Module gotowebinar

ballerinax/gotowebinar Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for GoToWebinar API v2.0 OpenAPI specification.
The GoToWebinar API provides the capability to schedule webinars and customize webinars with panelists, polls, questions and surveys.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a LogMeIn account.
- Obtain tokens - Follow this guide.
gotowebinar: Client
This is a generated connector for GoToWebinar API v2.0 OpenAPI specification.
The GoToWebinar API provides the capability to schedule webinars and customize webinars with panelists, polls, questions and surveys.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a LogMeIn account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
function getAllAccountWebinars(int accountKey, string fromTime, string toTime, int? page, int? size) returns ReportingWebinarsResponse|error
Get all webinars for an account
- accountKey int - The key of the account
- fromTime string - Start of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
- toTime string - End of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
- page int? (default ()) - The page number to be displayed. The first page is 0.
- size int? (default ()) - The size of the page.
Return Type
function getOrganizerSessions(int organizerKey, string fromTime, string toTime, int? page, int? size) returns ReportingSessionsResponse|error
Get organizer sessions
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- fromTime string - Start of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
- toTime string - End of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
- page int? (default ()) - The page number to be displayed. The first page is 0.
- size int? (default ()) - The size of the page.
Return Type
function getWebinars(int organizerKey, string fromTime, string toTime, int? page, int? size) returns ReportingWebinarsResponse|error
Get Webinars
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- fromTime string - Start of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
- toTime string - End of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
- page int? (default ()) - The page number to be displayed. The first page is 0.
- size int? (default ()) - The size of the page.
Return Type
function createWebinar(int organizerKey, WebinarReqCreate payload) returns CreatedWebinar|error
Create webinar
Return Type
- CreatedWebinar|error - Created
function getInSessionWebinars(int organizerKey, string toTime, string? fromTime) returns BrokerWebinar[]|error
Get All Insession Webinars
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- toTime string - End of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
- fromTime string? (default ()) - Start of the datetime range in ISO8601 UTC format
Return Type
- BrokerWebinar[]|error - OK
function getWebinar(int organizerKey, int webinarKey) returns WebinarByKey|error
Get webinar
Return Type
- WebinarByKey|error - OK
function updateWebinar(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, WebinarReqUpdate payload, boolean? notifyParticipants) returns Response|error
Update webinar
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- payload WebinarReqUpdate - The webinar details
- notifyParticipants boolean? (default ()) - Defines whether to send notifications to participants
function cancelWebinar(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, boolean? sendCancellationEmails) returns Response|error
Cancel webinar
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sendCancellationEmails boolean? (default ()) - Indicates whether cancellation notice emails should be sent. The default value is false
function getAttendeesForAllWebinarSessions(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int? page, int? size) returns ReportingAttendeeResponse|error
Get attendees for all webinar sessions
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- page int? (default ()) - The page number to be displayed. The first page is 0.
- size int? (default ()) - The size of the page.
Return Type
function getCoorganizers(int organizerKey, int webinarKey) returns Coorganizer[]|error
Get co-organizers
Return Type
- Coorganizer[]|error - OK
function createCoorganizers(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, CoorganizerReqCreate[] payload) returns Coorganizer[]|error
Create co-organizers
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- payload CoorganizerReqCreate[] - The co-organizer details
Return Type
- Coorganizer[]|error - Created
function deleteCoorganizer(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int coorganizerKey, boolean? 'external) returns Response|error
Delete co-organizer
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- coorganizerKey int - The key of the internal or external co-organizer (memberKey)
- 'external boolean? (default ()) - By default only internal co-organizers (with a GoToWebinar account) can be deleted. If you want to use this call for external co-organizers you have to set this parameter to 'true'.
function resendCoorganizerInvitation(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int coorganizerKey, boolean? 'external) returns Response|error
Resend invitation
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- coorganizerKey int - The key of the internal or external co-organizer (memberKey)
- 'external boolean? (default ()) - By default only internal co-organizers (with a GoToWebinar account) will retrieve the resent invitation email. If you want to use this call for external co-organizers you have to set this parameter to 'true'.
function getWebinarMeetingTimes(int organizerKey, int webinarKey) returns DateTimeRange[]|error
Get webinar meeting times
Return Type
- DateTimeRange[]|error - OK
Get webinar panelists
function createPanelists(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, PanelistReqCreate[] payload) returns CreatedPanelist[]|error
Create Panelists
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- payload PanelistReqCreate[] - Array of panelists
Return Type
- CreatedPanelist[]|error - Created
Get audio information
function updateAudioInformation(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, AudioUpdate payload, boolean? notifyParticipants) returns Response|error
Update audio information
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- payload AudioUpdate - The audio/conferencing settings
- notifyParticipants boolean? (default ()) - Defines whether to send notifications to participants
Get performance for all webinar sessions
Return Type
- json|error - OK
function getStartUrl(int webinarKey) returns WebinarStartUrlResponse|error
Webinar start url
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
Return Type
function copyWebinar(int webinarKey, CopyWebinar payload) returns CopiedWebinar|error
Copy a webinar
- webinarKey int - The key of source webinar
- payload CopyWebinar - Provide a webinar details to be copied
Return Type
- CopiedWebinar|error - Copied
function getAllRegistrantsForWebinar(int organizerKey, int webinarKey) returns Registrant[]|error
Get registrants
Return Type
- Registrant[]|error - OK
function createRegistrant(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, RegistrantFields payload, string? accept, boolean? resendConfirmation) returns RegistrantCreated|error
Create registrant
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- payload RegistrantFields - The registrant details. To get all possible values run the API call 'Get registration fields' which is also part of this documentation.
- accept string? (default ()) - Set to 'application/json' to make a registration using fields (custom or default) additional to the basic ones or set it to 'application/vnd.citrix.g2wapi-v1.1+json' for just basic fields(firstName, lastName, and email).
- resendConfirmation boolean? (default ()) - Indicates whether the confirmation email should be resent when a registrant is re-registered. The default value is false.
Return Type
- RegistrantCreated|error - Created
function getRegistrant(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int registrantKey) returns RegistrantDetailed|error
Get registrant
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- registrantKey int - The key of the registrant
Return Type
- RegistrantDetailed|error - OK
function deleteRegistrant(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int registrantKey) returns Response|error
Delete registrant
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- registrantKey int - The key of the registrant
function getRegistrationFields(int organizerKey, int webinarKey) returns RegistrationFields|error
Get registration fields
Return Type
- RegistrationFields|error - OK
function getAllSessions(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int? page, int? size) returns ReportingSessionsResponse|error
Get webinar sessions
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- page int? (default ()) - The page number to be displayed. The first page is 0.
- size int? (default ()) - The size of the page.
Return Type
function getWebinarSession(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int sessionKey) returns Attendee[]|error
Get webinar session
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
Get session attendees
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
function getAttendee(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int sessionKey, int registrantKey) returns Registrant|error
Get attendee
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
- registrantKey int - The key of the registrant
Return Type
- Registrant|error - OK
function getAttendeePollAnswers(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int sessionKey, int registrantKey) returns PollAnswer[]|error
Get attendee poll answers
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
- registrantKey int - The key of the registrant
Return Type
- PollAnswer[]|error - OK
function getAttendeeQuestions(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int sessionKey, int registrantKey) returns AttendeeQuestion[]|error
Get attendee questions
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
- registrantKey int - The key of the registrant
Return Type
- AttendeeQuestion[]|error - OK
function getAttendeeSurveyAnswers(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int sessionKey, int registrantKey) returns PollAnswer[]|error
Get attendee survey answers
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
- registrantKey int - The key of the registrant
Return Type
- PollAnswer[]|error - OK
function getPerformance(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int sessionKey) returns SessionPerformance|error
Get session performance
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
Return Type
- SessionPerformance|error - OK
Get session polls
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
function getQuestions(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int sessionKey) returns AttendeeQuestion[]|error
Get session questions
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
Return Type
- AttendeeQuestion[]|error - OK
Get session surveys
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- sessionKey int - The key of the webinar session
function resendPanelistInvitation(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int panelistKey) returns Response|error
Resend panelist invitation
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- panelistKey int - The key of the webinar panelist
function deleteWebinarPanelist(int organizerKey, int webinarKey, int panelistKey) returns Response|error
Delete webinar panelist
- organizerKey int - The key of the organizer
- webinarKey int - The key of the webinar
- panelistKey int - The key of the webinar panelist
function searchAssets(AssetsSearchReq payload, int? page, int? size, string[]? includes) returns AssetsResponse|error
Search for completed recording assets
- payload AssetsSearchReq - The asset search parameters
- page int? (default ()) - The page number to be displayed. The first page is 0.
- size int? (default ()) - The size of the page.
- includes string[]? (default ()) - Add the response variables.
Return Type
- AssetsResponse|error - OK
function createSecretKey(SecretKeyRequest payload) returns SecretKeyResponse|error
Creates a new secret key
- payload SecretKeyRequest - The secret key object to create
Return Type
- SecretKeyResponse|error - OK
function getWebhooks(string product) returns WebhooksResponse|error
Get webhooks
- product string - Supported products
Return Type
- WebhooksResponse|error - OK
function updateWebhooks(UpdateWebhooksRequest[] payload) returns Response|error
Updates webhooks
- payload UpdateWebhooksRequest[] - Webhooks object to update
function createWebhooks(CreateWebhookRequest[] payload) returns WebhooksResponse|error
Creates new webhooks
- payload CreateWebhookRequest[] - Webhooks object to create
Return Type
- WebhooksResponse|error - OK
Deletes webhooks
Get webhook
- webhookKey string - The unique identifier for a webhook.
function getUserSubscriptions(string product) returns UserSubscriptionResponse|error
Get user subscriptions
- product string - Supported products
Return Type
function updateUserSubscriptions(UpdateUserSubscriptionsRequest[] payload) returns Response|error
Updates user subscriptions
- payload UpdateUserSubscriptionsRequest[] - User subscriptions to update
function createUserSubscriptions(CreateUserSubscriptionRequest[] payload) returns UserSubscriptionResponse|error
Creates new user subscriptions
- payload CreateUserSubscriptionRequest[] - User subscriptions to create
Return Type
Deletes user subscriptions
function getUserSubscription(string userSubscriptionsKey) returns UserSubscription|error
Get user subscription
- userSubscriptionsKey string - The unique identifier for a user subscription.
Return Type
- UserSubscription|error - OK
gotowebinar: AccessCodes
Describes the access codes for organizer, panelists and attendees
- organizer string - Access code for the organizer
- panelist string - Access code for panelists
- attendee string - Access code for attendees
gotowebinar: AnswerToAttendeeQuestion
Describes an answer to a question asked by an attendee during a webinar session.
- answer string - An answer given to a question asked by an attendee during a webinar session
- answeredBy string - The key of the organizer that answered the attendee's question
gotowebinar: Asset
Describes a completed recordingasset.
- name string - The name of the asset
- recordingAssetKey string - The unique identifier for the recording asset
- productName string - The product with which the asset was originally created
- createTime string - The create time of the asset
- creatorKey string - The key of the creator
- accountKey string - The key of the account
- totalReferenceCount int - The total number of references of the asset across products
- mp4DownloadUrl string - The url to download recording assets video
- transcriptDownloadUrl string? - The url to download the transcript for the given recording video, available only if the transcript was generated
- recordingShareUrl string? - The share link for recording
- webinarKey string? - The webinarKey of parent webinar for which this online recordings was created, not available for uploaded recordings
gotowebinar: Assets
- recordingAssets Asset[] - Recording assets
gotowebinar: AssetsResponse
Describes a list of completed assets
- _embedded Assets - Assets
- page Page - Page
gotowebinar: AssetsSearchReq
Describes the details used to search a completed recordingasset.
- accountKey string - The key of the account
- name string? - The name of the recordingasset
- sortField string(default "CREATETIME") - Sorts on the specified field. The default value is 'CREATETIME'. The possible values are 'CREATETIME' and 'NAME'.
- sortOrder string(default "DESC") - Specifies the sort order type. The default value is 'DESC'. The possible values are 'DESC', 'ASC'.
gotowebinar: Attendance
Describes the times the attendee joined and left a webinar session.
- joinTime string - The time the attendee joined a webinar session
- leaveTime string - The time the attendee left a webinar session
gotowebinar: AttendanceStatistics
Describes attendance metrics for a webinar session.
- registrantCount int - The number of registrations for the webinar
- percentageAttendance float - The percentage of registrants that actually attended the webinar session
- averageInterestRating float - Numerical value 1-100 (100 being most interested) indicating the average interest rating of the webinar attendees
- averageAttentiveness float - Average based on the focus of the attendees Viewer during the webinar session
- averageAttendanceTimeSeconds float - Average attendance time in seconds
gotowebinar: Attendee
Describes the attendee of a webinar
- registrantKey int - The key of the webinar attendee
- firstName string - The attendee's first name
- lastName string - The attendee's last name
- email string - The attendee's email address
- attendanceTimeInSeconds int - The total attendance time in seconds
- sessionKey int - The unique key of the webinar session
- attendance Attendance[] - The list of times the attendee joined and left the webinar session
gotowebinar: AttendeeFollowUpEmailSetting
Describes Attendee follow-up email settings.
- Fields Included from *EmailSettings
- enabled boolean
- anydata...
- includeCertificate boolean? - Indicates whether to include certificates in attendee follow-up emails is enabled or disabled.
gotowebinar: AttendeeQuestion
Describes the question asked by an attendee during a webinar session; includes the answers given to it.
- answers AnswerToAttendeeQuestion[] - Answer to a question of an attendee and key of the organizer that answered
- question string - The question asked by the attendee
- askedBy string - The email address of the attendee that asked the question
gotowebinar: Audio
Describes the audio/conferencing information for a webinar.
- 'type AudioType - How to connect to the webinar's audio conference
- confCallNumbers record {}? - The conference call numbers and access codes per country. This will be returned only, if 'type' is not set to 'Private'.
- privateInfo PrivateInfo? - Phone numbers for an own conference call service.
gotowebinar: AudioUpdate
Defines the audio/conferencing settings for the specified webinar
- 'type AudioType - How to connect to the webinar's audio conference
- pstnInfo PstnInfoUpdate? - Defines the audio/conferencing settings for the specified webinar. It required to pass 'tollFreeCountries' or 'tollCountries' or both.
- privateInfo PrivateInfoUpdate? - Defines the audio data for an own conferencing system
gotowebinar: BrokerWebinar
Describes a scheduled webinar
- numberOfRegistrants int - The number of registrants at the webinar
- times DateTimeRange[] - Array with startTime and endTime for the webinar sessions
- description string - A short description of the webinar
- subject string - The webinar subject
- inSession boolean - Indicates whether there is a webinar session currently in progress
- organizerKey int - The key of the webinar organizer
- webinarKey int - The unique key of the webinar
- webinarID string - The 9-digit webinar ID
- timeZone string - The timezone where the webinar is taking place
- registrationUrl string - The URL the webinar invitees can use to register
- experienceType string - Specifies the experience type. The possible values are 'classic', 'broadcast' and 'simulive'.
gotowebinar: CallNumbers
Conference call numbers per country.
- accessCodes AccessCodes - Describes the access codes for organizer, panelists and attendees
- toll string - Conference number for toll calls.
- tollFree string? - Conference number for toll-free calls.
gotowebinar: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
gotowebinar: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth OAuth2PasswordGrantConfig|BearerTokenConfig|OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
gotowebinar: Coorganizer
Describes a webinar co-organizer. A co-organizer without a GoToWebinar account is marked as external and is returned without a surname
- joinLink string - The co-organizer's join link
- email string - The co-organizer's email address
- memberKey string - The co-organizer's organizer key. A new member key is created for external co-organizers
- 'external boolean - If the co-organizer has no GoToWebinar account, this value is set to 'true'
- surname string - The co-organizer's surname. For external co-organizers this parameter is not returned
- givenName string - The co-organizer's given name
gotowebinar: CoorganizerReqCreate
Details used for creating a co-organizer for a webinar.
- 'external boolean - If the co-organizer has no GoToWebinar account, this value has to be set to 'true'
- organizerKey string? - The co-organizer's organizer key. This parameter has to be passed only, if 'external' is set to 'false'
- givenName string? - The co-organizer's given name. This parameter has to be passed only, if 'external' is set to 'true'
- email string? - The co-organizer's email address. This parameter has to be passed only, if 'external' is set to 'true'
gotowebinar: CopiedWebinar
Describes a newly copied webinar.
- webinarKey string - The unique key of the webinar.
gotowebinar: CopyWebinar
Describes the details of the webinar to be copied
- subject string? - The name/subject of the webinar (128 characters maximum)
- description string? - A description of the webinar (2048 characters maximum)
- 'type string? - Specifies the webinar type. The default type value is 'single_session', which is used to create a single webinar session. The possible values are 'single_session', 'series' and 'sequence'. If type is set to 'single_session', a single webinar session is created. If type is set to 'series', a webinar series is created. In this case 2 or more timeframes must be specified for each webinar. Example: 'times': [{'startTime': '...', 'endTime':'...'}, {'startTime': '...', 'endTime': '...'},{'startTime': '...','endTime': '...'}]. If type is set to 'sequence', a sequence of webinars is created. In this case 2 or more timeframes must be specified for each webinar. If given webinar is 'single_session', we can create 'sequence' or 'series' webinar, in this case 2 or more timeframes must be specified for each webinar (same example as above). If given webinar is 'series', we can create 'single_session' or 'sequence' webinar with 2 or more timeframes must be specified. If given webinar is simulive webinar 'sequence' type is not supported.
- recordingAssetKey string? - The recording asset with from the simulive webinar should be created from. In case the recordingasset was created as an online recording the simulive webinar settings, poll and surveys would be copied from the webinar whose session was recorded. We can get recordingasset from RecordingAssets
- isOndemand boolean? - A boolean flag indicating if the webinar should be ondemand
- emailSettings WebinarEmailSettings? - Describes email settings of a webinar.
- times DateTimeRange[]? - Array with start and end time(s) for webinar
- timeZone string? - The time zone where the webinar is taking place (must be a valid time zone ID, see Date and time conventions). If this parameter is not passed, the timezone of the organizer's profile will be used
gotowebinar: CreatedPanelist
Describes a created panelist
- name string - The panelist's name
- email string - The panelist's email address
- joinLink string - The panelist's join link
- panelistKey string - The panelist's key
gotowebinar: CreatedWebinar
Describes a newly created webinar.
- webinarKey string - The unique key of the webinar.
gotowebinar: CreateUserSubscriptionRequest
Describes a single user subscription
- callbackUrl string? - A HTTPs url that can accept posted events. It should return 200 OK for GET requests.
- webhookKey string - The unique identifier for the webhook
- userSubscriptionState UserSubscriptionState? - State of the user subscription
gotowebinar: CreateWebhookRequest
Representation of a single webhook
- callbackUrl string - A HTTPs url that can accept posted events. It should return 200 OK for GET requests.
- eventName string - Type of event for the webhook. Supported eventNames are registrant.added, registrant.joined, webinar.created, webinar.changed
- eventVersion string - Version of event being subscribed for. Supported eventVersion is 1.0.0
- product Product - Product of the events
gotowebinar: CustomAnswers
Answers to custom questions of the registrant
- answer string - Answer to a custom question when registering
- question string - Custom question for registering
gotowebinar: DateTimeRange
A pair of DateTime values, the first of which serves as a start time and the second as an end time of an interval.
- startTime string - The starting time of an interval, e.g. 2020-03-13T10:00:00Z
- endTime string - The ending time of an interval, e.g. 2020-03-13T22:00:00Z
gotowebinar: EmailSettings
Describes Confirmation email, Reminder email and Absentee follow-up email settings.
- enabled boolean? - Indicates whether email settings are enabled or disabled.
gotowebinar: FirstPage
- href string - The first page link
gotowebinar: LastPage
- href string - The last page link
gotowebinar: OAuth2PasswordGrantConfig
OAuth2 Password Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2PasswordGrantConfig
- tokenUrl string
- username string
- password string
- clientId string
- clientSecret string
- scopes string|string[]
- refreshConfig RefreshConfig|"INFER_REFRESH_CONFIG"
- defaultTokenExpTime decimal
- clockSkew decimal
- optionalParams map<string>
- credentialBearer CredentialBearer
- clientConfig ClientConfiguration
- tokenUrl string(default "") - Token URL
gotowebinar: OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
OAuth2 Refresh Token Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
- refreshUrl string(default "") - Refresh URL
gotowebinar: Page
- size int - The page size
- totalElements int - The total elements
- totalPages int - The pages count
- number int - The current page number. The first page is 0
gotowebinar: Panelist
Describes a webinar session panelist
- joinLink string - The co-organizer's join link
- lastName string - DEPRECATED. The fields 'firstName' and 'lastName' are replaced by the field 'name'
- email string - The panelist's email address
- name string - The panelist's name
- panelistId int - The panelist's ID
- firstName string - DEPRECATED. The fields 'firstName' and 'lastName' are replaced by the field 'name'
gotowebinar: PanelistReqCreate
Describes a single panelist
- email string - The panelist's email address
- name string - The panelist's name
gotowebinar: Poll
A poll or survey launched by an organizer during or after a webinar session; includes the responses given to it by the attendees.
- responses PollResponse[] - The responses given by the attendees to the poll or survey
- question string - The poll or survey question asked by the webinar organizer
- numberOfResponses int - The total number of responses received for this poll or survey
gotowebinar: PollAnswer
Describes the answer given by a webinar attendee to a poll or survey launched by an organizer.
- answer string? - The answer given to the poll or survey question. Use
array instead.
- answers string[] - The answer given to the poll or survey question
- question string - The poll or survey question
gotowebinar: PollResponse
One of the potential responses/options to a poll or survey launched by an organizer during a webinar session.
- text string - The text of the response/option to a poll or survey
- percentage float - The percentage of responses that favored this particular option
gotowebinar: PollsAndSurveysStatistics
Details on the polls and surveys for a webinar session.
- pollCount int - The number of polls launched at a webinar session
- surveyCount float - The percentage of surveys launched at a webinar session
- questionsAsked int - The number of questions asked at a webinar session
- percentagePollsCompleted float - The percentage of polls completed by the attendees
- percentageSurveysCompleted float - The percentage of surveys completed by the attendees
gotowebinar: PrivateInfo
Phone numbers for an own conference call service.
- attendee string - Text for the panelist when using an own conference call service
- organizer string? - Text for the organizer when using an own conference call service
- panelist string? - Text for the panelist when using an own conference call service
gotowebinar: PrivateInfoUpdate
Defines the audio data for an own conferencing system
- attendee string - Attendee phone number for own conference call system
- organizer string? - Organizer phone number for own conference call system
- panelist string? - Panelist phone number for own conference call system
gotowebinar: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
gotowebinar: PstnInfoUpdate
Defines the audio/conferencing settings for the specified webinar. It required to pass 'tollFreeCountries' or 'tollCountries' or both.
- tollFreeCountries TollFreeCountries[]? - Defines in which countries toll free PSTN numbers are available.
- tollCountries TollCountries[]? - Defines in which countries toll PSTN numbers are available.
gotowebinar: Registrant
Describes a webinar registrant
- lastName string - The registrant's last name
- email string - The registrant's email address
- firstName string - The registrant's first name
- registrantKey int - The registrant's key
- registrationDate string - The registration date and time
- status string - The registration status
- joinUrl string - The URL the registrant will use to join the webinar
- timeZone string - The time zone where the webinar will take place
gotowebinar: RegistrantCreated
Describes a newly created webinar registrant.
- registrantKey int - The registrant's key
- joinUrl string - The URL the registrant will use to join the webinar.
gotowebinar: RegistrantDetailed
Detailed description of a webinar registrant with all registration fields.
- lastName string - The registrant's last name
- email string - The registrant's email address
- firstName string - The registrant's first name
- registrantKey int - The registrant's key
- registrationDate string - The registration date and time
- 'source string? - The source that led to the registration. This can be any string like 'Newsletter 123' or 'Marketing campaign ABC'
- status string - The registration status
- joinUrl string - The URL the registrant will use to join the webinar
- timeZone string - The time zone where the webinar will take place
- phone string? - The registrant's phone
- state string? - The registrant's state (US only)
- city string? - The registrant's city
- organization string? - The registrant's organization
- zipCode string? - The registrant's zip (post) code
- numberOfEmployees string? - The size in employees of the registrant's organization
- industry string? - The type of industry the registrant's organization belongs to
- jobTitle string? - The registrant's job title
- purchasingRole string? - The registrant's role in purchasing the product
- implementationTimeFrame string? - The time frame within which the product will be purchased
- purchasingTimeFrame string? - The time frame within which the product will be purchased
- questionsAndComments string? - Any questions or comments the registrant made at the time of registration
- employeeCount string? - The size in employees of the registrant's organization
- country string? - The registrant's country
- address string? - The registrant's address
- 'type string? - The type is REGULAR for 'One session' and 'Sequence' webinars. The type LATE is for registrants registering for past webinars. For webinar series this parameter is not passed
- unsubscribed boolean? - Indicates whether the registrant opted-out from receiving other emails from this webinar's organizer
- responses CustomAnswers[]? - Responses to custom questions
gotowebinar: RegistrantFields
Detailed description of a all fields to register a registrant for a webinar.
- firstName string - The registrant's first name
- lastName string - The registrant's last name
- email string - The registrant's email address
- 'source string? - The source that led to the registration. This can be any string like 'Newsletter 123' or 'Marketing campaign ABC'
- address string? - The registrant's address
- city string? - The registrant's city
- state string? - The registrant's state (US only)
- zipCode string? - The registrant's zip (post) code
- country string? - The registrant's country
- phone string? - The registrant's phone
- organization string? - The registrant's organization
- jobTitle string? - The registrant's job title
- questionsAndComments string? - Any questions or comments the registrant made at the time of registration
- industry string? - The type of industry the registrant's organization belongs to
- numberOfEmployees string? - The size in employees of the registrant's organization
- purchasingTimeFrame string? - The time frame within which the product will be purchased
- purchasingRole string? - The registrant's role in purchasing the product
- responses RegistrantQAResponse[]? - Set the answers of all questions
gotowebinar: RegistrantQAResponse
Describes a completed registration question for a webinar registrant. If you use "Multiple choice" questions the response contains the numeric answerKey, otherwise the answer text.
- questionKey int - The unique key of the question
- responseText string? - Answer of the question.
- answerKey int? - The numeric key of the answer to a multiple-choice question.
gotowebinar: RegistrationAnswer
Describes an answer to a multiple choice custom registration field.
- answer string - The answer value
- answerKey int - The answer key
gotowebinar: RegistrationField
Describes a field for a webinar registration.
- 'field string - The name of the registration field
- answers string[]? - List of choices for a multiple choice registration field
- required boolean - Indicates whether the custom registration field is compulsory
- maxSize int - The character size of the custom registration field (max 128)
gotowebinar: RegistrationFields
The fields to be completed on the webinar registration form.
- questions RegistrationQuestion[] - Custom fields created by the organizer for the webinar registration form
- fields RegistrationField[] - The default fields the organizer has selected for the webinar registration form
gotowebinar: RegistrationQuestion
Describes a custom field for a webinar registration.
- questionKey int - The unique key of the custom registration field
- question string - The value (text) of the custom registration field
- required boolean - Indicates whether the custom registration field is compulsory
- 'type string - Indicates whether the custom registration field requires a single short answer or whether it is a multiple choice question
- maxSize int - The character size of the custom registration field (max 1000)
- answers RegistrationAnswer[]? - The answers to a multiple choice custom registration field
gotowebinar: ReportingAttendee
Describes the attendee of a webinar
- registrantKey int - The key of the webinar attendee
- sessionKey int - The unique key of the webinar session
- email string - The attendee's email address
- attendanceTimeInSeconds int - The total attendance time in seconds
- attendance Attendance[] - The list of times the attendee joined and left the webinar session
- firstName string - The attendee's first name
- lastName string - The attendee's last name
gotowebinar: ReportingAttendeeResponse
Describes a list of webinar attendees
- _embedded ReportingAttendees - Reporting attendees
- page Page - Page
gotowebinar: ReportingAttendees
Reporting attendees
- attendeeParticipationResponses ReportingAttendee[] - Reporting attendees list
gotowebinar: ReportingSession
Describes a completed webinar session.
- sessionKey string - The unique key of the webinar session
- webinarKey string - The unique key of the webinar
- webinarName string - The webinar name
- startTime string - The starting time of the webinar session
- endTime string - The ending time of the webinar session
- registrantsAttended int - The number of registrants who attended the webinar session
- registrantCount int - The total number of registrants for the webinar
- accountKey string - The key of the account
- creatingOrganizerKey string - The key of the webinar organizer who scheduled the webinar
- creatingOrganizerName string - The name of the webinar organizer who scheduled the webinar
- startingOrganizerKey string - The key of the webinar organizer who started the webinar session
- startingOrganizerName string - The name of the webinar organizer who started the webinar session
- totalPollCount int - The total number of polls for the webinar session
- timeZone string - The timezone where the webinar is taking place
- experienceType string - Specifies the experience type. The possible values are 'classic', 'broadcast' and 'simulive'.
- webinarID string - The 9-digit webinar ID
gotowebinar: ReportingSessions
Reporting Sessions
- sessionInfoResources ReportingSession[] - Reporting session list
gotowebinar: ReportingSessionsResponse
Describes a list of webinar sessions
- _embedded ReportingSessions - Reporting Sessions
- page Page - Page
gotowebinar: ReportingWebinars
Reporting webinars
- webinars Webinar[] - Webinar list
gotowebinar: ReportingWebinarsResponse
Describes a list of webinars for an account within a given date range
- _embedded ReportingWebinars - Reporting webinars
- page Page - Page
gotowebinar: SecretKeyRequest
Representation of a secret key
- validFrom string? - A date time in ISO8601 format, e.g. 2019-07-01T22:00:00Z. The secret key will be activated at the given date
gotowebinar: SecretKeyResponse
Representation of a secret key
- id int? - The unique identifier for the secret key
- value string? - The value of the secret key. This is used for generating a signature of events posted to the callback url
- validFrom string? - A date time in ISO8601 format, e.g. 2019-07-01T22:00:00Z. The secret key will be activated at the given date
gotowebinar: SelfPage
- href string - The current page link
gotowebinar: Session
Describes a completed webinar session.
- startTime string - The starting time of the webinar session
- registrantsAttended int - The number of registrants who attended the webinar session
- webinarKey int - The unique key of the webinar
- webinarID string - The 9-digit webinar ID
- sessionKey int - The unique key of the webinar session
- endTime string - The ending time of the webinar session
gotowebinar: SessionPerformance
Describes performance details for webinar sessions
- attendance AttendanceStatistics - Describes attendance metrics for a webinar session.
- pollsAndSurveys PollsAndSurveysStatistics - Details on the polls and surveys for a webinar session.
gotowebinar: UpdateUserSubscriptionsRequest
Describes a single user subscription update request
- callbackUrl string? - A HTTPs url that can accept posted events. It should return 200 OK for GET requests.
- webhookKey string - The unique identifier for the webhook
- userSubscriptionKey string - The unique identifier for the user subscription
- userSubscriptionState UserSubscriptionState? - State of the user subscription
gotowebinar: UpdateWebhooksRequest
Describes a single webhook update request
- callbackUrl string? - A HTTPs url that can accept posted events. It should return 200 OK for GET requests.
- webhookKey string - The unique identifier for the webhook
- state WebhookState? - State of the webhook
gotowebinar: UserSubscription
Describes a single user subscription
- callbackUrl string? - A HTTPs url that can accept posted events. It should return 200 OK for GET requests.
- eventName string? - Type of event of the webhook
- eventVersion string? - Version of event being subscribed for
- product Product? - Product of the events
- webhookKey string? - The unique identifier for the webhook
- userSubscriptionKey string? - The unique identifier for the user subscription
- userSubscriptionState UserSubscriptionState? - State of the user subscription
- activationState ActivationState? - Final state of user subscription. ActivationState will be ACTIVE if both webhook and user subscription states are ACTIVE, INACTIVE otherwise.
- createTime string? - The create time of the webhook
gotowebinar: UserSubscriptionResponse
Describes a list of user subscriptions
- _embedded UserSubscriptions - User subscriptions
gotowebinar: UserSubscriptions
User subscriptions
- userSubscriptions UserSubscription[] - User subscriptions list
gotowebinar: Webhook
Representation of a single webhook
- callbackUrl string - A HTTPs url that can accept posted events. It should return 200 OK for GET requests.
- eventName string - Type of event for the webhook. Supported eventNames are registrant.added, registrant.joined, webinar.created, webinar.changed
- eventVersion string - Version of event being subscribed for. Supported eventVersion is 1.0.0
- product Product - Product of the events
- webhookKey string? - The unique identifier for the webhook
- state WebhookState? - State of the webhook
- createTime string? - The create time of the webhook
gotowebinar: Webhooks
- webhooks Webhook[] - Webhook list
gotowebinar: WebhooksResponse
List of webhooks
- _embedded Webhooks - Webhooks
gotowebinar: Webinar
Describes a webinar
- webinarKey string - The unique key of the webinar
- webinarID string? - The 9-digit webinar ID
- organizerKey string - The key of the webinar organizer
- accountKey string - The key of the account
- subject string - The webinar subject
- description string - A short description of the webinar
- times DateTimeRange[] - Array with startTime and endTime for the webinar sessions
- timeZone string - The timezone where the webinar is taking place
- locale string - The webinar language
- approvalType string - Specifies if the organizer needs to approve the webinar registrations. The possible values are 'AUTOMATIC' and 'MANUAL'.
- registrationUrl string - The URL the webinar invitees can use to register
- impromptu boolean - A boolean flag indicating if the webinar type is impromptu
- isPasswordProtected boolean - A boolean flag indicating if the webinar is password protected
- recurrenceType string - Specifies the recurrence type. The possible values are 'single_session', 'series' and 'sequence'.
- experienceType string - Specifies the experience type. The possible values are 'classic', 'broadcast' and 'simulive'.
gotowebinar: WebinarByKey
Describes a webinar
- webinarKey int - The unique key of the webinar
- webinarID string - The 9-digit webinar ID
- subject string - The webinar subject.
- description string - A short description of the webinar
- organizerKey int - The key of the webinar organizer
- organizerEmail string - The email of the webinar organizer
- organizerName string - The name of the webinar organizer
- times DateTimeRange[] - Array with startTime and endTime for the webinar sessions
- registrationUrl string - The URL the webinar invitees can use to register
- inSession boolean - Indicates whether there is a webinar session currently in progress
- impromptu boolean - A boolean flag indicating if the webinar type is impromptu
- 'type string - Specifies the recurrence type. The possible values are 'single_session', 'series' and 'sequence'.
- timeZone string - The timezone where the webinar is taking place
- numberOfRegistrants int - The number of registrants at the webinar
- registrationLimit int - The maximum number of registrants a webinar can have
- locale string - The webinar language
- accountKey string - The key of the account
- recurrencePeriod string - Specifies the recurrence type. The possible values are 'single_session', 'series' and 'sequence'.
- experienceType string - Specifies the experience type. The possible values are 'classic', 'broadcast' and 'simulive'.
- isPasswordProtected boolean - A boolean flag indicating if the webinar is password protected
gotowebinar: WebinarEmailSettings
Describes email settings of a webinar.
- confirmationEmail EmailSettings? - Describes Confirmation email, Reminder email and Absentee follow-up email settings.
- reminderEmail EmailSettings? - Describes Confirmation email, Reminder email and Absentee follow-up email settings.
- absenteeFollowUpEmail EmailSettings? - Describes Confirmation email, Reminder email and Absentee follow-up email settings.
- attendeeFollowUpEmail AttendeeFollowUpEmailSetting? - Describes Attendee follow-up email settings.
gotowebinar: WebinarReqCreate
Describes the details used to create a new single session webinar.
- subject string - The name/subject of the webinar (128 characters maximum)
- description string? - A short description of the webinar (2048 characters maximum)
- times DateTimeRange[] - Array with startTime and endTime for webinar. Since this call creates single session webinars, the array can only contain a single pair of startTime and endTime
- timeZone string? - The time zone where the webinar is taking place (must be a valid time zone ID, see Date and time conventions). If this parameter is not passed, the timezone of the organizer's profile will be used
- 'type string(default "single_session") - Specifies the webinar type. The default type value is 'single_session', which is used to create a single webinar session. The possible values are 'single_session', 'series', 'sequence'. If type is set to 'single_session', a single webinar session is created. If type is set to 'series', a webinar series is created. In this case 2 or more timeframes must be specified for each webinar. Example: 'times': [{'startTime': '...', 'endTime': '...'},{'startTime': '...', 'endTime': '...'},{'startTime': '...', 'endTime': '...'}. If type is set to 'sequence' a sequence of webinars is created. The times object in the body must be replaced by the 'recurrenceStart' object. Example: 'recurrenceStart': {'startTime':'2012-06-12T16:00:00Z', 'endTime': '2012-06-12T17:00:00Z' }. The 'recurrenceEnd' and 'recurrencePattern' body parameter must be specified. Example: , 'recurrenceEnd': '2012-07-10', 'recurrencePattern': 'daily'.
- isPasswordProtected boolean(default false) - A boolean flag indicating if the webinar is password protected or not.
- recordingAssetKey string? - The recording asset with which the simulive webinar should be created from. In case the recordingasset was created as an online recording the simulive webinar settings, poll and surveys would be copied from the webinar whose session was recorded.
- isOndemand boolean(default false) - A boolean flag indicating if the webinar should be ondemand
- experienceType string(default "CLASSIC") - Specifies the experience type. The possible values are 'CLASSIC', 'BROADCAST' and 'SIMULIVE'.
- emailSettings WebinarEmailSettings? - Describes email settings of a webinar.
gotowebinar: WebinarReqUpdate
Describes the details of the webinar
- subject string? - The name/subject of the webinar (128 characters maximum)
- description string? - A description of the webinar (2048 characters maximum)
- times DateTimeRange[]? - Array with start and end time(s) for webinar
- timeZone string? - The time zone where the webinar is taking place (must be a valid time zone ID, see Date and time conventions). If this parameter is not passed, the timezone of the organizer's profile will be used
- locale string? - The webinar language
- emailSettings WebinarEmailSettings? - Describes email settings of a webinar.
gotowebinar: WebinarStartUrlResponse
Describes a webinar start url
- startUrl string - The URL that can be used to start a webinar
String types
gotowebinar: ActivationState
Final state of user subscription. ActivationState will be ACTIVE if both webhook and user subscription states are ACTIVE, INACTIVE otherwise.
gotowebinar: AudioType
How to connect to the webinar's audio conference
gotowebinar: Product
Product of the events
gotowebinar: TollCountries
Defines in which countries toll PSTN numbers are available.
gotowebinar: TollFreeCountries
Countries in which toll free PSTN numbers are available.
gotowebinar: UserSubscriptionState
State of the user subscription
gotowebinar: WebhookState
State of the webhook
import ballerinax/gotowebinar;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2
Current verison: 2
Weekly downloads
Communication/Video Conferencing