Module dayforce
ballerinax/dayforce Ballerina library
Dayforce is a comprehensive human capital management system that covers the entire employee lifecycle including HR, payroll, benefits, talent management, workforce management, and services. The entire system resides on cloud that takes the burden of managing and replicating data on-premise.
The Dayforce connector allows you to access the REST API of Dayforce HCM specifically based on Rest API version v1.
This connector has been tested exclusively in the Dayforce developer sample environment. If you encounter any technical issues, please reach out to us using the links provided in the Useful links section.
Setup guide
Step 1: Create a Dayforce account
Navigate to the Dayforce website and register. Follow the instructions to create an account. If your company has already purchased a namespace in Dayforce, use that to sign up. Otherwise, you can still use their
environment by selectingsample
option. -
Once you have registered, you will receive an email with a link to activate your account.
Click on the link sent in the email to complete the registration process.
After confirming your registration, you'll get a success message. Click on the "Sign In" button to log in to your account.
Enter your email address and password to log in.
Step 2: Obtain the user credentials to access the Dayforce API
To get the credentials for the sample
environment, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to API Explorer -> Employee -> GET Employees.
- Locate the basic authentication credentials, including the
, for the sample environment.
To use the dayforce
connector in your Ballerina project, modify the .bal
file as follows:
Step 1: Import the module
Import the ballerinax/dayforce
module into your Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/dayforce;
Step 2: Instantiate a new connector
Instantiate a new dayforce:Client
giving the auth details.
dayforce:Client dayforce = check new ( { auth: { username: "<username>", password: "<password>" } }, "");
Step 3: Invoke the connector operation
Now, utilize the available connector operations.
public function main() returns error? { dayforce:Payload_Employee employee = check dayforce->/ddn/V1/Employees/'42199; }
Step 4: Run the Ballerina application
Use the following command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
bal run
Useful links
- Chat live with us via our Discord server.
- Post all technical questions on Stack Overflow with the #ballerina tag.
dayforce: Client
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
post [string clientNamespace]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI
function post [string clientNamespace]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeExportParams payload) returns json|error
Add new HR Bulk Export details into Job Queue tables.
- isValidateOnly true - This parameter used to run a test case without fail
- payload EmployeeExportParams - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A HR Bulk Export is created with an empty response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI/Status/[int:Signed32 backgroundJobQueueItemId]
function get [string clientNamespace]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI/Status/[int:Signed32 backgroundJobQueueItemId]() returns Payload_Object|error
Get the status of Job Queue tables.
Return Type
- Payload_Object|error - Job Status and Access API URL
get [string clientNamespace]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI/Data/[string jobId]
function get [string clientNamespace]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI/Data/[string jobId](Paging? pagination) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Employee|error?
Get bulk employee of data as a string in json format
PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Employee? employeeDetails = check dayforce->/[NAMESPACE]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI/Data/["12810"]; if employees is PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Employee { employeeDetails = check dayforce->/[NAMESPACE]/v1/GetEmployeeBulkAPI/Data/["12810"](employeeDetails.Paging); }
- pagination Paging? (default ()) - The pagination information to be used for the request if there is any. You can obtain the Paging record from the initial request's response.
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Employee|error? - Returns a page of employee data,
if the given paginated data does not have a url(marking the end of the pages) or else an error if the request fails.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Reports
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Reports() returns Payload_IEnumerable_AnalyticsReportDefinitions|Payload_IEnumerable_Object|error
Get Reports
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_AnalyticsReportDefinitions|Payload_IEnumerable_Object|error - A collection of Reports
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Datasets/[string datasetId]
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Datasets/[string datasetId](string? page, string? datasetPageSize) returns Payload_AnalyticsReportDataset|error
Get Dataset
Return Type
- Payload_AnalyticsReportDataset|error - Contents of a dataset
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Datasets/[string datasetId]
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Datasets/[string datasetId](true isValidateOnly, AnalyticsReportMetadata payload) returns Payload_AnalyticsDatasetMetadataResponse|json|error
Refresh Dataset
- isValidateOnly true - This parameter is applied here for testing purposes. Please remember to remove it when utilizing this endpoint to actually refresh the dataset
- payload AnalyticsReportMetadata -
Return Type
- Payload_AnalyticsDatasetMetadataResponse|json|error - Status of a dataset refresh and its metadata
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Reports/[int:Signed32 reportId]
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Reports/[int:Signed32 reportId](true isValidateOnly, AnalyticsReportMetadata payload) returns Payload_Object|Payload_AnalyticsDatasetMetadata|error
Create Dataset
- isValidateOnly true - This parameter is applied here for testing purposes. Please remember to remove it when utilizing this endpoint to actually post the report
- payload AnalyticsReportMetadata -
Return Type
- Payload_Object|Payload_AnalyticsDatasetMetadata|error - Metadata of a dataset
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Datasets/[string datasetId]/Metadata
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Datasets/[string datasetId]/Metadata() returns Payload_Object|Payload_AnalyticsDatasetMetadata|error
Get Dataset Metadata
Return Type
- Payload_Object|Payload_AnalyticsDatasetMetadata|error - Metadata of a dataset
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Reports/[int:Signed32 reportId]/Metadata
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Analytics/Reports/[int:Signed32 reportId]/Metadata() returns Payload_IEnumerable_AnalyticsReportMetadata|Payload_AnalyticsReportMetadata|error
Get Report Metadata
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_AnalyticsReportMetadata|Payload_AnalyticsReportMetadata|error - Metadata of the report
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/SSOAccounts
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/SSOAccounts(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeSSOAccount|error
GET AppUserSSO Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeSSOAccount|error - The AppUserSSO with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/SSOAccounts
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/SSOAccounts(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeSSOAccount payload) returns json|error
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeSSOAccount - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/SSOAccounts
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/SSOAccounts(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeSSOAccount payload) returns json|error
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeSSOAccount - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The AppUserSSO is updated, no response body.
delete [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string employeeXRefCode]/SSOAccounts/[string loginName]
function delete [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string employeeXRefCode]/SSOAccounts/[string loginName](true isValidateOnly) returns Payload_SubordinateEntityReferences|error
Delete an SSOAccount entry that has matching {loginName}
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, this operation is validated without applying updates to the database.
Return Type
- Payload_SubordinateEntityReferences|error - An SSO Account is deleted for this Employee
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Availability
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Availability(string filterAvailabilityStartDate, string filterAvailabilityEndDate) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAvailability|error
GET List of Employee Availability
- filterAvailabilityStartDate string - Inclusive period start date to determine which employee availability data to retrieve . Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- filterAvailabilityEndDate string - Inclusive period end date to determine which employee availability data to retrieve . Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAvailability|error - A collection of employee availability meeting the search criteria.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/[string employeeXRefCode]/EmployeeAvailability
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/[string employeeXRefCode]/EmployeeAvailability(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeAvailabilityPostAPIRequestDTO payload) returns Payload_IEnumerable_ProcessResult|error
Post Employee Availablity
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validates the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeAvailabilityPostAPIRequestDTO -
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_ProcessResult|error - OK response
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundJobLogs
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundJobLogs(Signed32? pageSize, string? codeName, string? status, boolean? hasItemLevelErrors, string? queueTimeUtcStart, string? queueTimeUtcEnd, boolean? wasScheduled, string? submittedBy, string? filterUpdateTimeUtcStart, string? filterUpdateTimeUtcEnd, boolean? includeSuppressedTaskTypes) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_BackgroundJobLog|error
GET List of Background Job Logs
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - Use to specify the number of records returned per page in the paginated response. This value will be constrained to be between 1 and 10,000 (default is 1,000).
- codeName string? (default ()) - Use to search for background job logs using a comma separated list of code names. If omitted, all job code names are included.
- status string? (default ()) - Use to search for background job logs by job status. If omitted, all job statuses are included. Accepted values: Queued, In Progress, Paused, Completed, Cancelled, Error.
- hasItemLevelErrors boolean? (default ()) - Use to search for background job logs with item-level errors. If omitted, both logs with and without item level errors are included. Accepted values: True, False
- queueTimeUtcStart string? (default ()) - The beginning date/time used when searching for logs that were queued in a specified time frame. When a value is provided for this parameter, a queueTimeUtcEnd value must also be provided. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- queueTimeUtcEnd string? (default ()) - The ending date/time used when searching for logs that were queued in a specified time frame. When a value is provided for this parameter, a queueTimeUtcStart value must also be provided. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- wasScheduled boolean? (default ()) - Use to search for background job logs that were scheduled or ran on-demand. If omitted, logs for both scheduled and on-demand background jobs are included. Accepted values: True, False
- submittedBy string? (default ()) - Use to search for background job logs that were manually submitted by a specified user. If omitted, all job submitters including the System are included.
- filterUpdateTimeUtcStart string? (default ()) - The beginning date/time used when searching for background job logs with updates in a specified time frame. When a value is provided for this parameter, a filterUpdateTimeUtcEnd value must also be provided. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- filterUpdateTimeUtcEnd string? (default ()) - The ending date/time used when searching for background job logs with updates in a specified time frame. When a value is provided for this parameter, a filterUpdateTimeUtcStart value must also be provided. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- includeSuppressedTaskTypes boolean? (default ()) - Used to specify whether commonly suppressed background jobs should be included in the filtered results. Accepted values: True, False. Defaults to False.
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_BackgroundJobLog|error - A collection of background job logs meeting the search criteria. Parameters, JobInformation, ErrorInformation, DebugInformation and FileList fields are not retrieved with this call.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundJobLogs/[string backgroundJobLogId]
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundJobLogs/[string backgroundJobLogId]() returns Payload_BackgroundJobLog|error
GET Details of a Background Job Log based on backgroundLogId
Return Type
- Payload_BackgroundJobLog|error - A background job log that meets the search criteria.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/Status
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/Status(true isValidateOnly, BackgroundScreeningStatus payload) returns BackgroundScreeningStatus|error
PATCH (Update) a Background Screening Status for a specific candidate.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload BackgroundScreeningStatus - The Json payload containing an event and the new status.
Return Type
- BackgroundScreeningStatus|error - The Background Screening request is updated, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/AdjudicationStatus
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/AdjudicationStatus(true isValidateOnly, BackgroundScreeningAdjudicationStatus payload) returns BackgroundScreeningAdjudicationStatus|error
PATCH (Update) a Background Screening Adjudication Status for a specific candidate.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload BackgroundScreeningAdjudicationStatus - The Json payload containing an event and the new adjudication status.
Return Type
- BackgroundScreeningAdjudicationStatus|error - The Background Screening request is updated, no response body.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/Package
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/Package(true isValidateOnly, BackgroundScreeningPackage payload) returns BackgroundScreeningPackage[]|error
POST Background Screening Packages.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload BackgroundScreeningPackage -
Return Type
- BackgroundScreeningPackage[]|error - The Background Screening Packages are added, no response body.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/BillingCode
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/BillingCode(true isValidateOnly, BackgroundScreeningBillingCode payload) returns BackgroundScreeningBillingCode[]|error
POST Background Screening Billing Codes.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload BackgroundScreeningBillingCode -
Return Type
- BackgroundScreeningBillingCode[]|error - The Background Screening Billing Codes are added, no response body.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/ProviderStatuses
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/ProviderStatuses(true isValidateOnly, BackgroundScreeningProviderStatuses payload) returns BackgroundScreeningProviderStatuses|error
POST Background Screening Provider Statuses.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload BackgroundScreeningProviderStatuses -
Return Type
- BackgroundScreeningProviderStatuses|error - Custom Provider Statuses are added, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening(true isValidateOnly, BackgroundScreeningStatusUrlReport payload) returns BackgroundScreeningStatusUrlReport[]|error
PATCH Background Screening Status, URL and Report containing PII
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload BackgroundScreeningStatusUrlReport - The Json payload containing Status, Url and Report containing PII.
Return Type
- BackgroundScreeningStatusUrlReport[]|error - The Background Screening Status, Url and Report containing PII are added, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/PersonalIdentifiableInformation
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/BackgroundScreening/PersonalIdentifiableInformation(true isValidateOnly, BackgroundScreeningReport payload) returns BackgroundScreeningReport[]|error
PATCH Background Screening Report containing Personal Identifiable Informations
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload BackgroundScreeningReport - The Json payload with a Report containing Personal Identifiable Informations.
Return Type
- BackgroundScreeningReport[]|error - The Background Screening Report containing Personal Identifiable Informations are added, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedOngoingExports
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedOngoingExports(string carrierXRefCode, string planStartDate, string planEndDate, string? payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes, string? blackoutPeriodStartDate, Signed32? lookBackDays, Signed32? lookForwardDays) returns Payload_CarrierFeeds|error
GET Benefits ongoing carrier feed export in JSON format
- carrierXRefCode string - A reference code that maps to a given carrier.
- planStartDate string - The plan start date.
- planEndDate string - The plan end date.
- payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes string? (default ()) - A comma delimited list of reference codes, mapping to a list of individual payroll earning accumulations.
- blackoutPeriodStartDate string? (default ()) - If applicable, the blackout period start date.
- lookBackDays Signed32? (default ()) - The number of days the export will look back from execution date to find employee elections.
- lookForwardDays Signed32? (default ()) - The number of days the export will look forward from execution date to find employee elections.
Return Type
- Payload_CarrierFeeds|error - The CarrierFeeds model in json format.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedOpenEnrollmentExports
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedOpenEnrollmentExports(string carrierXRefCode, string planStartDate, string? planEndDate, string? payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes) returns Payload_CarrierFeeds|error
GET Benefits open enrollment carrier feed export in JSON format
- carrierXRefCode string - A reference code that maps to a given carrier.
- planStartDate string - The plan start date.
- planEndDate string? (default ()) - The plan end date.
- payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes string? (default ()) - A comma delimited list of reference codes, mapping to a list of individual payroll earning accumulations.
Return Type
- Payload_CarrierFeeds|error - The CarrierFeeds model in json format.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedMultiCarrierOngoingExports
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedMultiCarrierOngoingExports(string carrierXRefCodes, string planStartDate, string planEndDate, string? payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes, string? blackoutPeriodStartDate, Signed32? lookBackDays, Signed32? lookForwardDays) returns Payload_CarrierFeeds|error
GET Benefits multi carrier ongoing carrier feed export in JSON format
- carrierXRefCodes string - A comma delimited list of reference codes, mapping to a list of individual carriers.
- planStartDate string - The plan start date.
- planEndDate string - The plan end date.
- payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes string? (default ()) - A comma delimited list of reference codes, mapping to a list of individual payroll earning accumulations.
- blackoutPeriodStartDate string? (default ()) - If applicable, the blackout period start date.
- lookBackDays Signed32? (default ()) - The number of days the export will look back from execution date to find employee elections.
- lookForwardDays Signed32? (default ()) - The number of days the export will look forward from execution date to find employee elections.
Return Type
- Payload_CarrierFeeds|error - The CarrierFeeds model in json format.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedMultiCarrierOpenEnrollmentExports
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/BenefitsCarrierFeedMultiCarrierOpenEnrollmentExports(string carrierXRefCodes, string planStartDate, string? planEndDate, string? payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes) returns Payload_CarrierFeeds|error
GET Benefits multi carrier open enrollment carrier feed export in JSON format
- carrierXRefCodes string - A comma delimited list of reference codes, mapping to a list of individual carriers.
- planStartDate string - The plan start date.
- planEndDate string? (default ()) - The plan end date.
- payrollEarningAccumulationXRefCodes string? (default ()) - A comma delimited list of reference codes, mapping to a list of individual payroll earning accumulations.
Return Type
- Payload_CarrierFeeds|error - The CarrierFeeds model in json format.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/CandidateSourcing
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/CandidateSourcing(true isValidateOnly, JobPostingApplicantModel payload) returns Response|error
POST a Candidate Application and/or a Candidate Profile
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, this will validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload JobPostingApplicantModel - The Json payload containing candidate and application details.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/JobPostingQuestionnaires
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/JobPostingQuestionnaires(Signed32 jobPostingId, Signed32 cultureId) returns Payload_IEnumerable_QuestionModel|error
GET Job Posting Questionnaires
- jobPostingId Signed32 - The job posting id
- cultureId Signed32 - The culture id to determine the language screening questions
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_QuestionModel|error - A collection of questionnaires for a particular job posting. Each questionnaire section is separated by a page break object.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/CandidateApplicationStatuses
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/CandidateApplicationStatuses() returns Payload_CandidateApplicationStatusUpdatesPaginationModel|error
GET Candidate Application Statuses
Return Type
- Payload_CandidateApplicationStatusUpdatesPaginationModel|error - A collection of candidate application statuses for all job applications sent by the provider calling this endpoint. Once the latest unsent application statuses are provided via this endpoint, no further data will be provided on subsequent calls unless further application status updates have been made. This endpoint will return application statuses in tranches of up to 1000 statuses per call and will continue to do so for subsequent calls until all unsent statuses have been provided.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/JobPostings
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/JobPostings(string? companyName, string? parentCompanyName, string? internalJobBoardCode, boolean? includeActivePostingOnly, string? lastUpdateTimeFrom, string? lastUpdateTimeTo, string? datePostedFrom, string? datePostedTo, boolean? htmlDescription) returns Payload_IEnumerable_JobFeed|error
GET Job Postings
- companyName string? (default ()) - Company name. Example: XYZ Co.
- parentCompanyName string? (default ()) - Parent Company name. Example: Ceridian
- internalJobBoardCode string? (default ()) - XRefCode of Job Board. Example: CANDIDATEPORTAL
- includeActivePostingOnly boolean? (default ()) - If true, then exclude inactive postings from the result. If False, then the 'Last Update Time From' and 'Last Update Time To' parameters are required and the range specified between the 'Last Update Time From' and 'Last Update Time To' parameters must not be larger than 1 month. Example: True
- lastUpdateTimeFrom string? (default ()) - A starting timestamp of last updated job posting. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- lastUpdateTimeTo string? (default ()) - An ending timestamp of last updated job posting. Example: 2017-02-01T13:24:56
- datePostedFrom string? (default ()) - A starting timestamp of job posting date. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- datePostedTo string? (default ()) - An ending timestamp of job posting date. Example: 2017-02-01T13:24:56
- htmlDescription boolean? (default ()) - A flag to feed the jobs over with html formatting or plain text description
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_JobFeed|error - A collection of all active external job postings (i.e. public facing job postings) based on specified filter parameters. Each job posting included in the response also includes URLs for Candidate Sourcing and Apply endpoints. Users with access to the Candidate Sourcing and Apply feature should use this endpoint for obtaining job postings rather than GET JobFeeds.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Certifications
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Certifications(Signed32? pageSize, string? xRefCode) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_LMSCertification|error
GET the list of all certifications
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The page size for the pagination (Default is 1000)
- xRefCode string? (default ()) - The xrefcode filter for the certifications
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_LMSCertification|error - A collection of certifications
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Certifications
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Certifications(true isValidateOnly, LMSCertification payload) returns json|error
POST one certification
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validate the request without applying the changes to the database.
- payload LMSCertification - The certification payload that will be used for certification creation
Return Type
- json|error - A certification is created, no response body
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Certifications
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Certifications(string xRefCode, true isValidateOnly, LMSCertification payload) returns json|error
PATCH one certification
- xRefCode string -
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validate the request without applying the changes to the database.
- payload LMSCertification - The certification payload that will be used for certification modification
Return Type
- json|error - A certification is updated, no response body
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientMetadata
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientMetadata() returns ClientMetadata|error
GET Client Metadata
Return Type
- ClientMetadata|error - Returns client metadata.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientPayrollCountry
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientPayrollCountry(string? countryCodes, boolean? hcmPayroll, boolean? connectedPay, boolean? payGroup) returns Payload_ClientPayrollCountry|error
GET client payroll countries.
- countryCodes string? (default ()) - Comma separated list of country codes to filter the results.
- hcmPayroll boolean? (default ()) - Flag to filter countries for HCM Payroll.
- connectedPay boolean? (default ()) - Flag to filter countries for Connected Pay.
- payGroup boolean? (default ()) - Flag to filter countries having pay group(s).
Return Type
- Payload_ClientPayrollCountry|error - Client Payroll Countries.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientPayrollCountry
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientPayrollCountry(true isValidateOnly, ClientPayrollCountryUpdate[] payload) returns json|error
POST Client Payroll Country.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying the updates to the database. The default value is FALSE if parameter is not specified.
- payload ClientPayrollCountryUpdate[] - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The ClientPayrollCountry has been added successfully, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientPayrollCountry
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/ClientPayrollCountry(true isValidateOnly, ClientPayrollCountryUpdate[] payload) returns json|error
PATCH Client Payroll Country.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying the updates to the database. The default value is FALSE if parameter is not specified.
- payload ClientPayrollCountryUpdate[] - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - ClientPayrollCountry has been updated successfully, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ContactInformationTypes
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ContactInformationTypes() returns Payload_IEnumerable_ContactInformationType|error
GET a List of ContactInformationTypes
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_ContactInformationType|error - A collection of ContactInformationType XRefCodes.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ContactInformationTypes/[string xrefCode]
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/ContactInformationTypes/[string xrefCode]() returns Payload_ContactInformationType|error
GET a ContactInformationType with the requested XRefCode.
Return Type
- Payload_ContactInformationType|error - The ContactInformationType with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Courses
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Courses(Signed32? pageSize, string? courseType, string? courseProvider, string? xRefCode) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Course|error
GET the list of all courses
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The page size for the pagination (Default is 1000)
- courseType string? (default ()) - The course type filter for the courses
- courseProvider string? (default ()) - The course provider filter for the courses
- xRefCode string? (default ()) - The xrefcode filter for the courses
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Course|error - A collection of courses
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Courses
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Courses(true isValidateOnly, Course payload) returns json|error
POST one course
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validate the request without applying the changes to the database.
- payload Course - The course payload that will be used for course creation
Return Type
- json|error - A course is created, no response body
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Courses
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Courses(string xRefCode, true isValidateOnly, Course payload) returns json|error
PATCH one course
- xRefCode string - The course payload that will be used for course creation
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validate the request without applying the changes to the database.
- payload Course - The course payload that will be used for course creation
Return Type
- json|error - A course is updated, no response body
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/DataEntry/[string payGroupXRefCode]/[string entryType]
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/DataEntry/[string payGroupXRefCode]/[string entryType](string? periodStartDate, string? periodEndDate, string? payDate, string? ppn, string? orgUnitXRefCode, string? codeType, string? codeXRefCode, string? employeeXRefCode, string? projectXRefCodes, string? sinceLastModifiedTimestamp, string? 'source, Signed32? pageSize) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_DataEntry|error
GET List of Data Entries.
- periodStartDate string? (default ()) - The pay run period start date.
- periodEndDate string? (default ()) - The pay run period end date.
- payDate string? (default ()) - The pay run pay date.
- ppn string? (default ()) - The pay run's pay period number (format: ##-##).
- orgUnitXRefCode string? (default ()) - The user org unit reference code to load data entries from (in org unit hierarchy).
- codeType string? (default ()) - The type of the data entry codes.
- codeXRefCode string? (default ()) - The data entry code reference code.
- employeeXRefCode string? (default ()) - The employee reference code.
- projectXRefCodes string? (default ()) - The comma separated project reference codes.
- sinceLastModifiedTimestamp string? (default ()) - Last modified timestamp to load entries since.
- 'source string? (default ()) -
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - Number of records to be loaded.
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_DataEntry|error - Payroll data entries.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PersonManagementHistory
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PersonManagementHistory(Signed32? pageSize, string? policy, string? personType, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns PaginatedPayload_PersonManagementHistory|error
Get a list of Person Management History
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
- policy string? (default ()) - Person Management Policy Types such as HR, WFM, etc
- personType string? (default ()) - Can be either Employee or Candidate
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which Person Management History data to search when records have specific start and end dates.The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value.Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which Person Management History data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_PersonManagementHistory|error - A collection of Person Management History.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PersonManagementExemptions
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PersonManagementExemptions(Signed32? pageSize, string? number, string? personType) returns PaginatedPayload_PersonManagementExemption|error
Get a list of Person Management Exemption
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
- number string? (default ()) - Represent the Employee number
- personType string? (default ()) - Can be either Employee or Candidate
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_PersonManagementExemption|error - A collection of Person Management Exemption.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PersonManagementEraseHistory
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PersonManagementEraseHistory(Signed32? pageSize, string? personType, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo, Signed32? requestId) returns PaginatedPayload_PersonManagementEraseHistory|error
Get a list of Person Management Erase History
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
- personType string? (default ()) - Can be either Employee or Candidate
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which user data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which user data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- requestId Signed32? (default ()) - The right to be forgotten request identifier. The value provided must be exact match; otherwise, a bad request (400) error will be returned.
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_PersonManagementEraseHistory|error - A collection of Person Management Erase History.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PolicyAssociations
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DataPrivacy/PolicyAssociations(string? countryCodes, Signed32? pageSize, string? personType, string? xRefCode) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_PolicyAssociation|error
Get a List of Policy Associations
- countryCodes string? (default ()) - The country codes to search policies for, if ommited all countries will be returned
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
- personType string? (default ()) - Can be either Employee or Candidate
- xRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the employee whose data will be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for an employee; otherwise, a bad request (400) error will be returned.
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_PolicyAssociation|error - A collection of PolicyAssociation data meeting the search criteria.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DeductionDefinition
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/DeductionDefinition(string? countryCodes, string? deductionXRefCodes, string? taxComplianceXRefCodes, string? taxTypeCodes, boolean? systemDeduction) returns Payload_IEnumerable_DeductionDefinition|error
Get List of Deduction Definitions.
- countryCodes string? (default ()) - >List of country codes with comma separator to filter the result base on country.
- deductionXRefCodes string? (default ()) - List of Deduction Reference Codes with comma separator to filter the result.
- taxComplianceXRefCodes string? (default ()) - List of Tax Compliance Reference Codes (DeductionCodeXRefCodes) with comma separator to filter the result.
- taxTypeCodes string? (default ()) - List of Tax Type Codes with comma separator to filter the result.
- systemDeduction boolean? (default ()) - Set to True to get only System Defined Deduction, or set to False to get only User Defined Deductions.
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_DeductionDefinition|error - List of Deduction Definitions and associated payees.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments() returns Payload_IEnumerable_Department|error
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_Department|error - A collection of Department XRefCodes.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments(true isValidateOnly, Department payload) returns json|error
Return Type
- json|error - A Department is created, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments/[string xRefCode]
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments/[string xRefCode](true isValidateOnly) returns Payload_Department|error
- isValidateOnly true -
Return Type
- Payload_Department|error - A Department XRefCode meets the search criteria.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments/[string xRefCode]
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Departments/[string xRefCode](true isValidateOnly, Department payload) returns json|error
Return Type
- json|error - A Department is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DocumentManagementSecurityGroups
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DocumentManagementSecurityGroups() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDocumentManagementSecurityGroup|error
GET DocMgmtSecurityGroupUserMap Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDocumentManagementSecurityGroup|error - The DocMgmtSecurityGroupUserMap with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DocumentManagementSecurityGroups
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DocumentManagementSecurityGroups(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeDocumentManagementSecurityGroup payload) returns json|error
POST a DocMgmtSecurityGroupUserMap
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeDocumentManagementSecurityGroup - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The DocMgmtSecurityGroupUserMap is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DocumentManagementSecurityGroups
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DocumentManagementSecurityGroups(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeDocumentManagementSecurityGroup payload) returns json|error
PATCH a DocMgmtSecurityGroupUserMap
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeDocumentManagementSecurityGroup - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The DocMgmtSecurityGroupUserMap is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Documents
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Documents(string? employeeXRefCode, string? lastModifiedTimestampStart, string? lastModifiedTimestampEnd, string? entity, string? entityTypeXRefCode, string? documentTypeXRefCode) returns Payload_IEnumerable_Document|error
GET a List of Documents
- employeeXRefCode string? (default ()) - Filter for documents attached to the uniquely identified employee specified. Partial search is not supported, so provide the full value. Otherwise, a 400 error will be returned.
- lastModifiedTimestampStart string? (default ()) - Filter for documents starting from this date time value. The lastModifiedTimestampStart and lastModifiedTimestampEnd criteria require additional criteria to be specified.
- lastModifiedTimestampEnd string? (default ()) - Filter for documents until this date time value. The lastModifiedTimestampStart and lastModifiedTimestampEnd criteria require additional criteria to be specified.
- entity string? (default ()) - Filter documents attached to this specified entity. The entity and entityTypeXRefCode must both be provided to apply this filter criteria.
- entityTypeXRefCode string? (default ()) - Filter for documents associated with this specified Entity Type. The current Entity Types supported for filtering are: "BENEFIT_PLAN", "BENEFIT_PLAN_OPTION", "HR_POLICY", "PAY_RUN", "PAY_GROUP_CALENDAR", "EMPLOYEE_FILE". The entity and entityTypeXRefCode must both be provided to apply this filter criteria.
- documentTypeXRefCode string? (default ()) - Filter for documents associated with this specified Document Type
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_Document|error - Returns documents associated with the given criteria.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/documents/[string documentGuid]
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/documents/[string documentGuid]() returns Payload_ArchiveDocument|error
GET Document Details
Return Type
- Payload_ArchiveDocument|error - Returns the document identified by the documentGuid
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Documents/Import/Queue
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Documents/Import/Queue(true isValidateOnly, DocumentImportQueueRequest[] payload) returns Payload_DocumentImportQueueResponse|error
POST (Create) Queue Document Import task
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validates the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload DocumentImportQueueRequest[] - The JSON-formatted content containing the metadata entities and elements of document import to be processed in POST (queue task) operation.
Return Type
- Payload_DocumentImportQueueResponse|error - Document import queued.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Documents/Upload
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Documents/Upload(true isValidateOnly) returns DocMgmtUploadResponse|error
Upload one or more documents using a multipart request.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validates the request without applying updates to the database.
Return Type
- DocMgmtUploadResponse|error - Document(s) processed.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EarningDefinition
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EarningDefinition(string? countryCodes, string? earningXRefCodes, string? taxComplianceXRefCodes, string? earningTypeXRefCodes) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EarningDefinition|error
GET List of Earning Definitions.
- countryCodes string? (default ()) - List of country codes with comma separator to filter the result base on country.
- earningXRefCodes string? (default ()) - List of Earning Reference Codes with comma separator to filter the result.
- taxComplianceXRefCodes string? (default ()) - List of Tax Compliance Reference Codes (EarningCodeXRefCodes) with comma separator to filter the result.
- earningTypeXRefCodes string? (default ()) - List of Earning Type Reference Codes with comma separator to filter the result.
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EarningDefinition|error - List of Earning Definitions and associated payees.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EarningStatementHeader
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EarningStatementHeader(Signed32? pageSize, string? payGroupXRefCode, string? payDate, string? payPeriodStartDate, string? payPeriodEndDate, string? ppn, string? employeeXRefCodes, string? employeeLastNames, string? employeePayDateBegin, string? employeePayDateEnd) returns PaginatedPayload_EarningStatementHeader|error
GET Earning Statement Headers
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
- payGroupXRefCode string? (default ()) - The pay group's reference code.
- payDate string? (default ()) - The pay run's pay date (format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- payPeriodStartDate string? (default ()) - The pay run's period start date (format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- payPeriodEndDate string? (default ()) - The pay run's period end date (format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- ppn string? (default ()) - The PayPeriodNumber(format: ##-##).
- employeeXRefCodes string? (default ()) - Comma delimited list of XRef codes for employees
- employeeLastNames string? (default ()) - Comma delimited list of last names for employees
- employeePayDateBegin string? (default ()) - The employee's pay start date(format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- employeePayDateEnd string? (default ()) - The employee's pay end date(format: yyyy-mm-dd).
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_EarningStatementHeader|error - An encrypted string which contains list of earning statement headers.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EarningStatement/[string earningStatementXRefCode]
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EarningStatement/[string earningStatementXRefCode](string employeeXRefCode) returns Payload_List_EarningStatementDocument|error
GET Earning Statement Pdf
- employeeXRefCode string - Employee XRefCode.
Return Type
- Payload_List_EarningStatementDocument|error - Earning statement document.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmergencyContacts
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmergencyContacts(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmergencyContact|error
GET EmergencyContact Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmergencyContact|error - The emergency contacts of employee with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmergencyContacts
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmergencyContacts(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmergencyContact payload) returns json|error
POST an EmergencyContact
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmergencyContact - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmergencyContact is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmergencyContacts
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmergencyContacts(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmergencyContact payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmergencyContact
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmergencyContact - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmergencyContact is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAccidentInsurance/AccidentInsurance
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAccidentInsurance/AccidentInsurance() returns Payload_IEnumerable_DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance|error
GET DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance|error - The DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAccidentInsurance/AccidentInsurance
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAccidentInsurance/AccidentInsurance(true isValidateOnly, DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance payload) returns json|error
POST A dEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAccidentInsurance/AccidentInsurance
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAccidentInsurance/AccidentInsurance(true isValidateOnly, DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance payload) returns json|error
PATCH an DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload DEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The dEUEmployeeAccidentInsurance is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity|error
GET EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity|error - The EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity -
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity -
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeAssignedSexAndGenderIdentity is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSFederalTaxes
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSFederalTaxes(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAUSFederalTax|error
GET EmployeeAUSFederalTax Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAUSFederalTax|error - The EmployeeAUSFederalTax with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSFederalTaxes
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSFederalTaxes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeAUSFederalTax payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeAUSFederalTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeAUSFederalTax - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeAUSFederalTax is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSFederalTaxes
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSFederalTaxes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeAUSFederalTax payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeAUSFederalTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeAUSFederalTax - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeAUSFederalTax is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSSuperannuation
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSSuperannuation(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAUSSuperannuation|error
GET Employee superannuation details for Australia
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAUSSuperannuation|error - The employee superannuation details for Australia by requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSSuperannuationRules
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AUSSuperannuationRules(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAUSSuperannuationRules|error
GET Employee superannuation rules for Australia
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeAUSSuperannuationRules|error - The employee superannuation rules for Australia by requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AuthorizationAssignments
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AuthorizationAssignments(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_AuthorizationAssignment|error
GET Employee's Authorization Assignment Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_AuthorizationAssignment|error - The EmployeeAuthorizationAssignments with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AuthorizationAssignments
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AuthorizationAssignments(true isValidateOnly, AuthorizationAssignment payload) returns json|error
POST an AuthorizationAssignment
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload AuthorizationAssignment -
Return Type
- json|error - An AuthorizationAssignment is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AuthorizationAssignments
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/AuthorizationAssignments(true isValidateOnly, AuthorizationAssignment payload) returns json|error
PATCH an AuthorizationAssignment
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload AuthorizationAssignment -
Return Type
- json|error - The AuthorizationAssignment is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Badges
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Badges(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeBadge|error
GET EmployeeBadge Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeBadge|error - The EmployeeBadge with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Badges
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Badges(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeBadge payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeBadge
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeBadge - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeBadge is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Badges
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Badges(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeBadge payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeBadge
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeBadge - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeBadge is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalancePeriods
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalancePeriods(string employeeXRefCode, string? asOfDate, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeBalancePeriod|error
Get a list of Employee Balance Periods
- employeeXRefCode string - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique employee.
- asOfDate string? (default ()) - The date as of which to calculate the current values for the employee balance periods returned. If omitted, current values will be calculated as of today. Example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
- startDate string? (default ()) - Period start date to determine which employee balance periods to retrieve. If omitted, today's date will be used. Example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
- endDate string? (default ()) - Period end date to determine which employee balance periods to retrieve. If omitted, the period start date will be used. If the period start date is also omitted, today's date will be used. Example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeBalancePeriod|error - A collection of employee balance periods meeting the search criteria.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalanceTransactions
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalanceTransactions(string employeeXRefCode, string balanceXRefCode, string? startDate, string? endDate) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeBalanceTransactions|error
Get a list of Employee Balance Transactions grouped by their employee balance periods
- employeeXRefCode string - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique employee.
- balanceXRefCode string - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique balance.
- startDate string? (default ()) - Period start date to determine which employee balance periods to retrieve. If omitted, today's date will be used. Example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
- endDate string? (default ()) - Period end date to determine which employee balance periods to retrieve. If omitted, the period start date will be used. If the period start date is also omitted, today's date will be used. Example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeBalanceTransactions|error - A collection of employee balance transactions grouped by their employee balance periods meeting the search criteria.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalanceTransactions
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalanceTransactions(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeBalanceTransactionForSubmit payload) returns EmployeeBalanceTransactionPostResponse|error
POST (Create) Employee Balance Transaction
- isValidateOnly true -
- payload EmployeeBalanceTransactionForSubmit - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- EmployeeBalanceTransactionPostResponse|error - An employee balance transaction is created
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalanceTransactions
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeBalanceTransactions(string employeeBalanceTransactionId, true isValidateOnly, EmployeeBalanceTransactionForPatch payload) returns EmployeeBalanceTransactionPatchResponse|error
PATCH (Modify) Employee Balance Transaction
- employeeBalanceTransactionId string -
- isValidateOnly true -
- payload EmployeeBalanceTransactionForPatch - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in PATCH operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- EmployeeBalanceTransactionPatchResponse|error - An employee balance transaction is modified
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANFederalTaxes
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANFederalTaxes(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANFederalTax|error
GET EmployeeCANFederalTax Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANFederalTax|error - The EmployeeCANFederalTax with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANFederalTaxes
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANFederalTaxes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCANFederalTax payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeCANFederalTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeCANFederalTax - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeCANFederalTax is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANFederalTaxes
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANFederalTaxes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCANFederalTax payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeCANFederalTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeCANFederalTax - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeCANFederalTax is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANStateTaxes
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANStateTaxes(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANStateTax|error
GET EmployeeCANStateTax Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANStateTax|error - The EmployeeCANStateTax with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANStateTaxes
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANStateTaxes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCANStateTax payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeCANStateTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeCANStateTax - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A CANStateTaxes is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANStateTaxes
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANStateTaxes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCANStateTax payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeCANStateTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeCANStateTax - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The CANStateTaxes is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANTaxStatuses
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANTaxStatuses(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANTaxStatus|error
GET EmployeeCANTaxStatus Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANTaxStatus|error - The EmployeeCANTaxStatus with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANTaxStatuses
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANTaxStatuses(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCANTaxStatus payload) returns json|error
POST EmployeeCANTaxStatus Details
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeCANTaxStatus - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A EmployeeCANTaxStatus Detail is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANTaxStatuses
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CANTaxStatuses(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCANTaxStatus payload) returns json|error
PATCH EmployeeCANTaxStatus Details
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeCANTaxStatus - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeCANTaxStatus Detail is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeCertifications
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeCertifications(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_LMSEmployeeCertification|error
GET EmployeeCertification Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_LMSEmployeeCertification|error - The EmployeeCertification with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeCertifications
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeCertifications(true isValidateOnly, LMSEmployeeCertification payload) returns json|error
POST an Employee Certification
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload LMSEmployeeCertification - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Certification is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeCertifications
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeCertifications(true isValidateOnly, LMSEmployeeCertification payload) returns json|error
PATCH (Update) an Employee Certification
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload LMSEmployeeCertification - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Certification is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ClockDeviceGroups
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ClockDeviceGroups(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeClockDeviceGroup|error
GET EmployeeClockDeviceGroup Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeClockDeviceGroup|error - The EmployeeClockDeviceGroup with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ClockDeviceGroups
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ClockDeviceGroups(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeClockDeviceGroup payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeClockDeviceGroup
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeClockDeviceGroup - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeClockDeviceGroup is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ClockDeviceGroups
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ClockDeviceGroups(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeClockDeviceGroup payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmployeeClockDeviceGroup
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeClockDeviceGroup - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeClockDeviceGroup is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CompensationSummary
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/CompensationSummary(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCompensation|error
GET EmployeeCompensation Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCompensation|error - The EmployeeCompensation with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ConfidentialIdentification
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ConfidentialIdentification(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeConfidentialIdentification|error
GET EmployeeConfidentialIdentification Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeConfidentialIdentification|error - The EmployeeConfidentialIdentification with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ConfidentialIdentification
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ConfidentialIdentification(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeConfidentialIdentification payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeConfidentialIdentification
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeConfidentialIdentification - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeConfidentialIdentification is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ConfidentialIdentification
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/ConfidentialIdentification(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeConfidentialIdentification payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeConfidentialIdentification
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeConfidentialIdentification - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeConfidentialIdentification is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Courses
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Courses() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCourse|error
GET EmployeeCourse Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCourse|error - The EmployeeCourse with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Courses
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Courses(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCourse payload) returns json|error
POST an Employee Course Enrollment
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validate the request without applying the changes to the database.
- payload EmployeeCourse - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Course Enrollment is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Courses
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Courses(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeCourse payload) returns json|error
PATCH (Update) an Employee Course Enrollment
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, PATCH operation validate the request without applying the changes to the database.
- payload EmployeeCourse - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in PATCH operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Course Enrollment is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/LaborDefaults
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/LaborDefaults(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDefaultLabor|error
GET EmployeeDefaultLabor Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDefaultLabor|error - The EmployeeDefaultLabor with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/LaborDefaults
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/LaborDefaults(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeDefaultLabor payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeDefaultLabor
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeDefaultLabor -
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeDefaultLabor is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/LaborDefaults
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/LaborDefaults(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeDefaultLabor payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeDefaultLabor
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeDefaultLabor -
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeDefaultLabor is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DependentsBeneficiaries
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DependentsBeneficiaries(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDependentBeneficiary|error
GET EmployeeDependentsBeneficiaries Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDependentBeneficiary|error - The EmployeeDependentsBeneficiaries with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/DEUEmployeeWageTax
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/DEUEmployeeWageTax(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_DEUEmployeeWageTax|error
GET EmployeeWageTax Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_DEUEmployeeWageTax|error - The EmployeeWageTax with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/DEUEmployeeWageTax
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/DEUEmployeeWageTax(true isValidateOnly, DEUEmployeeWageTax payload) returns json|error
POST an Employee Wage Tax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload DEUEmployeeWageTax -
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Wage Tax is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/DEUEmployeeWageTax
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/DEUEmployeeWageTax(true isValidateOnly, DEUEmployeeWageTax payload) returns json|error
PATCH (Update) an Employee Wage Tax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload DEUEmployeeWageTax -
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Wage Tax is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/SocialInsurance
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/SocialInsurance(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_DEUTaxSocialInsurance|error
GET Employee Social Insurance Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_DEUTaxSocialInsurance|error - The Employee Social Insurance details with the requested Employee XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/SocialInsurance
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/SocialInsurance(true isValidateOnly, DEUTaxSocialInsurance payload) returns json|error
POST Employee Social Insurance Details
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload DEUTaxSocialInsurance -
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Social Insurance is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/SocialInsurance
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DEUTax/SocialInsurance(true isValidateOnly, DEUTaxSocialInsurance payload) returns json|error
PATCH (Update) aEmployee Social Insurance Details
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload DEUTaxSocialInsurance -
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Social Insurance is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DirectDeposits
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/DirectDeposits(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDirectDeposit|error
GET EmployeeDirectDeposit Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDirectDeposit|error - The EmployeeDirectDeposit with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Disabilities
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Disabilities(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDisability|error
GET EmployeeDisability Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeDisability|error - The EmployeeDisabilityController with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Disabilities
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Disabilities(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeDisability payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeDisability
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeDisability -
Return Type
- json|error - A EmployeeDisability is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Disabilities
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Disabilities(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeDisability payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmployeeDisability
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeDisability -
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeDisability is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EIRates
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EIRates(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANEmploymentInsuranceRate|error
GET EmployeeEIRate Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeCANEmploymentInsuranceRate|error - The EmployeeEIRate with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentAgreements
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentAgreements(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmploymentAgreement|error
GET EmployeeEmploymentAgreement Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmploymentAgreement|error - The EmployeeEmploymentAgreement with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentAgreements
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentAgreements(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmploymentAgreement payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeEmploymentAgreement
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmploymentAgreement - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentAgreements
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentAgreements(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmploymentAgreement payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeEmploymentAgreement
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmploymentAgreement - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeEmploymentAgreement is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmploymentStatus|error
GET EmploymentStatus Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmploymentStatus|error - The Employment Statuses of employee with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmploymentStatus payload) returns json|error
POST an EmploymentStatus
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmploymentStatus - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmploymentStatus is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmploymentStatus payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmploymentStatus
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmploymentStatus - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmploymentStatus is updated, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses/Replacement
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentStatuses/Replacement(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmploymentStatus payload, string? replaceFrom, string? replaceTo) returns json|error
Replace EmploymentStatuses
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmploymentStatus - The new JSON-formatted EmploymentStatus with which to replace the deleted ones.
- replaceFrom string? (default ()) - The date from which all EmploymentStatuses will be replaced.
- replaceTo string? (default ()) - The date up to which all EmploymentStatuses will be replaced.
Return Type
- json|error - The Employee's Employment Statuses are replaced within the given date range; no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentTypes
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentTypes(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmploymentType|error
GET EmployeeEmploymentType Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEmploymentType|error - The EmployeeEmploymentType with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentTypes
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentTypes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmploymentType payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeEmploymentType
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmploymentType - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeEmploymentType is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentTypes
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmploymentTypes(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEmploymentType payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmployeeEmploymentType
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEmploymentType - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeEmploymentType is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Ethnicities
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Ethnicities(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEthnicity|error
GET EmployeeEthnicity Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeEthnicity|error - The EmployeeEthnicity with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Ethnicities
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Ethnicities(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEthnicity payload) returns json|error
POST EmployeeEthnicity Details
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEthnicity - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A EmployeeEthnicity Detail is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Ethnicities
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Ethnicities(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeEthnicity payload) returns json|error
PATCH EmployeeEthnicity Details
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeEthnicity -
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeEthnicity Detail is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/v1/EmployeeExportJobs/Status/[int:Signed32 backgroundJobQueueItemId]
function get [string clientNamespace]/v1/EmployeeExportJobs/Status/[int:Signed32 backgroundJobQueueItemId]() returns Payload_Object|error
Get the status of Job Queue tables.
Return Type
- Payload_Object|error - Job Status and Access API URL
get [string clientNamespace]/v1/EmployeeExportJobs/Data/[string jobId]
function get [string clientNamespace]/v1/EmployeeExportJobs/Data/[string jobId]() returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Employee|error
Get bulk employee of data as a string in json format
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_Employee|error - Returns a page of employee data.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeExportJobs
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeExportJobs(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeExportParams payload) returns json|error
Add new HR Bulk Export details into Job Queue tables.
- isValidateOnly true - This parameter used to run a test case without fail
- payload EmployeeExportParams - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A HR Bulk Export is created with an empty response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeGlobalProperties
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeGlobalProperties(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue|error
GET EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue|error - The EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeGlobalProperties
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeGlobalProperties(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Global Property is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeGlobalProperties
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeGlobalProperties(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeGlobalPropertyValue is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/EmployeeGLSplits
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/EmployeeGLSplits(string? payGroupXRefCode, string? employeeXRefCodes, string? splitStatus, Signed32? pageSize) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeeGLSplits|error
GET the list of employee gl splits.
- payGroupXRefCode string? (default ()) - The pay group reference code.
- employeeXRefCodes string? (default ()) - The comma separated employee XRef codes.
- splitStatus string? (default ()) - Filter to fetch all or current/future effective GL splits. Value can be All or Active. Default value is Active.
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - Number of records to be loaded.
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeeGLSplits|error - Employee GL Splits.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/EmployeeGLSplits
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/EmployeeGLSplits(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeGLSplitUpsert[] payload) returns json|error
POST a list of employee GLSplitSets.
- isValidateOnly true - If TRUE, POST operations validate the request without queue the import. The default value is FALSE. Note, POST operation will only validate data structure.
- payload EmployeeGLSplitUpsert[] - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - OK response
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/EmployeeGLSplits
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Payroll/EmployeeGLSplits(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeGLSplitUpsert[] payload) returns json|error
PATCH a list of employee GLSplitSets.
- isValidateOnly true - If TRUE, PATCH operations validate the request without queue the import. The default value is FALSE. Note, PATCH operation will only validate data structure.
- payload EmployeeGLSplitUpsert[] - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in PATCH operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - OK response
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HighlyCompensatedEmployees
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HighlyCompensatedEmployees(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHighlyCompensatedEmployeeIndicator|error
GET HighlyCompensatedEmployee Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHighlyCompensatedEmployeeIndicator|error - The HighlyCompensatedEmployee with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HighlyCompensatedEmployees
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HighlyCompensatedEmployees(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeHighlyCompensatedEmployeeIndicator payload) returns json|error
POST a HighlyCompensatedEmployee
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeHighlyCompensatedEmployeeIndicator - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A HighlyCompensatedEmployee is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HighlyCompensatedEmployees
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HighlyCompensatedEmployees(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeHighlyCompensatedEmployeeIndicator payload) returns json|error
PATCH a HighlyCompensatedEmployee
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeHighlyCompensatedEmployeeIndicator - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The HighlyCompensatedEmployee is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HealthWellnessDetails
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HealthWellnessDetails(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHealthWellness|error
GET EmployeeHealthWellness Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHealthWellness|error - The EmployeeHealthWellness with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HealthWellnessDetails
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HealthWellnessDetails(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeHealthWellness payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeHealthWellness
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeHealthWellness - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - A EmployeeHealthWellness is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HealthWellnessDetails
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HealthWellnessDetails(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeHealthWellness payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeHealthWellness
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeHealthWellness - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeHealthWellness is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRIncidents
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRIncidents() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHRIncident|error
GET EmployeeHRIncident Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHRIncident|error - The EmployeeHRIncident with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRIncidents
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRIncidents(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeHRIncident payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeHRIncident
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeHRIncident -
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeHRIncident is created, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRPolicies
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRPolicies() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHRPolicy|error
GET EmployeeHRPolicy Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeHRPolicy|error - The Employee HRPolicy with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRPolicies
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/HRPolicies(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeHRPolicy payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeHRPolicy
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validates the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeHRPolicy - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee HRPolicy is created, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/EWSS
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/EWSS() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS|error
GET an EmployeeIRLTax
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/EWSS
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/EWSS(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeIRLTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/EWSS
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/EWSS(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmployeeIRLTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxEWSS is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PAYEExclusion
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PAYEExclusion() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion|error
GET EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PAYEExclusion
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PAYEExclusion(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion -
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PAYEExclusion
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PAYEExclusion(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion -
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxPAYEExclusion is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PRSI
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PRSI() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI|error
GET EmployeeIRLTax Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PRSI
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PRSI(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeIRLTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PRSI
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/PRSI(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeIRLTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxPRSI is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/RPN
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/RPN() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxRPN|error
GET an EmployeeIRLTax
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeIRLTaxRPN|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxRPN with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/RPN
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/RPN(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxRPN payload) returns json|error
POST an EmployeeIRLTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxRPN - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeIRLTaxRPN is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/RPN
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/IRLTax/RPN(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeIRLTaxRPN payload) returns json|error
PATCH an EmployeeIRLTax
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeIRLTaxRPN -
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeIRLTaxRPN is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Locations
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Locations(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeLocation|error
GET EmployeeLocation Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeLocation|error - The EmployeeLocation with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Locations
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Locations(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeLocation payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeLocation
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeLocation - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeeLocation is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Locations
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Locations(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeLocation payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeLocation
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeLocation - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeLocation is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeManagers
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeManagers(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeManager|error
GET EmployeeManager Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeManager|error - The EmployeeManager with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OnboardingPolicies
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OnboardingPolicies(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeOnboardingPolicy|error
GET EmployeeOnboardingPolicy Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeOnboardingPolicy|error - The EmployeeOnboardingPolicy with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OnboardingPolicies
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OnboardingPolicies(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeOnboardingPolicy payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeOnboardingPolicy
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeOnboardingPolicy - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OnboardingPolicies
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OnboardingPolicies(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeOnboardingPolicy payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeOnboardingPolicy
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeOnboardingPolicy - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeOnboardingPolicy is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OrgUnitInfos
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/OrgUnitInfos() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeOrgUnitInformation|error
GET EmployeeOrgUnitInfo Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeOrgUnitInformation|error - The EmployeeOrgUnitInfo with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroups
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroups() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroup|error
GET EmployeePayAdjCodeGroupList Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroup|error - The EmployeePayAdjCodeGroupList with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroups
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroups(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroup payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeePayAdjCodeGroupList
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroup - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeePayAdjCodeGroupList is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroups
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroups(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroup payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeePayAdjCodeGroupList
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeePayAdjustCodeGroup - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeePayAdjCodeGroupList is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePayAdjustments
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePayAdjustments(string filterPayAdjustmentStartDate, string filterPayAdjustmentEndDate, string? filterLastModifiedStartDateUTC, string? filterLastModifiedEndDateUTC, string? orgUnitXRefCode, string? employeeXRefCode, string? payAdjustmentCodeXRefCode, string? projectXRefCode, string? departmentXRefCode, string? jobXRefCode, string? docketXRefCode, string? referenceDate, boolean? managerAuthorized, boolean? employeeAuthorized, boolean? isDeleted, Signed32? pageSize) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayAdjustment|error
Get a list of Employee Pay Adjustments
- filterPayAdjustmentStartDate string - Inclusive period start date in UTC to determine which employee pay adjustment data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- filterPayAdjustmentEndDate string - Inclusive period end date in UTC to determine which employee pay adjustment data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- filterLastModifiedStartDateUTC string? (default ()) - Inclusive period last modified start date in UTC to determine which employee pay adjustment data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z
- filterLastModifiedEndDateUTC string? (default ()) - Inclusive period last modified end date in UTC to determine which employee pay adjustment data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z
- orgUnitXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique organization
- employeeXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique employee
- payAdjustmentCodeXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique pay adjustment code
- projectXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique project
- departmentXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique department
- jobXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique job
- docketXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a unique docket
- referenceDate string? (default ()) - Inclusive period reference date in UTC to determine which employee pay adjustment data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- managerAuthorized boolean? (default ()) - A flag to determine if a pay adjustment is manager authorized
- employeeAuthorized boolean? (default ()) - A flag to determine if a pay adjustment is employee authorized
- isDeleted boolean? (default ()) - A flag to determine if a pay adjustment is deleted
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayAdjustment|error - A collection of EmployeePayAdjustment data meeting the search criteria.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePayAdjustments
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePayAdjustments(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayAdjustmentForSubmit payload, boolean? isValidateLabor) returns EmployeePayAdjustmentPostResponse|error
POST (Create) Employee Pay Adjustment
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeePayAdjustmentForSubmit - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
- isValidateLabor boolean? (default ()) - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operations validate against Labor Validation Engine to verify pay adjustment follows rules/qualifiers created
Return Type
- EmployeePayAdjustmentPostResponse|error - An employee pay adjustment is created
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePayAdjustments/[string xRefCode]
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePayAdjustments/[string xRefCode](true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayAdjustmentForSubmit payload, boolean? isValidateLabor) returns EmployeePayAdjustmentPostResponse|error
PATCH (Update) Employee Pay Adjustment
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeePayAdjustmentForSubmit - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in PATCH operation. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
- isValidateLabor boolean? (default ()) - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, PATCH operations validate against Labor Validation Engine to verify pay adjustment follows rules/qualifiers created
Return Type
- EmployeePayAdjustmentPostResponse|error - An employee pay adjustment is updated
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PayGradeRates
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PayGradeRates(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayGradeRate|error
GET EmployeePayGradeRate Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayGradeRate|error - The EmployeePayGradeRate with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxes
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxes() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayrollTax|error
GET List of Taxes for a specific employee.
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayrollTax|error - The EmployeePayrollTax with the requested XRefCode.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParameters
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParameters(string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo, string? taxAuthorityInstance, string? legalEntityXRefCode) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayrollTaxParameter|error
GET List of Tax Parameters for a specific employee.
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current day if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- taxAuthorityInstance string? (default ()) - The Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the assessment, determination, collection or imposition of any tax. The value provided must be an exact match to an authority assigned to the employee. Example: USA-00000000-001.
- legalEntityXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique reference code which identifies the organization that the federal tax authorities recognize. The value provided must be an exact match to the Legal Entity reference to which the employee is assigned.
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePayrollTaxParameter|error - The EmployeePayrollTax with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParameters
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParameters(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayrollTaxParameter payload) returns json|error
POST Tax Parameter for an employee.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying the updates to the database. The default value is FALSE if parameter is not specified.
- payload EmployeePayrollTaxParameter - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeePayrollTaxParameter is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParameters
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParameters(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayrollTaxParameter payload) returns json|error
PATCH Tax Parameter for an employee.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying the updates to the database. The default value is FALSE if parameter is not specified.
- payload EmployeePayrollTaxParameter - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An EmployeePayrollTaxParameter is created, no response body.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParametersList
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParametersList(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayrollTaxParameter[] payload) returns json|error
POST Tax Parameter for an employee.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying the updates to the database. The default value is FALSE if parameter is not specified.
- payload EmployeePayrollTaxParameter[] - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - EmployeePayrollTaxParameter is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParametersList
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeePayrollTaxParametersList(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePayrollTaxParameter[] payload) returns json|error
PATCH Tax Parameter for an employee.
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying the updates to the database. The default value is FALSE if parameter is not specified.
- payload EmployeePayrollTaxParameter[] - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - EmployeePayrollTaxParameter is created, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePaySummaries
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePaySummaries(string filterPaySummaryStartDate, string filterPaySummaryEndDate, string? employeeXRefCode, string? locationXRefCode, string? payGroupXRefCode, string? payCategoryXRefCode) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePaySummary|error
GET a List of Employee pay summaries
- filterPaySummaryStartDate string - Inclusive period start date in UTC to determine which employee pay summary data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- filterPaySummaryEndDate string - Inclusive period end date in UTC to determine which employee pay summary data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- employeeXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the employee to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for an employee
- locationXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the location to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a location
- payGroupXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the position to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a position
- payCategoryXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the payCatergory to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a payCatergory
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePaySummary|error - A collection of EmployeePaySummary data meeting the search criteria.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePaySummariesRetro
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePaySummariesRetro(string payGroupXRefCode, string? periodStartDate, string? periodEndDate, string? payDate, string? employeeXRefCode, string? locationXRefCode, string? payCategoryXRefCode, boolean? onlyRetros, int? payExportId, Signed32? pageSize) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePaySummaryRetro|error
GET a List of Employee pay summaries retro
- payGroupXRefCode string - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the pay group to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a pay group.
- periodStartDate string? (default ()) - The start date of the pay calendar to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for an effective start of a pay calendar.
- periodEndDate string? (default ()) - The end date of the pay calendar to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for an effective end of a pay calendar.
- payDate string? (default ()) - The pay date of the pay calendar to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a pay date of a pay calendar.
- employeeXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the employee to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for an employee.
- locationXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the location to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a location.
- payCategoryXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the payCategory to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a payCategory.
- onlyRetros boolean? (default ()) - Filters only Retro Employee Pay Summaries (defaults to false).
- payExportId int? (default ()) - The unique identifier of the Pay export data to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a Pay export.
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - Number of records to be loaded (defaults to a 1000 records).
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePaySummaryRetro|error - A collection of EmployeePaySummary retro data meeting the search criteria.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PerformanceRatings
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PerformanceRatings() returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePerformanceRating|error
GET EmployeePerformanceRating Details
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePerformanceRating|error - The EmployeePerformanceRating with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PerformanceRatings
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PerformanceRatings(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePerformanceRating payload) returns json|error
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Performance Rating is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PerformanceRatings
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/PerformanceRatings(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePerformanceRating payload) returns json|error
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee Performance Rating is created, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeProperties
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeProperties(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePropertyValue|error
GET EmployeePropertyValue Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeePropertyValue|error - The EmployeePropertyValue with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeProperties
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeProperties(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePropertyValue payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeePropertyValue
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeePropertyValue - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeProperties
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/EmployeeProperties(true isValidateOnly, EmployeePropertyValue payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeePropertyValue
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeePropertyValue - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeePropertyValue is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePunches
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePunches(string filterTransactionStartTimeUTC, string filterTransactionEndTimeUTC, string? employeeXRefCode, string? locationXRefCode, string? positionXRefCode, string? departmentXRefCode, string? jobXRefCode, string? docketXRefCode, string? projectXRefCode, string? payAdjustmentXRefCode, string? shiftStatus, string? filterShiftTimeStart, string? filterShiftTimeEnd, string? businessDate, Signed32? pageSize) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePunch|error
GET a List of Employee Punches
- filterTransactionStartTimeUTC string - Inclusive transaction period start date in UTC to determine which employee punch data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- filterTransactionEndTimeUTC string - Inclusive transaction period end date in UTC to determine which employee punch data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- employeeXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the employee to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for an employee
- locationXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies a location or organizational units
- positionXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies one or more Positions
- departmentXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies one or more Departments
- jobXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies one or more Jobs
- docketXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies one or more dockets
- projectXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies one or more projects
- payAdjustmentXRefCode string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field that identifies one or more pay adjustment
- shiftStatus string? (default ()) - A case-sensitive field containing shift status groups. Examples: [ACTIVE, COMPLETED, PROBLEM, ALL]
- filterShiftTimeStart string? (default ()) - Use with FilterTransactionStartTimeUTC to search for shifts with a Start and end time in a given timeframe. Example: Used to include or exclude edits made to historical punches
- filterShiftTimeEnd string? (default ()) - Use with FilterTransactionEndTimeUTC to search for shifts with a Start and end time in a given timeframe. Example: Used to include or exclude edits made to historical
- businessDate string? (default ()) - The Business Date value is intended as a “Timesheet View” to return punch data related to a clients Business day parameter configuration. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeePunch|error - A collection of EmployeePunch data meeting the search criteria.
delete [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePunches
function delete [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeePunches(string employeePunchXRefCode) returns Payload_EmployeePunchPatchPostDeleteResponse|error
- employeePunchXRefCode string -
Return Type
- Payload_EmployeePunchPatchPostDeleteResponse|error - EmployeePunch details which matches XRefCode were Deleted.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeRawPunches
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeRawPunches(string filterTransactionStartTimeUTC, string filterTransactionEndTimeUTC, string? employeeXRefCode, string? employeeBadge, string? punchState, string? punchTypes, Signed32? pageSize) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeeRawPunch|error
GET a List of Employee Raw Punches
- filterTransactionStartTimeUTC string - Inclusive transaction period start date in UTC to determine which employee punch data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- filterTransactionEndTimeUTC string - Inclusive transaction period end date in UTC to determine which employee punch data to retrieve. Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00
- employeeXRefCode string? (default ()) - The unique identifier (external reference code) of the employee to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for an employee
- employeeBadge string? (default ()) - The badge number of the employee to be retrieved. The value provided must be the exact match for a badge
- punchState string? (default ()) - The state of the punch. Examples: [PROCESSED, REJECTED, ALL]
- punchTypes string? (default ()) - Comma separated values of punch types. Example: [Punch_In, Break_Out, Job_Transfer, ALL, etc]
- pageSize Signed32? (default ()) - The number of records returned per page in the paginated response
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeeRawPunch|error - A collection of EmployeePunch data meeting the search criteria.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeRawPunches
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/EmployeeRawPunches(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeRawPunchForSubmit payload) returns PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeeRawPunch|error
POST (Create) Employee Raw Punch
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST operation validates the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeRawPunchForSubmit -
Return Type
- PaginatedPayload_IEnumerable_EmployeeRawPunch|error - A raw punch is created.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Roles
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Roles(string? contextDate, string? contextDateRangeFrom, string? contextDateRangeTo) returns Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeRole|error
GET EmployeeRole Details
- contextDate string? (default ()) - The Context Date value is an “as-of” date used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to the current datetime if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeFrom string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range From value is the start of the range of dates used to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- contextDateRangeTo string? (default ()) - The Context Date Range To value is the end of the range of dates to determine which employee data to search when records have specific start and end dates. The service defaults to null if the requester does not specify a value. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
Return Type
- Payload_IEnumerable_EmployeeRole|error - The EmployeeRole with the requested XRefCode.
post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Roles
function post [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Roles(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeRole payload) returns json|error
POST a EmployeeRole
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeRole - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - An Employee is created, no response body.
patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Roles
function patch [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees/[string xRefCode]/Roles(true isValidateOnly, EmployeeRole payload) returns json|error
PATCH a EmployeeRole
- isValidateOnly true - When a TRUE value is used in this parameter, POST and PATCH operations validate the request without applying updates to the database.
- payload EmployeeRole - The JSON-formatted content containing the data entities and elements to be processed in POST and PATCH operations. For more information and examples, please refer to the Dayforce Web Services RESTful Developer's Guide.
Return Type
- json|error - The EmployeeRole is updated, no response body.
get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees
function get [string clientNamespace]/V1/Employees(string? employeeNumber, string? displayName, string? socialSecurityNumber, string? employmentStatusXRefCode, string? orgUnitXRefCode, string? departmentXRefCode, string? jobXRefCode, string? positionXRefCode, string? payClassXRefCode, string? payGroupXRefCode, string? payPolicyXRefCode, string? payTypeXRefCode, string? payrollPolicyXRefCode, string? filterHireStartDate, string? filterHireEndDate, string? filterTerminationStartDate, string? filterTerminationEndDate, string? filterUpdatedStartDate, string? filterUpdatedEndDate, string? filterUpdatedEntities, string? filterOriginalHireStartDate, string? filterOriginalHireEndDate, string? filterSeniorityStartDate, string? filterSeniorityEndDate, decimal? filterBaseSalaryFrom, decimal? filterBaseSalaryTo, decimal? filterBaseRateFrom, decimal? filterBaseRateTo, string? contextDate) returns Payload_IEnumerable_Employee|error
GET a List of Employees
- employeeNumber string? (default ()) - Employment identification number assigned to an employee. A partial value can be provided for a wider search.
- displayName string? (default ()) - Employee Name. A partial value can be provided for a wider search.
- socialSecurityNumber string? (default ()) - Social Security Number of the employee. A partial value can be provided for a wider search.
- employmentStatusXRefCode string? (default ()) - Employment status xrefcode, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees having the given employment status. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given status as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- orgUnitXRefCode string? (default ()) - Organizational units' xrefcode. Use this to search all levels of the employees’ organization including department, location, region, corporate, etc. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a specific value as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- departmentXRefCode string? (default ()) - Department xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees' work assignments having the given department.Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given department as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- jobXRefCode string? (default ()) - Job xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees' work assignments having the given job. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given job as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- positionXRefCode string? (default ()) - Position xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees' work assignments having the given position. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given position as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- payClassXRefCode string? (default ()) - Pay class xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees having the given pay class. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given pay class as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- payGroupXRefCode string? (default ()) - Pay group xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees having the given pay group. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given pay group as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- payPolicyXRefCode string? (default ()) - Pay policy xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees having the given pay policy. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given pay policy as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- payTypeXRefCode string? (default ()) - Pay type xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees having the given pay type. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given pay type as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- payrollPolicyXRefCode string? (default ()) - Payroll policy xrefcode value, which can be client-specific. Use this to search employees having the given payroll policy. Use a ContextDate value to search for employees with a given payroll policy as of a point in time. Otherwise, the search will use the current date and time.
- filterHireStartDate string? (default ()) - Use to search for employees whose most recent hire date is greater than or equal to the specified value (e.g. 2017-01-01T13:24:56). Use with filterHireEndDate to search for employees hired or rehired in a given timeframe.
- filterHireEndDate string? (default ()) - Use to search for employees whose most recent hire date is less than or equal to the specified value. Typically this parameter is used in conjunction with FilterHireStartDate to search for employees hired or rehired in a given timeframe. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- filterTerminationStartDate string? (default ()) - Use to search for employees with termination date values greater than or equal to the specified value. Typically this parameter is used in conjunction with FilterTerminationStartDate to search for employees terminated in a given timeframe. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- filterTerminationEndDate string? (default ()) - Use to search for employees with termination date values less than or equal to the specified value. Typically this parameter is used in conjunction with filterTerminationStartDate to search for employees terminated in a given timeframe. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- filterUpdatedStartDate string? (default ()) - The beginning date used when searching for employees with updates (and newly effective records) in a specified timeframe. When a value is provided for this parameter, a filterUpdatedEndDate value must also be provided. Because this search is conducted across all entities in the HR data model regardless of whether the requesting user has access to them, it is possible that the query will return XRefCode of employees with changes in which the consuming application is not interested. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- filterUpdatedEndDate string? (default ()) - The end date used when searching for employees with updates (and newly effective records) in a specified timeframe. When a value is provided for this parameter, a filterUpdatedStartDate value must also be provided. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- filterUpdatedEntities string? (default ()) - Use to search employees with changes to specific employee sub-entities. These sub-entity names, based on the employee model, can be provided in a comma-separated value, e.g. filterUpdatedEntities=EmploymentStatuses,WorkAssignments,Addresses. The base Employee is always searched by default. This parameter requires that filterUpdatedStartDate/filterUpdatedEndDate range is provided, otherwise it is ignored and all relevant employee entities are searched.
- filterOriginalHireStartDate string? (default ()) - Use to search for employees with original hire date values greater than or equal to the specified value. Typically this parameter is used in conjunction with filterOriginialHireEndDate to search for employees who were originally hired in a given timeframe. Example: 2017-01-01T13:24:56
- filterOriginalHireEndDate string? (default ()) - Use to search for employees with original hire date values less than or equal to the specified value. Typically this parameter is used in conjunction with filt