Module file360

ballerinax/file360 Ballerina library
This is a generated connector from file360 API v1.0 OpenAPI Specification.
The File360 Web client is a world class user experience powered by Angular/CSS that is built upon a set of RESTful APIs. The power of the web application is available to our customers and partners with the RESTful APIs which power every bit of the web application. Refer to API documentation
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create an OpenText account
- Obtain an API key by following this guide
file360: Client
This is a generated connector from file360 OpenAPI Specification. An API that allows interaction with File360 Web client. The File360 Web client, a world class user experience powered by Angular/CSS, is built upon a set of RESTful APIs. The power of the web application is available to our customers and partners with the RESTful APIs which power every bit of the web application. Please see for examples and test harness.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an OpenText account and obtain an API key.
init (string serviceUrl, ConnectionConfig config)
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
- config ConnectionConfig {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
function applications(int accesstype) returns ArchiveApplications[]|error
Get a listing of archives and applications.
- accesstype int - Access Type, an OR'ed set of the following : No Access = 0, Retrieval Access = 1, Export Access = 2, Entry Access = 4, Import Access = 8, Update Access = 16, Delete Access = 32, Super Access (includes all above) = 65535
Return Type
- ArchiveApplications[]|error - Applications archive pair array listing
function logOn(Authentication payload) returns User|error
Logs on a user with the given credentials defined in the Authentication object.
- payload Authentication - Authentication information
Logs off the current user.
Authenticates a user via OTDS, using the state and code, and logs that user onto File360.
- code string - OAuth code provided by OTDS via the Authorization code grant type
- state string - Authorization specific state value
function destroyDocument(int masterId, int 'version, boolean allversions, boolean priorversions) returns SourceDocumentResult|error
Destroy the index data and the files for a document.
- masterId int - Master id
- 'version int - Version id
- allversions boolean - Destroy all versions
- priorversions boolean - Destroy versions prior to the version listed in the version id parameter
Return Type
- SourceDocumentResult|error - Destroy document result.
function getDocumentDevices(int masterId, int versionId) returns AvailableDevices|error
Get a list of devices for a document.
Return Type
- AvailableDevices|error - Available devices for a document.
Get the file information for the document.
function fetchDocumentIndex(int masterId, int 'version, int suffix, string keyfileDocId) returns FetchDocumentIndexReturn[]|error
Get the index data for a document.
- masterId int - Master id
- 'version int - Version id
- suffix int - Suffix
- keyfileDocId string - Keyfile public document id
Return Type
- FetchDocumentIndexReturn[]|error - An array with the index data for the document.
function updateDocumentIndex(int masterId, int 'version, int suffix, DataEntryTemplate payload) returns DocumentIdentifier[]|error
Update the index data for a document.
- masterId int - Master id
- 'version int - Version id
- suffix int - Suffix
- payload DataEntryTemplate - Data entry template with modified data entry fields
Return Type
- DocumentIdentifier[]|error - An identifier for the newly created document.
function createDocument(int indexDataId, int action, CreateDocumentinfo payload) returns IndexedDocument|error
Create a document.
- indexDataId int - Folder document index id used when uploading document files. Set to 0 if using a list of files in CreateDocumentInfo.
- action int - One of the following indexing action : IndexFirstSuffix = 1, Index = 2, Modify = 4
- payload CreateDocumentinfo - List of files and index information
Return Type
- IndexedDocument|error - Indexed document and folder data.
function deleteDocument(int masterId, int 'version, int suffix) returns DeleteDocumentResult|error
Delete a document.
Return Type
- DeleteDocumentResult|error - Delete document results.
Get the keywords associated with a document.
- masterId int - Master id
Put new keywords in a document.
- payload Keywords - New Keywords data.
function getLegalHold(int masterId) returns LegalHoldStatus|error
Get the legal hold status for a document.
- masterId int - Master id
Return Type
- LegalHoldStatus|error - Legal hold status for a document. The legal hold status object will be empty if the document is not on legal hold.
function setLegalHold(int masterId, int 'version, LegalHoldStatus payload) returns SourceDocumentIdentifier|error
Set the legal hold data for a document.
- masterId int - Master id
- 'version int - Version
- payload LegalHoldStatus - New legal hold status data.
Return Type
- SourceDocumentIdentifier|error - Document identifier.
function removeLegalHold(int masterId) returns SourceDocumentIdentifier|error
Removes a document from legal hold .
- masterId int - Master id
Return Type
- SourceDocumentIdentifier|error - Document identifier.
Get the remarks associated with a document.
Put new remarks in a document.
- payload Remark - New remark data.
function createSuffix(int masterId, int 'version, DataEntryTemplate payload) returns DocumentIdentifier|error
Create a suffix for a document.
- masterId int - Master id
- 'version int - Version id
- payload DataEntryTemplate - Data entry template.
Return Type
- DocumentIdentifier|error - Identifier for the new suffix entry.
function unlock(int masterId) returns SourceDocumentIdentifier|error
Unlock a document.
- masterId int - Master id
Return Type
- SourceDocumentIdentifier|error - Identifier of unlocked document.
function createVersion(int masterId, string versionLabel, int deviceId, DocumentCreateVersionFile[] payload) returns SourceDocumentIdentifier|error
Create a new version for a document.
- masterId int - Master id of the document
- versionLabel string - New version label
- deviceId int - Id of device where version is to be created. Use document/devices to get a list of available devices for user.
- payload DocumentCreateVersionFile[] - Collection of file identifiers
Return Type
- SourceDocumentIdentifier|error - New document version identifier.
function getVersions(int masterId) returns SourceDocumentIdentifier[]|error
Get a list of versions for a document.
- masterId int - Master id
Return Type
- SourceDocumentIdentifier[]|error - Versions for a document.
function updateDocumentIndexes(DocumentIdentifierIndexDataChangeMessage payload) returns json|error
Update document index data.
- payload DocumentIdentifierIndexDataChangeMessage - Index data change message
Return Type
- json|error - Changed documents results.
function getIndexErrorFolders() returns IndexFoldersMessage|error
Get a list of error folders for user.
Return Type
- IndexFoldersMessage|error - A collection of error folders.
function updateFolder(int action, IndexFolder payload) returns IndexFolder|error
Update properties of an index folder.
- action int - Actions to perform on the folder : SendFolderToApplication = 1, SendFolderToUser = 3, SendFolderToGroup = 4, RenameFolder = 5, ReleaseFolder = 6, CloseFolder = 10
- payload IndexFolder - Folder and data to update.
Return Type
- IndexFolder|error - Updated index folder.
function deleteFolder(int folderId) returns IndexFolder|error
Delete an indexing folder.
- folderId int - Folder id.
Return Type
- IndexFolder|error - Index folder deleted.
function getIndexFolderDocs(int folderId, int id, int prevDoc, int nextDoc, boolean isFolderShared) returns IndexFolderDocumentViewer|error
Get the document information from a folder.
- folderId int - Id of folder from which to get the document
- id int - When viewing a specific document, use IndexDataId; when using prevDoc or nextDoc use DocumentId; when opening folder for indexing, use 0 to return first document in the folder
- prevDoc int - Move to the document previous from the index id parameter value
- nextDoc int - Move to the next document from the index id parameter value
- isFolderShared boolean - Is this index folder shared with other users or groups
Return Type
- IndexFolderDocumentViewer|error - Index folder document viewer information
function createUserFolderDocument(string sessionName, int archiveId, int applicationId) returns IndexFolderDocuments|error
Create a user folder document.
- sessionName string - Document folder name used to identify the directory where the files were uploaded. tThe folder name will be combined with the user's temorary File360 Server path. Like : 'C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Local/Temp/File360Server/Documents/Upload/my-folder-files'. These folders must resolve to a path within the user's File360 Server temporary folder.
- archiveId int - With applicationId, archive id is used to find or created the user folder to place document
- applicationId int - With archiveId, application id is used to find or created the user folder to place document
Return Type
- IndexFolderDocuments|error - The destination folder, and the document created as part of a collection of documents
function deleteFolderDocument(int indexDataId) returns IndexFolderDocument|error
Delete a document in the user folder.
- indexDataId int - The index id of the document in the folder. Returned as part of the IndexFolderDocuments object.
Return Type
- IndexFolderDocument|error - Deleted index folder document.
function getIndexFolderDocCompID(IndexFolderDocumentFiles payload) returns IndexFolderDocumentViewer|error
Get a Brava composition id for a list of folder document files.
- payload IndexFolderDocumentFiles - List of files in the folder document.
Return Type
- IndexFolderDocumentViewer|error - Brava composition id for a list of folder document files.
Get a list of files in a document.
- indexId int - Document index id
- isFolderShared int - Is this folder shared between users or groups
function getIndexFolderDocuments(int folderId) returns IndexFolderDocuments|error
Get a list of documents in a folder.
- folderId int - Folder id
Return Type
- IndexFolderDocuments|error - A collection of index folder documents.
function getIndexFolders() returns IndexFoldersMessage|error
Get a list of data entry folders.
Return Type
- IndexFoldersMessage|error - A collection of data entry folders.
function log(LogMessage payload) returns Response|error
Log a client message to the Web Server debug log.
- payload LogMessage - Log message information.
function status() returns ServerStatus[]|error
Get the status of the RESTAPI server.
Return Type
- ServerStatus[]|error - Status returned.
function routeDocuments(string title, int templateId, RoutingDetails payload, string? comment) returns int|error
Route documents to a user or group.
- title string - Routing message title
- templateId int - Retrieval template id
- payload RoutingDetails - Routing details
- comment string? (default ()) - Routing message comment
function getDataEntryTemplate(int id) returns DataEntryTemplate|error
Get a data entry template.
- id int - Template id
Return Type
- DataEntryTemplate|error - Data entry template.
function runCallbackDataEntry(int callbackHandleId, int fieldId, DataEntryTemplate payload) returns CallbackResult|error
Run a data entry template callback.
- callbackHandleId int - Callback handle id
- fieldId int - Field id
- payload DataEntryTemplate - Data entry template object
Return Type
- CallbackResult|error - Call back result.
function getRetrievalTemplate(int id, int applicationid) returns RetrievalTemplate|error
Get a retrieval template.
Return Type
- RetrievalTemplate|error - Retrieval template.
function runCallbackRetrieval(int callbackHandleId, int fieldId, RetrievalTemplate payload) returns CallbackResult|error
Run a retrieval template callback.
- callbackHandleId int - Callback handle id
- fieldId int - Field id
- payload RetrievalTemplate - Retrieval template
Return Type
- CallbackResult|error - Call back result.
function performRetrieval(RetrievalTemplate payload) returns Hits|error
Search for a list of documents.
- payload RetrievalTemplate - Retrieval template filled in with search criteria
function savePersonalRetrievalTemplate(RetrievalTemplate payload) returns RetrievalTemplate|error
Update retrieval template layout for user.
- payload RetrievalTemplate - Retrieval template
Return Type
- RetrievalTemplate|error - Retrieval template.
function removePersonalRetrievalTemplate(int templateId) returns RetrievalTemplate|error
Delete retrieval template layout for user.
- templateId int - Template id
Return Type
- RetrievalTemplate|error - Retrieval template.
function dataentrytemplates() returns DataEntryTemplatesList|error
Data entry templates listing.
Return Type
- DataEntryTemplatesList|error - A collection of data entry templates.
function retrievaltemplates() returns RetrievalTemplatesList|error
Retrieval templates listing.
Return Type
- RetrievalTemplatesList|error - A collection of retrieval templates.
function users() returns UserIdentifier[]|error
Get a list of users.
Return Type
- UserIdentifier[]|error - A collection of user identifiers.
function groups() returns GroupIdentifier[]|error
Get a list of groups.
Return Type
- GroupIdentifier[]|error - A collection of groups.
Get a list of all users.
Get a user.
- userId int - User id
Delete a user.
- userId int - User id
Get a list of groups.
Get a group.
- groupId int - Group id
Update a group.
- payload Group - Group updates
function createGroup(GroupIdentifier payload) returns GroupIdentifier|error
Create a group.
- payload GroupIdentifier - Group identifier
Return Type
- GroupIdentifier|error - Group identifier.
Delete a group.
- groupId int - Group id
Get a the list of users for a group.
- groupId int - Group id
function updateDocumentLevelSecurity(int level, DocumentLevelSecurity payload) returns DocumentLevelSecurity|error
Edit a document security level.
Return Type
- DocumentLevelSecurity|error - Updated document security level.
function retrieveWorkitem(string workitemId, int 'type, string workstep, string workset, int workflowId, string timestamp) returns Workitem|error
Get a workitem.
- workitemId string - Workitem id
- 'type int - Workitem type
- workstep string - Workstep name
- workset string - Workset name
- workflowId int - Workflow id
- timestamp string - Workitem timestamp
Make changes to a workitem.
- payload Workitem - Workitem
Send the changes for the workitem.
- payload Workitem - Workitem
Get the history for a workitem.
- workitemId string - Workitem id
Get a list of workitems.
Return Type
- json|error - A collection of workitems.
Get a count of workflow items awaiting initiation.
Get a list of workitems on the currently logged on users worklist.
function getForm(string className) returns WorkitemForm|error
Get the workflow form.
- className string - Class name
Return Type
- WorkitemForm|error - The workflow form for the class.
Remove a workitem from the current users worklist.
- workitemId string - Workitem id
Get a list of worksets.
file360: Application
- Id int? - Application id
- Name string? - Application name
file360: ApplicationArchiveAccess
A collection of application archive pair and their access rights items.
- ApplicationArchiveAccess ApplicationArchiveAccessItem[]? - Application archive access.
file360: ApplicationArchiveAccessItem
An application archive pair and their access rights item
- Key ApplicationArchivePair? - Application archive pair.
- Value int? - An OR'ed set of access types : NoAccess = 0, RetrievalAccess = 1, ExportAccess = 2, EntryAccess = 4, ImportAccess = 8, UpdateAccess = 16, DeleteAccess = 32, SuperAccess = 65535
file360: ApplicationArchivePair
Application archive pair.
- ApplicationId int? - Application id
- ApplicationName string? - Application name
- ArchiveId int? - Archive id
- ArchiveName string? - Archive name
file360: ApplicationField
- Fields Included from *Field
- Application ApplicationIdentifier? - Application identifier.
- Label string? - Field label.
- IsRequired boolean? - Is field required.
- UsageType int? - Usage type - one of the following : None = 0, CallbackUsage = 1, Mask = 2, Lookup = 3
file360: ApplicationFieldAccessItem
Application field access item.
- Key ApplicationField? -
- Value boolean? - Application filed access item enabled.
file360: ApplicationIdentifier
Application identifier.
- Id int? - Application id
- Name string? - Application name
file360: Archive
- Id int? - Archive id
- Name string? - Archive name
file360: ArchiveApplications
Applications associated with an archive with the selected access type.
- Applications Application[]? - Application.
- Archive Archive? - Archive.
file360: Authentication
Authentication information.
- culture string - Users culture string : 'en-us'
- 'key string? - Application key
- name string - User name
- password string - Password
file360: AvailableDevices
Available devices
- Applications ApplicationIdentifier[]? - Collection of applications associated with device types
- CacheDevices Cache[]? - Collection of cache devices
- ContentServerDevices ContentServer[]? - Collection of Content Server devices
- DefaultDevice DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
- Devices DeviceIdentifier[]? - Collection of available devices
- KeyfileDevices Keyfile[]? - Collection of Keyfile devices
- MicrofilmDevices Microfilm[]? - Collection of microfilm devices
- StoreDevices CdromJukebox[]? - Collection of store devices
- Volumes Volume[]? - Collection of Volumes
file360: Cache
- Fields Included from *Device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier
- StatusReport OperationStatus
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation
- anydata...
- ActivateAfterStore string? - Activate cache after storing
- ActualSize int? - Actual size of the cache
- ActualSizeInBytes int? - Actual size of the cache in bytes
- ApplicationIdentifier ApplicationIdentifier? - Application identifier.
- Applications ApplicationIdentifier[]? - Collection of applications associated with this device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean? - Check that device employs the best practices
- ClearAfterStore string? - Clear cache after storing
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
- DocumentCount int? - Count of documents in the cache
- EnableAutoRun boolean? - Enable auto run
- ExportIndexDataToStore boolean? - Export index data to store
- ExportProgramsToStore boolean? - Export programs to store
- LastDocumentId int? - Id of last document added to cache
- LastReset string? - Last time the cache we reset
- MaximumSizeInBytes int? - Maximum size of the cache in bytes
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier? - device path identifier.
- State int? - Cache state - one of the following : None = 0, Active = 1, Locked = 2, Full = 3, WritePrepared = 4, Prepared = 5, Checked = 6, Preparing = 7, Checking = 8, Migrating = 9, Migrated = 10
- StatusReport OperationStatus? - Device operation status.
- StoreDeviceId int? - Id of Store device was stored to
- StoreLabel string? - Label of store cache has been stored to
- StoredVolume Volume? -
- UnassignedApplications ApplicationIdentifier[]? - Collection of unassigned applications
- VolumeId int? - Volume id
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation? - Workstation definition.
file360: CallbackExternalColumn
Callback external column.
- CopyToTarget boolean? -
- Name string? -
- TargetFieldId int? -
file360: CallbackHandle
Callback handle.
- ExternalHandlerLibrary string? - External handler library
- ExternalHandlerMethod string? - External handler method
- ExternalHandlerNamespace string? - External handler name space
- ExternalHandlerParameters string? - External handler parameters
- HandleId int? - Callback handle id
- Label string? - Callback label
- SourceId int? - Source id
- TypeCallback int? - Callback type. 0 = None, 1100 = Template entry,3101 = Field entry,3999 = Field entry static file,5001 = Field exit verification,5002 = Field exit min/max,5998 = Field exit existence check,5999 = Field exit static file,9999 = User exit
- TypeUserExit int? - User exit type. 0 = None, 1 = Callback usage, 2 = Mask, 3 = Lookup
file360: CallbackResult
Callback result.
- Columns CallbackExternalColumn[]? - Callback external columns.
- EntryTemplate DataEntryTemplate? -
- Handle CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- Rows CallbackResultRows[]? - Collection of callback results returned.
- SearchTemplate RetrievalTemplate? -
file360: CallbackResultRows
Callback result.
- Row record {}[]? -
file360: CdromJukebox
- Fields Included from *Device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier
- StatusReport OperationStatus
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation
- anydata...
- CacheDevices Cache[]? - Cache device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean? - Check that device employs the best practices
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
- IsReadOnly boolean? - Is this CD read only
- MostRecentLabel string? - Most recent label
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier? - device path identifier.
- StatusReport OperationStatus? - Device operation status.
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation? - Workstation definition.
file360: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
file360: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
file360: ContentServer
- Fields Included from *Device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier
- StatusReport OperationStatus
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation
- anydata...
- ApplicationPassword string? - Application password
- ApplicationUserName string? - Application user name
- AuthenticationPassword string? - Authentication password
- AuthenticationServerAddress string? - Authentication server address
- AuthenticationUserName string? - Authentication user name
- CheckForBestPractices boolean? - Check that device employs the best practices
- ContentServerAddress string? - Content server address
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
- EncryptedApplicationPassword string? - Encrypted application password
- EnterpriseLibraryServerAddress string? - Enterprise library server address
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier? - device path identifier.
- RootFolderItemId string? - Root folder item id
- StatusReport OperationStatus? - Device operation status.
- WebsiteAddress string? - Web site address
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation? - Workstation definition.
file360: CreateDocumentinfo
Create document information.
- dataEntryTemplate DataEntryTemplate -
- indexFolderDocumentFiles IndexFolderDocumentFile[] - An array of relative document file paths. Which are expected to resolve to paths within the File360 Web Server's directory. Like : '/documents/uploads/1.tif'. This will resolve to '{WebServerInstallDir}/documents/uploads/1.tif'. No escape characters are accepted.
file360: DataEntryInputField
Data entry input field.
- LookupTable LookupTable? - Look up table
- DisplayType string? - Display type. Edit = 'E', MaskEdit = '<mask value>', Lookup = 'L,<num>'
- EntryCallback CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- ExitCallback CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- FieldType int? - Field type. None = 0, Currency = 11, Date = 9, DateTime = 8, Double = 5, Float = 4, LongInteger = 3, String = 6, Time = 10
- Hint string? - Field hint
- Id int? - Field id
- IsDuplicate boolean? - Should the field be duplicated on data entry
- Label string? - Field label
- Length int? - Field data max length
- MappingNumber int? - Mapping number
- Mask string? - Field mask
- MaskPlaceholder string? - Field mask placeholder
- MaskStorage int? - Mask storage. UserData = 0, Literals = 1, Spaces = 2, IncludePlaceholders = 3, IncludeLiteralsAndPlaceholders = 4, IncludeLiterals = 5
- Name string? - Field name
- Precision int? - Field precision
- Required boolean? - Is the field required
- Value string? - Field value
file360: DataEntryInputFieldItem
Data entry key-value pair : Field id - DataEntryTemplateField
- Key string? - Field Id
- Value DataEntryInputField? - Data entry input field.
file360: DataEntryTemplate
- Fields Included from *DataEntryTemplateIdentifier
- ApplicationId int? - Application id
- ApplicationName string? - Application name
- ArchiveId int? - Archive id
- ArchiveName string? - Archive name
- AvailableDevices DeviceIdentifier[]? - Available devices
- CanDataEnter boolean? - Can data enter
- CanUpdate boolean? - Can update
- EntryCallback CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- ExitCallback CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- InputFields DataEntryInputFieldItem[]? - Collection of field ids and input field objects
- SelectedDevice DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
file360: DataEntryTemplateAccessItem
Data entry template access item.
- Key DataEntryTemplate? -
- Value boolean? - Access enabled for data entry template.
file360: DataEntryTemplateDescription
Data entry template description.
- ApplicationId int? - Application id
- ApplicationName string? - Application name
- ArchiveId int? - Archive id
- ArchiveName string? - Archive name
- Id int? - Template id
- Name string? - Template name
file360: DataEntryTemplateIdentifier
Data entry template identifier.
- Id int - Entry template id
- Name string? - Entry template name
file360: DataEntryTemplatesList
A collection of data entry templates.
- DataEntryTemplates DataEntryTemplateDescription[]? - Data entry templates
file360: DeleteDocumentResult
Del document results.
- Document DocumentIdentifier? -
- ErrorMessage string? - Error message
file360: Device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean? - Check that device employs the best practices
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier? - device path identifier.
- StatusReport OperationStatus? - Device operation status.
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation? - Workstation definition.
file360: DeviceIdentifier
Device identifier.
- DeviceType int? - Device type. 0 = None,1 = Cache,2 = Keyfile,3 = MicrofilmIdw,4 = MicrofilmImt,5 = MicrofilmIms,6 = MicrofilmI7300,7 = LocalCdrom,8 = LocalCdWriter,9 = RemoteCdrom,10 = RemoteCdWriter,11 = CdromJukebox,12 = CdromJukeboxWriter,13 = CacheServer,14 = DocServer,15 = Offline,16 = AutoCache,17 = Scanner,18 = Volume,19 = ContentServer
- Id int? - Device id
- Name string? - Device name
file360: DocumentCreateVersionFile
Document file for create new version.
- fileNumber int - File number
- filePath string - File path
file360: DocumentFormatIcon
Document format icon.
- Icon Icon? - Icon
- TotalResults int? - Tiff = 1, Ascii = 2, Bitmap = 3, Word = 4, Excel = 5, Powerpoint = 6, Windoc = 7, Unknown = 8, Exe = 9, LockedByCurrentUser = 100, Keywords = 101, Remarks = 102, LockedByOtherUser = 103, VersionsExist = 104, Expired = 105, Annotations = 106
file360: DocumentIdentifier
- Fields Included from *SourceDocumentIdentifier
- Suffix int - Document suffix id
file360: DocumentIdentifierIndexDataChangeMessage
Collection of document identifiers to change and associated change data.
- Documents DocumentIdentifier[] - Collection of document identifiers, one or more, to change index data
- EntryTemplate DataEntryTemplate -
file360: DocumentLevelSecurity
Document level security
- Level int? - Security level
- Description string? - Level description
- Selected boolean? - Level selected
file360: DocumentPageItem
Document page Key-value pair - page number - path to page
- Key int? - Page number
- Value string? - Path to page
file360: FetchDocumentIndexReturn
Fetch document index key-value return : Field id - string data
- Key int? - fieldId
- Value string? - String data
file360: Field
- Alignment int? - Alignment - one of the following : Left = 0, Right = 1, Center = 2
- Display int? - Display type - one of the following : Edit = 0, MaskEdit = 1, Lookup = 2
- DisplayType string? - Display type. Edit = 'E', MaskEdit = '<mask value>', Lookup = 'L,<num>'
- FieldType int? - Field data type - one of the following : None = 0, Currency = 11, Date = 9, DateTime = 8, Double = 5, Float = 4, LongInteger = 3, String = 6, Time = 10
- FillCharacter string? -
- Hint string? -
- Length int? -
- Mask string? -
- MaskFormat int? - Mask format - one of the following : None = 0, Standard = 1, DateAndTime = 2, Numeric = 3
- MaskPlaceholder string? -
- MaskStorage int? - Mask storage type - one of the following : UserData = 0, Literals = 1 (Obsolete), Spaces = 2(Obsolete), IncludePlaceholders = 3, IncludeLiteralsAndPlaceholders = 4, IncludeLiterals = 5
- Name string? -
- Precision int? -
file360: FieldCoordinates
Field coordinates.
- Bottom int? -
- Height int? -
- Left int? -
- Right int? -
- Top int? -
- Width int? -
file360: FieldIdentifier
Field identifier
- Id int? - Field id
- Name string? - Field name
file360: FileInfo
Document file information.
- displayName string? - Thumbnail display name
- fileExtension string? - Source file extension
- fileNumber int? - File number
- sourceFileURL string? - Source file URL
- thumbnailURL string? - Thumbnail URL
file360: FolderDocumentAndIndex
Folder document index and its associated index folder document
- document IndexFolderDocument? - Index folder document.
- index int? - Document index
file360: FunctionalSecurityItem
Functional security item.
- Key PermissionItemDescriptionItem? - Permission item description.
- Value boolean? - Permission item enabled.
file360: Group
- Fields Included from *GroupIdentifier
- ApplicationArchiveAccess ApplicationArchiveAccess
- Id int
- Name string
- anydata...
- ActiveDirectoryLDAPPath string? - Active directory LDAP path
- Created string? - Date created.
- Modified string? - Date modified.
- ReservedLicenseCount int? - Reserved license count.
- UserCount int? - User count.
- Members User[]? - Members. (This collection will only be populated by the GET 'group/members' API call)
- FunctionalSecurity FunctionalSecurityItem[]? - A collection of functional security items.
- ApplicationFieldAccess ApplicationFieldAccessItem[]? - Collection of application field access items.
- DataEntryTemplateAccess DataEntryTemplateAccessItem[]? - Collection of data entry template access items.
- RetrievalTemplateAccess RetrievalTemplateAccessItem[]? - Collection of retrieval template access items.
- SourceDocumentSecurityAccess SourceDocumentSecurityAccessItem[]? - Source document security access.
- IndexDocumentSecurityAccess IndexDocumentSecurityAccessItem[]? - Index document security access.
file360: GroupIdentifier
Group identifier.
- ApplicationArchiveAccess ApplicationArchiveAccess? - A collection of application archive pair and their access rights items.
- Id int? - Group id
- Name string? - Group name
file360: Hit
Retrieval hit.
- AnnotationCount int? -
- ApplicationId int? -
- ArchiveId int? -
- CanDataEnter boolean? -
- CanDelete boolean? -
- CanExport boolean? -
- CanUpdate boolean? -
- ContentServerId string? -
- ContentServerWebsiteAddress string? -
- DateTimeLocked string? -
- Description string? -
- DescriptionFieldId int? -
- Editor string? -
- Expires string? -
- Fields HitListFieldKeyValuePair[]? -
- FileFormat int? -
- IsKeywordsEnabled boolean? -
- KeywordData string? -
- Keywords boolean? -
- LegalHoldExpires string? -
- LegalHoldReason string? -
- LegalHoldUserId int? -
- LockType int? - Lock reserve type - one of the following : NotReserved = 0, Reserved = 1, ReservedByCurrentUser = 2, LegalHold = 3, RecordsManagement = 4
- MasterId int? -
- MediumType int? - Document medium type - of the following : Unknown = 0, Cache = 1, Microfilm = 2, Ascii = 3, Hybrid = 4
- ModifyDateTime string? -
- Remarks boolean? -
- Suffix int? -
- Version int? -
file360: HitListFieldKeyValuePair
Hit list field key value pair.
- Key int? - Field id
- Value Field? - Field.
file360: Hits
A collection of hits.
- DocumentFormatIcons DocumentFormatIcon[]? -
- HitItems Hit[]? -
- HitlistId int? -
- LookupTables LookupTable[]? - Look up tables.
- MoreHits boolean? -
- RetrievalTemplate RetrievalTemplate? -
- SearchUri string? -
- StatusIcons record {}[]? -
- TotalResults int? -
- WebServerUri string? -
file360: Icon
- Description string? -
- Icon record {}? - Byte array for icon.
- Identifier int? - Tiff = 1, Ascii = 2, Bitmap = 3, Word = 4, Excel = 5, Powerpoint = 6, Windoc = 7, Unknown = 8, Exe = 9, LockedByCurrentUser = 100, Keywords = 101, Remarks = 102, LockedByOtherUser = 103, VersionsExist = 104, Expired = 105, Annotations = 106
file360: IndexDocumentSecurityAccessItem
Index document security access item.
- Key int? - Security level
- Value boolean? - Security level access
file360: IndexedDocument
Index document.
- Action int? - Index action
- ApplicationId int? - Application id
- ArchiveId int? - Archive id
- Document SourceDocumentIdentifier? - Source document identifier.
- FolderData IndexFolderDocument? - Index folder document.
- NextFolderData IndexFolderDocument? - Index folder document.
file360: IndexFolder
Index folder
- ApplicationId int? - Id of the assigned application for the folder
- ApplicationName string? - Name of the assigned application for the folder
- ArchiveId int? - Id of the assigned archive for the folder
- ArchiveName string? - Name of the assigned archive for the folder
- AssignedToGroupId int? - Id of group assigned to the folder
- AssignedToName string? - Name of group or user assigned to the folder
- AssignedToUserId int? - Id of user assigned to the folder
- Count int? - Number of documents in the folder
- Created string? - Date the folder was created
- DistinctApplicationArchives ApplicationArchivePair[]? - Application archive listing
- Id int? - Folder id
- IsError boolean? - Is this an error folder?
- Name string? - Folder name
- TypeOfFolder int? - Folder types - None = 0, DataEntry = 1, Retrieval = 2, Personal = 3, MailDataEntry = 4, Mail = 5, RequestProcessor = 6, ASCII = 7, AsciiDataEntry = 8, Export = 9, Scanner = 10, AsciiDatabaseEngine = 11, MailRequestProcessor = 12, EmailRequestProcessor = 13, AsciiMailDataEntry = 14
- UsedBy string? - Name of user that is currently using the folder
- UsedById int? - Id of user currently using the folder
file360: IndexFolderDocument
Index folder document.
- ApplicationId int? - Application id
- ApplicationName string? - Application name
- ArchiveId int? - Archive id
- ArchiveName string? - Archive name
- Count int? - File count
- Created string? - Date document created
- FolderId int? - Folder id
- Id int? - Folder document id
- IndexDataId int? - Document id
- Name string? - Document name
- UsedBy string? - Name of user currently using the document
- UsedById int? - Id of user currently using the document
file360: IndexFolderDocumentData
Indexing folder document data
- FolderDocument IndexFolderDocument? - Index folder document.
- FolderId int? - Folder id
- IndexData string[]? - Indexing string data array
- IsFolderShared boolean? - Is the folder shared between users and groups
- ParentFolder IndexFolder? - Index folder
- PathsToDocumentPages DocumentPageItem[]? - Paths to indexed document pages (files)
- RelativeDocumentNumber int? - Number of document relative to folder
- Template DataEntryTemplate? -
file360: IndexFolderDocumentFile
Index folder document file.
- filePath string - File path
file360: IndexFolderDocumentFiles
Collection of index folder document file relative paths, one file required
- files IndexFolderDocumentFile[] -
file360: IndexFolderDocuments
Collection of index folder documents
- Documents FolderDocumentAndIndex[]? - List of documents in the folder (GET) or the last document created in the folder (POST)
- Folder IndexFolder? - Index folder
- FolderId int? - Folder id
file360: IndexFolderDocumentViewer
Folder document associated viewer information
- IndexFolderDocumentdata IndexFolderDocumentData? - Indexing folder document data
- IndexViewerURL string? - Index viewer URL
file360: IndexFoldersMessage
Index-able error folders
- BatchErrorCount int? - Batch error count
- IndexFolders IndexFolder[]? - Index-able folders
- UnknownBatchErrorState boolean? - Is the batch in an unknown error state?
file360: Keyfile
- Fields Included from *Device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier
- StatusReport OperationStatus
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation
- anydata...
- CheckForBestPractices boolean? - Check that device employs the best practices
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier? - device path identifier.
- StatusReport OperationStatus? - Device operation status.
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation? - Workstation definition.
file360: Keywords
- KeywordData string? - Keyword data
- SourceDocumentIdentifier SourceDocumentIdentifier? - Source document identifier.
file360: LegalHoldStatus
Legal hold status.
- HasHoldEntry boolean? - Has a legal hold entry
- HoldReason string? - The reason for the hold
- HoldCreated string? - Date the legal hold was placed
- HoldExpires string? - Date the legal hold expires - INTERNAL ONLY
- HoldExpiresDate string? - Date the legal hold expires - Microsoft JSON date format - format : '2012-03-19T07:22Z'
- HoldUserCreated UserIdentifier? - User identifier.
file360: LogMessage
Log message information.
- Message string - Log message
- UserName string - User name
file360: LookupTable
Look up table
- FieldId int? - Field id
- LookUpTableEntries LookupTableEntryItem[]? - Look up table entries for field
file360: LookupTableEntryItem
Lookup table entry field key value pair
- Key string? - List Key
- Value string? - List Value
file360: Microfilm
- Fields Included from *Device
- CheckForBestPractices boolean
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier
- PathIdentifier PathIdentifier
- StatusReport OperationStatus
- WorkstationIdentifier Workstation
- anydata...
file360: OperationStatus
Device operation status.
- CanCancel boolean? - Can the operation be canceled
- Count int? - Operation count
- StatusMessage string? - Operation status message
- Total int? - Operation total
file360: PathIdentifier
device path identifier.
- Id int? - Path id
- Path string? - Path
file360: PermissionItem
Permission item.
- PermissionItem int? - Permission
file360: PermissionItemDescriptionItem
Permission item description.
- Name string? - Permission name.
- Description string? - Permission description.
- IndexInDatabase int? - Database index id.
- Category int? - Category type - one of the following : Administration = 0, DataEntry = 1, Document = 2, Global = 3, Mail = 4, Remarks = 5, Retrieval = 6, SpecialAPI = 7
- PermissionItem PermissionItem? - Permission item.
file360: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
file360: Remark
- Content string? - Remark content
- DocumentIdentifier DocumentIdentifier? -
file360: RetrievalTemplate
- Fields Included from *RetrievalTemplateIdentifier
- AppendResults boolean? - Append next search result to existing results
- ContentServerSearchAddress string? - Content server URL search address
- DeleteOption int? - Items inclusion option. NonDeleted = 0: Include only non deleted items, Deleted = 1: include only deleted items, DeletedAndNonDeleted = 2: include both deleted and non-deleted items
- IncludeExpiredDocuments boolean? - Include expired documents in hit list
- InputFields RetrievalTemplateInputFieldItem[]? - Collection of field ids and input field objects
- IsPersonalTemplate boolean? - Is this a personal template
- MaxHits int? - Maximum number of hits to return. Max 50000
- OnlyLegalHoldDocuments boolean? - Include only documents on legal hold in hit list
- OutputFields RetrievalTemplateOutputFieldItem[]? - Collection of field ids and output field objects
- GroupDescriptions string[]? - Collection of the names of associated groups.
file360: RetrievalTemplateAccessItem
Retrieval template access item.
- Key RetrievalTemplate? -
- Value boolean? - Access enabled for retrieval template.
file360: RetrievalTemplateDescription
A retrieval template description.
- ApplicationId int? - Application id
- ApplicationName string? - Application name
- FriendlyName string? - Template friendly name
- Id int? - Template id
- Name string? - Template name
file360: RetrievalTemplateIdentifier
Retrieval template identifier.
- Id int - Template id
- Name string? - Template name
file360: RetrievalTemplateInputField
- Fields Included from *Field
- CanCompare boolean? -
- ChangeCallback CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- CompareOperator int? - Compare operator type - one of the following : Equal = 1, NotEqual = 2, GreaterThan = 3, LessThan = 4, GreaterThanOrEqualTo = 5, LessThanOrEqualTo = 6, Between = 7
- ComparePosition1 FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- ComparePosition2 FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- Conjunction int? - Conjunction type - one of the following : None = 0, And = 1, Or = 2
- ConjunctionPosition FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- EntryCallback CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- ExitCallback CallbackHandle? - Callback handle.
- Field1Position FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- Field2Position FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- Label string? -
- LabelPosition FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- LeftParenthesis boolean? -
- LeftParenthesisPosition FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- LookupTable int[]? - Look up table.
- Required boolean? -
- RightParenthesis boolean? -
- RightParenthesisPosition FieldCoordinates? - Field coordinates.
- Value1 record {}? -
- Value2 record {}? -
file360: RetrievalTemplateInputFieldItem
Retrieval template input field id and object.
- Key string? - Field Id
- Value RetrievalTemplateInputField[]? -
file360: RetrievalTemplateOutputField
- Fields Included from *FieldIdentifier
- CanSort boolean? -
- CharacterLength int? -
- DisplayType string? - Display type. Edit = 'E', MaskEdit = '<mask value>', Lookup = 'L,<num>'
- FieldType int? - Field data type - one of the following : None = 0, Currency = 11, Date = 9, DateTime = 8, Double = 5, Float = 4, LongInteger = 3, String = 6, Time = 10
- IncludeInOutput boolean? -
- IsSystemField boolean? -
- Label string? -
- Mask string? -
- OutputFieldWidth decimal? -
- OutputOrder int? -
- Precision int? -
- SortOrder int? -
- SortType int? - Sort type - one of the following : Ascending = 0, Descending = 1, NoSort = 2
file360: RetrievalTemplateOutputFieldItem
Retrieval template output field id and object.
- Key string? - Field Id
- Value RetrievalTemplateOutputField[]? -
file360: RetrievalTemplatesList
A collection of retrieval template descriptions.
- RetrievalTemplates RetrievalTemplateDescription[]? - Retrieval template descriptions
file360: RoutingDetails
Routing details.
- documents DocumentIdentifier[]? - Collection of document identifiers to route.
- groups int[]? - Collection of group identifiers to route to.
- users int[]? - Collection of user identifiers to route to.
file360: ServerStatus
Web server status information.
- ProductName string? - Product name.
- ProductVersion string? - Product version.
file360: Setting
User setting.
- Category string? - Setting category name
- Name string? - Setting name
- Value record {}? - Setting value
file360: SourceDocumentIdentifier
Source document identifier.
- MasterId int - Master id
- Version int - Version id
- VersionCreated string? - Date version was created
- VersionCreatorId int? - Version creator user id
- VersionCreatorName string? - Version creator name
- VersionLabel string? - Version label
file360: SourceDocumentResult
Source document result.
- ErrorMessage string? - Document action error message
- SourceDocument SourceDocumentIdentifier? - Source document identifier.
file360: SourceDocumentSecurityAccessItem
Source document security access item.
- Key int? - Security level
- Value boolean? - Security level access
file360: User
- Fields Included from *UserIdentifier
- Annotation string? - Annotation note defined for user, see User/Group administration
- ActiveDirectoryUser boolean? - The user created manually (false) or was auto-provisioned via OTDS or Active Directory (true)
- DatabaseSerialNumber int? - System Key serial number
- DaysBeforePasswordChangeRequired int? - Days before password expires
- DisallowedIndexingExtensions string[]? - Collection of disallowed file extensions
- EndDate string? - End date for user access
- File360WebserverUrl string? - Web server URL
- FirstName string? - The user's first name
- GroupSeats int? - Licenses reserved
- InvalidLogonAttemptsAllowed int? - The number of invalid log on attempts allowed
- IsActivated boolean? - Countersign for the system has been applied
- IsAdministrator boolean? - Is the user an administrator, see Administrator setting in User/Group administration
- IsAutoRunDefault boolean? - Is auto run default, see Autorun setting in System Configuration
- IsDemo boolean? - Is this a demo system
- IsRecordsManager boolean? - Is the user a records manager, see Records Manager setting in User/Group administration
- IsServerVerboseLoggingEnabled boolean? - Is verbose logging enabled
- LastName string? - The user's last name
- Locked boolean? - Is user locked out
- OpenExternalExtensions string? - Semi-colon separated list of file extensions to open externally
- PasswordLastChanged string? - Date last time password was changed
- Permissions PermissionItem[]? - Collection of permissions
- ProgramId int? - Program id
- SecurityLevelsGranted int[]? - Collection of security levels granted
- Settings Setting[]? - Collection of user settings
- StartDate string? - Start date for user accessed
- UniqueId string? - Users unique identifier
- WarnSystemKeyToExpireMessage string? - System key to expire message. If this value is set then 'Display license expiration warning' checkbox is set.
- WebViewerOption int? - Web viewer options - one of the following : PDF = 0, Brava = 1
- WorkstationId int? - Workspace id for client logon
file360: UserIdentifier
User identifier.
- Id int? - User id
- Name string? - User name
file360: Volume
- DeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
- Id int? - Volume id
- Label string? - Volume label
- ShouldMoveFilesToTarget boolean? - Should move files to target
- Slot int? - Volume slot
- TargetDeviceIdentifier DeviceIdentifier? - Device identifier.
file360: Workitem
- CanModifyDocumentIndex boolean? - Can modify document index
- ClassName string? - Workitem class name
- DataEntryTemplateId int? - Data entry template id
- FormFields WorkitemFormField[]? - Workitem form field.
- History WorkitemHistory[]? - Workitem history.
- Id string? - Workitem id
- InboxFields WorkitemFormInboxField[]? - Workitem form inbox fields.
- IsInProgress boolean? - Is workitem in progress
- IsModified boolean? - Has workitem been modified
- IsReserved boolean? - Is workitem reserved
- Name string? - Workitem name
- SendToDefault boolean? - Send to default workset
- SourceDocument DocumentIdentifier? -
- Type int? - Workitem type
- WorkflowId int? - Workflow id
- WorkflowName string? - Workflow name
- WorksetName string? - Workset name
- WorkstepEntryTime string? - Time workitem entered the workstep
- WorkstepName string? - Workstep name
file360: WorkitemForm
Work item form.
- Fields WorkitemFormField[]? - Workitem form fields.
- Name string? - Workitem form name
file360: WorkitemFormField
Workitem form field.
- FieldDataType int? - Field data type - one of the following : None = 0, Currency = 11, Date = 9, DateTime = 8, Double = 5, Float = 4, LongInteger = 3, String = 6, Time = 10
- Hint string? - Workitem form field label
- Id int? - Workitem form field id
- IsMemo boolean? - Is the Workitem form field a memo field
- IsReadOnly boolean? - Is the Workitem form field read only
- IsRequired boolean? - Is the Workitem form field required
- Label string? - Workitem form field label
- Length int? - Workitem form field length
- Name string? - Workitem form field name
- OptionList string[]? - Possible display options of the field.
- Value string? - Workitem form field value
- ValueList string[]? - A collection of values for the form field.
file360: WorkitemFormInboxField
Workitem form field.
- Name string? - Inbox field name
- Value string? - Inbox field value
file360: WorkitemHistory
Workitem history.
- DestinationWorkstepName string? - Destination workstep name
- ErrorCode int? - Error code
- HasError boolean? - Has an error
- ResourceName string? - Resource name
- SourceWorkstepName string? - Source workstep name
- WorkflowName string? - Workflow Name
- WorkstepEntryTime string? - Workstep entry time
file360: Workitems
- InboxFields WorkitemFormField[]? - Inbox fields.
- WorkitemList Workitem[]? - Workitem list.
file360: Workset
- Count int? - Workitem count
- WorkflowId int? - Workflow id
- WorkflowName string? - Workflow name
- WorksetName string? - Workset name
file360: Worksets
- WorkitemList Workset[]? - Workset list.
file360: Workstation
Workstation definition.
- Domain string? - Workstation domain name
- Id int? - Workstation id
- Name string? - Workstation name
import ballerinax/file360;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 8
Current verison: 6
Weekly downloads
Content & Files/Documents