Module aws.dynamodb

ballerinax/aws.dynamodb Ballerina library
The Ballerina AWS DynamoDB connector provides the capability to programatically handle AWS DynamoDB related operations.
This module supports Amazon DynamoDB REST API 20120810.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create an AWS account
- Obtain tokens
To use the AWS DynamoDB connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
Import the ballerinax/aws.dynamodb
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/aws.dynamodb;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
Create an dynamodb:ConnectionConfig
with the tokens obtained, and initialize the connector with it.
dynamodb:ConnectionConfig amazonDynamodbConfig = { awsCredentials: { accessKeyId: "<ACCESS_KEY_ID>", secretAccessKey: "<SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>" }, region: "<REGION>" }; dynamodb:Client amazonDynamoDBClient = check new(amazonDynamodbConfig);
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.
Following is an example on how to create table in DynamoDB using the connector.ublic function main() returns error? { dynamodb:TableCreateRequest payload = { AttributeDefinitions: [ { AttributeName: "ForumName", AttributeType: "S" }, { AttributeName: "Subject", AttributeType: "S" }, { AttributeName: "LastPostDateTime", AttributeType: "S" } ], TableName: mainTable, KeySchema: [ { AttributeName: "ForumName", KeyType: HASH }, { AttributeName: "Subject", KeyType: RANGE } ], LocalSecondaryIndexes: [ { IndexName: "LastPostIndex", KeySchema: [ { AttributeName: "ForumName", KeyType: HASH }, { AttributeName: "LastPostDateTime", KeyType: RANGE } ], Projection: { ProjectionType: KEYS_ONLY } } ], ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 5, WriteCapacityUnits: 5 }, Tags: [ { Key: "Owner", Value: "BlueTeam" } ] }; dynamodb:TableCreateResponse createTablesResult = check dynamoDBClient->createTable(payload);
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
aws.dynamodb: Client
The Ballerina AWS DynamoDB connector provides the capability to access AWS Simple Email Service related operations. This connector lets you to to send email messages to your customers.
Initializes the connector. During initialization you have to pass access key id, secret access key, and region. Create an AWS account and obtain tokens following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config)
- config ConnectionConfig -
function createTable(TableCreateInput tableCreationInput) returns TableDescription|error
Creates a table. The CreateTable operation adds a new table to your account. In an AWS account, table names must be unique within each Region. That is, you can have two tables with same name if you create the tables in different Regions.
- tableCreationInput TableCreateInput - The request payload to create a table
Return Type
- TableDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:TableDescription record, else an error
function deleteTable(string tableName) returns TableDescription|error
Deletes a table.
- tableName string - The name of the table to delete
Return Type
- TableDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:TableDescription record, else an error
function describeTable(string tableName) returns TableDescription|error
Describes a table.
- tableName string - The name of the table to delete
Return Type
- TableDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:TableDescription record, else an error
Lists all tables.
function updateTable(TableUpdateInput tableUpdateInput) returns TableDescription|error
Updates a table.
- tableUpdateInput TableUpdateInput - The request payload to update a table
Return Type
- TableDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:TableDescription record, else an error
function createItem(ItemCreateInput itemCreateInput) returns ItemDescription|error
Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item. If an item that has the same primary key as the new item already exists in the specified table, the new item completely replaces the existing item. You can perform a conditional put operation (add a new item if one with the specified primary key doesn't exist), or replace an existing item if it has certain attribute values.
- itemCreateInput ItemCreateInput - The request payload to create an item
Return Type
- ItemDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:ItemDescription record, else an error
function getItem(ItemGetInput itemGetInput) returns ItemGetOutput|error
Gets an item.
- itemGetInput ItemGetInput - The request payload to get an item
Return Type
- ItemGetOutput|error - If success, dynamodb:GetItemOutput record, else an error
function deleteItem(ItemDeleteInput itemDeleteInput) returns ItemDescription|error
Deletes an item.
- itemDeleteInput ItemDeleteInput - The request payload to delete an item
Return Type
- ItemDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:ItemDescription record, else an error
function updateItem(ItemUpdateInput itemUpdateInput) returns ItemDescription|error
Updates an item
- itemUpdateInput ItemUpdateInput - The request payload to update an item
Return Type
- ItemDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:ItemDescription record, else an error
function query(QueryInput queryInput) returns stream<QueryOutput, error?>|error
Returns all items with a particular partition key value. You must provide the name of the partition key attribute and a single value for that attribute. Optionally, you can provide a sort key attribute and use a comparison operator to refine the search results.
- queryInput QueryInput - The request payload to query
Return Type
- stream<QueryOutput, error?>|error - If success, streamdynamodb:QueryOutput,error?, else an error
function scan(ScanInput scanInput) returns stream<ScanOutput, error?>|error
Returns one or more items and item attributes by accessing every item in a table or a secondary index.
- scanInput ScanInput - The request payload to scan
Return Type
- stream<ScanOutput, error?>|error - If success, streamdynamodb:ScanOutput,error?, else an error
function getBatchItems(BatchItemGetInput batchItemGetInput) returns stream<BatchItem, error?>|error
Returns the attributes of one or more items from one or more tables. You identify requested items by primary key.
- batchItemGetInput BatchItemGetInput - The request payload to get items as batch
Return Type
function writeBatchItems(BatchItemInsertInput batchItemInsertInput) returns BatchItemInsertOutput|error
Puts or deletes multiple items in one or more tables.
- batchItemInsertInput BatchItemInsertInput - The request payload to write items as batch
Return Type
- BatchItemInsertOutput|error - If success, dynamodb:BatchItemInsertOutput record, else an error
function describeLimits() returns LimitDescription|error
Returns the current provisioned-capacity quotas for your AWS account in a Region, both for the Region as a whole and for any one DynamoDB table that you create there.
Return Type
- LimitDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:LimitDescription record, else an error
function createBackup(BackupCreateInput backupCreateInput) returns BackupDetails|error
Creates a back up from the given table
- backupCreateInput BackupCreateInput - The request payload to backup the table
Return Type
- BackupDetails|error - If success, dynamodb:BackupDetails record, else an error
function deleteBackup(string backupArn) returns BackupDescription|error
Deletes an existing backup of a table.
- backupArn string - The backupArn of the table that needs to be deleted
Return Type
- BackupDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:BackupDescription record, else an error
function getTTL(string tableName) returns TTLDescription|error
The description of the Time to Live (TTL) status on the specified table.
- tableName string - Table name
Return Type
- TTLDescription|error - If success, dynamodb:TTLDescription record, else an error
aws.dynamodb: Action
Represents the actions that can be performed on a DynamoDB table.
aws.dynamodb: AttributeType
Represents the attribute types supported by Amazon DynamoDB.
aws.dynamodb: BillingMode
Represents the billing mode of a DynamoDB table.
aws.dynamodb: ComparisonOperator
Represents the comparison operators used in DynamoDB queries.
aws.dynamodb: ConditionalOperator
Represents the conditional operator used in DynamoDB operations.
aws.dynamodb: eventName
Represents the event name.
aws.dynamodb: IndexStatus
Represents the status of an index.
aws.dynamodb: KeyType
Represents the key type of an attribute in a DynamoDB table.
This enum is used in the KeySchema
of a TableSchema
to specify the type of the key attribute.
aws.dynamodb: ProjectionType
Represents the types of projections that can be used in a DynamoDB query.
aws.dynamodb: ReplicaStatus
Represents the status of a replica in Amazon DynamoDB.
aws.dynamodb: ReturnConsumedCapacity
Represents the return consumed capacity mode for DynamoDB operations.
aws.dynamodb: ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
Represents the enum for the return item collection metrics in AWS DynamoDB.
aws.dynamodb: ReturnValues
Represents the possible return values of a DynamoDB operation.
aws.dynamodb: Select
Represents the SELECT operation in DynamoDB.
aws.dynamodb: ShardIteratorType
Represents the type of shard iterator to be used when reading data from a DynamoDB stream.
aws.dynamodb: SSEType
Represents the types of server-side encryption supported by DynamoDB.
aws.dynamodb: Status
Represents the status of a DynamoDB operation.
aws.dynamodb: StreamStatus
Represents the status of a stream.
aws.dynamodb: StreamViewType
Represents the stream view type of a DynamoDB table.
aws.dynamodb: TableStatus
Represents the status of an AWS DynamoDB table.
aws.dynamodb: TimeToLiveStatus
Represents the status of the time to live (TTL) attribute of an item in Amazon DynamoDB.
aws.dynamodb: ArchivalSummary
Contains details of a table archival operation.
- archivalBackupArn string? - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup the table was archived to, when applicable in the archival reason. If you wish to restore this backup to the same table name, you will need to delete the original table
- archivalDateTime int? - The date and time when table archival was initiated by DynamoDB, in UNIX epoch time format
- archivalReason string? - The reason DynamoDB archived the table. Currently, the only possible value is: INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS - The table was archived due to the table's AWS KMS key being inaccessible for more than seven days. An On-Demand backup was created at the archival time
aws.dynamodb: AttributeDefinition
Represents an attribute for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.
- attributeName string - A name for the attribute
- attributeType AttributeType - The data type for the attribute, where: S - the attribute is of type String, N - the attribute is of type Number, B - the attribute is of type Binary
aws.dynamodb: AttributeValue
Represents the data for an attribute. Each attribute value is described as a name-value pair. The name is the data type, and the value is the data itself.
- b string? - An attribute of type Binary
- bool boolean? - An attribute of type Boolean
- bs string[]? - An attribute of type Binary Set
- l AttributeValue[]? - An attribute of type List
- m map<AttributeValue>? - An attribute of type Map
- n string? - An attribute of type Number
- ns string[]? - An attribute of type Number Set
- 'null boolean? - An attribute of type Null
- s string? - An attribute of type String
- ss string[]? - An attribute of type String Set
aws.dynamodb: AttributeValueUpdate
For the UpdateItem operation, represents the attributes to be modified, the action to perform on each, and the new value for each.
- action Action? - Specifies how to perform the update. Valid values are PUT (default), DELETE, and ADD. The behavior depends on whether the specified primary key already exists in the table
- value AttributeValue? - Represents the data for an attribute
aws.dynamodb: AwsCredentials
Represents AWS credentials.
- accessKeyId string - AWS access key
- secretAccessKey string - AWS secret key
aws.dynamodb: AwsTemporaryCredentials
Represents AWS temporary credentials.
- accessKeyId string - AWS access key
- secretAccessKey string - AWS secret key
- securityToken string - AWS secret token
aws.dynamodb: BackupCreateInput
Represents an request to perform a CreateBackup operation on a table.
- backupName string - Name for the backup
- tableName string - Name of the table
aws.dynamodb: BackupDescription
Represents a response after performing a CreateBackup operation on a table.
- backupDetails BackupDetails? - Contains the details of the backup created for the table
- sourceTableDetails SourceTableDetails? - Contains the details of the table when the backup was created
- sourceTableFeatureDetails SourceTableFeatureDetails? - Contains the details of the features enabled on the table when the backup was created
aws.dynamodb: BackupDetails
Contains the details of the backup created for the table.
- backupArn string - ARN associated with the backup
- backupCreationDateTime decimal - Time at which the backup was created. This is the request time of the backup
- backupName string - Name of the requested backup
- backupStatus string - Backup can be in one of the following states: CREATING, ACTIVE, DELETED
- backupType string - BackupType. One of USER, SYSTEM, AWS_BACKUP
- backupExpiryDateTime decimal? - Time at which the automatic on-demand backup created by DynamoDB will expire. This SYSTEM on-demand backup expires automatically 35 days after its creation
- backupSizeBytes decimal? - Size of the backup in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value
aws.dynamodb: BatchItem
Represents ItemByBatchGet
- consumedCapacity ConsumedCapacity? - The read capacity units consumed by the entire BatchGetItem operation
- tableName string? - The name of the table containing the requested item
- item map<AttributeValue>? - The requested item
aws.dynamodb: BatchItemGetInput
Represents the request payload for a BatchGetItem
- requestItems map<KeysAndAttributes> - A map of one or more table names and, for each table, a map that describes one or more items to retrieve from that table
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
aws.dynamodb: BatchItemInsertInput
Represents the request payload BatchWriteItem
- requestItems map<WriteRequest[]> - A map of one or more table names and, for each table, a list of operations to be performed (DeleteRequest or PutRequest)
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
- returnItemCollectionMetrics ReturnItemCollectionMetrics? - Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. Valid Values: SIZE | NONE
aws.dynamodb: BatchItemInsertOutput
Represents the response after WriteBatchItem
- consumedCapacity ConsumedCapacity[]? - The capacity units consumed by the entire
- itemCollectionMetrics map<ItemCollectionMetrics[]>? - A list of tables that were processed by
and, for each table, information about any item collections that were affected by individualDeleteItem
- unprocessedItems map<WriteRequest[]>? - A map of tables and requests against those tables that were not processed. The
value is in the same form asRequestItems
, so you can provide this value directly to a subsequentBatchGetItem
aws.dynamodb: BillingModeSummary
Contains the details for the read/write capacity mode.
- billingMode BillingMode? - Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity. This setting can be changed later. PROVISIONED - Sets the read/write capacity mode to PROVISIONED. We recommend using PROVISIONED for predictable workloads. PAY_PER_REQUEST - Sets the read/write capacity mode to PAY_PER_REQUEST. We recommend using PAY_PER_REQUEST for unpredictable workloads.
- lastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime int? - Represents the time when PAY_PER_REQUEST was last set as the read/write capacity mode
aws.dynamodb: Capacity
Represents the amount of provisioned throughput capacity consumed on a table or an index.
- capacityUnits float? - The total number of capacity units consumed on a table or an index
- readCapacityUnits float? - The total number of read capacity units consumed on a table or an index
- writeCapacityUnits float? - The total number of write capacity units consumed on a table or an index
aws.dynamodb: Condition
Represents the selection criteria for a Query or Scan operation. For a Query operation, Condition is used for specifying the KeyConditions to use when querying table or an index. For KeyConditions, only the following comparison operators are supported: EQ | LE | LT | GE | GT | BEGINS_WITH | BETWEEN. For a Scan operation, Condition is used in a ScanFilter, which evaluates the scan results and returns only the desired values
- comparisonOperator ComparisonOperator - A comparator for evaluating attributes. Valid Values: EQ | NE | IN | LE | LT | GE | GT | BETWEEN | NOT_NULL | NULL | CONTAINS | NOT_CONTAINS | BEGINS_WITH
- attributeValueList AttributeValue[]? - One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. The number of values in the list depends on the ComparisonOperator being used
aws.dynamodb: ConnectionConfig
Represents the AWS DynamoDB Connector configurations.
- Fields Included from *ConnectionConfig
- auth AuthConfig
- httpVersion HttpVersion
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings
- timeout decimal
- forwarded string
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration
- cache CacheConfig
- compression Compression
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig
- retryConfig RetryConfig
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket
- proxy ProxyConfig
- validation boolean
- anydata...
- auth never? -
- awsCredentials AwsCredentials|AwsTemporaryCredentials - AWS credentials
- region string - AWS Region
aws.dynamodb: ConsumedCapacity
The capacity units consumed by an operation. The data returned includes the total provisioned throughput consumed, along with statistics for the table and any indexes involved in the operation.
- capacityUnits float? - The total number of capacity units consumed by the operation
- readCapacityUnits float? - The total number of read capacity units consumed by the operation
- 'table Capacity? - The amount of throughput consumed on the table affected by the operation
- tableName string? - The name of the table that was affected by the operation
- writeCapacityUnits float? - The total number of write capacity units consumed by the operation
aws.dynamodb: CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
Represents a new global secondary index to be added to an existing table.
- indexName string - The name of the global secondary index to be created
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[] - The key schema for the global secondary index
- projection Projection - Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an index
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput? - Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index
aws.dynamodb: CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction
Represents a replica to be created.
- regionName string - The Region where the new replica will be created
- globalSecondaryIndexes ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex[]? - Replica-specific global secondary index settings
- kmsMasterKeyId string? - The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) that should be used for AWS KMS encryption in the new replica
- provisionedThroughputOverride ProvisionedThroughputOverride? - Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified, uses the source table's provisioned throughput settings
aws.dynamodb: DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
Represents a global secondary index to be deleted from an existing table.
- indexName string - The name of the global secondary index to be deleted
aws.dynamodb: DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction
Represents a replica to be deleted.
- regionName string - The Region where the replica exists
aws.dynamodb: DeleteRequest
Represents a request to perform a DeleteItem operation on an item.
- 'key map<AttributeValue> - A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary key of the item to delete. All of the table's primary key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those of the table's key schema
aws.dynamodb: ExpectedAttributeValue
Represents a condition to be compared with an attribute value
- attributeValueList AttributeValue[]? - One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute
- comparisonOperator ComparisonOperator? - A comparator for evaluating attributes in the AttributeValueList. Valid Values: EQ | NE | IN | LE | LT | GE | GT | BETWEEN | NOT_NULL | NULL | CONTAINS | NOT_CONTAINS | BEGINS_WITH
- exists boolean? - Causes DynamoDB to evaluate the value before attempting a conditional operation
- value AttributeValue? - Represents the data for the expected attribute
aws.dynamodb: GlobalSecondaryIndex
Represents the properties of a global secondary index.
- Fields Included from *LocalSecondaryIndex
- indexName string
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[]
- projection Projection
- anydata...
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput - Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index
aws.dynamodb: GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
Represents the properties of a global secondary index.
- Fields Included from *LocalSecondaryIndexDescription
- indexArn string|()
- indexName string|()
- indexSizeBytes int|()
- itemCount int|()
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[]|()
- projection Projection|()
- anydata...
- backfilling boolean? - Indicates whether the index is currently backfilling
- indexStatus IndexStatus? - The current state of the global secondary index: CREATING - The index is being created, UPDATING - The index is being updated, DELETING - The index is being deleted, ACTIVE - The index is ready for use
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput? - Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index
aws.dynamodb: GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo
Represents the properties of a global secondary index for the table when the backup was created.
- indexName string? - The name of the global secondary index
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[]? - The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: HASH - partition key and RANGE - sort key
- projection Projection? - Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput? - Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index
aws.dynamodb: GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate
Represents one of the following: A new global secondary index to be added to an existing table, New provisioned throughput parameters for an existing global secondary index, An existing global secondary index to be removed from an existing table.
- create CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction? - The parameters required for creating a global secondary index on an existing table
- delete DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction? - The name of an existing global secondary index to be removed
- update UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction? - The name of an existing global secondary index, along with new provisioned throughput settings to be applied to that index
aws.dynamodb: ItemCollectionMetrics
Information about item collections, if any, that were affected by the operation.
- itemCollectionKey map<AttributeValue>? - The partition key value of the item collection. This value is the same as the partition key value of the item
- sizeEstimateRangeGB float[]? - An estimate of item collection size, in gigabytes. This value is a two-element array containing a lower bound and an upper bound for the estimate. The estimate includes the size of all the items in the table, plus the size of all attributes projected into all of the local secondary indexes on that table. Use this estimate to measure whether a local secondary index is approaching its size limit
aws.dynamodb: ItemCreateInput
Represents the request payload to put item.
- item map<AttributeValue> - A map of attribute name/value pairs, one for each attribute. Only the primary key attributes are required; you can optionally provide other attribute name-value pairs for the item
- tableName string - The name of the table to contain the item
- conditionalOperator ConditionalOperator? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ConditionExpression instead. Valid Values: AND | OR
- conditionExpression string? - A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional PutItem operation to succeed
- expected map<ExpectedAttributeValue>? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ConditionExpression instead
- expressionAttributeValues map<AttributeValue>? - One or more values that can be substituted in an expression
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
- returnItemCollectionMetrics ReturnItemCollectionMetrics? - Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. Valid Values: SIZE | NONE
- returnValues ReturnValues? - Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appeared before they were updated with the PutItem request. For PutItem, the valid values are: NONE | ALL_OLD
aws.dynamodb: ItemDeleteInput
Represents the request payload to delete an item.
- 'key map<AttributeValue> - A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects, representing the primary key of the item to delete
- tableName string - The name of the table from which to delete the item
- conditionalOperator ConditionalOperator? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ConditionExpression instead. Valid Values: AND | OR
- conditionExpression string? - A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional DeleteItem to succeed
- expected map<ExpectedAttributeValue>? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ConditionExpression instead
- expressionAttributeValues map<AttributeValue>? - One or more values that can be substituted in an expression
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
- returnItemCollectionMetrics ReturnItemCollectionMetrics? - Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. Valid Values: SIZE | NONE
- returnValues ReturnValues? - Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appeared before they were deleted. For DeleteItem, the valid values are: NONE | ALL_OLD
aws.dynamodb: ItemDescription
Represents the response of PutItem operation.
- attributes map<AttributeValue>? - The attribute values as they appeared before the PutItem operation, but only if ReturnValues is specified as ALL_OLD in the request. Each element consists of an attribute name and an attribute value
- consumedCapacity ConsumedCapacity? - The capacity units consumed by the PutItem operation
- itemCollectionMetrics ItemCollectionMetrics? - Information about item collections, if any, that were affected by the PutItem operation
aws.dynamodb: ItemGetInput
Represents the request payload to get an Item.
- 'key map<AttributeValue> - A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects, representing the primary key of the item to retrieve
- tableName string - The name of the table containing the requested item
- attributesToGet string[]? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ProjectionExpression instead
- consistentRead boolean? - Determines the read consistency model: If set to true, then the operation uses strongly consistent reads; otherwise, the operation uses eventually consistent reads
- projectionExpression string? - A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
aws.dynamodb: ItemGetOutput
Represents the response of GetItem
- consumedCapacity ConsumedCapacity? - The capacity units consumed by the GetItem operation
- item map<AttributeValue>? - A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects, as specified by ProjectionExpression
aws.dynamodb: ItemUpdateInput
Represents the request payload to update an item.
- 'key map<AttributeValue> - The primary key of the item to be updated. Each element consists of an attribute name and a value for that attribute
- tableName string - The name of the table containing the item to update
- attributeUpdates map<AttributeValueUpdate>? - This is a legacy parameter. Use UpdateExpression instead
- conditionalOperator ConditionalOperator? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ConditionExpression instead. Valid Values: AND | OR
- conditionExpression string? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ConditionExpression instead
- expected map<ExpectedAttributeValue>? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ConditionExpression instead
- expressionAttributeValues map<AttributeValue>? - One or more values that can be substituted in an expression
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
- returnItemCollectionMetrics ReturnItemCollectionMetrics? - Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. Valid Values: SIZE | NONE
- returnValues ReturnValues? - Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appear before or after they are updated. Valid Values: NONE | ALL_OLD | UPDATED_OLD | ALL_NEW | UPDATED_NEW
- updateExpression string? - An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated, the action to be performed on them, and new values for them
aws.dynamodb: KeysAndAttributes
Represents a set of primary keys and, for each key, the attributes to retrieve from the table.
- keys map<AttributeValue>[] - The primary key attribute values that define the items and the attributes associated with the items
- attributesToGet string[]? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ProjectionExpression instead
- consistentRead boolean? - The consistency of a read operation. If set to true, then a strongly consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used
- projectionExpression string? - A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table
aws.dynamodb: KeySchemaElement
Represents a single element of a key schema. A key schema specifies the attributes that make up the primary key of a table, or the key attributes of an index.
- attributeName string - The name of a key attribute
- keyType KeyType - The role that this key attribute will assume: HASH - partition key, RANGE - sort key
aws.dynamodb: LimitDescription
Describes the current provisioned-capacity quotas for your AWS account in a Region, both for the Region as a whole and for any one DynamoDB table that you create there.
- accountMaxReadCapacityUnits int? - The maximum total read capacity units that your account allows you to provision across all of your tables in this Region
- accountMaxWriteCapacityUnits int? - The maximum total write capacity units that your account allows you to provision across all of your tables in this Region
- tableMaxReadCapacityUnits int? - The maximum read capacity units that your account allows you to provision for a new table that you are creating in this Region, including the read capacity units
- tableMaxWriteCapacityUnits int? - The maximum write capacity units that your account allows you to provision for a new table that you are creating in this Region, including the write capacity units provisioned for its global secondary indexes (GSIs).
aws.dynamodb: LocalSecondaryIndex
Represents the properties of a local secondary index.
- indexName string - The name of the local secondary index. The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[] - The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: HASH - partition key, RANGE - sort key
- projection Projection - Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the local secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected
aws.dynamodb: LocalSecondaryIndexDescription
Represents the properties of a local secondary index.
- indexArn string? - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the index
- indexName string? - Represents the name of the local secondary index
- indexSizeBytes int? - The total size of the specified index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value
- itemCount int? - The number of items in the specified index. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[]? - The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: HASH - partition key, RANGE - sort key
- projection Projection? - Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected
aws.dynamodb: LocalSecondaryIndexInfo
Represents the properties of a local secondary index for the table when the backup was created.
- indexName string? - The name of the global secondary index
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[]? - The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: HASH - partition key and RANGE - sort key
- projection Projection? - Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index
aws.dynamodb: Projection
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
- nonKeyAttributes string[]? - Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into the index
- projectionType ProjectionType? - The set of attributes that are projected into the index: KEYS_ONLY - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index, INCLUDE - In addition to the attributes described in KEYS_ONLY, the secondary index will include other non-key attributes that you specify, ALL - All of the table attributes are projected into the index
aws.dynamodb: ProvisionedThroughput
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for a specified table or index. The settings can be modified using the UpdateTable operation.
- readCapacityUnits int - The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a
- writeCapacityUnits int - The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a
aws.dynamodb: ProvisionedThroughputDescription
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the table, consisting of read and write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases.
- lastDecreaseDateTime int? - The date and time of the last provisioned throughput decrease for this table
- lastIncreaseDateTime int? - The date and time of the last provisioned throughput increase for this table
- numberOfDecreasesToday int? - The number of provisioned throughput decreases for this table during this UTC calendar day
- readCapacityUnits int? - The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a
- writeCapacityUnits int? - The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a
aws.dynamodb: ProvisionedThroughputOverride
Replica-specific provisioned throughput settings. If not specified, uses the source table's provisioned throughput settings.
- readCapacityUnits int? - Replica-specific read capacity units. If not specified, uses the source table's read capacity settings
aws.dynamodb: PutRequest
Represents a request to perform a PutItem operation on an item.
- item map<AttributeValue> - A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary key of an item to be processed by
. All of the table's primary key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those of the table's key schema. If any attributes are present in the item that are part of an index key schema for the table, their types must match the index key schema
aws.dynamodb: QueryInput
Represents the request payload for Query
- tableName string - The name of the table containing the requested items
- attributesToGet string[]? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ProjectionExpression instead
- conditionalOperator ConditionalOperator? - This is a legacy parameter. Use FilterExpression instead. Valid Values: AND | OR
- consistentRead boolean? - Determines the read consistency model: If set to true, then the operation uses strongly consistent reads; otherwise, the operation uses eventually consistent reads
- exclusiveStartKey map<AttributeValue>? - The primary key of the first item that this operation will evaluate
- expressionAttributeValues map<AttributeValue>? - One or more values that can be substituted in an expression
- filterExpression string? - A string that contains conditions that DynamoDB applies after the Query operation, but before the data is returned to you. Items that do not satisfy the FilterExpression criteria are not returned
- indexName string? - The name of an index to query. This index can be any local secondary index or global secondary index on the table. Note that if you use the IndexName parameter, you must also provide TableName.
- keyConditionExpression string? - The condition that specifies the key values for items to be retrieved by the Query action
- 'limit int? - The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items)
- projectionExpression string? - A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
- scanIndexForward boolean? - Specifies the order for index traversal: If true (default), the traversal is performed in ascending order; if false, the traversal is performed in descending order
- 'select Select? - The attributes to be returned in the result. Valid Values: ALL_ATTRIBUTES | ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES | SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES | COUNT
aws.dynamodb: QueryOutput
Represents the response of Query operation.
- consumedCapacity ConsumedCapacity? - The capacity units consumed by the Query operation
- item map<AttributeValue>? - An Item that match the query criteria. It consists of an attribute name and the value for that attribute
aws.dynamodb: ReplicaDescription
Contains the details of the replica.
- globalSecondaryIndexes ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription[]? - Replica-specific global secondary index settings
- kmsMasterKeyId string? - The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) of the replica that will be used for AWS KMS encryption
- provisionedThroughputOverride ProvisionedThroughputOverride? - Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not described, uses the source table's provisioned throughput settings
- regionName string? - The name of the Region
- replicaInaccessibleDateTime int? - The time at which the replica was first detected as inaccessible. To determine cause of inaccessibility check the ReplicaStatus property
- replicaStatus ReplicaStatus? - The current state of the replica. Valid Values: CREATING | CREATION_FAILED | UPDATING | DELETING | ACTIVE | REGION_DISABLED | INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS
- replicaStatusDescription string? - Detailed information about the replica status
- replicaStatusPercentProgress string? - Specifies the progress of a Create, Update, or Delete action on the replica as a percentage
aws.dynamodb: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
Represents the properties of a replica global secondary index.
- indexName string - The name of the global secondary index
- provisionedThroughputOverride ProvisionedThroughputOverride? - Replica table GSI-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified, uses the source table GSI's read capacity settings
aws.dynamodb: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
Represents the properties of a replica global secondary index.
- indexName string? - The name of the global secondary index
- provisionedThroughputOverride ProvisionedThroughputOverride? - If not described, uses the source table GSI's read capacity settings
aws.dynamodb: ReplicationGroupUpdate
Represents one of the following: A new replica to be added to an existing regional table or global table. This request invokes the CreateTableReplica action in the destination Region, New parameters for an existing replica. This request invokes the UpdateTable action in the destination Region. An existing replica to be deleted. The request invokes the DeleteTableReplica action in the destination Region, deleting the replica and all if its items in the destination Region.
- create CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction? - The parameters required for creating a replica for the table
- delete DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction? - The parameters required for deleting a replica for the table
- update UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction? - The parameters required for updating a replica for the table
aws.dynamodb: RestoreSummary
Contains details for the restore.
- restoreDateTime int - Point in time or source backup time
- restoreInProgress boolean - Indicates if a restore is in progress or not
- sourceBackupArn string? - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup from which the table was restored
- sourceTableArn string? - The ARN of the source table of the backup that is being restored
aws.dynamodb: ScanInput
Represents the request payload for Scan
- tableName string - The name of the table containing the requested items; or, if you provide IndexName, the name of the table to which that index belongs
- attributesToGet string[]? - This is a legacy parameter. Use ProjectionExpression instead
- conditionalOperator ConditionalOperator? - This is a legacy parameter. Use FilterExpression instead. Valid Values: AND | OR
- consistentRead boolean? - A Boolean value that determines the read consistency model during the scan
- exclusiveStartKey map<AttributeValue>? - The primary key of the first item that this operation will evaluate. Use the value that was
returned for
in the previous operation
- expressionAttributeValues map<AttributeValue>? - One or more values that can be substituted in an expression
- filterExpression string? - A string that contains conditions that DynamoDB applies after the Scan operation, but before the data is returned to you. Items that do not satisfy the FilterExpression criteria are not returned
- indexName string? - The name of a secondary index to scan. This index can be any local secondary index or global secondary index. Note that if you use the IndexName parameter, you must also provide TableName
- 'limit int? - The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items)
- projectionExpression string? - A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the specified table or index
- returnConsumedCapacity ReturnConsumedCapacity? - Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Valid Values: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE
- segment int? - For a parallel Scan request, Segment identifies an individual segment to be scanned by an application worker
- 'select Select? - The attributes to be returned in the result. Valid Values: ALL_ATTRIBUTES | ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES | SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES |COUNT
- totalSegments int? - For a parallel Scan request, TotalSegments represents the total number of segments into which the Scan operation will be divided
aws.dynamodb: ScanOutput
Reperesents the response of Scan operation.
- consumedCapacity ConsumedCapacity? - The capacity units consumed by the Scan operation
- item map<AttributeValue>? - An Item that match the scan criteria. It consists of an attribute name and the value for that attribute
aws.dynamodb: SourceTableDetails
Contains the details of the table when the backup was created.
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[]? - Schema of the table
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput? - Read IOPs and Write IOPS on the table when the backup was created
- tableCreationDateTime decimal? - Time when the source table was created
- tableId string? - Unique identifier for the table for which the backup was created
- tableName string? - The name of the table for which the backup was created
- billingMode BillingMode? - Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity
- itemCount float? - Number of items in the table. Note that this is an approximate value
- tableArn string? - ARN of the table for which backup was created
- tableSizeBytes float? - Size of the table in bytes. Note that this is an approximate value
aws.dynamodb: SourceTableFeatureDetails
Contains the details of the features enabled on the table when the backup was created. For example, LSIs, GSIs, streams, TTL.
- globalSecondaryIndexInfo GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo? - Represents the GSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema, Projection, and ProvisionedThroughput for the GSIs on the table at the time of backup
- localSecondaryIndexInfo LocalSecondaryIndexInfo? - Represents the LSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema and Projection for the LSIs on the table at the time of backup
- sseDescription SSEDescription? - The description of the server-side encryption status on the table when the backup was created
- streamSpecification StreamSpecification? - Stream settings on the table when the backup was created
- timeToLiveDescription TTLDescription? - Time to Live settings on the table when the backup was created
aws.dynamodb: SSEDescription
The description of the server-side encryption status on the specified table.
- inaccessibleEncryptionDateTime int? - Indicates the time, in UNIX epoch date format, when DynamoDB detected that the table's AWS KMS key was inaccessible
- kmsMasterKeyArn string? - The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) ARN used for the AWS KMS encryption
- sseType SSEType? - Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is: KMS - Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service. The key is stored in your account and is managed by AWS KMS (AWS KMS charges apply)
- status Status? - Represents the current state of server-side encryption. The only supported values are: ENABLED - Server-side encryption is enabled, UPDATING - Server-side encryption is being updated
aws.dynamodb: SSESpecification
Represents the settings used to enable server-side encryption.
- enabled boolean? - Indicates whether server-side encryption is done using an AWS managed CMK or an AWS owned CMK. If enabled (true), server-side encryption type is set to KMS and an AWS managed CMK is used (AWS KMS charges apply). If disabled (false) or not specified, server-side encryption is set to AWS owned CMK
- kmsMasterKeyId string? - The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) that should be used for the AWS KMS encryption. To specify a
CMK, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note that you should
only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB customer master key
- sseType SSEType? - Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is: KMS - Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service. The key is stored in your account and is managed by AWS KMS (AWS KMS charges apply)
aws.dynamodb: StreamSpecification
Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a table in DynamoDB.
- streamEnabled boolean - Indicates whether DynamoDB Streams is enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table
- streamViewType StreamViewType? - When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType determines what information is written to the stream for this table. Valid values for StreamViewType are: KEYS_ONLY - Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream. NEW_IMAGE - The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the stream. OLD_IMAGE - The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the stream. NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES - Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to the stream
aws.dynamodb: TableCreateInput
Represents the request payload to create table.
- attributeDefinitions AttributeDefinition[] - An array of attributes that describe the key schema for the table and indexes
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[] - Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for a table or an index. The attributes in KeySchema must also be defined in the AttributeDefinitions array
- tableName string - The name of the table to create
- billingMode BillingMode? - Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity. Valid Values: PROVISIONED | PAY_PER_REQUEST
- globalSecondaryIndexes GlobalSecondaryIndex[]? - One or more global secondary indexes (the maximum is 20) to be created on the table
- localSecondaryIndexes LocalSecondaryIndex[]? - One or more local secondary indexes (the maximum is 5) to be created on the table
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput? - Represents the provisioned throughput settings for a specified table or index
- sseSpecification SSESpecification? - Represents the settings used to enable server-side encryption
- streamSpecification StreamSpecification? - The settings for DynamoDB Streams on the table
- tags Tag[]? - A list of key-value pairs to label the table
aws.dynamodb: TableDescription
Represents the properties of a table.
- archivalSummary ArchivalSummary? - Contains information about the table archive
- attributeDefinitions AttributeDefinition[]? - An array of AttributeDefinition objects. Each of these objects describes one attribute in the table and index key schema
- billingModeSummary BillingModeSummary? - Contains the details for the read/write capacity mode
- creationDateTime int? - The date and time when the table was created, in UNIX epoch time format
- globalSecondaryIndexes GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription[]? - The global secondary indexes, if any, on the table. Each index is scoped to a given partition key value
- globalTableVersion string? - Represents the version of global tables in use, if the table is replicated across AWS Regions
- itemCount int? - The number of items in the specified table
- keySchema KeySchemaElement[]? - The primary key structure for the table
- latestStreamArn string? - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the latest stream for this table
- latestStreamLabel string? - A timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, for this stream
- localSecondaryIndexes LocalSecondaryIndexDescription[]? - Represents one or more local secondary indexes on the table
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughputDescription? - The provisioned throughput settings for the table, consisting of read and write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases
- replicas ReplicaDescription[]? - Represents replicas of the table
- restoreSummary RestoreSummary? - Contains details for the restore
- sseDescription SSEDescription? - The description of the server-side encryption status on the specified table
- streamSpecification StreamSpecification? - The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table
- tableArn string? - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the table
- tableId string? - Unique identifier for the table for which the backup was created
- tableName string? - The name of the table
- tableSizeBytes int? - The total size of the specified table, in bytes
- tableStatus TableStatus? - The current state of the table. Valid Values: CREATING | UPDATING | DELETING | ACTIVE | INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS | ARCHIVING | ARCHIVED
aws.dynamodb: TableList
List of Tables.
- lastEvaluatedTableName string? - The name of the last table in the current page of results. Use this value as the ExclusiveStartTableName in a new request to obtain the next page of results, until all the table names are returned
- tableNames string[]? - The names of the tables associated with the current account at the current endpoint. The maximum size of this array is 100
aws.dynamodb: TableUpdateInput
Represents the request payload to update table.
- tableName string - The name of the table to be updated
- attributeDefinitions AttributeDefinition[]? - An array of attributes that describe the key schema for the table and indexes. If you are adding a new global secondary index to the table, AttributeDefinitions must include the key element(s) of the new index
- billingMode BillingMode? - Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity
- globalSecondaryIndexUpdates GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate[]? - An array of one or more global secondary indexes for the table
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput? - The new provisioned throughput settings for the specified table or index
- replicaUpdates ReplicationGroupUpdate[]? - A list of replica update actions (create, delete, or update) for the table
- sseSpecification SSESpecification? - The new server-side encryption settings for the specified table
- streamSpecification StreamSpecification? - Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table
aws.dynamodb: Tag
Describes a tag. A tag is a key-value pair. You can add up to 50 tags to a single DynamoDB table.
- key string - The key of the tag. Tag keys are case sensitive. Each DynamoDB table can only have up to one tag with the same key. If you try to add an existing tag (same key), the existing tag value will be updated to the new value
- value string - The value of the tag. Tag values are case-sensitive and can be null
aws.dynamodb: TTLDescription
The description of the Time to Live (TTL) status on the specified table
- attributeName string? - The name of the TTL attribute for items in the table
- timeToLiveStatus TimeToLiveStatus? - The TTL status for the table
aws.dynamodb: UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
Represents the new provisioned throughput settings to be applied to a global secondary index.
- indexName string - The name of the global secondary index to be updated
- provisionedThroughput ProvisionedThroughput - Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index
aws.dynamodb: UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction
Represents a replica to be modified.
- Fields Included from *CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction
- regionName string
- globalSecondaryIndexes ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex[]|()
- kmsMasterKeyId string|()
- provisionedThroughputOverride ProvisionedThroughputOverride|()
- anydata...
aws.dynamodb: WriteRequest
Represents an operation to perform - either DeleteItem or PutItem. You can only request one of these operations, not both, in a single WriteRequest. If you do need to perform both of these operations, you need to provide two separate WriteRequest objects.
- deleteRequest DeleteRequest? - A request to perform a DeleteItem operation
- putRequest PutRequest? - A request to perform a PutItem operation
aws.dynamodb: Error
Represents any error related to the dynamodb module.
import ballerinax/aws.dynamodb;
Released date: about 1 year ago
Version: 2.2.0
License: Apache-2.0
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