Module godaddy.certificates
ballerinax/godaddy.certificates Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for GoDaddy Certificates API v1 OpenAPI specification.
The GoDaddy Certificates API provides capability to access GoDaddy operations related to certificates.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create an GoDaddy account
- Obtain tokens
- Follow this link to obtain tokens
godaddy.certificates: Client
This is a generated connector for GoDaddy Certificates API v1 OpenAPI specification. The GoDaddy Certificates API provides capability to access GoDaddy operations related to certificates.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a GoDaddy account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ApiKeysConfig apiKeyConfig, ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- apiKeyConfig ApiKeysConfig - API keys for authorization
- config ConnectionConfig {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
function certificateCreate(CertificateCreate payload, string xMarketId) returns CertificateIdentifier|error
Create a pending order for certificate
- payload CertificateCreate - The certificate order information
- xMarketId string (default "Default locale for shopper account") - Setting locale for communications such as emails and error messages
Return Type
- CertificateIdentifier|error - Request was successful
function certificateValidate(CertificateCreate payload, string xMarketId) returns Response|error
Validate a pending order for certificate
- payload CertificateCreate - The certificate order info
- xMarketId string (default "Default locale for shopper account") - Setting locale for communications such as emails and error messages
function certificateGet(string certificateId) returns Certificate|error
Retrieve certificate details
- certificateId string - Certificate id to lookup
Return Type
- Certificate|error - Certificate details retrieved
Retrieve all certificate actions
- certificateId string - Certificate id to register for callback
Return Type
- ArrayOfCertificateAction|error - Action retrieval successful
Resend an email
- certificateId string - Certificate id to resend email
- emailId string - Email id for email to resend
function certificateAlternateEmailAddress(string certificateId, string emailAddress) returns CertificateEmailHistory|error
Add alternate email address
- certificateId string - Certificate id to resend emails
- emailAddress string - Specific email address to resend email
Return Type
- CertificateEmailHistory|error - Alternate email address added and emails re-sent
function certificateResendEmailAddress(string certificateId, string emailId, string emailAddress) returns Response|error
Resend email to email address
- certificateId string - Certificate id to resend emails
- emailId string - Email id for email to resend
- emailAddress string - Specific email address to resend email
function certificateEmailHistory(string certificateId) returns CertificateEmailHistory|error
Retrieve email history
- certificateId string - Certificate id to retrieve email history
Return Type
- CertificateEmailHistory|error - Email history retrieval successful
function certificateCallbackGet(string certificateId) returns CertificateCallback|error
Retrieve system stateful action callback url
- certificateId string - Certificate id to register for stateful action callback
Return Type
- CertificateCallback|error - Callback registered
function certificateCallbackReplace(string certificateId, string callbackUrl) returns Response|error
Register of certificate action callback
- certificateId string - Certificate id to register/replace for callback
- callbackUrl string - Callback url registered/replaced to receive stateful actions
Unregister system callback
- certificateId string - Certificate id to unregister callback
Cancel a pending certificate
- certificateId string - Certificate id to cancel
function certificateDownload(string certificateId) returns CertificateBundle|error
Download certificate
- certificateId string - Certificate id to download
Return Type
- CertificateBundle|error - Certificate retrieved
function certificateReissue(string certificateId, CertificateReissue payload) returns Response|error
Reissue active certificate
- certificateId string - Certificate id to reissue
- payload CertificateReissue - The reissue request info
function certificateRenew(string certificateId, CertificateRenew payload) returns Response|error
Renew active certificate
- certificateId string - Certificate id to renew
- payload CertificateRenew - The renew request info
function certificateRevoke(string certificateId, CertificateRevoke payload) returns Response|error
Revoke active certificate
- certificateId string - Certificate id to revoke
- payload CertificateRevoke - The certificate revocation request
function certificateSitesealGet(string certificateId, string theme, string locale) returns CertificateSiteSeal|error
Get Site seal
- certificateId string - Certificate id
- theme string (default "LIGHT") - This value represents the visual theme of the seal. If seal doesn't exist, default values are used if params not present. If seal does exist, default values will not be used to update unless params present.
- locale string (default "en") - Determine locale for text displayed in seal image and verification page. If seal doesn't exist, default values are used if params not present. If seal does exist, default values will not be used to update unless params present.
Return Type
- CertificateSiteSeal|error - Site seal retrieved
Check Domain Control
- certificateId string - Certificate id to lookup
function certificateGetEntitlement(string entitlementId, boolean latest) returns Certificate[]|error
Search for certificate details by entitlement
- entitlementId string - Entitlement id to lookup
- latest boolean (default true) - Fetch only the most recent certificate
Return Type
- Certificate[]|error - Certificate details retrieved
function certificateDownloadEntitlement(string entitlementId) returns CertificateBundle|error
Download certificate by entitlement
- entitlementId string - Entitlement id to download
Return Type
- CertificateBundle|error - Certificate retrieved
function getCustomerCertificatesByCustomerId(string customerId, int? offset, int? 'limit) returns CertificateSummariesV2|error
Retrieve customer's certificates
- customerId string - An identifier for a customer
- offset int? (default ()) - Number of results to skip for pagination
- 'limit int? (default ()) - Maximum number of items to return
Return Type
- CertificateSummariesV2|error - Customer certificate information retrieved.
function getCertificateDetailByCertIdentifier(string customerId, string certificateId) returns CertificateDetailV2|error
Retrieve individual certificate details
- customerId string - An identifier for a customer
- certificateId string - Certificate id to lookup
Return Type
- CertificateDetailV2|error - Certificate details retrieved
function getDomainInformationByCertificateId(string customerId, string certificateId) returns DomainVerificationSummary[]|error
Retrieve domain verification status
- customerId string - An identifier for a customer
- certificateId string - Certificate id to lookup
Return Type
- DomainVerificationSummary[]|error - Domain verification status list for specified certificateId.
function getDomainDetailsByDomain(string customerId, string certificateId, string domain) returns DomainVerificationDetail|error
Retrieve detailed information for supplied domain
- customerId string - An identifier for a customer
- certificateId string - Certificate id to lookup
- domain string - A valid domain name in the certificate request
Return Type
- DomainVerificationDetail|error - Retrieve detailed information for supplied domain, including domain verification details and Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) verification details.
function getAcmeExternalAccountBinding(string customerId) returns ExternalAccountBinding|error
Retrieves the external account binding for the specified customer
- customerId string - An identifier for a customer
Return Type
- ExternalAccountBinding|error - Acme key identifier and HMAC key for the external account binding. Directory URI is also provided for making ACME requests.
godaddy.certificates: ApiKeysConfig
Provides API key configurations needed when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- authorization string - Represents API Key 'Authorization'
godaddy.certificates: Certificate
- certificateId string - The unique identifier of the certificate request. Only present if no errors returned
- commonName string? - Common name of certificate
- contact CertificateContact -
- createdAt string - The date the certificate was ordered.
- deniedReason string? - Only present if certificate order has been denied
- organization CertificateOrganization? -
- period int - Validity period of order. Specified in years
- productType string - Certificate product type
- progress int? - Percentage of completion for certificate vetting
- revokedAt string? - The revocation date of certificate (if revoked).
- rootType string? - Root Type
- serialNumber string? - Serial number of certificate (if issued or revoked)
- serialNumberHex string? - Hexadecmial format for Serial number of certificate(if issued or revoked)
- slotSize string? - Number of subject alternative names(SAN) to be included in certificate
- status string - Status of certificate
- subjectAlternativeNames SubjectAlternativeNameDetails[]? - Contains subject alternative names set
- validEnd string? - The end date of the certificate's validity (if issued or revoked).
- validStart string? - The start date of the certificate's validity (if issued or revoked).
godaddy.certificates: CertificateAction
- createdAt string - Date action created
- 'type string -
godaddy.certificates: CertificateAddress
- address1 string - Address line 1 of organization address
- address2 string? - Address line 2 of organization address
- city string? - City/Locality of organization address
- country string - Two character country code of organization
- postalCode string? - Postal code of organization address
- state string? - Full name of State/Province/Territory of organization address
godaddy.certificates: CertificateBundle
- pems PEMCertificates -
- serialNumber string - Serial number of certificate requested
godaddy.certificates: CertificateCallback
- callbackUrl string - Callback url registered to receive stateful actions
godaddy.certificates: CertificateContact
- email string - Email address of requestor contact
- jobTitle string? - Only used for EVSSL. Job title of requestor contact
- nameFirst string - First name of requestor contact
- nameLast string - Last name of requestor contact
- nameMiddle string? - Middle initial of requestor contact
- phone string - Phone number for requestor contact
- suffix string? - Suffix of requestor contact
godaddy.certificates: CertificateCreate
- callbackUrl string? - Required if client would like to receive stateful actions via callback during certificate lifecyle
- commonName string? - Name to be secured in certificate. If provided, CN field in CSR will be ignored.
- contact CertificateContact -
- csr string - Certificate Signing Request
- intelVPro boolean(default false) - Only used for OV
- organization CertificateOrganizationCreate? -
- period int - Number of years for certificate validity period
- productType string - Type of product requesting a certificate. Only required non-renewal
- rootType string(default "STARFIELD_SHA_2") - Root Type. Depending on certificate expiration date, SHA_1 not be allowed. Will default to SHA_2 if expiration date exceeds sha1 allowed date
- slotSize string? - Number of subject alternative names(SAN) to be included in certificate
- subjectAlternativeNames string[]? - Subject Alternative names. Collection of subjectAlternativeNames to be included in certificate.
godaddy.certificates: CertificateDetailV2
- certificateId string - The unique identifier of the certificate request. Only present if no errors returned
- commonName string - Common name of certificate
- period int - Validity period of order. Specified in years
- 'type string - Certificate type:
- (Domain Validated Secure Sockets Layer) SSL certificate validated using domain name onlyDV_WILDCARD_SSL
- SSL certificate containing subdomains which is validated using domain name onlyEV_SSL
- (Extended Validation) SSL certificate validated using organization information, domain name, business legal status, and other factorsOV_CODE_SIGNING
- Code signing SSL certificate used by software developers to digitally sign apps. Validated using organization informationOV_DRIVER_SIGNING
- Driver signing SSL certificate request used by software developers to digitally sign secure code for Windows hardware drivers. Validated using organization informationOV_SSL
- SSL certificate validated using organization information and domain nameOV_WILDCARD_SSL
- SSL certificate containing subdomains which is validated using organization information and domain nameUCC_DV_SSL
- (Unified Communication Certificate) Multi domain SSL certificate validated using domain name onlyUCC_EV_SSL
- Multi domain SSL certificate validated using organization information, domain name, business legal status, and other factorsUCC_OV_SSL
- Multi domain SSL certificate validated using organization information and domain name
- status string - Certificate status (if issued or revoked):
- Certificate request was canceled by customerDENIED
- Certificate request was denied by customer\n *EXPIRED
- Issued certificate has exceeded the valid end dateISSUED
- Certificate has been issued and is within validity periodPENDING_ISSUANCE
- Certificate request has completed domain verification and is in the process of being issuedPENDING_REKEY
- Previously issued certificate was rekeyed by customer and is in the process of being reissuedPENDING_REVOCATION
- Previously issued certificate is in the process of being revokedREVOKED
- Issued certificate has been revoked\n *UNUSED
- Certificate in an error state
- createdAt string - The date the certificate was ordered.
- completedAt string? - The date the certificate request completed processing.
- validEndAt string? - The end date of the certificate's validity (if issued or revoked).
- validStartAt string? - The start date of the certificate's validity (if issued or revoked).
- revokedAt string? - The revocation date of certificate (if revoked).
- renewalAvailable boolean? - Only returned when a renewal is available.
- serialNumber string? - Serial number of certificate (if issued or revoked)
- serialNumberHex string? - Hexadecmial format for Serial number of certificate(if issued or revoked)
- slotSize string? - Number of subject alternative names (SAN) to be included in certificate (if UCC):
- Five slot UCC requestTEN
- Ten slot UCC requestFIFTEEN
- Fifteen slot UCC requestTWENTY
- Twenty slot UCC requestTHIRTY
- Thirty slot UCC requestFOURTY
- Fourty slot UCC requestFIFTY
- Fifty slot UCC requestONE_HUNDRED
- One hundred slot UCC request
- subjectAlternativeNames string[]? - Subject Alternative names. Collection of subjectAlternativeNames to be included in certificate.
- contact CertificateContact -
- organization CertificateOrganization? -
- csr string? - Certificate signing request (if present) in PEM format
- rootType string? - Root type:
- GoDaddy (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) SHA-1 root typeGODADDY_SHA_2
- GoDaddy (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) SHA-2 root typeSTARFIELD_SHA_1
- Starfield SHA-1 root typeSTARFIELD_SHA_2
- Starfield SHA-2 root type
- deniedReason string? - Only present if certificate order has been denied
- progress int? - Percentage of completion for certificate vetting
godaddy.certificates: CertificateEmailHistory
- id int - Email Id
- accountId int - Shopper Id requested certificate
- templateType string - Email template type name
- fromType string - Email from address
- recipients string - Email address email was sent
- body string - Email message
- dateEntered string - Date email sent
- subject string - Email subject
godaddy.certificates: CertificateIdentifier
- certificateId string - The unique identifier of the certificate request. Only present if verified.
godaddy.certificates: CertificateOrganization
- address CertificateAddress -
- assumedName string? - Only for EVSSL. The DBA(does business as) name for the organization.
- jurisdictionOfIncorporation JurisdictionOfIncorporation? -
- name string - Name of organization that owns common name
- phone string - Phone number for organization
- registrationAgent string? - Only for EVSSL.
- registrationNumber string? - Only for EVSSL.
godaddy.certificates: CertificateOrganizationCreate
- address CertificateAddress? -
- assumedName string? - Only for EVSSL. The DBA(does business as) name for the organization.
- name string - Name of organization that owns common name
- phone string - Phone number for organization
- registrationAgent string? - Only for EVSSL.
- registrationNumber string? - Only for EVSSL.
godaddy.certificates: CertificateReissue
- callbackUrl string? - Required if client would like to receive stateful action via callback during certificate lifecyle
- commonName string? - The common name of certificate to be secured
- csr string? - Certificate Signing Request.
- delayExistingRevoke int? - In hours, time to delay revoking existing certificate after issuance of new certificate. If revokeExistingCertOnIssuance is enabled, this value will be ignored
- rootType string? - Root Type. Depending on certificate expiration date, SHA_1 not be allowed. Will default to SHA_2 if expiration date exceeds sha1 allowed date
- subjectAlternativeNames string[]? - Only used for UCC products. An array of subject alternative names to include in certificate.
godaddy.certificates: CertificateRenew
- callbackUrl string? - Required if client would like to receive stateful actions via callback during certificate lifecyle
- commonName string? - The common name of certificate to be secured
- csr string? - Certificate Signing Request.
- period int? - Number of years for certificate validity period, if different from previous certificate
- rootType string? - Root Type. Depending on certificate expiration date, SHA_1 not be allowed. Will default to SHA_2 if expiration date exceeds sha1 allowed date
- subjectAlternativeNames string[]? - Only used for UCC products. An array of subject alternative names to include in certificate. Not including a subject alternative name that was in the previous certificate will remove it from the renewed certificate.
godaddy.certificates: CertificateRevoke
- reason string - Reason for revocation
godaddy.certificates: CertificateSiteSeal
- html string - Certificate Seal HTML
godaddy.certificates: CertificateSummariesV2
- certificates CertificateSummaryV2[] - List of certificates for a specified customer.
- pagination Pagination -
godaddy.certificates: CertificateSummaryV2
- certificateId string - The unique identifier of the certificate request.
- commonName string - Common name for the certificate request.
- period int - Validity period of order. Specified in years.
- 'type string - Certificate type:
- (Domain Validated Secure Sockets Layer) SSL certificate validated using domain name onlyDV_WILDCARD_SSL
- SSL certificate containing subdomains which is validated using domain name onlyEV_SSL
- (Extended Validation) SSL certificate validated using organization information, domain name, business legal status, and other factorsOV_CODE_SIGNING
- Code signing SSL certificate used by software developers to digitally sign apps. Validated using organization informationOV_DRIVER_SIGNING
- Driver signing SSL certificate request used by software developers to digitally sign secure code for Windows hardware drivers. Validated using organization informationOV_SSL
- SSL certificate validated using organization information and domain nameOV_WILDCARD_SSL
- SSL certificate containing subdomains which is validated using organization information and domain nameUCC_DV_SSL
- (Unified Communication Certificate) Multi domain SSL certificate validated using domain name onlyUCC_EV_SSL
- Multi domain SSL certificate validated using organization information, domain name, business legal status, and other factorsUCC_OV_SSL
- Multi domain SSL certificate validated using organization information and domain name
- status string - Certificate status (if issued or revoked):
- Certificate request was canceled by customerDENIED
- Certificate request was denied by customerEXPIRED
- Issued certificate has exceeded the valid end dateISSUED
- Certificate has been issued and is within validity periodPENDING_ISSUANCE
- Certificate request has completed domain verification and is in the process of being issuedPENDING_REKEY
- Previously issued certificate was rekeyed by customer and is in the process of being reissuedPENDING_REVOCATION
- Previously issued certificate is in the process of being revokedREVOKED
- Issued certificate has been revokedUNUSED
- Certificate in an error state
- createdAt string - Date that the certificate request was received.
- completedAt string? - The date the certificate request completed processing (if issued or revoked).
- validEndAt string? - The end date of the certificate's validity (if issued or revoked).
- validStartAt string? - The start date of the certificate's validity (if issued or revoked).
- revokedAt string? - The revocation date of certificate (if revoked).
- renewalAvailable boolean? - Only returned when a renewal is available.
- serialNumber string? - Serial number of certificate (if issued or revoked).
- slotSize string? - Number of subject alternative names (SAN) to be included in certificate (if UCC):
- Five slot UCC requestTEN
- Ten slot UCC requestFIFTEEN
- Fifteen slot UCC requestTWENTY
- Twenty slot UCC requestTHIRTY
- Thirty slot UCC requestFOURTY
- Fourty slot UCC requestFIFTY
- Fifty slot UCC requestONE_HUNDRED
- One hundred slot UCC request
- subjectAlternativeNames string[]? - Subject Alternative names (if UCC). Collection of subjectAlternativeNames to be included in certificate.
godaddy.certificates: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
godaddy.certificates: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
godaddy.certificates: DomainVerificationDetail
- Fields Included from *DomainVerificationSummary
- certificateAuthorityAuthorization DomainverificationdetailCertificateauthorityauthorization? - Contains information about the last Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) Lookup details for the specified domain.
In order for a domain to be eligible to be included in the certificate, the entire domain hierarchy must be scanned for DNS CAA records, as outlined by RFC 6844.
The absence of any CAA records found in the domain hierarchy indicates that the domain may be included in the certificate. Alternatively, if CAA records are found when scanning the domain hierarchy, the domain may be included in the certificate as long as
is found in the DNS record value. However, if CAA records are found,
is not found in any CAA record's value, then we must drop the domain from the certificate request. In the case where there are repeated DNS errors when scanning the domain hierarchy for CAA records, thus ending in an unsuccessful scan, then the domain can still be included in the certificate provided the primary domain is not setup with DNSSEC. Conversely, if DNSSEC is found to be setup on the primary domain when scanning following repeated CAA failures, the domain must be dropped from the certificate request. Finally, if DNS errors persist to the point where a successful DNSSEC query could not be obtained, then the domain must be dropped from the certificate request.
godaddy.certificates: DomainverificationdetailCertificateauthorityauthorization
Contains information about the last Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) Lookup details for the specified domain.
In order for a domain to be eligible to be included in the certificate, the entire domain hierarchy must be scanned for DNS CAA records, as outlined by RFC 6844.
The absence of any CAA records found in the domain hierarchy indicates that the domain may be included in the certificate. Alternatively, if CAA records are found when scanning the domain hierarchy, the domain may be included in the certificate as long as
is found in the DNS record value. However, if CAA records are found, yet
is not found in any CAA record's value, then we must drop the domain from the certificate request.
In the case where there are repeated DNS errors when scanning the domain hierarchy for CAA records, thus ending in an unsuccessful scan, then the domain can still be included in the certificate provided the primary domain is not setup with DNSSEC. Conversely, if DNSSEC is found to be setup on the primary domain when scanning following repeated CAA failures, the domain must be dropped from the certificate request. Finally, if DNS errors persist to the point where a successful DNSSEC query could not be obtained, then the domain must be dropped from the certificate request.
- status string? - Returns the status of the CAA Lookup for the specified domain:
- The CAA lookup has not yet been attempted for the specified domain.REMOVED_DNS_ERROR
- Repeated errors occurred while scanning for CAA records, thereby resulting in a DNSSEC scan. DNS errors then prevented the system from determining if DNSSEC was enabled for the specified domain, and it had to be removed from the certificate request.REMOVED_DNSSEC_ENABLED
- Repeated errors occurred while scanning for CAA records, thereby resulting in a DNSSEC scan. DNSSEC was determined to be enabled for the specified domain, and it had to be removed from the certificate request.REMOVED_NOT_FOUND_CA
- CAA records were found during the CAA lookup for the speicified domain,
was not listed as a value, thereby not allowing us to issue a certificate with this domain. The specified domain was removed from the certificate request.REMOVED_UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_TAG
- A CAA record was found during the CAA lookup with its Critical bit set, as outlined by RFC 6844, yet the Tag of the CAA record was not understood (as outlined by RFC 6844). The specified domain was removed from the certificate request.SUCCESS_CAA
- The CAA lookup was successful for the specified domain, and the domain can remain in the certificate request.SUCCESS_DNSSEC
- Repeated errors occurred while scanning for CAA records, thereby resulting in a DNSSEC scan. The system detemined that DNSSEC was not enabled for the specified domain, so the domain is allowed to remain in the certificate request.
- queryPaths string[]? - Details all the individual DNS paths that were scanned for CAA records for this domain, as detailed by RFC 6844. This element not only contains the parts determined from parsing the domain, but also any CNAME or DNAME targets specified by any of those individual parts.
- recommendations string[]? - Returns a list of fix recommendations if the query was unsuccessful, or if the domain was dropped from the certificate request, so that a subsequent certificate request with the specified domain will successfully pass its CAA scan.
- completedAt string? - The date the certificate request completed processing.
godaddy.certificates: DomainVerificationSummary
- domain string - Domain name
- domainEntityId int - A unique identifier that can be leveraged for retrieving domain verification related information. Primarily used when troubleshooting a request
- dceToken string? - DCE verification type token (if DCE verification type).
- status string - Domain verification status:
- Verification pending customer inputINVALID
- SAN connected to a cancelled requestCOMPLETED
- Verification completedFAILED_VERIFICATION
- Verification failedPENDING_POSSIBLE_FRAUD
- Flagged for a system level fraud reviewVERIFIED_POSSIBLE_FRAUD
- Fraud detection reviewed but verifiedDROPPED
- SAN dropped from requestREVOKED_CERT
- SAN dropped from request due to Google Safe Browsing checkDROPPED_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_AUTHORIZATION
- SAN dropped from request due to Certificate Authorization Authority DNS record check
- createdAt string - Timestamp indicating when the domain verification process was started
- modifiedAt string - Timestamp indicating when the domain verification process was last updated
- 'type string - Domain verification type:
- Domain verified using domain control verification email sent to admin@<>AUTO_GENERATED_DOMAIN_ACCESS_EMAIL_ADMINSTRATOR
- Domain verified using domain control verification email sent to administrator@<>AUTO_GENERATED_DOMAIN_ACCESS_EMAIL_HOST_MASTER
- Domain verified using domain control verification email sent to hostmaster@<>AUTO_GENERATED_DOMAIN_ACCESS_EMAIL_POST_MASTER
- Domain verified using domain control verification email sent to postmaster@<>AUTO_GENERATED_DOMAIN_ACCESS_EMAIL_WEB_MASTER
- Domain verified using domain control verification email sent to webmaster@<>DOMAIN_ACCESS_EMAIL
- Domain verified using a domain access emailDOMAIN_ACCESS_LETTER
- Customer completed a domain access letter which was used for domain verificationDOMAIN_CONTROL_EMAIL
- Domain verified using HTML file or DNS zone file text valueDOMAIN_ZONE_CONTROL
- DNS zone file containing a pre-generated text value used for domain verificationMANUAL_DOMAIN_ACCESS_EMAIL
- DAE sent to an email address manually entered by a repPREVIOUS_DOMAIN_ACCESS_EMAIL
- Customers domain access email for a prior certificate request was used for domain verificationREGISTRATION_AUTHORITY_DOMAIN_ACCESS_LETTER
- Representative reviewed a customer provided domain access letter and verified domainREGISTRATION_AUTHORITY_DOMAIN_ZONE_CONTROL
- Representative verified domain using a manual domain zone control checkREGISTRATION_AUTHORITY_OVERRIDE
- Representative verified domain using alternative methodsREGISTRATION_AUTHORITY_WEBSITE_CONTROL
- Representative verified domain using a manual website control checkCUSTOMER_OWNED
- Validated customer account information used for domain control verificationWEBSITE_CONTROL
- HTML file in root website directory containing pre-generated value used for domain control verification
- usage string - Type of domain name used for domain verification
godaddy.certificates: Error
- code string - Short identifier for the error, suitable for indicating the specific error within client code
- fields ErrorField[]? - List of the specific fields, and the errors found with their contents
- message string? - Description of the error
godaddy.certificates: ErrorField
- code string - Short identifier for the error, suitable for indicating the specific error within client code
- message string? - Description of the problem with the contents of the field
- path string - JSONPath referring to the field within the submitted data containing an error
godaddy.certificates: ErrorLimit
- retryAfterSec int - Number of seconds to wait before attempting a similar request
- Fields Included from *Error
- code string
- fields ErrorField[]
- message string
- anydata...
godaddy.certificates: ExternalAccountBinding
- directoryUrl string - ACME directory resource URL.
- keyId string - EAB key identifier for the ACME account.
- hmacKey string - EAB HMAC key for the ACME account
godaddy.certificates: JurisdictionOfIncorporation
- city string? -
- country string -
- county string? -
- state string? -
godaddy.certificates: Pagination
- first string? - URI to access the first page
- previous string? - URI to access the previous page
- next string? - URI to access the next page
- last string? - URI to access the last page
- total int? - Number of records available
godaddy.certificates: PEMCertificates
- certificate string - End entity certificate in PEM format
- cross string? - CA Cross Intermediate certificate in PEM format
- intermediate string? - CA Signing Intermediate certificate in PEM format
- root string? - CA Root certificate in PEM format
godaddy.certificates: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
godaddy.certificates: SubjectAlternativeNameDetails
- status string - Total number of page results
- subjectAlternativeName string - Subject alternative name to be included in certificate
import ballerinax/godaddy.certificates;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
IT Operations/Security & Identity Tools