Module karbon
ballerinax/karbon Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Karbon API v3.0 OpenAPI specification. Leverage the Karbon API to integrate your apps with Karbon, build custom solutions, optimize workflows and power your business.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a Karbon account
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
To use the Karbon connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/karbon
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/karbon;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
Create a karbon:ClientConfig
with the Bearer_Token
obtained, and initialize the connector with it.
karbon:ClientConfig clientConfig = { auth: { token: <Bearer_Token> } }; karbon:Client baseClient = check new Client(clientConfig);
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.
Following is an example on how to retrieve a list of Karbon users using the connector.
Retrieve a list of Karbon users
public function main() returns error? { karbon:KarbonApiTenantUserdto[] response = check baseClient->getUsers(<AccessKey>); log:printInfo(response.toString()); }
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
karbon: Client
This is a generated connector for Karbon API v3.0 OpenAPI specification. Leverage the Karbon API to integrate your apps with Karbon, build custom solutions, optimize workflows and power your business.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a Karbon account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "https://api.karbonhq.com" - URL of the target service
function getClientGroups(string accessKey, string? filter, string? orderby, int? top, int? skip) returns MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupsummarydto|error
Get and/or Filter a Paged List of Client Groups
- accessKey string - Access Key
- filter string? (default ()) - Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed logical operators are: eq, and. The allowed properties are: FullName.
- orderby string? (default ()) - Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. The allowed properties are: FullName.
- top int? (default ()) - Limits the number of items returned from a collection. The maximum value is 100.
- skip int? (default ()) - Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
function postClientGroups(string accessKey, KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto payload) returns KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto|error
Create a Client Group
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto - The new Client Group to Create
Return Type
- KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto|error - Client Group successfully created
function getClientGroupByKey(string accessKey, string 'key, string? expand) returns KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto|error
Gets a single Client Group by supplied Key
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - The Client Group Key
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
Return Type
function putClientGroups(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a full update of a Client Group
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Client Group to update
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto - The new (full) details of the Client Group to update with.
function patchClientGroups(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a Partial update of a Client Group
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Client Group to update
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto - The new details of the Client Group to update. NOTE only the properties to be updated need to be provided
function getClientGroupByUserDefinedIdentifier(string accessKey, string userDefinedIdentifier, string? expand) returns KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto|error
Get a Client Group from the supplied User Defined Identifier
- accessKey string - Access Key
- userDefinedIdentifier string - The UserDefinedIdentifier
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
Return Type
function getContacts(string accessKey, string? filter, string? orderby, int? top, int? skip) returns MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiContactsV2Contactsummarydto|error
Get and/or Filter a Paged List of Contacts
- accessKey string - Access Key
- filter string? (default ()) - Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed logical operators are: eq, and. The allowed properties are: FullName, EmailAddress, PhoneNumber.
- orderby string? (default ()) - Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. The allowed properties are: FullName, LastModifiedDateTime.
- top int? (default ()) - Limits the number of items returned from a collection. The maximum value is 100.
- skip int? (default ()) - Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
function postContacts(string accessKey, KarbonApiContactsV2Contactdto payload) returns json|error
Create a Contact
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Contactdto - The new Contact to Create
Return Type
- json|error - Contact successfully created
Gets a single Contact by supplied Key
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - The Contact Key
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function putContacts(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiContactsV2Contactdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a full update of a Contact
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Contact to update
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Contactdto - The new (full) details of the Contact to update with.
function patchContacts(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiContactsV2Contactdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a Partial update of a Contact
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Contact to update
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Contactdto - The new details of the Contact to update. NOTE only the properties to be updated need to be provided
function getContactByUserDefinedIdentifier(string accessKey, string userDefinedIdentifier, string? expand) returns json|error
Get a contact from the supplied User Defined Identifier
- accessKey string - Access Key
- userDefinedIdentifier string - The UserDefinedIdentifier
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function postNotes(string accessKey, KarbonApiContentitemsNotedto payload) returns KarbonApiContentitemsNotedto|error
Create a Note
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiContentitemsNotedto - The new Note to Create
Return Type
- KarbonApiContentitemsNotedto|error - Note successfully created
function getOrganizations(string accessKey, string? filter, string? orderby, int? top, int? skip) returns MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiContactsV2Organizationsummarydto|error
Get and/or Filter a Paged List of Organizations
- accessKey string - Access Key
- filter string? (default ()) - Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed logical operators are: eq, and. The allowed properties are: FullName.
- orderby string? (default ()) - Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. The allowed properties are: FullName, LastModifiedDateTime.
- top int? (default ()) - Limits the number of items returned from a collection. The maximum value is 100.
- skip int? (default ()) - Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
function postOrganizations(string accessKey, KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationdto payload) returns json|error
Create an Organization
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationdto - The new Organization to Create
Return Type
- json|error - Organization successfully created
Gets a single organization by supplied Key
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - The Organization Key
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function putOrganizations(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a full update of an Organization
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Organization to update
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationdto - The new (full) details of the Organization to update with.
function organizationsPatch(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a Partial update of an Organization
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Organization to update
- payload KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationdto - The new details of the Organization to update. NOTE only the properties to be updated need to be provided
function getOrganizationByUserDefinedIdentifier(string accessKey, string userDefinedIdentifier, string? expand) returns json|error
Get an organization from the supplied User Defined Identifier
- accessKey string - Access Key
- userDefinedIdentifier string - User defined identifier
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getTimesheets(string accessKey, string? expand, string? filter, string? orderby, int? top, int? skip) returns KarbonApiTimeV3Timesheetdto[]|error
Search for timesheets by date or work item.
- accessKey string - Access Key
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2. The allowed properties are: TimeEntries.
- filter string? (default ()) - Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed logical operators are: eq, and. The allowed properties are: StartDate, EndDate, UserKey, WorkItemKeys, Status.
- orderby string? (default ()) - Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. The allowed properties are: StartDate, EndDate.
- top int? (default ()) - Limits the number of items returned from a collection. The maximum value is 100.
- skip int? (default ()) - Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
Return Type
- KarbonApiTimeV3Timesheetdto[]|error - OK
function getTimesheetByKey(string accessKey, string 'key, string? expand) returns KarbonApiTimeV3Timesheetdto|error
Get an individual timesheet by key.
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - The timesheet Key
- expand string? (default ()) - Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
Return Type
function getUsers(string accessKey, int? top, int? skip) returns KarbonApiTenantUserdto[]|error
List of Users
- accessKey string - Access Key
- top int? (default ()) - Limits the number of items returned from a collection.
- skip int? (default ()) - Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
Return Type
- KarbonApiTenantUserdto[]|error - OK
function postUsers(string accessKey, KarbonApiTenantUserdto payload) returns json|error
Create a User
Return Type
- json|error - User successfully created
function getWebhookSubscriptions(string accessKey) returns KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Webhooksubscriptiondto|error
Gets a single Webhook Subscription
- accessKey string - Access Key
Return Type
- KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Webhooksubscriptiondto|error - Webhook Subscription found
function postWebhookSubscriptions(string accessKey, KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Webhooksubscriptiondto payload) returns KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Webhooksubscriptiondto|error
Create or Update a Webhook Subscription
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Webhooksubscriptiondto - The Webhook Subscription to Create or Update
Return Type
- KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Webhooksubscriptiondto|error - Webhook Subscription target URL successfully created
function getWorkItems(string accessKey, string? filter, string? orderby, int? top, int? skip) returns MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemsummarydto|error
Get and/or Filter a Paged List of Work
- accessKey string - Access Key
- filter string? (default ()) - Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed logical operators are: eq, ge, le, and. The allowed properties are: ClientKey, AssigneeEmailAddress, PrimaryStatus, WorkStatus, StartDate.
- orderby string? (default ()) - Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. The allowed properties are: StartDate.
- top int? (default ()) - Limits the number of items returned from a collection. The maximum value is 100.
- skip int? (default ()) - Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
function postWorkItems(string accessKey, KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto payload) returns KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto|error
Create a WorkItem
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto - The new Work Item to Create
Return Type
- KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto|error - WorkItem successfully created
function getWorkItemByKey(string accessKey, string 'key) returns KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto|error
Gets a single Work Item by supplied Key
Return Type
function putWorkItems(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a full update of a WorkItem
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Work Item to update
- payload KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto - The new (full) details of the WorkItem to update with.
function patchWorkItems(string accessKey, string 'key, KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a Partial update of a Work Item
- accessKey string - Access Key
- 'key string - Key of the Work Item to update
- payload KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto - The new details of the Work Item to update. NOTE only the properties to be updated need to be provided
function getWorkScheduleByKey(string accessKey, string 'key) returns KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto|error
Gets a single Work Schedule by supplied Key
Return Type
function putWorkSchedules(string accessKey, KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto payload) returns Response|error
Perform a full update of a Work Schedule
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto - The new full details of the Work Schedule
function createWorkSchedule(string accessKey, KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto payload) returns KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto|error
Create a Work Schedule
- accessKey string - Access Key
- payload KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto - The new Work Schedule to create
Return Type
- KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto|error - Work Schedule successfully created
function getWorkTemplates(string accessKey, string? filter, string? orderby, int? top, int? skip) returns MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiWorkV3Worktemplatedto|error
Get and/or Filter a Paged List of Work Templates
- accessKey string - Access Key
- filter string? (default ()) - Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed functions are: startswith. The allowed properties are: Title, WorkTypeKey, HasScheduledClientTaskGroups, EstimatedBudget, EstimatedTime, DraftHasChanges, PublishedDate, NumberOfWorkItemsCreated, DateLastWorkItemCreated, DateModified.
- orderby string? (default ()) - Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. The allowed properties are: WorkTypeKey, EstimatedBudget, EstimatedTime, PublishedDate, NumberOfWorkItemsCreated, DateLastWorkItemCreated, DateModified.
- top int? (default ()) - Limits the number of items returned from a collection. The maximum value is 10.
- skip int? (default ()) - Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
Return Type
function getWorkTemplateByKey(string accessKey, string 'key) returns KarbonApiWorkV3Worktemplatedto|error
Gets a single Work Template by supplied Key
Return Type
karbon: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
karbon: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Addressdto
- AddressKey string? -
- AddressLines string? -
- City string? -
- StateProvinceCounty string? -
- ZipCode string? -
- CountryCode string? -
- Label string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Businesscarddto
- BusinessCardKey string? -
- IsPrimaryCard boolean? -
- Addresses KarbonApiContactsV2Addressdto[]? -
- PhoneNumbers KarbonApiContactsV2Phonenumberdto[]? -
- WebSites string[]? -
- EmailAddresses string[]? -
- OrganizationKey string? -
- RoleOrTitle string? -
- FacebookLink string? -
- LinkedInLink string? -
- TwitterLink string? -
- SkypeLink string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupdto
- FullName string? -
- BusinessCard KarbonApiContactsV2Businesscarddto? -
- ClientOwner string? -
- ClientManager string? -
- ContactType string? -
- UserDefinedIdentifier string? -
- RestrictionLevel string? -
- PrimaryContact string? -
- Members KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupmemberdto[]? -
- LastModifiedDateTime string? -
- EntityDescription KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Entitydescriptiondto? -
- AccountingDetails KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Accountingdetailsdto? -
- ClientGroupKey string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupmemberdto
- ContactKey string? -
- OrganizationKey string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupsummarydto
- FullName string? -
- PhoneNumber string? -
- Website string? -
- LastModifiedDateTime string? -
- ClientGroupKey string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Contactdto
- FirstName string? -
- MiddleName string? -
- LastName string? -
- PreferredName string? -
- Salutation string? -
- Suffix string? -
- ClientOwner string? -
- ClientManager string? -
- ContactType string? -
- UserDefinedIdentifier string? -
- RestrictionLevel string? -
- AvatarUrl string? -
- LastModifiedDateTime string? -
- ContactKey string? -
- BusinessCards KarbonApiContactsV2Businesscarddto[]? -
- EntityDescription KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Entitydescriptiondto? -
- AccountingDetail KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Accountingdetailsdto? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Contactsummarydto
- FullName string? -
- PreferredName string? -
- Salutation string? -
- ClientOwner string? -
- ClientManager string? -
- Address string? -
- EmailAddress string? -
- PhoneNumber string? -
- RoleOrTitle string? -
- UserDefinedIdentifier string? -
- LastModifiedDateTime string? -
- ContactKey string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationdto
- FullName string? -
- ClientOwner string? -
- ClientManager string? -
- ContactType string? -
- UserDefinedIdentifier string? -
- RestrictionLevel string? -
- LastModifiedDateTime string? -
- OrganizationKey string? -
- BusinessCards KarbonApiContactsV2Businesscarddto[]? -
- EntityDescription KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Entitydescriptiondto? -
- AccountingDetail KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Accountingdetailsdto? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationsummarydto
- FullName string? -
- PhoneNumber string? -
- Website string? -
- LastModifiedDateTime string? -
- OrganizationKey string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContactsV2Phonenumberdto
- PhoneNumberKey string? -
- Number string? -
- CountryCode string? -
- Label string? -
karbon: KarbonApiContentitemsNotedto
- Id string? -
- Subject string? -
- Body string? -
- AuthorEmailAddress string? -
- AssigneeEmailAddress string? -
- DueDate string? -
- TodoDate string? -
karbon: KarbonApiFilesFiledto
- Id string? -
- Name string? -
- MimeType string? -
- Size int? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Accountingdetailsdto
- ContactPermaKey string? -
- OrganizationPermaKey string? -
- BirthDate string? -
- DeathDate string? -
- Salutation string? -
- Sex string? -
- FinancialYearEndDay int? -
- FinancialYearEndMonth int? -
- IncorporationDate string? -
- IncorporationState string? -
- LegalName string? -
- LineOfBusiness string? -
- EntityType string? -
- TaxCountryCode string? -
- TradingName string? -
- AnnualRevenue decimal? -
- BaseCurrency string? -
- GstBasis string? -
- GstPeriod string? -
- IncomeTaxInstallmentPeriod string? -
- IsVATRegistered boolean? -
- OrganizationValuation decimal? -
- PaysTax boolean? -
- PrepareGST boolean? -
- ProvisionalTaxBasis string? -
- ProvisionalTaxRatio string? -
- RevenueModel string? -
- SalesTaxBasis string? -
- SalesTaxPeriod string? -
- Sells string? -
- RegistrationNumbers KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Registrationnumberdto[]? -
- Notes KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Clientnotedto[]? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Clientnotedto
- Body string? -
- Type string? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsAccountingV3Registrationnumberdto
- RegistrationNumber string? -
- Type string? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Entitydescriptiondto
- Text string? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsContactsV3Webhooksubscriptiondto
- TargetUrl string? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Actorroledto
- ActorKey string? -
- ActorName string? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Clienttaskrecipientdto
- RecipientKey string? -
- TemplateItemKey string? -
- LinkType string? -
- EmailAddress string? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Userroleassignmentdto
- Id string? -
- RoleKey string? -
- UserProfileKey string? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemdto
- Description string? -
- UserRoleAssignments KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Userroleassignmentdto[]? -
- ClientTaskRecipients KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Clienttaskrecipientdto[]? -
- WorkItemKey string? -
- AssigneeEmailAddress string -
- AssigneeKey string? -
- AssigneeName string? -
- Title string? -
- ClientKey string -
- ClientName string? -
- ClientType string -
- RelatedClientGroupKey string? -
- ClientGroupKey string? -
- RelatedClientGroupName string? -
- StartDate string -
- DueDate string? -
- CompletedDate string? -
- ToDoPeriod string? -
- WorkType string? -
- WorkStatus string? -
- PrimaryStatus string? -
- SecondaryStatus string? -
- WorkTemplateKey string? -
- WorkTemplateTile string? -
- WorkScheduleKey string? -
- EstimatedBudget decimal? -
karbon: KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemsummarydto
- WorkItemKey string? -
- AssigneeEmailAddress string -
- AssigneeKey string? -
- AssigneeName string? -
- Title string? -
- ClientKey string -
- ClientName string? -
- ClientType string -
- RelatedClientGroupKey string? -
- ClientGroupKey string? -
- RelatedClientGroupName string? -
- StartDate string -
- DueDate string? -
- CompletedDate string? -
- ToDoPeriod string? -
- WorkType string? -
- WorkStatus string? -
- PrimaryStatus string? -
- SecondaryStatus string? -
- WorkTemplateKey string? -
- WorkTemplateTile string? -
- WorkScheduleKey string? -
- EstimatedBudget decimal? -
karbon: KarbonApiTenantUserdto
- Id string? -
- Name string? -
- EmailAddress string? -
karbon: KarbonApiTimeV3Aggregatetimeentrydto
- TimeEntryKey string -
- EntityKey string -
- WorkItemKey string? -
- ClientKey string? -
- ClientType string? -
- RoleName string? -
- TaskTypeName string? -
- Minutes int -
- HourlyRate decimal? -
- Descriptions string[]? -
karbon: KarbonApiTimeV3Timesheetdto
- TimesheetKey string -
- StartDate string -
- EndDate string -
- UserKey string -
- Status string - Gets or sets the status of the timesheet. Can be "Draft", "Submitted", "Approved", or "Declined".
- WorkItemKeys string[] -
- TimeEntries KarbonApiTimeV3Aggregatetimeentrydto[]? -
karbon: KarbonApiWorkV3Workscheduledto
- WorkScheduleKey string? -
- ClientKey string? -
- ClientType string? -
- CreatedFromWorkItemKey string? -
- RecurrenceFrequency string? -
- CustomFrequencyUnits string? -
- CustomFrequencyMultiple int? -
- FrequencyDescription string? -
- ScheduleStartDate string? -
- ScheduleEndDate string? -
- ScheduleDueDateMethod string? -
- ScheduleDueDateDays int? -
- ScheduleDueDateMonthMultiple int? -
- AssigneeUserKey string? -
- WorkItemDescription string? -
- PreventStartEndOnWeekend boolean? -
- InitializeBeforeStartDateUnits string? -
- InitializeBeforeStartDateMultiple int? -
- WorkItemTitleDefinition string? -
- WorkItemTitleDisplayText string? -
- InitializeTasksBeforeStartDateUnits string? -
- InitializeTasksBeforeStartDateMultiple int? -
karbon: KarbonApiWorkV3Worktemplatedto
- WorkTemplateKey string? -
- Title string? -
- Description string? -
- WorkTypeKey string? -
- HasScheduledClientTaskGroups boolean? -
- EstimatedBudget decimal? -
- EstimatedTime int? -
- DraftHasChanges boolean? -
- PublishedDate string? -
- NumberOfWorkItemsCreated int? -
- DateLastWorkItemCreated string? -
- DateModified string? -
- ActorRoles KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Actorroledto[]? -
karbon: MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupsummarydto
- Items KarbonApiContactsV2Clientgroupsummarydto[]? -
- NextPageLink string? -
- Count int? -
karbon: MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiContactsV2Contactsummarydto
- Items KarbonApiContactsV2Contactsummarydto[]? -
- NextPageLink string? -
- Count int? -
karbon: MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiContactsV2Organizationsummarydto
- Items KarbonApiContactsV2Organizationsummarydto[]? -
- NextPageLink string? -
- Count int? -
karbon: MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemsummarydto
- Items KarbonApiModelsWorkV3Workitemsummarydto[]? -
- NextPageLink string? -
- Count int? -
karbon: MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiTenantUserdto
- Items KarbonApiTenantUserdto[]? -
- NextPageLink string? -
- Count int? -
karbon: MicrosoftAspnetOdataPageresultKarbonApiWorkV3Worktemplatedto
- Items KarbonApiWorkV3Worktemplatedto[]? -
- NextPageLink string? -
- Count int? -
karbon: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
import ballerinax/karbon;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
Productivity/Product Management