ballerinax/azure_eventhub Ballerina library

Ballerina Azure Event Hubs Module

Connects to Microsoft Azure Event Hubs using Ballerina.

Module Overview

Azure Event Hubs Ballerina Connector is used to connect with the Azure Event Hubs to ingest millions of events per second so that you can process and analyze the massive amounts of data produced by your connected devices and applications. Once data is collected into an Event Hub, it can be transformed and stored using any real-time analytics provider or batching/storage adapters.

Azure Event Hub Ballerina connector supports Event hub service operations like sending an event, sending batch events, sending partition events and sending events with partition ID. It also supports Event hub management operations like creating a new event hub, getting an event hub, updating an event hub, listing event hubs, deleting event hubs, creating a new consumer group, getting consumer groups, listing consumer groups, listing partitions, getting partitions, deleting consumer groups. The connector also provides the capability to handle publisher policy operations like getting revoked publishers, revoking a publisher, and resume publishers.

The connector will only be focusing on sending events to the event hub. The event hub connector will invoke the REST APIs exposed via the Azure Event Hub.

The REST APIs fall into the following categories:

  • Azure Resource Manager: APIs that perform resource manager operations, and have /providers/Microsoft.EventHub/ as part of the request URI.
  • Event Hubs service: APIs that enable operations directly on the Event Hubs service, and have in the request URI. The Event Hubs service API is focused on this implementation.
Ballerina LanguageSwan-Lake-Alpha5
Supported Operations

Azure Event Hubs Service Operations

The ballerinax/azure_eventhub module contains operations related to accessing the Event Hubs service to perform operations on event hubs. It includes operations to send event, send event with broker properties and user properties, send event with partition key, send partition event, send batch events, send events with partition key, send batch event with publisher ID.

Azure Event Hubs Management Operations

The ballerinax/azure_eventhub module contains operations related to accessing the Event Hubs service to performing management operations on Event Hubs. It includes operations to create new event hub, get an event hub, update an event hub, list event hubs, delete an event hub, create a new consumer group, get consumer group, list consumer groups, list partitions, get partition, delete a consumer group.

Azure Event Hubs Publisher Policy Operations

The ballerinax/azure_eventhub module contains operations related to performing publisher policy operations on event hubs. It includes operations to revoke publisher, get revoked publishers, resume upblisher.


Publish Events to an Azure Event Hub

This is the simplest scenario to send events to an Azure Event Hub. You need to obtain a connection string of the name space of the event hub you want to send events.

Step 1: Import the Azure Event Hub Ballerina Library

First, import the ballerinax/azure_eventhub module into the Ballerina project.

import ballerinax/azure_eventhub;

Step 2: Initialize the Azure Event Hub PublisherClient

You can now make the connection configuration using the shared access key name, shared access key, and the resource URI to the event hub namespace.

configurable string sasKeyName = ?;
configurable string sasKey = ?;
configurable string resourceUri = ?;

azure_eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
    sasKeyName: sasKeyName,
    sasKey: sasKey,
    resourceUri: resourceUri 
azure_eventhub:Client publisherClient = checkpanic new (config);

Note: You must specify the SAS key name, SAS key and the resource URI when configuring the Azure Event Hub Client connector.

Step 3: Specify the (Optional) Broker Properties and User Properties

You can now define the optional broker properties and user properties to be sent with the event using a map.

map<string> brokerProps = {CorrelationId: "34", CorrelationId2: "83"};
map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

Step 4: Send an event to the Azure Event Hub

You can now send an event to the Azure event hub by giving the event hub name, and the event hub data with the broker properties and user properties. You can also give a partition key to send events to the same partition with the given partition key name. Here we have sent an event with the string data “eventData” to the event hub named “mytesthub” with the partition key “groupName”.

var sendResult = publisherClient->send("mytesthub", "eventData", userProps, brokerProps, partitionKey = "groupName");
if (sendResult is error) {
} else {
        log:printInfo("Successfully Send Event to Event Hub!");

Note: You can specify the event hub path and the event data as parameters of the send method. This operation will return a ballerina error if the operation failed.

Entity Management in an Azure Event Hub

This is the simplest scenario to manage entities related to azure event hubs. You need to obtain a connection string of the name space of the event hub you want to send events.

Step 1: Import the Azure Event Hub Ballerina Library

First, import the ballerinax/azure_eventhub module into the Ballerina project.

import ballerinax/azure_eventhub;

Step 2: Initialize the Azure Event Hub ManagementClient

You can now make the connection configuration using the shared access key name, shared access key, and the resource URI to the event hub namespace.

configurable string sasKeyName = ?;
configurable string sasKey = ?;
configurable string resourceUri = ?;

azure_eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
    sasKeyName: sasKeyName,
    sasKey: sasKey,
    resourceUri: resourceUri 
azure_eventhub:Client managementClient = checkpanic new (config);

Note: You must specify the SAS key name, SAS key and the resource URI when configuring the Azure Event Hub Client connector.

Step 3: Create a new event hub

You need to specify the event hub name as a parameter to create a new event hub. Here we are creating an event hub named “mytesthub”.

var createResult = managementClient->createEventHub("mytesthub");
if (createResult is error) {
if (createResult is azure_eventhub:EventHub) {
    log:printInfo("Successfully Created Event Hub!");

Note: You can specify the event hub path as a parameter of the createEventHub method. This operation will return a ballerina error if the operation failed.

Step 4: Get an event hub

You need to specify the event hub name as a parameter to get all the metadata associated with the specified event hub. Here we are getting all the metadata associated with the event hub named “mytesthub”.

var getEventHubResult = managementClient->getEventHub("mytesthub");
if (getEventHubResult is error) {
if (getEventHubResult is azure_eventhub:EventHub) {
    log:printInfo("Successfully Get Event Hub!");

Note: You can specify the event hub path as a parameter of the getEventHub method. This operation will return a ballerina error if the operation failed.

Step 5: Update an event hub

You need to specify the event hub name as a parameter and EventHubDecsriptionToUpdate record with message retention in days property to update the properties of the event hub. Here we are updating the properties associated with the event hub named “mytesthub”.

azure_eventhub:EventHubDescriptionToUpdate eventHubDescriptionToUpdate = {
    MessageRetentionInDays: 5
var updateResult = managementClient->updateEventHub("mytesthub", eventHubDescriptionToUpdate);
if (updateResult is error) {
if (updateResult is azure_eventhub:EventHub) {       
    log:printInfo("Successfully Updated Event Hub!");

Note: You can specify the event hub path and event hub description of record type EventHubDescriptionToUpdate as a parameter of the updateEventHub method. This operation will return a ballerina error if the operation failed.

Step 6: List event hubs

You need to specify the event hub name as a parameter to get all the metadata associated with the specified event hubs in the namespace. Here we are getting all the metadata associated with the event hubs in the specified namespace.

var listResult = managementClient->listEventHubs();
if (listResult is error) {
if (listResult is stream<azure_eventhub:EventHub>) {
    _ = listResult.forEach(isolated function (azure_eventhub:EventHub eventHub) {
    log:printInfo("Successfully Listed Event Hubs!");

Note: This operation will return a ballerina error if the operation failed.

Step 7: Delete a event hub

You need to specify the event hub name as a parameter to delete an event hub. This is the basic scenario of deleting an event hub named “mytesthub”.

var deleteResult = managementClient->deleteEventHub("mytesthub");
if (deleteResult is error) {
    log:printError(msg = deleteResult.message());
} else {
    log:printInfo("Successfully Deleted Event Hub!");

Note: You can specify the event hub path as a parameter of the deleteEventHub method. This operation will return a ballerina error if the operation failed.

  1. Sending an event.
import ballerinax/azure_eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   var result = eventHubClient->send("myhub", "eventData");

Sample is available at:

  1. Sending an event with broker properties and user properties.
import ballerinax/azure_eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   map<string> brokerProps = {"CorrelationId": "32119834", "CorrelationId2": "32119834"};
   map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

   var result = eventHubClient->send("myhub", "eventData", userProps, brokerProps);

Sample is available at:

  1. Sending an event with broker properties, user properties & partition key.
import ballerinax/azure_eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   map<string> brokerProps = {PartitionKey: "groupName1", CorrelationId: "32119834";
   map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

   var result = eventHubClient->send("myhub", "data", userProps, brokerProps, partitionKey = "groupName");

Sample is available at:

  1. Sending an event with broker properties, user properties & partition id.
import ballerinax/azure_eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   map<string> brokerProps = {CorrelationId: "32119834", CorrelationId2: "32119834"};
   map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

   var result = eventHubClient->send("myhub", "data", userProps, brokerProps, partitionId = 1);

Sample is available at:

  1. Sending a batch event.
import ballerinax/azure_eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   map<string> brokerProps = {CorrelationId: "32119834", CorrelationId2: "32119834"};
   map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

    eventhub:BatchEvent batchEvent = {
        events: [
            {data: "Message1"},
            {data: "Message2", brokerProperties: brokerProps},
            {data: "Message3", brokerProperties: brokerProps, userProperties: userProps}
    var result = eventHubClient->sendBatch("myhub", batchEvent);

Sample is available at:

  1. Sending a batch event with partition key.
import ballerinax/azure_eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   map<string> brokerProps = {PartitionKey: "groupName", CorrelationId: "32119834"};
   map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

    eventhub:BatchEvent batchEvent = {
        events: [
            {data: "Message1"},
            {data: "Message2", brokerProperties: brokerProps},
            {data: "Message3", brokerProperties: brokerProps, userProperties: userProps}
    var result = eventHubClient->sendBatch("myhub", batchEvent, partitionKey = "groupName");

Sample is available at:

  1. Sending a batch event to partition.
import ballerinax/azure_eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   map<string> brokerProps = {CorrelationId: "32119834", CorrelationId2: "32119834"};
   map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

    eventhub:BatchEvent batchEvent = {
        events: [
            {data: "Message1"},
            {data: "Message2", brokerProperties: brokerProps},
            {data: "Message3", brokerProperties: brokerProps, userProperties: userProps}
    var result = eventHubClient->sendBatch("myhub", batchEvent, partitionId = 1);

Sample is available at:

  1. Sending a batch event with publisher id
import ballerinax/azure.eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   map<string> brokerProps = {CorrelationId: "32119834", CorrelationId2: "32119834"};
   map<string> userProps = {Alert: "windy", warning: "true"};

    eventhub:BatchEvent batchEvent = {
        events: [
            {data: "Message1"},
            {data: "Message2", brokerProperties: brokerProps},
            {data: "Message3", brokerProperties: brokerProps, userProperties: userProps}
    var result = eventHubClient->sendBatch("myhub", batchEvent, publisherId = "device-1");

Sample is available at:

  1. Create a new event hub
import ballerinax/azure.eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   var result = eventHubClient->createEventHub("myhub");

Sample is available at:

  1. Get an event hub
import ballerinax/azure.eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   var result = eventHubClient->getEventHub("myhub");

Sample is available at:

  1. Delete a event hub
import ballerinax/azure.eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   var result = eventHubClient->deleteEventHub("myhub");

Sample is available at:

  1. Create a new consumer group
import ballerinax/azure.eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   var result = eventHubClient->createConsumerGroup("myhub", "groupName");

Sample is available at:

  1. Get consumer group
import ballerinax/azure.eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   var result = eventHubClient->getConsumerGroup("myhub", "groupName");

Sample is available at:

  1. Delete a consumer group
import ballerinax/azure.eventhub as eventhub;

public function main() {
   eventhub:ClientEndpointConfiguration config = {
       sasKeyName: "<sas_key_name>",
       sasKey: "<sas_key>",
       resourceUri: "<resource_uri>"
   eventhub:Client eventHubClient = checkpanic new (config);
   var result = eventHubClient->deleteConsumerGroup("myhub", "groupName");

Sample is available at:


import ballerinax/azure_eventhub;Copy


Released date: about 3 years ago

Version: 0.1.6

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: java11

Ballerina version: slbeta3

Pull count

Total: 1090

Current verison: 4

Weekly downloads

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