ballerinax/hubspot.crm.extensions.videoconferencing Ballerina library



HubSpot is an AI-powered customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

The hubspot.crm.extensions.videoconferencing offers APIs to connect and interact with the HubSpot Video conferencing extension's API endpoints, specifically based on the HubSpot REST API.

Setup guide

To use the HubSpot CRM Video conference connector, you need a HubSpot developer account and an associated app with API access. If you don’t have one, register for a HubSpot developer account first.

Step 1: Login to a HubSpot developer account

If you don't have a HubSpot developer account, you can sign up to a free account here

If you have an account already, go to the HubSpot developer portal

Step 2 (Optional): Create a developer test account

Within app developer accounts, you can create developer test accounts to test apps and integrations without affecting any real HubSpot data.

Note: These accounts are only for development and testing purposes. In production you should not use developer test accounts.

  1. Go to Test accounts section from the left sidebar. Test accounts section

  2. Click Create developer test account. Create developer test account

  3. In the dialogue box, give a name to your test account and click Create. Name the developer test account

Step 3: Create a HubSpot app

  1. In your developer account, navigate to the Apps section. Click on Create app Create app

  2. Provide the required app name and optionally a description. Name the app

Step 4: Set redirect URI

  1. Move to the Auth tab. Move to auth tab

  2. Add your Redirect URL in the relevant section. You can also use localhost addresses for local development purposes. Click Create app. Add redirect URL

Step 5: Get your app ID

  1. Navigate to the Apps section, again. Go to Apps

  2. Obtain the App ID. Get app ID

Step 6: Get your developer API key

  1. Click on Keys section on the left sidebar and then on Developer API Key. Go to developer API key

  2. Click on Create Key. Create the key

  3. Click on Show. Show the key

  4. Click on Copy to obtain the developer API key. Copy the key

Store the App ID (obtained in Step 4) and Developer API Key (Obtained in Step 5) securely for use in your application.


To use the HubSpot CRM Video conference connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:

Step 1: Import the module

Import the hubspot.crm.extensions.videoconferencing module.

import ballerinax/hubspot.crm.extensions.videoconferencing as hsvideoconferencing;

Step 2: Instantiate a new connector

  1. Add these configurable and final variables in your .bal file.

    configurable string hapikey = ?;
    configurable int appId = ?;
    final int:Signed32 appIdSigned32 = check appId.ensureType();
  2. Instantiate a hsvideoconferencing:ApiKeysConfig with the defined hapikey and initialize the connector with it.

    final hsvideoconferencing:ApiKeysConfig apiKeysConfig = {
    final hsvideoconferencing:Client hubspot = check new (apiKeysConfig);
  3. Create a Config.toml file and, configure the obtained credentials in the above steps as follows:

    hapikey = <Hubspot developer API key>  # string
    appId = <App ID>  # int

Step 3: Invoke the connector operation

Utilize the available connector operations. A sample use case is shown below.

Create or update meeting settings

public function main() returns error? {
   hsvideoconferencing:ExternalSettings settings = {
      createMeetingUrl: "",
      updateMeetingUrl: "",
      deleteMeetingUrl: "",
      userVerifyUrl: "",
      fetchAccountsUri: ""

   hsvideoconferencing:ExternalSettings response = check hubspot->/[appIdSigned32].put(settings);

Run the Ballerina application

bal run


The HubSpot CRM Video conference connector provides practical examples illustrating usage in various scenarios. Explore these examples, covering the following use cases:

  1. Save settings for a video conferencing service - This example demonstrates how to save settings in HubSpot CRM for a video conferencing service using the connector.
  2. Remove saved settings for a video conferencing service - This example demonstrates how to remove the saved settings in HubSpot CRM for an external video conferencing application using the connector.


import ballerinax/hubspot.crm.extensions.videoconferencing;Copy


Released date: 28 days ago

Version: 1.0.0

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: any

Ballerina version: 2201.11.0

GraalVM compatible: Yes

Pull count

Total: 1

Current verison: 1

Weekly downloads

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