Module confluent.cregistry
ballerinax/confluent.cregistry Ballerina library
Confluent Schema Registry serves as a centralized repository for managing Avro schemas, ensuring data consistency and compatibility in serialization and deserialization processes.
The Ballerina Confluent Schema Registry connector integrates with Confluent's Avro Schema Registry, providing users to efficiently manage schemas within Ballerina applications.
To use the Confluent schema registry connector in your Ballerina project, modify the .bal
file as follows.
Step 1: Import the module
Import the ballerinax/confluent.cregistry
module into your Ballerina project.
mport ballerinax/confluent.cregistry;
Step 2: Instantiate a new connector
onfigurable string baseUrl = ?; onfigurable int identityMapCapacity = ?; onfigurable map<anydata> originals = ?; onfigurable map<string> headers = ?; registry:Client schemaRegistryClient = check new ({ baseUrl, identityMapCapacity, originals, headers );
Step 3: Invoke the connector operation
You can now utilize the operations available within the connector.
ublic function main() returns error? { string schema = string ` { "type": "int", "name" : "value", "namespace": "data" }`; int registerResult = check schemaRegistryClient.register("subject-name", schema);
Step 4: Run the Ballerina application
Use the following command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
al run