Module aws.marketplace.mpe
ballerinax/aws.marketplace.mpe Ballerina library
AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service is a service that allows AWS Marketplace sellers to determine the entitlements of customers who have subscribed to their products.
The ballerinax/aws.marketplace.mpe
package offers APIs to interact with the AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service,
enabling developers to retrieve entitlement data for a product programmatically.
Setup guide
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create an AWS account
- Obtain tokens
To use the aws.marketplace.mpe
connector in your Ballerina project, modify the .bal
file as follows:
Step 1: Import the module
Import the ballerinax/aws.marketplace.mpe
module into your Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/aws.marketplace.mpe;
Step 2: Instantiate a new connector
Create a new mpe:Client
by providing the access key ID, secret access key, and the region.
configurable string accessKeyId = ?; configurable string secretAccessKey = ?; mpe:Client mpe = check new(region = mpe:US_EAST_1, auth = { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey });
Step 3: Invoke the connector operation
Now, utilize the available connector operations.
mpe:EntitlementsResponse response = check mpe->getEntitlements(productCode = "<aws-product-code>");
Step 4: Run the Ballerina application
Use the following command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
bal run