Module health.fhir.r4.lkcore010
ballerinax/health.fhir.r4.lkcore010 Ballerina library
FHIR LKCore Module
Sample Usage
This section focuses on samples depicting how to use this package to implement FHIR related integrations
- Install Ballerina 2201.8.1 or later
1. Parse JSON FHIR resource to FHIR resource model
Sample below is using the Patient resource in health.fhir.r4.lkcore010
import ballerina/log; import ballerinax/health.fhir.r4.lkcore010; import ballerinax/health.fhir.r4.parser; public function main() { json payload = { "resourceType": "Patient", "id": "1", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": [], "active":true, "name":[ { "use":"official", "family":"Chalmers", "given":[ "Peter", "James" ] } ], "gender":"male", "birthDate":"1974-12-25", "managingOrganization":{ "reference":"Organization/1" } }; do { anydata parsedResult = check parser:parse(payload, lkcore010:LKCorePatient); lkcore010:LKCorePatient patientModel = check parsedResult.ensureType(); log:printInfo(string `Patient name : ${}`); } on fail error parseError { log:printError(string `Error occurred while parsing : ${parseError.message()}`, parseError); } }
2. Creating FHIR Resource models and serializing to JSON wire formats
import ballerina/log; import ballerina/time; import ballerinax/health.fhir.r4; import ballerinax/health.fhir.r4.lkcore010; public function main() { lkcore010:LKCorePatient patient = { meta: { lastUpdated: time:utcToString(time:utcNow()), profile: [lkcore010:PROFILE_BASE_LKCOREPATIENT] }, active: true, name: [{ family: "Doe", given: ["Jhon"], use: r4:official, prefix: ["Mr"] }], address: [{ line: ["652 S. Lantern Dr."], city: "New York", country: "United States", postalCode: "10022", 'type: r4:physical, use: r4:home }], identifier: [], gender: lkcore010:CODE_GENDER_MALE, birthDate: "2000-01-01"}; r4:FHIRResourceEntity fhirEntity = new(patient); // Serialize FHIR resource record to Json payload json|r4:FHIRSerializerError jsonResult = fhirEntity.toJson(); if jsonResult is json { log:printInfo(string `Patient resource JSON payload : ${jsonResult.toString()}`); } else { log:printError(string `Error occurred while serializing to JSON payload : ${jsonResult.message()}`, jsonResult); } }
function initialize()
This empty function is used to initialize the module by other modules/packages.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_ALLERGIES
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_BLOODPRESSURE
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_BMI
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_CVDRISKCATEGORY
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_DRUGDISPENSATION
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_FASTINGBLOODSUGAR
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_FOLLOWUPATHLC
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_GENERICTASK
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_HEIGHT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_HHIMSPATIENT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_HIMSCOMPOSITION
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_HIMSPATIENT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_IMAGING
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_IMAGINGTASK
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_INJECTIONS
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_LKCORELOCATION
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_LKCOREPATIENT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_MEDICALHISTORY
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_PRESCRIPTIONS
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_PROCEDURES
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_PROVIDERSLOCATION
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_RANDOMBLOODSUGAR
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_REFERRALTASK
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_SERVICEPROVIDER
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_TOTALCHOLESTEROL
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PROFILE_BASE_WEIGHT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_ALLERGIES
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_BLOODPRESSURE
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_BMI
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_CVDRISKCATEGORY
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_DRUGDISPENSATION
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_FOLLOWUPATHLC
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_GENERICTASK
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_HEIGHT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_HHIMSPATIENT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_HIMSCOMPOSITION
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_HIMSPATIENT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_IMAGING
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_IMAGINGTASK
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_INJECTIONS
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_LKCORELOCATION
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_LKCOREPATIENT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_MEDICALHISTORY
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_PRESCRIPTIONS
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_PROCEDURES
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_RANDOMBLOODSUGAR
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_REFERRALTASK
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_SERVICEPROVIDER
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_TOTALCHOLESTEROL
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RESOURCE_NAME_WEIGHT
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: AllergiesCategory
AllergiesCategory enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: AllergiesCriticality
AllergiesCriticality enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: AllergiesReactionSeverity
AllergiesReactionSeverity enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: AllergiesType
AllergiesType enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentValueComparator
BloodPressureComponentValueComparator enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureStatus
BloodPressureStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMIStatus
BMIStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMIValueComparator
BMIValueComparator enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: CVDRiskCategoryStatus
CVDRiskCategoryStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: DrugDispensationStatus
DrugDispensationStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugarStatus
FastingBloodSugarStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugarValueComparator
FastingBloodSugarValueComparator enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetailKind
FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetailKind enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetailStatus
FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetailStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpAtHLCIntent
FollowUpAtHLCIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpAtHLCStatus
FollowUpAtHLCStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpPlanServiceRequestIntent
FollowUpPlanServiceRequestIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpPlanServiceRequestOccurrenceRepeatDayOfWeek
FollowUpPlanServiceRequestOccurrenceRepeatDayOfWeek enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpPlanServiceRequestOccurrenceRepeatDurationUnit
FollowUpPlanServiceRequestOccurrenceRepeatDurationUnit enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpPlanServiceRequestOccurrenceRepeatPeriodUnit
FollowUpPlanServiceRequestOccurrenceRepeatPeriodUnit enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpPlanServiceRequestPriority
FollowUpPlanServiceRequestPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpPlanServiceRequestStatus
FollowUpPlanServiceRequestStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralPractitionerGender
GeneralPractitionerGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralPractitionerNameUse
GeneralPractitionerNameUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralReferralServiceRequestIntent
GeneralReferralServiceRequestIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralReferralServiceRequestPriority
GeneralReferralServiceRequestPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralReferralServiceRequestStatus
GeneralReferralServiceRequestStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericObservationStatus
GenericObservationStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericServiceRequestIntent
GenericServiceRequestIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericServiceRequestPriority
GenericServiceRequestPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericServiceRequestStatus
GenericServiceRequestStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericTaskIntent
GenericTaskIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericTaskPriority
GenericTaskPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericTaskStatus
GenericTaskStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightStatus
HeightStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightValueComparator
HeightValueComparator enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientAddressType
HHIMSPatientAddressType enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientAddressUse
HHIMSPatientAddressUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientContactGender
HHIMSPatientContactGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientGender
HHIMSPatientGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientIdentifierUse
HHIMSPatientIdentifierUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientIdentifierUseOne
HHIMSPatientIdentifierUseOne enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientLinkType
HHIMSPatientLinkType enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientNameUse
HHIMSPatientNameUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionAttesterMode
HIMSCompositionAttesterMode enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionRelatesToCode
HIMSCompositionRelatesToCode enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionSectionMode
HIMSCompositionSectionMode enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionStatus
HIMSCompositionStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientAddressType
HIMSPatientAddressType enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientAddressUse
HIMSPatientAddressUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientContactGender
HIMSPatientContactGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientGender
HIMSPatientGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierUse
HIMSPatientIdentifierUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierUseFour
HIMSPatientIdentifierUseFour enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierUseOne
HIMSPatientIdentifierUseOne enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierUseThree
HIMSPatientIdentifierUseThree enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierUseTwo
HIMSPatientIdentifierUseTwo enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientLinkType
HIMSPatientLinkType enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientNameUse
HIMSPatientNameUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingServiceRequestIntent
ImagingServiceRequestIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingServiceRequestPriority
ImagingServiceRequestPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingServiceRequestStatus
ImagingServiceRequestStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingStatus
ImagingStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingTaskIntent
ImagingTaskIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingTaskPriority
ImagingTaskPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingTaskStatus
ImagingTaskStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: InjectionsStatus
InjectionsStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: InvestigationsServiceRequestIntent
InvestigationsServiceRequestIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: InvestigationsServiceRequestPriority
InvestigationsServiceRequestPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: InvestigationsServiceRequestStatus
InvestigationsServiceRequestStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: InvestigationsTaskIntent
InvestigationsTaskIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: InvestigationsTaskPriority
InvestigationsTaskPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: InvestigationsTaskStatus
InvestigationsTaskStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LkCoreAddressType
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LkCoreAddressUse
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceCategory
LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceCategory enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceCriticality
LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceCriticality enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceReactionSeverity
LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceReactionSeverity enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceType
LKCoreAllergyIntoleranceType enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCoreLocationHoursOfOperationDaysOfWeek
LKCoreLocationHoursOfOperationDaysOfWeek enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCoreLocationMode
LKCoreLocationMode enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCoreLocationStatus
LKCoreLocationStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientContactGender
LKCorePatientContactGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientGender
LKCorePatientGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientIdentifierUse
LKCorePatientIdentifierUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientIdentifierUseFive
LKCorePatientIdentifierUseFive enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientIdentifierUseFour
LKCorePatientIdentifierUseFour enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientIdentifierUseOne
LKCorePatientIdentifierUseOne enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientIdentifierUseThree
LKCorePatientIdentifierUseThree enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientIdentifierUseTwo
LKCorePatientIdentifierUseTwo enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePatientLinkType
LKCorePatientLinkType enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: LKCorePractitionerGender
LKCorePractitionerGender enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: NotifiableDiseasesNotifiedPriority
NotifiableDiseasesNotifiedPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: NotifiableDiseasesNotifiedStatus
NotifiableDiseasesNotifiedStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PrescriptionsDosageInstructionTimingRepeatDayOfWeek
PrescriptionsDosageInstructionTimingRepeatDayOfWeek enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PrescriptionsDosageInstructionTimingRepeatDurationUnit
PrescriptionsDosageInstructionTimingRepeatDurationUnit enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PrescriptionsDosageInstructionTimingRepeatPeriodUnit
PrescriptionsDosageInstructionTimingRepeatPeriodUnit enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PrescriptionsIdentifierUse
PrescriptionsIdentifierUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PrescriptionsIntent
PrescriptionsIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PrescriptionsPriority
PrescriptionsPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: PrescriptionsStatus
PrescriptionsStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ProceduresStatus
ProceduresStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ProvidersLocationHoursOfOperationDaysOfWeek
ProvidersLocationHoursOfOperationDaysOfWeek enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ProvidersLocationIdentifierUse
ProvidersLocationIdentifierUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ProvidersLocationMode
ProvidersLocationMode enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ProvidersLocationStatus
ProvidersLocationStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RandomBloodSugarStatus
RandomBloodSugarStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RandomBloodSugarValueComparator
RandomBloodSugarValueComparator enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ReferralTaskIntent
ReferralTaskIntent enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ReferralTaskPriority
ReferralTaskPriority enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ReferralTaskStatus
ReferralTaskStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RiskBehaviourPhysicalActivityStatus
RiskBehaviourPhysicalActivityStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: RiskBehaviourTobaccoSmokerStatus
RiskBehaviourTobaccoSmokerStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ServiceProviderIdentifierUse
ServiceProviderIdentifierUse enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: TargetFacilityEncounterLocationStatus
TargetFacilityEncounterLocationStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: TargetFacilityEncounterStatus
TargetFacilityEncounterStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: TargetFacilityEncounterStatusHistoryStatus
TargetFacilityEncounterStatusHistoryStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: TotalCholesterolStatus
TotalCholesterolStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: TotalCholesterolValueComparator
TotalCholesterolValueComparator enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: WeightStatus
WeightStatus enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: WeightValueComparator
WeightValueComparator enum
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: terminologyProcessor
Terminology processor instance
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: fhirRegistry
FHIR registry instance
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FHIR_VALUE_SETS
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FHIR_CODE_SYSTEMS
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: Allergies
FHIR Allergies resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_ALLERGIES(default RESOURCE_NAME_ALLERGIES) - The type of the resource describes
- note? Annotation[] - Additional narrative about the propensity for the Adverse Reaction, not captured in other fields.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code? AllergiesCode - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- onsetRange? Range - Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age when allergy or intolerance was identified.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- criticality? AllergiesCriticality - Estimate of the potential clinical harm, or seriousness, of the reaction to the identified substance.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- clinicalStatus? CodeableConcept - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- onsetDateTime? dateTime - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- 'type AllergiesType - Identification of the underlying physiological mechanism for the reaction risk.
- onsetString? string - Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age when allergy or intolerance was identified.
- onsetAge? Age - Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age when allergy or intolerance was identified.
- lastOccurrence? dateTime - Represents the date and/or time of the last known occurrence of a reaction event.
- patient Reference - The patient who has the allergy or intolerance.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Business identifiers assigned to this AllergyIntolerance by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.
- recorder? Reference - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- onsetPeriod? Period - Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age when allergy or intolerance was identified.
- reaction? AllergiesReaction[] - Details about each adverse reaction event linked to exposure to the identified substance.
- verificationStatus? CodeableConcept - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- recordedDate? dateTime - The recordedDate represents when this particular AllergyIntolerance record was created in the system, which is often a system-generated date.
- encounter Reference - The encounter when the allergy or intolerance was asserted.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- asserter? Reference - The source of the information about the allergy that is recorded.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- category? AllergiesCategory[] - Category of the identified substance.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: AllergiesCode
FHIR AllergiesCode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding? Coding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: AllergiesReaction
FHIR AllergiesReaction datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- severity? AllergiesReactionSeverity - Clinical assessment of the severity of the reaction event as a whole, potentially considering multiple different manifestations.
- note? Annotation[] - Additional text about the adverse reaction event not captured in other fields.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- manifestation CodeableConcept[] - Clinical symptoms and/or signs that are observed or associated with the adverse reaction event.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- substance? CodeableConcept - Identification of the specific substance (or pharmaceutical product) considered to be responsible for the Adverse Reaction event. Note: the substance for a specific reaction may be different from the substance identified as the cause of the risk, but it must be consistent with it. For instance, it may be a more specific substance (e.g. a brand medication) or a composite product that includes the identified substance. It must be clinically safe to only process the 'code' and ignore the 'reaction.substance'. If a receiving system is unable to confirm that AllergyIntolerance.reaction.substance falls within the semantic scope of AllergyIntolerance.code, then the receiving system should ignore AllergyIntolerance.reaction.substance.
- description? string - Text description about the reaction as a whole, including details of the manifestation if required.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- onset? dateTime - Record of the date and/or time of the onset of the Reaction.
- exposureRoute? CodeableConcept - Identification of the route by which the subject was exposed to the substance.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressure
FHIR BloodPressure resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_BLOODPRESSURE(default RESOURCE_NAME_BLOODPRESSURE) - The type of the resource describes
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
- note? Annotation[] - Comments about the observation or the results.
- partOf? Reference[] - A larger event of which this particular Observation is a component or step. For example, an observation as part of a procedure.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code BloodPressureCode - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'name'.
- subject Reference - The patient, or group of patients, location, or device this observation is about and into whose record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the
element or thecode
itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- focus? Reference[] - The actual focus of an observation when it is not the patient of record representing something or someone associated with the patient such as a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. For example, fetus observations in a mother's record. The focus of an observation could also be an existing condition, an intervention, the subject's diet, another observation of the subject, or a body structure such as tumor or implanted device. An example use case would be using the Observation resource to capture whether the mother is trained to change her child's tracheostomy tube. In this example, the child is the patient of record and the mother is the focus.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- specimen? Reference - The specimen that was used when this observation was made.
- derivedFrom? Reference[] - The target resource that represents a measurement from which this observation value is derived. For example, a calculated anion gap or a fetal measurement based on an ultrasound image.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- issued? instant - The date and time this version of the observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- basedOn? Reference[] - A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event. For example, a MedicationRequest may require a patient to have laboratory test performed before it is dispensed.
- valueQuantity? Quantity - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- identifier? Identifier[] - A unique identifier assigned to this observation.
- performer Reference[] - Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as 'true'.
- method? CodeableConcept - Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation.
- hasMember? Reference[] - This observation is a group observation (e.g. a battery, a panel of tests, a set of vital sign measurements) that includes the target as a member of the group.
- encounter Reference - The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept - Indicates the site on the subject's body where the observation was made (i.e. the target site).
- component BloodPressureComponent[] - Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
- component Slicings
- BloodPressureComponentDiastolic: Component results
- min = 0
- max = 1
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- referenceRange? BloodPressureReferenceRange[] - Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range. Multiple reference ranges are interpreted as an 'OR'. In other words, to represent two distinct target populations, two
elements would be used.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- effectiveDateTime dateTime - The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the 'physiologically relevant time'. This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- category BloodPressureCategory - A code that classifies the general type of observation being made.
- device? Reference - The device used to generate the observation data.
- status BloodPressureStatus - The status of the result value.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureCategory
FHIR BloodPressureCategory datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding? BloodPressureCategoryCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureCategoryCoding
FHIR BloodPressureCategoryCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code? code - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
- system? uri - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- userSelected? boolean - Indicates that this coding was chosen by a user directly - e.g. off a pick list of available items (codes or displays).
- display? string - A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'version? string - The version of the code system which was used when choosing this code. Note that a well-maintained code system does not need the version reported, because the meaning of codes is consistent across versions. However this cannot consistently be assured, and when the meaning is not guaranteed to be consistent, the version SHOULD be exchanged.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureCode
FHIR BloodPressureCode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding BloodPressureCodeCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureCodeCoding
FHIR BloodPressureCodeCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "85354-9") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponent
FHIR BloodPressureComponent datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code CodeableConcept - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'code'.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueQuantity? Quantity - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentCode
FHIR BloodPressureComponentCode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding BloodPressureComponentCodeCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentCodeCoding
FHIR BloodPressureComponentCodeCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "8462-4") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentCodeCodingOne
FHIR BloodPressureComponentCodeCodingOne datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "8480-6") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentCodeOne
FHIR BloodPressureComponentCodeOne datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding BloodPressureComponentCodeCodingOne[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentDiastolic
FHIR BloodPressureComponentDiastolic datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code BloodPressureComponentCode - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'code'.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueQuantity? BloodPressureComponentValue - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentSystolic
FHIR BloodPressureComponentSystolic datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code BloodPressureComponentCodeOne - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'code'.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueQuantity? BloodPressureComponentValue - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentValue
FHIR BloodPressureComponentValue datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Quantity
- comparator? BloodPressureComponentValueComparator - How the value should be understood and represented - whether the actual value is greater or less than the stated value due to measurement issues; e.g. if the comparator is '<' , then the real value is < stated value.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- unit? string - A human-readable form of the unit.
- code? code - A computer processable form of the unit in some unit representation system.
- system? uri - The identification of the system that provides the coded form of the unit.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- value decimal - The value of the measured amount. The value includes an implicit precision in the presentation of the value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureComponentValueValueValue
FHIR BloodPressureComponentValueValueValue datatype record.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BloodPressureReferenceRange
FHIR BloodPressureReferenceRange datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- high? Quantity - The value of the high bound of the reference range. The high bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the high bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is >= 2.3).
- low? Quantity - The value of the low bound of the reference range. The low bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the low bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is <=2.3).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- appliesTo? CodeableConcept[] - Codes to indicate the target population this reference range applies to. For example, a reference range may be based on the normal population or a particular sex or race. Multiple
are interpreted as an 'AND' of the target populations. For example, to represent a target population of African American females, both a code of female and a code for African American would be used.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - Text based reference range in an observation which may be used when a quantitative range is not appropriate for an observation. An example would be a reference value of 'Negative' or a list or table of 'normals'.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - Codes to indicate the what part of the targeted reference population it applies to. For example, the normal or therapeutic range.
- age? Range - The age at which this reference range is applicable. This is a neonatal age (e.g. number of weeks at term) if the meaning says so.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMI
FHIR BMI resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_BMI(default RESOURCE_NAME_BMI) - The type of the resource describes
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
- note? Annotation[] - Comments about the observation or the results.
- partOf? Reference[] - A larger event of which this particular Observation is a component or step. For example, an observation as part of a procedure.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code BMICode - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'name'.
- subject Reference - The patient, or group of patients, location, or device this observation is about and into whose record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the
element or thecode
itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- focus? Reference[] - The actual focus of an observation when it is not the patient of record representing something or someone associated with the patient such as a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. For example, fetus observations in a mother's record. The focus of an observation could also be an existing condition, an intervention, the subject's diet, another observation of the subject, or a body structure such as tumor or implanted device. An example use case would be using the Observation resource to capture whether the mother is trained to change her child's tracheostomy tube. In this example, the child is the patient of record and the mother is the focus.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- specimen? Reference - The specimen that was used when this observation was made.
- derivedFrom? Reference[] - The target resource that represents a measurement from which this observation value is derived. For example, a calculated anion gap or a fetal measurement based on an ultrasound image.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- issued? instant - The date and time this version of the observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- basedOn? Reference[] - A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event. For example, a MedicationRequest may require a patient to have laboratory test performed before it is dispensed.
- valueQuantity? BMIValue - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- identifier? Identifier[] - A unique identifier assigned to this observation.
- performer Reference[] - Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as 'true'.
- method? CodeableConcept - Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation.
- hasMember? Reference[] - This observation is a group observation (e.g. a battery, a panel of tests, a set of vital sign measurements) that includes the target as a member of the group.
- encounter Reference - The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept - Indicates the site on the subject's body where the observation was made (i.e. the target site).
- component? BMIComponent[] - Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- referenceRange? BMIReferenceRange[] - Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range. Multiple reference ranges are interpreted as an 'OR'. In other words, to represent two distinct target populations, two
elements would be used.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- effectiveDateTime dateTime - The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the 'physiologically relevant time'. This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- category BMICategory - A code that classifies the general type of observation being made.
- device? Reference - The device used to generate the observation data.
- status BMIStatus - The status of the result value.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMICategory
FHIR BMICategory datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding? BMICategoryCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMICategoryCoding
FHIR BMICategoryCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code? code - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
- system? uri - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- userSelected? boolean - Indicates that this coding was chosen by a user directly - e.g. off a pick list of available items (codes or displays).
- display? string - A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'version? string - The version of the code system which was used when choosing this code. Note that a well-maintained code system does not need the version reported, because the meaning of codes is consistent across versions. However this cannot consistently be assured, and when the meaning is not guaranteed to be consistent, the version SHOULD be exchanged.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMICode
FHIR BMICode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding BMICodeCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMICodeCoding
FHIR BMICodeCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "39156-5") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMIComponent
FHIR BMIComponent datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code CodeableConcept - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'code'.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueQuantity? Quantity - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMIReferenceRange
FHIR BMIReferenceRange datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- high? Quantity - The value of the high bound of the reference range. The high bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the high bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is >= 2.3).
- low? Quantity - The value of the low bound of the reference range. The low bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the low bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is <=2.3).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- appliesTo? CodeableConcept[] - Codes to indicate the target population this reference range applies to. For example, a reference range may be based on the normal population or a particular sex or race. Multiple
are interpreted as an 'AND' of the target populations. For example, to represent a target population of African American females, both a code of female and a code for African American would be used.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - Text based reference range in an observation which may be used when a quantitative range is not appropriate for an observation. An example would be a reference value of 'Negative' or a list or table of 'normals'.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - Codes to indicate the what part of the targeted reference population it applies to. For example, the normal or therapeutic range.
- age? Range - The age at which this reference range is applicable. This is a neonatal age (e.g. number of weeks at term) if the meaning says so.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: BMIValue
FHIR BMIValue datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Quantity
- comparator? BMIValueComparator - How the value should be understood and represented - whether the actual value is greater or less than the stated value due to measurement issues; e.g. if the comparator is '<' , then the real value is < stated value.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- unit? string - A human-readable form of the unit.
- code? code - A computer processable form of the unit in some unit representation system.
- system? uri - The identification of the system that provides the coded form of the unit.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- value decimal - The value of the measured amount. The value includes an implicit precision in the presentation of the value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: CVDRiskCategory
FHIR CVDRiskCategory resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_CVDRISKCATEGORY(default RESOURCE_NAME_CVDRISKCATEGORY) - The type of the resource describes
- note? Annotation[] - Additional comments about the risk assessment.
- parent? Reference - A reference to a resource that this risk assessment is part of, such as a Procedure.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code CVDRiskCategoryCode - The type of the risk assessment performed.
- subject Reference - The patient or group the risk assessment applies to.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- reasonReference? Reference[] - Resources supporting the reason the risk assessment was performed.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- reasonCode? CodeableConcept[] - The reason the risk assessment was performed.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- basedOn? Reference - A reference to the request that is fulfilled by this risk assessment.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Business identifier assigned to the risk assessment.
- mitigation? string - A description of the steps that might be taken to reduce the identified risk(s).
- performer Reference - The provider or software application that performed the assessment.
- method? CodeableConcept - The algorithm, process or mechanism used to evaluate the risk.
- encounter Reference - The encounter where the assessment was performed.
- basis Reference[] - Indicates the source data considered as part of the assessment (for example, FamilyHistory, Observations, Procedures, Conditions, etc.).
- condition? Reference - For assessments or prognosis specific to a particular condition, indicates the condition being assessed.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- prediction CVDRiskCategoryPrediction[] - Describes the expected outcome for the subject.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- occurrenceDateTime dateTime - The date (and possibly time) the risk assessment was performed.
- status CVDRiskCategoryStatus - The status of the RiskAssessment, using the same statuses as an Observation.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: CVDRiskCategoryCode
FHIR CVDRiskCategoryCode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding CVDRiskCategoryCodeCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: CVDRiskCategoryCodeCoding
FHIR CVDRiskCategoryCodeCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "441829007") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: CVDRiskCategoryPrediction
FHIR CVDRiskCategoryPrediction datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- qualitativeRisk CodeableConcept - Indicates how likely the outcome is (in the specified timeframe), expressed as a qualitative value (e.g. low, medium, or high).
- relativeRisk? decimal - Indicates the risk for this particular subject (with their specific characteristics) divided by the risk of the population in general. (Numbers greater than 1 = higher risk than the population, numbers less than 1 = lower risk.).
- probabilityRange? Range - Indicates how likely the outcome is (in the specified timeframe).
- whenRange Range - Indicates the period of time or age range of the subject to which the specified probability applies.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- probabilityDecimal? decimal - Indicates how likely the outcome is (in the specified timeframe).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- rationale? string - Additional information explaining the basis for the prediction.
- outcome CodeableConcept - One of the potential outcomes for the patient (e.g. remission, death, a particular condition).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: DrugDispensation
FHIR DrugDispensation resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_DRUGDISPENSATION(default RESOURCE_NAME_DRUGDISPENSATION) - The type of the resource describes
- note? Annotation[] - Extra information about the dispense that could not be conveyed in the other attributes.
- partOf? Reference[] - The procedure that trigger the dispense.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- substitution? DrugDispensationSubstitution - Indicates whether or not substitution was made as part of the dispense. In some cases, substitution will be expected but does not happen, in other cases substitution is not expected but does happen. This block explains what substitution did or did not happen and why. If nothing is specified, substitution was not done.
- subject Reference - A link to a resource representing the person or the group to whom the medication will be given.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- destination? Reference - Identification of the facility/location where the medication was shipped to, as part of the dispense event.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- statusReasonReference? Reference - Indicates the reason why a dispense was not performed.
- statusReasonCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - Indicates the reason why a dispense was not performed.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - Indicates the type of dispensing event that is performed. For example, Trial Fill, Completion of Trial, Partial Fill, Emergency Fill, Samples, etc.
- context Reference - The encounter or episode of care that establishes the context for this event.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- authorizingPrescription Reference[] - Indicates the medication order that is being dispensed against.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Identifiers associated with this Medication Dispense that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate. They are business identifiers assigned to this resource by the performer or other systems and remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.
- performer? DrugDispensationPerformer - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- quantity? SimpleQuantity - The amount of medication that has been dispensed. Includes unit of measure.
- detectedIssue? Reference[] - Indicates an actual or potential clinical issue with or between one or more active or proposed clinical actions for a patient; e.g. drug-drug interaction, duplicate therapy, dosage alert etc.
- receiver Reference[] - Identifies the person who picked up the medication. This will usually be a patient or their caregiver, but some cases exist where it can be a healthcare professional.
- whenPrepared? dateTime - The time when the dispensed product was packaged and reviewed.
- daysSupply? SimpleQuantity - The amount of medication expressed as a timing amount.
- supportingInformation? Reference[] - Additional information that supports the medication being dispensed.
- whenHandedOver dateTime - The time the dispensed product was provided to the patient or their representative.
- medicationCodeableConcept CodeableConcept - Identifies the medication being administered. This is either a link to a resource representing the details of the medication or a simple attribute carrying a code that identifies the medication from a known list of medications.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- dosageInstruction? Dosage[] - Indicates how the medication is to be used by the patient.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- eventHistory? Reference[] - A summary of the events of interest that have occurred, such as when the dispense was verified.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- location? Reference - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- category? CodeableConcept - Indicates the type of medication dispense (for example, where the medication is expected to be consumed or administered (i.e. inpatient or outpatient)).
- status DrugDispensationStatus - A code specifying the state of the set of dispense events.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: DrugDispensationPerformer
FHIR DrugDispensationPerformer datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- actor Reference - The device, practitioner, etc. who performed the action. It should be assumed that the actor is the dispenser of the medication.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- 'function? CodeableConcept - Distinguishes the type of performer in the dispense. For example, date enterer, packager, final checker.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: DrugDispensationSubstitution
FHIR DrugDispensationSubstitution datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- reason? CodeableConcept[] - Indicates the reason for the substitution (or lack of substitution) from what was prescribed.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- wasSubstituted boolean - True if the dispenser dispensed a different drug or product from what was prescribed.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- responsibleParty? Reference[] - The person or organization that has primary responsibility for the substitution.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A code signifying whether a different drug was dispensed from what was prescribed.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugar
FHIR FastingBloodSugar resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_FASTINGBLOODSUGAR(default RESOURCE_NAME_FASTINGBLOODSUGAR) - The type of the resource describes
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
- note? Annotation[] - Comments about the observation or the results.
- partOf? Reference[] - A larger event of which this particular Observation is a component or step. For example, an observation as part of a procedure.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code FastingBloodSugarCode - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'name'.
- subject Reference - The patient, or group of patients, location, or device this observation is about and into whose record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the
element or thecode
itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- focus? Reference[] - The actual focus of an observation when it is not the patient of record representing something or someone associated with the patient such as a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. For example, fetus observations in a mother's record. The focus of an observation could also be an existing condition, an intervention, the subject's diet, another observation of the subject, or a body structure such as tumor or implanted device. An example use case would be using the Observation resource to capture whether the mother is trained to change her child's tracheostomy tube. In this example, the child is the patient of record and the mother is the focus.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- specimen? Reference - The specimen that was used when this observation was made.
- derivedFrom? Reference[] - The target resource that represents a measurement from which this observation value is derived. For example, a calculated anion gap or a fetal measurement based on an ultrasound image.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- issued? instant - The date and time this version of the observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- basedOn? Reference[] - A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event. For example, a MedicationRequest may require a patient to have laboratory test performed before it is dispensed.
- valueQuantity? FastingBloodSugarValue - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- identifier? Identifier[] - A unique identifier assigned to this observation.
- performer Reference[] - Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as 'true'.
- method? CodeableConcept - Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation.
- hasMember? Reference[] - This observation is a group observation (e.g. a battery, a panel of tests, a set of vital sign measurements) that includes the target as a member of the group.
- encounter Reference - The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept - Indicates the site on the subject's body where the observation was made (i.e. the target site).
- component? FastingBloodSugarComponent[] - Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- referenceRange? FastingBloodSugarReferenceRange[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- effectiveDateTime dateTime - The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the 'physiologically relevant time'. This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- category? CodeableConcept[] - A code that classifies the general type of observation being made.
- device? Reference - The device used to generate the observation data.
- status FastingBloodSugarStatus - The status of the result value.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugarCode
FHIR FastingBloodSugarCode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding FastingBloodSugarCodeCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugarCodeCoding
FHIR FastingBloodSugarCodeCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "76629-5") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugarComponent
FHIR FastingBloodSugarComponent datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code CodeableConcept - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'code'.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueQuantity? Quantity - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugarReferenceRange
FHIR FastingBloodSugarReferenceRange datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- high? Quantity - The value of the high bound of the reference range. The high bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the high bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is >= 2.3).
- low? Quantity - The value of the low bound of the reference range. The low bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the low bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is <=2.3).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- appliesTo? CodeableConcept[] - Codes to indicate the target population this reference range applies to. For example, a reference range may be based on the normal population or a particular sex or race. Multiple
are interpreted as an 'AND' of the target populations. For example, to represent a target population of African American females, both a code of female and a code for African American would be used.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - Text based reference range in an observation which may be used when a quantitative range is not appropriate for an observation. An example would be a reference value of 'Negative' or a list or table of 'normals'.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - Codes to indicate the what part of the targeted reference population it applies to. For example, the normal or therapeutic range.
- age? Range - The age at which this reference range is applicable. This is a neonatal age (e.g. number of weeks at term) if the meaning says so.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FastingBloodSugarValue
FHIR FastingBloodSugarValue datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Quantity
- comparator? FastingBloodSugarValueComparator - How the value should be understood and represented - whether the actual value is greater or less than the stated value due to measurement issues; e.g. if the comparator is '<' , then the real value is < stated value.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- unit? string - A human-readable form of the unit.
- code? code - A computer processable form of the unit in some unit representation system.
- system? uri - The identification of the system that provides the coded form of the unit.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- value decimal - The value of the measured amount. The value includes an implicit precision in the presentation of the value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpAtHLC
FHIR FollowUpAtHLC resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_FOLLOWUPATHLC(default RESOURCE_NAME_FOLLOWUPATHLC) - The type of the resource describes
- note? Annotation[] - General notes about the care plan not covered elsewhere.
- partOf? Reference[] - A larger care plan of which this particular care plan is a component or step.
- addresses? Reference[] - Identifies the conditions/problems/concerns/diagnoses/etc. whose management and/or mitigation are handled by this plan.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- activity FollowUpAtHLCActivity[] - Identifies a planned action to occur as part of the plan. For example, a medication to be used, lab tests to perform, self-monitoring, education, etc.
- subject Reference - Identifies the patient or group whose intended care is described by the plan.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- description? string - A description of the scope and nature of the plan.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- title? string - Human-friendly name for the care plan.
- instantiatesUri? uri[] - The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, questionnaire or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this CarePlan.
- contributor Reference[] - Identifies the individual(s) or organization who provided the contents of the care plan.
- supportingInfo? Reference[] - Identifies portions of the patient's record that specifically influenced the formation of the plan. These might include comorbidities, recent procedures, limitations, recent assessments, etc.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- basedOn? Reference[] - A care plan that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this care plan.
- careTeam? Reference[] - Identifies all people and organizations who are expected to be involved in the care envisioned by this plan.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Business identifiers assigned to this care plan by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.
- period Period - Indicates when the plan did (or is intended to) come into effect and end.
- goal? Reference[] - Describes the intended objective(s) of carrying out the care plan.
- author? Reference - When populated, the author is responsible for the care plan. The care plan is attributed to the author.
- created? dateTime - Represents when this particular CarePlan record was created in the system, which is often a system-generated date.
- replaces? Reference[] - Completed or terminated care plan whose function is taken by this new care plan.
- encounter Reference - The Encounter during which this CarePlan was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.
- instantiatesCanonical? canonical[] - The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, questionnaire or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this CarePlan.
- intent FollowUpAtHLCIntent - Indicates the level of authority/intentionality associated with the care plan and where the care plan fits into the workflow chain.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- category? CodeableConcept[] - Identifies what 'kind' of plan this is to support differentiation between multiple co-existing plans; e.g. 'Home health', 'psychiatric', 'asthma', 'disease management', 'wellness plan', etc.
- status FollowUpAtHLCStatus - Indicates whether the plan is currently being acted upon, represents future intentions or is now a historical record.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpAtHLCActivity
FHIR FollowUpAtHLCActivity datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- reference Reference - The details of the proposed activity represented in a specific resource.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- outcomeCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept[] - Identifies the outcome at the point when the status of the activity is assessed. For example, the outcome of an education activity could be patient understands (or not).
- outcomeReference? Reference[] - Details of the outcome or action resulting from the activity. The reference to an 'event' resource, such as Procedure or Encounter or Observation, is the result/outcome of the activity itself. The activity can be conveyed using CarePlan.activity.detail OR using the CarePlan.activity.reference (a reference to a “request” resource).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- progress? Annotation[] - Notes about the adherence/status/progress of the activity.
- detail? FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetail - A simple summary of a planned activity suitable for a general care plan system (e.g. form driven) that doesn't know about specific resources such as procedure etc.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetail
FHIR FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetail datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code? CodeableConcept - Detailed description of the type of planned activity; e.g. what lab test, what procedure, what kind of encounter.
- goal? Reference[] - Internal reference that identifies the goals that this activity is intended to contribute towards meeting.
- performer? Reference[] - Identifies who's expected to be involved in the activity.
- quantity? Quantity - Identifies the quantity expected to be supplied, administered or consumed by the subject.
- kind? FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetailKind - A description of the kind of resource the in-line definition of a care plan activity is representing. The CarePlan.activity.detail is an in-line definition when a resource is not referenced using CarePlan.activity.reference. For example, a MedicationRequest, a ServiceRequest, or a CommunicationRequest.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- description? string - This provides a textual description of constraints on the intended activity occurrence, including relation to other activities. It may also include objectives, pre-conditions and end-conditions. Finally, it may convey specifics about the activity such as body site, method, route, etc.
- productCarePlanCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - Identifies the food, drug or other product to be consumed or supplied in the activity.
- reasonReference? Reference[] - Indicates another resource, such as the health condition(s), whose existence justifies this request and drove the inclusion of this particular activity as part of the plan.
- scheduledCarePlanPeriod? Period - The period, timing or frequency upon which the described activity is to occur.
- instantiatesCanonical? canonical[] - The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, questionnaire or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this CarePlan activity.
- scheduledCarePlanString? string - The period, timing or frequency upon which the described activity is to occur.
- instantiatesUri? uri[] - The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, questionnaire or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this CarePlan activity.
- productCarePlanReference? Reference - Identifies the food, drug or other product to be consumed or supplied in the activity.
- statusReason? CodeableConcept - Provides reason why the activity isn't yet started, is on hold, was cancelled, etc.
- dailyAmount? Quantity - Identifies the quantity expected to be consumed in a given day.
- location? Reference - Identifies the facility where the activity will occur; e.g. home, hospital, specific clinic, etc.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- reasonCode? CodeableConcept[] - Provides the rationale that drove the inclusion of this particular activity as part of the plan or the reason why the activity was prohibited.
- doNotPerform? boolean - If true, indicates that the described activity is one that must NOT be engaged in when following the plan. If false, or missing, indicates that the described activity is one that should be engaged in when following the plan.
- scheduledCarePlanTiming? Timing - The period, timing or frequency upon which the described activity is to occur.
- status FollowUpAtHLCActivityDetailStatus - Identifies what progress is being made for the specific activity.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: FollowUpPlanServiceRequest
FHIR FollowUpPlanServiceRequest resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- insurance? Reference[] - Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be needed for delivering the requested service.
- note? Annotation[] - Any other notes and comments made about the service request. For example, internal billing notes.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code CodeableConcept - A code that identifies a particular service (i.e., procedure, diagnostic investigation, or panel of investigations) that have been requested.
- requisition? Identifier - A shared identifier common to all service requests that were authorized more or less simultaneously by a single author, representing the composite or group identifier.
- subject Reference - On whom or what the service is to be performed. This is usually a human patient, but can also be requested on animals, groups of humans or animals, devices such as dialysis machines, or even locations (typically for environmental scans).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- reasonReference? Reference[] - Indicates another resource that provides a justification for why this service is being requested. May relate to the resources referred to in
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- instantiatesUri? uri[] - The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this ServiceRequest.
- relevantHistory? Reference[] - Key events in the history of the request.
- supportingInfo? Reference[] - Additional clinical information about the patient or specimen that may influence the services or their interpretations. This information includes diagnosis, clinical findings and other observations. In laboratory ordering these are typically referred to as 'ask at order entry questions (AOEs)'. This includes observations explicitly requested by the producer (filler) to provide context or supporting information needed to complete the order. For example, reporting the amount of inspired oxygen for blood gas measurements.
- specimen? Reference[] - One or more specimens that the laboratory procedure will use.
- quantityQuantity? Quantity - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- quantityRatio? Ratio - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- asNeededBoolean? boolean - If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the service. For example 'pain', 'on flare-up', etc.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- locationReference? Reference[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- reasonCode? CodeableConcept[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- doNotPerform? boolean - Set this to true if the record is saying that the service/procedure should NOT be performed.
- basedOn? Reference[] - Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this request.
- asNeededCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the service. For example 'pain', 'on flare-up', etc.
- requester Reference - The individual who initiated the request and has responsibility for its activation.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Identifiers assigned to this order instance by the orderer and/or the receiver and/or order fulfiller.
- authoredOn? dateTime - When the request transitioned to being actionable.
- performer? Reference[] - The desired performer for doing the requested service. For example, the surgeon, dermatopathologist, endoscopist, etc.
- replaces? Reference[] - The request takes the place of the referenced completed or terminated request(s).
- encounter Reference - An encounter that provides additional information about the healthcare context in which this request is made.
- occurrenceTiming Timing - The date/time at which the requested service should occur.
- quantityRange? Range - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- instantiatesCanonical? canonical[] - The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this ServiceRequest.
- priority? FollowUpPlanServiceRequestPriority - Indicates how quickly the ServiceRequest should be addressed with respect to other requests.
- intent FollowUpPlanServiceRequestIntent - Whether the request is a proposal, plan, an original order or a reflex order.
- performerType? CodeableConcept - Desired type of performer for doing the requested service.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept[] - Anatomic location where the procedure should be performed. This is the target site.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- orderDetail? CodeableConcept[] - Additional details and instructions about the how the services are to be delivered. For example, and order for a urinary catheter may have an order detail for an external or indwelling catheter, or an order for a bandage may require additional instructions specifying how the bandage should be applied.
- category? CodeableConcept[] - A code that classifies the service for searching, sorting and display purposes (e.g. 'Surgical Procedure').
- locationCode? CodeableConcept[] - The preferred location(s) where the procedure should actually happen in coded or free text form. E.g. at home or nursing day care center.
- patientInstruction? string - Instructions in terms that are understood by the patient or consumer.
- status FollowUpPlanServiceRequestStatus - The status of the order.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralPractitioner
FHIR GeneralPractitioner resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_GENERALPRACTITIONER(default RESOURCE_NAME_GENERALPRACTITIONER) - The type of the resource describes
- identifier? Identifier[] - An identifier that applies to this person in this role.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- address? Address[] - Address(es) of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address). Work addresses are not typically entered in this property as they are usually role dependent.
- gender? GeneralPractitionerGender - Administrative Gender - the gender that the person is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- active? boolean - Whether this practitioner's record is in active use.
- photo? Attachment[] - Image of the person.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- birthDate? date - The date of birth for the practitioner.
- qualification? GeneralPractitionerQualification[] - The official certifications, training, and licenses that authorize or otherwise pertain to the provision of care by the practitioner. For example, a medical license issued by a medical board authorizing the practitioner to practice medicine within a certian locality.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- name GeneralPractitionerName[] - The name(s) associated with the practitioner.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- telecom ContactPoint[] - A contact detail for the practitioner, e.g. a telephone number or an email address.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- communication? CodeableConcept[] - A language the practitioner can use in patient communication.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralPractitionerName
FHIR GeneralPractitionerName datatype record.
- Fields Included from *HumanName
- given string[] - Given name.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Indicates the period of time when this name was valid for the named person.
- prefix? string[] - Part of the name that is acquired as a title due to academic, legal, employment or nobility status, etc. and that appears at the start of the name.
- use? GeneralPractitionerNameUse - Identifies the purpose for this name.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - Specifies the entire name as it should be displayed e.g. on an application UI. This may be provided instead of or as well as the specific parts.
- family string - The part of a name that links to the genealogy. In some cultures (e.g. Eritrea) the family name of a son is the first name of his father.
- suffix? string[] - Part of the name that is acquired as a title due to academic, legal, employment or nobility status, etc. and that appears at the end of the name.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralPractitionerQualification
FHIR GeneralPractitionerQualification datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- identifier? Identifier[] - An identifier that applies to this person's qualification in this role.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Period during which the qualification is valid.
- code CodeableConcept - Coded representation of the qualification.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- issuer? Reference - Organization that regulates and issues the qualification.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralReferralServiceRequest
FHIR GeneralReferralServiceRequest resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- insurance? Reference[] - Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be needed for delivering the requested service.
- note? Annotation[] - Any other notes and comments made about the service request. For example, internal billing notes.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code GeneralReferralServiceRequestCode - A code that identifies a particular service (i.e., procedure, diagnostic investigation, or panel of investigations) that have been requested.
- requisition? Identifier - A shared identifier common to all service requests that were authorized more or less simultaneously by a single author, representing the composite or group identifier.
- subject Reference - On whom or what the service is to be performed. This is usually a human patient, but can also be requested on animals, groups of humans or animals, devices such as dialysis machines, or even locations (typically for environmental scans).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- reasonReference? Reference[] - Indicates another resource that provides a justification for why this service is being requested. May relate to the resources referred to in
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- instantiatesUri? uri[] - The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this ServiceRequest.
- relevantHistory? Reference[] - Key events in the history of the request.
- supportingInfo? Reference[] - Additional clinical information about the patient or specimen that may influence the services or their interpretations. This information includes diagnosis, clinical findings and other observations. In laboratory ordering these are typically referred to as 'ask at order entry questions (AOEs)'. This includes observations explicitly requested by the producer (filler) to provide context or supporting information needed to complete the order. For example, reporting the amount of inspired oxygen for blood gas measurements.
- specimen? Reference[] - One or more specimens that the laboratory procedure will use.
- quantityQuantity? Quantity - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- quantityRatio? Ratio - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- asNeededBoolean? boolean - If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the service. For example 'pain', 'on flare-up', etc.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- locationReference? Reference[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- reasonCode? CodeableConcept[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- doNotPerform? boolean - Set this to true if the record is saying that the service/procedure should NOT be performed.
- basedOn? Reference[] - Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this request.
- asNeededCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the service. For example 'pain', 'on flare-up', etc.
- requester Reference - The individual who initiated the request and has responsibility for its activation.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Identifiers assigned to this order instance by the orderer and/or the receiver and/or order fulfiller.
- authoredOn? dateTime - When the request transitioned to being actionable.
- performer? Reference[] - The desired performer for doing the requested service. For example, the surgeon, dermatopathologist, endoscopist, etc.
- replaces? Reference[] - The request takes the place of the referenced completed or terminated request(s).
- encounter Reference - An encounter that provides additional information about the healthcare context in which this request is made.
- quantityRange? Range - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- instantiatesCanonical? canonical[] - The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this ServiceRequest.
- priority? GeneralReferralServiceRequestPriority - Indicates how quickly the ServiceRequest should be addressed with respect to other requests.
- intent GeneralReferralServiceRequestIntent - Whether the request is a proposal, plan, an original order or a reflex order.
- performerType? CodeableConcept - Desired type of performer for doing the requested service.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept[] - Anatomic location where the procedure should be performed. This is the target site.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- occurrenceDateTime dateTime - The date/time at which the requested service should occur.
- orderDetail? CodeableConcept[] - Additional details and instructions about the how the services are to be delivered. For example, and order for a urinary catheter may have an order detail for an external or indwelling catheter, or an order for a bandage may require additional instructions specifying how the bandage should be applied.
- category? CodeableConcept[] - A code that classifies the service for searching, sorting and display purposes (e.g. 'Surgical Procedure').
- locationCode? CodeableConcept[] - The preferred location(s) where the procedure should actually happen in coded or free text form. E.g. at home or nursing day care center.
- patientInstruction? string - Instructions in terms that are understood by the patient or consumer.
- status GeneralReferralServiceRequestStatus - The status of the order.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralReferralServiceRequestCode
FHIR GeneralReferralServiceRequestCode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding GeneralReferralServiceRequestCodeCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GeneralReferralServiceRequestCodeCoding
FHIR GeneralReferralServiceRequestCodeCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "3457005") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericObservation
FHIR GenericObservation resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_GENERICOBSERVATION(default RESOURCE_NAME_GENERICOBSERVATION) - The type of the resource describes
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
- note? Annotation[] - Comments about the observation or the results.
- partOf? Reference[] - A larger event of which this particular Observation is a component or step. For example, an observation as part of a procedure.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code CodeableConcept - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'name'.
- subject Reference - The patient, or group of patients, location, or device this observation is about and into whose record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the
element or thecode
itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- focus? Reference[] - The actual focus of an observation when it is not the patient of record representing something or someone associated with the patient such as a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. For example, fetus observations in a mother's record. The focus of an observation could also be an existing condition, an intervention, the subject's diet, another observation of the subject, or a body structure such as tumor or implanted device. An example use case would be using the Observation resource to capture whether the mother is trained to change her child's tracheostomy tube. In this example, the child is the patient of record and the mother is the focus.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- specimen? Reference - The specimen that was used when this observation was made.
- derivedFrom? Reference[] - The target resource that represents a measurement from which this observation value is derived. For example, a calculated anion gap or a fetal measurement based on an ultrasound image.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- issued? instant - The date and time this version of the observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- basedOn? Reference[] - A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event. For example, a MedicationRequest may require a patient to have laboratory test performed before it is dispensed.
- valueQuantity? Quantity - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- identifier? Identifier[] - A unique identifier assigned to this observation.
- performer Reference[] - Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as 'true'.
- method? CodeableConcept - Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation.
- hasMember? Reference[] - This observation is a group observation (e.g. a battery, a panel of tests, a set of vital sign measurements) that includes the target as a member of the group.
- encounter Reference - The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept - Indicates the site on the subject's body where the observation was made (i.e. the target site).
- component? GenericObservationComponent[] - Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- referenceRange? GenericObservationReferenceRange[] - Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range. Multiple reference ranges are interpreted as an 'OR'. In other words, to represent two distinct target populations, two
elements would be used.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- effectiveDateTime dateTime - The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the 'physiologically relevant time'. This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- category? CodeableConcept[] - A code that classifies the general type of observation being made.
- device? Reference - The device used to generate the observation data.
- status GenericObservationStatus - The status of the result value.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericObservationComponent
FHIR GenericObservationComponent datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code CodeableConcept - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'code'.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueQuantity? Quantity - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericObservationReferenceRange
FHIR GenericObservationReferenceRange datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- high? Quantity - The value of the high bound of the reference range. The high bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the high bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is >= 2.3).
- low? Quantity - The value of the low bound of the reference range. The low bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the low bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is <=2.3).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- appliesTo? CodeableConcept[] - Codes to indicate the target population this reference range applies to. For example, a reference range may be based on the normal population or a particular sex or race. Multiple
are interpreted as an 'AND' of the target populations. For example, to represent a target population of African American females, both a code of female and a code for African American would be used.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - Text based reference range in an observation which may be used when a quantitative range is not appropriate for an observation. An example would be a reference value of 'Negative' or a list or table of 'normals'.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - Codes to indicate the what part of the targeted reference population it applies to. For example, the normal or therapeutic range.
- age? Range - The age at which this reference range is applicable. This is a neonatal age (e.g. number of weeks at term) if the meaning says so.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericServiceRequest
FHIR GenericServiceRequest resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- insurance? Reference[] - Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be needed for delivering the requested service.
- note? Annotation[] - Any other notes and comments made about the service request. For example, internal billing notes.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code CodeableConcept - A code that identifies a particular service (i.e., procedure, diagnostic investigation, or panel of investigations) that have been requested.
- requisition? Identifier - A shared identifier common to all service requests that were authorized more or less simultaneously by a single author, representing the composite or group identifier.
- subject Reference - On whom or what the service is to be performed. This is usually a human patient, but can also be requested on animals, groups of humans or animals, devices such as dialysis machines, or even locations (typically for environmental scans).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- reasonReference? Reference[] - Indicates another resource that provides a justification for why this service is being requested. May relate to the resources referred to in
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- instantiatesUri? uri[] - The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this ServiceRequest.
- relevantHistory? Reference[] - Key events in the history of the request.
- supportingInfo? Reference[] - Additional clinical information about the patient or specimen that may influence the services or their interpretations. This information includes diagnosis, clinical findings and other observations. In laboratory ordering these are typically referred to as 'ask at order entry questions (AOEs)'. This includes observations explicitly requested by the producer (filler) to provide context or supporting information needed to complete the order. For example, reporting the amount of inspired oxygen for blood gas measurements.
- specimen? Reference[] - One or more specimens that the laboratory procedure will use.
- quantityQuantity? Quantity - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- quantityRatio? Ratio - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- asNeededBoolean? boolean - If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the service. For example 'pain', 'on flare-up', etc.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- locationReference? Reference[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- reasonCode? CodeableConcept[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- doNotPerform? boolean - Set this to true if the record is saying that the service/procedure should NOT be performed.
- basedOn? Reference[] - Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this request.
- asNeededCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the service. For example 'pain', 'on flare-up', etc.
- requester Reference - The individual who initiated the request and has responsibility for its activation.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Identifiers assigned to this order instance by the orderer and/or the receiver and/or order fulfiller.
- authoredOn? dateTime - When the request transitioned to being actionable.
- performer? Reference[] - The desired performer for doing the requested service. For example, the surgeon, dermatopathologist, endoscopist, etc.
- replaces? Reference[] - The request takes the place of the referenced completed or terminated request(s).
- encounter Reference - An encounter that provides additional information about the healthcare context in which this request is made.
- occurrenceTiming? Timing - The date/time at which the requested service should occur.
- quantityRange? Range - An amount of service being requested which can be a quantity ( for example $1,500 home modification), a ratio ( for example, 20 half day visits per month), or a range (2.0 to 1.8 Gy per fraction).
- instantiatesCanonical? canonical[] - The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this ServiceRequest.
- priority? GenericServiceRequestPriority - Indicates how quickly the ServiceRequest should be addressed with respect to other requests.
- intent GenericServiceRequestIntent - Whether the request is a proposal, plan, an original order or a reflex order.
- performerType? CodeableConcept - Desired type of performer for doing the requested service.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept[] - Anatomic location where the procedure should be performed. This is the target site.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- occurrencePeriod? Period - The date/time at which the requested service should occur.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- occurrenceDateTime? dateTime - The date/time at which the requested service should occur.
- orderDetail? CodeableConcept[] - Additional details and instructions about the how the services are to be delivered. For example, and order for a urinary catheter may have an order detail for an external or indwelling catheter, or an order for a bandage may require additional instructions specifying how the bandage should be applied.
- category? CodeableConcept[] - A code that classifies the service for searching, sorting and display purposes (e.g. 'Surgical Procedure').
- locationCode? CodeableConcept[] - The preferred location(s) where the procedure should actually happen in coded or free text form. E.g. at home or nursing day care center.
- patientInstruction? string - Instructions in terms that are understood by the patient or consumer.
- status GenericServiceRequestStatus - The status of the order.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericTask
FHIR GenericTask resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_GENERICTASK(default RESOURCE_NAME_GENERICTASK) - The type of the resource describes
- insurance? Reference[] - Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be relevant to the Task.
- note? Annotation[] - Free-text information captured about the task as it progresses.
- partOf? Reference[] - Task that this particular task is part of.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code? CodeableConcept - A name or code (or both) briefly describing what the task involves.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- for Reference - The entity who benefits from the performance of the service specified in the task (e.g., the patient).
- description? string - A free-text description of what is to be performed.
- focus? Reference - The request being actioned or the resource being manipulated by this task.
- reasonReference? Reference - A resource reference indicating why this task needs to be performed.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- instantiatesUri? uri - The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this Task.
- relevantHistory? Reference[] - Links to Provenance records for past versions of this Task that identify key state transitions or updates that are likely to be relevant to a user looking at the current version of the task.
- output? GenericTaskOutput[] - Outputs produced by the Task.
- statusReason? CodeableConcept - An explanation as to why this task is held, failed, was refused, etc.
- executionPeriod? Period - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- reasonCode? CodeableConcept - A description or code indicating why this task needs to be performed.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- basedOn? Reference[] - BasedOn refers to a higher-level authorization that triggered the creation of the task. It references a 'request' resource such as a ServiceRequest, MedicationRequest, ServiceRequest, CarePlan, etc. which is distinct from the 'request' resource the task is seeking to fulfill. This latter resource is referenced by FocusOn. For example, based on a ServiceRequest (= BasedOn), a task is created to fulfill a procedureRequest ( = FocusOn ) to collect a specimen from a patient.
- owner? Reference - Individual organization or Device currently responsible for task execution.
- requester Reference - The creator of the task.
- identifier? Identifier[] - The business identifier for this task.
- authoredOn dateTime - The date and time this task was created.
- businessStatus? CodeableConcept - Contains business-specific nuances of the business state.
- encounter Reference - The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this task was created.
- instantiatesCanonical? canonical - The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this Task.
- priority? GenericTaskPriority - Indicates how quickly the Task should be addressed with respect to other requests.
- intent GenericTaskIntent - Indicates the 'level' of actionability associated with the Task, i.e. i+R[9]Cs this a proposed task, a planned task, an actionable task, etc.
- performerType? CodeableConcept[] - The kind of participant that should perform the task.
- input? GenericTaskInput[] - Additional information that may be needed in the execution of the task.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- restriction? GenericTaskRestriction - If the Task.focus is a request resource and the task is seeking fulfillment (i.e. is asking for the request to be actioned), this element identifies any limitations on what parts of the referenced request should be actioned.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- location Reference - Principal physical location where the this task is performed.
- lastModified? dateTime - The date and time of last modification to this task.
- groupIdentifier? Identifier - An identifier that links together multiple tasks and other requests that were created in the same context.
- status GenericTaskStatus - The current status of the task.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericTaskInput
FHIR GenericTaskInput datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueTime time - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueMoney Money - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueSignature Signature - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- 'type CodeableConcept - A code or description indicating how the input is intended to be used as part of the task execution.
- valueUuid uuid - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueRatio Ratio - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger integer - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueQuantity Quantity - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueCanonical canonical - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueCount Count - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueId id - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueCode code - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueAddress Address - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueContactPoint ContactPoint - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valuePeriod Period - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueSampledData SampledData - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueTiming Timing - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueInstant instant - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueAge Age - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueDosage Dosage - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueBase64Binary base64Binary - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueBoolean boolean - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueCoding Coding - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueIdentifier Identifier - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueExpression Expression - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueReference Reference - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueRange Range - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueUri uri - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueDistance Distance - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueUrl urlType - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueContactDetail ContactDetail - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueMeta Meta - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueMarkdown markdown - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueAttachment Attachment - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueUsageContext UsageContext - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueDateTime dateTime - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueHumanName HumanName - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueDecimal decimal - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueDate date - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueOid oid - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueContributor Contributor - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueString string - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valuePositiveInt positiveInt - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueDuration Duration - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueDataRequirement DataRequirement - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
- valueAnnotation Annotation - The value of the input parameter as a basic type.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericTaskOutput
FHIR GenericTaskOutput datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueTime time - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueMoney Money - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueSignature Signature - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- 'type CodeableConcept - The name of the Output parameter.
- valueUuid uuid - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueRatio Ratio - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger integer - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueQuantity Quantity - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueCanonical canonical - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueCount Count - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueId id - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueCode code - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueAddress Address - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueContactPoint ContactPoint - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valuePeriod Period - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueSampledData SampledData - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueTiming Timing - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueInstant instant - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueAge Age - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueDosage Dosage - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueBase64Binary base64Binary - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueBoolean boolean - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueCoding Coding - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueIdentifier Identifier - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueExpression Expression - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueReference Reference - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueRange Range - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueUri uri - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueDistance Distance - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueUrl urlType - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueContactDetail ContactDetail - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueMeta Meta - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueMarkdown markdown - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueAttachment Attachment - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueUsageContext UsageContext - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueDateTime dateTime - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueHumanName HumanName - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueDecimal decimal - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueDate date - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueOid oid - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueContributor Contributor - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueString string - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valuePositiveInt positiveInt - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueDuration Duration - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueDataRequirement DataRequirement - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
- valueAnnotation Annotation - The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: GenericTaskRestriction
FHIR GenericTaskRestriction datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Over what time-period is fulfillment sought.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- recipient? Reference[] - For requests that are targeted to more than on potential recipient/target, for whom is fulfillment sought?
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- repetitions? positiveInt - Indicates the number of times the requested action should occur.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: Height
FHIR Height resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_HEIGHT(default RESOURCE_NAME_HEIGHT) - The type of the resource describes
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
- note? Annotation[] - Comments about the observation or the results.
- partOf? Reference[] - A larger event of which this particular Observation is a component or step. For example, an observation as part of a procedure.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code HeightCode - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'name'.
- subject Reference - The patient, or group of patients, location, or device this observation is about and into whose record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the
element or thecode
itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- focus? Reference[] - The actual focus of an observation when it is not the patient of record representing something or someone associated with the patient such as a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. For example, fetus observations in a mother's record. The focus of an observation could also be an existing condition, an intervention, the subject's diet, another observation of the subject, or a body structure such as tumor or implanted device. An example use case would be using the Observation resource to capture whether the mother is trained to change her child's tracheostomy tube. In this example, the child is the patient of record and the mother is the focus.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- specimen? Reference - The specimen that was used when this observation was made.
- derivedFrom? Reference[] - The target resource that represents a measurement from which this observation value is derived. For example, a calculated anion gap or a fetal measurement based on an ultrasound image.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- issued? instant - The date and time this version of the observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- basedOn? Reference[] - A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event. For example, a MedicationRequest may require a patient to have laboratory test performed before it is dispensed.
- valueQuantity? HeightValue - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- identifier? Identifier[] - A unique identifier assigned to this observation.
- performer Reference[] - Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as 'true'.
- method? CodeableConcept - Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation.
- hasMember? Reference[] - This observation is a group observation (e.g. a battery, a panel of tests, a set of vital sign measurements) that includes the target as a member of the group.
- encounter Reference - The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made.
- bodySite? CodeableConcept - Indicates the site on the subject's body where the observation was made (i.e. the target site).
- component? HeightComponent[] - Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- referenceRange? HeightReferenceRange[] - Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range. Multiple reference ranges are interpreted as an 'OR'. In other words, to represent two distinct target populations, two
elements would be used.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- effectiveDateTime dateTime - The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the 'physiologically relevant time'. This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- category HeightCategory - A code that classifies the general type of observation being made.
- device? Reference - The device used to generate the observation data.
- status HeightStatus - The status of the result value.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightCategory
FHIR HeightCategory datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding? HeightCategoryCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightCategoryCoding
FHIR HeightCategoryCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code? code - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
- system? uri - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- userSelected? boolean - Indicates that this coding was chosen by a user directly - e.g. off a pick list of available items (codes or displays).
- display? string - A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'version? string - The version of the code system which was used when choosing this code. Note that a well-maintained code system does not need the version reported, because the meaning of codes is consistent across versions. However this cannot consistently be assured, and when the meaning is not guaranteed to be consistent, the version SHOULD be exchanged.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightCode
FHIR HeightCode datatype record.
- Fields Included from *CodeableConcept
- coding HeightCodeCoding[] - A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightCodeCoding
FHIR HeightCodeCoding datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Coding
- system uri(default "") - The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.
- code code(default "8302-2") - A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightComponent
FHIR HeightComponent datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- valueBoolean? boolean - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- dataAbsentReason? CodeableConcept - Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- valueTime? time - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- code CodeableConcept - Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'code'.
- valueRange? Range - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- valueCodeableConcept? CodeableConcept - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueRatio? Ratio - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueString? string - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- interpretation? CodeableConcept[] - A categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
- valueSampledData? SampledData - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valuePeriod? Period - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueDateTime? dateTime - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- valueInteger? integer - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
- valueQuantity? Quantity - The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightReferenceRange
FHIR HeightReferenceRange datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- high? Quantity - The value of the high bound of the reference range. The high bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the high bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is >= 2.3).
- low? Quantity - The value of the low bound of the reference range. The low bound of the reference range endpoint is inclusive of the value (e.g. reference range is >=5 - <=9). If the low bound is omitted, it is assumed to be meaningless (e.g. reference range is <=2.3).
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- appliesTo? CodeableConcept[] - Codes to indicate the target population this reference range applies to. For example, a reference range may be based on the normal population or a particular sex or race. Multiple
are interpreted as an 'AND' of the target populations. For example, to represent a target population of African American females, both a code of female and a code for African American would be used.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - Text based reference range in an observation which may be used when a quantitative range is not appropriate for an observation. An example would be a reference value of 'Negative' or a list or table of 'normals'.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - Codes to indicate the what part of the targeted reference population it applies to. For example, the normal or therapeutic range.
- age? Range - The age at which this reference range is applicable. This is a neonatal age (e.g. number of weeks at term) if the meaning says so.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HeightValue
FHIR HeightValue datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Quantity
- comparator? HeightValueComparator - How the value should be understood and represented - whether the actual value is greater or less than the stated value due to measurement issues; e.g. if the comparator is '<' , then the real value is < stated value.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- unit? string - A human-readable form of the unit.
- code? code - A computer processable form of the unit in some unit representation system.
- system? uri - The identification of the system that provides the coded form of the unit.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- value decimal - The value of the measured amount. The value includes an implicit precision in the presentation of the value.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatient
FHIR HHIMSPatient resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_HHIMSPATIENT(default RESOURCE_NAME_HHIMSPATIENT) - The type of the resource describes
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- gender HHIMSPatientGender - Administrative Gender - the gender that the patient is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- link? HHIMSPatientLink[] - Link to another patient resource that concerns the same actual patient.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- contact? HHIMSPatientContact[] - A contact party (e.g. guardian, partner, friend) for the patient.
- deceasedDateTime? dateTime - Indicates if the individual is deceased or not.
- generalPractitioner? Reference[] - Patient's nominated care provider.
- telecom? ContactPoint[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- communication? HHIMSPatientCommunication[] - A language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health.
- identifier Identifier[] - An identifier for this patient.
- identifier Slicings
- HHIMSPatientIdentifierPHN: An identifier for this patient
- min = 1
- max = 1
- address? HHIMSPatientAddress[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- multipleBirthBoolean? boolean - Indicates whether the patient is part of a multiple (boolean) or indicates the actual birth order (integer).
- active? boolean - Whether this patient record is in active use. Many systems use this property to mark as non-current patients, such as those that have not been seen for a period of time based on an organization's business rules. It is often used to filter patient lists to exclude inactive patients Deceased patients may also be marked as inactive for the same reasons, but may be active for some time after death.
- photo? Attachment[] - Image of the patient.
- birthDate date - The date of birth for the individual.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- deceasedBoolean? boolean - Indicates if the individual is deceased or not.
- managingOrganization? Reference - Organization that is the custodian of the patient record.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- multipleBirthInteger? integer - Indicates whether the patient is part of a multiple (boolean) or indicates the actual birth order (integer).
- name HHIMSPatientName[] - A name associated with the individual.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- maritalStatus? CodeableConcept - This field contains a patient's most recent marital (civil) status.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientAddress
FHIR HHIMSPatientAddress datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Address
- country string - Country - a nation as commonly understood or generally accepted.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period when address was/is in use.
- city string - The name of the city, town, suburb, village or other community or delivery center.
- line string[] - This component contains the house number, apartment number, street name, street direction, P.O. Box number, delivery hints, and similar address information.
- use? HHIMSPatientAddressUse - The purpose of this address.
- district string - The name of the administrative area (county).
- postalCode? string - A postal code designating a region defined by the postal service.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- state string - Sub-unit of a country with limited sovereignty in a federally organized country. A code may be used if codes are in common use (e.g. US 2 letter state codes).
- text? string - Specifies the entire address as it should be displayed e.g. on a postal label. This may be provided instead of or as well as the specific parts.
- 'type? HHIMSPatientAddressType - Distinguishes between physical addresses (those you can visit) and mailing addresses (e.g. PO Boxes and care-of addresses). Most addresses are both.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientCommunication
FHIR HHIMSPatientCommunication datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- language CodeableConcept - The ISO-639-1 alpha 2 code in lower case for the language, optionally followed by a hyphen and the ISO-3166-1 alpha 2 code for the region in upper case; e.g. 'en' for English, or 'en-US' for American English versus 'en-EN' for England English.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- preferred? boolean - Indicates whether or not the patient prefers this language (over other languages he masters up a certain level).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientContact
FHIR HHIMSPatientContact datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - The period during which this contact person or organization is valid to be contacted relating to this patient.
- address? Address - Address for the contact person.
- gender? HHIMSPatientContactGender - Administrative Gender - the gender that the contact person is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- organization? Reference - Organization on behalf of which the contact is acting or for which the contact is working.
- name? HumanName - A name associated with the contact person.
- telecom? ContactPoint[] - A contact detail for the person, e.g. a telephone number or an email address.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- relationship? CodeableConcept[] - The nature of the relationship between the patient and the contact person.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientIdentifierNIC
FHIR HHIMSPatientIdentifierNIC datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Identifier
- id string
- extension Extension[]
- use IdentifierUse
- type CodeableConcept
- system uri
- value string
- period Period
- assigner Reference
- Element...
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.
- system uri - Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.
- use? HHIMSPatientIdentifierUseOne - The purpose of this identifier.
- assigner? Reference - Organization that issued/manages the identifier.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
- value string - The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientIdentifierPHN
FHIR HHIMSPatientIdentifierPHN datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Identifier
- id string
- extension Extension[]
- use IdentifierUse
- type CodeableConcept
- system uri
- value string
- period Period
- assigner Reference
- Element...
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.
- system uri - Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.
- use? HHIMSPatientIdentifierUse - The purpose of this identifier.
- assigner? Reference - Organization that issued/manages the identifier.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
- value string - The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientLink
FHIR HHIMSPatientLink datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- other Reference - The other patient resource that the link refers to.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type HHIMSPatientLinkType - The type of link between this patient resource and another patient resource.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HHIMSPatientName
FHIR HHIMSPatientName datatype record.
- Fields Included from *HumanName
- given string[] - Given name.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Indicates the period of time when this name was valid for the named person.
- prefix? string[] - Part of the name that is acquired as a title due to academic, legal, employment or nobility status, etc. and that appears at the start of the name.
- use? HHIMSPatientNameUse - Identifies the purpose for this name.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? string - Specifies the entire name as it should be displayed e.g. on an application UI. This may be provided instead of or as well as the specific parts.
- family string - The part of a name that links to the genealogy. In some cultures (e.g. Eritrea) the family name of a son is the first name of his father.
- suffix? string[] - Part of the name that is acquired as a title due to academic, legal, employment or nobility status, etc. and that appears at the end of the name.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSComposition
FHIR HIMSComposition resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_HIMSCOMPOSITION(default RESOURCE_NAME_HIMSCOMPOSITION) - The type of the resource describes
- date dateTime - The composition editing time, when the composition was last logically changed by the author.
- identifier? Identifier - A version-independent identifier for the Composition. This identifier stays constant as the composition is changed over time.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- custodian? Reference - Identifies the organization or group who is responsible for ongoing maintenance of and access to the composition/document information.
- author Reference[] - Identifies who is responsible for the information in the composition, not necessarily who typed it in.
- subject Reference - Who or what the composition is about. The composition can be about a person, (patient or healthcare practitioner), a device (e.g. a machine) or even a group of subjects (such as a document about a herd of livestock, or a set of patients that share a common exposure).
- confidentiality? code - The code specifying the level of confidentiality of the Composition.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- section HIMSCompositionSection[] - The root of the sections that make up the composition.
- encounter Reference - Describes the clinical encounter or type of care this documentation is associated with.
- title string - Official human-readable label for the composition.
- 'type CodeableConcept - Specifies the particular kind of composition (e.g. History and Physical, Discharge Summary, Progress Note). This usually equates to the purpose of making the composition.
- attester? HIMSCompositionAttester[] - A participant who has attested to the accuracy of the composition/document.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- category? CodeableConcept[] - A categorization for the type of the composition - helps for indexing and searching. This may be implied by or derived from the code specified in the Composition Type.
- event? HIMSCompositionEvent[] - The clinical service, such as a colonoscopy or an appendectomy, being documented.
- relatesTo? HIMSCompositionRelatesTo[] - Relationships that this composition has with other compositions or documents that already exist.
- status HIMSCompositionStatus - The workflow/clinical status of this composition. The status is a marker for the clinical standing of the document.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionAttester
FHIR HIMSCompositionAttester datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- mode HIMSCompositionAttesterMode - The type of attestation the authenticator offers.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- time? dateTime - When the composition was attested by the party.
- party? Reference - Who attested the composition in the specified way.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionEvent
FHIR HIMSCompositionEvent datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - The period of time covered by the documentation. There is no assertion that the documentation is a complete representation for this period, only that it documents events during this time.
- code? CodeableConcept[] - This list of codes represents the main clinical acts, such as a colonoscopy or an appendectomy, being documented. In some cases, the event is inherent in the typeCode, such as a 'History and Physical Report' in which the procedure being documented is necessarily a 'History and Physical' act.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- detail? Reference[] - The description and/or reference of the event(s) being documented. For example, this could be used to document such a colonoscopy or an appendectomy.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionRelatesTo
FHIR HIMSCompositionRelatesTo datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- targetIdentifier Identifier - The target composition/document of this relationship.
- code HIMSCompositionRelatesToCode - The type of relationship that this composition has with anther composition or document.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- targetReference Reference - The target composition/document of this relationship.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSCompositionSection
FHIR HIMSCompositionSection datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- mode? HIMSCompositionSectionMode - How the entry list was prepared - whether it is a working list that is suitable for being maintained on an ongoing basis, or if it represents a snapshot of a list of items from another source, or whether it is a prepared list where items may be marked as added, modified or deleted.
- entry? Reference[] - A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- code? CodeableConcept - A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title.
- emptyReason? CodeableConcept - If the section is empty, why the list is empty. An empty section typically has some text explaining the empty reason.
- orderedBy? CodeableConcept - Specifies the order applied to the items in the section entries.
- author? Reference[] - Identifies who is responsible for the information in this section, not necessarily who typed it in.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- focus? Reference - The actual focus of the section when it is not the subject of the composition, but instead represents something or someone associated with the subject such as (for a patient subject) a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. If not focus is specified, the focus is assumed to be focus of the parent section, or, for a section in the Composition itself, the subject of the composition. Sections with a focus SHALL only include resources where the logical subject (patient, subject, focus, etc.) matches the section focus, or the resources have no logical subject (few resources).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative.
- title? string - The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatient
FHIR HIMSPatient resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_HIMSPATIENT(default RESOURCE_NAME_HIMSPATIENT) - The type of the resource describes
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- gender HIMSPatientGender - Administrative Gender - the gender that the patient is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- link? HIMSPatientLink[] - Link to another patient resource that concerns the same actual patient.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- contact? HIMSPatientContact[] - A contact party (e.g. guardian, partner, friend) for the patient.
- deceasedDateTime? dateTime - Indicates if the individual is deceased or not.
- generalPractitioner? Reference[] - Patient's nominated care provider.
- telecom? ContactPoint[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- communication? HIMSPatientCommunication[] - A language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health.
- identifier Identifier[] - An identifier for this patient.
- identifier Slicings
- HIMSPatientIdentifierDrivers: An identifier for this patient
- min = 0
- max = *
- address? Address[] - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- multipleBirthBoolean? boolean - Indicates whether the patient is part of a multiple (boolean) or indicates the actual birth order (integer).
- active? boolean - Whether this patient record is in active use. Many systems use this property to mark as non-current patients, such as those that have not been seen for a period of time based on an organization's business rules. It is often used to filter patient lists to exclude inactive patients Deceased patients may also be marked as inactive for the same reasons, but may be active for some time after death.
- photo? Attachment[] - Image of the patient.
- birthDate date - The date of birth for the individual.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- deceasedBoolean? boolean - Indicates if the individual is deceased or not.
- managingOrganization? Reference - Organization that is the custodian of the patient record.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- multipleBirthInteger? integer - Indicates whether the patient is part of a multiple (boolean) or indicates the actual birth order (integer).
- name HumanName[] - A name associated with the individual.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- maritalStatus? CodeableConcept - This field contains a patient's most recent marital (civil) status.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientCommunication
FHIR HIMSPatientCommunication datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- language CodeableConcept - The ISO-639-1 alpha 2 code in lower case for the language, optionally followed by a hyphen and the ISO-3166-1 alpha 2 code for the region in upper case; e.g. 'en' for English, or 'en-US' for American English versus 'en-EN' for England English.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- preferred? boolean - Indicates whether or not the patient prefers this language (over other languages he masters up a certain level).
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientContact
FHIR HIMSPatientContact datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - The period during which this contact person or organization is valid to be contacted relating to this patient.
- address? Address - Address for the contact person.
- gender? HIMSPatientContactGender - Administrative Gender - the gender that the contact person is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- organization? Reference - Organization on behalf of which the contact is acting or for which the contact is working.
- name? HumanName - A name associated with the contact person.
- telecom? ContactPoint[] - A contact detail for the person, e.g. a telephone number or an email address.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- relationship? CodeableConcept[] - The nature of the relationship between the patient and the contact person.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierDrivers
FHIR HIMSPatientIdentifierDrivers datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Identifier
- id string
- extension Extension[]
- use IdentifierUse
- type CodeableConcept
- system uri
- value string
- period Period
- assigner Reference
- Element...
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.
- system uri - Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.
- use? HIMSPatientIdentifierUse - The purpose of this identifier.
- assigner? Reference - Organization that issued/manages the identifier.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
- value string - The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierNIC
FHIR HIMSPatientIdentifierNIC datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Identifier
- id string
- extension Extension[]
- use IdentifierUse
- type CodeableConcept
- system uri
- value string
- period Period
- assigner Reference
- Element...
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.
- system uri - Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.
- use? HIMSPatientIdentifierUseThree - The purpose of this identifier.
- assigner? Reference - Organization that issued/manages the identifier.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
- value string - The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierPHN
FHIR HIMSPatientIdentifierPHN datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Identifier
- id string
- extension Extension[]
- use IdentifierUse
- type CodeableConcept
- system uri
- value string
- period Period
- assigner Reference
- Element...
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.
- system uri - Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.
- use? HIMSPatientIdentifierUseTwo - The purpose of this identifier.
- assigner? Reference - Organization that issued/manages the identifier.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
- value string - The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierPPN
FHIR HIMSPatientIdentifierPPN datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Identifier
- id string
- extension Extension[]
- use IdentifierUse
- type CodeableConcept
- system uri
- value string
- period Period
- assigner Reference
- Element...
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.
- system uri - Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.
- use? HIMSPatientIdentifierUseOne - The purpose of this identifier.
- assigner? Reference - Organization that issued/manages the identifier.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
- value string - The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientIdentifierSCN
FHIR HIMSPatientIdentifierSCN datatype record.
- Fields Included from *Identifier
- id string
- extension Extension[]
- use IdentifierUse
- type CodeableConcept
- system uri
- value string
- period Period
- assigner Reference
- Element...
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- period? Period - Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.
- system uri - Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.
- use? HIMSPatientIdentifierUseFour - The purpose of this identifier.
- assigner? Reference - Organization that issued/manages the identifier.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type? CodeableConcept - A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
- value string - The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: HIMSPatientLink
FHIR HIMSPatientLink datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- other Reference - The other patient resource that the link refers to.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- 'type HIMSPatientLinkType - The type of link between this patient resource and another patient resource.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: Imaging
FHIR Imaging resource record.
- Fields Included from *DomainResource
- resourceType RESOURCE_NAME_IMAGING(default RESOURCE_NAME_IMAGING) - The type of the resource describes
- note? Annotation[] - Per the recommended DICOM mapping, this element is derived from the Study Description attribute (0008,1030). Observations or findings about the imaging study should be recorded in another resource, e.g. Observation, and not in this element.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- modality? Coding[] - A list of all the series.modality values that are actual acquisition modalities, i.e. those in the DICOM Context Group 29 (value set OID 1.2.840.10008.6.1.19).
- procedureCode? CodeableConcept[] - The code for the performed procedure type.
- subject Reference - The subject, typically a patient, of the imaging study.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- description? string - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- reasonReference? Reference[] - Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this Study.
- language? code - The base language in which the resource is written.
- endpoint? Reference[] - The network service providing access (e.g., query, view, or retrieval) for the study. See implementation notes for information about using DICOM endpoints. A study-level endpoint applies to each series in the study, unless overridden by a series-level endpoint with the same Endpoint.connectionType.
- numberOfInstances? unsignedInt - Number of SOP Instances in Study. This value given may be larger than the number of instance elements this resource contains due to resource availability, security, or other factors. This element should be present if any instance elements are present.
- id? string - The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
- reasonCode? CodeableConcept[] - Description of clinical condition indicating why the ImagingStudy was requested.
- text? Narrative - A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it 'clinically safe' for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.
- basedOn Reference - A list of the diagnostic requests that resulted in this imaging study being performed.
- identifier? Identifier[] - Identifiers for the ImagingStudy such as DICOM Study Instance UID, and Accession Number.
- numberOfSeries? unsignedInt - Number of Series in the Study. This value given may be larger than the number of series elements this Resource contains due to resource availability, security, or other factors. This element should be present if any series elements are present.
- interpreter? Reference[] - Who read the study and interpreted the images or other content.
- started? dateTime - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- encounter Reference - The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this ImagingStudy is made.
- referrer? Reference - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- contained? Resource[] - These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.
- meta? Meta - The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
- series ImagingSeries[] - Each study has one or more series of images or other content.
- procedureReference Reference - The procedure which this ImagingStudy was part of.
- implicitRules? uri - A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
- location? Reference - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- status ImagingStatus - The current state of the ImagingStudy.
- Element... - Rest field
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingSeries
FHIR ImagingSeries datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- instance? ImagingSeriesInstance[] - A single SOP instance within the series, e.g. an image, or presentation state.
- modality Coding - The modality of this series sequence.
- performer ImagingSeriesPerformer[] - Indicates who or what performed the series and how they were involved.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- description? string - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- started? dateTime - reason(s) why this should be supported.
- laterality? Coding - The laterality of the (possibly paired) anatomic structures examined. E.g., the left knee, both lungs, or unpaired abdomen. If present, shall be consistent with any laterality information indicated in ImagingStudy.series.bodySite.
- number? unsignedInt - The numeric identifier of this series in the study.
- uid id - The DICOM Series Instance UID for the series.
- bodySite? Coding - The anatomic structures examined. See DICOM Part 16 Annex L ( for DICOM to SNOMED-CT mappings. The bodySite may indicate the laterality of body part imaged; if so, it shall be consistent with any content of ImagingStudy.series.laterality.
- endpoint? Reference[] - The network service providing access (e.g., query, view, or retrieval) for this series. See implementation notes for information about using DICOM endpoints. A series-level endpoint, if present, has precedence over a study-level endpoint with the same Endpoint.connectionType.
- numberOfInstances? unsignedInt - Number of SOP Instances in the Study. The value given may be larger than the number of instance elements this resource contains due to resource availability, security, or other factors. This element should be present if any instance elements are present.
- specimen? Reference[] - The specimen imaged, e.g., for whole slide imaging of a biopsy.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingSeriesInstance
FHIR ImagingSeriesInstance datatype record.
- Fields Included from *BackboneElement
- number? unsignedInt - The number of instance in the series.
- uid id - The DICOM SOP Instance UID for this image or other DICOM content.
- extension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
- modifierExtension? Extension[] - May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).
- sopClass Coding - DICOM instance type.
- id? string - Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
- title? string - The description of the instance.
health.fhir.r4.lkcore010: ImagingSeriesPerformer
FHIR ImagingSeriesPerformer datatype record.
- Fields Included from