Module confluent.cavroserdes
ballerinax/confluent.cavroserdes Ballerina library
Avro Serializer/Deserializer for Confluent Schema Registry is an Avro serializer/deserializer designed to work with the Confluent Schema Registry. It is designed to not include the message schema in the message payload but instead includes the schema ID.
The Ballerina Avro Serializer/Deserializer for Confluent Schema Registry connector integrates with the Confluent Schema Registry for Avro serialization and deserialization.
To use the Confluent schema registry connector in your Ballerina project, modify the .bal
file as follows.
Step 1: Import the module
Import the ballerinax/confluent.cavroserdes
module into your Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/confluent.cavroserdes;
Step 2: Invoke the connector operation
You can now utilize the operations available within the connector. To instantiate a cregistry:Client
instance refer to the guidelines here.
public function main() returns error? { cregistry:Client registry = ; // instantiate a schema registry client string schema = string ` { "type": "int", "name" : "value", "namespace": "data" }`; int value = 1; byte[] bytes = check cavroserdes:serialize(registry, schema, value, "subject"); int number = check cavroserdes:deserialize(registry, bytes); }
Step 3: Run the Ballerina application
Use the following command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
bal run
The Ballerina Avro Serializer/Deserializer connector for Confluent Schema Registry provides practical examples illustrating usage in various scenarios. Explore these examples.
Kafka Avro producer - This example demonstrates how to publish Avro serialized data to a Kafka topic.
Kafka Avro consumer - This guide demonstrates how to consume data in the correct format according to the Avro schema from a Kafka topic.
import ballerinax/confluent.cavroserdes;
Other versions