Module godaddy.shopper
ballerinax/godaddy.shopper Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for GoDaddy Shopper API v1 OpenAPI specification.
The GoDaddy Shoppers API provides capability to access GoDaddy operations related to shopper.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create an GoDaddy account
- Obtain tokens
- Follow this link to obtain tokens
godaddy.shopper: Client
This is a generated connector for GoDaddy Shoppers API v1 OpenAPI specification. The GoDaddy Shoppers API provides capability to access GoDaddy operations related to shopper.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials. Create a GoDaddy and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ApiKeysConfig apiKeyConfig, ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- apiKeyConfig ApiKeysConfig - API keys for authorization
- config ConnectionConfig {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
function createSubaccount(SubaccountCreate payload) returns ShopperId|error
Create a Subaccount owned by the authenticated Reseller
- payload SubaccountCreate - The subaccount to create
Get details for the specified Shopper
- shopperId string - Shopper whose details are to be retrieved
- includes string[]? (default ()) - Additional properties to be included in the response shopper object
function update(string shopperId, ShopperUpdate payload) returns ShopperId|error
Update details for the specified Shopper
- shopperId string - The ID of the Shopper to update
- payload ShopperUpdate - The Shopper details to update
Request the deletion of a shopper profile
- shopperId string - The ID of the shopper to delete. Must agree with the shopper id on the token or header, if present. Note: shopperId is not the same as customerId. shopperId is a number of max length 10 digits (ex: 1234567890) whereas customerId is a UUIDv4 (ex: 295e3bc3-b3b9-4d95-aae5-ede41a994d13)
- auditClientIp string - The client IP of the user who originated the request leading to this call.
function getStatus(string shopperId, string auditClientIp) returns ShopperStatus|error
Get details for the specified Shopper
- shopperId string - The ID of the shopper to retrieve. Must agree with the shopper id on the token or header, if present
- auditClientIp string - The client IP of the user who originated the request leading to this call.
Return Type
- ShopperStatus|error - Request was successful
Set subaccount's password
godaddy.shopper: ApiKeysConfig
Provides API key configurations needed when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- authorization string - Represents API Key 'Authorization'
godaddy.shopper: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
godaddy.shopper: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
godaddy.shopper: Error
- code string - Short identifier for the error, suitable for indicating the specific error within client code
- fields ErrorField[]? - List of the specific fields, and the errors found with their contents
- message string? - Human-readable, English description of the error
godaddy.shopper: ErrorField
- code string - Short identifier for the error, suitable for indicating the specific error within client code
- message string? - Human-readable, English description of the problem with the contents of the field
- path string - <ul> <li style='margin-left: 12px;'>JSONPath referring to a field containing an error</li> <strong style='margin-left: 12px;'>OR</strong> <li style='margin-left: 12px;'>JSONPath referring to a field that refers to an object containing an error, with more detail in `pathRelated`</li> </ul>
- pathRelated string? - JSONPath referring to a field containing an error, which is referenced by
godaddy.shopper: ErrorLimit
- code string - Short identifier for the error, suitable for indicating the specific error within client code
- fields ErrorField[]? - List of the specific fields, and the errors found with their contents
- message string? - Human-readable, English description of the error
- retryAfterSec int - Number of seconds to wait before attempting a similar request
godaddy.shopper: PasswordError
- 'type string? - Response type, always 'error'
- code string? - Short identifier for the error, suitable for indicating the specific error within client code
- message string? - Human-readable, English description of the error
godaddy.shopper: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
godaddy.shopper: Secret
- secret string? - The secret value used to set a subaccount's password
godaddy.shopper: Shopper
- customerId string? - Identifier for the Customer record associated with this Shopper record. This is an alternate identifier that some systems use to identify an individual shopper record
- email string -
- externalId int? -
- marketId string -
- nameFirst string -
- nameLast string -
- shopperId string -
godaddy.shopper: ShopperId
- customerId string? - Identifier for the Customer record associated with this Shopper record. This is an alternate identifier that some systems use to identify an individual shopper record
- shopperId string -
godaddy.shopper: ShopperStatus
- billingState string? - Indicates the billing state of the Shopper.<br />ABANDONED: The shopper has not been billed in at least 10 years and has no active subscriptions.<br />INACTIVE: The shopper has been billed within the last 10 years but has no active subscriptions.<br />ACTIVE: The shopper has at least one active subscription.
godaddy.shopper: ShopperUpdate
- email string? -
- externalId int? -
- marketId string? -
- nameFirst string? -
- nameLast string? -
godaddy.shopper: SubaccountCreate
- email string -
- externalId int? -
- marketId string(default "en-US") -
- nameFirst string -
- nameLast string -
- password string -
import ballerinax/godaddy.shopper;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
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