Module health.hl7v26
ballerinax/health.hl7v26 Ballerina library
Module for HL7 v2.6 specification.
HL7 v2.6 Module
Module Overview
This Module holds the messages, segments and data types for the HL7 version 2.6.
To add the HL7 v2.6 dependency the project simply import the package as below,
import ballerinax/health.hl7v26
Sample: Simple HL7 Server implementation compatible for HL7 v2.6 which accept any message HL7 message available
in this package. This server binds to port 3000
Tip: Use Hapi TestPanel or any HL7 v2.6 compatible client to invoke this server.
import ballerina/io; import ballerina/tcp; import ballerina/uuid; import ballerinax/health.hl7v2; import ballerinax/health.hl7v26; service on new tcp:Listener(3000) { remote function onConnect(tcp:Caller caller) returns tcp:ConnectionService { io:println("Client connected to HL7 server: ", caller.remotePort.toString()); return new HL7ServiceConnectionService(); } } service class HL7ServiceConnectionService { *tcp:ConnectionService; remote function onBytes(tcp:Caller caller, readonly & byte[] data) returns tcp:Error? { string|error fromBytes = string:fromBytes(data); if fromBytes is string { io:println("Received HL7 Message: ", fromBytes); } // Parse the received message. hl7v2:Message|error parsedMsg = hl7v2:parse(data); if parsedMsg is error { return error(string `Error occurred while parsing the received message: ${parsedMsg.message()}`, parsedMsg); } io:println(string `Parsed HL7 message: ${parsedMsg.toJsonString()}`); // Extract Message header (MSH). hl7v26:MSH? msh = (); if parsedMsg is hl7v2:Message && parsedMsg.hasKey("msh") { anydata mshEntry = parsedMsg["msh"]; hl7v26:MSH|error tempMSH = mshEntry.ensureType(); if tempMSH is error { return error("Error occurred while casting MSH", tempMSH); } msh = tempMSH; } if msh is () { return error("Failed to extract MSH from HL7 message"); } // Create Acknowledgement message. hl7v26:ACK ack = { msh: { msh3: {hd1: "TESTSERVER"}, msh4: {hd1: "WSO2OH"}, msh5: {hd1: msh.msh3.hd1}, msh6: {hd1: msh.msh4.hd1}, msh9: {"cm_msg1": hl7v26:ACK_MESSAGE_TYPE}, msh10: uuid:createType1AsString().substring(0, 8), msh11: {pt1: "P"}, msh12: {vid1: "2.6"} }, msa: { msa1: "AA", msa2: msh.msh10 } }; // Encode message to wire format. byte[]|hl7v2:HL7Error encodedMsg = hl7v2:encode(hl7v26:VERSION, ack); if encodedMsg is hl7v2:HL7Error { return error("Error occurred while encoding acknowledgement", encodedMsg); } string|error resp = string:fromBytes(encodedMsg); if resp is string { io:println(string `Encoded HL7 ACK Response Message: ${resp}`); } // Echoes back the data to the client from which the data is received. check caller->writeBytes(encodedMsg); } remote function onError(tcp:Error err) { io:println(string `An error occurred while receiving HL7 message: ${err.message()}. Stack trace: `, err.stackTrace()); } remote function onClose() { io:println("Client left."); } }
function createHL7v26Encoder() returns Encoder
Function to create hl7v2:Encoder implementation for HL7 v${versionSeperated}. Note: It is recommended to use hl7v2:HL7Encoder instead of this. This function is used by internal internal package framework
Return Type
- Encoder - Return instance of hl7v2:Encoder implementation
function createHL7v26Parser() returns Parser
Function to create hl7v2:Parser implementation for HL7 v2.6. Note: It is recommended to use hl7v2:HL7Parser instead of this. This function is used by internal internal package framework
Return Type
- Parser - Return instance of hl7v2:Parser implementation
health.hl7v26: ABS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ACC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ACK_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ADJ_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ADR_A19_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A09_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A15_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A16_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A17_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A18_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A20_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A21_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A24_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A30_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A37_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A38_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A39_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A43_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A45_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A50_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A52_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A54_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A60_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ADT_A61_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: AFF_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: AIG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: AIL_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: AIP_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: AIS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: AL1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: APR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ARQ_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ARV_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: AUT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: BAR_P01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BAR_P02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BAR_P05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BAR_P06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BAR_P10_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BAR_P12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BHS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: BLC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: BLG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: BPO_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: BPS_O29_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BPX_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: BRP_O30_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BRT_O32_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BTS_O31_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: BTS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: BTX_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CDM_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CER_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CM0_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CM1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CM2_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CNS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CON_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CRM_C01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: CSP_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CSR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CSS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CSU_C09_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: CTD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: CTI_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: DB1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: DFT_P03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: DFT_P11_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: DG1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: DMI_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: DOC_T12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: DRG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: DSC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: DSP_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: EAC_U07_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EAN_U09_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EAR_U08_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ECD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ECR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ED_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: EDU_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: EHC_E01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E10_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E13_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E15_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E20_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E21_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EHC_E24_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EQP_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: EQU_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ERR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ESR_U02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ESU_U01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: EVN_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: FAC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: FHS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: FT1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: FTS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: GOL_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: GP1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: GP2_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: GT1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: Hxx_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IAM_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IIM_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ILT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IN1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IN2_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IN3_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: INR_U06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: INU_U05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: INV_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IPC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IPR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ISD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ITM_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IVC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: IVT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: LAN_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: LCC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: LCH_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: LDP_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: LOC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: LRL_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: LSU_U12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MDM_T01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MDM_T02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFA_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: MFE_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: MFI_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: MFK_M01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M07_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M08_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M09_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M10_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M11_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M13_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M15_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M16_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_M17_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFN_Znn_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFQ_M01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFR_M01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFR_M04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFR_M05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFR_M06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MFR_M07_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: MRG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: MSA_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: MSH_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: NCK_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: NDS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: NK1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: NMD_N02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: NMQ_N01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: NMR_N01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: NPU_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: NSC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: NST_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: NTE_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OBR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OBX_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ODS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ODT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OM1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OM2_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OM3_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OM4_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OM5_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OM6_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OM7_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: OMB_O27_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OMD_O03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OMG_O19_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OMI_O23_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OML_O21_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OML_O33_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OML_O35_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OMN_O07_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OMP_O09_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OMS_O05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OPL_O37_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OPR_O38_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OPU_R25_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORB_O28_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ORD_O04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORF_R04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORG_O20_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ORI_O24_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORL_O22_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORL_O34_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORL_O36_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORM_O01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORN_O08_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORP_O10_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORR_O02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORS_O06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORU_R01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ORU_R30_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OSQ_Q06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OSR_Q06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OUL_R21_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OUL_R22_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OUL_R23_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OUL_R24_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: OVR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PCE_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PCR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PD1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PDA_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PDC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PEO_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PES_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PEX_P07_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PGL_PC6_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PID_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PKG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PMT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PMU_B01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PMU_B03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PMU_B04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PMU_B07_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PMU_B08_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PPG_PCG_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PPP_PCB_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PPR_PC1_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PPT_PCL_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PPV_PCA_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PR1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PRA_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PRB_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PRC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PRD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PRR_PC5_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PSG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PSH_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PSL_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PSS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PTH_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PTR_PCF_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: PV1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PV2_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: PYE_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: QAK_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: QBP_E03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QBP_E22_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QBP_Q11_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QBP_Q13_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QBP_Q15_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QBP_Q21_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QBP_Qnn_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QBP_Z73_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QCN_J01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QID_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: QPD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: QRD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: QRF_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: QRI_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: QRY_A19_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QRY_PC4_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QRY_Q01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QRY_R02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QRY_T12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QSB_Q16_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: QVR_Q17_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RAR_RAR_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RAS_O17_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RCI_I05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RCL_I06_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RCP_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RDE_O11_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RDF_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RDR_RDR_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RDS_O13_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RDT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RDY_K15_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: REF_I12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: REL_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RER_RER_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RF1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RFI_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RGR_RGR_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RGS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RGV_O15_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RMI_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ROL_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ROR_ROR_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RPA_I08_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RPI_I01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RPI_I04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RPL_I02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RPR_I03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RQ1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RQA_I08_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RQC_I05_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RQD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RQI_I01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RQP_I04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RRA_O18_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RRD_O14_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RRE_O12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RRG_O16_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RRI_I12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_E03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_E22_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_K11_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_K21_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_K22_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_K23_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_K25_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_K31_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_Q11_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_Z82_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_Z86_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_Z88_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RSP_Z90_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RTB_K13_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RTB_Z74_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: RXA_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RXC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RXD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RXE_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RXG_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RXO_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: RXR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SAC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SCD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SCH_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SCP_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SDD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SDR_S31_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SDR_S32_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SFT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SID_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SIU_S12_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SLR_S28_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SLT_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SPM_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SQM_S25_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SQR_S25_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SRM_S01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SRR_S01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SSR_U04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: SSU_U03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: STC_S33_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: STF_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: STZ_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: SUR_P09_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: TCC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: TCD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: TCU_U10_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: TQ1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: TQ2_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: TXA_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: UAC_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: UB1_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: UB2_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: URD_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: URS_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: VAR_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: VERSION
health.hl7v26: VND_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: VXQ_V01_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: VXR_V03_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: VXU_V04_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: VXX_V02_MESSAGE_TYPE
health.hl7v26: ZL7_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: Zxx_SEGMENT_NAME
health.hl7v26: ABS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ABS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- abs1 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs4 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- abs5 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs6 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs7 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- abs8 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs9 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs10 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- abs11 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs12 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- abs13 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- abs14 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ACC
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ACC_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- acc1 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- acc2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- acc3 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- acc4 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- acc5 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- acc6 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- acc7 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- acc8 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- acc9 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- acc10 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- acc11 XAD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ACCESSION_DETAIL
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- nk1 NK1[](default [{}]) -
- patient PATIENT? -
- specimen SPECIMEN[](default [{}]) -
health.hl7v26: ACK
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ACK_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR[](default []) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: AD
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- ad1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- ad2 ST(default "") - Data type field
- ad3 ST(default "") - Data type field
- ad4 ST(default "") - Data type field
- ad5 ST(default "") - Data type field
- ad6 ID(default "") - Data type field
- ad7 ID(default "") - Data type field
- ad8 ST(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: ADD
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADD_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- add1 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADJ
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADJ_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- adj1 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- adj2 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- adj3 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- adj4 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- adj5 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- adj6 CQ(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- adj7 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- adj8 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- adj9 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- adj10 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- adj11 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- adj12 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- adj13 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- adj14 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- adj15 XON(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADJUSTMENT_PAYEE
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- adj ADJ? -
- rol ROL? -
health.hl7v26: ADR_A19
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADR_A19_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR? - Message Record Field
- qak QAK? - Message Record Field
- qrd QRD? - Message Record Field
- qrf QRF? - Message Record Field
- dsc DSC? - Message Record Field
- query_response QUERY_RESPONSE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A01
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A01_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- nk1 NK1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- al1 AL1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- ub1 UB1? - Message Record Field
- ub2 UB2? - Message Record Field
- pda PDA? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A02
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A02_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pda PDA? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A03
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A03_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- nk1 NK1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- al1 AL1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- pda PDA? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A04
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A04_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- nk1 NK1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- al1 AL1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- ub1 UB1? - Message Record Field
- ub2 UB2? - Message Record Field
- pda PDA? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A05
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A05_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- nk1 NK1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- al1 AL1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- ub1 UB1? - Message Record Field
- ub2 UB2? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A06
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A06_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- mrg MRG? - Message Record Field
- nk1 NK1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- al1 AL1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- ub1 UB1? - Message Record Field
- ub2 UB2? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A09
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A09_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A12
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A12_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A15
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A15_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A16
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A16_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- nk1 NK1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- al1 AL1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A17
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A17_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A18
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A18_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- mrg MRG? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A20
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A20_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- npu NPU? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A21
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A21_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A24
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A24_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A30
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A30_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- mrg MRG? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A37
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A37_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A38
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A38_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- obx OBX[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A39
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A39_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A43
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A43_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A45
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A45_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- merge_info MERGE_INFO[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A50
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A50_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- mrg MRG? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A52
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A52_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A54
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A54_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A60
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A60_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- arv ARV[](default []) - Message Record Field
- iam IAM[](default []) - Message Record Field
- visit VISIT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ADT_A61
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ADT_A61_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- pv2 PV2? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: AFF
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default AFF_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- aff1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aff2 XON(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aff3 XAD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aff4 DR[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- aff5 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: AIG
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default AIG_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- aig1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aig2 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aig3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aig4 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aig5 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- aig6 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aig7 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aig8 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aig9 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aig10 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aig11 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aig12 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aig13 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aig14 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: AIL
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default AIL_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- ail1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ail2 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ail3 PL[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ail4 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ail5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ail6 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ail7 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ail8 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ail9 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ail10 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ail11 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ail12 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: AIP
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default AIP_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- aip1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aip2 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aip3 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- aip4 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aip5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aip6 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aip7 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aip8 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aip9 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aip10 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aip11 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aip12 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: AIS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default AIS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- ais1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ais2 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ais3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ais4 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ais5 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ais6 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ais7 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ais8 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ais9 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ais10 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ais11 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ais12 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: AL1
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default AL1_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- al11 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- al12 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- al13 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- al14 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- al15 ST[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- al16 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
health.hl7v26: APR
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default APR_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- apr1 SCV[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- apr2 SCV[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- apr3 SCV[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- apr4 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- apr5 SCV[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ARQ
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ARQ_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- arq1 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq2 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq3 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- arq4 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq6 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq7 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq8 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq9 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- arq10 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq11 DR[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arq12 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- arq13 RI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq14 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- arq15 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arq16 XTN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arq17 XAD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arq18 PL(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq19 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arq20 XTN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arq21 PL(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq22 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq23 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arq24 EI[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arq25 EI[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ARV
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ARV_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- arv1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- arv2 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arv3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- arv4 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- arv5 ST[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- arv6 DR(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: AUI
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- aui1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- aui2 DT(default "") - Data type field
- aui3 ST(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: AUT
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default AUT_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- aut1 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aut2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aut3 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aut4 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aut5 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aut6 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aut7 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- aut8 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aut9 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- aut10 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: AUTHORIZATION
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- aut AUT? -
- ctd CTD? -
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- aut AUT? -
- ctd CTD? -
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
health.hl7v26: BAR_P01
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BAR_P01_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- visit VISIT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BAR_P02
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BAR_P02_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BAR_P05
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BAR_P05_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- visit VISIT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BAR_P06
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BAR_P06_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BAR_P10
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BAR_P10_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- gp1 GP1? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BAR_P12
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BAR_P12_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pv1 PV1? - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- procedure PROCEDURE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BHS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BHS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- bhs1 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs2 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs3 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bhs4 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bhs5 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bhs6 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bhs7 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs8 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs9 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs10 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs11 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs12 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bhs13 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bhs14 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: BLC
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BLC_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- blc1 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- blc2 CQ(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: BLG
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BLG_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- blg1 CCD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- blg2 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- blg3 CX(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- blg4 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: BPO
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BPO_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- bpo1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpo2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpo3 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- bpo4 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpo5 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpo6 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpo7 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpo8 PL(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpo9 XAD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpo10 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpo11 PL(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpo12 XAD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpo13 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- bpo14 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: BPS_O29
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BPS_O29_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- nte NTE[](default []) - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BPX
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BPX_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- bpx1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpx2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx3 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpx4 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpx5 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx6 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx7 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx8 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx9 XON(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx10 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx11 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx12 CNE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- bpx13 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpx14 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpx15 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bpx16 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx17 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx18 PL(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx19 XAD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx20 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- bpx21 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: BRP_O30
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BRP_O30_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR[](default []) - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- nte NTE[](default []) - Message Record Field
- response RESPONSE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BRT_O32
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BRT_O32_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR[](default []) - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- nte NTE[](default []) - Message Record Field
- response RESPONSE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BTS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BTS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- bts1 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bts2 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- bts3 NM[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: BTS_O31
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BTS_O31_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- nte NTE[](default []) - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: BTX
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default BTX_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- btx1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- btx2 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx3 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx4 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx6 XON(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx7 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx8 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- btx9 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- btx10 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx11 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx12 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- btx13 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- btx14 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx15 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- btx16 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- btx17 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- btx18 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- btx19 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CCD
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- ccd1 ID(default "") - Data type field
- ccd2 DTM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CCP
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- ccp1 NM(default "") - Data type field
- ccp2 NM(default "") - Data type field
- ccp3 NM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CD
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cd1 WVI(default {}) - Data type field
- cd2 WVS(default {}) - Data type field
- cd3 CSU(default {}) - Data type field
- cd4 CCP(default {}) - Data type field
- cd5 NM(default "") - Data type field
- cd6 NR(default {}) - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CDM
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CDM_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- cdm1 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cdm2 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cdm3 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cdm4 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cdm5 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cdm6 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cdm7 CNE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cdm8 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cdm9 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cdm10 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cdm11 CX[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cdm12 XON[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cdm13 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CER
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CER_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- cer1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer2 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer3 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer4 XON(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer5 XCN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer6 ED(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer7 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer8 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer9 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer10 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer11 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer12 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer13 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer14 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cer15 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer16 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer17 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer18 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cer19 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer20 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer21 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer22 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cer23 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer24 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer25 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer26 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer27 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer28 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer29 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cer30 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cer31 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CERTIFICATE
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default CERTIFICATE_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- cer CER? -
- rol ROL[](default [{}]) -
health.hl7v26: CF
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cf1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cf2 FT(default "") - Data type field
- cf3 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cf4 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cf5 FT(default "") - Data type field
- cf6 ID(default "") - Data type field
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- nck NCK? -
- nst NST? -
- nsc NSC? -
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
health.hl7v26: CM0
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CM0_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- cm01 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm02 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cm03 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cm04 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm05 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cm06 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm07 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm08 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm09 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- cm010 XTN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cm011 XAD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CM1
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CM1_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- cm11 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm12 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cm13 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CM2
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CM2_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- cm21 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm22 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cm23 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cm24 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CNE
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cne1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cne2 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cne3 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cne4 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cne5 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cne6 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cne7 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cne8 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cne9 ST(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CNN
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cnn1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cnn2 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cnn3 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cnn4 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cnn5 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cnn6 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cnn7 IS(default "") - Data type field
- cnn8 IS(default "") - Data type field
- cnn9 IS(default "") - Data type field
- cnn10 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cnn11 ID(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CNS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CNS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- cns1 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cns2 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cns3 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cns4 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- cns5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cns6 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: COMMAND
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default COMMAND_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- ecd ECD? -
- tq1 TQ1? -
- specimen_container SPECIMEN_CONTAINER? -
- cns CNS? -
health.hl7v26: COMMAND_RESPONSE
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- ecd ECD? -
- specimen_container SPECIMEN_CONTAINER? -
- ecr ECR? -
health.hl7v26: COMMON_ORDER
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default COMMON_ORDER_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- orc ORC? -
- obr OBR? -
- nte NTE[](default [{}]) -
health.hl7v26: CON
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CON_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- con1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con3 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con4 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con5 FT[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- con6 FT[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- con7 FT[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- con8 FT[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- con9 FT[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- con10 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con11 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con12 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con13 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con14 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con15 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con16 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con17 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con18 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con19 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con20 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con21 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- con22 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con23 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- con24 XPN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- con25 IS[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CP
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cp1 MO(default {}) - Data type field
- cp2 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cp3 NM(default "") - Data type field
- cp4 NM(default "") - Data type field
- cp5 CWE(default {}) - Data type field
- cp6 ID(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CQ
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cq1 NM(default "") - Data type field
- cq2 CWE(default {}) - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CRM_C01
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CRM_C01_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: CSP
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CSP_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- csp1 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csp2 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- csp3 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- csp4 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CSR
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CSR_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- csr1 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr2 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr4 CX(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr5 CX(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr6 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- csr7 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- csr8 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- csr9 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- csr10 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr11 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- csr12 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr13 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr14 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- csr15 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- csr16 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CSS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CSS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- css1 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- css2 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- css3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CSU
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- csu1 NM(default "") - Data type field
- csu2 ST(default "") - Data type field
- csu3 ST(default "") - Data type field
- csu4 ID(default "") - Data type field
- csu5 ST(default "") - Data type field
- csu6 ST(default "") - Data type field
- csu7 ID(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CSU_C09
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CSU_C09_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- patient PATIENT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: CTD
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CTD_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- ctd1 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ctd2 XPN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ctd3 XAD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ctd4 PL(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ctd5 XTN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ctd6 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ctd7 PLN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CTI
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default CTI_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- cti1 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cti2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- cti3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: CWE
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cwe1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cwe2 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cwe3 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cwe4 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cwe5 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cwe6 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cwe7 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cwe8 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cwe9 ST(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: CX
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- cx1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cx2 ST(default "") - Data type field
- cx3 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cx4 HD(default {}) - Data type field
- cx5 ID(default "") - Data type field
- cx6 HD(default {}) - Data type field
- cx7 DT(default "") - Data type field
- cx8 DT(default "") - Data type field
- cx9 CWE(default {}) - Data type field
- cx10 CWE(default {}) - Data type field
health.hl7v26: DB1
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DB1_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- db11 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- db12 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- db13 CX[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- db14 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- db15 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
- db16 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
- db17 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
- db18 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: DDI
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- ddi1 NM(default "") - Data type field
- ddi2 MO(default {}) - Data type field
- ddi3 NM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: DEFINITION
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default DEFINITION_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- qrd QRD? -
- qrf QRF? -
- patient PATIENT? -
- 'order 'ORDER[](default [{}]) -
health.hl7v26: DFT_P03
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DFT_P03_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- visit VISIT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- common_order COMMON_ORDER[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- financial FINANCIAL[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: DFT_P11
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DFT_P11_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- evn EVN? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- pd1 PD1? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- db1 DB1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- dg1 DG1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- drg DRG? - Message Record Field
- gt1 GT1[](default []) - Message Record Field
- acc ACC? - Message Record Field
- visit VISIT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- common_order COMMON_ORDER[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- insurance INSURANCE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- financial FINANCIAL[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: DG1
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DG1_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- dg11 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg12 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg13 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- dg14 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg15 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg16 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg115 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg116 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- dg117 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg118 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg119 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg120 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- dg121 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg122 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- dg123 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- dg124 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg125 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dg126 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: DIN
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- din1 DTM(default "") - Data type field
- din2 CWE(default {}) - Data type field
health.hl7v26: DLD
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- dld1 CWE(default {}) - Data type field
- dld2 DTM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: DLN
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- dln1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- dln2 IS(default "") - Data type field
- dln3 DT(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: DLT
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- dlt1 NR(default {}) - Data type field
- dlt2 NM(default "") - Data type field
- dlt3 ID(default "") - Data type field
- dlt4 NM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: DMI
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DMI_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- dmi1 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- dmi2 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- dmi3 NR(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- dmi4 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dmi5 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: DOC_T12
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DOC_T12_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR? - Message Record Field
- qak QAK? - Message Record Field
- qrd QRD? - Message Record Field
- dsc DSC? - Message Record Field
- result RESULT[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: DR
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- dr1 DTM(default "") - Data type field
- dr2 DTM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: DRG
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DRG_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- drg1 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg2 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg3 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg4 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg6 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg7 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg8 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg9 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg10 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg11 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg12 XPN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg13 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg14 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg15 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg16 MO(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg17 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg18 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg19 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg20 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg21 MO(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg22 MO(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg23 MO(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg24 MO(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- drg25 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg26 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg27 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg28 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg29 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg30 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg31 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg32 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- drg33 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: DSC
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DSC_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- dsc1 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dsc2 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: DSP
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default DSP_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- dsp1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dsp2 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dsp3 TX(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dsp4 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- dsp5 TX(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: DTN
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- dtn1 IS(default "") - Data type field
- dtn2 NM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: EAC_U07
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EAC_U07_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- equ EQU? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL? - Message Record Field
- command COMMAND[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EAN_U09
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EAN_U09_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- equ EQU? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL? - Message Record Field
- notification NOTIFICATION[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EAR_U08
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EAR_U08_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- equ EQU? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL? - Message Record Field
- command_response COMMAND_RESPONSE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ECD
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ECD_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- ecd1 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ecd2 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ecd3 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ecd4 TQ(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ecd5 TX[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ECR
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ECR_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- ecr1 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ecr2 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ecr3 TX[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ED
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ED_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
health.hl7v26: EDType
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- ed1 HD(default {}) - Data type field
- ed2 ID(default "") - Data type field
- ed3 ID(default "") - Data type field
- ed4 ID(default "") - Data type field
- ed5 TX(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: EDU
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EDU_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- edu1 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- edu2 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- edu3 DR(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- edu4 DR(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- edu5 DT(default "") - Segment Record Field
- edu6 XON(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- edu7 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- edu8 XAD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- edu9 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E01
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E01_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- invoice_information INVOICE_INFORMATION[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E02
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E02_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- invoice_information INVOICE_INFORMATION[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E04
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E04_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- reassessment_request_info REASSESSMENT_REQUEST_INFO[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E10
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E10_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR[](default []) - Message Record Field
- invoice_processing_results_info INVOICE_PROCESSING_RESULTS_INFO[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E12
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E12_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rfi RFI? - Message Record Field
- ctd CTD[](default []) - Message Record Field
- ivc IVC? - Message Record Field
- pss PSS? - Message Record Field
- psg PSG? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- psl PSL[](default []) - Message Record Field
- request REQUEST[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E13
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E13_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rfi RFI? - Message Record Field
- ctd CTD[](default []) - Message Record Field
- ivc IVC? - Message Record Field
- pss PSS? - Message Record Field
- psg PSG? - Message Record Field
- pid PID? - Message Record Field
- psl PSL? - Message Record Field
- request REQUEST[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E15
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E15_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- payment_remittance_header_info PAYMENT_REMITTANCE_HEADER_INFO[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- payment_remittance_detail_info PAYMENT_REMITTANCE_DETAIL_INFO[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
- adjustment_payee ADJUSTMENT_PAYEE[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E20
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E20_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- authorization_request AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E21
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E21_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- authorization_request AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EHC_E24
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EHC_E24_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC[](default []) - Message Record Field
- msa MSA? - Message Record Field
- err ERR[](default []) - Message Record Field
- authorization_response_info AUTHORIZATION_RESPONSE_INFO[](default [{}]) - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EI
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- ei1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- ei2 IS(default "") - Data type field
- ei3 ST(default "") - Data type field
- ei4 ID(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: EIP
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- eip1 EI(default {}) - Data type field
- eip2 EI(default {}) - Data type field
health.hl7v26: ELD
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- eld1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- eld2 NM(default "") - Data type field
- eld3 NM(default "") - Data type field
- eld4 CWE(default {}) - Data type field
health.hl7v26: EQP
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EQP_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- eqp1 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- eqp2 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- eqp3 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- eqp4 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- eqp5 FT(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: EQU
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EQU_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- equ1 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- equ2 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- equ3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- equ4 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- equ5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: ERL
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- erl1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- erl2 NM(default "") - Data type field
- erl3 NM(default "") - Data type field
- erl4 NM(default "") - Data type field
- erl5 NM(default "") - Data type field
- erl6 NM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: ERR
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ERR_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- err1 ELD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- err2 ERL[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- err3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- err4 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- err5 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- err6 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- err7 TX(default "") - Segment Record Field
- err8 TX(default "") - Segment Record Field
- err9 IS[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- err10 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- err11 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- err12 XTN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: escapeType
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
health.hl7v26: ESR_U02
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ESR_U02_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- equ EQU? - Message Record Field
- rol ROL? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: ESU_U01
HL7 Message Default Description
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default ESU_U01_MESSAGE_TYPE) - Message name
- msh MSH? - Message Record Field
- sft SFT[](default []) - Message Record Field
- uac UAC? - Message Record Field
- equ EQU? - Message Record Field
- isd ISD[](default []) - Message Record Field
- rol ROL? - Message Record Field
health.hl7v26: EVN
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default EVN_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- evn1 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- evn2 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- evn3 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- evn4 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- evn5 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- evn6 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- evn7 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: EXPERIENCE
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default EXPERIENCE_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- pes PES? -
health.hl7v26: FAC
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default FAC_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- fac1 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- fac2 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fac3 XAD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- fac4 XTN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- fac5 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- fac6 ST[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- fac7 XAD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- fac8 XTN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- fac9 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- fac10 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fac11 XAD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- fac12 XTN(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: FACILITY
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default FACILITY_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- fac FAC? -
- psh PSH? -
- ed ED? -
health.hl7v26: FC
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- fc1 IS(default "") - Data type field
- fc2 DTM(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: FHS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default FHS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- fhs1 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs2 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs3 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- fhs4 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- fhs5 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- fhs6 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- fhs7 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs8 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs9 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs10 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs11 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs12 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fhs13 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- fhs14 HD(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: FINANCIAL
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default FINANCIAL_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- ft1 FT1? -
- dg1 DG1[](default [{}]) -
- drg DRG? -
- gt1 GT1[](default [{}]) -
health.hl7v26: FN
Data type description
- Fields Included from *CompositeType
- anydata...
- fn1 ST(default "") - Data type field
- fn2 ST(default "") - Data type field
- fn3 ST(default "") - Data type field
- fn4 ST(default "") - Data type field
- fn5 ST(default "") - Data type field
health.hl7v26: FT1
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default FT1_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- ft11 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft12 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft13 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft14 DR(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft15 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft16 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft17 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft110 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft111 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft112 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft113 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft114 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft115 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft116 PL(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft117 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft118 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- ft119 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ft120 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ft121 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ft122 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft123 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft124 XCN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ft125 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft126 CNE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- ft127 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft128 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft129 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft130 CX(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- ft131 SI[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: FTS
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default FTS_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- fts1 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- fts2 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: GenericMessage
- Fields Included from *Message
- name string
- anydata...
- name string? -
- segments Segment[] -
health.hl7v26: GOAL
- Fields Included from *SegmentComponent
- name string(default GOAL_SEGMENT_COMPONENT) -
- isRequired boolean(default true) -
- gol GOL? -
- nte NTE[](default [{}]) -
- 'var 'VAR[](default [{}]) -
- pathway PATHWAY[](default [{}]) -
- observation OBSERVATION[](default [{}]) -
- problem PROBLEM[](default [{}]) -
- 'order 'ORDER[](default [{}]) -
health.hl7v26: GOL
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default GOL_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- gol1 ID(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol2 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol3 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol4 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol5 EI(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol6 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol7 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol8 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol9 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol10 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol11 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol12 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol13 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol14 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol15 TQ(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol16 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol17 ST[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- gol18 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gol19 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gol20 CWE[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gol21 XPN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gol22 CNE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: GP1
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default GP1_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- gp11 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp12 IS[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- gp13 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp14 IS[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- gp15 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: GP2
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default GP2_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- gp21 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp22 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp23 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gp24 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp25 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp26 IS[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- gp27 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gp28 IS[](default [""]) - Segment Record Field
- gp29 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp210 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp211 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gp212 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gp213 CP(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gp214 NM(default "") - Segment Record Field
health.hl7v26: GT1
The ACC segment contains patient information relative to an accident in which the patient has been involved.
- Fields Included from *Segment
- name string
- anydata...
- name string(default GT1_SEGMENT_NAME) - Segment Name
- gt11 SI(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gt12 CX[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gt13 XPN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gt14 XPN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gt15 XAD[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gt16 XTN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gt17 XTN[](default [{}]) - Segment Record Field
- gt18 DTM(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gt19 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gt110 IS(default "") - Segment Record Field
- gt111 CWE(default {}) - Segment Record Field
- gt112 ST(default "") - Segment Record Field