Module amadeus.flightcreateorders
ballerinax/amadeus.flightcreateorders Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Amadeus Flight Create Orders API OpenAPI specification.
This Amadeus Flight Create Orders API provides the capability to perform the final booking for a chosen flight. Use this after completing a flight search with Flight Offers Search and confirming real-time price and availability with Flight Offers Price. Refer flight booking flow.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create Amadeus account
- Obtain clientId and clientSecret following this guide
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Client
This is a generated connector for Amadeus Flight Create Orders API OpenAPI specification. This Amadeus Flight Create Orders API provides the capability to perform the final booking for a chosen flight. Use this after completing a flight search with Flight Offers Search and confirming real-time price and availability with Flight Offers Price.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires clientId and clientSecret.
Please create Amadeus account and Obtain clientId and clientSecret following this guide
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string "" - URL of the target service
function createFlightOrders(FlightOrderQuery payload) returns SuccessBooking|error
Create Order associated to the Flight offers.
- payload FlightOrderQuery - list of element needed to book a flight Order
Return Type
- SuccessBooking|error - Successful Operation
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AdditionalService
- amount string? -
- 'type AdditionalServiceType? - additional service type
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AdditionalServicesRequest
- chargeableCheckedBags BaggageAllowance? - baggageAllowance
- chargeableSeatNumber string? - seat number
- otherServices ServiceName[]? - Other services to add
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Address
address information
- lines string[]? - Line 1 = Street address, Line 2 = Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc Each line is limited to 35 characters
- postalCode string? - Example: 74130
- countryCode string? - country code ISO 3166-1 country code
- cityName string? - Full city name. Example: Dublin
- stateName string? - Full state name
- postalBox string? - E.g. BP 220
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AircraftEntry
- 'key string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AircraftEquipment
information related to the aircraft
- code string? - IATA aircraft code (
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AirlineRemark
- subType AirlineRemarkType - airline remark type
- keyword string? - keyword code - only applicable for subType Keyword
- airlineCode string - Code of the airline following IATA standard (IATA table codes) When it apply to any airline, value is YY.
- text string - remark free text
- travelerIds string[]? - Id of the concerned traveler
- flightOfferIds string[]? - Id of the concern flightOffers
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AirTravelDocument
ticket information
- Fields Included from *AirTravelDocumentCommon
- travelerId string? - id of the impacted traveler
- segmentIds string[]? - Ids of the impacted segments
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AirTravelDocumentCommon
- documentType string? - Type of the travel document
- documentNumber string? - Identifier of the travel document prefixed by its owner code [NALC - 3 digits]. Can either be a primary or a conjunctive document number. Necessary for TicketingReference definition.
- documentStatus string? - Status of the travel document contained in the fare element
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AllotmentDetails
- tourName string? -
- tourReference string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AssociatedRecord
record associated to the order
- Fields Included from *AssociatedRecordCommon
- flightOfferId string? - id of the impacted flight offer
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AssociatedRecordCommon
describes the relation between the current reservation and another one
- reference string? - Record locator [Amadeus or OA] with which the current reservation is related. In case of a codeshare relation, it enables to identify the operating PNR.
- originSystemCode string? - Designates the system which has originated the referenced reservation.
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AutomatedProcess
automatic process applied to the Order
- Fields Included from *AutomatedProcessCommon
- code AutomatedProcessCode
- queue Queue
- text string
- anydata...
- delay string? - Delay before applying process in days
- officeId string? - Office into which the process must be triggered.
- dateTime string? - Datetime limit at which the process takes action in case issuance is not done.
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AutomatedProcessCommon
Provides information on ticketing arrangements and Amadeus Time Limits
- code AutomatedProcessCode? - queuing action to be taken
- queue Queue? - Identifies the queue onto which PNR must be automatically placed upon process execution.
- text string? - Free text
amadeus.flightcreateorders: B2bWallet
b2b wallet
- cardId string? - card identifier
- cardUsageName string? - card usage name
- cardFriendlyName string? - card name
- reportingData ReportingData[]? -
- virtualCreditCardDetails VirtualCreditCardDetails? - detail information of the virtual card
- flightOfferIds string[]? - Id of the concern flightOffers
amadeus.flightcreateorders: BaggageAllowance
- quantity int? - Total number of units
- weight int? - Weight of the baggage allowance
- weightUnit string? - Code to qualify unit as pounds or kilos
amadeus.flightcreateorders: BaseName
description of the name of a physical person
- firstName string? - First name.
- lastName string? - Last name.
- middleName string? - Middle name(s), for example "Lee" in "John Lee Smith".
amadeus.flightcreateorders: CarrierEntry
- 'key string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Co2Emission
- weight int? - Weight of Co2 emitted for the concerned segment
- weightUnit string? - Code to qualify unit as pounds or kilos
- cabin TravelClass? - quality of service offered in the cabin where the seat is located in this flight. Economy, premium economy, business or first class
amadeus.flightcreateorders: CollectionLinks
- self string? -
- next string? -
- previous string? -
- last string? -
- first string? -
- up string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: CollectionMetaLink
- count int? -
- links CollectionLinks? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Contact
contact information
- Fields Included from *ContactDictionary
- addresseeName Name
- address Address
- language string
- purpose ContactPurpose
- anydata...
- phones Phone[]? - Phone numbers
- companyName string? - Name of the company
- emailAddress string? - Email address (e.g.
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ContactDictionary
represents a contact
- addresseeName Name? - name
- address Address? - address information
- language string? - the preferred language of communication with this Contact
- purpose ContactPurpose? - the purpose for which this contact is to be used.
- STANDARD for standard use, comunication, advertissement etc...
- INVOICE for your invoice contact, usually its your billing adress. it's mandatory in france when you buy online
- STANDARD_WITHOUT_TRANSMISSION is standard contact that are not share with third party outside of Amadeus
amadeus.flightcreateorders: CreditCard
credit card
- Fields Included from *CreditCardCommon
- brand CreditCardBrand
- holder string
- number string
- expiryDate string
- anydata...
- securityCode string? - card security code
- flightOfferIds string[]? - Id of the concern flightOffers
amadeus.flightcreateorders: CreditCardCommon
credit card common attribute
- brand CreditCardBrand? - credit card brand
- holder string? - card holder as on the card
- number string? - card number
amadeus.flightcreateorders: CurrencyEntry
- 'key string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Dictionaries
- locations LocationEntry? -
- aircraft AircraftEntry? -
- currencies CurrencyEntry? -
- carriers CarrierEntry? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Discount
traveler discount
- subType DiscountType? - type of discount applied
- cityName string? - city of residence
- travelerType DiscountTravelerType? - type of discount applied
- cardNumber string? - resident card number
- certificateNumber string? - resident certificate number
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Document
the information that are found on an ID document
- number string? - The document number (shown on the document) . E.g. QFU514563221J
- issuanceDate string? - Date at which the document has been issued.
- expiryDate string? - Date after which the document is not valid anymore.
- issuanceCountry string? - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 of the country that issued the document
- issuanceLocation string? - A more precise information concerning the place where the document has been issued, when available. It may be a country, a state, a city or any other type of location. e.g. New-York
- nationality string? - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 of the nationality appearing on the document
- birthPlace string? - Birth place as indicated on the document
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ElementaryPrice
- amount string? - Amount of the fare. could be alpha numeric. Ex- 500.20 or 514.13A, 'A'signifies additional collection.
- currencyCode string? - Currency type of the fare.
amadeus.flightcreateorders: EmergencyContact
emergency contact number
- addresseeName string? - Adressee name (e.g. in case of emergency purpose it corresponds to name of the person to be contacted).
- countryCode string? - Country code of the country (ISO3166-1). E.g. "US" for the United States
- number string? - Phone number. Composed of digits only. The number of digits depends on the country.
- text string? - additional details
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Error400
- errors Issue[] -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Error500
- errors Issue[] -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ExtendedPrice
price information
- margin string? - BOOK step ONLY - The price margin percentage (plus or minus) that the booking can tolerate. When set to 0, then no price magin is tolerated.
- grandTotal string? - Total amount paid by the user (including fees and selected additional services).
- billingCurrency string? - Currency of the payment. It may be different than the requested currency
- additionalServices AdditionalService[]? -
- Fields Included from *Price
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FareDetailsBySegment
Fare details of the segment
- segmentId string - Id of the segment
- cabin TravelClass? - quality of service offered in the cabin where the seat is located in this flight. Economy, premium economy, business or first class
- fareBasis string? - Fare basis specifying the rules of a fare. Usually, though not always, is composed of the booking class code followed by a set of letters and digits representing other characteristics of the ticket, such as refundability, minimum stay requirements, discounts or special promotional elements.
- brandedFare string? - The name of the Fare Family corresponding to the fares. Only for the GDS provider and if the airline has fare families filled
- 'class string? - The code of the booking class, a.k.a. class of service or Reservations/Booking Designator (RBD)
- isAllotment boolean? - True if the corresponding booking class is in an allotment
- allotmentDetails AllotmentDetails? -
- sliceDiceIndicator SliceDiceIndicator? - slice and Dice indicator, such as Local Availability, Sub OnD(Origin and Destination) 1 Availability and Sub OnD 2 Availability
- includedCheckedBags BaggageAllowance? - baggageAllowance
- additionalServices AdditionalServicesRequest? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Fee
a fee
- amount string? -
- 'type FeeType? - type of fee
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FlightEndPoint
departure or arrival information
- Fields Included from *OriginalFlightEndPoint
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FlightOffer
- 'type string - the resource name
- id string - Id of the flight offer
- 'source FlightOfferSource? - source of the flight offer
- instantTicketingRequired boolean? - If true, inform that a ticketing will be required at booking step.
- disablePricing boolean? - BOOK step ONLY - If true, allows to book a PNR without pricing. Only for the source "GDS"
- nonHomogeneous boolean? - If true, upon completion of the booking, this pricing solution is expected to yield multiple records (a record contains booking information confirmed and stored, typically a Passenger Name Record (PNR), in the provider GDS or system)
- oneWay boolean? - If true, the flight offer fulfills only one originDestination and has to be combined with other oneWays to complete the whole journey.
- paymentCardRequired boolean? - If true, a payment card is mandatory to book this flight offer
- lastTicketingDate string? - If booked on the same day as the search (with respect to timezone), this flight offer is guaranteed to be thereafter valid for ticketing until this date (included). Unspecified when it does not make sense for this flight offer (e.g. no control over ticketing once booked). YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2019-06-07
- numberOfBookableSeats decimal? - Number of seats bookable in a single request. Can not be higher than 9.
- itineraries Itineraries[]? -
- price ExtendedPrice? - price information
- pricingOptions PricingOptions? -
- validatingAirlineCodes string[]? - This option ensures that the system will only consider these airlines.
- travelerPricings TravelerPricing[]? - Fare information for each traveler/segment
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FlightOrder
input parameter to create a flight order
- 'type string - the resource name
- id string? - unique identifier of the flight order
- queuingOfficeId string? - office Id where to queue the order
- ownerOfficeId string? - office Id where will be transfered the ownership of the order
- associatedRecords AssociatedRecord[]? - list of associated record
- flightOffers FlightOffer[] - list of flight offer
- travelers Traveler[] - list of travelers
- remarks Remarks? - remarks
- formOfPayments FormOfPayment[]? - list of form of payments
- ticketingAgreement TicketingAgreement? - ticketing agreement
- automatedProcess AutomatedProcess[]? - list of automatic queuing
- contacts Contact[] - list of general contact information
- tickets AirTravelDocument[]? - list of tickets
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FlightOrderQuery
- data FlightOrder? - input parameter to create a flight order
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FlightSegment
defining a flight segment; including both operating and marketing details when applicable
- departure FlightEndPoint? - departure or arrival information
- arrival FlightEndPoint? - departure or arrival information
- carrierCode string? - providing the airline / carrier code
- number string? - the flight number as assigned by the carrier
- aircraft AircraftEquipment? - information related to the aircraft
- operating OperatingFlight? - information about the operating flight
- stops FlightStop[]? - information regarding the different stops composing the flight segment. E.g. technical stop, change of gauge...
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FlightStop
details of stops for direct or change of gauge flights
- Fields Included from *OriginalFlightStop
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FormOfPayment
form of payment used
- b2bWallet B2bWallet? - b2b wallet
- creditCard CreditCard? - credit card
- other OtherMethod? - other payment method
amadeus.flightcreateorders: GeneralRemark
- subType GeneralRemarkType - general remark type
- category string? - remark category
- text string - remark free text
- travelerIds string[]? - Id of the concerned traveler
- flightOfferIds string[]? - Id of the concern flightOffers
amadeus.flightcreateorders: IdentityDocument
documents of the traveler
- Fields Included from *Document
- documentType DocumentType? - the nature/type of the document
- validityCountry string? - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 of the country where the document is valid
- birthCountry string? - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 of the country of birth
- holder boolean? - boolean to specify if the traveler is the holder of the document
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Issue
- status int? - the HTTP status code applicable to this error
- code int? - an application-specific error code
- title string? - a short summary of the error
- detail string? - explanation of the error
- 'source IssueSource? - an object containing references to the source of the error
amadeus.flightcreateorders: IssueSource
an object containing references to the source of the error
- pointer string? - a JSON Pointer [RFC6901] to the associated entity in the request document
- 'parameter string? - a string indicating which URI query parameter caused the issue
- example string? - a string indicating an example of the right value
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Itineraries
- segments Segment[] -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: LocationEntry
- 'key string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: LocationValue
- cityCode string? - City code associated to the airport
- countryCode string? - Country code of the airport
amadeus.flightcreateorders: LoyaltyProgram
loyalty program information
- programOwner string? - loyalty program airline code
- id string? - loyalty program number
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Name
- Fields Included from *BaseName
- secondLastName string? - second last name
amadeus.flightcreateorders: OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
- tokenUrl string(default "") - Token URL
amadeus.flightcreateorders: OperatingFlight
information about the operating flight
- carrierCode string? - providing the airline / carrier code
amadeus.flightcreateorders: OriginalFlightEndPoint
departure or arrival information
- iataCode string? - IATA airline codes
- terminal string? - terminal name / number
amadeus.flightcreateorders: OriginalFlightStop
details of stops for direct or change of gauge flights
- iataCode string? - IATA airline codes
amadeus.flightcreateorders: OtherMethod
other payment method
- method OtherPaymentMethod? - other payment method
- flightOfferIds string[]? - Id of the concern flightOffers
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Phone
phone information
- deviceType PhoneDeviceType - Type of the device (Landline, Mobile or Fax)
- countryCallingCode string - Country calling code of the phone number, as defined by the International Communication Union. Examples - "1" for US, "371" for Latvia.
- number string - Phone number. Composed of digits only. The number of digits depends on the country.
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Price
- currency string? -
- total string? - Total amount paid by the user
- base string? - Amount without taxes
- fees Fee[]? - List of applicable fees
- taxes Tax[]? -
- refundableTaxes string? - The amount of taxes which are refundable
amadeus.flightcreateorders: PricingOptions
- fareType PricingOptionsFareType? - type of fare of the flight-offer
- includedCheckedBagsOnly boolean? - If true, returns the flight-offers with included checked bags only
- refundableFare boolean? - If true, returns the flight-offers with refundable fares only
- noRestrictionFare boolean? - If true, returns the flight-offers with no restriction fares only
- noPenaltyFare boolean? - If true, returns the flight-offers with no penalty fares only
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Queue
Identifies the queue onto which PNR must be automatically placed upon process execution.
- number string? -
- category string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Remarks
- general GeneralRemark[]? - list of general remarks
- airline AirlineRemark[]? - list of airline remarks
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ReportingData
- name string? -
- value string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Segment
- id string? - Id of the segment
- numberOfStops int? - Number of stops
- blacklistedInEU boolean? - When the flight has a marketing or/and operating airline that is identified as blacklisted by the European Commission. To improve travel safety, the European Commission regularly updates the list of the banned carriers from operating in Europe. It allows any Travel Agency located in the European Union to easily identify and hide any travel recommendation based on some unsafe airlines. The list of the banned airlines is published in the Official Journal of the European Union, where they are included as annexes A and B to the Commission Regulation. The blacklist of an airline can concern all its flights or some specific aircraft types pertaining to the airline
- co2Emissions Co2Emission[]? - Co2 informations
- Fields Included from *FlightSegment
- departure FlightEndPoint
- arrival FlightEndPoint
- carrierCode string
- number string
- aircraft AircraftEquipment
- operating OperatingFlight
- duration string
- stops FlightStop[]
- anydata...
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Stakeholder
stakeholder definition
- id string - item identifier
- dateOfBirth string? - The date of birth in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd)
- gender StakeholderGender? - Gender for individual
- name Name - name
- documents IdentityDocument[]? - Advanced Passenger Information - regulatory identity documents - SSR DOCS & DOCO elements
amadeus.flightcreateorders: SuccessBooking
- meta CollectionMetaLink? -
- warnings Issue[]? -
- data FlightOrder - input parameter to create a flight order
- dictionaries Dictionaries? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Tax
a tax
- amount string? -
- code string? -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: TicketingAgreement
ticketing agreement
- option TicketingAgreementOption? - Ticketing agreement option
- CONFIRM, when the payment is done
- DELAY_TO_QUEUE, queue the reservation at a wished date if the payment is not done
- DELAY_TO_CANCEL, cancel the reservation at a wished date if the payment is not done
- delay string? - Delay before applying automatic process if no issuance in days
- dateTime string? - Exact date to apply automatic process if no issuance. YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2019-06-07
- segmentIds string[]? - Ids of the impacted segments
amadeus.flightcreateorders: Traveler
the traveler of the trip
- Fields Included from *Stakeholder
- id string
- dateOfBirth string
- gender StakeholderGender
- name Name
- documents IdentityDocument[]
- anydata...
- emergencyContact EmergencyContact? - emergency contact number
- loyaltyPrograms LoyaltyProgram[]? - list of loyalty program followed by the traveler
- discountEligibility Discount[]? - list of element that allow a discount.
- contact Contact? - contact information
amadeus.flightcreateorders: TravelerPricing
- travelerId string - Id of the traveler
- fareOption TravelerPricingFareOption - option specifying a group of fares, which may be valid under certain conditons Can be used to specify special fare discount for a passenger
- travelerType TravelerType - traveler type age restrictions : CHILD < 12y, HELD_INFANT < 2y, SEATED_INFANT < 2y, SENIOR >=60y
- associatedAdultId string? - if type="HELD_INFANT", corresponds to the adult traveler's id who will share the seat
- price Price? -
- fareDetailsBySegment FareDetailsBySegment[] -
amadeus.flightcreateorders: VirtualCreditCardDetails
detail information of the virtual card
- Fields Included from *CreditCardCommon
- brand CreditCardBrand
- holder string
- number string
- expiryDate string
- anydata...
- Fields Included from *ElementaryPrice
String types
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AdditionalServiceType
additional service type
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AirlineRemarkType
airline remark type
amadeus.flightcreateorders: AutomatedProcessCode
queuing action to be taken
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ContactPurpose
the purpose for which this contact is to be used.
- STANDARD for standard use, comunication, advertissement etc...
- INVOICE for your invoice contact, usually its your billing adress. it's mandatory in france when you buy online
- STANDARD_WITHOUT_TRANSMISSION is standard contact that are not share with third party outside of Amadeus
amadeus.flightcreateorders: CreditCardBrand
credit card brand
amadeus.flightcreateorders: DiscountTravelerType
type of discount applied
amadeus.flightcreateorders: DiscountType
type of discount applied
amadeus.flightcreateorders: DocumentType
the nature/type of the document
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FeeType
type of fee
amadeus.flightcreateorders: FlightOfferSource
source of the flight offer
amadeus.flightcreateorders: GeneralRemarkType
general remark type
amadeus.flightcreateorders: OtherPaymentMethod
other payment method
amadeus.flightcreateorders: PhoneDeviceType
Type of the device (Landline, Mobile or Fax)
amadeus.flightcreateorders: ServiceName
type of service
amadeus.flightcreateorders: SliceDiceIndicator
slice and Dice indicator, such as Local Availability, Sub OnD(Origin and Destination) 1 Availability and Sub OnD 2 Availability
amadeus.flightcreateorders: StakeholderGender
Gender for individual
amadeus.flightcreateorders: TicketingAgreementOption
Ticketing agreement option
- CONFIRM, when the payment is done
- DELAY_TO_QUEUE, queue the reservation at a wished date if the payment is not done
- DELAY_TO_CANCEL, cancel the reservation at a wished date if the payment is not done
Queueing and cancellation occurs at local date and time. When no time is specified, reservation is queued or cancelled at 00:00.
amadeus.flightcreateorders: TravelClass
quality of service offered in the cabin where the seat is located in this flight. Economy, premium economy, business or first class
amadeus.flightcreateorders: TravelerPricingFareOption
option specifying a group of fares, which may be valid under certain conditons Can be used to specify special fare discount for a passenger
amadeus.flightcreateorders: TravelerType
traveler type age restrictions : CHILD < 12y, HELD_INFANT < 2y, SEATED_INFANT < 2y, SENIOR >=60y
import ballerinax/amadeus.flightcreateorders;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.3.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 68
Current verison: 0
Weekly downloads
Sales & CRM/Scheduling & Booking