Module azure.analysisservices

ballerinax/azure.analysisservices Ballerina library
This is a generated connector from Azure Analysis Services API v2017-08-01 OpenAPI specification.
The Azure Analysis Services Web API provides a RESTful set of web services that enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete Analysis Services servers.
- Create an Azure account
- Create an Azure Analysis Services account
- Obtain tokens
- Use this guide to obtain the credentials which are needed to create the <ACCESS_TOKEN>
azure.analysisservices: Client
This is a generated connector from Azure Analysis Services API v2017-08-01 OpenAPI specification. The Azure Analysis Services Web API provides a RESTful set of web services that enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete Analysis Services servers
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an Azure Analysis Services account and obtain OAuth tokens following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
function serversGetdetails(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns AnalysisServicesServer|error
Gets details about the specified Analysis Services server.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be a minimum of 3 characters, and a maximum of 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
Return Type
- AnalysisServicesServer|error - OK. The operation was successful.
function serversCreate(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId, AnalysisServicesServer payload) returns AnalysisServicesServer|error
Provisions the specified Analysis Services server based on the configuration specified in the request.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be a minimum of 3 characters, and a maximum of 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
- payload AnalysisServicesServer - Contains the information used to provision the Analysis Services server.
Return Type
- AnalysisServicesServer|error - OK. The operation completed successfully.
function serversDelete(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns Response|error
Deletes the specified Analysis Services server.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be at least 3 characters in length, and no more than 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
function serversUpdate(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId, AnalysisServicesServerUpdateParameters payload) returns AnalysisServicesServer|error
Updates the current state of the specified Analysis Services server.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be at least 3 characters in length, and no more than 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
- payload AnalysisServicesServerUpdateParameters - Request object that contains the updated information for the server.
Return Type
function serversSuspend(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns Response|error
Suspends operation of the specified Analysis Services server instance.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be at least 3 characters in length, and no more than 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
function serversResume(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns Response|error
Resumes operation of the specified Analysis Services server instance.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be at least 3 characters in length, and no more than 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
function serversListbyresourcegroup(string resourceGroupName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns AnalysisServicesServers|error
Gets all the Analysis Services servers for the given resource group.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
Return Type
function serversList(string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns AnalysisServicesServers|error
Lists all the Analysis Services servers for the given subscription.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
Return Type
function serversListskusfornew(string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns SkuEnumerationForNewResourceResult|error
Lists eligible SKUs for Analysis Services resource provider.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
Return Type
function serversListskusforexisting(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns SkuEnumerationForExistingResourceResult|error
Lists eligible SKUs for an Analysis Services resource.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be at least 3 characters in length, and no more than 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
Return Type
function serversListgatewaystatus(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns GatewayListStatusLive|error
Return the gateway status of the specified Analysis Services server instance.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
Return Type
- GatewayListStatusLive|error - OK.
function serversDissociategateway(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns Response|error
Dissociates a Unified Gateway associated with the server.
- resourceGroupName string - The name of the Azure Resource group of which a given Analysis Services server is part. This name must be at least 1 character in length, and no more than 90.
- serverName string - The name of the Analysis Services server. It must be at least 3 characters in length, and no more than 63.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
function serversChecknameavailability(string location, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId, CheckServerNameAvailabilityParameters payload) returns CheckServerNameAvailabilityResult|error
Check the name availability in the target location.
- location string - The region name which the operation will lookup into.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
- payload CheckServerNameAvailabilityParameters - Contains the information used to provision the Analysis Services server.
Return Type
- CheckServerNameAvailabilityResult|error - OK. The request has succeeded.
function serversListoperationresults(string location, string operationId, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns Response|error
List the result of the specified operation.
- location string - The region name which the operation will lookup into.
- operationId string - The target operation Id.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
function serversListoperationstatuses(string location, string operationId, string apiVersion, string subscriptionId) returns OperationStatus|error
List the status of operation.
- location string - The region name which the operation will lookup into.
- operationId string - The target operation Id.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
- subscriptionId string - A unique identifier for a Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.
Return Type
- OperationStatus|error - OK. The operation completed.
function operationsList(string apiVersion) returns OperationListResult|error
Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- apiVersion string - The client API version.
Return Type
- OperationListResult|error - OK. The request has succeeded.
azure.analysisservices: AnalysisServicesServerMutableProperties
An object that represents a set of mutable Analysis Services resource properties.
- asAdministrators ServerAdministrators? - An array of administrator user identities.
- backupBlobContainerUri string? - The SAS container URI to the backup container.
- gatewayDetails GatewayDetails? - The gateway details.
- ipV4FirewallSettings IPv4FirewallSettings? - An array of firewall rules.
- querypoolConnectionMode string? - How the read-write server's participation in the query pool is controlled.<br/>It can have the following values: <ul><li>readOnly - indicates that the read-write server is intended not to participate in query operations</li><li>all - indicates that the read-write server can participate in query operations</li></ul>Specifying readOnly when capacity is 1 results in error.
- managedMode int? - The managed mode of the server (0 = not managed, 1 = managed).
- serverMonitorMode int? - The server monitor mode for AS server
azure.analysisservices: AnalysisServicesServers
An array of Analysis Services resources.
- value AnalysisServicesServer[] - An array of Analysis Services resources.
azure.analysisservices: AnalysisServicesServerUpdateParameters
Provision request specification
- sku ResourceSku? - Represents the SKU name and Azure pricing tier for Analysis Services resource.
- tags record {}? - Key-value pairs of additional provisioning properties.
- properties AnalysisServicesServerMutableProperties? - An object that represents a set of mutable Analysis Services resource properties.
azure.analysisservices: CheckServerNameAvailabilityParameters
Details of server name request body.
- name string? - Name for checking availability.
- 'type string? - The resource type of azure analysis services.
azure.analysisservices: CheckServerNameAvailabilityResult
The checking result of server name availability.
- nameAvailable boolean? - Indicator of available of the server name.
- reason string? - The reason of unavailability.
- message string? - The detailed message of the request unavailability.
azure.analysisservices: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
azure.analysisservices: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
azure.analysisservices: ErrorAdditionalInfo
The resource management error additional info.
- 'type string? - The additional info type.
- info record {}? - The additional info.
azure.analysisservices: ErrorDetail
The error detail.
- code string? - The error code.
- message string? - The error message.
- target string? - The error target.
- subCode int? - The error sub code
- httpStatusCode int? - The http status code
- timeStamp string? - the timestamp for the error.
- details ErrorDetail[]? - The error details.
- additionalInfo ErrorAdditionalInfo[]? - The error additional info.
azure.analysisservices: ErrorResponse
Describes the format of Error response.
- 'error ErrorDetail? - The error detail.
azure.analysisservices: GatewayDetails
The gateway details.
- gatewayResourceId string? - Gateway resource to be associated with the server.
- gatewayObjectId string? - Gateway object id from in the DMTS cluster for the gateway resource.
- dmtsClusterUri string? - Uri of the DMTS cluster.
azure.analysisservices: GatewayListStatusError
- 'error GatewayError? -
azure.analysisservices: GatewayListStatusLive
Status of gateway is live.
- status int? - Live message of list gateway. Status: 0 - Live
azure.analysisservices: IPv4FirewallRule
The detail of firewall rule.
- firewallRuleName string? - The rule name.
- rangeStart string? - The start range of IPv4.
- rangeEnd string? - The end range of IPv4.
azure.analysisservices: IPv4FirewallSettings
An array of firewall rules.
- firewallRules IPv4FirewallRule[]? - An array of firewall rules.
- enablePowerBIService boolean? - The indicator of enabling PBI service.
azure.analysisservices: LogSpecifications
The log metric specification for exposing performance metrics to shoebox.
- name string? - The name of metric.
- displayName string? - The displayed name of log.
- blobDuration string? - The blob duration for the log.
azure.analysisservices: MetricDimensions
Metric dimension.
- name string? - Dimension name.
- displayName string? - Dimension display name.
azure.analysisservices: MetricSpecifications
Available operation metric specification for exposing performance metrics to shoebox.
- name string? - The name of metric.
- displayName string? - The displayed name of metric.
- displayDescription string? - The displayed description of metric.
- unit string? - The unit of the metric.
- aggregationType string? - The aggregation type of metric.
- dimensions MetricDimensions[]? - The dimensions of metric.
azure.analysisservices: Operation
A Consumption REST API operation.
- name string? - Operation name: {provider}/{resource}/{operation}.
- display OperationDisplay? - The object that represents the operation.
- origin string? - The origin
- properties OperationProperties? - Additional properties to expose performance metrics to shoebox.
azure.analysisservices: OperationDisplay
The object that represents the operation.
- provider string? - Service provider: Microsoft.Consumption.
- 'resource string? - Resource on which the operation is performed: UsageDetail, etc.
- operation string? - Operation type: Read, write, delete, etc.
- description string? - Description of the operation object.
azure.analysisservices: OperationListResult
Result of listing consumption operations. It contains a list of operations and a URL link to get the next set of results.
- value Operation[]? - List of analysis services operations supported by the Microsoft.AnalysisServices resource provider.
- nextLink string? - URL to get the next set of operation list results if there are any.
azure.analysisservices: OperationProperties
Additional properties to expose performance metrics to shoebox.
- serviceSpecification OperationPropertiesServicespecification? - Performance metrics to shoebox.
azure.analysisservices: OperationPropertiesServicespecification
Performance metrics to shoebox.
- metricSpecifications MetricSpecifications[]? - The metric specifications.
- logSpecifications LogSpecifications[]? - The log specifications.
azure.analysisservices: OperationStatus
The status of operation.
- id string? - The operation Id.
- name string? - The operation name.
- startTime string? - The start time of the operation.
- endTime string? - The end time of the operation.
- status string? - The status of the operation.
- 'error ErrorDetail? - The error detail.
azure.analysisservices: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
azure.analysisservices: Resource
Represents an instance of an Analysis Services resource.
- id string? - An identifier that represents the Analysis Services resource.
- name string? - The name of the Analysis Services resource.
- 'type string? - The type of the Analysis Services resource.
- location string - Location of the Analysis Services resource.
- sku ResourceSku - Represents the SKU name and Azure pricing tier for Analysis Services resource.
- tags record {}? - Key-value pairs of additional resource provisioning properties.
azure.analysisservices: ResourceSku
Represents the SKU name and Azure pricing tier for Analysis Services resource.
- name string - Name of the SKU level.
- tier string? - The name of the Azure pricing tier to which the SKU applies.
- capacity int(default 1) - The number of instances in the read only query pool.
azure.analysisservices: ServerAdministrators
An array of administrator user identities.
- members string[]? - An array of administrator user identities.
azure.analysisservices: SkuDetailsForExistingResource
An object that represents SKU details for existing resources.
- sku ResourceSku? - Represents the SKU name and Azure pricing tier for Analysis Services resource.
- resourceType string? - The resource type.
azure.analysisservices: SkuEnumerationForExistingResourceResult
An object that represents enumerating SKUs for existing resources.
- value SkuDetailsForExistingResource[]? - The collection of available SKUs for existing resources.
azure.analysisservices: SkuEnumerationForNewResourceResult
An object that represents enumerating SKUs for new resources.
- value ResourceSku[]? - The collection of available SKUs for new resources.
import ballerinax/azure.analysisservices;
Released date: almost 2 years ago
Version: 1.3.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2
Current verison: 2
Weekly downloads
IT Operations/Cloud Services