Module health.hl7v2
ballerinax/health.hl7v2 Ballerina library
HL7v2 base implementation module with common core capabilities
HL7v2 Base Module
This Module holds the base implementation of the HL7v2 protocol.
To add the HL7v2 base dependency to the project, import the package as below,
import ballerinax/health.hl7v2;
Parsing HL7 Messages
Let us see how to parse HL7 messages into its Ballerina record model.
Example: Parsing HL7 messages sent over the wire
import ballerina/io; import ballerina/tcp; import ballerinax/health.hl7v2; import ballerinax/health.hl7v23; service on new tcp:Listener(3000) { remote function onConnect(tcp:Caller caller) returns tcp:ConnectionService { io:println("Client connected to HL7 server: ", caller.remotePort.toString()); return new HL7ServiceConnectionService(); } } service class HL7ServiceConnectionService { *tcp:ConnectionService; remote function onBytes(tcp:Caller caller, readonly & byte[] data) returns tcp:Error? { string|error fromBytes = string:fromBytes(data); if fromBytes is string { io:println("Received HL7 Message: ", fromBytes); } // Note: When you know the message type you can directly get it parsed. hl7v23:ADT_A01|error parsedMsg = hl7v2:parse(data).ensureType(hl7v23:ADT_A01); if parsedMsg is error { return error(string `Error occurred while parsing the received message: ${parsedMsg.message()}`, parsedMsg); } io:println(string `Parsed HL7 message: ${parsedMsg.toJsonString()}`); } remote function onError(tcp:Error err) { io:println(string `An error occurred while receiving HL7 message: ${err.message()}. Stack trace: `, err.stackTrace()); } remote function onClose() { io:println("Client left"); } }
Example: Parsing a string representation of a HL7 message
import ballerinax/health.hl7v2; import ballerinax/health.hl7v23; import ballerina/io; public function main() returns hl7v2:HL7Error?|error { string queryMessageStr = string `MSH|^~\\&|ADT1|MCM|LABADT|MCM||SECURITY|QRY^A19|MSG00001|P|2.3|||||||${"\r"}QRD|20220828104856+0000|R|I|QueryID01|||5.0|1^ADAM^EVERMAN^^|VXI|SIIS|`; // Getting parsed QRY_A19 message record hl7v23:QRY_A19 parsedMsg = check hl7v2:parse(queryMessageStr).ensureType(hl7v23:QRY_A19); io:println(string `Query ID : ${parsedMsg.qrd.qrd4}`); }
Output :
Query ID : QueryID01
Encoding HL7 message model to wire format
Encoding HL7 message model into wire format.
import ballerinax/health.hl7v2; import ballerinax/health.hl7v23; import ballerina/io; public function main() returns error? { hl7v23:QRY_A19 qry_a19 = { msh: { msh3: {hd1: "ADT1"}, msh4: {hd1: "MCM"}, msh5: {hd1: "LABADT"}, msh6: {hd1: "MCM"}, msh8: "SECURITY", msh9: {cm_msg1: "QRY", cm_msg2: "A19"}, msh10: "MSG00001", msh11: {pt1: "P"}, msh12: "2.3" }, qrd: { qrd1: {ts1: "20220828104856+0000"}, qrd2: "R", qrd3: "I", qrd4: "QueryID01", qrd7: {cq1: "5"}, qrd8: [{xcn1: "1", xcn2: "ADAM", xcn3: "EVERMAN"}], qrd9: [{ce1: "VXI"}], qrd10: [{ce1: "SIIS"}] } }; byte[] encodedQRYA19 = check hl7v2:encode(hl7v23:VERSION, qry_a19); io:println(string `Encoded string: ${check string:fromBytes(encodedQRYA19)}`); }
Encoded string: QRD|20220828104856+0000|R|I|QueryID01|||5.0|1^ADAM^EVERMAN^^|VXI|SIIS|||||||
Generic HL7 Client
Generic HL7 client to interact with HL7 servers.
import ballerinax/health.hl7v2; import ballerinax/health.hl7v23; import ballerina/io; public function main() returns error? { hl7v23:QRY_A19 qry_a19 = { msh: { msh3: {hd1: "ADT1"}, msh4: {hd1: "MCM"}, msh5: {hd1: "LABADT"}, msh6: {hd1: "MCM"}, msh8: "SECURITY", msh9: {cm_msg1: "QRY"}, msh10: "MSG00001", msh11: {pt1: "P"}, msh12: "2.3" }, qrd: { qrd1: {ts1: "20220828104856+0000"}, qrd2: "R", qrd3: "I", qrd4: "QueryID01", qrd7: {cq1: "5"}, qrd8: [{xcn1: "1", xcn2: "ADAM", xcn3: "EVERMAN"}], qrd9: [{ce1: "VXI"}], qrd10: [{ce1: "SIIS"}] } }; hl7v2:HL7Client hl7client = check new("localhost", 59519); hl7v2:Message msg = check hl7client.sendMessage(qry_a19); io:println(string `Response : ${msg.toJsonString()}`); }
Sample Output:
Response : {"name":"ACK", "msh":{"name":"MSH", "msh1":"MSH", "msh2":"^~\\&", "msh3":{"hd1":"", "hd2":"", "hd3":""}, "msh4":{"hd1":"", "hd2":"", "hd3":""}, "msh5":{"hd1":"", "hd2":"", "hd3":""}, "msh6":{"hd1":"", "hd2":"", "hd3":""}, "msh7":{"ts1":"20230526182704.489+0530"}, "msh8":"", "msh9":{"cm_msg1":"ACK", "cm_msg2":""}, "msh10":"2101", "msh11":{"pt1":"P", "pt2":""}, "msh12":"2.3", "msh13":-1.0, "msh14":"", "msh15":"", "msh16":"", "msh17":"", "msh18":"", "msh19":{"ce1":"", "ce2":"", "ce3":"", "ce4":"", "ce5":"", "ce6":""}}, "msa":{"name":"MSA", "msa1":"AE", "msa2":"MSG00001", "msa3":"Unsupported message type", "msa4":-1.0, "msa5":"", "msa6":{"ce1":"", "ce2":"", "ce3":"", "ce4":"", "ce5":"", "ce6":""}}, "err":{"name":"ERR", "err1":[{"cm_eld1":"", "cm_eld2":-1.0, "cm_eld3":-1.0, "cm_eld4":{"ce1":"", "ce2":"", "ce3":"", "ce4":"", "ce5":"", "ce6":""}}]}}