Module jira.servicemanagement
ballerinax/jira.servicemanagement Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Jira Service Management Cloud REST API OpenAPI specification.
The Jira Service Management Cloud REST APIs are for developers who want to integrate Jira Service Management with other applications or administrators that want to automate their workflows and processes.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create Atlassian Account
- Obtaining tokens
- Log into Atlassian Account
- If you are using basic authentication navigate to
Account Settings
->Security and click
->Create and manage API tokens
and create API token. If you are using OAuth authentication navigate toAccount Settings
->Security and click
->Manage two-step verification
and create and obtain client credentials
Step 1: Import Jira module
First, import the ballerinax/jira.servicemanagement module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/jira.servicemanagement as jira;
Step 2: Configure the connection credentials.
jira:ClientConfig clientConfig = { auth : { username : "<your_atlassian_account_email>", password : "<atlassian_account_api_key>" } }; jira:Client myclient = check new (clientConfig, "https://<your_domain>.atlassian.net");
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
- You can use this function to get customers by providing service desk Id as a parameter.
jira:PagedDTOUserDTO result = check myclient->getCustomers("<ServiceDeskId>"); log:printInfo(result.toString());
- Use
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program
jira.servicemanagement: Client
This is a generated connector for Jira Service Management Cloud REST API OpenAPI specification. The Jira Service Management Cloud REST APIs are for developers who want to integrate Jira Service Management with other applications or administrators that want to automate their workflows and processes.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an Atlassian Account
and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function createCustomer(CustomerCreateDTO payload) returns UserDTO|error
Create customer
- payload CustomerCreateDTO - Customer details
function getInfo() returns SoftwareInfoDTO|error
Get info
Return Type
- SoftwareInfoDTO|error - Returns the runtime information for the Jira Service Management instance.
function getInsightWorkspaces(int 'start, int 'limit) returns PagedDTOInsightWorkspaceDTO|error
Get insight workspaces
- 'start int (default 0) - The starting index of the returned workspace IDs. Base index: 0 See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int (default 50) - The maximum number of workspace IDs to return per page. Default: 50 See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOInsightWorkspaceDTO|error - Returned if the request is successful.
function getArticles(string? query, boolean highlight, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOArticleDTO|error
Get articles
- query string? (default ()) - The string used to filter the articles (required).
- highlight boolean (default false) - If set to true matching query term in the title and excerpt will be highlighted using the {@code @@@hl@@@term@@@endhl@@@} syntax. Default: false.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 100. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOArticleDTO|error - Returns the articles, on the specified page of the results.
function getOrganizations(int? 'start, int? 'limit, string? accountId) returns PagedDTOOrganizationDTO|error
Get organizations
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of organizations to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
- accountId string? (default ()) - The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.
Return Type
- PagedDTOOrganizationDTO|error - Returns paginated list of organizations.
function createOrganization(OrganizationCreateDTO payload) returns OrganizationDTO|error
Create organization
- payload OrganizationCreateDTO - Organization details
Return Type
- OrganizationDTO|error - Returns the created organization or the existing organization if name already exists.
function getOrganization(int organizationId) returns OrganizationDTO|error
Get organization
- organizationId int - The ID of the organization.
Return Type
- OrganizationDTO|error - Returns the requested organization.
Delete organization
- organizationId int - The ID of the organization.
function getPropertiesKeys(string organizationId) returns PropertyKeys|error
Get properties keys
- organizationId string - The ID of the organization from which keys will be returned.
Return Type
- PropertyKeys|error - Returned if the organization was found.
function getProperty(string organizationId, string propertyKey) returns EntityProperty|error
Get property
- organizationId string - The ID of the organization from which the property will be returned.
- propertyKey string - The key of the property to return.
Return Type
- EntityProperty|error - Returns the organization's property.
Set property
- organizationId string - The ID of the organization on which the property will be set.
- propertyKey string - The key of the organization's property. The maximum length of the key is 255 bytes.
Return Type
- json|error - Returned if the organization property was updated.
Delete property
- organizationId string - The ID of the organization from which the property will be removed.
- propertyKey string - The key of the property to remove.
function getUsersInOrganization(int organizationId, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOUserDTO|error
Get users in organization
- organizationId int - The ID of the organization.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of users to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOUserDTO|error - Returns a paged list of users associated with the organization, ordered by their accountId.
function addUsersToOrganization(int organizationId, UsersOrganizationUpdateDTO payload) returns Response|error
Add users to organization
- organizationId int - The ID of the organization.
- payload UsersOrganizationUpdateDTO - Organization details
Return Type
function getCustomerRequests(string? searchTerm, string[]? requestOwnership, string? requestStatus, string? approvalStatus, int? organizationId, int? serviceDeskId, int? requestTypeId, string[]? expand, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOCustomerRequestDTO|error
Get customer requests
- requestOwnership string[]? (default ()) - Filters customer requests using the following values: *
returns customer requests where the user is the creator. *PARTICIPATED_REQUESTS
returns customer requests where the user is a participant. *ORGANIZATION
returns customer requests for an organization of which the user is a member when used in conjunction withorganizationId
returns customer requests that belong to all organizations of which the user is a member. *APPROVER
returns customer requests where the user is an approver. Can be used in conjunction withapprovalStatus
to filter pending or complete approvals. *ALL_REQUESTS
returns all customer requests. Deprecated and will be removed, as the returned requests may change if more values are added in the future. Instead, explicitly list the desired filtering strategies. Multiple values of the query parameter are supported. For example,requestOwnership=OWNED_REQUESTS&requestOwnership=PARTICIPATED_REQUESTS
will only return customer requests where the user is the creator or a participant. If not specified, filtering defaults toOWNED_REQUESTS
- requestStatus string? (default ()) - Filters customer requests where the request is closed, open, or either of the two where: *
returns customer requests that are closed. *OPEN_REQUESTS
returns customer requests that are open. *ALL_REQUESTS
returns all customer requests.
- approvalStatus string? (default ()) - Filters results to customer requests based on their approval status: *
returns customer requests pending the user's approval. *MY_HISTORY_APPROVAL
returns customer requests where the user was an approver. Note: Valid only when used with requestOwnership=APPROVER.
- organizationId int? (default ()) - Filters customer requests that belong to a specific organization (note that the user must be a member of that organization). Note: Valid only when used with requestOwnership=ORGANIZATION.
- serviceDeskId int? (default ()) - Filters customer requests by service desk.
- requestTypeId int? (default ()) - Filters customer requests by request type. Note that the
must be specified for the service desk in which the request type belongs.
- expand string[]? (default ()) - A multi-value parameter indicating which properties of the customer request to expand, where: *
returns additional details for each service desk. *requestType
returns additional details for each request type. *participant
returns the participant details, if any, for each customer request. *sla
returns the SLA information on each customer request. *status
returns the status transitions, in chronological order, for each customer request. *attachment
returns the attachments for the customer request. *action
returns the actions that the user can or cannot perform on this customer request. *comment
returns the comments, if any, for each customer request. *comment.attachment
returns the attachment details, if any, for each comment. *comment.renderedBody
(Experimental) returns the rendered body in HTML format (in addition to the raw body) for each comment.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOCustomerRequestDTO|error - Returns the customer requests, on the specified page of the results.
function createCustomerRequest(RequestCreateDTO payload) returns CustomerRequestDTO|error
Create customer request
- payload RequestCreateDTO - Request details
Return Type
- CustomerRequestDTO|error - Returned if the customer request was created.
function getCustomerRequestByIdOrKey(string issueIdOrKey, string[]? expand) returns CustomerRequestDTO|error
Get customer request by id or key
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or Key of the customer request to be returned
- expand string[]? (default ()) - A multi-value parameter indicating which properties of the customer request to expand, where: *
returns additional service desk details. *requestType
returns additional customer request type details. *participant
returns the participant details. *sla
returns the SLA information. *status
returns the status transitions, in chronological order. *attachment
returns the attachments. *action
returns the actions that the user can or cannot perform. *comment
returns the comments. *comment.attachment
returns the attachment details for each comment. *comment.renderedBody
(Experimental) return the rendered body in HTML format (in addition to the raw body) for each comment.
Return Type
- CustomerRequestDTO|error - Returns the customer request.
function getApprovals(string issueIdOrKey, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOApprovalDTO|error
Get approvals
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to be queried for its approvals.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of approvals to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOApprovalDTO|error - Returns the customer request's approvals.
function getApprovalById(string issueIdOrKey, int approvalId) returns ApprovalDTO|error
Get approval by id
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request the approval is on.
- approvalId int - The ID of the approval to be returned.
Return Type
- ApprovalDTO|error - Returns the requested approval.
function answerApproval(string issueIdOrKey, int approvalId, ApprovalDecisionRequestDTO payload) returns ApprovalDTO|error
Answer approval
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to be updated.
- approvalId int - The ID of the approval to be updated.
- payload ApprovalDecisionRequestDTO - Approval decision request details
Return Type
- ApprovalDTO|error - Returns the updated approval.
function getAttachmentsForRequest(string issueIdOrKey, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOAttachmentDTO|error
Get attachments for request
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request from which the attachments will be listed.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned attachment. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of comments to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOAttachmentDTO|error - Returns the visible attachments from the customer request.
function createAttachment(string issueIdOrKey, AttachmentCreateDTO payload) returns AttachmentCreateResultDTO|error
Create attachment
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to which the attachment will be added.
- payload AttachmentCreateDTO - Attachment details
Return Type
- AttachmentCreateResultDTO|error - Returns the attachments and comment.
function getRequestComments(string issueIdOrKey, boolean? 'public, boolean? internal, string[]? expand, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOCommentDTO|error
Get request comments
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request whose comments will be retrieved.
- 'public boolean? (default ()) - Specifies whether to return public comments or not. Default: true.
- internal boolean? (default ()) - Specifies whether to return internal comments or not. Default: true.
- expand string[]? (default ()) - A multi-value parameter indicating which properties of the comment to expand: *
returns the attachment details, if any, for each comment. (If you want to get all attachments for a request, use servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/attachment.) *renderedBody
(Experimental) returns the rendered body in HTML format (in addition to the raw body) for each comment.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned comments. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of comments to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOCommentDTO|error - Returns the comments, on the specified page of the results.
function createRequestComment(string issueIdOrKey, CommentCreateDTO payload) returns CommentDTO|error
Create request comment
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to which the comment will be added.
- payload CommentCreateDTO - Comment
Return Type
- CommentDTO|error - Returns the comment.
function getRequestCommentById(string issueIdOrKey, int commentId, string[]? expand) returns CommentDTO|error
Get request comment by id
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request that contains the comment.
- commentId int - The ID of the comment to retrieve.
- expand string[]? (default ()) - A multi-value parameter indicating which properties of the comment to expand: *
returns the attachment details, if any, for the comment. (If you want to get all attachments for a request, use servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/attachment.) *renderedBody
(Experimental) returns the rendered body in HTML format (in addition to the raw body) of the comment.
Return Type
- CommentDTO|error - Returns the comment.
function getCommentAttachments(string issueIdOrKey, int commentId, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOAttachmentDTO|error
Get comment attachments
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request that contains the comment.
- commentId int - The ID of the comment.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned comments. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of comments to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOAttachmentDTO|error - Returns the attachments, on the specified page of the results.
function getSubscriptionStatus(string issueIdOrKey) returns RequestNotificationSubscriptionDTO|error
Get subscription status
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to be queried for subscription status.
Return Type
- RequestNotificationSubscriptionDTO|error - Returns the status of the notification subscription.
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to be subscribed to.
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to be unsubscribed from.
function getRequestParticipants(string issueIdOrKey, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOUserDTO|error
Get request participants
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to be queried for its participants.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of request types to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOUserDTO|error - Returns the customer request's participants, on the specified page of the results.
function addRequestParticipants(string issueIdOrKey, RequestParticipantUpdateDTO payload) returns PagedDTOUserDTO|error
Add request participants
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to have participants added.
- payload RequestParticipantUpdateDTO - Participant details
Return Type
- PagedDTOUserDTO|error - Returns the participants added to the customer request.
function getSlaInformation(string issueIdOrKey, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO|error
Get sla information
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request whose SLAs will be retrieved.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of request types to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO|error - Returns the SLA records on the customer request, on the specified page of the results.
function getSlaInformationById(string issueIdOrKey, int slaMetricId) returns SlaInformationDTO|error
Get sla information by id
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request whose SLAs will be retrieved.
- slaMetricId int - The ID or key of the SLAs metric to be retrieved.
Return Type
- SlaInformationDTO|error - Returns the SLA record, on the specified page of the results.
function getCustomerRequestStatus(string issueIdOrKey, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOCustomerRequestStatusDTO|error
Get customer request status
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request to be retrieved.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOCustomerRequestStatusDTO|error - Returns the customer request's status history, on the specified page of the results.
function getCustomerTransitions(string issueIdOrKey, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOCustomerTransitionDTO|error
Get customer transitions
- issueIdOrKey string - The ID or key of the customer request whose transitions will be retrieved.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 100. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOCustomerTransitionDTO|error - Returns the transitions available to the user on the customer request.
function performCustomerTransition(string issueIdOrKey, CustomerTransitionExecutionDTO payload) returns Response|error
Perform customer transition
- issueIdOrKey string - ID or key of the issue to transition
- payload CustomerTransitionExecutionDTO - Comment
function getFeedback(string requestIdOrKey) returns CSATFeedbackFullDTO|error
Get feedback
- requestIdOrKey string - The id or the key of the request to post the feedback on
Return Type
- CSATFeedbackFullDTO|error - Returns the comment.
function postFeedback(string requestIdOrKey, CSATFeedbackFullDTO payload) returns CSATFeedbackFullDTO|error
Post feedback
- requestIdOrKey string - The id or the key of the request to post the feedback on
- payload CSATFeedbackFullDTO - The feedback to be added on the request
Return Type
- CSATFeedbackFullDTO|error - Returns the comment.
Delete feedback
- requestIdOrKey string - The id or the key of the request to post the feedback on
Return Type
- json|error - No content.
function getAllRequestTypes(string? searchQuery, int[]? serviceDeskId, int? 'start, int? 'limit, string[]? expand) returns PagedDTORequestTypeDTO|error
Get all request types
- searchQuery string? (default ()) - String to be used to filter the results.
- serviceDeskId int[]? (default ()) - Filter the request types by service desk Ids provided. Multiple values of the query parameter are supported. For example,
will return request types only for service desks 1 and 2.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 100. See the Pagination section for more details.
- expand string[]? (default ()) - Expand
Return Type
- PagedDTORequestTypeDTO|error - Returns the request types, on the specified page of the results.
function getServiceDesks(int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOServiceDeskDTO|error
Get service desks
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 100. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOServiceDeskDTO|error - Returns the service desks, on the specified page of the results.
function getServiceDeskById(string serviceDeskId) returns ServiceDeskDTO|error
Get service desk by id
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk to return. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
Return Type
- ServiceDeskDTO|error - Returns the requested service desk.
Attach temporary file
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the Service Desk to which the file will be attached. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- payload byte[] - The attachments in a RFC 1867 multipart/form-data format.
Return Type
- json|error - Returns if the file(s) were attached.
function getCustomers(string serviceDeskId, string? query, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOUserDTO|error
Get customers
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk the customer list should be returned from. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- query string? (default ()) - The string used to filter the customer list.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of users to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOUserDTO|error - Returns the service desk's customer list.
function addCustomers(string serviceDeskId, ServiceDeskCustomerDTO payload) returns Response|error
Add customers
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk the customer list should be returned from. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- payload ServiceDeskCustomerDTO - Customer details
Return Type
function getArticlesByServiceDeskId(string serviceDeskId, string? query, boolean highlight, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOArticleDTO|error
Get articles
- serviceDeskId string - Servicedesk Id
- query string? (default ()) - The string used to filter the articles (required).
- highlight boolean (default false) - If set to true matching query term in the title and excerpt will be highlighted using the {@code
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 100. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOArticleDTO|error - Returns the articles, on the specified page of the results.
function getOrganizationsByServiceDeskId(string serviceDeskId, int? 'start, int? 'limit, string? accountId) returns PagedDTOOrganizationDTO|error
Get organizations
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk from which the organization list will be returned. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
- accountId string? (default ()) - The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.
Return Type
- PagedDTOOrganizationDTO|error - Returns the requested organizations list.
function addOrganization(string serviceDeskId, OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateDTO payload) returns Response|error
Add organization
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk to which the organization will be added. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- payload OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateDTO - Organization details
Return Type
function getQueues(string serviceDeskId, boolean includeCount, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOQueueDTO|error
Get queues
- serviceDeskId string - ID of the service desk whose queues will be returned. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- includeCount boolean (default false) - Specifies whether to include each queue's customer request (issue) count in the response.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOQueueDTO|error - Returns the queues of the service desk, on the specified page of the results.
Get queue
- serviceDeskId string - ID of the service desk whose queues will be returned. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- queueId int - ID of the required queue.
- includeCount boolean (default false) - Specifies whether to include each queue's customer request (issue) count in the response.
function getIssuesInQueue(string serviceDeskId, int queueId, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTOIssueBean|error
Get issues in queue
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk containing the queue to be queried. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- queueId int - The ID of the queue whose customer requests will be returned.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTOIssueBean|error - Returns the customer requests belonging to the queue, on the specified page of the results.
function getRequestTypes(string serviceDeskId, int? groupId, string[]? expand, string? searchQuery, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTORequestTypeDTO|error
Get request types
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk whose customer request types are to be returned. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- groupId int? (default ()) - Filters results to those in a customer request type group.
- expand string[]? (default ()) - Expand
- searchQuery string? (default ()) - The string to be used to filter the results.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 100. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTORequestTypeDTO|error - Returns the requested customer request types, on the specified page of the results.
function createRequestType(string serviceDeskId, RequestTypeCreateDTO payload) returns RequestTypeDTO|error
Create request type
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk where the customer request type is to be created. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- payload RequestTypeCreateDTO - Request type details
Return Type
- RequestTypeDTO|error - Returns the customer request type created.
function getRequestTypeById(string serviceDeskId, int requestTypeId, string[]? expand) returns RequestTypeDTO|error
Get request type by id
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk whose customer request type is to be returned. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- requestTypeId int - The ID of the customer request type to be returned.
- expand string[]? (default ()) - Expand
Return Type
- RequestTypeDTO|error - Returns the customer request type item.
Delete request type
- serviceDeskId string - The ID or project identifier of the service desk.
- requestTypeId int - The ID of the request type.
function getRequestTypeFields(string serviceDeskId, int requestTypeId, string[]? expand) returns CustomerRequestCreateMetaDTO|error
Get request type fields
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk containing the request types whose fields are to be returned. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- requestTypeId int - The ID of the request types whose fields are to be returned.
Return Type
- CustomerRequestCreateMetaDTO|error - Returns the request type's fields and user permission details, on the specified page of the results.
function getPropertiesKeysByServiceDeskId(int requestTypeId, string serviceDeskId) returns PropertyKeys|error
Get properties keys
- requestTypeId int - The ID of the request type for which keys will be retrieved.
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk which contains the request type. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
Return Type
- PropertyKeys|error - Returned if the request type was found.
function getPropertyByServiceDeskId(string serviceDeskId, int requestTypeId, string propertyKey) returns EntityProperty|error
Get property
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk which contains the request type. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- requestTypeId int - The ID of the request type from which the property will be retrieved.
- propertyKey string - The key of the property to return.
Return Type
- EntityProperty|error - Returned if the request type property was returned.
function setPropertyByServiceDeskId(string serviceDeskId, int requestTypeId, string propertyKey) returns json|error
Set property
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk which contains the request type. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- requestTypeId int - The ID of the request type on which the property will be set.
- propertyKey string - The key of the request type property. The maximum length of the key is 255 bytes.
Return Type
- json|error - Returned if the request type property is updated.
function deletePropertyByServiceDeskId(string serviceDeskId, int requestTypeId, string propertyKey) returns Response|error
Delete property
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk which contains the request type. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- requestTypeId int - The ID of the request type for which the property will be removed.
- propertyKey string - The key of the property to remove.
function getRequestTypeGroups(string serviceDeskId, int? 'start, int? 'limit) returns PagedDTORequestTypeGroupDTO|error
Get request type groups
- serviceDeskId string - The ID of the service desk whose customer request type groups are to be returned. This can alternatively be a project identifier.
- 'start int? (default ()) - The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0. See the Pagination section for more details.
- 'limit int? (default ()) - The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 100. See the Pagination section for more details.
Return Type
- PagedDTORequestTypeGroupDTO|error - Returns the service desk's customer request type groups, on the specified page of the results.
jira.servicemanagement: AdditionalCommentDTO
- body string? - Content of the comment.
jira.servicemanagement: ApprovalDecisionRequestDTO
- decision string? - Response to the approval request.
jira.servicemanagement: ApprovalDTO
- id string? - ID of the approval.
- name string? - Description of the approval being sought or provided.
- finalDecision string? - Outcome of the approval, based on the approvals provided by all approvers.
- canAnswerApproval boolean? - Indicates whether the user making the request is one of the approvers and can respond to the approval (true) or not (false).
- approvers ApproverDTO[]? - Detailed list of the users who must provide a response to the approval.
- createdDate DateDTO? - Date the approval was created.
- completedDate DateDTO? - Date the approval was completed.
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - The REST API URL of the approval.
jira.servicemanagement: ApproverDTO
- approver UserDTO? - Details of the User who is providing approval.
- approverDecision string? - Decision made by the approver.
jira.servicemanagement: ArticleDTO
- title string? - Title of the article.
- excerpt string? - Excerpt of the article which matches the given query string.
- 'source SourceDTO? - Source of the article.
- content ContentDTO? -
jira.servicemanagement: AttachmentCreateDTO
- temporaryAttachmentIds string[]? - List of IDs for the temporary attachments to be added to the customer request.
- additionalComment AdditionalCommentDTO? - Comment about the attachments.
- 'public boolean? - Indicates whether the attachments are to be public (true) or private/internal (false).
jira.servicemanagement: AttachmentCreateResultDTO
- comment CommentDTO? - Details of the comment included with the attachments.
- attachments PagedDTOAttachmentDTO? - List of the attachments added.
jira.servicemanagement: AttachmentDTO
- filename string? - Filename of the item attached.
- author UserDTO? - Details of the user who attached the file.
- created DateDTO? - Date the attachment was added.
- size int? - Size of the attachment in bytes.
- mimeType string? - MIME type of the attachment.
- _links AttachmentLinkDTO? - Various URLs for the attachment.
jira.servicemanagement: AttachmentLinkDTO
- self string? -
- jiraRest string? - REST API URL for the attachment
- content string? - URL for the attachment.
- thumbnail string? - URL for the attachment's thumbnail image.
jira.servicemanagement: AvatarUrlsBean
- '16x16 string? - The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.
- '24x24 string? - The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.
- '32x32 string? - The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.
- '48x48 string? - The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.
jira.servicemanagement: ChangeDetails
A change item.
- 'field string? - The name of the field changed.
- fieldtype string? - The type of the field changed.
- fieldId string? - The ID of the field changed.
- 'from string? - The details of the original value.
- fromString string? - The details of the original value as a string.
- to string? - The details of the new value.
- toString string? - The details of the new value as a string.
jira.servicemanagement: Changelog
A changelog.
- id string? - The ID of the changelog.
- author UserDetails? - The user who made the change.
- created string? - The date on which the change took place.
- items ChangeDetails[]? - The list of items changed.
- historyMetadata HistoryMetadata? - The history metadata associated with the changed.
jira.servicemanagement: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
jira.servicemanagement: CommentCreateDTO
- body string? - Content of the comment.
- 'public boolean? - Indicates whether the comment is public (true) or private/internal (false).
jira.servicemanagement: CommentDTO
- id string? - ID of the comment.
- body string? - Content of the comment.
- renderedBody RenderedValueDTO? - The rendered body of the comment.
- author UserDTO? - Details of the customer who authored the comment.
- created DateDTO? - Date the comment was created.
- attachments PagedDTOAttachmentDTO? - List of the attachments included in the comment.
- _expands string[]? - List of items that can be expanded in the response by specifying the expand query parameter.
- 'public boolean? - Indicates whether the comment is public (true) or private/internal (false).
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - REST API URL link to the comment.
jira.servicemanagement: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig|OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig|CredentialsConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
jira.servicemanagement: ContentDTO
- iframeSrc string? - Url containing the body of the article (without title), suitable for rendering in an iframe
jira.servicemanagement: CSATFeedbackFullDTO
- 'type string? - Indicates the type of feedback, supported values:
- rating int? - A numeric representation of the rating, this must be an integer value between 1 and 5.
- comment AdditionalCommentDTO? - (Optional) The comment provided with this feedback.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerCreateDTO
- email string? - Customer's email address.
- fullName string? - Deprecated, please use 'displayName'.
- displayName string? - Customer's name for display in the UI.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerRequestActionDTO
- allowed boolean? - Indicates whether the user can undertake the action (true) or not (false).
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerRequestActionsDTO
- addAttachment CustomerRequestActionDTO? - Action of adding attachments to a request.
- addComment CustomerRequestActionDTO? - Action of adding comments to a request.
- addParticipant CustomerRequestActionDTO? - Action of adding participants to a request.
- removeParticipant CustomerRequestActionDTO? - Action of removing participants from a request.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerRequestCreateMetaDTO
- requestTypeFields RequestTypeFieldDTO[]? - List of the fields included in this request.
- canRaiseOnBehalfOf boolean? - Flag indicating if a request can be raised on behalf of another user (true) or not.
- canAddRequestParticipants boolean? - Flag indicating if participants can be added to a request (true) or not.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerRequestDTO
- issueId string? - ID of the request, as the peer issue ID.
- issueKey string? - Key of the request, as the peer issue key.
- requestTypeId string? - ID of the request type for the request.
- requestType RequestTypeDTO? - Expandable details of the request type.
- serviceDeskId string? - ID of the service desk the request belongs to.
- serviceDesk ServiceDeskDTO? - Expandable details of the service desk.
- createdDate DateDTO? - Date on which the request was created.
- reporter UserDTO? - Details of the customer reporting the request.
- requestFieldValues CustomerRequestFieldValueDTO[]? - JSON map of Jira field IDs and their values representing the content of the request.
- currentStatus CustomerRequestStatusDTO? - Status of the request.
- status PagedDTOCustomerRequestStatusDTO? - Expandable details of the request's status history.
- participants PagedDTOUserDTO? - Expandable details of the customers participating in the request.
- sla PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO? - Expandable details of the SLAs relating to the request.
- attachments PagedDTOAttachmentDTO? - List of attachments included with the request.
- comments PagedDTOCommentDTO? - List of comments included with the request.
- actions CustomerRequestActionsDTO? - List of actions that the user can take on the request.
- _expands string[]? - List of items that can be expanded in the response by specifying the expand query parameter.
- _links CustomerRequestLinkDTO? - List of links associated with the request.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerRequestFieldValueDTO
- fieldId string? - ID of the field.
- label string? - Text label for the field.
- value anydata? - Value of the field.
- renderedValue record {}? - Value of the field rendered in the UI.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerRequestLinkDTO
- self string? -
- jiraRest string? - REST API URL for the request.
- web string? - Web URL for the request.
- agent string? - Jira agent view URL for the request.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerRequestStatusDTO
- status string? - Name of the status condition.
- statusCategory string? - Status category the status belongs to.
- statusDate DateDTO? - Date on which the status was attained.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerTransitionDTO
- id string? - ID of the transition.
- name string? - Name of the transition.
jira.servicemanagement: CustomerTransitionExecutionDTO
- id string? - ID of the transition to be performed.
- additionalComment AdditionalCommentDTO? - Comment explaining the reason for the transition.
jira.servicemanagement: DateDTO
- iso8601 string? - Date in ISO8601 format.
- jira string? - Date in the format used in the Jira REST APIs, which is ISO8601 format but extended with milliseconds. For example, 2016-09-28T23:08:32.097+1000.
- friendly string? - Date in a user-friendly text format.
- epochMillis int? - Date as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 1 January 1970.
jira.servicemanagement: DurationDTO
- millis int? - Duration in milliseconds.
- friendly string? - Duration in a user-friendly text format.
jira.servicemanagement: EntityProperty
An entity property, for more information see Entity properties.
- 'key string? - The key of the property. Required on create and update.
- value anydata? - The value of the property. Required on create and update.
jira.servicemanagement: ErrorResponse
- errorMessage string? -
- i18nErrorMessage I18nErrorMessage? -
jira.servicemanagement: Expandable
- _expands string[]? -
jira.servicemanagement: FieldMetadata
The metadata describing an issue field.
- required boolean - Whether the field is required.
- schema JsonTypeBean - The data type of the field.
- name string - The name of the field.
- 'key string - The key of the field.
- autoCompleteUrl string? - The URL that can be used to automatically complete the field.
- hasDefaultValue boolean? - Whether the field has a default value.
- operations string[] - The list of operations that can be performed on the field.
- allowedValues anydata[]? - The list of values allowed in the field.
- defaultValue anydata? - The default value of the field.
jira.servicemanagement: HistoryMetadata
Details of issue history metadata.
- 'type string? - The type of the history record.
- description string? - The description of the history record.
- descriptionKey string? - The description key of the history record.
- activityDescription string? - The activity described in the history record.
- activityDescriptionKey string? - The key of the activity described in the history record.
- emailDescription string? - The description of the email address associated the history record.
- emailDescriptionKey string? - The description key of the email address associated the history record.
- actor HistoryMetadataParticipant? - Details of the user whose action created the history record.
- generator HistoryMetadataParticipant? - Details of the system that generated the history record.
- cause HistoryMetadataParticipant? - Details of the cause that triggered the creation the history record.
- extraData record {}? - Additional arbitrary information about the history record.
jira.servicemanagement: HistoryMetadataParticipant
Details of user or system associated with a issue history metadata item.
- id string? - The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.
- displayName string? - The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.
- displayNameKey string? - The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.
- 'type string? - The type of the user or system associated with a history record.
- avatarUrl string? - The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.
- url string? - The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.
jira.servicemanagement: I18nErrorMessage
- i18nKey string? -
- parameters string[]? -
jira.servicemanagement: IncludedFields
- included string[]? -
- actuallyIncluded string[]? -
- excluded string[]? -
jira.servicemanagement: InsightWorkspaceDTO
Details of an insight workspace ID.
- workspaceId string? - The workspace ID used as the identifier to access the Insight REST API.
jira.servicemanagement: IssueBean
Details about an issue.
- expand string? - Expand options that include additional issue details in the response.
- id string? - The ID of the issue.
- self string? - The URL of the issue details.
- 'key string? - The key of the issue.
- renderedFields record {}? - The rendered value of each field present on the issue.
- properties record {}? - Details of the issue properties identified in the request.
- names record {}? - The ID and name of each field present on the issue.
- schema record {}? - The schema describing each field present on the issue.
- transitions IssueTransition[]? - The transitions that can be performed on the issue.
- operations Operations? - The operations that can be performed on the issue.
- editmeta IssueUpdateMetadata? - The metadata for the fields on the issue that can be amended.
- changelog PageOfChangelogs? - Details of changelogs associated with the issue.
- versionedRepresentations record {}? - The versions of each field on the issue.
- fieldsToInclude IncludedFields? -
- fields record {}? -
jira.servicemanagement: IssueTransition
Details of an issue transition.
- id string? - The ID of the issue transition. Required when specifying a transition to undertake.
- name string? - The name of the issue transition.
- to StatusDetails? - Details of the issue status after the transition.
- hasScreen boolean? - Whether there is a screen associated with the issue transition.
- isGlobal boolean? - Whether the issue transition is global, that is, the transition is applied to issues regardless of their status.
- isInitial boolean? - Whether this is the initial issue transition for the workflow.
- isAvailable boolean? - Whether the transition is available to be performed.
- isConditional boolean? - Whether the issue has to meet criteria before the issue transition is applied.
- fields record {}? - Details of the fields associated with the issue transition screen. Use this information to populate
in a transition request.
- expand string? - Expand options that include additional transition details in the response.
- looped boolean? -
jira.servicemanagement: IssueUpdateMetadata
A list of editable field details.
- fields record {}? -
jira.servicemanagement: JsonTypeBean
The schema of a field.
- 'type string - The data type of the field.
- items string? - When the data type is an array, the name of the field items within the array.
- system string? - If the field is a system field, the name of the field.
- custom string? - If the field is a custom field, the URI of the field.
- customId int? - If the field is a custom field, the custom ID of the field.
- configuration record {}? - If the field is a custom field, the configuration of the field.
jira.servicemanagement: Linkable
- _links SelfLinkDTO? -
jira.servicemanagement: LinkableAttachmentLinkDTO
- _links AttachmentLinkDTO? -
jira.servicemanagement: LinkableCustomerRequestLinkDTO
- _links CustomerRequestLinkDTO? -
jira.servicemanagement: LinkableUserLinkDTO
- _links UserLinkDTO? -
jira.servicemanagement: LinkGroup
Details a link group, which defines issue operations.
- id string? -
- styleClass string? -
- header SimpleLink? - Details about the operations available in this version.
- weight int? -
- links SimpleLink[]? -
- groups LinkGroup[]? -
jira.servicemanagement: OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
OAuth2 Refresh Token Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
- refreshUrl string(default "https://auth.atlassian.com/oauth/token") - Refresh URL
jira.servicemanagement: Operations
Details of the operations that can be performed on the issue.
- linkGroups LinkGroup[]? - Details of the link groups defining issue operations.
jira.servicemanagement: OrganizationCreateDTO
- name string - Name of the organization.
jira.servicemanagement: OrganizationDTO
- id string? - A unique system generated ID for the organization.
- name string? - Name of the organization.
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - REST API URL to the organization.
jira.servicemanagement: OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateDTO
- organizationId int - List of organizations, specified by 'ID' field values, to add to or remove from the service desk.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOApprovalDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values ApprovalDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOArticleDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values ArticleDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOAttachmentDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values AttachmentDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOCommentDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values CommentDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOCustomerRequestDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values CustomerRequestDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOCustomerRequestStatusDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values CustomerRequestStatusDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOCustomerTransitionDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values CustomerTransitionDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOInsightWorkspaceDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values InsightWorkspaceDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOIssueBean
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values IssueBean[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOOrganizationDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values OrganizationDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOQueueDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values QueueDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTORequestTypeDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values RequestTypeDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTORequestTypeGroupDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values RequestTypeGroupDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOServiceDeskDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values ServiceDeskDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values SlaInformationDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedDTOUserDTO
- size int? - Number of items returned in the page.
- 'start int? - Index of the first item returned in the page.
- 'limit int? - Number of items to be returned per page, up to the maximum set for these objects in the current implementation.
- isLastPage boolean? - Indicates if this is the last page of records (true) or not (false).
- values UserDTO[]? - Details of the items included in the page.
- _expands string[]? -
- _links PagedLinkDTO? - List of the links relating to the page.
jira.servicemanagement: PagedLinkDTO
- self string? - REST API URL for the current page.
- base string? - Base URL for the REST API calls.
- context string? -
- next string? - REST API URL for the next page, if there is one.
- prev string? - REST API URL for the previous page, if there is one.
jira.servicemanagement: PageOfChangelogs
A page of changelogs.
- startAt int? - The index of the first item returned on the page.
- maxResults int? - The maximum number of results that could be on the page.
- total int? - The number of results on the page.
- histories Changelog[]? - The list of changelogs.
jira.servicemanagement: PropertyKey
Property key details.
- self string? - The URL of the property.
- 'key string? - The key of the property.
jira.servicemanagement: PropertyKeys
List of property keys.
- keys PropertyKey[]? - Property key details.
jira.servicemanagement: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
jira.servicemanagement: QueueDTO
- id string? - ID for the queue.
- name string? - Short name for the queue.
- jql string? - JQL query that filters reqeusts for the queue.
- fields string[]? - Fields returned for each request in the queue.
- issueCount int? - The count of customer requests in the queue.
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - REST API URL to the queue.
jira.servicemanagement: RenderedValueDTO
- html string? -
jira.servicemanagement: RequestCreateDTO
- serviceDeskId string? - ID of the service desk in which to create the request.
- requestTypeId string? - ID of the request type for the request.
- requestFieldValues record {}? - JSON map of Jira field IDs and their values representing the content of the request.
- requestParticipants string[]? - List of customers to participate in the request, as a list of
- raiseOnBehalfOf string? - The
of the customer that the request is being raised on behalf of.
- channel string? - (Experimental) Shows extra information for the request channel.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestNotificationSubscriptionDTO
- subscribed boolean? - Indicates whether the user is subscribed (true) or not (false) to the request's notifications.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestParticipantUpdateDTO
- usernames string[]? - This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details. Use
- accountIds string[]? - List of users, specified by account IDs, to add to or remove as participants in the request.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestTypeCreateDTO
- issueTypeId string? - ID of the request type to add to the service desk.
- name string? - Name of the request type on the service desk.
- description string? - Description of the request type on the service desk.
- helpText string? - Help text for the request type on the service desk.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestTypeDTO
- id string? - ID for the request type.
- name string? - Short name for the request type.
- description string? - Description of the request type.
- helpText string? - Help text for the request type.
- issueTypeId string? - ID of the issue type the request type is based upon.
- serviceDeskId string? - ID of the service desk the request type belongs to.
- groupIds string[]? - List of the request type groups the request type belongs to.
- icon RequestTypeIconDTO? - Links to the request type's icons.
- fields CustomerRequestCreateMetaDTO? - Fields and additional metadata for creating a request that uses the request type
- practice string? - The request type's practice
- _expands string[]? - List of items that can be expanded in the response by specifying the expand query parameter.
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - REST API URL for the request type.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestTypeFieldDTO
- fieldId string? - ID of the field.
- name string? - Name of the field.
- description string? - Description of the field.
- required boolean? - Indicates if the field is required (true) or not (false).
- defaultValues RequestTypeFieldValueDTO[]? - List of default values for the field.
- validValues RequestTypeFieldValueDTO[]? - List of valid values for the field.
- presetValues string[]? - List of preset values for the field.
- jiraSchema JsonTypeBean? - Jira specific implementation details for the field in the UI.
- visible boolean? -
jira.servicemanagement: RequestTypeFieldValueDTO
- value string? - Value of the field.
- label string? - Label for the field.
- children RequestTypeFieldValueDTO[]? - List of child fields.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestTypeGroupDTO
- id string? - ID of the request type group
- name string? - Name of the request type group.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestTypeIconDTO
- id string? - ID of the request type icon.
- _links RequestTypeIconLinkDTO? - Map of the URLs for the request type icons.
jira.servicemanagement: RequestTypeIconLinkDTO
- iconUrls record {}? - URLs for the request type icons.
jira.servicemanagement: SelfLinkDTO
- self string? -
jira.servicemanagement: ServiceDeskCustomerDTO
- usernames string[]? - This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details. Use
- accountIds string[]? - List of users, specified by account IDs, to add to or remove from a service desk.
jira.servicemanagement: ServiceDeskDTO
- id string? - ID of the service desk.
- projectId string? - ID of the peer project for the service desk.
- projectName string? - Name of the project and service desk.
- projectKey string? - Key of the peer project of the service desk.
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - REST API URL to the service desk.
jira.servicemanagement: SimpleLink
Details about the operations available in this version.
- id string? -
- styleClass string? -
- iconClass string? -
- label string? -
- title string? -
- href string? -
- weight int? -
jira.servicemanagement: SlaInformationCompletedCycleDTO
- startTime DateDTO? - Time and date at which the SLA cycle started.
- stopTime DateDTO? - Time and date at which the SLA cycle completed.
- breachTime DateDTO? - Time and date at which the SLA cycle breached in case of completed breached cycle or would have breached in case of non-breached completed cycle.
- breached boolean? - Indicates if the SLA (duration) was exceeded (true) or not (false).
- goalDuration DurationDTO? - Duration within which the service should have been completed.
- elapsedTime DurationDTO? - Duration in which the service was completed.
- remainingTime DurationDTO? - Duration remaining after the service was completed.
jira.servicemanagement: SlaInformationDTO
- id string? - ID of the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
- name string? - Description of the SLA.
- completedCycles SlaInformationCompletedCycleDTO[]? - List of completed cycles for the SLA.
- ongoingCycle SlaInformationOngoingCycleDTO? - Details of the active cycle for the SLA.
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - REST API URL for the SLA.
jira.servicemanagement: SlaInformationOngoingCycleDTO
- startTime DateDTO? - Time and date at which the SLA cycle started.
- breachTime DateDTO? - Time and date at which the SLA cycle would have breached its limit.
- breached boolean? - Indicates whether the SLA has been breached (true) or not (false).
- paused boolean? - Indicates whether the SLA is paused (true) or not (false).
- withinCalendarHours boolean? - Indicates whether the SLA it timed during calendared working hours only (true) or not (false).
- goalDuration DurationDTO? - Duration within which the service should be completed.
- elapsedTime DurationDTO? - Duration of the service.
- remainingTime DurationDTO? - Duration remaining in which to complete the service.
jira.servicemanagement: SoftwareInfoDTO
- 'version string? - Jira Service Management version.
- platformVersion string? - Jira Platform version upon which Service Desk is based.
- buildDate DateDTO? - Date of the current build.
- buildChangeSet string? - Reference of the change set included in the build.
- isLicensedForUse boolean? - Indicates whether the instance is licensed (true) or not (false).
- _links SelfLinkDTO? - REST API URL of the instance.
jira.servicemanagement: SourceDTO
- 'type string? - Type of the knowledge base source
jira.servicemanagement: StatusCategory
A status category.
- self string? - The URL of the status category.
- id int? - The ID of the status category.
- 'key string? - The key of the status category.
- colorName string? - The name of the color used to represent the status category.
- name string? - The name of the status category.
jira.servicemanagement: StatusDetails
A status.
- self string? - The URL of the status.
- description string? - The description of the status.
- iconUrl string? - The URL of the icon used to represent the status.
- name string? - The name of the status.
- id string? - The ID of the status.
- statusCategory StatusCategory? - The category assigned to the status.
jira.servicemanagement: UserDetails
User details permitted by the user's Atlassian Account privacy settings. However, be aware of these exceptions:
- User record deleted from Atlassian: This occurs as the result of a right to be forgotten request. In this case,
provides an indication and other parameters have default values or are blank (for example, email is blank). - User record corrupted: This occurs as a results of events such as a server import and can only happen to deleted users. In this case,
returns unknown and all other parameters have fallback values. - User record unavailable: This usually occurs due to an internal service outage. In this case, all parameters have fallback values.
- self string? - The URL of the user.
- name string? - This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.
- 'key string? - This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.
- accountId string? - The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.
- emailAddress string? - The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.
- avatarUrls AvatarUrlsBean? - The avatars of the user.
- displayName string? - The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.
- active boolean? - Whether the user is active.
- timeZone string? - The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.
- accountType string? - The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)
jira.servicemanagement: UserDTO
- accountId string? - The accountId of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.
- name string? - This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.
- 'key string? - This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.
- emailAddress string? - Customer's email address. Depending on the customer’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.
- displayName string? - Customer's name for display in a UI. Depending on the customer’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.
- active boolean? - Indicates if the customer is active (true) or inactive (false)
- timeZone string? - Customer time zone. Depending on the customer’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.
- _links UserLinkDTO? - URLs for the customer record and related items.
jira.servicemanagement: UserLinkDTO
- self string? -
- jiraRest string? - REST API URL for the customer.
- avatarUrls record {}? - Links to the various sizes of the customer's avatar. Note that this property is deprecated, and will be removed in future versions.
jira.servicemanagement: UsersOrganizationUpdateDTO
- usernames string[]? - This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details. Use
- accountIds string[]? - List of customers, specific by account IDs, to add to or remove from the organization.
import ballerinax/jira.servicemanagement;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.3.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 3
Current verison: 3
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