Module bmc.truesightpresentationserver

ballerinax/bmc.truesightpresentationserver Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for BMC Hardware Sentry TrueSight Presentation Server API v1.0 OpenAPI specification.
The BMC Hardware Sentry TrueSight Presentation Server API provides the capability to access data from various TrueSight products to provide a consolidated set of views for monitoring the infrastructure, real and synthetic applications, and capacity planning.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a user account.
- Obtaining tokens
- Obtain your token by following this link.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: Client
This is a generated connector for BMC Hardware Sentry TrueSight Presentation Server REST API v1.0 OpenAPI specification.
The BMC Hardware Sentry TrueSight Presentation Server API provides the capability to access data from various TrueSight products to provide a consolidated set of views for monitoring the infrastructure, real and synthetic applications, and capacity planning.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create a user account in BMC Hardware Sentry TrueSight Presentation Server and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ApiKeysConfig apiKeyConfig, string serviceUrl, ConnectionConfig config)
- apiKeyConfig ApiKeysConfig - API keys for authorization
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
- config ConnectionConfig {} - The configurations to be used when initializing the
function collectNow(int deviceId, string monitorClass) returns ActionResponse|error
Triggers a new collect on a specific device.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
- monitorClass string - The Monitor Class of the device.
Return Type
- ActionResponse|error - Successful operation
function rediscover(int deviceId) returns ActionResponse|error
Triggers a new discovery on a specific device.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
Return Type
- ActionResponse|error - Successful operation
function reinitialize(int deviceId, ReinitializeActionConfiguration payload) returns ActionResponse|error
Sends a 'Reinitialize KM' command.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
- payload ReinitializeActionConfiguration - The request body as a JSON payload.
Return Type
- ActionResponse|error - Successful operation
function remove(int deviceId, string monitorClass, string monitorSid) returns ActionResponse|error
Removes a specific instance from the monitoring environment.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
- monitorClass string - The Monitor Class of the device.
- monitorSid string - The Monitor SID of the device.
Return Type
- ActionResponse|error - Successful operation
function reset(int deviceId, string monitorClass, string monitorSid) returns ActionResponse|error
Resets the Error Count parameter.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
- monitorClass string - The Monitor Class of the device.
- monitorSid string - The Monitor SID of the device.
Return Type
- ActionResponse|error - Successful operation
function getApplications(string page, int 'limit, string direction, string sort) returns ResultPage|error
Gets summarized information about all monitored applications.
- page string (default "0") - The page number to retrieve (first page is 0).
- 'limit int (default 100) - The maximum number of entries per page.
- direction string (default "asc") - The sorting order (case insensitive).
- sort string (default "name") - The column to sort by (case insensitive).
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getOneApplication(string applicationId) returns ApplicationSummary|error
Gets detailed information for a specific application.
- applicationId string - The ID of the application.
Return Type
- ApplicationSummary|error - Successful operation
Gets the Monitors for a specific device.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
function getDevices(string page, int 'limit, string direction, string sort, string? groupId, string? applicationId, string? serviceId) returns ResultPage|error
Gets summarized information about all monitored devices.
- page string (default "0") - The page number to retrieve (first page is 0).
- 'limit int (default 100) - The maximum number of entries per page.
- direction string (default "asc") - The sorting order (case insensitive).
- sort string (default "name") - The column to sort by (case insensitive).
- groupId string? (default ()) - The ID of the group.
- applicationId string? (default ()) - The ID of the application.
- serviceId string? (default ()) - The ID of the service.
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getDevicesSummary() returns GlobalSummary|error
Gets overall information for all devices.
Return Type
- GlobalSummary|error - Successful operation
function getDevice(int deviceId) returns DeviceSummary|error
Gets detailed information about a specific device.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
Return Type
- DeviceSummary|error - Successful operation
function getDeviceAgent(int deviceId) returns DeviceAgent|error
Gets detailed information about an Agent.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
Return Type
- DeviceAgent|error - Successful operation
function getAgentDevices(int deviceId) returns ResultPage|error
Gets a list of all the devices monitored by an Agent.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getDeviceParameterHistory(int deviceId, string parameterName, string monitorType, int? 'from, int? to, string? monitorSid) returns ResultPage|error
Gets data history for a parameter of a specific device over a given period.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
- parameterName string - The name of the parameter.
- monitorType string - The unique name of the Monitor type.
- 'from int? (default ()) - Beginning of the period (Epoch time, in seconds).
- to int? (default ()) - End of the period (Epoch time, in seconds).
- monitorSid string? (default ()) - The Monitor SID (to filter the list of Monitors).
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getDeviceEnergyUsage(int deviceId, string rollPeriod, string basis) returns ResultPage|error
Gets the energy usage for a specific device and a given period.
- deviceId int - The ID of the device.
- rollPeriod string (default "ONE_DAY") - The period for which you wish to retrieve energy usage data.
- basis string (default "HOURLY") - Subdivision of the period for which you wish to retrieve energy usage data.
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
Gets all group summaries.
- page string (default "0") - The page number to retrieve (first page is 0).
- 'limit int (default 100) - The maximum number of entries per page.
- direction string (default "asc") - The sorting order (case insensitive).
- sort string (default "name") - The column to sort by (case insensitive).
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getOneGroup(string groupId) returns GroupSummary|error
Gets detailed information about a specific group.
- groupId string - The ID of the group.
Return Type
- GroupSummary|error - Successful operation
function updateEnergyCost(string groupId, GroupConfiguration payload) returns GlobalSummary|error
Updates the values of the energy footprint parameter for a specific group.
- groupId string - The ID of the group.
- payload GroupConfiguration - The values you wish to assign.
Return Type
- GlobalSummary|error - Successful operation
function getHeatingMarginCoverage(boolean covered, string page, int 'limit, string direction, string sort, string? groupId, string? applicationId, string? serviceId) returns ResultPage|error
Gets the heating margin values for each monitored device, when available.
- covered boolean (default true) - If set to <em>true</em>, only gets devices whose heating margin information is available.<br>Otherwise, gets any other devices.
- page string (default "0") - The page number to retrieve (first page is 0).
- 'limit int (default 100) - The maximum number of entries per page.
- direction string (default "asc") - The sorting order (case insensitive).
- sort string (default "name") - The column to sort by (case insensitive).
- groupId string? (default ()) - The ID of the group.
- applicationId string? (default ()) - The ID of the application.
- serviceId string? (default ()) - The ID of the service.
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getHistory(string? groupId, string? applicationId, string? serviceId, int? 'from, int? to) returns ResultPage|error
Gets historical data for a specific group, application or service.
- groupId string? (default ()) - The ID of the group.
- applicationId string? (default ()) - The ID of the application.
- serviceId string? (default ()) - The ID of the service.
- 'from int? (default ()) - Beginning of the period (Epoch time, in seconds).
- to int? (default ()) - End of the period (Epoch time, in seconds).
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function searchDevices(string searchTerms, string? groupId, string? applicationId, string? serviceId, string page, int 'limit) returns ResultPage|error
Searches devices by name, model, manufacturer or serial number.
- searchTerms string - Space-separated search criteria.
- groupId string? (default ()) - The ID of the group.
- applicationId string? (default ()) - The ID of the application.
- serviceId string? (default ()) - The ID of the service.
- page string (default "0") - The page number to retrieve (first page is 0).
- 'limit int (default 100) - The maximum number of entries per page.
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getServices(string page, int 'limit, string direction, string sort) returns ResultPage|error
Gets summarized information about all monitored services.
- page string (default "0") - The page number to retrieve (first page is 0).
- 'limit int (default 100) - The maximum number of entries per page.
- direction string (default "asc") - The sorting order (case insensitive).
- sort string (default "name") - The column to sort by (case insensitive).
Return Type
- ResultPage|error - Successful operation
function getOneService(string serviceId) returns ServiceSummary|error
Gets detailed information about a specific service.
- serviceId string - The ID of the service.
Return Type
- ServiceSummary|error - Successful operation
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ActionResponse
The object encapsulating the output of an operation affecting the PATROL Agent.
- pslOutput string? - The output of the underlying PSL operation.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ApiKeysConfig
Provides API key configurations needed when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- authorization string - Represents API Key
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ApplicationSummary
- id string? - The ID of the application.
- name string? - The name of the application.
- deviceSummaries DeviceSummary[]? - The list of devices attached to the application.<br><u>Note</u>: when using the <b>Applications</b> service, this list is always empty. It is populated only when using the <b>Application Details</b> service.
- totalPowerConsumption decimal? - The total power consumption of the devices attached to the application.
- totalPowerConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which the total power consumption of the devices attached to the application is being expressed.
- heatingMargin decimal? - The lowest heating margin among the heating margins of the devices attached to the application.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginUnit string? - The unit in which the heating margin of the application is being expressed.
- heatingMarginDeviceName string? - The name of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginDeviceUrl string? - The link to the details of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginCoverage decimal? - The percentage of devices attached to the application, whose heating margin could be found.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- oneDayEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the application during one day.
- oneDayCost decimal? - The daily cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the application.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneDayEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the application during one day.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneDayConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the daily energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- oneMonthEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the application during one month.
- oneMonthCost decimal? - The monthly cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the application.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneMonthEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the application during one month.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneMonthConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the monthly energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- oneYearEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the application during one year.
- oneYearCost decimal? - The yearly cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the application.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneYearEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the application in one year.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneYearConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the yearly energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- updateTimestamp int? - The data collection time (as an Epoch time, in seconds).
- url string? - The link to the application details.
- numberOfDevices int? - The number of devices attached to the application.
- energyConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which all energy consumption values are being expressed.
- costUnit string? - The currency in which all energy cost values are being expressed.
- emittedCo2Unit string? - The unit in which all CO<sub>2</sub> emission values are being expressed.
- historyParentIdKey string? - The name of the key used to identify the application in the history table.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: DeviceAgent
Contains all information regarding a specific PATROL Agent.
- os string? - The operating system the PATROL Agent is running on.
- name string? - The FQDN of the PATROL Agent.
- 'version string? - The version of the PATROL Agent.
- port string? - The port the PATROL Agent is running on.
- id string? - The ID of the PATROL Agent.
- connectionStatus string? - The status of the PATROL Agent's connection.
- url string? - The link to the 'Monitors' tab of the PATROL Agent.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: DeviceSummary
- id int? - The ID of the device.
- name string? - The ID of the device.
- sid string? - The SID of the device.
- serverId int? - The ID of the server the device is attached to.
- serverName string? - The name of the server the device is attached to.
- agentId int? - The ID of the PATROL Agent the device is attached to.
- agentName string? - The name of the PATROL Agent the device is attached to.
- powerConsumption decimal? - The power consumption of the device.
- powerConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which the power consumption of the device is being expressed.
- heatingMargin decimal? - The heating margin of the device.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginUnit string? - The unit in which the heating margin of the device is being expressed.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- collectTime string? - The collection time of the heating margin (as an Epoch time, in seconds).<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- deviceUrl string? - The link to the device details.
- updateTimestamp int? - The data collection time (as an Epoch time, in seconds).
- ambientTemperature decimal? - The ambient temperature of the device.
- 'type string? -
- deviceTSMOKey string? - The TSMOKey of the device.
- productVersion string? - The Hardware Sentry KM version of the device's Monitor.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ErrorResponse
- message string? - The error message.
- date string? - The timestamp of the error.
- code string? - The error's business identifier.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: GlobalSummary
- id string? - The ID of the global summary (this ID will always be "global").
- totalPowerConsumption decimal? - The total power consumption of all the devices.
- heatingMargin decimal? - The lowest heating margin among the heating margins of all the devices.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginCoverage decimal? - The percentage of devices whose heating margin could be found.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginDeviceUrl string? - The link to the details of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginDeviceName string? - The name of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- energyCost decimal? - The electricity rate for all devices. This value can be updated by users with sufficient permissions.
- co2Emission decimal? - The CO<sub>2</sub> emissions for all devices. This value can be updated by users with sufficient permissions.
- groupNameFilter string? - Regular expression used to filter the groups for which the power consumption will be reported.
- updateTimestamp int? - The data collection time (as an Epoch time, in seconds).
- totalPowerConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which the total power consumption is being expressed.
- heatingMarginUnit string? - The unit in which the heating margin is being expressed.
- energyCostUnit string? - The unit in which the electricity rate is being expressed.
- co2EmissionUnit string? - The unit in which the CO<sub>2</sub> emission is being expressed.
- editable boolean? - If <em>true</em>, indicates that you do not have sufficient rights to update the global settings. However, you may still have sufficient rights to update a specific group's setting.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: GroupConfiguration
The deserialized form of the Energy Footprint Update service's request payload.
- energyCost decimal? - Updates the electricity rate (unit: $/kWh).
- co2Emission decimal? - Updates the CO<sub>2</sub> emission (unit: kg/kWh).
- groupNameFilter string? - Updates the regular expression used to filter the groups for which the power consumption should be reported.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: GroupSummary
- id string? - The ID of the group.
- name string? - The name of the group.
- serverId int? - The ID of the server the group is attached to.
- deviceSummaries DeviceSummary[]? -
- totalPowerConsumption decimal? - The total power consumption of the devices attached to the group.
- totalPowerConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which the total power consumption of the devices attached to the group is being expressed.
- heatingMargin decimal? - The lowest heating margin among the heating margins of the devices attached to the group.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginUnit string? - The unit in which the heating margin of the group is being expressed.
- heatingMarginDeviceName string? - The name of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginDeviceUrl string? - The link to the details of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginCoverage decimal? - The percentage of devices attached to the group, whose heating margin could be found.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- energyCost decimal? - The electricity rate for all devices attached to the group. This value can be updated by users with sufficient permissions.
- co2Emission decimal? - The CO<sub>2</sub> emissions for all devices attached to the group. This value can be updated by users with sufficient permissions.
- oneDayEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the group during one day.
- oneDayCost decimal? - The daily cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the group.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneDayEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the group during one day.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneDayConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the daily energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- oneMonthEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the group during one month.
- oneMonthCost decimal? - The monthly cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the group.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneMonthEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the group during one month.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneMonthConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the monthly energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- oneYearEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the group during one year.
- oneYearCost decimal? - The yearly cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the group.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneYearEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the group in one year.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneYearConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the yearly energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- updateTimestamp int? - The data collection time (as an Epoch time, in seconds).
- url string? - The link to the group details.
- numberOfDevices int? - The number of devices attached to the group.
- energyCostUnit string? - The unit in which th euser-defined electricity rate value is being expressed.
- ambientTemperature decimal? - The average ambient temperature based on the ambient temperatures of the devices attached to the group.
- ambientTemperatureUnit string? - The unit in which the ambient temperature value is being expressed.
- co2EmissionUnit string? - The unit in which the user-defined CO<sub>2</sub> emission value is being expressed.
- energyConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which all energy consumption values are being expressed.
- costUnit string? - The currency in which all energy cost values are being expressed.
- emittedCo2Unit string? - The unit in which all emitted CO<sub>2</sub> quantities are being expressed.
- historyParentIdKey string? -
- editable boolean? - The name of the key used to identify the group in the history table.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ReinitializeActionConfiguration
The deserialized form of the Reinitialize service's request payload.
- resetDiscoveryAndPollingIntervals int? - When set to <em>1</em>, removes all user-defined frequencies for discovery and polling processes to their default values (respectively 1 hour and 2 minutes).
- resetAlertAfterNTimes int? - When set to <em>1</em>, resets the number of times thresholds can be breached before triggering an alert to their default values (1 time) for numeric, discrete, connector status and present parameters.
- resetAlertActions int? - When set to <em>1</em>, removes all manually set Alert Actions and reverts to basic default actions i.e. trigger a PATROL event and annotate a parameter graph.
- resetOtherAlertSettings int? - When set to <em>1</em>, reverts any manually performed configuration changes to the default Hardware Sentry values.
- resetDebugMode int? - When set to <em>1</em>, deactivates the debug mode when it was manually enabled.
- resetRemovedPausedObjectList int? - When set to <em>1</em>, reactivates the monitoring of all paused or removed objects.
- resetReportSettings int? - When set to <em>1</em>, clears the report schedule.
- resetJavaSettings int? - When set to <em>1</em>, removes the custom Java settings (path and credentials). The KM will try to automatically find a suitable JRE.
- resetThresholds int? - When set to <em>1</em>, resets all thresholds.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ResultPage
Encapsulates a list of results.
- items record {}[]? - The list of currently accessible results.
- total int? - The total number of accessible results, including the results not listed in <em>items</em>.
- restrictedRights boolean? - If <em>true</em>, indicates that you are denied access to part of, or all the results.
bmc.truesightpresentationserver: ServiceSummary
- id string? - The ID of the service.
- name string? - The name of the service.
- providerId string? - The ID of the server providing the service.
- deviceSummaries DeviceSummary[]? - The list of devices attached to the service.<br><u>Note</u>: when using the <b>Services</b> service, this list is always empty. It is populated only when using the <b>Service Details</b> service.
- totalPowerConsumption decimal? - The total power consumption of the devices attached to the service.
- totalPowerConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which the total power consumption of the devices attached to the service is being expressed.
- heatingMargin decimal? - The lowest heating margin among the heating margins of the devices attached to the service.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginUnit string? - The unit in which the heating margin of the service is being expressed.
- heatingMarginDeviceName string? - The name of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginDeviceUrl string? - The link to the details of the device having the lowest heating margin.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- heatingMarginCoverage decimal? - The percentage of devices attached to the service, whose heating margin could be found.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be found.
- oneDayEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the service during one day.
- oneDayCost decimal? - The daily cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the service.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneDayEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the service during one day.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneDayConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the daily energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- oneMonthEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the service during one month.
- oneMonthCost decimal? - The monthly cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the service.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneMonthEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the service during one month.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneMonthConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the monthly energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- oneYearEnergyConsumption decimal? - The quantity of energy consumed by the devices attached to the service during one year.
- oneYearCost decimal? - The yearly cost of the energy consumed by the devices attached to the service.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneYearEmittedCo2 decimal? - The quantity of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by the devices attached to the service in one year.<br><u>Note</u>:This field will only be present if a value could be computed.
- oneYearConfidence decimal? - The confidence score (percentage) for the yearly energy consumption, energy cost and CO<sub>2</sub> emission values.<br>The lower the confidence score, the more extrapolated the values are.
- updateTimestamp int? - The data collection time (as an Epoch time, in seconds).
- url string? - The link to the service details.
- numberOfDevices int? - The number of devices attached to the service.
- energyConsumptionUnit string? - The unit in which all energy consumption values are being expressed.
- costUnit string? - The currency in which all energy cost values are being expressed.
- emittedCo2Unit string? - The unit in which all CO<sub>2</sub> emission values are being expressed.
- historyParentIdKey string? - The name of the key used to identify the service in the history table.
import ballerinax/bmc.truesightpresentationserver;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2
Current verison: 2
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IT Operations/Server Monitoring