionFilter
- types string[]? - The subscription types to retrieve
leanix.integrationapi: SubscriptionInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- identifier IdentifierWithSearchScopeTemplate - A template representing the conditions for obtaining the fact sheets to been evaluated. Includes an identifier for internal, external Id, or a search criteria to obtain multiple fact sheets to evaluate
- updates PatchTemplate[]? - A list of changes that are performed to the specified subscription
leanix.integrationapi: SubscriptionScopes
The criteria to select subscriptions
- roles string[]? - List of role names
- 'type string? - Type of role, like RESPONSIBLE
leanix.integrationapi: SynchronizationRun
- id string? - A unique ID to distinguish this LDIF instance from other LDIF instances
leanix.integrationapi: SynchronizationRunWithConfiguration
- id string? - A unique ID to distinguish this LDIF instance from other LDIF instances
- processorConfiguration ProcessorConfiguration? -
leanix.integrationapi: SyncRunInboundProgressReport
- processedContentCount int? - Number of elements processed from content in the current run level for Inbound processing.
- errorCount int? - Number of errors in the current run level, valid for Inbound
- graphQLRequestCount int? - Number of GraphQL request made to Pathfinder backend in the current run level, not applicable for Outbound
- runLevelIndex int? - Identifier of the run level being executed, valid only for Inbound processing.
- status int? - Status of the synchronization Job
- contentsCount int? - Number of elements build in the output content. Valid for Outbound
- warningsCount int? - Number of warnings detected during Outbound processing
- itemsInScopeCount int? - Number of elements found in the Outbound Scope or the Scope of the processors
leanix.integrationapi: TagDeletionScope
The criteria for selection of tags.
- tagScopes TagScope[]? - A list of tag and tag group combinations.
- scope Scope? - The criteria for selection of entities. In case you use facetFilters inside, it is possible to use Juel expressions inside 'keys', for example: ${customFields.factSheetType}
- advanced string? - An EL expression to describe the advanced filter settings.
leanix.integrationapi: TagFilter
- groups string[]? - The tag groups to retrieve
- multipleGroups string[]? - Create list of tag group names by evaluating juel expression. It iterates all tagGroups in Workspace, tag group currently iterated over is available as “dm.tagGroup” in the JUEL expression, example: ${dm.tagGroup.name=='TagGroupsName'}
leanix.integrationapi: TagInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- identifier IdentifierWithSearchScopeTemplate? - A template representing the conditions for obtaining the fact sheets to been evaluated. Includes an identifier for internal, external Id, or a search criteria to obtain multiple fact sheets to evaluate
- factSheets IdentifierSetTemplate? - A template representing one or more identifiers of Fact Sheets
- updates PatchTemplate[]? - A list of changes that are performed to the specified tag
leanix.integrationapi: TagScope
A combination of tag and tag group.
- 'group string? - The group name or the regular expression pattern
- tag string? - The tag name or the regular expression pattern
leanix.integrationapi: TargetLdifConfiguration
Configuration for the created LDIF, in case 'writeToLdif' is used
- ldifKeys KeyValueTemplate[]? - A list of key-value pairs that evaluates to be the keys of the new LDIF
- dataConsumer DataConsumer? - Define the target location to which the outbound result LDIF should be uploaded to
leanix.integrationapi: ValueForEachTemplate
An object that contains information about how the value should be expanded according to a list field
- elementOf string? - The JUEL expressing targeting a list
- filter string? - The filter to apply to each element
leanix.integrationapi: ValueTemplate
A value template describes the mapping from an incoming object to a single value or a json object
- expr string? - An EL expression that evaluates to a single value. Use 'map' to evaluate to whole json object
- regexMatch string? - If this regex does not match on the evaluated 'expr' then this value template is ignored. Can not be used with 'map'
- regexReplace RegexReplace? - The combination of a matching and a replacement pattern. The default matching pattern selects the whole string in group 1, while the default replace pattern replaces the matches with group 1
- 'map KeyValueTemplate[]? - A list of key-value pairs that evaluates to a json object. Use 'expr' to evaluate to a single value
- forEach ValueForEachTemplate? - An object that contains information about how the value should be expanded according to a list field
- 'object string? - An EL expression that evaluates to an arbitrary data object.
leanix.integrationapi: VariableInboundProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
leanix.integrationapi: VariableKeyValueTemplate
- 'key string - The basic expression of key
- value string - The basic expression of value
leanix.integrationapi: Warning
- processor Processor? -
- content string? - The content ID element from the LDIF that was processed when this warning was generated.
- message string? - The error message
- detail string? - Additional information to complement the error message
- category string? - An internal category that identifies of processing category where the warning was originated.
- status string? - An identifier of the type of alert. Possible values are WARNING, ERROR
leanix.integrationapi: WriteToLdifProcessor
- Fields Included from *InboundProcessor
- processorType string
- processorName string
- processorDescription string
- filter FilterConfig
- run int
- enabled boolean
- forEach string
- variables VariableKeyValueTemplate[]
- mode string
- logLevel string
- anydata...
- identifier IdentifierWithSearchScopeTemplate? - A template representing the conditions for obtaining the fact sheets to been evaluated. Includes an identifier for internal, external Id, or a search criteria to obtain multiple fact sheets to evaluate
- updates OutboundFieldTemplate[]? - A list of changes that are performed to the specified fact sheet
- read ReadFactSheetSection? - Define the components that will be available for JUEL expression under the symbol 'lx'.
import ballerinax/leanix.integrationapi;
Released date: almost 3 years ago
Version: 1.1.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: slbeta6
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 57
Current verison: 0
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IT Operations/Enterprise Architecture Tools