
ballerinax/ Ballerina library
This is a generated connector from API v1.0 OpenAPI specification.
Welcome to the API. Our REST API are designed for people who require the highest level of integration between and their own application, website, or database.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a account
- Obtain tokens by following this guide
To use the connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/ as filesdotcom;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
Create a filesdotcom:ClientConfig
with the API key
obtained, and initialize the connector with it.
filesdotcom:ClientConfig clientConfig = { authConfig : { token: <ACCESS_TOKEN> } }; filesdotcom:Client baseClient = check new Client(clientConfig);
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.
Following is an example on how to get API activity using the connector.
public function main() { filesdotcom:SiteEntity|error response = baseClient->getSite(); if (response is filesdotcom:SiteEntity) { log:printInfo(response.toString()); } else { log:printError(response.message()); } }
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
Clients Client
This is a generated connector from API v1.0 OpenAPI specification. Welcome to the API. Our REST API are designed for people who require the highest level of integration between and their own application, website, or database.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Obtain API keys following this guide.
init (ApiKeysConfig apiKeyConfig, string serviceUrl, ConnectionConfig config)
- apiKeyConfig ApiKeysConfig - API keys for authorization
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
- config ConnectionConfig {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
function postActionNotificationExports(ActionNotificationExportsBody payload) returns ActionNotificationExportEntity|error
Create Action Notification Export
- payload ActionNotificationExportsBody -
Return Type
- ActionNotificationExportEntity|error - The ActionNotificationExports object.
function getActionNotificationExportsId(int id) returns ActionNotificationExportEntity|error
Show Action Notification Export
- id int - Action Notification Export ID.
Return Type
- ActionNotificationExportEntity|error - The ActionNotificationExports object.
function getActionNotificationExportResults(int actionNotificationExportId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns ActionNotificationExportResultEntity[]|error
List Action Notification Export Results
- actionNotificationExportId int - ID of the associated action notification export.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- ActionNotificationExportResultEntity[]|error - A list of ActionNotificationExportResults objects.
retry Action Webhook Failure
- id int - Action Webhook Failure ID.
function apiKeyFindCurrent() returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Show information about current API key. (Requires current API connection to be using an API key.)
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKey object.
Delete current API key. (Requires current API connection to be using an API key.)
function apiKeyUpdateCurrent(ApiKeyBody payload) returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Update current API key. (Requires current API connection to be using an API key.)
- payload ApiKeyBody -
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKey object.
function getApiKeysId(int id) returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Show Api Key
- id int - Api Key ID.
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKeys object.
Delete Api Key
- id int - Api Key ID.
function patchApiKeysId(int id, ApiKeysIdBody payload) returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Update Api Key
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKeys object.
function getApiKeys(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns ApiKeyEntity[]|error
List Api Keys
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity[]|error - A list of ApiKeys objects.
function postApiKeys(ApiKeysBody payload) returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Create Api Key
- payload ApiKeysBody -
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKeys object.
function getSiteUsage() returns UsageSnapshotEntity|error
Get the most recent usage snapshot (usage data for billing purposes) for a Site.
Return Type
- UsageSnapshotEntity|error - The Site object.
function getSite() returns SiteEntity|error
Show site settings
Return Type
- SiteEntity|error - The Site object.
function patchSite(SiteBody payload) returns SiteEntity|error
Update site settings.
- payload SiteBody -
Return Type
- SiteEntity|error - The Site object.
function getSiteIpAddresses(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns IpAddressEntity[]|error
List IP Addresses associated with the current site
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- IpAddressEntity[]|error - A list of IpAddresses objects.
function getSiteDnsRecords(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns DnsRecordEntity[]|error
Show site DNS configuration.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- DnsRecordEntity[]|error - A list of DnsRecords objects.
function postSiteTestWebhook(SiteTestwebhookBody payload) returns StatusEntity|error
Test webhook.
- payload SiteTestwebhookBody -
Return Type
- StatusEntity|error - The Behaviors object.
function getSiteApiKeys(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns ApiKeyEntity[]|error
List Api Keys
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity[]|error - A list of ApiKeys objects.
function postSiteApiKeys(SiteApiKeysBody payload) returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Create Api Key
- payload SiteApiKeysBody -
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKeys object.
function patchUser(UserBody payload) returns UserEntity|error
Update User
- payload UserBody -
Return Type
- UserEntity|error - The Users object.
function getUserPublicKeys(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns PublicKeyEntity[]|error
List Public Keys
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity[]|error - A list of PublicKeys objects.
function postUserPublicKeys(UserPublicKeysBody payload) returns PublicKeyEntity|error
Create Public Key
- payload UserPublicKeysBody -
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity|error - The PublicKeys object.
function getUserGroups(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, int? groupId) returns GroupUserEntity[]|error
List Group Users
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. If provided, will return group_users of this user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- groupId int? (default ()) - Group ID. If provided, will return group_users of this group.
Return Type
- GroupUserEntity[]|error - A list of GroupUsers objects.
function getUserAs2Keys(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns As2KeyEntity[]|error
List As2 Keys
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity[]|error - A list of As2Keys objects.
function postUserAs2Keys(UserAs2KeysBody payload) returns As2KeyEntity|error
Create As2 Key
- payload UserAs2KeysBody -
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity|error - The As2Keys object.
function getUserApiKeys(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns ApiKeyEntity[]|error
List Api Keys
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity[]|error - A list of ApiKeys objects.
function postUserApiKeys(UserApiKeysBody payload) returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Create Api Key
- payload UserApiKeysBody -
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKeys object.
Unlock user who has been locked out due to failed logins.
- id int - User ID.
Resend user welcome email
- id int - User ID.
Trigger 2FA Reset process for user who has lost access to their existing 2FA methods.
- id int - User ID.
function getUsersId(int id) returns UserEntity|error
Show User
- id int - User ID.
Return Type
- UserEntity|error - The Users object.
Delete User
- id int - User ID.
function patchUsersId(int id, UsersIdBody payload) returns UserEntity|error
Update User
Return Type
- UserEntity|error - The Users object.
function getUsers(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? ids, string? qUsername, string? qEmail, string? qNotes, string? qAdmin, string? qAllowedIps, string? qPasswordValidityDays, string? qSslRequired, string? search) returns UserEntity[]|error
List Users
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- ids string? (default ()) - comma-separated list of User IDs
- qUsername string? (default ()) - List users matching username.
- qEmail string? (default ()) - List users matching email.
- qNotes string? (default ()) - List users matching notes field.
- qAdmin string? (default ()) - If
, list only admin users.
- qAllowedIps string? (default ()) - If set, list only users with overridden allowed IP setting.
- qPasswordValidityDays string? (default ()) - If set, list only users with overridden password validity days setting.
- qSslRequired string? (default ()) - If set, list only users with overridden SSL required setting.
- search string? (default ()) - Searches for partial matches of name, username, or email.
Return Type
- UserEntity[]|error - A list of Users objects.
function postUsers(UsersBody payload) returns UserEntity|error
Create User
- payload UsersBody -
Return Type
- UserEntity|error - The Users object.
function getUsersUserIdCipherUses(int userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns UserCipherUseEntity[]|error
List User Cipher Uses
- userId int - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- UserCipherUseEntity[]|error - A list of UserCipherUses objects.
function getUsersUserIdPublicKeys(int userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns PublicKeyEntity[]|error
List Public Keys
- userId int - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity[]|error - A list of PublicKeys objects.
function postUsersUserIdPublicKeys(int userId, UserIdPublicKeysBody payload) returns PublicKeyEntity|error
Create Public Key
- userId int - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- payload UserIdPublicKeysBody -
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity|error - The PublicKeys object.
function getUsersUserIdPermissions(string userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? groupId, boolean? includeGroups) returns PermissionEntity[]|error
List Permissions
- userId string - DEPRECATED: User ID. If provided, will scope permissions to this user. Use
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- groupId string? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: Group ID. If provided, will scope permissions to this group. Use
- includeGroups boolean? (default ()) - If searching by user or group, also include user's permissions that are inherited from its groups?
Return Type
- PermissionEntity[]|error - A list of Permissions objects.
function getUsersUserIdGroups(int userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, int? groupId) returns GroupUserEntity[]|error
List Group Users
- userId int - User ID. If provided, will return group_users of this user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- groupId int? (default ()) - Group ID. If provided, will return group_users of this group.
Return Type
- GroupUserEntity[]|error - A list of GroupUsers objects.
function getUsersUserIdAs2Keys(int userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns As2KeyEntity[]|error
List As2 Keys
- userId int - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity[]|error - A list of As2Keys objects.
function postUsersUserIdAs2Keys(int userId, UserIdAs2KeysBody payload) returns As2KeyEntity|error
Create As2 Key
- userId int - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- payload UserIdAs2KeysBody -
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity|error - The As2Keys object.
function getUsersUserIdApiKeys(int userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns ApiKeyEntity[]|error
List Api Keys
- userId int - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity[]|error - A list of ApiKeys objects.
function postUsersUserIdApiKeys(int userId, UserIdApiKeysBody payload) returns ApiKeyEntity|error
Create Api Key
- userId int - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- payload UserIdApiKeysBody -
Return Type
- ApiKeyEntity|error - The ApiKeys object.
function getApps(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns AppEntity[]|error
List Apps
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
function getAs2KeysId(int id) returns As2KeyEntity|error
Show As2 Key
- id int - As2 Key ID.
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity|error - The As2Keys object.
Delete As2 Key
- id int - As2 Key ID.
function patchAs2KeysId(int id, As2KeysIdBody payload) returns As2KeyEntity|error
Update As2 Key
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity|error - The As2Keys object.
function getAs2Keys(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns As2KeyEntity[]|error
List As2 Keys
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity[]|error - A list of As2Keys objects.
function postAs2Keys(As2KeysBody payload) returns As2KeyEntity|error
Create As2 Key
- payload As2KeysBody -
Return Type
- As2KeyEntity|error - The As2Keys object.
function getAutomationsId(int id) returns AutomationEntity|error
Show Automation
- id int - Automation ID.
Return Type
- AutomationEntity|error - The Automations object.
Delete Automation
- id int - Automation ID.
function patchAutomationsId(int id, AutomationsIdBody payload) returns AutomationEntity|error
Update Automation
Return Type
- AutomationEntity|error - The Automations object.
function getAutomations(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? automation) returns AutomationEntity[]|error
List Automations
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- automation string? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: Type of automation to filter by. Use
Return Type
- AutomationEntity[]|error - A list of Automations objects.
function postAutomations(AutomationsBody payload) returns AutomationEntity|error
Create Automation
- payload AutomationsBody -
Return Type
- AutomationEntity|error - The Automations object.
function getBandwidthSnapshots(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns BandwidthSnapshotEntity[]|error
List Bandwidth Snapshots
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- BandwidthSnapshotEntity[]|error - A list of BandwidthSnapshots objects.
function postBehaviorsWebhookTest(WebhookTestBody payload) returns StatusEntity|error
Test webhook.
- payload WebhookTestBody -
Return Type
- StatusEntity|error - The Behaviors object.
function getBehaviorsId(int id) returns BehaviorEntity|error
Show Behavior
- id int - Behavior ID.
Return Type
- BehaviorEntity|error - The Behaviors object.
Delete Behavior
- id int - Behavior ID.
function patchBehaviorsId(int id, BehaviorsIdBody payload) returns BehaviorEntity|error
Update Behavior
Return Type
- BehaviorEntity|error - The Behaviors object.
function getBehaviors(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? behavior) returns BehaviorEntity[]|error
List Behaviors
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- behavior string? (default ()) - If set, only shows folder behaviors matching this behavior type.
Return Type
- BehaviorEntity[]|error - A list of Behaviors objects.
function postBehaviors(BehaviorsBody payload) returns BehaviorEntity|error
Create Behavior
- payload BehaviorsBody -
Return Type
- BehaviorEntity|error - The Behaviors object.
function behaviorListForPath(string operationPath, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? recursive, string? behavior) returns BehaviorEntity[]|error
List Behaviors by path
- operationPath string - Path to operate on.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- recursive string? (default ()) - Show behaviors above this path?
- behavior string? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: If set only shows folder behaviors matching this behavior type. Use
Return Type
- BehaviorEntity[]|error - A list of Behaviors objects.
function getBundlesId(int id) returns BundleEntity|error
Show Bundle
- id int - Bundle ID.
Return Type
- BundleEntity|error - The Bundles object.
Delete Bundle
- id int - Bundle ID.
function patchBundlesId(int id, BundlesIdBody payload) returns BundleEntity|error
Update Bundle
Return Type
- BundleEntity|error - The Bundles object.
function getBundles(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns BundleEntity[]|error
List Bundles
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- BundleEntity[]|error - A list of Bundles objects.
function postBundles(BundlesBody payload) returns BundleEntity|error
Create Bundle
- payload BundlesBody -
Return Type
- BundleEntity|error - The Bundles object.
function postBundlesIdShare(int id, IdShareBody payload) returns Response|error
Send email(s) with a link to bundle
function getBundleDownloads(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, int? bundleId, int? bundleRegistrationId) returns BundleDownloadEntity[]|error
List Bundle Downloads
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- bundleId int? (default ()) - Bundle ID
- bundleRegistrationId int? (default ()) - BundleRegistration ID
Return Type
- BundleDownloadEntity[]|error - A list of BundleDownloads objects.
function getBundleRecipients(int bundleId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns BundleRecipientEntity[]|error
List Bundle Recipients
- bundleId int - List recipients for the bundle with this ID.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- BundleRecipientEntity[]|error - A list of BundleRecipients objects.
function postBundleRecipients(BundleRecipientsBody payload) returns BundleRecipientEntity|error
Create Bundle Recipient
- payload BundleRecipientsBody -
Return Type
- BundleRecipientEntity|error - The BundleRecipients object.
function getBundleRegistrations(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, int? bundleId) returns BundleRegistrationEntity[]|error
List Bundle Registrations
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- bundleId int? (default ()) - ID of the associated Bundle
Return Type
- BundleRegistrationEntity[]|error - A list of BundleRegistrations objects.
function getClickwraps(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns ClickwrapEntity[]|error
List Clickwraps
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- ClickwrapEntity[]|error - A list of Clickwraps objects.
function postClickwraps(ClickwrapsBody payload) returns ClickwrapEntity|error
Create Clickwrap
- payload ClickwrapsBody -
Return Type
- ClickwrapEntity|error - The Clickwraps object.
function getClickwrapsId(int id) returns ClickwrapEntity|error
Show Clickwrap
- id int - Clickwrap ID.
Return Type
- ClickwrapEntity|error - The Clickwraps object.
Delete Clickwrap
- id int - Clickwrap ID.
function patchClickwrapsId(int id, ClickwrapsIdBody payload) returns ClickwrapEntity|error
Update Clickwrap
Return Type
- ClickwrapEntity|error - The Clickwraps object.
function getDnsRecords(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns DnsRecordEntity[]|error
Show site DNS configuration.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- DnsRecordEntity[]|error - A list of DnsRecords objects.
function getExternalEvents(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns ExternalEventEntity[]|error
List External Events
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- ExternalEventEntity[]|error - A list of ExternalEvents objects.
function postExternalEvents(ExternalEventsBody payload) returns ExternalEventEntity|error
Create External Event
- payload ExternalEventsBody -
Return Type
- ExternalEventEntity|error - The ExternalEvents object.
function getExternalEventsId(int id) returns ExternalEventEntity|error
Show External Event
- id int - External Event ID.
Return Type
- ExternalEventEntity|error - The ExternalEvents object.
function fileDownload(string filePath, string? action, string? previewSize, boolean? withPreviews, boolean? withPriorityColor) returns FileEntity|error
Download file
- filePath string - Path to operate on.
- action string? (default ()) - Can be blank,
. If set tostat
, we will return file information but without a download URL, and without logging a download. If set toredirect
we will serve a 302 redirect directly to the file. This is used for integrations with Zapier, and is not recommended for most integrations.
- previewSize string? (default ()) - Request a preview size. Can be
, orpdf
- withPreviews boolean? (default ()) - Include file preview information?
- withPriorityColor boolean? (default ()) - Include file priority color information?
Return Type
- FileEntity|error - The Files object.
function postFilesPath(string filePath, FilesFilepathBody payload) returns FileEntity|error
Upload file
Return Type
- FileEntity|error - The Files object.
Delete file/folder
- filePath string - Path to operate on.
- recursive boolean? (default ()) - If true, will recursively delete folers. Otherwise, will error on non-empty folders.
function patchFilesPath(string filePath, FilesFilepathBody3 payload) returns FileEntity|error
Update file/folder metadata
Return Type
- FileEntity|error - The Files object.
function fileActionMetadata(string filePath, string? previewSize, boolean? withPreviews, boolean? withPriorityColor) returns FileEntity|error
Return metadata for file/folder
- filePath string - Path to operate on.
- previewSize string? (default ()) - Request a preview size. Can be
, orpdf
- withPreviews boolean? (default ()) - Include file preview information?
- withPriorityColor boolean? (default ()) - Include file priority color information?
Return Type
- FileEntity|error - The FileActions object.
function fileActionCopy(string filePath, CopyFilepathBody payload) returns FileActionEntity|error
Copy file/folder
Return Type
- FileActionEntity|error - The FileActions object.
function fileActionMove(string filePath, MoveFilepathBody payload) returns FileActionEntity|error
Move file/folder
Return Type
- FileActionEntity|error - The FileActions object.
function fileActionBeginUpload(string filePath, BeginUploadFilepathBody payload) returns FileUploadPartEntity[]|error
Begin file upload
Return Type
- FileUploadPartEntity[]|error - The FileActions object.
Delete File Comment
- id int - File Comment ID.
function patchFileCommentsId(int id, FileCommentsIdBody payload) returns FileCommentEntity|error
Update File Comment
Return Type
- FileCommentEntity|error - The FileComments object.
function postFileComments(FileCommentsBody payload) returns FileCommentEntity|error
Create File Comment
- payload FileCommentsBody -
Return Type
- FileCommentEntity|error - The FileComments object.
function fileCommentListForPath(string filePath, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns FileCommentEntity[]|error
List File Comments by path
- filePath string - Path to operate on.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- FileCommentEntity[]|error - A list of FileComments objects.
Delete File Comment Reaction
- id int - File Comment Reaction ID.
function postFileCommentReactions(FileCommentReactionsBody payload) returns FileCommentReactionEntity|error
Create File Comment Reaction
- payload FileCommentReactionsBody -
Return Type
- FileCommentReactionEntity|error - The FileCommentReactions object.
function getFileMigrationsId(int id) returns FileMigrationEntity|error
Show File Migration
- id int - File Migration ID.
Return Type
- FileMigrationEntity|error - The FileMigrations object.
function folderListForPath(string folderPath, string? cursor, int? perPage, string? filter, string? previewSize, string? search, boolean? searchAll, boolean? withPreviews, boolean? withPriorityColor) returns FileEntity[]|error
List Folders by path
- folderPath string - Path to operate on.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Send cursor to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- filter string? (default ()) - If specified, will filter folders/files list by this string. Wildcards of
are acceptable here.
- previewSize string? (default ()) - Request a preview size. Can be
, orpdf
- search string? (default ()) - If
, provide the search string here. Otherwise, this parameter acts like an alias offilter
- searchAll boolean? (default ()) - Search entire site?
- withPreviews boolean? (default ()) - Include file previews?
- withPriorityColor boolean? (default ()) - Include file priority color information?
Return Type
- FileEntity[]|error - A list of Folders objects.
function postFoldersPath(string folderPath) returns FileEntity|error
Create folder
- folderPath string - Path to operate on.
Return Type
- FileEntity|error - The Folders object.
function getFormFieldSets(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns FormFieldSetEntity[]|error
List Form Field Sets
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- FormFieldSetEntity[]|error - A list of FormFieldSets objects.
function postFormFieldSets(PostFormFieldSets payload) returns FormFieldSetEntity|error
Create Form Field Set
- payload PostFormFieldSets -
Return Type
- FormFieldSetEntity|error - The FormFieldSets object.
function getFormFieldSetsId(int id) returns FormFieldSetEntity|error
Show Form Field Set
- id int - Form Field Set ID.
Return Type
- FormFieldSetEntity|error - The FormFieldSets object.
Delete Form Field Set
- id int - Form Field Set ID.
function patchFormFieldSetsId(int id, PatchFormFieldSets payload) returns FormFieldSetEntity|error
Update Form Field Set
Return Type
- FormFieldSetEntity|error - The FormFieldSets object.
function getGroupsGroupIdUsers(int groupId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns GroupUserEntity[]|error
List Group Users
- groupId int - Group ID. If provided, will return group_users of this group.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. If provided, will return group_users of this user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- GroupUserEntity[]|error - A list of GroupUsers objects.
function postGroupsGroupIdUsers(int groupId, GroupIdUsersBody payload) returns UserEntity|error
Create User
Return Type
- UserEntity|error - The Users object.
function getGroupsGroupIdPermissions(string groupId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? userId, boolean? includeGroups) returns PermissionEntity[]|error
List Permissions
- groupId string - DEPRECATED: Group ID. If provided, will scope permissions to this group. Use
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- userId string? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: User ID. If provided, will scope permissions to this user. Use
- includeGroups boolean? (default ()) - If searching by user or group, also include user's permissions that are inherited from its groups?
Return Type
- PermissionEntity[]|error - A list of Permissions objects.
Delete Group User
- groupId int - Group ID from which to remove user.
- userId int - User ID to remove from group.
function patchGroupsGroupIdMembershipsUserId(int groupId, int userId, MembershipsUserIdBody payload) returns GroupUserEntity|error
Update Group User
- groupId int - Group ID to add user to.
- userId int - User ID to add to group.
- payload MembershipsUserIdBody -
Return Type
- GroupUserEntity|error - The GroupUsers object.
function getGroupsId(int id) returns GroupEntity|error
Show Group
- id int - Group ID.
Return Type
- GroupEntity|error - The Groups object.
Delete Group
- id int - Group ID.
function patchGroupsId(int id, GroupsIdBody payload) returns GroupEntity|error
Update Group
Return Type
- GroupEntity|error - The Groups object.
function getGroups(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? ids) returns GroupEntity[]|error
List Groups
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- ids string? (default ()) - Comma-separated list of group ids to include in results.
Return Type
- GroupEntity[]|error - A list of Groups objects.
function postGroups(GroupsBody payload) returns GroupEntity|error
Create Group
- payload GroupsBody -
Return Type
- GroupEntity|error - The Groups object.
Delete Group User
- id int - Group User ID.
- groupId int - Group ID from which to remove user.
- userId int - User ID to remove from group.
function patchGroupUsersId(int id, GroupUsersIdBody payload) returns GroupUserEntity|error
Update Group User
Return Type
- GroupUserEntity|error - The GroupUsers object.
function getGroupUsers(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, int? groupId) returns GroupUserEntity[]|error
List Group Users
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. If provided, will return group_users of this user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- groupId int? (default ()) - Group ID. If provided, will return group_users of this group.
Return Type
- GroupUserEntity[]|error - A list of GroupUsers objects.
function postGroupUsers(GroupUsersBody payload) returns GroupUserEntity|error
Create Group User
- payload GroupUsersBody -
Return Type
- GroupUserEntity|error - The GroupUsers object.
function historyListForFile(string filePath, string? startAt, string? endAt, string? display, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy) returns ActionEntity[]|error
List history for specific file.
- filePath string - Path to operate on.
- startAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter earlier entries.
- endAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter later entries.
- display string? (default ()) - Display format. Leave blank or set to
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
Return Type
- ActionEntity[]|error - A list of History objects.
function historyListForFolder(string folderPath, string? startAt, string? endAt, string? display, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy) returns ActionEntity[]|error
List history for specific folder.
- folderPath string - Path to operate on.
- startAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter earlier entries.
- endAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter later entries.
- display string? (default ()) - Display format. Leave blank or set to
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
Return Type
- ActionEntity[]|error - A list of History objects.
function historyListForUser(int userId, string? startAt, string? endAt, string? display, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy) returns ActionEntity[]|error
List history for specific user.
- userId int - User ID.
- startAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter earlier entries.
- endAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter later entries.
- display string? (default ()) - Display format. Leave blank or set to
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
Return Type
- ActionEntity[]|error - A list of History objects.
function historyListLogins(string? startAt, string? endAt, string? display, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy) returns ActionEntity[]|error
List site login history.
- startAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter earlier entries.
- endAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter later entries.
- display string? (default ()) - Display format. Leave blank or set to
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
Return Type
- ActionEntity[]|error - A list of History objects.
function historyList(string? startAt, string? endAt, string? display, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns ActionEntity[]|error
List site full action history.
- startAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter earlier entries.
- endAt string? (default ()) - Leave blank or set to a date/time to filter later entries.
- display string? (default ()) - Display format. Leave blank or set to
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- ActionEntity[]|error - A list of History objects.
function postHistoryExports(HistoryExportsBody payload) returns HistoryExportEntity|error
Create History Export
- payload HistoryExportsBody -
Return Type
- HistoryExportEntity|error - The HistoryExports object.
function getHistoryExportsId(int id) returns HistoryExportEntity|error
Show History Export
- id int - History Export ID.
Return Type
- HistoryExportEntity|error - The HistoryExports object.
function getHistoryExportResults(int historyExportId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns HistoryExportResultEntity[]|error
List History Export Results
- historyExportId int - ID of the associated history export.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- HistoryExportResultEntity[]|error - A list of HistoryExportResults objects.
function getInboxRecipients(int inboxId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns InboxRecipientEntity[]|error
List Inbox Recipients
- inboxId int - List recipients for the inbox with this ID.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- InboxRecipientEntity[]|error - A list of InboxRecipients objects.
function postInboxRecipients(InboxRecipientsBody payload) returns InboxRecipientEntity|error
Create Inbox Recipient
- payload InboxRecipientsBody -
Return Type
- InboxRecipientEntity|error - The InboxRecipients object.
function getInboxRegistrations(int folderBehaviorId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns InboxRegistrationEntity[]|error
List Inbox Registrations
- folderBehaviorId int - ID of the associated Inbox.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- InboxRegistrationEntity[]|error - A list of InboxRegistrations objects.
function getInboxUploads(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, int? inboxRegistrationId, int? inboxId) returns InboxUploadEntity[]|error
List Inbox Uploads
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- inboxRegistrationId int? (default ()) - InboxRegistration ID
- inboxId int? (default ()) - Inbox ID
Return Type
- InboxUploadEntity[]|error - A list of InboxUploads objects.
function getInvoicesId(int id) returns AccountLineItemEntity|error
Show Invoice
- id int - Invoice ID.
Return Type
- AccountLineItemEntity|error - The Invoices object.
function getInvoices(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns AccountLineItemEntity[]|error
List Invoices
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- AccountLineItemEntity[]|error - A list of Invoices objects.
function getIpAddressesReserved(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns PublicIpAddressEntity[]|error
List all possible public IP addresses
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- PublicIpAddressEntity[]|error - A list of IpAddresses objects.
function getIpAddresses(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns IpAddressEntity[]|error
List IP Addresses associated with the current site
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- IpAddressEntity[]|error - A list of IpAddresses objects.
function lockListForPath(string lockPath, string? cursor, int? perPage, boolean? includeChildren) returns LockEntity[]|error
List Locks by path
- lockPath string - Path to operate on.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- includeChildren boolean? (default ()) - Include locks from children objects?
Return Type
- LockEntity[]|error - A list of Locks objects.
function postLocksPath(string lockPath, LocksLockpathBody payload) returns LockEntity|error
Create Lock
Return Type
- LockEntity|error - The Locks object.
Delete Lock
function getMessagesId(int id) returns MessageEntity|error
Show Message
- id int - Message ID.
Return Type
- MessageEntity|error - The Messages object.
Delete Message
- id int - Message ID.
function patchMessagesId(int id, MessagesIdBody payload) returns MessageEntity|error
Update Message
Return Type
- MessageEntity|error - The Messages object.
function getMessages(int projectId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns MessageEntity[]|error
List Messages
- projectId int - Project for which to return messages.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- MessageEntity[]|error - A list of Messages objects.
function postMessages(MessagesBody payload) returns MessageEntity|error
Create Message
- payload MessagesBody -
Return Type
- MessageEntity|error - The Messages object.
function getMessageCommentsId(int id) returns MessageCommentEntity|error
Show Message Comment
- id int - Message Comment ID.
Return Type
- MessageCommentEntity|error - The MessageComments object.
Delete Message Comment
- id int - Message Comment ID.
function patchMessageCommentsId(int id, MessageCommentsIdBody payload) returns MessageCommentEntity|error
Update Message Comment
Return Type
- MessageCommentEntity|error - The MessageComments object.
function getMessageComments(int messageId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns MessageCommentEntity[]|error
List Message Comments
- messageId int - Message comment to return comments for.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- MessageCommentEntity[]|error - A list of MessageComments objects.
function postMessageComments(MessageCommentsBody payload) returns MessageCommentEntity|error
Create Message Comment
- payload MessageCommentsBody -
Return Type
- MessageCommentEntity|error - The MessageComments object.
function getMessageCommentReactionsId(int id) returns MessageCommentReactionEntity|error
Show Message Comment Reaction
- id int - Message Comment Reaction ID.
Return Type
- MessageCommentReactionEntity|error - The MessageCommentReactions object.
Delete Message Comment Reaction
- id int - Message Comment Reaction ID.
function getMessageCommentReactions(int messageCommentId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns MessageCommentReactionEntity[]|error
List Message Comment Reactions
- messageCommentId int - Message comment to return reactions for.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- MessageCommentReactionEntity[]|error - A list of MessageCommentReactions objects.
function postMessageCommentReactions(MessageCommentReactionsBody payload) returns MessageCommentReactionEntity|error
Create Message Comment Reaction
- payload MessageCommentReactionsBody -
Return Type
- MessageCommentReactionEntity|error - The MessageCommentReactions object.
function getMessageReactionsId(int id) returns MessageReactionEntity|error
Show Message Reaction
- id int - Message Reaction ID.
Return Type
- MessageReactionEntity|error - The MessageReactions object.
Delete Message Reaction
- id int - Message Reaction ID.
function getMessageReactions(int messageId, int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns MessageReactionEntity[]|error
List Message Reactions
- messageId int - Message to return reactions for.
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- MessageReactionEntity[]|error - A list of MessageReactions objects.
function postMessageReactions(MessageReactionsBody payload) returns MessageReactionEntity|error
Create Message Reaction
- payload MessageReactionsBody -
Return Type
- MessageReactionEntity|error - The MessageReactions object.
function getNotificationsId(int id) returns NotificationEntity|error
Show Notification
- id int - Notification ID.
Return Type
- NotificationEntity|error - The Notifications object.
Delete Notification
- id int - Notification ID.
function patchNotificationsId(int id, NotificationsIdBody payload) returns NotificationEntity|error
Update Notification
Return Type
- NotificationEntity|error - The Notifications object.
function getNotifications(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, int? groupId, string? path, boolean? includeAncestors) returns NotificationEntity[]|error
List Notifications
- userId int? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: Show notifications for this User ID. Use
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- groupId int? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: Show notifications for this Group ID. Use
- path string? (default ()) - Show notifications for this Path.
- includeAncestors boolean? (default ()) - If
is specified, include notifications for any parent paths. Ignored ifpath
is not specified.
Return Type
- NotificationEntity[]|error - A list of Notifications objects.
function postNotifications(NotificationsBody payload) returns NotificationEntity|error
Create Notification
- payload NotificationsBody -
Return Type
- NotificationEntity|error - The Notifications object.
function getPaymentsId(int id) returns AccountLineItemEntity|error
Show Payment
- id int - Payment ID.
Return Type
- AccountLineItemEntity|error - The Payments object.
function getPayments(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns AccountLineItemEntity[]|error
List Payments
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- AccountLineItemEntity[]|error - A list of Payments objects.
Delete Permission
- id int - Permission ID.
function getPermissions(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq, string? groupId, string? userId, boolean? includeGroups) returns PermissionEntity[]|error
List Permissions
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- groupId string? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: Group ID. If provided, will scope permissions to this group. Use
- userId string? (default ()) - DEPRECATED: User ID. If provided, will scope permissions to this user. Use
- includeGroups boolean? (default ()) - If searching by user or group, also include user's permissions that are inherited from its groups?
Return Type
- PermissionEntity[]|error - A list of Permissions objects.
function postPermissions(PermissionsBody payload) returns PermissionEntity|error
Create Permission
- payload PermissionsBody -
Return Type
- PermissionEntity|error - The Permissions object.
function getProjectsId(int id) returns ProjectEntity|error
Show Project
- id int - Project ID.
Return Type
- ProjectEntity|error - The Projects object.
Delete Project
- id int - Project ID.
function patchProjectsId(int id, ProjectsIdBody payload) returns ProjectEntity|error
Update Project
Return Type
- ProjectEntity|error - The Projects object.
function getProjects(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns ProjectEntity[]|error
List Projects
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- ProjectEntity[]|error - A list of Projects objects.
function postProjects(ProjectsBody payload) returns ProjectEntity|error
Create Project
- payload ProjectsBody -
Return Type
- ProjectEntity|error - The Projects object.
function getPublicKeysId(int id) returns PublicKeyEntity|error
Show Public Key
- id int - Public Key ID.
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity|error - The PublicKeys object.
Delete Public Key
- id int - Public Key ID.
function patchPublicKeysId(int id, PublicKeysIdBody payload) returns PublicKeyEntity|error
Update Public Key
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity|error - The PublicKeys object.
function getPublicKeys(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns PublicKeyEntity[]|error
List Public Keys
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity[]|error - A list of PublicKeys objects.
function postPublicKeys(PublicKeysBody payload) returns PublicKeyEntity|error
Create Public Key
- payload PublicKeysBody -
Return Type
- PublicKeyEntity|error - The PublicKeys object.
function getRemoteServers(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns RemoteServerEntity[]|error
List Remote Servers
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- RemoteServerEntity[]|error - A list of RemoteServers objects.
function postRemoteServers(RemoteServersBody payload) returns RemoteServerEntity|error
Create Remote Server
- payload RemoteServersBody -
Return Type
- RemoteServerEntity|error - The RemoteServers object.
function getRemoteServersId(int id) returns RemoteServerEntity|error
Show Remote Server
- id int - Remote Server ID.
Return Type
- RemoteServerEntity|error - The RemoteServers object.
Delete Remote Server
- id int - Remote Server ID.
function patchRemoteServersId(int id, RemoteServersIdBody payload) returns RemoteServerEntity|error
Update Remote Server
Return Type
- RemoteServerEntity|error - The RemoteServers object.
Delete Request
- id int - Request ID.
function getRequests(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, boolean? mine, string? requestPath) returns RequestEntity[]|error
List Requests
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- mine boolean? (default ()) - Only show requests of the current user? (Defaults to true if current user is not a site admin.)
- requestPath string? (default ()) - Path to show requests for. If omitted, shows all paths. Send
to represent the root directory.
Return Type
- RequestEntity[]|error - A list of Requests objects.
function postRequests(RequestsBody payload) returns RequestEntity|error
Create Request
- payload RequestsBody -
Return Type
- RequestEntity|error - The Requests object.
function getRequestsFoldersPath(string folderPath, string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, boolean? mine) returns RequestEntity[]|error
List Requests
- folderPath string - Path to show requests for. If omitted, shows all paths. Send
to represent the root directory.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- mine boolean? (default ()) - Only show requests of the current user? (Defaults to true if current user is not a site admin.)
Return Type
- RequestEntity[]|error - A list of Requests objects.
function postSessions(SessionsBody payload) returns SessionEntity|error
Create user session (log in)
- payload SessionsBody -
Return Type
- SessionEntity|error - The Sessions object.
Delete user session (log out)
function getSettingsChanges(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns SettingsChangeEntity[]|error
List Settings Changes
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- SettingsChangeEntity[]|error - A list of SettingsChanges objects.
function getSsoStrategiesId(int id) returns SsoStrategyEntity|error
Show Sso Strategy
- id int - Sso Strategy ID.
Return Type
- SsoStrategyEntity|error - The SsoStrategies object.
function getSsoStrategies(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns SsoStrategyEntity[]|error
List Sso Strategies
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- SsoStrategyEntity[]|error - A list of SsoStrategies objects.
function getStylesPath(string stylePath) returns StyleEntity|error
Show Style
- stylePath string - Style path.
Return Type
- StyleEntity|error - The Styles object.
Delete Style
- stylePath string - Style path.
function patchStylesPath(string stylePath, StylesStylepathBody payload) returns StyleEntity|error
Update Style
Return Type
- StyleEntity|error - The Styles object.
function getSyncJobs(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns SyncJobEntity[]|error
List Sync Jobs
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- SyncJobEntity[]|error - A list of SyncJobs objects.
function getUsageSnapshots(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns UsageSnapshotEntity[]|error
List Usage Snapshots
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- UsageSnapshotEntity[]|error - A list of UsageSnapshots objects.
function getUsageDailySnapshots(string? cursor, int? perPage, record {}? sortBy, record {}? filter, record {}? filterGt, record {}? filterGteq, record {}? filterLike, record {}? filterLt, record {}? filterLteq) returns UsageDailySnapshotEntity[]|error
List Usage Daily Snapshots
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
- sortBy record {}? (default ()) - If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are
- filter record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterGteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLike record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLt record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are
- filterLteq record {}? (default ()) - If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are
Return Type
- UsageDailySnapshotEntity[]|error - A list of UsageDailySnapshots objects.
function getUserCipherUses(int? userId, string? cursor, int? perPage) returns UserCipherUseEntity[]|error
List User Cipher Uses
- userId int? (default ()) - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- UserCipherUseEntity[]|error - A list of UserCipherUses objects.
function getUserRequests(string? cursor, int? perPage) returns UserRequestEntity[]|error
List User Requests
- cursor string? (default ()) - Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
- perPage int? (default ()) - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
Return Type
- UserRequestEntity[]|error - A list of UserRequests objects.
function postUserRequests(UserRequestsBody payload) returns UserRequestEntity|error
Create User Request
- payload UserRequestsBody -
Return Type
- UserRequestEntity|error - The UserRequests object.
function getUserRequestsId(int id) returns UserRequestEntity|error
Show User Request
- id int - User Request ID.
Return Type
- UserRequestEntity|error - The UserRequests object.
Delete User Request
- id int - User Request ID.
function postWebhookTests(WebhookTestsBody payload) returns WebhookTestEntity|error
Create Webhook Test
- payload WebhookTestsBody -
Return Type
- WebhookTestEntity|error - The WebhookTests object.
Records AccountLineItemEntity
List Payments
- id int? - Line item Id
- amount decimal? - Line item amount
- balance decimal? - Line item balance
- created_at string? - Line item created at
- currency string? - Line item currency
- download_uri string? - Line item download uri
- invoice_line_items InvoiceLineItemEntity? - Associated invoice line items
- method string? - Line item payment method
- payment_line_items PaymentLineItemEntity? - Associated payment line items
- payment_reversed_at string? - Date/time payment was reversed if applicable
- payment_type string? - Type of payment if applicable
- site_name string? - Site name this line item is for
- 'type string? - Type of line item, either payment or invoice
- updated_at string? - Line item updated at ActionEntity
List site full action history.
- id int? - Action ID
- path string? - Path
- when string? - Action occurrence date/time
- destination string? - The destination path for this action, if applicable
- display string? - Friendly displayed output
- ip string? - IP Address that performed this action
- 'source string? - The source path for this action, if applicable
- targets string[]? - Targets
- user_id int? - User ID
- username string? - Username
- action string? - Type of action
- failure_type string? - Failure type. If action was a user login or session failure, why did it fail?
- interface string? - Interface on which this action occurred. ActionNotificationExportEntity
Show Action Notification Export
- id int? - History Export ID
- export_version string? - Version of the underlying records for the export.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- status string? - Status of export. Valid values:
, orfailed
- query_path string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions on this specific path.
- query_folder string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions in this folder.
- query_message string? - Error message associated with the request, if any.
- query_request_method string? - The HTTP request method used by the webhook.
- query_request_url string? - The target webhook URL.
- query_status string? - The HTTP status returned from the server in response to the webhook request.
- query_success boolean? - true if the webhook request succeeded (i.e. returned a 200 or 204 response status). false otherwise.
- results_url string? - If
, this will be a URL where all the results can be downloaded at once as a CSV. ActionNotificationExportResultEntity
List Action Notification Export Results
- id int? - Notification ID
- created_at int? - When the notification was sent.
- status int? - HTTP status code returned in the webhook response.
- message string? - A message indicating the overall status of the webhook notification.
- success boolean? -
if the webhook succeeded by receiving a 200 or 204 response.
- request_headers string? - A JSON-encoded string with headers that were sent with the webhook.
- request_method string? - The HTTP verb used to perform the webhook.
- request_url string? - The webhook request URL.
- path string? - The path to the actual file that triggered this notification.
- folder string? - The folder associated with the triggering action for this notification. ActionNotificationExportsBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- query_message string? - Error message associated with the request, if any.
- query_request_method string? - The HTTP request method used by the webhook.
- query_request_url string? - The target webhook URL.
- query_status string? - The HTTP status returned from the server in response to the webhook request.
- query_success boolean? - true if the webhook request succeeded (i.e. returned a 200 or 204 response status). false otherwise.
- query_path string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions on this specific path.
- query_folder string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions in this folder. ActionNotificationExportsBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- query_message string? - Error message associated with the request, if any.
- query_request_method string? - The HTTP request method used by the webhook.
- query_request_url string? - The target webhook URL.
- query_status string? - The HTTP status returned from the server in response to the webhook request.
- query_success boolean? - true if the webhook request succeeded (i.e. returned a 200 or 204 response status). false otherwise.
- query_path string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions on this specific path.
- query_folder string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions in this folder. ActionNotificationExportsBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- query_message string? - Error message associated with the request, if any.
- query_request_method string? - The HTTP request method used by the webhook.
- query_request_url string? - The target webhook URL.
- query_status string? - The HTTP status returned from the server in response to the webhook request.
- query_success boolean? - true if the webhook request succeeded (i.e. returned a 200 or 204 response status). false otherwise.
- query_path string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions on this specific path.
- query_folder string? - Return notifications that were triggered by actions in this folder. ApiKeyBody
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know. ApiKeyBody1
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know. ApiKeyBody2
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know. ApiKeyEntity
List Api Keys
- id int? - API Key ID
- descriptive_label string? - Unique label that describes this API key. Useful for external systems where you may have API keys from multiple accounts and want a human-readable label for each key.
- created_at string? - Time which API Key was created
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- 'key string? - API Key actual key string
- last_use_at string? - API Key last used - note this value is only updated once per 3 hour period, so the 'actual' time of last use may be up to 3 hours later than this timestamp.
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- path string? - Folder path restriction for this api key.
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know.
- platform string? - If this API key represents a Desktop app, what platform was it created on?
- user_id int? - User ID for the owner of this API Key. May be blank for Site-wide API Keys. ApiKeysBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know.
- path string? - Folder path restriction for this api key. ApiKeysBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know.
- path string? - Folder path restriction for this api key. ApiKeysBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know.
- path string? - Folder path restriction for this api key. ApiKeysConfig
Provides API key configurations needed when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- xFilesapiKey string - API Key - supports user-based or site-wide API keys ApiKeysIdBody
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know. ApiKeysIdBody1
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know. ApiKeysIdBody2
- name string? - Internal name for the API Key. For your use.
- expires_at string? - API Key expiration date
- permission_set string? - Permissions for this API Key. Keys with the
permission set only have the ability to do the functions provided in our Desktop App (File and Share Link operations). Additional permission sets may become available in the future, such as for a Site Admin to give a key with no administrator privileges. If you have ideas for permission sets, please let us know. AppEntity
List Apps
- name string? - Name of the App
- extended_description string? - Long form description of the App
- short_description string? - Short description of the App
- documentation_links string? - Collection of named links to documentation
- icon_url string? - App icon
- logo_url string? - Full size logo for the App
- screenshot_list_urls string? - Screenshots of the App
- logo_thumbnail_url string? - Logo thumbnail for the App
- sso_strategy_type string? - Associated SSO Strategy type, if any
- remote_server_type string? - Associated Remote Server type, if any
- folder_behavior_type string? - Associated Folder Behavior type, if any
- external_homepage_url string? - Link to external homepage
- marketing_youtube_url string? - Marketing video page
- tutorial_youtube_url string? - Tutorial video page
- app_type string? - The type of the App
- featured boolean? - Is featured on the App listing? As2KeyEntity
List As2 Keys
- id int? - AS2 Key ID
- as2_partnership_name string? - AS2 Partnership Name
- created_at string? - AS2 Key created at date/time
- fingerprint string? - Public key fingerprint As2KeysBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- as2_partnership_name string - AS2 Partnership Name
- public_key string - Actual contents of Public key. As2KeysBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- as2_partnership_name string - AS2 Partnership Name
- public_key string - Actual contents of Public key. As2KeysBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- as2_partnership_name string - AS2 Partnership Name
- public_key string - Actual contents of Public key. As2KeysIdBody
- as2_partnership_name string - AS2 Partnership Name As2KeysIdBody1
- as2_partnership_name string - AS2 Partnership Name As2KeysIdBody2
- as2_partnership_name string - AS2 Partnership Name AutoEntity
Auto fields.
- dynamic record {}? - Dynamic properties AutomationEntity
List Automations
- id int? - Automation ID
- automation string? - Automation type
- trigger string? - How this automation is triggered to run. One of:
, oraction
- interval string? - If trigger is
, this specifies how often to run this automation. One of:day
- schedule record {}? - If trigger is
, Custom schedule description for when the automation should be run.
- 'source string? - Source Path
- destinations string? - Destination Path
- destination_replace_from string? - If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in
- destination_replace_to string? - If set, this string will replace the value
in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- path string? - Path on which this Automation runs. Supports globs.
- user_id int? - User ID of the Automation's creator.
- user_ids int[]? - IDs of Users for the Automation (i.e. who to Request File from)
- group_ids int[]? - IDs of Groups for the Automation (i.e. who to Request File from)
- webhook_url string? - If trigger is
, this is the URL of the webhook to trigger the Automation.
- trigger_actions string? - If trigger is
, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
- trigger_action_path string? - If trigger is
, this is the path to watch for the specified trigger actions.
- value record {}? - A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type. AutomationsBody
- automation string - Automation type
- 'source string? - Source Path
- destination string? - DEPRECATED: Destination Path. Use
- destinations string[]? - A list of String destination paths or Hash of folder_path and optional file_path.
- destination_replace_from string? - If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in
- destination_replace_to string? - If set, this string will replace the value
in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- interval string? - How often to run this automation? One of:
- path string? - Path on which this Automation runs. Supports globs.
- user_ids string? - A list of user IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- group_ids string? - A list of group IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- schedule record {}? - Custom schedule for running this automation.
- trigger string? - How this automation is triggered to run. One of:
, oraction
- trigger_actions string[]? - If trigger is
, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
- trigger_action_path string? - If trigger is
, this is the path to watch for the specified trigger actions.
- value record {}? - A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type. AutomationsBody1
- automation string - Automation type
- 'source string? - Source Path
- destination string? - DEPRECATED: Destination Path. Use
- destinations string[]? - A list of String destination paths or Hash of folder_path and optional file_path.
- destination_replace_from string? - If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in
- destination_replace_to string? - If set, this string will replace the value
in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- interval string? - How often to run this automation? One of:
- path string? - Path on which this Automation runs. Supports globs.
- user_ids string? - A list of user IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- group_ids string? - A list of group IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- schedule record {}? - Custom schedule for running this automation.
- trigger string? - How this automation is triggered to run. One of:
, oraction
- trigger_actions string[]? - If trigger is
, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
- trigger_action_path string? - If trigger is
, this is the path to watch for the specified trigger actions.
- value record {}? - A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type. AutomationsBody2
- automation string - Automation type
- 'source string? - Source Path
- destination string? - DEPRECATED: Destination Path. Use
- destinations string[]? - A list of String destination paths or Hash of folder_path and optional file_path.
- destination_replace_from string? - If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in
- destination_replace_to string? - If set, this string will replace the value
in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- interval string? - How often to run this automation? One of:
- path string? - Path on which this Automation runs. Supports globs.
- user_ids string? - A list of user IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- group_ids string? - A list of group IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- schedule record {}? - Custom schedule for running this automation.
- trigger string? - How this automation is triggered to run. One of:
, oraction
- trigger_actions string[]? - If trigger is
, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
- trigger_action_path string? - If trigger is
, this is the path to watch for the specified trigger actions.
- value record {}? - A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type. AutomationsIdBody
- automation string - Automation type
- 'source string? - Source Path
- destination string? - DEPRECATED: Destination Path. Use
- destinations string[]? - A list of String destination paths or Hash of folder_path and optional file_path.
- destination_replace_from string? - If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in
- destination_replace_to string? - If set, this string will replace the value
in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- interval string? - How often to run this automation? One of:
- path string? - Path on which this Automation runs. Supports globs.
- user_ids string? - A list of user IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- group_ids string? - A list of group IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- schedule record {}? - Custom schedule for running this automation.
- trigger string? - How this automation is triggered to run. One of:
, oraction
- trigger_actions string[]? - If trigger is
, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
- trigger_action_path string? - If trigger is
, this is the path to watch for the specified trigger actions.
- value record {}? - A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type. AutomationsIdBody1
- automation string - Automation type
- 'source string? - Source Path
- destination string? - DEPRECATED: Destination Path. Use
- destinations string[]? - A list of String destination paths or Hash of folder_path and optional file_path.
- destination_replace_from string? - If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in
- destination_replace_to string? - If set, this string will replace the value
in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- interval string? - How often to run this automation? One of:
- path string? - Path on which this Automation runs. Supports globs.
- user_ids string? - A list of user IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- group_ids string? - A list of group IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- schedule record {}? - Custom schedule for running this automation.
- trigger string? - How this automation is triggered to run. One of:
, oraction
- trigger_actions string[]? - If trigger is
, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
- trigger_action_path string? - If trigger is
, this is the path to watch for the specified trigger actions.
- value record {}? - A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type. AutomationsIdBody2
- automation string - Automation type
- 'source string? - Source Path
- destination string? - DEPRECATED: Destination Path. Use
- destinations string[]? - A list of String destination paths or Hash of folder_path and optional file_path.
- destination_replace_from string? - If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in
- destination_replace_to string? - If set, this string will replace the value
in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- interval string? - How often to run this automation? One of:
- path string? - Path on which this Automation runs. Supports globs.
- user_ids string? - A list of user IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- group_ids string? - A list of group IDs the automation is associated with. If sent as a string, it should be comma-delimited.
- schedule record {}? - Custom schedule for running this automation.
- trigger string? - How this automation is triggered to run. One of:
, oraction
- trigger_actions string[]? - If trigger is
, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
- trigger_action_path string? - If trigger is
, this is the path to watch for the specified trigger actions.
- value record {}? - A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type. BandwidthSnapshotEntity
List Bandwidth Snapshots
- id int? - Site bandwidth ID
- bytes_received decimal? - Site bandwidth report bytes received
- bytes_sent decimal? - Site bandwidth report bytes sent
- sync_bytes_received decimal? - Site sync bandwidth report bytes received
- sync_bytes_sent decimal? - Site sync bandwidth report bytes sent
- requests_get decimal? - Site bandwidth report get requests
- requests_put decimal? - Site bandwidth report put requests
- requests_other decimal? - Site bandwidth report other requests
- logged_at string? - Time the site bandwidth report was logged
- created_at string? - Site bandwidth report created at date/time
- updated_at string? - The last time this site bandwidth report was updated BeginUploadFilepathBody
- mkdir_parents boolean? - Create parent directories if they do not exist?
- part int? - Part if uploading a part.
- parts int? - How many parts to fetch?
- ref string? -
- restart int? - File byte offset to restart from.
- with_rename boolean? - Allow file rename instead of overwrite? BeginUploadFilepathBody1
- mkdir_parents boolean? - Create parent directories if they do not exist?
- part int? - Part if uploading a part.
- parts int? - How many parts to fetch?
- ref string? -
- restart int? - File byte offset to restart from.
- with_rename boolean? - Allow file rename instead of overwrite? BeginUploadFilepathBody2
- mkdir_parents boolean? - Create parent directories if they do not exist?
- part int? - Part if uploading a part.
- parts int? - How many parts to fetch?
- ref string? -
- restart int? - File byte offset to restart from.
- with_rename boolean? - Allow file rename instead of overwrite? BehaviorEntity
List Behaviors
- id int? - Folder behavior ID
- path string? - Folder path
- attachment_url string? - URL for attached file
- behavior string? - Behavior type.
- value record {}? - Settings for this behavior. See the section above for an example value to provide here. Formatting is different for each Behavior type. May be sent as nested JSON or a single JSON-encoded string. If using XML encoding for the API call, this data must be sent as a JSON-encoded string. BehaviorsBody
- value string? - The value of the folder behavior. Can be a integer, array, or hash depending on the type of folder behavior. See The Behavior Types section for example values for each type of behavior.
- attachment_file string? - Certain behaviors may require a file, for instance, the "watermark" behavior requires a watermark image
- path string - Folder behaviors path.
- behavior string - Behavior type. BehaviorsBody1
- value string? - The value of the folder behavior. Can be a integer, array, or hash depending on the type of folder behavior. See The Behavior Types section for example values for each type of behavior.
- attachment_file string? - Certain behaviors may require a file, for instance, the "watermark" behavior requires a watermark image
- path string - Folder behaviors path.
- behavior string - Behavior type. BehaviorsBody2
- value string? - The value of the folder behavior. Can be a integer, array, or hash depending on the type of folder behavior. See The Behavior Types section for example values for each type of behavior.
- attachment_file string? - Certain behaviors may require a file, for instance, the "watermark" behavior requires a watermark image
- path string - Folder behaviors path.
- behavior string - Behavior type. BehaviorsIdBody
- value string? - The value of the folder behavior. Can be a integer, array, or hash depending on the type of folder behavior. See The Behavior Types section for example values for each type of behavior.
- attachment_file string? - Certain behaviors may require a file, for instance, the "watermark" behavior requires a watermark image
- behavior string? - Behavior type.
- path string? - Folder behaviors path. BehaviorsIdBody1
- value string? - The value of the folder behavior. Can be a integer, array, or hash depending on the type of folder behavior. See The Behavior Types section for example values for each type of behavior.
- attachment_file string? - Certain behaviors may require a file, for instance, the "watermark" behavior requires a watermark image
- behavior string? - Behavior type.
- path string? - Folder behaviors path. BehaviorsIdBody2
- value string? - The value of the folder behavior. Can be a integer, array, or hash depending on the type of folder behavior. See The Behavior Types section for example values for each type of behavior.
- attachment_file string? - Certain behaviors may require a file, for instance, the "watermark" behavior requires a watermark image
- behavior string? - Behavior type.
- path string? - Folder behaviors path. BundleDownloadEntity
List Bundle Downloads
- bundle_registration BundleRegistrationEntity? - List Bundle Registrations
- download_method string? - Download method (file or full_zip)
- path string? - Download path
- created_at string? - Download date/time BundleEntity
Create Bundle
- code string? - Bundle code. This code forms the end part of the Public URL.
- url string? - Public URL of Share Link
- description string? - Public description
- password_protected boolean? - Is this bundle password protected?
- preview_only boolean? - Restrict users to previewing files only?
- require_registration boolean? - Show a registration page that captures the downloader's name and email address?
- require_share_recipient boolean? - Only allow access to recipients who have explicitly received the share via an email sent through the UI?
- clickwrap_body string? - Legal text that must be agreed to prior to accessing Bundle.
- form_field_set FormFieldSetEntity? - Create Form Field Set
- id int? - Bundle ID
- created_at string? - Bundle created at date/time
- expires_at string? - Bundle expiration date/time
- max_uses int? - Maximum number of times bundle can be accessed
- note string? - Bundle internal note
- user_id int? - Bundle creator user ID
- username string? - Bundle creator username
- clickwrap_id int? - ID of the clickwrap to use with this bundle.
- inbox_id int? - ID of the associated inbox, if available.
- has_inbox boolean? - Does this bundle have an associated inbox?
- paths string[]? - A list of paths in this bundle BundleRecipientEntity
List Bundle Recipients
- company string? - The recipient's company.
- name string? - The recipient's name.
- note string? - A note sent to the recipient with the bundle.
- recipient string? - The recipient's email address.
- sent_at string? - When the Bundle was shared with this recipient. BundleRecipientsBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- bundle_id int - Bundle to share.
- recipient string - Email addresses to share this bundle with.
- name string? - Name of recipient.
- company string? - Company of recipient.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- share_after_create boolean? - Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation. BundleRecipientsBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- bundle_id int - Bundle to share.
- recipient string - Email addresses to share this bundle with.
- name string? - Name of recipient.
- company string? - Company of recipient.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- share_after_create boolean? - Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation. BundleRecipientsBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- bundle_id int - Bundle to share.
- recipient string - Email addresses to share this bundle with.
- name string? - Name of recipient.
- company string? - Company of recipient.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- share_after_create boolean? - Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation. BundleRegistrationEntity
List Bundle Registrations
- code string? - Registration cookie code
- name string? - Registrant name
- company string? - Registrant company name
- email string? - Registrant email address
- ip string? - Registrant IP Address
- inbox_code string? - InboxRegistration cookie code, if there is an associated InboxRegistration
- clickwrap_body string? - Clickwrap text that was shown to the registrant
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of associated form field set
- form_field_data string? - Data for form field set with form field ids as keys and user data as values BundlesBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- paths string[] - A list of paths to include in this bundle.
- password string? - Password for this bundle.
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of Form Field Set to use with this bundle
- expires_at string? - Bundle expiration date/time
- max_uses int? - Maximum number of times bundle can be accessed
- description string? - Public description
- note string? - Bundle internal note
- code string? - Bundle code. This code forms the end part of the Public URL.
- preview_only boolean? - Restrict users to previewing files only?
- require_registration boolean? - Show a registration page that captures the downloader's name and email address?
- clickwrap_id int? - ID of the clickwrap to use with this bundle.
- inbox_id int? - ID of the associated inbox, if available.
- require_share_recipient boolean? - Only allow access to recipients who have explicitly received the share via an email sent through the UI? BundlesBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- paths string[] - A list of paths to include in this bundle.
- password string? - Password for this bundle.
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of Form Field Set to use with this bundle
- expires_at string? - Bundle expiration date/time
- max_uses int? - Maximum number of times bundle can be accessed
- description string? - Public description
- note string? - Bundle internal note
- code string? - Bundle code. This code forms the end part of the Public URL.
- preview_only boolean? - Restrict users to previewing files only?
- require_registration boolean? - Show a registration page that captures the downloader's name and email address?
- clickwrap_id int? - ID of the clickwrap to use with this bundle.
- inbox_id int? - ID of the associated inbox, if available.
- require_share_recipient boolean? - Only allow access to recipients who have explicitly received the share via an email sent through the UI? BundlesBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- paths string[] - A list of paths to include in this bundle.
- password string? - Password for this bundle.
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of Form Field Set to use with this bundle
- expires_at string? - Bundle expiration date/time
- max_uses int? - Maximum number of times bundle can be accessed
- description string? - Public description
- note string? - Bundle internal note
- code string? - Bundle code. This code forms the end part of the Public URL.
- preview_only boolean? - Restrict users to previewing files only?
- require_registration boolean? - Show a registration page that captures the downloader's name and email address?
- clickwrap_id int? - ID of the clickwrap to use with this bundle.
- inbox_id int? - ID of the associated inbox, if available.
- require_share_recipient boolean? - Only allow access to recipients who have explicitly received the share via an email sent through the UI? BundlesIdBody
- paths string[]? - A list of paths to include in this bundle.
- password string? - Password for this bundle.
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of Form Field Set to use with this bundle
- clickwrap_id int? - ID of the clickwrap to use with this bundle.
- code string? - Bundle code. This code forms the end part of the Public URL.
- description string? - Public description
- expires_at string? - Bundle expiration date/time
- inbox_id int? - ID of the associated inbox, if available.
- max_uses int? - Maximum number of times bundle can be accessed
- note string? - Bundle internal note
- preview_only boolean? - Restrict users to previewing files only?
- require_registration boolean? - Show a registration page that captures the downloader's name and email address?
- require_share_recipient boolean? - Only allow access to recipients who have explicitly received the share via an email sent through the UI? BundlesIdBody1
- paths string[]? - A list of paths to include in this bundle.
- password string? - Password for this bundle.
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of Form Field Set to use with this bundle
- clickwrap_id int? - ID of the clickwrap to use with this bundle.
- code string? - Bundle code. This code forms the end part of the Public URL.
- description string? - Public description
- expires_at string? - Bundle expiration date/time
- inbox_id int? - ID of the associated inbox, if available.
- max_uses int? - Maximum number of times bundle can be accessed
- note string? - Bundle internal note
- preview_only boolean? - Restrict users to previewing files only?
- require_registration boolean? - Show a registration page that captures the downloader's name and email address?
- require_share_recipient boolean? - Only allow access to recipients who have explicitly received the share via an email sent through the UI? BundlesIdBody2
- paths string[]? - A list of paths to include in this bundle.
- password string? - Password for this bundle.
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of Form Field Set to use with this bundle
- clickwrap_id int? - ID of the clickwrap to use with this bundle.
- code string? - Bundle code. This code forms the end part of the Public URL.
- description string? - Public description
- expires_at string? - Bundle expiration date/time
- inbox_id int? - ID of the associated inbox, if available.
- max_uses int? - Maximum number of times bundle can be accessed
- note string? - Bundle internal note
- preview_only boolean? - Restrict users to previewing files only?
- require_registration boolean? - Show a registration page that captures the downloader's name and email address?
- require_share_recipient boolean? - Only allow access to recipients who have explicitly received the share via an email sent through the UI? ClickwrapEntity
Create Clickwrap
- id int? - Clickwrap ID
- name string? - Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.)
- body string? - Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting).
- use_with_users string? - Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password.
- use_with_bundles string? - Use this Clickwrap for Bundles?
- use_with_inboxes string? - Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes? ClickwrapsBody
- name string? - Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.)
- body string? - Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting).
- use_with_bundles string? - Use this Clickwrap for Bundles?
- use_with_inboxes string? - Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes?
- use_with_users string? - Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. ClickwrapsBody1
- name string? - Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.)
- body string? - Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting).
- use_with_bundles string? - Use this Clickwrap for Bundles?
- use_with_inboxes string? - Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes?
- use_with_users string? - Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. ClickwrapsBody2
- name string? - Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.)
- body string? - Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting).
- use_with_bundles string? - Use this Clickwrap for Bundles?
- use_with_inboxes string? - Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes?
- use_with_users string? - Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. ClickwrapsIdBody
- name string? - Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.)
- body string? - Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting).
- use_with_bundles string? - Use this Clickwrap for Bundles?
- use_with_inboxes string? - Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes?
- use_with_users string? - Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. ClickwrapsIdBody1
- name string? - Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.)
- body string? - Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting).
- use_with_bundles string? - Use this Clickwrap for Bundles?
- use_with_inboxes string? - Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes?
- use_with_users string? - Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. ClickwrapsIdBody2
- name string? - Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.)
- body string? - Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting).
- use_with_bundles string? - Use this Clickwrap for Bundles?
- use_with_inboxes string? - Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes?
- use_with_users string? - Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default CopyFilepathBody
- destination string - Copy destination path.
- structure boolean? - Copy structure only? CopyFilepathBody1
- destination string - Copy destination path.
- structure boolean? - Copy structure only? CopyFilepathBody2
- destination string - Copy destination path.
- structure boolean? - Copy structure only? DnsRecordEntity
Show site DNS configuration.
- id string? - Unique label for DNS record; used by Zapier and other integrations.
- domain string? - DNS record domain name
- rrtype string? - DNS record type
- value string? - DNS record value ErrorsEntity
Error fields.
- fields string[]? - A list of fields where errors occur
- messages string[]? - A list of error messages ExternalEventEntity
List External Events
- id int? - Event ID
- event_type string? - Type of event being recorded.
- status string? - Status of event.
- body string? - Event body
- created_at string? - External event create date/time
- body_url string? - Link to log file.
- folder_behavior_id int? - Folder Behavior ID
- successful_files int? - For sync events, the number of files handled successfully.
- errored_files int? - For sync events, the number of files that encountered errors.
- bytes_synced int? - For sync events, the total number of bytes synced.
- remote_server_type string? - Associated Remote Server type, if any ExternalEventsBody
- status string - Status of event.
- body string - Event body ExternalEventsBody1
- status string - Status of event.
- body string - Event body ExternalEventsBody2
- status string - Status of event.
- body string - Event body FileActionEntity
Move file/folder
- status string? - Status of file operation. Possible values: completed, enqueued.
- file_migration_id int? - If status is enqueued, this is the id of the FileMigration to check for status updates. FileCommentEntity
List File Comments by path
- id int? - File Comment ID
- body string? - Comment body.
- reactions FileCommentReactionEntity? - Create File Comment Reaction FileCommentReactionEntity
Create File Comment Reaction
- id int? - Reaction ID
- emoji string? - Emoji used in the reaction. FileCommentReactionsBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- file_comment_id int - ID of file comment to attach reaction to.
- emoji string - Emoji to react with. FileCommentReactionsBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- file_comment_id int - ID of file comment to attach reaction to.
- emoji string - Emoji to react with. FileCommentReactionsBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- file_comment_id int - ID of file comment to attach reaction to.
- emoji string - Emoji to react with. FileCommentsBody
- body string - Comment body.
- path string - File path. FileCommentsBody1
- body string - Comment body.
- path string - File path. FileCommentsBody2
- body string - Comment body.
- path string - File path. FileCommentsIdBody
- body string - Comment body. FileCommentsIdBody1
- body string - Comment body. FileCommentsIdBody2
- body string - Comment body. FileEntity
List Folders by path
- path string? - File/Folder path
- display_name string? - File/Folder display name
- 'type string? - Type:
- size int? - File/Folder size
- mtime string? - File last modified date/time, according to the server. This is the timestamp of the last operation of the file, regardless of what modified timestamp was sent.
- provided_mtime string? - File last modified date/time, according to the client who set it. allows desktop, FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV clients to set modified at times. This allows Desktop<->Cloud syncing to preserve modified at times.
- crc32 string? - File CRC32 checksum. This is sometimes delayed, so if you get a blank response, wait and try again.
- md5 string? - File MD5 checksum. This is sometimes delayed, so if you get a blank response, wait and try again.
- mime_type string? - MIME Type. This is determined by the filename extension and is not stored separately internally.
- region string? - Region location
- permissions string? - A short string representing the current user's permissions. Can be
, or any combination
- subfolders_locked boolean? - Are subfolders locked and unable to be modified?
- download_uri string? - Link to download file. Provided only in response to a download request.
- priority_color string? - Bookmark/priority color of file/folder
- preview_id int? - File preview ID
- preview PreviewEntity? - File preview FileMigrationEntity
Show File Migration
- id int? - File migration ID
- path string? - Source path
- dest_path string? - Destination path
- files_moved int? - Number of files processed
- files_total int? - Total number of files to process
- operation string? - The type of operation
- region string? - Region
- status string? - Status
- log_url string? - Link to download the log file for this migration. FilesFilepathBody
- action string? - The action to perform. Can be
, or may not exist
- 'etags\[etag\] string[] - etag identifier.
- 'etags\[part\] int[] - Part number.
- length int? - Length of file.
- mkdir_parents boolean? - Create parent directories if they do not exist?
- part int? - Part if uploading a part.
- parts int? - How many parts to fetch?
- provided_mtime string? - User provided modification time.
- ref string? -
- restart int? - File byte offset to restart from.
- size int? - Size of file.
- structure string? - If copying folder, copy just the structure?
- with_rename boolean? - Allow file rename instead of overwrite? FilesFilepathBody1
- action string? - The action to perform. Can be
, or may not exist
- 'etags\[etag\] string[] - etag identifier.
- 'etags\[part\] int[] - Part number.
- length int? - Length of file.
- mkdir_parents boolean? - Create parent directories if they do not exist?
- part int? - Part if uploading a part.
- parts int? - How many parts to fetch?
- provided_mtime string? - User provided modification time.
- ref string? -
- restart int? - File byte offset to restart from.
- size int? - Size of file.
- structure string? - If copying folder, copy just the structure?
- with_rename boolean? - Allow file rename instead of overwrite? FilesFilepathBody2
- action string? - The action to perform. Can be
, or may not exist
- 'etags\[etag\] string[] - etag identifier.
- 'etags\[part\] int[] - Part number.
- length int? - Length of file.
- mkdir_parents boolean? - Create parent directories if they do not exist?
- part int? - Part if uploading a part.
- parts int? - How many parts to fetch?
- provided_mtime string? - User provided modification time.
- ref string? -
- restart int? - File byte offset to restart from.
- size int? - Size of file.
- structure string? - If copying folder, copy just the structure?
- with_rename boolean? - Allow file rename instead of overwrite? FilesFilepathBody3
- provided_mtime string? - Modified time of file.
- priority_color string? - Priority/Bookmark color of file. FilesFilepathBody4
- provided_mtime string? - Modified time of file.
- priority_color string? - Priority/Bookmark color of file. FilesFilepathBody5
- provided_mtime string? - Modified time of file.
- priority_color string? - Priority/Bookmark color of file. FileUploadPartEntity
Begin file upload
- send record {}? - Content-Type and File to send
- action string? - Type of upload
- ask_about_overwrites boolean? - If
, this file exists and you may wish to ask the user for overwrite confirmation
- available_parts int? - Number of parts in the upload
- expires string? - Date/time of when this Upload part expires and the URL cannot be used any more
- headers record {}? - Additional upload headers to provide as part of the upload
- http_method string? - HTTP Method to use for uploading the part, usually
- next_partsize int? - Size in bytes for this part
- parallel_parts boolean? - If
, multiple parts may be uploaded in parallel. Iffalse
, be sure to only upload one part at a time, in order.
- parameters record {}? - Additional HTTP parameters to send with the upload
- part_number int? - Number of this upload part
- partsize int? - Size in bytes for the next upload part
- path string? - New file path
- ref string? - Reference name for this upload part
- upload_uri string? - URI to upload this part to FormFieldEntity
Form fields
- id int? - Form field id
- label string? - Label to be displayed
- required boolean? - Is this a required field?
- help_text string? - Help text to be displayed
- field_type string? - Type of Field
- options_for_select string? - Options to display for radio and dropdown
- default_option string? - Default option for radio and dropdown
- form_field_set_id int? - Form field set id FormFieldSetEntity
Create Form Field Set
- id int? - Form field set id
- title string? - Title to be displayed
- form_layout int? - Layout of the form
- form_fields FormFieldEntity? - Form fields
- skip_name boolean? - Any associated InboxRegistrations or BundleRegistrations can be saved without providing name
- skip_email boolean? - Any associated InboxRegistrations or BundleRegistrations can be saved without providing email
- skip_company boolean? - Any associated InboxRegistrations or BundleRegistrations can be saved without providing company GroupEntity
List Groups
- id int? - Group ID
- name string? - Group name
- admin_ids string? - List of user IDs who are group administrators (separated by commas)
- notes string? - Notes about this group
- user_ids int[]? - List of user IDs who belong to this group (separated by commas)
- usernames string[]? - List of usernames who belong to this group (separated by commas) GroupIdUsersBody
- avatar_file string? - An image file for your user avatar.
- avatar_delete boolean? - If true, the avatar will be deleted.
- change_password string? - Used for changing a password on an existing user.
- change_password_confirmation string? - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in
- email string? - User's email.
- grant_permission string? - Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or
, orhistory
- group_ids string? - A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited.
- imported_password_hash string? - Pre-calculated hash of the user's password.
- password string? - User password.
- password_confirmation string? - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in
- announcements_read boolean? - Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI.
- allowed_ips string? - A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited
- attachments_permission boolean? - DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead.
- authenticate_until string? - Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated
- authentication_method string? - How is this user authenticated?
- billing_permission boolean? - Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices?
- bypass_inactive_disable boolean? - Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity?
- bypass_site_allowed_ips boolean? - Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists?
- dav_permission boolean? - Can the user connect with WebDAV?
- disabled boolean? - Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting.
- ftp_permission boolean? - Can the user access with FTP/FTPS?
- header_text string? - Text to display to the user in the header of the UI
- language string? - Preferred language
- notification_daily_send_time int? - Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23
- name string? - User's full name
- company string? - User's company
- notes string? - Any internal notes on the user
- office_integration_enabled boolean? - Enable integration with Office for the web?
- password_validity_days int? - Number of days to allow user to use the same password
- receive_admin_alerts boolean? - Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages?
- require_password_change boolean? - Is a password change required upon next user login?
- restapi_permission boolean? - Can this user access the REST API?
- self_managed boolean? - Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user?
- sftp_permission boolean? - Can the user access with SFTP?
- site_admin boolean? - Is the user an administrator for this site?
- skip_welcome_screen boolean? - Skip Welcome page in the UI?
- ssl_required string? - SSL required setting
- sso_strategy_id int? - SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable.
- subscribe_to_newsletter boolean? - Is the user subscribed to the newsletter?
- require_2fa string? - 2FA required setting
- time_zone string? - User time zone
- user_root string? - Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface.
- username string? - User's username GroupIdUsersBody1
- avatar_file string? - An image file for your user avatar.
- avatar_delete boolean? - If true, the avatar will be deleted.
- change_password string? - Used for changing a password on an existing user.
- change_password_confirmation string? - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in
- email string? - User's email.
- grant_permission string? - Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or
, orhistory
- group_ids string? - A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited.
- imported_password_hash string? - Pre-calculated hash of the user's password.
- password string? - User password.
- password_confirmation string? - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in
- announcements_read boolean? - Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI.
- allowed_ips string? - A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited
- attachments_permission boolean? - DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead.
- authenticate_until string? - Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated
- authentication_method string? - How is this user authenticated?
- billing_permission boolean? - Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices?
- bypass_inactive_disable boolean? - Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity?
- bypass_site_allowed_ips boolean? - Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists?
- dav_permission boolean? - Can the user connect with WebDAV?
- disabled boolean? - Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting.
- ftp_permission boolean? - Can the user access with FTP/FTPS?
- header_text string? - Text to display to the user in the header of the UI
- language string? - Preferred language
- notification_daily_send_time int? - Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23
- name string? - User's full name
- company string? - User's company
- notes string? - Any internal notes on the user
- office_integration_enabled boolean? - Enable integration with Office for the web?
- password_validity_days int? - Number of days to allow user to use the same password
- receive_admin_alerts boolean? - Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages?
- require_password_change boolean? - Is a password change required upon next user login?
- restapi_permission boolean? - Can this user access the REST API?
- self_managed boolean? - Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user?
- sftp_permission boolean? - Can the user access with SFTP?
- site_admin boolean? - Is the user an administrator for this site?
- skip_welcome_screen boolean? - Skip Welcome page in the UI?
- ssl_required string? - SSL required setting
- sso_strategy_id int? - SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable.
- subscribe_to_newsletter boolean? - Is the user subscribed to the newsletter?
- require_2fa string? - 2FA required setting
- time_zone string? - User time zone
- user_root string? - Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface.
- username string? - User's username GroupIdUsersBody2
- avatar_file string? - An image file for your user avatar.
- avatar_delete boolean? - If true, the avatar will be deleted.
- change_password string? - Used for changing a password on an existing user.
- change_password_confirmation string? - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in
- email string? - User's email.
- grant_permission string? - Permission to grant on the user root. Can be blank or
, orhistory
- group_ids string? - A list of group ids to associate this user with. Comma delimited.
- imported_password_hash string? - Pre-calculated hash of the user's password.
- password string? - User password.
- password_confirmation string? - Optional, but if provided, we will ensure that it matches the value sent in
- announcements_read boolean? - Signifies that the user has read all the announcements in the UI.
- allowed_ips string? - A list of allowed IPs if applicable. Newline delimited
- attachments_permission boolean? - DEPRECATED: Can the user create Bundles (aka Share Links)? Use the bundle permission instead.
- authenticate_until string? - Scheduled Date/Time at which user will be deactivated
- authentication_method string? - How is this user authenticated?
- billing_permission boolean? - Allow this user to perform operations on the account, payments, and invoices?
- bypass_inactive_disable boolean? - Exempt this user from being disabled based on inactivity?
- bypass_site_allowed_ips boolean? - Allow this user to skip site-wide IP blacklists?
- dav_permission boolean? - Can the user connect with WebDAV?
- disabled boolean? - Is user disabled? Disabled users cannot log in, and do not count for billing purposes. Users can be automatically disabled after an inactivity period via a Site setting.
- ftp_permission boolean? - Can the user access with FTP/FTPS?
- header_text string? - Text to display to the user in the header of the UI
- language string? - Preferred language
- notification_daily_send_time int? - Hour of the day at which daily notifications should be sent. Can be in range 0 to 23
- name string? - User's full name
- company string? - User's company
- notes string? - Any internal notes on the user
- office_integration_enabled boolean? - Enable integration with Office for the web?
- password_validity_days int? - Number of days to allow user to use the same password
- receive_admin_alerts boolean? - Should the user receive admin alerts such a certificate expiration notifications and overages?
- require_password_change boolean? - Is a password change required upon next user login?
- restapi_permission boolean? - Can this user access the REST API?
- self_managed boolean? - Does this user manage it's own credentials or is it a shared/bot user?
- sftp_permission boolean? - Can the user access with SFTP?
- site_admin boolean? - Is the user an administrator for this site?
- skip_welcome_screen boolean? - Skip Welcome page in the UI?
- ssl_required string? - SSL required setting
- sso_strategy_id int? - SSO (Single Sign On) strategy ID for the user, if applicable.
- subscribe_to_newsletter boolean? - Is the user subscribed to the newsletter?
- require_2fa string? - 2FA required setting
- time_zone string? - User time zone
- user_root string? - Root folder for FTP (and optionally SFTP if the appropriate site-wide setting is set.) Note that this is not used for API, Desktop, or Web interface.
- username string? - User's username GroupsBody
- name string? - Group name.
- notes string? - Group notes.
- user_ids string? - A list of user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited.
- admin_ids string? - A list of group admin user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited. GroupsBody1
- name string? - Group name.
- notes string? - Group notes.
- user_ids string? - A list of user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited.
- admin_ids string? - A list of group admin user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited. GroupsBody2
- name string? - Group name.
- notes string? - Group notes.
- user_ids string? - A list of user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited.
- admin_ids string? - A list of group admin user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited. GroupsIdBody
- name string? - Group name.
- notes string? - Group notes.
- user_ids string? - A list of user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited.
- admin_ids string? - A list of group admin user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited. GroupsIdBody1
- name string? - Group name.
- notes string? - Group notes.
- user_ids string? - A list of user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited.
- admin_ids string? - A list of group admin user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited. GroupsIdBody2
- name string? - Group name.
- notes string? - Group notes.
- user_ids string? - A list of user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited.
- admin_ids string? - A list of group admin user ids. If sent as a string, should be comma-delimited. GroupUserEntity
Create Group User
- group_name string? - Group name
- group_id int? - Group ID
- user_id int? - User ID
- admin boolean? - Is this user an administrator of this group?
- usernames string[]? - A list of usernames for users in this group GroupUsersBody
- group_id int - Group ID to add user to.
- user_id int - User ID to add to group.
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? GroupUsersBody1
- group_id int - Group ID to add user to.
- user_id int - User ID to add to group.
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? GroupUsersBody2
- group_id int - Group ID to add user to.
- user_id int - User ID to add to group.
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? GroupUsersIdBody
- group_id int - Group ID to add user to.
- user_id int - User ID to add to group.
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? GroupUsersIdBody1
- group_id int - Group ID to add user to.
- user_id int - User ID to add to group.
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? GroupUsersIdBody2
- group_id int - Group ID to add user to.
- user_id int - User ID to add to group.
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? HistoryExportEntity
Show History Export
- id int? - History Export ID
- history_version string? - Version of the history for the export.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- status string? - Status of export. Will be:
, orfailed
- query_action string? - Filter results by this this action type. Valid values:
- query_interface string? - Filter results by this this interface type. Valid values:
- query_user_id string? - Return results that are actions performed by the user indiciated by this User ID
- query_file_id string? - Return results that are file actions related to the file indicated by this File ID
- query_parent_id string? - Return results that are file actions inside the parent folder specified by this folder ID
- query_path string? - Return results that are file actions related to this path.
- query_folder string? - Return results that are file actions related to files or folders inside this folder path.
- query_src string? - Return results that are file moves originating from this path.
- query_destination string? - Return results that are file moves with this path as destination.
- query_ip string? - Filter results by this IP address.
- query_username string? - Filter results by this username.
- query_failure_type string? - If searching for Histories about login failures, this parameter restricts results to failures of this specific type. Valid values:
- query_target_id string? - If searching for Histories about specific objects (such as Users, or API Keys), this paremeter restricts results to objects that match this ID.
- query_target_name string? - If searching for Histories about Users, Groups or other objects with names, this parameter restricts results to objects with this name/username.
- query_target_permission string? - If searching for Histories about Permisisons, this parameter restricts results to permissions of this level.
- query_target_user_id string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this user ID.
- query_target_username string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this username.
- query_target_platform string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys associated with this platform.
- query_target_permission_set string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys with this permission set.
- results_url string? - If
, this will be a URL where all the results can be downloaded at once as a CSV. HistoryExportResultEntity
List History Export Results
- id int? - Action ID
- created_at int? - When the action happened
- user_id int? - User ID
- file_id int? - File ID related to the action
- parent_id int? - ID of the parent folder
- path string? - Path of the related action
- folder string? - Folder in which the action occurred
- src string? - File move originated from this path
- destination string? - File moved to this destination folder
- ip string? - Client IP that performed the action
- username string? - Username of the user that performed the action
- action string? - What action was taken. Valid values:
- failure_type string? - The type of login failure, if applicable. Valid values:
- interface string? - Inteface through which the action was taken. Valid values:
- target_id int? - ID of the object (such as Users, or API Keys) on which the action was taken
- target_name string? - Name of the User, Group or other object with a name related to this action
- target_permission string? - Permission level of the action
- target_recursive boolean? - Whether or not the action was recursive
- target_expires_at int? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this is when the API key will expire
- target_permission_set string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this represents the permission set of the associated API key
- target_platform string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this is the platform on which the action was taken
- target_username string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this is the username on which the action was taken
- target_user_id int? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this is the User ID on which the action was taken HistoryExportsBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- query_action string? - Filter results by this this action type. Valid values:
- query_interface string? - Filter results by this this interface type. Valid values:
- query_user_id string? - Return results that are actions performed by the user indiciated by this User ID
- query_file_id string? - Return results that are file actions related to the file indicated by this File ID
- query_parent_id string? - Return results that are file actions inside the parent folder specified by this folder ID
- query_path string? - Return results that are file actions related to this path.
- query_folder string? - Return results that are file actions related to files or folders inside this folder path.
- query_src string? - Return results that are file moves originating from this path.
- query_destination string? - Return results that are file moves with this path as destination.
- query_ip string? - Filter results by this IP address.
- query_username string? - Filter results by this username.
- query_failure_type string? - If searching for Histories about login failures, this parameter restricts results to failures of this specific type. Valid values:
- query_target_id string? - If searching for Histories about specific objects (such as Users, or API Keys), this paremeter restricts results to objects that match this ID.
- query_target_name string? - If searching for Histories about Users, Groups or other objects with names, this parameter restricts results to objects with this name/username.
- query_target_permission string? - If searching for Histories about Permisisons, this parameter restricts results to permissions of this level.
- query_target_user_id string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this user ID.
- query_target_username string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this username.
- query_target_platform string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys associated with this platform.
- query_target_permission_set string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys with this permission set. HistoryExportsBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- query_action string? - Filter results by this this action type. Valid values:
- query_interface string? - Filter results by this this interface type. Valid values:
- query_user_id string? - Return results that are actions performed by the user indiciated by this User ID
- query_file_id string? - Return results that are file actions related to the file indicated by this File ID
- query_parent_id string? - Return results that are file actions inside the parent folder specified by this folder ID
- query_path string? - Return results that are file actions related to this path.
- query_folder string? - Return results that are file actions related to files or folders inside this folder path.
- query_src string? - Return results that are file moves originating from this path.
- query_destination string? - Return results that are file moves with this path as destination.
- query_ip string? - Filter results by this IP address.
- query_username string? - Filter results by this username.
- query_failure_type string? - If searching for Histories about login failures, this parameter restricts results to failures of this specific type. Valid values:
- query_target_id string? - If searching for Histories about specific objects (such as Users, or API Keys), this paremeter restricts results to objects that match this ID.
- query_target_name string? - If searching for Histories about Users, Groups or other objects with names, this parameter restricts results to objects with this name/username.
- query_target_permission string? - If searching for Histories about Permisisons, this parameter restricts results to permissions of this level.
- query_target_user_id string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this user ID.
- query_target_username string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this username.
- query_target_platform string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys associated with this platform.
- query_target_permission_set string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys with this permission set. HistoryExportsBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- start_at string? - Start date/time of export range.
- end_at string? - End date/time of export range.
- query_action string? - Filter results by this this action type. Valid values:
- query_interface string? - Filter results by this this interface type. Valid values:
- query_user_id string? - Return results that are actions performed by the user indiciated by this User ID
- query_file_id string? - Return results that are file actions related to the file indicated by this File ID
- query_parent_id string? - Return results that are file actions inside the parent folder specified by this folder ID
- query_path string? - Return results that are file actions related to this path.
- query_folder string? - Return results that are file actions related to files or folders inside this folder path.
- query_src string? - Return results that are file moves originating from this path.
- query_destination string? - Return results that are file moves with this path as destination.
- query_ip string? - Filter results by this IP address.
- query_username string? - Filter results by this username.
- query_failure_type string? - If searching for Histories about login failures, this parameter restricts results to failures of this specific type. Valid values:
- query_target_id string? - If searching for Histories about specific objects (such as Users, or API Keys), this paremeter restricts results to objects that match this ID.
- query_target_name string? - If searching for Histories about Users, Groups or other objects with names, this parameter restricts results to objects with this name/username.
- query_target_permission string? - If searching for Histories about Permisisons, this parameter restricts results to permissions of this level.
- query_target_user_id string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this user ID.
- query_target_username string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys created by/for this username.
- query_target_platform string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys associated with this platform.
- query_target_permission_set string? - If searching for Histories about API keys, this parameter restricts results to API keys with this permission set. IdShareBody
- to string[]? - A list of email addresses to share this bundle with. Required unless
is used.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- recipients record {}[]? - A list of recipients to share this bundle with. Required unless
is used. IdShareBody1
- to string[]? - A list of email addresses to share this bundle with. Required unless
is used.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- recipients record {}[]? - A list of recipients to share this bundle with. Required unless
is used. IdShareBody2
- to string[]? - A list of email addresses to share this bundle with. Required unless
is used.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- recipients record {}[]? - A list of recipients to share this bundle with. Required unless
is used. ImageEntity
Image entity
- name string? - Image name
- uri string? - Image URI InboxRecipientEntity
List Inbox Recipients
- company string? - The recipient's company.
- name string? - The recipient's name.
- note string? - A note sent to the recipient with the inbox.
- recipient string? - The recipient's email address.
- sent_at string? - When the Inbox was shared with this recipient. InboxRecipientsBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- inbox_id int - Inbox to share.
- recipient string - Email address to share this inbox with.
- name string? - Name of recipient.
- company string? - Company of recipient.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- share_after_create boolean? - Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation. InboxRecipientsBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- inbox_id int - Inbox to share.
- recipient string - Email address to share this inbox with.
- name string? - Name of recipient.
- company string? - Company of recipient.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- share_after_create boolean? - Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation. InboxRecipientsBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- inbox_id int - Inbox to share.
- recipient string - Email address to share this inbox with.
- name string? - Name of recipient.
- company string? - Company of recipient.
- note string? - Note to include in email.
- share_after_create boolean? - Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation. InboxRegistrationEntity
List Inbox Registrations
- code string? - Registration cookie code
- name string? - Registrant name
- company string? - Registrant company name
- email string? - Registrant email address
- clickwrap_body string? - Clickwrap text that was shown to the registrant
- form_field_set_id int? - Id of associated form field set
- form_field_data string? - Data for form field set with form field ids as keys and user data as values InboxUploadEntity
List Inbox Uploads
- inbox_registration InboxRegistrationEntity? - List Inbox Registrations
- path string? - Upload path
- created_at string? - Upload date/time InvoiceLineItemEntity
Associated invoice line items
- amount decimal? - Invoice line item amount
- created_at string? - Invoice line item created at date/time
- description string? - Invoice line item description
- 'type string? - Invoice line item type
- service_end_at string? - Invoice line item service end date/time
- service_start_at string? - Invoice line item service start date/time
- updated_at string? - Invoice line item updated date/time
- plan string? - Plan name
- site string? - Site name IpAddressEntity
List IP Addresses associated with the current site
- id string? - Unique label for list; used by Zapier and other integrations.
- associated_with string? - The object that this public IP address list is associated with.
- group_id int? - Group ID
- ip_addresses string[]? - A list of IP addresses. LockEntity
List Locks by path
- path string? - Path
- timeout int? - Lock timeout in seconds
- depth string? - DEPRECATED: Lock depth
- recursive boolean? - Does lock apply to subfolders?
- owner string? - Owner of the lock. This can be any arbitrary string.
- scope string? - DEPRECATED: Lock scope
- exclusive boolean? - Is lock exclusive?
- token string? - Lock token. Use to release lock.
- 'type string? - DEPRECATED: Lock type
- allow_access_by_any_user boolean? - Can lock be modified by users other than its creator?
- user_id int? - Lock creator user ID
- username string? - Lock creator username LocksLockpathBody
- allow_access_by_any_user boolean? - Allow lock to be updated by any user?
- exclusive boolean? - Is lock exclusive?
- recursive string? - Does lock apply to subfolders?
- timeout int? - Lock timeout length LocksLockpathBody1
- allow_access_by_any_user boolean? - Allow lock to be updated by any user?
- exclusive boolean? - Is lock exclusive?
- recursive string? - Does lock apply to subfolders?
- timeout int? - Lock timeout length LocksLockpathBody2
- allow_access_by_any_user boolean? - Allow lock to be updated by any user?
- exclusive boolean? - Is lock exclusive?
- recursive string? - Does lock apply to subfolders?
- timeout int? - Lock timeout length MembershipsUserIdBody
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? MembershipsUserIdBody1
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? MembershipsUserIdBody2
- admin boolean? - Is the user a group administrator? MessageCommentEntity
List Message Comments
- id int? - Message Comment ID
- body string? - Comment body.
- reactions MessageCommentReactionEntity? - List Message Comment Reactions MessageCommentReactionEntity
List Message Comment Reactions
- id int? - Reaction ID
- emoji string? - Emoji used in the reaction. MessageCommentReactionsBody
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- emoji string - Emoji to react with. MessageCommentReactionsBody1
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- emoji string - Emoji to react with. MessageCommentReactionsBody2
- user_id int? - User ID. Provide a value of
to operate the current session's user.
- emoji string - Emoji to react with.