ballerinax/docusign.dsclick Ballerina library



DocuSign is a digital transaction management platform that enables users to securely sign, send, and manage documents electronically.

The Ballerina DocuSign Click connector integrates with the DocuSign platform, provides APIs to capture user consent with one click for simple agreements such as terms & conditions and privacy policies within Ballerina applications. It supports DocuSign Click API V2.

Setup guide

To utilize the DocuSign Click connector, you must have access to the DocuSign REST API through a DocuSign account.

Step 1: Create a DocuSign account

In order to use the DocuSign Click connector, you need to first create the DocuSign credentials for the connector to interact with DocuSign.

Step 2: Create integration key and secret key

  1. Create an integration key: Visit the Apps and Keys page on DocuSign. Click on Add App and Integration Key, provide a name for the app, and click Create App. This will generate an Integration Key.

    Create integration key

  2. Generate a secret key: Under the Authentication section, click on Add Secret Key. This will generate a secret Key. Make sure to copy and save both the Integration Key and Secret Key.

    Add secret key

Step 3: Generate refresh token

  1. Add a redirect URI: Click on Add URI and enter your redirect URI (e.g.,

    Add redirect URI

  2. Generate the encoded key: The Encoded Key is a base64 encoded string of your Integration key and Secret Key in the format {IntegrationKey:SecretKey}. You can generate this in your web browser's console using the btoa() function: btoa('IntegrationKey:SecretKey'). You can either generate the encoded key from an online base64 encoder.

  3. Get the authorization code: Visit the following URL in your web browser, replacing {iKey} with your Integration Key and {redirectUri} with your redirect URI.


    This will redirect you to your redirect URI with a code query parameter. This is your authorization code.

  4. Get the refresh token: Use the following curl command to get the refresh token, replacing {encodedKey} with your Encoded Key and {codeFromUrl} with your authorization code.

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic {encodedKey}' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data-urlencode 'code={codeFromUrl}' \
    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code'

    The response will contain your refresh token. Use as the refresh URL.

Remember to replace {IntegrationKey:SecretKey}, {iKey}, {redirectUri}, {encodedKey}, and {codeFromUrl} with your actual values.

Above is about using the DocuSign Click APIs in the developer mode. If your app is ready to go live, you need to follow the guidelines given here to make it work.


To use the DocuSign Click connector in your Ballerina project, modify the .bal file as follows.

Step 1: Import the module

Import the ballerinax/docusign.dsclick module into your Ballerina project.

import ballerinax/docusign.dsclick;

Step 2: Instantiate a new connector

Create a dsclick:ConnectionConfig with the obtained OAuth2.0 tokens and initialize the connector with it.

configurable string clientId = ?;
configurable string clientSecret = ?;
configurable string refreshToken = ?;
configurable string refreshUrl = ?;

dsclick:Client docuSignClient = check new({
    auth: {

Step 3: Invoke the connector operation

You can now utilize the operations available within the connector.

public function main() returns error? {

    // Prepare the clickwrap request payload
    dsclick:ClickwrapRequest returnPolicyPayload =  {
        clickwrapName: "ReturnPolicy",
        documents: [
                documentName: "Test Doc",
                documentBase64: "base64-encoded-pdf-file",
                fileExtension: "pdf"
        displaySettings: {
            displayName: "Return Policy",
            consentButtonText: "I Agree",
            downloadable: true,
            format: "modal",
            requireAccept: true,
            documentDisplay: "document",
            sendToEmail: true 

    // Create a new clickwrap
    dsclick:ClickwrapVersionSummaryResponse newClickWrap = check docuSignClient->/v1/accounts/[accountId]/;

Hint: To apply a value to the documentBase64 field, you can either use an online tool designed to convert a PDF file into a base64-encoded string, or you can refer to the provided example code

Step 4: Run the Ballerina application

Use the following command to compile and run the Ballerina program.

bal run


The DocuSign Click connector provides practical examples illustrating usage in various scenarios. Explore these examples.

  1. Managing return policy agreement clickwrap with DocuSign This example shows how to use DocuSign Click API to to implement a clickwrap agreement for a return policy to ensure customers acknowledge and agree to the terms before making a purchase.

  2. Managing terms and conditions clickwrap with DocuSign This example shows how to use DocuSign Click API to to implement a clickwrap agreement for a terms and condition application and users can agree them with just one click.


import ballerinax/docusign.dsclick;Copy


Released date: 11 months ago

Version: 2.0.0

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: any

Ballerina version: 2201.8.4

GraalVM compatible: Yes

Pull count

Total: 7

Current verison: 7

Weekly downloads

Source repository





Click API


Digital Signature


Other versions
