Module health.clients.fhir
ballerinax/health.clients.fhir Ballerina library
The connector serves as an interface for interacting with FHIR servers, allowing easy integration of FHIR data.
Import the package to a Ballerina program.
import ballerinax/health.clients.fhir;
Create the required authentication configuration. The connector can accept various client authentication configurations supported by Ballerina, such as basic authentication, token-based authentication, etc. For instance, if it is required to use the client credentials grant, the config has to be created like the following.
http:OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig ehrSystemAuthConfig = { tokenUrl: "<tokenUrl>", clientId: "<clientId>", clientSecret: "<clientSecret>", scopes: ["system/, system/Patient.write"] };
Initialize the connector configuration record.
fhir:FHIRConnectorConfig ehrSystemConfig = { baseURL: "", mimeType: fhir:FHIR_JSON, authConfig : ehrSystemAuthConfig };
Initialize the connector.
fhir:FHIRConnector fhirConnectorObj = check new (ehrSystemConfig);
Invoke the connector operations by passing the required parameters.
fhir:FHIRResponse|fhir:FHIRError fhirResponse = fhirConnectorObj->getById("Patient", "123456");
PKJWT Support
In addition to the authentication methods supported by Ballerina, the connector also supports private key JWT authentication, which requires creating the config as following.
Import the health.base authentication package.
import ballerinax/health.base.auth;
Create the auth config.
auth:PKJWTAuthConfig ehrSystemAuthConfig = { keyFile: "<path_to_key_file>", clientId: "<clientId>", tokenEndpoint: "<tokenUrl>" };
This can be passed to the connector configuration.
Bulk Data Export Operations Support
This connector supports FHIR Bulk Data Export operations and does not require any additional configuration. However, if the generated files get stored in another file server apart from the FHIR server, add the file server configurations to the connector configuration record.
Update the connector config.
fhir:FHIRConnectorConfig ehrSystemConfig = { baseURL: "", mimeType: fhir:FHIR_JSON, authConfig : ehrSystemAuthConfig, fileServerBaseURL: "", fileServerAuthConfig: fileServerAuthConfig, };
Now the exported files can be accessed from the file server using the connector.
Rewrite FHIR Server URL
This connector can rewrite/replace FHIR server URL in the response payload and headers with a custom URL.
Update the connector config to enable this feature.
fhir:FHIRConnectorConfig ehrSystemConfig = { baseURL: "", mimeType: fhir:FHIR_JSON, authConfig : ehrSystemAuthConfig, urlRewrite: true, replacementURL: "https://my.fhir.service/r4" };
Now the FHIR server URLs will get replaced with the replacement URL.
Extracts the resource type from the given payload.
Creates an HTTP response with an operation outcome error.
- msg string - Error message to populate the operation outcome
- statusCode int (default http:STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) - HTTP status code to be set in the response
Return Type
- Response - The HTTP response with the operation outcome error
function handleResponse(FHIRResponse|FHIRError fhirResponse) returns Response
Creates an HTTP response from the given FHIRResponse.
- fhirResponse FHIRResponse|FHIRError - FHIR response to be converted to HTTP response
Return Type
- Response - The HTTP response
health.clients.fhir: URLRewriteInterceptor
Rewrites base url in the response payload with the given url
function interceptResponse(RequestContext ctx, Response res) returns NextService|error?
health.clients.fhir: FHIRConnector
This connector allows you to connect and interact with any FHIR server
Initializes the FHIR client connector
init (FHIRConnectorConfig connectorConfig)
- connectorConfig FHIRConnectorConfig - FHIR connector configurations
function getById(ResourceType|string 'type, string id, MimeType? returnMimeType, SummaryType? summary) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Retrieves a FHIR Resource by the resource logical ID
- 'type ResourceType|string - The name of the resource type
- id string - The logical id of the resource
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
- summary SummaryType? (default ()) - The subset of the resource content to be returned
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function getByVersion(ResourceType|string 'type, string id, string 'version, MimeType? returnMimeType, SummaryType? summary) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Retrieves a version specific FHIR resource
- 'type ResourceType|string - The name of the resource type
- id string - The logical id of the resource
- 'version string - the version id
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
- summary SummaryType? (default ()) - The subset of the resource content to be returned
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function update(json|xml data, MimeType? returnMimeType, PreferenceType returnPreference) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Updates an existing resource or creates a new resource if the resource doesn't exists
- data json|xml - Resource data
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
- returnPreference PreferenceType (default MINIMAL) - To specify the content of the return response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function patch(ResourceType|string 'type, string id, json|xml data, MimeType? returnMimeType, MimeType|PatchContentType? patchContentType, PreferenceType returnPreference) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Partially Updates an existing resource
- 'type ResourceType|string - The name of the resource type
- id string - The logical id of the resource
- data json|xml - Resource data
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
- patchContentType MimeType|PatchContentType? (default ()) - Content type of the patch payload
- returnPreference PreferenceType (default MINIMAL) - To specify the content of the return response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function delete(ResourceType|string 'type, string id) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Deletes an existing resource
- 'type ResourceType|string - The name of the resource type
- id string - The logical id of the resource
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function getInstanceHistory(ResourceType|string 'type, string id, HistorySearchParameters parameters, MimeType? returnMimeType) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Retrieves the change history of particular resource
- 'type ResourceType|string - The name of the resource type
- id string - The logical id of the resource
- parameters HistorySearchParameters (default {}) - The history search parameters
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function create(json|xml data, MimeType? returnMimeType, PreferenceType returnPreference) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Creates a new resource
- data json|xml - Resource data
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
- returnPreference PreferenceType (default MINIMAL) - To specify the content of the return response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function search(ResourceType|string 'type, SearchParameters|map<string[]>? searchParameters, MimeType? returnMimeType) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Searches all resources of a particular type
- 'type ResourceType|string - The name of the resource type
- searchParameters SearchParameters|map<string[]>? (default ()) - The search parameters
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function getHistory(ResourceType|string 'type, HistorySearchParameters parameters, MimeType? returnMimeType) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Retrieves the change history of a particular resource type.
- 'type ResourceType|string - The name of the resource type
- parameters HistorySearchParameters (default {}) - The history search parameters
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function getConformance(ModeType mode, MimeType? returnMimeType, map<anydata>? uriParameters) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Retrieves information about the server capabilities
- mode ModeType (default FULL) - The information type required from the server
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
- uriParameters map<anydata>? (default ()) - The additional parameters like _summary, _elements, refer the server capabilities
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function getAllHistory(HistorySearchParameters parameters, MimeType? returnMimeType) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Retrieves the change history for all resources supported by the server.
- parameters HistorySearchParameters (default {}) - The history search parameters
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function searchAll(SearchParameters|map<string[]> searchParameters, MimeType? returnMimeType) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Searches across all resources types
- searchParameters SearchParameters|map<string[]> - The search parameters that are common across all resources
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function batchRequest(json|xml data, MimeType? returnMimeType) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Submits a set of actions to perform on a server in a single request, actions will be performed independently as a batch
- data json|xml - Resource data
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function 'transaction(json|xml data, MimeType? returnMimeType) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Submits a set of actions to perform on a server in a single request,actions will be performed as a single atomic transaction
- data json|xml - Resource data
- returnMimeType MimeType? (default ()) - The MIME type of the response
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function nextBundle(FHIRResponse|json|xml currentBundle) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError?
Provides support to paginate through resources where applicable(ex: History, Search related bundle resources), retrieves the next bundle if it exists
- currentBundle FHIRResponse|json|xml - Current bundle resource should be generated as a result of invoking a connector method. This is to ensure consistency of urlRewrite feature. If the urlRewrite is enabled, the current bundles' urls should be rewritten.
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError? - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function previousBundle(FHIRResponse|json|xml currentBundle) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError?
Provides support to paginate through resources where applicable(ex: History, Search related bundle resources), retrieves the previous bundle if it exists
- currentBundle FHIRResponse|json|xml - Current bundle resource should be generated as a result of invoking a connector method. This is to ensure consistency of urlRewrite feature. If the urlRewrite is enabled, the current bundles' urls should be rewritten.
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError? - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function bulkExport(BulkExportLevel bulkExportLevel, string? groupId, BulkExportParameters? bulkExportParameters) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Submits a FHIR bulk data export kickoff request
- bulkExportLevel BulkExportLevel - Bulk export level
- groupId string? (default ()) - Group ID of the resource group to be exported. Required only if Group export level is selected
- bulkExportParameters BulkExportParameters? (default ()) - Bulk export parameters
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function bulkStatus(string contentLocation) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Checks the progress of the bulk data export. Returns the exported file locations if the export status is complete
- contentLocation string - Bulk status polling url. Found in the response header of the kickoff request
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function bulkDataDelete(string contentLocation) returns FHIRResponse|FHIRError
Request to delete exported files on the server. Cancels the bulk export process if it is not completed.
- contentLocation string - Bulk status polling url. Found in the response header of the kickoff request
Return Type
- FHIRResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirResponse record else FhirError record
function bulkFile(string fileUrl, map<string>? additionalHeaders) returns FHIRBulkFileResponse|FHIRError
Request to get the exported bulk file
- fileUrl string - Bulk file url. Found in the response body of the bulk status request
Return Type
- FHIRBulkFileResponse|FHIRError - If successful, FhirBulkFileResponse record else FhirError record
health.clients.fhir: BulkExportLevel
health.clients.fhir: BulkExportOutputType
health.clients.fhir: BundleType
Types of a FHIR bundle
health.clients.fhir: MimeType
FHIR accepted MIME types
health.clients.fhir: ModeType
Specifies the information that should return in the capability statement
health.clients.fhir: PatchContentType
FHIR accepted PATCH content types
health.clients.fhir: PreferenceType
Specifies the content that should return when performing create,update or patch
health.clients.fhir: ResourceType
Types of resources
health.clients.fhir: SummaryType
Specifies the subset of the resource to be returned
health.clients.fhir: BaseBulkExportParameters
Represents common parameters that can be used in bulk export kick off request
- _outputFormat string(default FHIR_ND_JSON) - Output encoding style
- _since string? - Time instant where only resources that were last updated on or after the given time will be included in the export
- _type string[]? - Array of resource types to include in the export
- _typeFilter string[]? - Array of search URL that can be used to narrow the scope of the export
health.clients.fhir: BaseSearchParameters
Represents the common search parameters across all resources
- _id string? - Logical id of this artifact
- _lastUpdated string[]? - When the resource version last changed
- _list string? - All resources in nominated list (by id, Type/id, url or one of the magic List types)
- _profile string? - Profiles this resource claims to conform to
- _query string? - A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation
- _source string? - Identifies where the resource comes from
- _security string? - Security Labels applied to this resource
- _tag string? - Tags applied to this resource
- _text string? - Search on the narrative text (html) of the resource
- _type string? - Used when a search is performed in a context which doesn't limit the search to indicate which types are being searched. See the FHIR search page for further discussion
- _content string? - Search on the entire content of the resource
- _filter string? - Filter search parameter which supports a more sophisticated grammar for searching
- _has string? - Provides limited support for reverse chaining - that is, selecting resources based on the properties of resources that refer to them (instead of chaining where resources can be selected based on the properties of resources that they refer to)
health.clients.fhir: BulkExportParameters
Represents parameters that can be used in bulk export kick off request, add more name value pairs if necessary
- Fields Included from *BaseBulkExportParameters
health.clients.fhir: FHIRBulkFileResponse
Represents a bulk file response coming from the fhir server side
- httpStatusCode int - HTTP status code returned from the server
health.clients.fhir: FHIRConnectorConfig
Represents FHIR client connector configurations
- baseURL string - FHIR server base URL
- mimeType MimeType(default FHIR_JSON) - global MIME type of the return response, can be configured at method level as well
- authConfig (ClientAuthConfig|PKJWTAuthConfig)? - Authentication configs that will be used to create the http client
- fileServerBaseURL string? - Bulk export file server base URL
- fileServerAuthConfig (ClientAuthConfig|PKJWTAuthConfig)? - Authentication configs that will be used to create the http client for the bulk export file server
- urlRewrite boolean(default false) - Whether to rewrite FHIR server URL, can be configured at method level as well
- replacementURL string? - Base url of the service to rewrite FHIR server URLs
health.clients.fhir: FHIRConnectorErrorDetail
Represent Connector related errors
- errorDetails error? - the full error
health.clients.fhir: FHIRResponse
Represents a success response coming from the fhir server side
- httpStatusCode int - HTTP status code from the interaction
- 'resource json|xml - Field Description
health.clients.fhir: FHIRServerErrorDetails
Represents the details of the error response that represents an unsuccessful interaction with the server
- httpStatusCode int - HTTP status code from the interaction
- 'resource json|xml - Field Description
health.clients.fhir: HistorySearchParameters
Represents parameters that can be used in a history interaction, add more name value pairs if necessary
- _count string(default "10") - The maximum number of search results on a single response
- _since string? - Only include resource versions that were created at or after the given instant in time
- _at string? - Only include resource versions that were current at some point during the specified time period
- _list string? - Only include resource versions that are referenced in the specified list
health.clients.fhir: SearchParameters
Represents parameters that can be used in a search interaction, add more name value pairs if necessary
- Fields Included from *BaseSearchParameters
health.clients.fhir: FHIRConnectorError
Represents the error type for connector side errors
health.clients.fhir: FHIRError
Represents the errors that can be returned from the connector
health.clients.fhir: FHIRServerError
Represents the error type for an unsuccessful interaction with the server
import ballerinax/health.clients.fhir;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.0.1
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1814
Current verison: 26
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