Module dracoon.public
ballerinax/dracoon.public Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Dracoon API v4.28.3 OpenAPI specification.
Dracoon allows to store bussiness files using client sode encryption, file sharing and data access over cloud.
Ballerina connector for Dracoon allows integration with Dracoon REST API via Ballerina language.
- Create an Dracoon account
- Obtaining tokens
- Use this guide to obtain the API key related to your account
dracoon.public: Client
This is a generated connector from Dracoon API v4.28.3 OpenAPI specification.
REST Web Services for DRACOON. Developer Information Get SDKs on GitHub
Terms of service
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a Dracoon account and obtain OAuth tokens following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "https://stats.bis.org/api/v1" - URL of the target service
function requestPublicDownloadShareInfo(string accessKey, string? xSdsDateFormat) returns PublicDownloadShare|error
Request public Download Share information
- accessKey string - Access key
- xSdsDateFormat string? (default ()) - Date time format (cf. RFC 3339 & leettime.de)
Return Type
- PublicDownloadShare|error - OK
function generateDownloadUrlPublic(string accessKey, PublicDownloadTokenGenerateRequest payload) returns PublicDownloadTokenGenerateResponse|error
Generate download URL
Return Type
- PublicDownloadTokenGenerateResponse|error - Created
function downloadFileViaTokenPublic(string accessKey, string token, string? range, boolean? genericMimetype, boolean? inline) returns Response|error
Download file with token
- accessKey string - Access key
- token string - Download token
- range string? (default ()) - Range e.g.
- genericMimetype boolean? (default ()) - Always return
instead of specific mimetype
- inline boolean? (default ()) - Use Content-Disposition:
instead ofattachment
function downloadfileviatokenpublic1(string accessKey, string token, string? range, boolean? genericMimetype, boolean? inline) returns Response|error
Download file with token
- accessKey string - Access key
- token string - Download token
- range string? (default ()) - Range e.g.
- genericMimetype boolean? (default ()) - Always return
instead of specific mimetype
- inline boolean? (default ()) - Use Content-Disposition:
instead ofattachment
function requestPublicUploadShareInfo(string accessKey, string? xSdsSharePassword, string? xSdsDateFormat) returns PublicUploadShare|error
Request public Upload Share information
- accessKey string - Access key
- xSdsSharePassword string? (default ()) - Upload share password. Should be base64-encoded. Plain X-Sds-Share-Passwords are deprecated and will be removed in the future
- xSdsDateFormat string? (default ()) - Date time format (cf. RFC 3339 & leettime.de)
Return Type
- PublicUploadShare|error - OK
function createShareUploadChannel(string accessKey, CreateShareUploadChannelRequest payload) returns CreateShareUploadChannelResponse|error
Create new file upload channel
Return Type
- CreateShareUploadChannelResponse|error - Created
function requestUploadStatusPublic(string accessKey, string uploadId) returns S3ShareUploadStatus|error
Request status of S3 file upload
Return Type
- S3ShareUploadStatus|error - OK
function completeFileUploadViaShare(string accessKey, string uploadId, UserFileKeyList payload, string? xSdsDateFormat) returns PublicUploadedFileData|error
Complete file upload
- accessKey string - Access key
- uploadId string - Upload channel ID
- payload UserFileKeyList - Mandatory for encrypted shares
- xSdsDateFormat string? (default ()) - Date time format (cf. RFC 3339 & leettime.de)
Return Type
- PublicUploadedFileData|error - Created
function uploadfileasbinarypublic1(string accessKey, string uploadId, AccessKeyUploadIdBody payload, string? xSdsDateFormat, string? contentRange) returns ChunkUploadResponse|error
Upload file
- accessKey string - Access key
- uploadId string - Upload channel ID
- payload AccessKeyUploadIdBody - File
- xSdsDateFormat string? (default ()) - Date time format (cf. RFC 3339 & leettime.de)
- contentRange string? (default ()) - Content-Range e.g.
bytes 0-999/3980
Return Type
- ChunkUploadResponse|error - Created
Cancel file upload
function completeS3FileUploadViaShare(string accessKey, string uploadId, CompleteS3ShareUploadRequest payload) returns Response|error
Complete S3 file upload
- accessKey string - Access key
- uploadId string - Upload channel ID
- payload CompleteS3ShareUploadRequest -
function generatePresignedUrlsPublic(string accessKey, string uploadId, GeneratePresignedUrlsRequest payload, string? xSdsDateFormat) returns PresignedUrlList|error
Generate presigned URLs for S3 file upload
- accessKey string - Access key
- uploadId string - Upload channel ID
- payload GeneratePresignedUrlsRequest -
- xSdsDateFormat string? (default ()) - Date time format (cf. RFC 3339 & leettime.de)
Return Type
- PresignedUrlList|error - Created
function requestThirdPartyDependencies() returns ThirdPartyDependenciesData[]|error
Request third-party software dependencies
Return Type
- ThirdPartyDependenciesData[]|error - OK
function requestSoftwareVersion(string? xSdsDateFormat) returns SoftwareVersionData|error
Request software version information
- xSdsDateFormat string? (default ()) - Date time format (cf. RFC 3339 & leettime.de)
Return Type
- SoftwareVersionData|error - OK
function requestSystemInfo(boolean? isEnabled) returns SystemInfo|error
Request system information
- isEnabled boolean? (default ()) - Show only enabled authentication methods
Return Type
- SystemInfo|error - OK
function requestActiveDirectoryAuthInfo(boolean? isGlobalAvailable) returns ActiveDirectoryAuthInfo|error
Request Active Directory authentication information
- isGlobalAvailable boolean? (default ()) - Show only global available items
Return Type
function requestOpenIdAuthInfo(boolean? isGlobalAvailable) returns OpenIdAuthInfo|error
Request OpenID Connect provider authentication information
- isGlobalAvailable boolean? (default ()) - Show only global available items
Return Type
- OpenIdAuthInfo|error - OK
function requestSystemTime(string? xSdsDateFormat) returns SdsServerTime|error
Request system time
- xSdsDateFormat string? (default ()) - Date time format (cf. RFC 3339 & leettime.de)
Return Type
- SdsServerTime|error - OK
dracoon.public: AccessKeyUploadIdBody
- file string? -
dracoon.public: ActiveDirectory
Active Directory information
- alias string - Unique name for an Active Directory configuration
- id int - ID
- isGlobalAvailable boolean - Is available for all customers
dracoon.public: ActiveDirectoryAuthInfo
List of Active Directories
- items ActiveDirectory[] - List of available Active Directories
dracoon.public: ActiveDirectoryConfig
Active Directory configuration
- adExportGroup string - If
is set totrue
, the user must be member of this Active Directory group to receive a newly created DRACOON account.
- alias string - Unique name for an Active Directory configuration
- createHomeFolder boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.10.0 DEPRECATED, will be ignored Determines whether a room is created for each user that is created by automatic import (like a home folder). Room's name will equal the user's login name.
- homeFolderParent int? - Deprecated since v4.10.0 DEPRECATED, will be ignored ID of the room in which the individual rooms for users will be created.
- id int - ID
- ldapUsersDomain string - Search scope of Active Directory; only users below this node can log on.
- sdsImportGroup int? - User group that is assigned to users who are created by automatic import.
Reset with
- serverAdminName string - Distinguished Name (DN) of Active Directory administrative account
- serverIp string - IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name
- serverPort int - Port
- sslFingerPrint string? - SSL finger print of Active Directory server.
Mandatory for LDAPS connections.
- useLdaps boolean - Determines whether LDAPS should be used instead of plain LDAP.
- userFilter string - Name of Active Directory attribute that is used as login name.
- userImport boolean - Determines if a DRACOON account is automatically created for a new user who successfully logs on with his / her AD / IDP account.
dracoon.public: ActiveDirectoryConfigList
List of Active Directory configurations
- items ActiveDirectoryConfig[] - List of Active Directory configurations
dracoon.public: AlgorithmVersionInfo
Algorithm information
- description string - Algorithm description
- status string - Algorithm status Derived from preference value and threshold
- 'version string - Algorithm version
dracoon.public: AlgorithmVersionInfoList
Information of all available algorithms
- fileKeyAlgorithms AlgorithmVersionInfo[] - List of file key algorithms
- keyPairAlgorithms AlgorithmVersionInfo[] - List of key pair algorithms
dracoon.public: AttributesResponse
Ranged list of attributes
- items KeyValueEntry[] - List of key-value pairs
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: AuditNodeResponse
Audit node report
- auditUserPermissionList AuditUserPermission[] - List of assigned users with permissions
- nodeCntChildren int - Number of direct children (no recursion; for rooms only)
- nodeCreatedAt string? - Creation date
- nodeCreatedBy UserInfo? - User information
- nodeHasActivitiesLog boolean(default true) - Is activities log active (for rooms only)
- nodeHasRecycleBin boolean? - Deprecated since v4.10.0 Is recycle bin active (for rooms only) Recycle bin is always on (disabling is not possible).
- nodeId int - Node ID
- nodeIsEncrypted boolean? - Encryption state
- nodeName string - Node name
- nodeParentId int? - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- nodeParentPath string - Parent node path
if node is a root node (room)
- nodeQuota int? - Quota in byte
- nodeRecycleBinRetentionPeriod int? - Retention period for deleted nodes in days
- nodeSize int? - Node size in byte
- nodeUpdatedAt string? - Modification date
- nodeUpdatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: AuditUserPermission
Audit user permissions report
- permissions NodePermissions - Node permissions
- userFirstName string - User first name
- userId int - Unique identifier for the user
- userLastName string - User last name
- userLogin string - User login name
dracoon.public: AuthConfig
Authentication settings
- authMethods AuthMethod[] - List of authentication methods
dracoon.public: AuthMethod
Authentication method
- isEnabled boolean - Is enabled
- name string - Authentication methods:
- priority int - Priority (smaller values have higher priority)
dracoon.public: AuthTokenRestrictions
Auth token restrictions
- accessTokenValidity int? - Since v4.13.0 Restricted OAuth access token validity (in seconds)
- refreshTokenValidity int? - Since v4.13.0 Restricted OAuth refresh token validity (in seconds)
- restrictionEnabled boolean? - Since v4.13.0 Defines if OAuth token restrictions are enabled
dracoon.public: Avatar
User avatar information
- avatarUri string - Avatar URI
- avatarUuid string - Avatar UUID
- isCustomAvatar boolean - Determines whether user updated his / her avatar with own image
dracoon.public: ChangeGroupMembersRequest
List of user IDs
- ids int[] - List of user IDs
dracoon.public: ChangeNodeCommentRequest
Request model for updating a node comment
- text string - Comment text
dracoon.public: ChangeUserPasswordRequest
Request model for updating user's password
- newPassword string - New password
- oldPassword string - Old password
dracoon.public: CharacterRules
Password character rules
- mustContainCharacters string[] - Characters which a password must contain:
- at least one alphabetical character (uppercase
) -
- at least one uppercase character -
- at least one lowercase character -
- at least one numeric character -
- at least one special character (letters and digits excluded) -
- combination ofuppercase
(available only in request models) -
- none of the above
- numberOfCharacteristicsToEnforce int - Number of characteristics to enforce
e.g. from
["uppercase", "lowercase", "numeric", "special"]
all 4 character sets can be enforced; but also only 2 of them
dracoon.public: ChunkUploadResponse
Chunk upload response
- hash string - Hash value of transferred chunk
- size int - Chunk size
dracoon.public: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
dracoon.public: Comment
Node comment information
- createdAt string - Creation date
- createdBy UserInfo - User information
- id int - Comment ID
- isChanged boolean - Determines whether comment was edited or not
- isDeleted boolean - Determines whether comment was deleted or not
- text string - Comment text
- updatedAt string - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo - User information
dracoon.public: CommentList
List of node comments
- items Comment[] - List of node comments
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: CompleteS3FileUploadRequest
Request model for completing a S3 file upload
- fileKey FileKey? - File key information
- fileName string? - New file name to store with
- keepShareLinks boolean(default false) - Preserve Download Share Links and point them to the new node.
- parts S3FileUploadPart[] - List of S3 file upload parts
- resolutionStrategy string(default "autorename") - Node conflict resolution strategy:
dracoon.public: CompleteS3ShareUploadRequest
Request model for completing a S3 file upload
- parts S3FileUploadPart[] - List of S3 file upload parts
- userFileKeyList UserFileKey[]? - List of user file keys
dracoon.public: CompleteUploadRequest
Request model for completing an upload
- fileKey FileKey? - File key information
- fileName string? - New file name to store with
- keepShareLinks boolean? - Preserve Download Share Links and point them to the new node.
- resolutionStrategy string? - Node conflict resolution strategy:
- userFileKeyList UserFileKeyList? - List of user file keys
dracoon.public: ConfigOptionList
List of key-value pairs
- items KeyValueEntry[] - List of key-value pairs
dracoon.public: ConfigRoomRequest
Request model for configuring a room
- adminGroupIds int[]? - List of group ids A room requires at least one admin (user or group)
- adminIds int[]? - List of user ids A room requires at least one admin (user or group)
- classification int? - Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- hasActivitiesLog boolean? - Is activities log active (for rooms only)
- hasRecycleBin boolean? - Deprecated since v4.10.0 Is recycle bin active (for rooms only) Recycle bin is always on (disabling is not possible).
- inheritPermissions boolean? - Inherit permissions from parent room
; otherwise:true
- newGroupMemberAcceptance string? - Behaviour when new users are added to the group:
has items. -
- recycleBinRetentionPeriod int? - Retention period for deleted nodes in days
- takeOverPermissions boolean? - Take over existing permissions
dracoon.public: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig|OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
dracoon.public: CopyNode
Copied node information
- id int - Source node ID
- name string? - New node name
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: CopyNodesRequest
Request model for copying nodes
- items CopyNode[]? - List of nodes to be copied
- keepShareLinks boolean? - Preserve Download Share Links and point them to the new node.
- nodeIds int[]? - Deprecated since v4.5.0
Node IDs
Please use
- resolutionStrategy string? - Node conflict resolution strategy:
dracoon.public: CreateActiveDirectoryConfigRequest
Request model for creating an Active Directory configuration
- adExportGroup string? - If
is set totrue
, the user must be member of this Active Directory group to receive a newly created DRACOON account.
- alias string - Unique name for an Active Directory configuration
- createHomeFolder boolean(default false) - DEPRECATED, will be ignored Determines whether a room is created for each user that is created by automatic import (like a home folder). Room's name will equal the user's login name.
- homeFolderParent int? - DEPRECATED, will be ignored ID of the room in which the individual rooms for users will be created.
- ldapUsersDomain string - Search scope of Active Directory; only users below this node can log on.
- sdsImportGroup int? - User group that is assigned to users who are created by automatic import.
Reset with
- serverAdminName string - Distinguished Name (DN) of Active Directory administrative account
- serverAdminPassword string - Password of Active Directory administrative account
- serverIp string - IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name
- serverPort int - Port
- sslFingerPrint string? - SSL finger print of Active Directory server.
Mandatory for LDAPS connections.
- useLdaps boolean(default false) - Determines whether LDAPS should be used instead of plain LDAP.
- userFilter string - Name of Active Directory attribute that is used as login name.
- userImport boolean(default false) - Determines if a DRACOON account is automatically created for a new user who successfully logs on with his / her AD / IDP account.
dracoon.public: CreateDownloadShareRequest
Request model for creating a Download Share
- creatorLanguage string? - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Language tag for messages to creator
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- fileKey FileKey? - File key information
- internalNotes string? - Since v4.11.0 Internal notes
- keyPair UserKeyPairContainer? - Key pair container
- mailBody string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Notification email content
- mailRecipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient email addresses
- mailSubject string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Notification email subject
- maxDownloads int? - Max allowed downloads
- name string? - Alias name (default: name of the shared node)
- nodeId int - Source node ID
- notes string? - User notes
- notifyCreator boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Notify creator on every download.
- password string? - Access password, not allowed for encrypted shares
- receiverLanguage string? - Language tag for messages to receiver
- sendMail boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Notify recipients via email
Please use
POST /shares/downloads/{share_id}/email
API instead.
- sendSms boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Send share password via SMS
Please use
attribute instead.
- showCreatorName boolean(default false) - Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean(default false) - Show creator email address.
- smsRecipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient MSISDNs
- textMessageRecipients string[]? - Since v4.11.0 List of recipient FQTNs E.123 / E.164 Format
dracoon.public: CreateFileUploadRequest
Request model for creating an upload channel
- classification int? - Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- directS3Upload boolean(default false) - Since v4.15.0 Upload direct to S3
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- name string - File name
- notes string? - User notes Use empty string to remove.
- parentId int - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- size int? - File size in byte
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: CreateFileUploadResponse
Upload channel information
- token string - Deprecated since v4.3.0 Upload token
- uploadId string - Upload (channel) ID
- uploadUrl string - (public) Upload URL
dracoon.public: CreateFolderRequest
Request model for creating a folder
- name string - Name
- notes string? - User notes Use empty string to remove.
- parentId int - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: CreateGroupRequest
Request model for creating a group
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- name string - Group name
dracoon.public: CreateKeyPairRequest
Request model for creating a key pair
- previousPrivateKey PrivateKeyContainer - Private key container
- privateKeyContainer PrivateKeyContainer - Private key container
- publicKeyContainer PublicKeyContainer - Public key container
dracoon.public: CreateNodeCommentRequest
Request model for creating a node comment
- text string - Comment text
dracoon.public: CreateOAuthClientRequest
Request model for creating an OAuth client
- accessTokenValidity int? - Validity of the access token in seconds.
- approvalValidity int? - Since v4.22.0 Validity of the approval interval in seconds.
- clientId string? - ID of the OAuth client
- clientName string - Name, which is shown at the client configuration and authorization.
- clientSecret string? - Secret, which client uses at authentication.
- clientType string? - Determines whether client is a confidential or public client.
- redirectUris string[]? - URIs, to which a user is redirected after authorization.
- refreshTokenValidity int? - Validity of the refresh token in seconds.
dracoon.public: CreateOpenIdIdpConfigRequest
Request model for creating an OpenID Connect IDP configuration
- authorizationEndPointUrl string - URL of the authorization endpoint
- clientId string - ID of the OpenID client
- clientSecret string - Secret, which client uses at authentication.
- fallbackMappingClaim string? - Name of the claim which is used for the user mapping fallback.
- flow string? - Since v4.11.0 Flow, which is used at authentication
- issuer string - Issuer identifier of the IDP The value is a case sensitive URL.
- jwksEndPointUrl string - URL of the JWKS endpoint
- mappingClaim string - Name of the claim which is used for the user mapping.
- name string - Name of the IDP
- redirectUris string[] - URIs, to which a user is redirected after authorization.
- scopes string[] - List of requested scopes
- tokenEndPointUrl string - URL of the token endpoint
- userImportEnabled boolean(default false) - Determines if a DRACOON account is automatically created for a new user who successfully logs on with his / her AD / IDP account.
- userImportGroup int? - User group that is assigned to users who are created by automatic import.
Reset with
- userInfoEndPointUrl string - URL of the user info endpoint
- userInfoSource string? - Since v4.23.0 Source, which is used to get user information at the import or update of a user.
- userManagementUrl string? - URL of the user management UI. Use empty string to remove.
- userUpdateEnabled boolean(default false) - Determines if the DRACOON account is updated with data from AD / IDP.
For OpenID Connect, the scopes
are needed.
dracoon.public: CreateRoomRequest
Request model for creating a room
- adminGroupIds int[]? - List of group ids A room requires at least one admin (user or group)
- adminIds int[]? - List of user ids A room requires at least one admin (user or group)
- classification int(default 2) - Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- hasActivitiesLog boolean(default true) - Is activities log active (for rooms only)
- hasRecycleBin boolean? - Deprecated since v4.10.0 Is recycle bin active (for rooms only) Recycle bin is always on (disabling is not possible).
- inheritPermissions boolean? - Inherit permissions from parent room
; otherwise:true
- name string - Name
- newGroupMemberAcceptance string(default "autoallow") - Behaviour when new users are added to the group:
has items. -
- notes string? - User notes Use empty string to remove.
- parentId int? - Parent room ID or
(not 0) to create a top level room
- quota int? - Quota in byte
- recycleBinRetentionPeriod int? - Retention period for deleted nodes in days
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: CreateShareUploadChannelRequest
Request model for creating an upload channel
- directS3Upload boolean(default false) - Since v4.15.0 Upload direct to S3
- name string - File name
- password string? - Password
- size int? - File size in byte
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: CreateShareUploadChannelResponse
Upload channel information
- token string? - Deprecated since v4.3.0 Upload token
- uploadId string - Upload (channel) ID
- uploadUrl string - (public) Upload URL
dracoon.public: CreateUploadShareRequest
Request model for creating an Upload Share
- creatorLanguage string? - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Language tag for messages to creator
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- filesExpiryPeriod int? - Number of days after which uploaded files expire
- internalNotes string? - Since v4.11.0 Internal notes
- mailBody string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Notification email content
- mailRecipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient email addresses
- mailSubject string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Notification email subject
- maxSize int? - Maximal total size of uploaded files (in bytes)
- maxSlots int? - Maximal amount of files to upload
- name string? - Alias name (default: name of the shared node)
- notes string? - User notes
- notifyCreator boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Notify creator on every upload.
- password string? - Password
- receiverLanguage string? - Language tag for messages to receiver
- sendMail boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Notify recipients via email
Please use
POST /shares/uploads/{share_id}/email
API instead.
- sendSms boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Send share password via SMS
Please use
attribute instead.
- showCreatorName boolean(default false) - Since v4.11.0 Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean(default false) - Since v4.11.0 Show creator email address.
- showUploadedFiles boolean(default false) - Allow display of already uploaded files
- smsRecipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient MSISDNs
- targetId int - Target room or folder ID
- textMessageRecipients string[]? - Since v4.11.0 List of recipient FQTNs E.123 / E.164 Format
dracoon.public: CreateUserRequest
Request model for creating an user
- authData UserAuthData? - User Authentication Data
- authMethods UserAuthMethod[]? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Authentication methods:
instead -
- email string? - Email
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- firstName string - User first name
- gender string(default "n") - Deprecated since v4.12.0
Do NOT use
! It will be ignored.
- isNonmemberViewer boolean? - Since v4.12.0 Determines whether user has the role NONMEMBER_VIEWER
- lastName string - User last name
- login string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0 User login name
- needsToChangePassword boolean? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Determines whether user has to change his / her initial password.
- notifyUser boolean? - Since v4.9.0
Notify user about his new account
auth type -
auth types
- password string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
An initial password may be preset
- phone string? - Phone number
- receiverLanguage string? - IETF language tag
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userName string? - Since v4.13.0 Username
dracoon.public: CreateWebhookRequest
Request model for creating a webhook
- eventTypeNames string[] - List of names of event types
- isEnabled boolean? - Is enabled
- name string - Name
- secret string? - Secret; used for event message signatures
- triggerExampleEvent boolean? - If set to true, an example event is being created
- url string - URL (must begin with the
dracoon.public: Customer
Customer information
- activationCode string? - Deprecated since v4.8.0
Customer activation code string:
valid only for types
customers it is empty
valid only for types
- companyName string - Company name
- createdAt string - Creation date
- customerAttributes CustomerAttributes? - List of customer attributes
- customerContractType string - Customer type
- customerUuid string - Since v4.21.0 Customer UUID
- id int - Unique identifier for the customer
- isLocked boolean(default false) - Customer is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lastLoginAt string? - Date of last seen login for the customer
- lockStatus boolean - Deprecated since v4.7.0
Customer lock status:
- unlocked -
- locked
instead. All users of this customer will be blocked and can not login anymore. -
- providerCustomerId string? - Provider customer ID
- quotaMax int - Maximal disc space which can be allocated by customer in bytes. -1 for unlimited
- quotaUsed int - Used amount of disc space in bytes
- trialDaysLeft int? - Number of days left for trial period (relevant only for type
) (not used)
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- userMax int - Maximal number of users
- userUsed int - Number of users which are already allocated.
- webhooksMax int? - Since v4.19.0 Maximal number of webhooks
dracoon.public: CustomerAttributes
List of customer attributes
- items KeyValueEntry[] - List of customer attributes
dracoon.public: CustomerData
Customer information
- accountsLimit int - User accounts limit
- accountsUsed int - User accounts used
- cntFiles int? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Total number of files Visible only with at least one global role.
- cntFolders int? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Total number of folders Visible only with at least one global role.
- cntRooms int? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Total number of rooms Visible only with at least one global role.
- customerEncryptionEnabled boolean - Clientside encryption for customer enabled
- id int - Unique identifier for the customer
- isProviderCustomer boolean - Customer is Provider Customer
- name string - Customer name
- spaceLimit int - Space limit (in bytes). -1 for unlimited
- spaceUsed int - Space used (in bytes)
dracoon.public: CustomerList
List of customers
- items Customer[] - List of customers
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: CustomerSettingsRequest
Request model for setting the customer settings
- homeRoomParentName string? - Homeroom Parent Name
- homeRoomQuota int? - Homeroom Quota in bytes
- homeRoomsActive boolean? - Homerooms active
dracoon.public: CustomerSettingsResponse
Customer settings
- homeRoomParentId int? - Homeroom Parent ID
- homeRoomParentName string? - Homeroom Parent Name
- homeRoomQuota int? - Homeroom Quota in bytes
- homeRoomsActive boolean - Homerooms active
dracoon.public: DeleteDeletedNodesRequest
Request model for deleting nodes from recycle bin
- deletedNodeIds int[] - List of deleted node IDs
dracoon.public: DeletedNode
Deleted node information (Deleted node can be a folder or file)
- accessedAt string? - Last access date
- classification int? - Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- createdAt string? - Creation date
- createdBy UserInfo? - User information
- deletedAt string? - Deletion date
- deletedBy UserInfo? - User information
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- id int? - Node ID
- isEncrypted boolean? - Encryption state
- name string - Node name
- notes string? - User notes
- parentId int - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- parentPath string - Parent node path
if node is a root node (room)
- size int? - Node size in byte
- 'type string - Node type
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: DeletedNodeSummary
Deleted node information (Deleted node can be a folder or file)
- cntVersions int - Number of deleted versions of this file
- firstDeletedAt string - First deleted version
- lastDeletedAt string - Last deleted version
- lastDeletedNodeId int - Node ID of last deleted version
- name string - Node name
- parentId int - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- parentPath string - Parent node path
if node is a root node (room)
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system
- 'type string - Node type
dracoon.public: DeletedNodeSummaryList
List of deleted nodes
- items DeletedNodeSummary[] - List of deleted nodes (summary)
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: DeletedNodeVersionsList
List of deleted versions of nodes
- items DeletedNode[] - List of deleted nodes
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: DeleteDownloadSharesRequest
Request model for deleting Download Shares
- shareIds int[] - List of share IDs
dracoon.public: DeleteNodesRequest
Request model for deleting nodes
- nodeIds int[] - List of node IDs
dracoon.public: DeleteUploadSharesRequest
Request model for deleting Upload Shares
- shareIds int[] - List of share IDs
dracoon.public: DownloadShare
Download Share information
- accessKey string - Share access key to generate secure link
- classification int? - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- cntDownloads int - Downloads counter (incremented on each download)
- createdAt string - Creation date
- createdBy UserInfo - User information
- dataUrl string? - Path to shared download node
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- id int - Share ID
- internalNotes string? - Since v4.11.0 Internal notes
- isEncrypted boolean? - Encrypted share (this only applies to shared files, not folders)
- isProtected boolean? - Is share protected by password
- maxDownloads int? - Max allowed downloads
- name string - Alias name
- nodeId int - Source node ID
- nodePath string? - Path to shared download node
- nodeType string? - Node type
- notes string? - User notes
- notifyCreator boolean - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Notify creator on every download.
- recipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient email addresses
- showCreatorName boolean? - Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean? - Show creator email address.
- smsRecipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient MSISDNs
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: DownloadShareLinkEmail
Request model for sending an email of a Download Share link
- body string - Notification email content
- receiverLanguage string? - Language tag for messages to receiver
- recipients string[] - List of recipient email addresses
dracoon.public: DownloadShareList
List of Download Shares
- items DownloadShare[] - List of Download Shares
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: DownloadTokenGenerateResponse
Download URL
- downloadUrl string - Download URL
- token string - Deprecated since v4.3.0 Download token
dracoon.public: EnableCustomerEncryptionRequest
Request model for enabling customer encryption
- dataSpaceRescueKey UserKeyPairContainer - Key pair container
- enableCustomerEncryption boolean - Set
to enable encryption for this customer
dracoon.public: EncryptionInfo
Encryption states
- dataSpaceKeyState string - DRACOON key state
- roomKeyState string - Room key state
- userKeyState string - User key state
dracoon.public: EncryptionPasswordPolicies
Encryption password policies
- characterRules CharacterRules? - Password character rules
- minLength int? - Minimum number of characters a password must contain
- rejectKeyboardPatterns boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain keyboard patterns (e.g.
) (min. 4 character pattern)
- rejectUserInfo boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain user info (first name, last name, email, user name)
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: EncryptRoomRequest
Request model for handling encryption settings for a room
- dataRoomRescueKey UserKeyPairContainer? - Key pair container
- isEncrypted boolean - Encryption state
- useDataSpaceRescueKey boolean? - Use system emergency password (rescue key) for files in this room
dracoon.public: ErrorResponse
Error information
- code int - HTTP status code
- debugInfo string? - Debug information
- errorCode int? - Internal error code
- message string - HTTP status code description
dracoon.public: EventlogConfig
Eventlog settings
- enabled boolean? - Is eventlog enabled?
- logIpEnabled boolean? - Determines whether user’s IP address is logged.
- retentionPeriod int? - Retention period (in days) of event log entries. After that period, all entries are deleted. Recommended value: 7
dracoon.public: EventType
Event type information
- id int - ID
- name string - Name
- usableCustomerAdminWebhook boolean - Usable as customer admin webhook
- usableNodeWebhook boolean - Usable as node webhook
- usablePushNotification boolean - Usable as push notification
- usableTenantWebhook boolean - Usable as tenant webhook
dracoon.public: EventTypeList
List of event types
- items EventType[] - List of event types
dracoon.public: FailoverServer
Failover server information
- failoverEnabled boolean - RADIUS Failover Server is active
- failoverIpAddress string - RADIUS Failover Server IP Address Required if failover server is enabled.
- failoverPort int - RADIUS Failover Server Port Required if failover server is enabled.
dracoon.public: FileFileKeys
File key information
- fileKeyContainer FileKeyContainer? - File key container
- id int? - File ID
dracoon.public: FileKey
File key information
- iv string - Initial vector
- 'key string - Encryption key
- tag string - Authentication tag (needed with authenticated encryption)
- 'version string - Version
dracoon.public: FileKeyContainer
File key container
- iv string - Initial vector
- 'key string - Encryption key
- tag string? - Authentication tag (needed with authenticated encryption)
- 'version string - Version
dracoon.public: FirstAdminUser
First administrator user
- authData UserAuthData? - User Authentication Data
- authMethods UserAuthMethod[]? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Authentication methods:
instead -
- email string? - Email
- firstName string - User first name
- gender string(default "n") - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Gender
- language string? - Deprecated since v4.7.0 Language ID or ISO 639-1 code
- lastName string - User last name
- login string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0 User login name
- needsToChangePassword boolean? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Determines whether user has to change his / her initial password.
- needsToChangeUserName boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.13.0
, the user must change theuserName
at the first login.
- notifyUser boolean? - Notify user about his new account
auth type -
auth types
- password string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
An initial password may be preset
- phone string? - Phone number
- receiverLanguage string? - IETF language tag
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userName string? - Since v4.13.0 Username
dracoon.public: GeneralSettings
General settings
- authTokenRestrictions AuthTokenRestrictions? - Auth token restrictions
- cryptoEnabled boolean? - Activation status of client-side encryption. Can only be enabled once; disabling is not possible.
- emailNotificationButtonEnabled boolean? - Enable email notification button
- eulaEnabled boolean? - Each user has to confirm the EULA at first login.
- hideLoginInputFields boolean? - Since v4.13.0 Defines if login fields should be hidden
- mediaServerEnabled boolean? - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Determines if the media server is enabled
- s3TagsEnabled boolean? - Since v4.9.0 Defines if S3 tags are enabled
- sharePasswordSmsEnabled boolean? - Allow sending of share passwords via SMS
- useS3Storage boolean? - Defines if S3 is used as storage backend
- weakPasswordEnabled boolean? - Deprecated since v4.14.0
Allow weak password
- A weak password has to fulfill the following criteria:
- is at least 8 characters long
- contains letters and numbers
- A strong password has to fulfill the following criteria in addition:
- contains at least one special character
- contains upper and lower case characters
GET /system/config/policies/passwords
API to get configured password policies.
dracoon.public: GeneralSettingsInfo
General settings
- cryptoEnabled boolean? - Activation status of client-side encryption. Can only be enabled once; disabling is not possible.
- emailNotificationButtonEnabled boolean? - Enable email notification button
- eulaEnabled boolean? - Each user has to confirm the EULA at first login.
- homeRoomParentId int? - Since v4.10.0 Homeroom Parent ID
- homeRoomsActive boolean? - Since v4.10.0 Homerooms active
- mediaServerEnabled boolean? - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Determines if the media server is enabled
- s3TagsEnabled boolean? - Since v4.9.0 Defines if S3 tags are enabled
- sharePasswordSmsEnabled boolean? - Allow sending of share passwords via SMS
- useS3Storage boolean? - Defines if S3 is used as storage backend
- weakPasswordEnabled boolean? - Allow weak password
- A weak password has to fulfill the following criteria:
- is at least 8 characters long
- contains letters and numbers
- A strong password has to fulfill the following criteria in addition:
- contains at least one special character
- contains upper and lower case characters
dracoon.public: GeneratePresignedUrlsRequest
Request model for generating presigned URLs
- firstPartNumber int - First part number of a range of requested presigned URLs (for S3 it is:
- lastPartNumber int - Last part number of a range of requested presigned URLs
- size int -
header size for each presigned URL (in bytes) MUST be >= 5 MB except the last part.
dracoon.public: Group
Group information
- cntUsers int - Amount of users
- createdAt string - Creation date
- createdBy UserInfo - User information
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- groupRoles RoleList? - List of roles
- id int - Unique identifier for the group
- name string - Group name
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: GroupIds
List of group IDs
- ids int[] - List of group IDs
dracoon.public: GroupInfo
Group information
- id int - Unique identifier for the group
- name string - Group name
dracoon.public: GroupList
List of groups
- items Group[] - List of groups
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: GroupUser
User information
- displayName string - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Display name
use information from
instead to combine a display name
- email string - Deprecated since v4.11.0
- id int - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Unique identifier for the user
- isMember boolean - Determines whether user is a member of the group or not
- login string - Deprecated since v4.11.0 User login name
- userInfo UserInfo - User information
dracoon.public: GroupUserList
List of users
- items GroupUser[] - List of group-user mappings
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: InfrastructureProperties
Infrastructure properties
- isDracoonCloud boolean? - Since v4.21.0 Determines if the DRACOON Core is deployed in the cloud environment
- mediaServerConfigEnabled boolean? - Determines if the media server is enabled
- s3DefaultRegion string? - Suggested S3 Region
- s3EnforceDirectUpload boolean? - Since v4.15.0 Enforce direct upload to S3
- smsConfigEnabled boolean? - Allow sending of share passwords via SMS
- tenantUuid string? - Since v4.21.0 Current tenant UUID
dracoon.public: KeyValueEntry
Key-value pair
- 'key string - Entry key
- value string - Entry value
dracoon.public: LastAdminGroupRoom
Room information
- id int - Room ID
- name string - Room name
- parentId int? - Parent room ID
- parentPath string - Parent node path
if node is a root node (room)
dracoon.public: LastAdminGroupRoomList
List of (last admin group) rooms
- items LastAdminGroupRoom[] - List of last admin rooms
dracoon.public: LastAdminUserRoom
Room information
- id int - Room ID
- lastAdminInGroup boolean - Determines whether user is last admin of a room due to being the last member of last admin group
- lastAdminInGroupId int? - ID of the last admin group where the user is the only remaining member
(returned only if
- name string - Room name
- parentId int? - Parent room ID
- parentPath string - Parent node path
if node is a root node (room)
dracoon.public: LastAdminUserRoomList
List of (last admin user) rooms
- items LastAdminUserRoom[] - List of last admin rooms
dracoon.public: LogEvent
Log event information
- attribute1 string? - Attribute 1
- attribute2 string? - Attribute 2
- attribute3 string? - Attribute 3
- authParentSource string? - Auth parent source ID
- authParentTarget string? - Auth parent target ID
- customerId int? - Unique identifier for the customer
- id int - Event ID
- message string - Event description
- objectId1 int? - Object ID 1
- objectId2 int? - Object ID 2
- objectName1 string? - Object name 1
- objectName2 string? - Object name 2
- objectType1 int? - Object type 1
- objectType2 int? - Object type 2
- operationId int? - Operation type ID
- operationName string? - Operation name
- status int? - Operation status:
- Success -
- Error
- time string - Event timestamp
- userClient string? - Client
- userId int - Unique identifier for the user
- userIp string? - User IP
- userName string? - Username
dracoon.public: LogEventList
List of log events
- items LogEvent[] - List of log events
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: LoginPasswordPolicies
Login password policies
- characterRules CharacterRules - Password character rules
- minLength int - Minimum number of characters a password must contain
- numberOfArchivedPasswords int - Number of passwords to archive
(must be between
means that password history is disabled)
- passwordExpiration PasswordExpiration - Password expiration information
- rejectDictionaryWords boolean - Determines whether a password must NOT contain word(s) from a dictionary
- rejectKeyboardPatterns boolean - Determines whether a password must NOT contain keyboard patterns (e.g.
) (min. 4 character pattern)
- rejectUserInfo boolean - Determines whether a password must NOT contain user info (first name, last name, email, user name)
- updatedAt string - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo - User information
- userLockout UserLockout - User lockout information
dracoon.public: LoginRequest
Request model for performing an authentication
- authType string? - Authentication methods
- language string? - Deprecated since v4.7.0 Language ID or ISO 639-1 code
- login string? - Deprecated since v4.7.0 User login name
- password string - Password
- state string? - For RADIUS Access-Challenge
If a
is returned, it must be included asstate
in the following request.
- token string? - RADIUS Token
- userName string? - Since v4.13.0 Username
dracoon.public: LoginResponse
Authentication token
- token string - Authentication token
dracoon.public: LogOperation
Log operation
- id int - Operation type ID
- isDeprecated boolean - Determines whether log operation is deprecated or not
- name string - Operation name
dracoon.public: LogOperationList
List of log operations
- operationList LogOperation[] - List of all log operations
dracoon.public: MissingKeysResponse
Missing keys information
- files FileFileKeys[]? - List of file keys
- items UserIdFileIdItem[]? - List of user ID and file ID mappings
- range Range? - Range information
- users UserUserPublicKey[]? - List of user public keys
dracoon.public: MoveNode
Moved node information
- id int - Source node ID
- name string? - New node name
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: MoveNodesRequest
Request model for moving nodes
- items MoveNode[]? - List of nodes to be moved
- keepShareLinks boolean? - Preserve Download Share Links and point them to the new node.
- nodeIds int[]? - Deprecated since v4.5.0
Node IDs
Please use
- resolutionStrategy string? - Node conflict resolution strategy:
dracoon.public: NewCustomerRequest
Request model for creating a customer
- activationCode string? - Deprecated since v4.8.0
Customer activation code string:
valid only for types
customers it is empty
valid only for types
- companyName string? - Company name
- customerAttributes CustomerAttributes? - List of customer attributes
- customerContractType string - Customer type
- firstAdminUser FirstAdminUser - First administrator user
- isLocked boolean(default false) - Customer is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lockStatus boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.7.0
Customer lock status:
- unlocked -
- locked
instead. All users of this customer will be blocked and can not login anymore. -
- providerCustomerId string? - Provider customer ID
- quotaMax int - Maximal disc space which can be allocated by customer in bytes. -1 for unlimited
- trialDays int? - Number of days left for trial period (relevant only for type
) (not used)
- userMax int - Maximal number of users
- webhooksMax int? - Since v4.19.0 Maximal number of webhooks
dracoon.public: NewCustomerResponse
Customer information
- activationCode string? - Deprecated since v4.8.0
Customer activation code string:
valid only for types
customers it is empty
valid only for types
- companyName string - Company name
- createdAt string? - Creation date
- customerAttributes CustomerAttributes? - List of customer attributes
- customerContractType string - Customer type
- customerUuid string - Since v4.21.0 Customer UUID
- firstAdminUser FirstAdminUser - First administrator user
- id int? - Unique identifier for the customer
- isLocked boolean(default false) - Customer is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lockStatus boolean - Deprecated since v4.7.0
Customer lock status:
- unlocked -
- locked
instead. All users of this customer will be blocked and can not login anymore. -
- providerCustomerId string? - Provider customer ID
- quotaMax int - Maximal disc space which can be allocated by customer in bytes. -1 for unlimited
- trialDays int? - Number of days left for trial period (relevant only for type
) (not used)
- userMax int - Maximal number of users
- webhooksMax int? - Since v4.19.0 Maximal number of webhooks
dracoon.public: Node
Node information (Node can be a room, folder or file)
- authParentId int? - Since v4.15.0 Auth parent room ID
- branchVersion int? - Version of last change in this node or a node further down the tree.
- children Node[]? - Deprecated since v4.10.0 Child nodes list (if requested) (for rooms / folders only)
- classification int? - Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- cntAdmins int? - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Number of admins (for rooms only)
- cntChildren int? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 Number of direct children (no recursion; for rooms / folders only)
- cntComments int? - Returns the number of comments of this node.
- cntDeletedVersions int? - Number of deleted versions of this file / folder (for rooms / folders only)
- cntDownloadShares int? - Returns the number of Download Shares of this node.
- cntFiles int? - Since v4.11.0 Amount of direct child files where this node is the parent node (no recursion; for rooms / folders only)
- cntFolders int? - Since v4.11.0 Amount of direct child folders where this node is the parent node (no recursion; for rooms / folders only)
- cntRooms int? - Since v4.11.0 Amount of direct child rooms where this node is the parent node (no recursion; for rooms only)
- cntUploadShares int? - Returns the number of Upload Shares of this node.
- cntUsers int? - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Number of users (for rooms only)
- createdAt string? - Creation date
- createdBy UserInfo? - User information
- encryptionInfo EncryptionInfo? - Encryption states
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- fileType string? - File type / extension (for files only)
- hasActivitiesLog boolean(default true) - Is activities log active (for rooms only)
- hasRecycleBin boolean? - Deprecated since v4.10.0 Is recycle bin active (for rooms only) Recycle bin is always on (disabling is not possible).
- hash string? - MD5 hash of file
- id int - Node ID
- inheritPermissions boolean? - Inherit permissions from parent room
; otherwise:true
- isBrowsable boolean? - Since v4.11.0 Determines whether node is browsable by client (for rooms only)
- isEncrypted boolean? - Encryption state
- isFavorite boolean? - Node is marked as favorite (for rooms / folders only)
- mediaToken string? - Media server media token
- mediaType string? - File media type (for files only)
- name string - Name
- notes string? - User notes
- parentId int? - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- parentPath string? - Parent node path
if node is a root node (room)
- permissions NodePermissions? - Node permissions
- quota int? - Quota in byte
- recycleBinRetentionPeriod int? - Retention period for deleted nodes in days
- size int? - Node size in byte
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system
- 'type string - Node type
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: NodeList
List of nodes
- items Node[] - List of nodes
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: NodeParent
Parent node
- id int - Node ID
- name string - Node name
- parentId int? - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- 'type string - Node type
dracoon.public: NodeParentList
List of parent nodes
- items NodeParent[]? - List of node parents
dracoon.public: NodePermissions
Node permissions
- change boolean - User / Group may update metadata of nodes: rename files and folders, change classification, etc.
- create boolean - User / Group may upload files, create folders and copy / move files to this room, overwriting is not possible.
- delete boolean - User / Group may overwrite and remove files / folders, move files from this room.
- deleteRecycleBin boolean - User / Group may permanently remove files / folders from the recycle bin.
- manage boolean - User / Group may grant all of the above permissions to other users and groups independently, may update room metadata and create / update / delete subordinary rooms, has all permissions.
- manageDownloadShare boolean - User / Group may create Download Shares for files and containers view all previously created Download Shares in this room.
- manageUploadShare boolean - User / Group may create Upload Shares for containers, view all previously created Upload Shares in this room.
- read boolean - User / Group may see all rooms, files and folders in the room and download everything, copy files from this room.
- readRecycleBin boolean - User / Group may look up files / folders in the recycle bin.
- restoreRecycleBin boolean - User / Group may restore files / folders from recycle bin - room permissions required.
dracoon.public: NotificationChannel
Notification channel information
- frequency int - Channel frequency (aggregation window size in minutes)
- id int - Channel ID
- isEnabled boolean - Determines whether channel is enabled
- name string - Name
- 'type string - Channel type (only
available at the moment)
dracoon.public: NotificationChannelActivationRequest
Request model for switching notification channel status
- channelId int - Channel ID
- isEnabled boolean - Determines whether channel is enabled
dracoon.public: NotificationChannelList
List of notification channels
- items NotificationChannel[] - List of notification channels
dracoon.public: NotificationConfig
Notification configuration information
- channelIds int[] - List of notification channel IDs
- eventTypeName string - Event type name
- id int - Notification configuration ID
- scopeId int - Scope ID
dracoon.public: NotificationConfigChangeRequest
Request model for updating notification configuration
- channelIds int[] - List of notification channel IDs. Leave empty to disable notifications.
dracoon.public: NotificationConfigList
List of notification configurations
- items NotificationConfig[] - List of notification configurations
dracoon.public: NotificationScope
Notification scope information
- id int - Scope ID
- name string - Name
dracoon.public: NotificationScopeList
List of notification scopes
- items NotificationScope[] - List of notification scopes
dracoon.public: OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
OAuth2 Refresh Token Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantConfig
- refreshUrl string(default "/oauth/token") - Refresh URL
dracoon.public: OAuthApproval
OAuth client approval information
- clientId string - ID of the OAuth client
- clientName string - Name, which is shown at the client configuration and authorization.
- expiresAt string? - Expiration date of the approval
dracoon.public: OAuthAuthorization
OAuth authorization
- clientId string - ID of the OAuth client
- clientName string - Name, which is shown at the client configuration and authorization.
- createdAt string? - Since v4.13.0 Creation date of the authorization
- expiresAt string? - Expiration date of the authorization
- id int? - Since v4.12.0 ID of the OAuth authorization
- isCurrentAuthorization boolean? - Since v4.25.0 Determines whether authorization matches the one from Authorization Header
- isStandard boolean? - Since v4.12.0 Determines whether client is a standard client.
- usedAt string? - Since v4.13.0 Usage date of the authorization (Time of last usage.)
- userAgentCategory string - Since v4.12.0 User agent category.
- userAgentInfo string? - Since v4.12.0 User agent info.
- userAgentOs string? - Since v4.12.0 User agent OS.
- userAgentType string? - Since v4.12.0 User agent type.
dracoon.public: OAuthClient
OAuth client information
- accessTokenValidity int? - Validity of the access token in seconds.
- approvalValidity int? - Since v4.22.0 Validity of the approval interval in seconds.
- clientId string - ID of the OAuth client
- clientName string? - Name, which is shown at the client configuration and authorization.
- clientSecret string? - Secret, which client uses at authentication.
- clientType string? - Determines whether client is a confidential or public client.
- isEnabled boolean? - Determines whether client is enabled.
- isExternal boolean? - Determines whether client is an external client.
- isStandard boolean? - Determines whether client is a standard client.
- redirectUris string[]? - URIs, to which a user is redirected after authorization.
- refreshTokenValidity int? - Validity of the refresh token in seconds.
dracoon.public: ObjectExpiration
Expiration information
- enableExpiration boolean - enabled / disabled
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
dracoon.public: OpenIdAuthInfo
List of OpenID Connect providers
- items OpenIdProvider[] - List of available OpenID Connect identity providers
dracoon.public: OpenIdAuthResources
List of OpenID Connect providers
- openIdProviders OpenIdProvider[] - List of available OpenID Connect identity providers
dracoon.public: OpenIdIdpConfig
OpenID Connect IDP configuration
- authorizationEndPointUrl string? - URL of the authorization endpoint
- clientId string? - ID of the OpenID client
- clientSecret string? - Secret, which client uses at authentication.
- fallbackMappingClaim string? - Name of the claim which is used for the user mapping fallback.
- flow string? - Since v4.11.0 Flow, which is used at authentication
- id int - ID
- issuer string? - Issuer identifier of the IDP The value is a case sensitive URL.
- jwksEndPointUrl string? - URL of the JWKS endpoint
- mappingClaim string? - Name of the claim which is used for the user mapping.
- name string? - Name of the IDP
- redirectUris string[]? - URIs, to which a user is redirected after authorization.
- scopes string[]? - List of requested scopes
and the names of the requested claims.
- tokenEndPointUrl string? - URL of the token endpoint
- userImportEnabled boolean(default false) - Determines if a DRACOON account is automatically created for a new user who successfully logs on with his / her AD / IDP account.
- userImportGroup int? - User group that is assigned to users who are created by automatic import.
Reset with
- userInfoEndPointUrl string? - URL of the user info endpoint
- userInfoSource string? - Since v4.23.0 Source, which is used to get user information at the import or update of a user.
- userManagementUrl string? - URL of the user management UI. Use empty string to remove.
- userUpdateEnabled boolean(default false) - Determines if the DRACOON account is updated with data from AD / IDP.
For OpenID Connect, the scopes
are needed.
dracoon.public: OpenIdProvider
OpenID Connect provider information
- id int - ID
- isGlobalAvailable boolean - Is available for all customers
- issuer string - Issuer identifier of the IDP The value is a case sensitive URL.
- mappingClaim string - Name of the claim which is used for the user mapping.
- name string - Name of the IDP
- userManagementUrl string? - URL of the user management UI. Use empty string to remove.
dracoon.public: PasswordExpiration
Password expiration information
- enabled boolean - Determines whether password expiration is enabled
- maxPasswordAge int? - Maximum allowed password age (in days)
dracoon.public: PasswordPoliciesConfig
Set of password policies
- encryptionPasswordPolicies EncryptionPasswordPolicies? - Encryption password policies
- loginPasswordPolicies LoginPasswordPolicies? - Login password policies
- sharesPasswordPolicies SharesPasswordPolicies? - Shares password policies
dracoon.public: PasswordPolicyViolationResponse
List of violated password policies
- code int - HTTP status code
- debugInfo string? - Debug information
- errorCode int? - Internal error code
- message string - HTTP status code description
- violatedPasswordPolicies ViolatedPasswordPolicy[]? - List of violated password policies
dracoon.public: PendingAssignment
Pending assignment information
- groupId int - Unique identifier for the group
- roomId int - Room ID
- roomName string - Room name
- state string - Acceptance state:
- userId int - Unique identifier for the user
dracoon.public: PendingAssignmentData
Pending assignment information
- groupId int? - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Unique identifier for the group
- groupInfo GroupInfo - Group information
- pendingGroupData PendingGroupData - Pending group information
- pendingUserData PendingUserData - Pending user information
- roomId int - Room ID
- roomName string - Room name
- state string - Acceptance state:
- userId int? - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Unique identifier for the user
- userInfo UserInfo - User information
dracoon.public: PendingAssignmentList
List of pending assignments
- items PendingAssignmentData[] - List of pending assignment information
- range Range? - Range information
dracoon.public: PendingAssignmentsRequest
Request model for handling pending assignments
- items PendingAssignment[] - List of pending assignments
dracoon.public: PendingGroupData
Pending group information
- id int - Unique identifier for the group
- name string - Group name
dracoon.public: PendingUserData
Pending user information
- displayName string - Display name
use information from
instead to combine a display name
- email string - Email
- id int - Unique identifier for the user
- login string - User login name
dracoon.public: PresignedUrl
Presigned URL information
- partNumber int - Corresponding part number
- url string - S3 presigned URL
dracoon.public: PresignedUrlList
List of generated presigned URLs
- urls PresignedUrl[] - List of S3 presigned URLs
dracoon.public: PrivateKeyContainer
Private key container
- createdAt string? - Since v4.24.0 Creation date
- createdBy int? - Since v4.24.0 Created by user
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- privateKey string - Private key
- 'version string - Version
dracoon.public: ProfileAttributes
User profile attributes
- items KeyValueEntry[] - List of key-value pairs
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: ProfileAttributesRequest
Request model for setting user profile attributes
- items KeyValueEntry[] - List of key-value pairs
dracoon.public: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
dracoon.public: PublicDownloadShare
Download Share information
- createdAt string - Creation date
- creatorName string - Creator name
- creatorUsername string? - Creator username
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- fileKey FileKey? - File key information
- fileName string - File name
- hasDownloadLimit boolean - Since v4.11.0 Determines whether Download Share has a limit for amount of downloads
- isEncrypted boolean? - Encryption state
- isProtected boolean - Is share protected by password
- limitReached boolean - Downloads limit reached
- mediaType string - Since v4.11.0
(for folders and rooms) - actual file media type (for files only)
- name string? - Share display name (alias name)
- notes string? - User notes
- privateKeyContainer PrivateKeyContainer? - Private key container
- size int - File size or container size not compressed (in bytes)
dracoon.public: PublicDownloadTokenGenerateRequest
Request model for generating download URL
- password string? - Password (only for password-protected shares)
dracoon.public: PublicDownloadTokenGenerateResponse
Download URL
- downloadUrl string? - Download URL
- token string - Deprecated since v4.3.0 Download token
dracoon.public: PublicKeyContainer
Public key container
- createdAt string? - Since v4.24.0 Creation date
- createdBy int? - Since v4.24.0 Created by user
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- publicKey string - Public key
- 'version string - Version
dracoon.public: PublicUploadedFileData
File information
- createdAt string - Creation date
- hash string? - Hash value of transferred file
- name string - Name
- size int - File size in byte
dracoon.public: PublicUploadShare
Upload Share information
- createdAt string - Creation date
- creatorName string - Since v4.11.0 Creator name
- creatorUsername string? - Since v4.11.0 Creator username
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- isEncrypted boolean? - Encryption state
- isProtected boolean - Is share protected by password
- maxSize decimal? - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Maximal total size of uploaded files (in bytes)
- maxSlots int - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Maximal amount of files to upload
- name string? - Share display name (alias name)
- notes string? - User notes
- remainingSize int? - Remaining size
- remainingSlots int? - Remaining slots
- showUploadedFiles boolean? - Allow display of already uploaded files
- uploadedFiles PublicUploadedFileData[]? - List of (public) uploaded files
- userUserPublicKeyList UserUserPublicKeyList? - List of user public keys
dracoon.public: RadiusChallengeResponse
RADIUS challenge reply
- code int - HTTP status code
- debugInfo string? - Debug information
- errorCode int? - Internal error code
- message string - HTTP status code description
- replyMessage string - RADIUS Reply-Message Instruction how to handle the situation.
- replyState string - For RADIUS Access-Challenge
If a
is returned, it must be included asstate
in the following request.
dracoon.public: RadiusConfig
RADIUS configuration
- failoverServer FailoverServer? - Failover server information
- ipAddress string - RADIUS Server IP Address
- otpPinFirst boolean - Sequence order of concatenated PIN and one-time token
- port int - RADIUS Server Port
- sharedSecret string - Shared Secret to access the RADIUS server
dracoon.public: RadiusConfigCreateRequest
Request model for creating a RADIUS configuration
- failoverServer FailoverServer? - Failover server information
- ipAddress string - RADIUS Server IP Address
- otpPinFirst boolean(default true) - Sequence order of concatenated PIN and one-time token
- port int - RADIUS Server Port
- sharedSecret string - Shared Secret to access the RADIUS server
dracoon.public: RadiusConfigUpdateRequest
Request model for updating a RADIUS configuration
- failoverServer FailoverServer? - Failover server information
- ipAddress string? - RADIUS Server IP Address
- otpPinFirst boolean? - Sequence order of concatenated PIN and one-time token
- port int? - RADIUS Server Port
- sharedSecret string? - Shared Secret to access the RADIUS server
dracoon.public: Range
Range information
- 'limit int - Range limit. Maximum 500.
- offset int - Range offset
- total int - Total items available
dracoon.public: RecoverUserNameRequest
Recover usernames for email
- creatorLanguage string? - IETF language tag
- email string - Email
dracoon.public: ResetPasswordRequest
Request model for reseting user's login password
- creatorLanguage string? - IETF language tag
- language string? - Deprecated since v4.7.0 Language ID or ISO 639-1 code
- login string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0 User login name
- userName string? - Since v4.13.0 Username
dracoon.public: ResetPasswordTokenValidateResponse
Password reset information
- allowSystemGlobalWeakPassword boolean? - Deprecated since v4.14.0
Allow weak password
Please use
- firstName string - User first name
- gender string(default "n") - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Gender
- lastName string - User last name
- loginPasswordPolicies LoginPasswordPolicies? - Login password policies
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
dracoon.public: ResetPasswordWithTokenRequest
New password
- password string - New password
dracoon.public: RestoreDeletedNodesRequest
Request model for restoring deleted nodes
- deletedNodeIds int[] - List of deleted node IDs
- keepShareLinks boolean(default false) - Preserve Download Share Links and point them to the new node.
- parentId int? - Node parent ID (default: previous parent ID)
- resolutionStrategy string(default "autorename") - Node conflict resolution strategy:
dracoon.public: Right
Right information
- description string - Right description
- id int - Unique identifier for the right
- name string - Right (unique) name
dracoon.public: Role
Role information
- description string - Role description
- id int - Unique identifier for the role
- items Right[]? - List of reachable right over role
- name string - Role (unique) name
dracoon.public: RoleGroup
Group information
- id int - Unique identifier for the group
- isMember boolean - Is group member of the role
- name string - Group name
dracoon.public: RoleGroupList
List of groups with assigned role
- items RoleGroup[] - List of role-group mappings
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: RoleList
List of roles
- items Role[] - List of roles
dracoon.public: RoleUser
User information
- displayName string - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Display name
use information from
instead to combine a display name
- id int - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Unique identifier for the user
- isMember boolean - Is user member of the role
- userInfo UserInfo - User information
dracoon.public: RoleUserList
List of users with assigned role
- items RoleUser[] - List of role-user mappings
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: RoomData
Room information
- children RoomData[]? - Deprecated since v4.10.0 List of rooms, where this room is a parent (if exist)
- cntAdmins int? - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Number of admins (for rooms only)
- cntDownloadShares int? - Returns the number of Download Shares of this node.
- cntUploadShares int? - Returns the number of Upload Shares of this node.
- cntUsers int? - Deprecated since v4.2.0 Number of users (for rooms only)
- createdAt string? - Expiration date
- createdBy UserInfo? - User information
- hasRecycleBin boolean - Deprecated since v4.10.0 Is recycle bin active (for rooms only) Recycle bin is always on (disabling is not possible).
- id int - Room ID
- isEncrypted boolean - Encryption state
- isFavorite boolean? - Node is marked as favorite (for rooms / folders only)
- isGranted boolean - Is user granted room permissions
- name string - Name
- parentId int? - Parent node ID (room or folder)
- permissions NodePermissions? - Node permissions
- quota int? - Quota in byte
- recycleBinRetentionPeriod int - Retention period for deleted nodes in days
- size int? - Room size
- 'type string? - Node type
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: RoomGroup
Group information
- id int - Unique identifier for the group
- isGranted boolean - Is user granted room permissions
- name string - Group name
- newGroupMemberAcceptance string(default "autoallow") - Behaviour when new users are added to the group:
has items. -
- permissions NodePermissions? - Node permissions
dracoon.public: RoomGroupList
List of groups
- items RoomGroup[] - List of room-group mappings
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: RoomGroupsAddBatchRequest
Request model for granting group(s) to the room
- items RoomGroupsAddBatchRequestItem[] - List of room-group mappings
dracoon.public: RoomGroupsAddBatchRequestItem
Request item model for granting group to the room
- id int - Unique identifier for the group
- newGroupMemberAcceptance string(default "autoallow") - Behaviour when new users are added to the group:
has items. -
- permissions NodePermissions - Node permissions
dracoon.public: RoomGroupsDeleteBatchRequest
Request model for revoking group(s) from the room
- ids int[] - List of group IDs
dracoon.public: RoomTreeDataList
List of rooms
- items RoomData[] - List of room data information
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: RoomUser
User information
- displayName string - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Display name
use information from
instead to combine a display name
- email string - Deprecated since v4.11.0
- id int - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Unique identifier for the user
- isGranted boolean - Is user granted room permissions
- login string - Deprecated since v4.11.0 User login name
- permissions NodePermissions? - Node permissions
- publicKeyContainer PublicKeyContainer? - Public key container
- userInfo UserInfo - User information
dracoon.public: RoomUserList
List of users
- items RoomUser[] - List of room-user mappings
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: RoomUsersAddBatchRequest
Request model for granting user(s) to the room
- items RoomUsersAddBatchRequestItem[] - List of room-user mappings
dracoon.public: RoomUsersAddBatchRequestItem
Request item model for granting user to the room
- id int - Unique identifier for the user
- permissions NodePermissions - Node permissions
dracoon.public: RoomUsersDeleteBatchRequest
Request model for revoking user(s) from the room
- ids int[] - List of user IDs
dracoon.public: RoomWebhook
Webhook information
- isAssigned boolean - Determines whether webhook is assigned to the room.
- webhook Webhook - Webhook information
dracoon.public: RoomWebhookAssignment
Request model for handling webhook assignments
- isAssigned boolean - Determines whether webhook is assigned to the room.
- webhookId int - Webhook ID
dracoon.public: RoomWebhookList
List of webhooks
- items RoomWebhook[] - List of webhooks
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: S3Config
S3 configuration
- accessKeyDefined boolean - Determines whether Access Key ID is defined
- bucketName string? - Deprecated since v4.24.0
S3 bucket name
- bucketUrl string - S3 object storage bucket URL
- endpointUrl string? - Deprecated since v4.24.0
S3 object storage endpoint URL
- region string? - S3 region
- secretKeyDefined boolean - Determines whether Access Secret Key is defined
dracoon.public: S3ConfigCreateRequest
Request model for creating a S3 configuration
- accessKey string - Access Key ID
- bucketName string? - Deprecated since v4.24.0
S3 bucket name
- bucketUrl string? - S3 object storage bucket URL
- endpointUrl string? - Deprecated since v4.24.0
S3 object storage endpoint URL
- region string? - S3 region
- secretKey string - Secret Access Key
dracoon.public: S3ConfigUpdateRequest
Request model for updating a S3 configuration
- accessKey string? - Access Key ID
- bucketName string? - Deprecated since v4.24.0
S3 bucket name
- bucketUrl string? - S3 object storage bucket URL
- endpointUrl string? - Deprecated since v4.24.0
S3 object storage endpoint URL
- region string? - S3 region
- secretKey string? - Secret Access Key
dracoon.public: S3FileUploadPart
S3 file upload part information
- partEtag string - Corresponding part ETag
- partNumber int - Corresponding part number
dracoon.public: S3FileUploadStatus
S3 file upload status information
- errorDetails ErrorResponse? - Error information
- node Node? - Node information (Node can be a room, folder or file)
- status string - S3 file upload status:
- upload in progress -
- completing file upload -
- file upload successully done -
- an error occurred while file upload
dracoon.public: S3ShareUploadStatus
S3 file upload status information
- errorDetails ErrorResponse? - Error information
- fileName string - File name
- size int? - File size in byte
- status string - S3 file upload status:
- upload in progress -
- completing file upload -
- file upload successully done -
- an error occurred while file upload
dracoon.public: S3Tag
S3 tag information
- id int? - S3 tag ID
- isMandatory boolean? - Determines whether S3 is mandatory or not
- 'key string? - S3 tag key
- value string? - S3 tag value
dracoon.public: S3TagCreateRequest
Request model for creating a S3 tag
- isMandatory boolean(default false) - Determines whether S3 is mandatory or not
- 'key string - S3 tag key
- value string - S3 tag value
dracoon.public: S3TagIds
List of S3 tag IDs
- ids int[] - List of S3 tag IDs
dracoon.public: S3TagList
List of S3 tags
- items S3Tag[]? - List of configured S3 tags
dracoon.public: SdsServerTime
DRACOON server time
- time string? - DRACOON server time
dracoon.public: SharesPasswordPolicies
Shares password policies
- characterRules CharacterRules? - Password character rules
- minLength int? - Minimum number of characters a password must contain
- rejectDictionaryWords boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain word(s) from a dictionary
- rejectKeyboardPatterns boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain keyboard patterns (e.g.
) (min. 4 character pattern)
- rejectUserInfo boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain user info (first name, last name, email, user name)
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: SoftwareVersionData
Software version information
- buildDate string - Build date
- isDracoonCloud boolean? - Since v4.24.0 Determines if the DRACOON Core is deployed in the cloud environment
- restApiVersion string - REST API version
- scmRevisionNumber string - Revision number
- sdsServerVersion string - DRACOON server version
dracoon.public: SubscribedDownloadShare
Subscribed download share information
- authParentId int? - Auth parent room ID
- id int - Share ID
dracoon.public: SubscribedDownloadShareList
List of subscribed download shares
- items SubscribedDownloadShare[] - List of subscribed download shares
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: SubscribedNode
Subscribed node information
- authParentId int? - Auth parent room ID
- id int - Node ID
- 'type string? - Node type
dracoon.public: SubscribedNodeList
List of subscribed nodes
- items SubscribedNode[] - List of subscribed nodes
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: SubscribedUploadShare
Subscribed upload share information
- id int - Share ID
- targetNodeId int? - Target room or folder ID
dracoon.public: SubscribedUploadShareList
List of subscribed upload shares
- items SubscribedUploadShare[] - List of subscribed upload shares
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: SyslogConfig
Syslog settings
- enabled boolean? - Is syslog enabled?
- host string? - Syslog server (IP or FQDN)
- logIpEnabled boolean? - Determines whether user’s IP address is logged.
- port int? - Syslog server port
- protocol string? - Protocol to connect to syslog server
dracoon.public: SyslogEvent
Syslog event information
- attribute1 string? - Attribute 1
- attribute2 string? - Attribute 2
- attribute3 string? - Attribute 3
- authParentSource string? - Auth parent source ID
- authParentTarget string? - Auth parent target ID
- customerId int? - Unique identifier for the customer
- id int - Event ID
- message string - Event description
- objectId1 int? - Object ID 1
- objectId2 int? - Object ID 2
- objectName1 string? - Object name 1
- objectName2 string? - Object type 2
- objectType1 int? - Object type 1
- objectType2 int? - Object type 2
- operationId int? - Operation type ID
- operationName string? - Operation name
- status int? - Operation status:
- Success -
- Error
- time string - Event timestamp
- userClient string? - Client
- userId int - Unique identifier for the user
- userIp string? - User IP
- userName string? - Username
dracoon.public: SyslogEventList
List of syslog events
- items SyslogEvent[] - List of log events
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: SystemDefaults
System defaults
- downloadShareDefaultExpirationPeriod int? - Default expiration period for Download Shares in days.
- fileDefaultExpirationPeriod int? - Default expiration period for all uploaded files in days.
- hideLoginInputFields boolean? - Since v4.13.0 Defines if login fields should be hidden
- languageDefault string? - Define which language should be default.
- nonmemberViewerDefault boolean? - Since v4.12.0 Defines if new users get the role Non Member Viewer by default
- uploadShareDefaultExpirationPeriod int? - Default expiration period for Upload Shares in days.
dracoon.public: SystemInfo
System information (default language and authentication methods)
- authMethods AuthMethod[] - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Authentication methods:
instead -
- hideLoginInputFields boolean - Since v4.13.0 Defines if login fields should be hidden
- s3EnforceDirectUpload boolean - Since v4.15.0 Determines whether S3 direct upload is enforced or not
- s3Hosts string[] - Since v4.14.0 List of S3 Hosts for CSP header
- useS3Storage boolean - Since v4.21.0 Defines if S3 is used as storage backend
dracoon.public: TestActiveDirectoryConfigRequest
Request model for testing connection for Active Directory configuration
- ldapUsersDomain string - Search scope of Active Directory; only users below this node can log on.
- serverAdminName string - Distinguished Name (DN) of Active Directory administrative account
- serverAdminPassword string - Password of Active Directory administrative account
- serverIp string - IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name
- serverPort int - Port
- sslFingerPrint string? - SSL finger print of Active Directory server.
Mandatory for LDAPS connections.
- useLdaps boolean(default false) - Determines whether LDAPS should be used instead of plain LDAP.
dracoon.public: TestActiveDirectoryConfigResponse
Response model for testing connection for Active Directory configuration
- ldapUsersDomain string - Search scope of Active Directory; only users below this node can log on.
- serverAdminName string - Distinguished Name (DN) of Active Directory administrative account
- serverAdminPassword string - Password of Active Directory administrative account
- serverIp string - IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name
- serverPort int - Port
- sslFingerPrint string? - SSL finger print of Active Directory server.
Mandatory for LDAPS connections.
- useLdaps boolean - Determines whether LDAPS should be used instead of plain LDAP.
dracoon.public: ThirdPartyDependenciesData
Third-party dependency information
- artifactId string - Third party dependencies artifactId
- description string - Third party dependencies description
- groupId string - Third party dependencies groupId
- id string - Third party dependencies id
- licenses string[] - Third party dependencies licenses type
- name string - Third party dependencies name
- 'type string - Third party dependencies type
- url string - Third party dependencies url
- 'version string - Third party dependencies version
dracoon.public: UpdateActiveDirectoryConfigRequest
Request model for updating an Active Directory configuration
- adExportGroup string? - If
is set totrue
, the user must be member of this Active Directory group to receive a newly created DRACOON account.
- alias string? - Unique name for an Active Directory configuration
- createHomeFolder boolean? - DEPRECATED, will be ignored Determines whether a room is created for each user that is created by automatic import (like a home folder). Room's name will equal the user's login name.
- homeFolderParent int? - DEPRECATED, will be ignored ID of the room in which the individual rooms for users will be created.
- ldapUsersDomain string? - Search scope of Active Directory; only users below this node can log on.
- sdsImportGroup int? - User group that is assigned to users who are created by automatic import.
Reset with
- serverAdminName string? - Distinguished Name (DN) of Active Directory administrative account
- serverAdminPassword string? - Password of Active Directory administrative account
- serverIp string? - IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name
- serverPort int? - Port
- sslFingerPrint string? - SSL finger print of Active Directory server.
Mandatory for LDAPS connections.
- useLdaps boolean? - Determines whether LDAPS should be used instead of plain LDAP.
- userFilter string? - Name of Active Directory attribute that is used as login name.
- userImport boolean? - Determines if a DRACOON account is automatically created for a new user who successfully logs on with his / her AD / IDP account.
dracoon.public: UpdateAuthTokenRestrictions
Request model for updating auth token settings
- accessTokenValidity int? - Since v4.13.0 Restricted OAuth access token validity (in seconds)
- overwriteEnabled boolean - Since v4.13.0 Defines if OAuth token restrictions are enabled
- refreshTokenValidity int? - Since v4.13.0 Restricted OAuth refresh token validity (in seconds)
dracoon.public: UpdateCustomerRequest
Request model for updating a customer
- companyName string? - Company name
- customerContractType string - Customer type
- isLocked boolean(default false) - Customer is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lockStatus boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.7.0
Customer lock status:
- unlocked -
- locked
instead. All users of this customer will be blocked and can not login anymore. -
- providerCustomerId string? - Provider customer ID
- quotaMax int? - Maximal disc space which can be allocated by customer in bytes. -1 for unlimited
- userMax int? - Maximal number of users
- webhooksMax int? - Since v4.19.0 Maximal number of webhooks
dracoon.public: UpdateCustomerResponse
Customer information
- activationCode string? - Deprecated since v4.8.0
Customer activation code string:
valid only for types
customers it is empty
valid only for types
- companyName string - Company name
- createdAt string? - Creation date
- customerAttributes CustomerAttributes? - List of customer attributes
- customerContractType string - Customer type
- customerUuid string - Since v4.21.0 Customer UUID
- id int - Unique identifier for the customer
- isLocked boolean(default false) - Customer is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lockStatus boolean - Deprecated since v4.7.0
Customer lock status:
- unlocked -
- locked
instead. All users of this customer will be blocked and can not login anymore. -
- providerCustomerId string? - Provider customer ID
- quotaMax int - Maximal disc space which can be allocated by customer in bytes. -1 for unlimited
- trialDays int? - Number of days left for trial period (relevant only for type
) (not used)
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- userMax int - Maximal number of users
- webhooksMax int? - Since v4.19.0 Maximal number of webhooks
dracoon.public: UpdateDownloadShareRequest
Request model for updating a Download Share
- defaultCountry string? - Country shorthand symbol (cf. ISO 3166-2)
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- internalNotes string? - Since v4.11.0 Internal notes
- maxDownloads int? - Max allowed downloads
- name string? - Alias name
- notes string? - User notes
- notifyCreator boolean? - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Notify creator on every download.
- password string? - Access password, not allowed for encrypted shares
- receiverLanguage string? - Language tag for messages to receiver
- resetMaxDownloads boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'maxDownloads' for Download Share.
- resetPassword boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'password' for Download Share.
- showCreatorName boolean? - Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean? - Show creator email address.
- textMessageRecipients string[]? - List of recipient FQTNs E.123 / E.164 Format
dracoon.public: UpdateDownloadSharesBulkRequest
Request model for updating a list of Download Shares
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- maxDownloads int? - Max allowed downloads
- objectIds int[] - List of ids
- resetMaxDownloads boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'maxDownloads' for Download Share.
- showCreatorName boolean? - Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean? - Show creator email address.
dracoon.public: UpdateEncryptionPasswordPolicies
Request model for updating encryption password policies
- characterRules CharacterRules? - Password character rules
- minLength int? - Minimum number of characters a password must contain
- rejectKeyboardPatterns boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain keyboard patterns (e.g.
) (min. 4 character pattern)
- rejectUserInfo boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain user info (first name, last name, email, user name)
dracoon.public: UpdateEventlogConfig
Request model for updating eventlog settings
- enabled boolean? - Is eventlog enabled?
- logIpEnabled boolean? - Determines whether user’s IP address is logged.
- retentionPeriod int? - Retention period (in days) of event log entries. After that period, all entries are deleted. Recommended value: 7
dracoon.public: UpdateFavoritesBulkRequest
Request model for updating favorites
- isFavorite boolean - Sets the favorite attribute to true or false on each file in an array of nodes.
- objectIds int[] - List of ids
dracoon.public: UpdateFileRequest
Request model for updating file's metadata
- classification int? - Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- name string? - File name
- notes string? - User notes Use empty string to remove.
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: UpdateFilesBulkRequest
Request model for updating files
- classification int? - Classification ID:
- public -
- internal -
- confidential -
- strictly confidential
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- objectIds int[] - List of ids
dracoon.public: UpdateFolderRequest
Request model for updating folder's metadata
- name string? - Folder name
- notes string? - User notes Use empty string to remove.
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system (default: current server datetime in UTC format)
dracoon.public: UpdateGeneralSettings
Request model for updating general settings
- authTokenRestrictions UpdateAuthTokenRestrictions? - Request model for updating auth token settings
- cryptoEnabled boolean? - Activation status of client-side encryption. Can only be enabled once; disabling is not possible.
- emailNotificationButtonEnabled boolean? - Enable email notification button
- eulaEnabled boolean? - Each user has to confirm the EULA at first login.
- hideLoginInputFields boolean? - Deprecated since v4.13.0 Defines if login fields should be hidden
- mediaServerEnabled boolean? - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Determines if the media server is enabled
- s3TagsEnabled boolean? - Since v4.9.0 Defines if S3 tags are enabled
- sharePasswordSmsEnabled boolean? - Allow sending of share passwords via SMS
- weakPasswordEnabled boolean? - Deprecated since v4.14.0
Allow weak password
- A weak password has to fulfill the following criteria:
- is at least 8 characters long
- contains letters and numbers
- A strong password has to fulfill the following criteria in addition:
- contains at least one special character
- contains upper and lower case characters
PUT /system/config/policies/passwords
API to change configured password policies.
dracoon.public: UpdateGroupRequest
Request model for updating group's metadata
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- name string? - Group name
dracoon.public: UpdateLoginPasswordPolicies
Request model for updating login password policies
- characterRules CharacterRules? - Password character rules
- enforceLoginPasswordChange boolean? - Deprecated since v4.24.0 Determines whether a login password change should be enforced for all users Only takes effect, if login password policies get stricter
- minLength int? - Minimum number of characters a password must contain
- numberOfArchivedPasswords int? - Number of passwords to archive
(must be between
means that password history is disabled)
- passwordExpiration PasswordExpiration? - Password expiration information
- rejectDictionaryWords boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain word(s) from a dictionary
- rejectKeyboardPatterns boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain keyboard patterns (e.g.
) (min. 4 character pattern)
- rejectUserInfo boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain user info (first name, last name, email, user name)
- userLockout UserLockout? - User lockout information
dracoon.public: UpdateOAuthClientRequest
Request model for updating an OAuth client
- accessTokenValidity int? - Validity of the access token in seconds.
- approvalValidity int? - Since v4.22.0 Validity of the approval interval in seconds.
- clientName string? - Name, which is shown at the client configuration and authorization.
- clientSecret string? - Secret, which client uses at authentication.
- clientType string? - Determines whether client is a confidential or public client.
- isEnabled boolean? - Determines whether client is enabled.
- redirectUris string[]? - URIs, to which a user is redirected after authorization.
- refreshTokenValidity int? - Validity of the refresh token in seconds.
dracoon.public: UpdateOpenIdIdpConfigRequest
Request model for updating an OpenID Connect IDP configuration
- authorizationEndPointUrl string? - URL of the authorization endpoint
- clientId string? - ID of the OpenID client
- clientSecret string? - Secret, which client uses at authentication.
- fallbackMappingClaim string? - Name of the claim which is used for the user mapping fallback.
- flow string? - Since v4.11.0 Flow, which is used at authentication
- issuer string? - Issuer identifier of the IDP The value is a case sensitive URL.
- jwksEndPointUrl string? - URL of the JWKS endpoint
- mappingClaim string? - Name of the claim which is used for the user mapping.
- name string? - Name of the IDP
- redirectUris string[]? - URIs, to which a user is redirected after authorization.
- resetFallbackMappingClaim boolean? - Set
to resetfallbackMappingClaim
- scopes string[]? - List of requested scopes
and the names of the requested claims.
- tokenEndPointUrl string? - URL of the token endpoint
- userImportEnabled boolean? - Determines if a DRACOON account is automatically created for a new user who successfully logs on with his / her AD / IDP account.
- userImportGroup int? - User group that is assigned to users who are created by automatic import.
Reset with
- userInfoEndPointUrl string? - URL of the user info endpoint
- userInfoSource string? - Since v4.23.0 Source, which is used to get user information at the import or update of a user.
- userManagementUrl string? - URL of the user management UI. Use empty string to remove.
- userUpdateEnabled boolean? - Determines if the DRACOON account is updated with data from AD / IDP.
For OpenID Connect, the scopes
are needed.
dracoon.public: UpdatePasswordPoliciesConfig
Request model for updating a set of password policies
- encryptionPasswordPolicies UpdateEncryptionPasswordPolicies? - Request model for updating encryption password policies
- loginPasswordPolicies UpdateLoginPasswordPolicies? - Request model for updating login password policies
- sharesPasswordPolicies UpdateSharesPasswordPolicies? - Request model for updating shares password policies
dracoon.public: UpdateRoomRequest
Request model for updating room's metadata
- name string? - Name
- notes string? - User notes Use empty string to remove.
- quota int? - Quota in byte
- timestampCreation string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the node was created on external file system
- timestampModification string? - Since v4.22.0 Time the content of a node was last modified on external file system
dracoon.public: UpdateRoomWebhookRequest
Request model for handling webhook assignments
- items RoomWebhookAssignment[] - Assign a webhook to a room to use it for node actions within the room
dracoon.public: UpdateSharesPasswordPolicies
Request model for updating shares password policies
- characterRules CharacterRules? - Password character rules
- minLength int? - Minimum number of characters a password must contain
- rejectDictionaryWords boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain word(s) from a dictionary
- rejectKeyboardPatterns boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain keyboard patterns (e.g.
) (min. 4 character pattern)
- rejectUserInfo boolean? - Determines whether a password must NOT contain user info (first name, last name, email, user name)
dracoon.public: UpdateSubscriptionsBulkRequest
Request model for updating subscriptions
- isSubscribed boolean - Creates or deletes a subscription on each item in an array of objects.
- objectIds int[] - List of ids
dracoon.public: UpdateSyslogConfig
Request model for updating syslog settings
- enabled boolean? - Is syslog enabled?
- host string? - Syslog server (IP or FQDN)
- logIpEnabled boolean? - Determines whether user’s IP address is logged.
- port int? - Syslog server port
- protocol string? - Protocol to connect to syslog server
dracoon.public: UpdateSystemDefaults
Request model for updating system defaults
- downloadShareDefaultExpirationPeriod int? - Default expiration period for Download Shares in days.
- fileDefaultExpirationPeriod int? - Default expiration period for all uploaded files in days.
- languageDefault string? - Define which language should be default.
- nonmemberViewerDefault boolean? - Since v4.12.0 Defines if new users get the role Non Member Viewer by default
- uploadShareDefaultExpirationPeriod int? - Default expiration period for Upload Shares in days.
dracoon.public: UpdateUploadShareRequest
Request model for updating an Upload Share
- defaultCountry string? - Country shorthand symbol (cf. ISO 3166-2)
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- filesExpiryPeriod int? - Number of days after which uploaded files expire
- internalNotes string? - Since v4.11.0 Internal notes
- maxSize int? - Maximal total size of uploaded files (in bytes)
- maxSlots int? - Maximal amount of files to upload
- name string? - Alias name
- notes string? - User notes
- notifyCreator boolean? - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Notify creator on every upload.
- password string? - Password
- receiverLanguage string? - Language tag for messages to receiver
- resetFilesExpiryPeriod boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'filesExpiryPeriod' for Upload Share
- resetMaxSize boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'maxSize' for Upload Share
- resetMaxSlots boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'maxSlots' for Upload Share
- resetPassword boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'password' for Upload Share.
- showCreatorName boolean? - Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean? - Show creator email address.
- showUploadedFiles boolean? - Allow display of already uploaded files
- textMessageRecipients string[]? - List of recipient FQTNs E.123 / E.164 Format
dracoon.public: UpdateUploadSharesBulkRequest
Request model for updating a list of Download Shares
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- filesExpiryPeriod int? - Number of days after which uploaded files expire
- maxSize int? - Maximal total size of uploaded files (in bytes)
- maxSlots int? - Maximal amount of files to upload
- objectIds int[] - List of ids
- resetFilesExpiryPeriod boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'filesExpiryPeriod' for Upload Share
- resetMaxSize boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'maxSize' for Upload Share
- resetMaxSlots boolean? - Set 'true' to reset 'maxSlots' for Upload Share
- showCreatorName boolean? - Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean? - Show creator email address.
- showUploadedFiles boolean? - Allow display of already uploaded files
dracoon.public: UpdateUserAccountRequest
Request model for updating user account information
- acceptEULA boolean? - Accept EULA
Present, if EULA is system global active.
GET system/config/settings/general
If accepted can not be undone.
- email string? - Email
- firstName string? - User first name
- gender string? - Deprecated since v4.12.0
Do NOT use
! It will be ignored.
- language string? - Since v4.20.0 IETF language tag
- lastName string? - User last name
- login string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0 User login name
- phone string? - Phone number
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userName string? - Since v4.13.0 Username
dracoon.public: UpdateUserRequest
Request model for updating user's metadata
- authData UserAuthDataUpdateRequest? - User Authentication Data Update Request
- authMethods UserAuthMethod[]? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Authentication methods:
instead -
- email string? - Email
- expiration ObjectExpiration? - Expiration information
- firstName string? - User first name
- gender string? - Deprecated since v4.12.0
Do NOT use
! It will be ignored.
- isLocked boolean? - User is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lastName string? - User last name
- lockStatus int? - Deprecated since v4.7.0
User lock status:
- locked -
- Web access allowed -
- Web and mobile access allowed
instead. -
- phone string? - Phone number
- receiverLanguage string? - IETF language tag
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userName string? - Since v4.13.0 Username
dracoon.public: UpdateWebhookRequest
Request model for updating a webhook
- eventTypeNames string[]? - List of names of event types
- isEnabled boolean? - Is enabled
- name string? - Name
- secret string? - Secret; used for event message signatures
- triggerExampleEvent boolean? - If set to true, an example event is being created
- url string? - URL (must begin with the
dracoon.public: UploadShare
Upload Share information
- accessKey string - Share access key to generate secure link
- cntFiles int? - Total amount of existing files uploaded with this share.
- cntUploads int? - Total amount of uploads conducted with this share.
- createdAt string - Creation date
- createdBy UserInfo - User information
- dataUrl string? - Upload Share URL
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- filesExpiryPeriod int? - Number of days after which uploaded files expire
- id int - Share ID
- internalNotes string? - Since v4.11.0 Internal notes
- isEncrypted boolean? - Encryption state
- isProtected boolean - Is share protected by password
- maxSize int? - Maximal total size of uploaded files (in bytes)
- maxSlots int? - Maximal amount of files to upload
- name string - Alias name
- notes string? - User notes
- notifyCreator boolean - Deprecated since v4.20.0 Notify creator on every upload.
- recipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient email addresses
- showCreatorName boolean? - Since v4.11.0 Show creator first and last name.
- showCreatorUsername boolean? - Since v4.11.0 Show creator email address.
- showUploadedFiles boolean? - Allow display of already uploaded files
- smsRecipients string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0 CSV string of recipient MSISDNs
- targetId int - Target room or folder ID
- targetPath string? - Path to shared upload node
- targetType string? - Node type
- updatedAt string? - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
dracoon.public: UploadShareLinkEmail
Request model for sending an email of an Upload Share link
- body string - Notification email content
- receiverLanguage string? - Language tag for messages to receiver
- recipients string[] - List of recipient email addresses
dracoon.public: UploadShareList
List of Upload Shares
- items UploadShare[] - List of Upload Shares
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: UserAccount
User information
- authData UserAuthData - User Authentication Data
- authMethods UserAuthMethod[]? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Authentication methods:
instead -
- customer CustomerData - Customer information
- email string? - Email
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- firstName string - User first name
- gender string(default "n") - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Gender
- hasManageableRooms boolean - User has manageable rooms
- homeRoomId int? - Homeroom ID
- id int - Unique identifier for the user
- isEncryptionEnabled boolean? - User has generated private key. Possible if client-side encryption is active for this customer
- isLocked boolean - User is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- language string - Since v4.20.0 IETF language tag
- lastLoginFailAt string? - Last failed logon date
- lastLoginFailIp string? - Deprecated since v4.6.0 Last failed logon IP address
- lastLoginSuccessAt string? - Last successful logon date
- lastLoginSuccessIp string? - Deprecated since v4.6.0 Last successful logon IP address
- lastName string - User last name
- lockStatus int - Deprecated since v4.7.0
User lock status:
- locked -
- Web access allowed -
- Web and mobile access allowed
instead. -
- login string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0 User login name
- mustSetEmail boolean(default false) - Since v4.13.0
, the user must set theemail
at the first login.
- needsToAcceptEULA boolean? - User has accepted EULA.
Present, if EULA is system global active.
GET system/config/settings/general
- needsToChangePassword boolean - Deprecated since v4.13.0 Determines whether user has to change his / her password
- needsToChangeUserName boolean(default false) - Deprecated since v4.13.0
, the user must change theuserName
at the first login.
- phone string? - Phone number
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userAttributes UserAttributes? - User custom attributes (list of key-value pairs)
- userGroups UserGroup[]? - All groups the user is member of
- userName string - Since v4.13.0 Username
- userRoles RoleList - List of roles
dracoon.public: UserAttributes
User custom attributes (list of key-value pairs)
- items KeyValueEntry[] - List of key-value pairs
dracoon.public: UserAuthData
User Authentication Data
- adConfigId int? - ID of the user's Active Directory.
- login string? - User login name
- method string - Authentication method
Authentication methods:
- mustChangePassword boolean? - Determines whether user has to change his / her password
auth type -
auth types
- oidConfigId int? - ID of the user's OIDC provider.
- password string? - Password (only relevant for
authentication type) NOT your Active Directory, OpenID or RADIUS password!
dracoon.public: UserAuthDataUpdateRequest
User Authentication Data Update Request
- adConfigId int? - ID of the user's Active Directory.
- login string? - User login name
- method string? - Authentication method
Authentication methods:
- oidConfigId int? - ID of the user's OIDC provider.
dracoon.public: UserAuthMethod
Authentication method
- authId string - Authentication method
Authentication methods:
- isEnabled boolean - Is enabled
- options KeyValueEntry[]? - Authentication method options
dracoon.public: UserData
User information
- authData UserAuthData - User Authentication Data
- authMethods UserAuthMethod[]? - Deprecated since v4.13.0
Authentication methods:
instead -
- avatarUuid string - Since v4.11.0 Avatar UUID
- email string? - Email
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- firstName string - User first name
- gender string(default "n") - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Gender
- hasManageableRooms boolean? - User has manageable rooms
- homeRoomId int? - Homeroom ID
- id int - Unique identifier for the user
- isEncryptionEnabled boolean? - User has generated private key. Possible if client-side encryption is active for this customer
- isLocked boolean - User is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lastLoginSuccessAt string? - Last successful logon date
- lastName string - User last name
- lockStatus int - Deprecated since v4.7.0
User lock status:
- locked -
- Web access allowed -
- Web and mobile access allowed
instead. -
- login string? - Deprecated since v4.13.0 User login name
- phone string? - Phone number
- publicKeyContainer PublicKeyContainer? - Public key container
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userAttributes UserAttributes? - User custom attributes (list of key-value pairs)
- userName string - Since v4.13.0 Username
- userRoles RoleList? - List of roles
dracoon.public: UserFileKey
User file key
- fileKey FileKey - File key information
- userId int - Unique identifier for the user
dracoon.public: UserFileKeyList
List of user file keys
- items UserFileKey[]? - List of user file keys
dracoon.public: UserFileKeySetBatchRequest
List of request models for setting a user file key(s)
- items UserFileKeySetRequest[] - List of user file keys
dracoon.public: UserFileKeySetRequest
Request model for setting a user file key
- fileId int - File ID
- fileKey FileKey - File key information
- userId int - Unique identifier for the user
dracoon.public: UserGroup
Group information
- id int - Unique identifier for the group
- isMember boolean - Determines whether user is a member of the group or not
- name string - Group name
dracoon.public: UserGroupList
List of groups
- items UserGroup[] - List of user-group mappings
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: UserIdFileIdItem
User ID and file ID mapping
- fileId int? - File ID
- userId int? - Unique identifier for the user
dracoon.public: UserIds
List of user IDs
- ids int[] - List of user IDs
dracoon.public: UserInfo
User information
- avatarUuid string - Since v4.11.0 Avatar UUID
- displayName string? - Deprecated since v4.11.0
Display name
use other fields from
instead to combine a display name
- email string? - Since v4.11.0 Email
- firstName string - Since v4.11.0
User first name (mandatory if
- id int - Unique identifier for the user
- lastName string - Since v4.11.0
User last name (mandatory if
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userName string - Since v4.13.0
Username (only returned for
- userType string - Since v4.11.0
User type:
- ordinary DRACOON user -
- external user without DRACOON account -
- system user (non human ) -
- deleted DRACOON user
dracoon.public: UserItem
User information
- avatarUuid string - Since v4.11.0 Avatar UUID
- createdAt string? - Creation date
- email string? - Email
- expireAt string? - Expiration date
- firstName string - User first name
- gender string(default "n") - Deprecated since v4.12.0 Gender
- hasManageableRooms boolean? - Deprecated since v4.27.0 User has manageable rooms
- homeRoomId int? - Homeroom ID
- id int - Unique identifier for the user
- isEncryptionEnabled boolean? - User has generated private key. Possible if client-side encryption is active for this customer
- isLocked boolean - User is locked:
- unlocked -
- locked
- lastLoginSuccessAt string? - Last successful logon date
- lastName string - User last name
- lockStatus int - Deprecated since v4.7.0
User lock status:
- locked -
- Web access allowed -
- Web and mobile access allowed
instead. -
- login string - Deprecated since v4.13.0 User login name
- phone string? - Phone number
- title string? - Deprecated since v4.18.0 Job title
- userAttributes UserAttributes? - User custom attributes (list of key-value pairs)
- userName string - Since v4.13.0 Username
- userRoles RoleList? - List of roles
dracoon.public: UserKeyPairContainer
Key pair container
- privateKeyContainer PrivateKeyContainer - Private key container
- publicKeyContainer PublicKeyContainer - Public key container
dracoon.public: UserList
List of users
- items UserItem[] - List of users
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: UserLockout
User lockout information
- enabled boolean - Determines whether user lockout is enabled
- lockoutPeriod int? - Amount of minutes a user has to wait to make another login attempt after
has been exceeded
- maxNumberOfLoginFailures int? - Maximum allowed number of failed login attempts
dracoon.public: UserUserPublicKey
Public key information
- id int? - Unique identifier for the user
- publicKeyContainer PublicKeyContainer? - Public key container
dracoon.public: UserUserPublicKeyList
List of user public keys
- items UserUserPublicKey[] - List of user public keys
dracoon.public: ViolatedPasswordPolicy
Violated password policy information
- message string? - Message from password validator
- name string? - Name of the violated password policy
dracoon.public: Webhook
Webhook information
- createdAt string - Creation date
- createdBy UserInfo? - User information
- eventTypeNames string[] - List of names of event types
- expireAt string - Expiration date / time
- failStatus int? - Last HTTP status code when a webhook is disabled due to delivery failures
- id int - ID
- isEnabled boolean - Is enabled
- name string - Name
- secret string? - Secret; used for event message signatures
- updatedAt string - Modification date
- updatedBy UserInfo? - User information
- url string - URL
dracoon.public: WebhookList
List of webhooks
- items Webhook[] - List of webhooks
- range Range - Range information
dracoon.public: ZipDownloadRequest
Request model for ZIP download
- nodeIds int[] - List of node IDs
Union types
dracoon.public: InlineResponse400
import ballerinax/dracoon.public;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads
Content & Files/File Management & Storage